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SYKA.Uya.E- HE!RAJjD-AiUja,jxl(JAN, Sunday, J u n e .

Earthshine Causes Moon to Look Blue

w . . '

SYRACUSE AKICA U. S. Wcntltcr Bureau Forocamt Partly cloudy find somewhat ooler today and tonight. Fair and warmer Monday. Highest temperature Saturday, 2; lowest, 55. Sunset today, 7:46 '.M.; sunrise Monday,"4:25 A.M. Record high temperature for today, 91 in 1930; record low, 45 in 917. Relative humidity at 8:30 .M., 90,

Weather by Wirephoto

By. PKC5F. SELBY MAXWELL, ,5OOK AT THE old moon In the morning sky'toclay or tomorrow, and at the new moon in the evening sky toward the last of this week. Then yo.u will see the dark side of the. moon gleaming with a pale blue light. The sunlit part of tlie moon will, shine as a thin crescent, but the 61ue part will reveal the whole round form of the moon. This blue light shining on the moon is earthshine-and .what It .reveals-Is very interesting. j OTHER CITIES Low .and hljih temperatures Saturday: Seen from out in space, the . 54 1!IKnnas City.. 52 31 earth would be a brilliant object ':Our 1947 Summer Sky Map Is Albany Atlanta . 68 871LOS Angeles. .1 80 . 57 77IMinm> 73 86 indeed. No other, 'planet in the 'now ready. This map shows the . 68 11INEW Orleans.. 74 89 75 sky .possesses the '.bright, rapidly positions and names of the stars Cincinnati. .. 48 BDINew oYork .City 61 105 K f l l P h e n l x . . . . 05 that are now visible. It is an Denver..,., . 456. 78|PhIladelphla... 62 an 2 changing colors the earth has. The interesting map to read, and it . 58 -ellPlttsburgh.... 64 7. . 42 . .|Et. Iiouls " 55 78 predominating color df the earth has' much practical -value, too, Duluth is blue. Our skies in daylight look for campers, vacationists, motor- ort Worth. . 54 82IWR*hInKU>n... E9 80 Eastern New York Partly blue; to nn 'outsider tne whole ists and folks who just like to\slt earth would be colored by these 6ut;jn the yard on .summer eve- cloucly'nad less humid Sunday. blue skies. nings. This sky map comes to The oceans bluer still, you,. FREE with' t,he - complialmost black, and the 'continents ments of this newspaper. , Please -'" , ' would . be dark green. Deserts ..address your request for it . to would look red or'yellow, arid over - -Prof. Selby Maxwell,' in -care f of all there would be many white .the Syracuse .Herald-American, drifting clouds.- Winter snows niid enclosing a stamped, . sclf-adthe two.icy polar caps would also dressed envelope for your reply. appear white. The sunrise and sunset edges of the moon would weather responsible for* them? Mrs appear rose pink to copper red. ,-' L.. 1C, 111.. ' When the earth is stormy; there CINCINNATI .(INS).A. Gincin ; are more white clouds than -usual, A ,' With all. the : prairie grass for nati bio-physicist confirmed Satur miles around, it does seem a pity and then the color of earthshine is a brilliant bluish white. This is the rabbits should eat your gar day that .American and .New the way it will be this week. The den. Spray around each plant with Zealand scientists have developed a earth is more stormy than, usual nicotine spray, and do it after new "secret weapon" to rivjil the now, : with more rains, and air dis- each rain. Rabbits don't like to atom bomb, but steadfastly refuse " turbances,* and sunshine, falling on bacco.- I suppose .the- many clouds to provide any clue to its nature. the tops of these -many rainstorms, we have had recently have shieldec Dr. James Marion Snodgrass, 39 will make earthshine gleam vividly. ;he rabbits from the eyes of; hawk's who engaged as a civilian in the but -this condition will pass. Sway National Defense Research Coun SOTWE OF THIS earthshine will after a. while. , cil's secret scientific studies 'in th fall On the moon, and will be rePacific area-- during tfie war, sail flected back to us-at the times of that the weapon had been test.e> old and new moon!, Thus, In a way, on a remote, unidentified Sout we can see the earth as it apPacific island. ' pears from out in space; at any rate;, we can learn a-little o f - i t s PEARL HAKBOH, UP), FIRST REPORTS of the develop Mor color changes and its varying bril- than 90 per cent of the 2,500,00 ment of a new weapon more con liancy. . tons of surplus Navy material stoc' trollable than the atom bomb cam These color changes of the earth piles scattered / throughout th from "Auckland, ,'N. Z., where th which the moon reveals have an Pacific at the end of the war lia research was understood to hav effect on .every human being upon been disposed of, the Navy reports been carried on. The American this earlh. They reveal weather The bulk of -the remainder will b and New Zealanders were aided i that is affecting the .food we. must sold to China and the' Philip- their work by British scientists. all have to live. Snodgrass insisted in an inter pines. ' Crops, such as wheat,'corn, rice, ' oats, cotton, are vital to us. We must have 'them- in order to live. If anything serious happens to There's a Bendix these crops, it is a matter of the greatest importance to every' person on earth. When wo have poor Deaier Just Around crops, people hid frantically for the small supply there is, -prices the Corner rise, 'and the cost of living goes up.

Stars of the Summer


NewA-Bomb Rival '

Bulk of NavySurplus Sold

TlflS WEEK'S WEATHER WEATHER SUMMARY, A storm lint moved into the Lakes rrr'nn By Dr. Selby Maxwell Saturday from,the Missouri Valley spread rather heavy rains noruneastwhrd over the mid-Atlantic and northeastern states: Cool weather continued in New England with warmer weather southward from the mid-Atlantic states. Clearing skies and cpoler and drier air folpwed eastward -behind the storm. It was fair, cool and dry over the Plains area;'-(IP) Wirephoto Map. .WARM F B O N.T:-A. boundary between Bach' day Dr. Maxwell, famou*. warm air and a retreating wedgo of colder meteorologist (not connected wit! air over which the warm air Is forced as It tile U. S. Weather BureauJ, pre advances usually northward and eastward. COLD FRONT: A boundary between cold diets the weather for the Syraeusi air and a mass of -warmer air under wh. area }or five days. The forecas the colder air pushes llko a wedge. runs from 6 6 A.M. .: STATIONARY F B O N T: An Elr mass boundary which shows little or no, movesure which controls air flow. Labels In lent. '- ;.'.' millibars and Inches. Winds are counter OCCLUDED FRONT: A line along which clockwise toward the center of low-pressur warm air has been luted from the earth/s systems, and clockwise and outward from surface ay action of the opposing wedges high-pressure areas. of cold air. This lifting of the warm air PRESSURE SYSTEMS usually move east often causes precipitation along the front ward at an average movement of 500 mile ISOBARS (solid black lines) are lines, oi a day in the summer and at a rate of 7W> eqim- barometric pressure and form pres- miles a day In the winter. view he was "in no position to give sion research, -said he had bee any detailed clue as to the com- 'back in the United States sine position or structure of the devel- last July and declared that opment." "knows nothing of . the presen Questioned about the classifica- stage of its refinement 'or deve tion of the development, he said opment." . ; that "under a broad classification" Snodgrass described the weapo it might be described as a weapon. as "top secret" and declined t answer any "leading" question H O W E V E R, THE handsome about the research, developmen scientist, now conducting televi- composition or tests.

AT IOWA CITY, Iowa, the lown, River spilled over its banks after ,/iYoiu Pago One reaching n depth o 12 foot. It . North Wllkoshoi-'O were .vi.Mng wns expected to swell to 17 feel - ildly. Ml;. Alry's , suburbs, were by noon lodny. vercfl w i t h 12 inches of water. A new flood wns threatened in he Yarlkin reached a flood stage Southern Missouri, whore the f IS feet and was reported still Kickapoo, Root and Rock Rivers were swollen by a heavy two-day sing. rain. THIRTEEN farm lovccs between . Army engineers reported two ulo and Platte City, Mo., broke levees south of. St. Louis, in the new '.'critical" condition, although in nder pressure of Missouri River flood. immediate danger of breaking. Cracking of the levees relieved noMany evacuees were taken to ressure to the south, however, Army and Navy establishments, lood Forecaster Ralph Aldrich Red Cross buildings or moved aid at Kansas City, Mo. C. O. .Tucker, U. S. weather orecaster at Burlington, Iowa, aid by. next Thursday or Friday le 'Mississippi River would ' swell 0 a mark near the all-time''record long a iOO-mile stretch from Lima Jake, hear- Quincy, 111.-, ' to the "Iny levee in Pike County, 111. The muddy Missouri rose toward 1 crest at stricken St. Joseph, Mo., ,nd. four smaller towns. ABOUT 5,000 acres of valuable nrm land between Beardstown and ^handlerville, 111., were flooded iy the Sangamon and" Illinois Rivers. Residents o.E Ottumwa, ' Iowa, >raccd themselves for the second erious flood there in eight days \s the DCS Moines River inched pward. their homes again, .weary amilies gathered a few essential belongings and moved to high iro'und. The Army sent 12 planes filled vith supplies to Ottumwa. The planes, loaded with 500 blankets, 250 cots and "food for an estimated 5,000 evacuees were sent from Chicago Friday night and Saturday. A crew of more than 400 workers labored feverishly to strengthen a new levee at Ottumwa which ;hey knew . was not' high enough or long enough to hold back the


temporarily into' 'homes out o f the flooded areas.

SUSANVILMS, Calif! OT> Nobody Is kicking about an airborne invasion that has taken place near here. More than 10Q Canadian honkerslarge geesehave settled along Honey Lake In Lassen County and are busy raising families. Some nests examined by ; game wardens have as many as 15 eggs each. , . . " ' l " "

Canadian Honkers Invade California


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WE HEAR'a jrrcat deal these . days about how ..high the -cost'Of living is. This is because crops a long time.. Some of this poorness :is due to recent war, is due to other causes, but the hard fact for us is that there is not quite enough food'.to go .around. and ;those who can bid food prices UP- . The blue moon which ypy .w.ilj ' see this week indicates' that rainy

SYRACUSE Carmen Supply Co. 1007-1011 Si SahnaSt. Clark Music Co. '416S. Salina St.

have boon poor over wide areas for

For your reclining luxury in. the warm season. Water-resisting, extra-soft pad in attractive red, green .or blue with tubular steel frame painted white. Adjustable for comfortable reclining or sitting upright. Folds up in a jiffy. Lightweight, easy to move around. '


Giminski Furniture Co. 1411 W.'Gen'esee St. Kieffer's 21 8-222 N. Salina St. 1900 Washer Company

are still going on. . ,^. . . t But we now 'predict "here that the moon will not continue so blue. As summer advances, .weather, all over' the world will become more normal. Crops will get '. better'. There will be a better harvest neo<t fall than many people now expect, and therefore food will be more plentiful, and prices will fall. This will be good news for father, whose 'pocketbopk has been flattened by recent high prices. ^ ...,-. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Q. We have all heard .of .the Stratosphere and the Ionosphere, but -waai is above these layers? J. G. M., Mass. \ . . . A. Recent high flying,rocke.ts. in-, dicate there is a veritable zone of fire above the Ionosphere, 'as 'hot as boiling water. When ro.cke.ts are made that will fly higher than 100 miles, we may .find.still,'more' hot layers 'above.,'the earth..' ..Q. What is the name or .tho brilliant star that shines every evening over our southern "treetops? Is it the Lover's- Star?. Mrs. C. J. G., Ind. A. You are the planet Jupiter. This star shines all night, and has been a favorite for many years with people who are out at night. Q. Rabbits are eating my garden, up. Is the present rainy

weather and poor crop conditions

379 W. Onondaga St.

. , Olmstcd's Yicrrola Shop 754 S. Grouse Ave. Roese Radio & Appliance Co. 105 Lexington Ave. Witherill's BOO S. Salina St AUBURN Rondinai, Inc. - 56-66' S. State St.

Coil Spring Base Glider



CAZENOVIA ' 'H. P. AiTcmon ' ' CENTRAL SQUARE ' ' Goettel's 'Central Square Supply 'ITHACA i: Lee Electric Co. 110 E, State St. I' '-MANLIUS. A. F. Ryan & Sons, Inc. MASSENA 'AND OCDENSBURC Carbine's Jewelry Stores ' ONEIDA Morkson Bros. OWEGO Conti Jewelers & Appliances ..ROME Krebs Electric Co. 234 W.'Dominick'St. SKANEATELES Tucker Hardware Co., Inc. TULLY Finkler's Home Appliances


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