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AR Invoice Interface

The main three steps for AR Invoice Interface are: 1] Put the data into your staging tables. 2] Calls your package to validate the data and load into AR Interface tables (RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL & RA_INTERFACE_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL). 3] Then submits a concurrent request for AutoInvoice. If any errors occur it can be found in ra_interface_errors_all table. The concurrent program has 2 stages. First the Master program fires which intern kicks of the Import Program. Once this is completed data is inserted into the following tables. 1) ra_customer_trx_all (Invoice Header Info) 2) ra_customer_trx_lines_all (Invoice Line Level Info) 3) ra_cust_trx_line_gl_dist_all (Accounting Info. One record for each Account Type is inserted into this ex. Receivable Revenue Tax Freight etc) 4) ar_payment_schedules_all (All Payment related info) Validations: Validation are generally done on the below columns.

Batch_source_name Set_of_books_id Orig_sys_batch_name orig_system_bill_customer_ref orig_system_bill_address_ref Line_Type Currency_Code Term_name Transaction_type Interface_line_attribute1-7 Account_class Accounting Flexfields segments

1- AR Transaction Type Validation: Check if the Transaction type provided in data file is defined in AR transaction types (RA_CUST_TRX_TYPES_ALL) 2- Transaction Batch Source Validation: Check if the source provided in data file is defined in AR transaction Batch source (RA_BATCH_SOURCES_ALL).

3- Invoice Currency Validation: Check if the currency provided in data file is defined in AR Currency (FND_CURRENCIES). 4- Customer Validation: Check if the Bill to Customer Number, Ship to Customer Number, Bill to Custom Location, Ship to Customer Location provided in the data file is defined in AR Customer (RA_CUSTOMERS). 5- Primary Sales Representative Validation: Sales representative number to be hardcode to -3 for No Sales Credit. 6- Term Name: Check if the Term name provided in the data file is defined in Payment terms (RA_TERMS) 7- Inventory Item Validation: Check if the Item provided in data file is defined in Inventory Items (MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS). 8- Unit of Measurement validation: Check if the UOM provided is defined in MTL_UNITS_OF_MEASURE Table 9- Invoice Tax Code Validation: Check if the Tax Code provided in data file is defined in AR_VAT_TAX_ALL_B Table. 10- Invoice GL Date Validation: Check if the GL Data of provided invoices is in open period. For MOAC: You need to add the below columns and need to do validations if your application supports MOAC.

conversion_type conversion_rate conversion_date

Sample Code to run Autoinvoice Master Program: view source print?

01 DECLARE 02 v_phase VARCHAR2(100); 03 v_dev_phase VARCHAR2(100); 04 v_status VARCHAR2(100); 05 v_dev_status VARCHAR2(100); 06 v_message VARCHAR2(100); 07 v_reqid NUMBER(15); 08 v_pid BOOLEAN;

09 v_user_id NUMBER(30); 10 v_batch_source_id NUMBER; 11 v_order NUMBER; 12 v_org_id NUMBER; 13 v_resp_id number; 14 v_resp_appl_id number; 15 v_appl_short_name fnd_application.application_short_name%TYPE; 16 17 CURSOR c1 IS 18 select fcr.responsibility_id 19 ,fr.application_id 20 from fnd_concurrent_requests fcr 21 ,fnd_responsibility fr 22 where fcr.request_id = '${4}' 23 and fcr.responsibility_id = fr.responsibility_id; 24 25 CURSOR c2 IS 26 select fa.application_short_name 27 from fnd_concurrent_programs fcp, fnd_application fa 28 where fcp.concurrent_program_name = v_program_short_name 29 and fcp.application_id = fa.application_id; 30 31 CURSOR c_batch_id IS 32 SELECT 1, batch_source_id, name 33 FROM apps.ra_batch_sources_all 34 WHERE name IN (SELECT distinct a.batch_source_name 35 FROM xxfin.xxfin_ar_ol_invoices a 36 WHERE a.batch_source_name like '%DEBIT' 37 AND filename = '${file1}') 38 UNION 39 SELECT 2, batch_source_id, name 40 FROM apps.ra_batch_sources_all 41 WHERE name IN (SELECT distinct a.batch_source_name 42 FROM xxfin.xxfin_ar_ol_invoices a 43 WHERE a.batch_source_name like '%CREDIT' 44 AND filename = '${file1}') 45 order by 1; 46 47 BEGIN 48 open c1; 49 fetch c1 into v_resp_id,v_resp_appl_id; 50 close c1;

51 52 open c2; 53 fetch c2 into v_appl_short_name; 54 close c2; 55 56 FOR v_batch_data IN c_batch_id LOOP 57 58 fnd_global.apps_initialize('${FCP_USERID}',v_resp_id,v_resp_appl_id); 59 60 v_reqid := fnd_request.submit_request('AR', 61 'RAXMTR', 62 NULL, 63 to_char(trunc(sysdate),'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS'), 64 FALSE, 65 '1', 66 -99, 67 v_batch_data.batch_source_id, 68, 69 to_char(trunc(sysdate),'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS'), 70 NULL ,NULL ,NULL ,NULL ,NULL ,NULL ,NULL ,NULL ,NULL ,NULL , 71 NULL ,NULL ,NULL ,NULL ,NULL ,NULL ,NULL ,NULL ,NULL ,NULL , 72 'Y', 73 NULL); 74 commit; 75 v_pid := fnd_concurrent.wait_for_request(v_reqid, 76 3, 77 0, 78 v_phase, 79 v_status, 80 v_dev_phase, 81 v_dev_status, 82 v_message); 83 END LOOP; 84 END;

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