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Diagram A below shows the situation of a sheet of paper before and when air is blown. Diagram B shows the situation of canopy before the lorry moves and when the lorry moves at high speed.

Diagram 1 (a) Based on Diagram 1A and Diagram 1B : (i) State two similarities for the situations in Diagram 1A and Diagram 1B.




Compare the air pressure above and below the paper when air is blown.


Relate the speed of the air to the pressure of the air.


Name the principle involved in question (a)(iii). .


Diagram 2 shows an instrument used to measure the speed of air.

Diagram 2

In Diagram 2A shown the level of coloured water in the U-tube is the same before air flows. (a) Compare the speeds of air at P and at Q after air flows at diagram B. . (b) Mark the water level in the U-tube in Diagram B when air flows. ........ 3. Diagram 3 shows a cross-section of a wing of a moving aero plane. The wing of the aeroplane experiences a lift force.

Diagram 3 (a) Name the shape of the cross-section in Diagram 3. .. (b) Explain why the lift force acts on the wing of the aeroplane. i ii. iii.


Diagram 4 shows a model of an aeroplane.

Diagram 4 You are required to give some suggestions to design a aeroplane which can travel faster and more stable. Using the knowledge on motion, forces and the properties of materials, explain the suggestion based on the following aspects: the surface of the plane the shape of the plane material used for the plane position of the wing the size of the wing

a) __________. To reduce air friction between air plane and air.

b) _____________ shape. To reduce air friction also.

c) ________________ material. To reduce the weight and easy to fly.

d) The wings are positioned higher up on the body so that the aeroplane is _________________ .

e) ___________. To increase the uplift (force)..

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