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A/W 2012/13

The beGinninG of A new fAshion seAson is jusT Like The beGinninG of A fresh schooL TerM wiTh new books And references. we puT ToGeTher The uLTiMATe Guide (in ALphAbeTicAL order, no Less) To GeT you ThrouGh The nexT six MonThs in The MosT TiMeLy And sTyLish MAnner.
26 / OCTOBER 2012

ThE aCCEssORy TREnd ThaT has BEEn a mainsTay in ThE RECEnT sEasOns ThE Arm pArTy. dECking yOuR aRms and wRisTs wiTh a mulTiTudE Of BanglEs, BRaCElETs and Cuffs. TOnE iT dOwn This fall wiTh undERsTaTEd lEaThER Cuffs wiTh a TOuCh Of mETal.

ThERE is nO Running away fROm ThE TRusTy paiR Of BOOTS EvERy winTER and This yEaR, piCk a knEE-high vERsiOn wiTh unCOnvEnTiOnal maTERials likE This sEE-ThROugh mEsh nET BEauTy fROm vERsaCE.

GL AM TrendS
mETalliC and shiny faBRiCs may BE COmplETEly OuT Of plaCE in ThE BRighT sunny days Of summER BuT BRing On ThE dAZZle wiTh mETalliC OuTfiTs This sEasOn EspECially fOR EvEning dOs. aCE ThE TREnd wiTh a simplE sTRaighT CuT gOwn in a dazzling maTERial fOR ThaT paRTy Of ThE yEaR ThaT yOu havE BEEn waiTing fOR.

sOunds likE a BiT Of wORk, BuT ThE final pROduCT Of ThE cAVIAr mAnIcure will lEavE yOuR nails lOOking ThREE-dimEnsiOnal fROm all anglEs. spOTTEd On ThE Runway aT diffEREnT shOws aRE mOdEls spOTTing gliTTERs aka CaviaR pEaRls - ThE pERfECT sOluTiOn TO BRighTEn a glOOmy winTER day.

lOng and dRamaTiC EyElashEs gO a lOng way in CREaTing a sExy lOOk EvEn if yOu aRE nOT wEaRing any OThER makEup. gRaB yOuR hands On exTenSIOn masCaRas, ThE On-ThE-gO sOluTiOn TO dRamaTiC EyElashEs wiThOuT having TO spEnd hOuRs in ThE salOn fOR an aCTual ExTEnsiOn.

Fur. iTs winTER. nEEd wE say mORE? mOvE OvER, pETa.

OCTOBER 2012 / 27

a/w 2012 is Big On BROCadE ChannEling ThE ERa Of gOTHIc and ROmanCE. whilE ThE lush vElvET faBRiCs may nOT BE fOR EvERyOnE, paCk a punCh wiTh gOThiCinspiREd aCCEssORiEs ThaT makE ExCEllEnT highlighT piECEs fOR yOuR OuTfiT.

sTEp OuT wiTh a HAT TO add a BiT Of jazz-CaT COOl TO yOuR sTREET sTylE. pERfECT fOR kEEping yOuR hEad waRm in ThE COld wEaThER and alsO gREaT fOR a fRizzy haiR day!

sTay In TIme This fall as mORE and mORE fashiOn hOusEs aRE daBBling in ThE luCRaTivE TimEpiECE maRkET. yOu Can nOw gET yOuR hands On waTChEs fROm almOsT all Of yOuR favOuRiTE dEsignER BRands.

fOR ThE wEll-hEElEd, JeWelS aRE a musT TO COmplETE ThE sEasOns OBsEssiOn wiTh ThE Old wORlds BROCadE and ROmanTiC influEnCEs. invEsT in a singlE gEmsTOnE as ThE highlighT piECE OR TakE a mORE suBTlE appROaCh Of Buying a TimEpiECE wiTh a TasTEful diamOnd REpERTOiRE.

28 / OCTOBER 2012

GL AM TrendS

sTiCking TO a nEuTRal shadE likE kHAkI fROm TOp TO TOE is a safE BET This sEasOn EspECially if yOu aRE lEss advEnTuROus whEn iT COmEs TO ExplORing COlOuRs. play wiTh diffEREnT maTERials TO highlighT yOuR OuTfiT.

divE inTO ThE masCulinE sidE wiTh widE lApelS EspECially On jaCkETs. nOT Only aRE ThEy in TREnd, iT givEs an insTanT sERiOus and fORmal appEaRanCE TO an OThERwisE Casual OuTfiT.

ThE sTROng sTaTEmEnT piECE Of fall 2012 is ThE megA TrencH cOAT, vERsaTilE and funCTiOnal TO kEEp yOu waRm and allOws yOu TO ExplORE diffEREnT TREnds undERnEaTh.

ThE BRighT spaRk neOn TREnd COnTinuEs This sEasOn alThOugh iT is TOnEd dOwn wiTh muTEd shadE paiRings TO maTCh ThE COldER TEmpERaTuREs. paiR a nEOn jaCkET wiTh a BlaCk undER-layER OR ROCk nEOn panTs wiTh a daRk OmBRE TOp.

OCTOBER 2012 / 29

mOvE away fROm COnvEnTiOnal dEsigns and gRaB yOuRsElf an Odd-SHAped cluTcH fOR yOuR EvEning dOs This sEasOn. ThE Runways aRE ChuRning OuT sTuRdy CluTChEs in unusual shapEs giving a diffEREnT EdgE TO yOuR OThERwisE fEmininE EvEning gOwns.

ThE pOWer SuIT fOR This sEasOn plays On TExTuRE Of faBRiCs and maTChing pRinTs. ExplORE dEEp lusCiOus faBRiCs likE vElvET wiTh TExTuREd dETails OR gO wild wiTh gEOmETRiC pRinTs fOR BOTh jaCkET and panTs.

TakE a walk On ThE Queer sidE This sEasOn EspECially wiTh mEnswEaR sTylE CROssing OvER TO wOmEnswEaR. ExplORE sTROng masCulinE sTRuCTuREs and TRadiTiOnal gEnTlEmEn suiTs ThaT aRE CuT TO fiT ThE faiRER sEx.

jusT BECausE iT is fall dOEs nOT mEan yOu nEEd TO lOsE ThE sun-kissEd TOuCh On yOuR skin. kEEp ThE rAdIAnce On yOuR skin wiTh a liTTlE hElp wiTh This sEasOns ChEEk sTain lOOk. TRy BEnEfiTs nEw pOsiEpal TO kEEp glOwing ThROughOuT winTER.

30 / OCTOBER 2012

GL AM TrendS

if ThERE is OnE mulTi-way piECE wE musT havE This fall in all COlOuRs, iT wOuld BE ThE SHIrT dreSS. This simplE piECE is pERfECT On iTs Own wiTh a paiR Of knEE-high BOOTs OR paiREd wiTh lEggings fOR waRmTh and makEs a gREaT undER-layER fOR CRazy OuTERwEaR.

TakE a CuE fROm fashiOn daRling anna dEllO RussO fOR h&ms COllECTiOn whiCh fEaTuREs ThE main shadE Of TurQuOISe. a TuRquOisE maniCuRE will add ThE ExTRa EdgE TO yOuR OuTfiT if yOu aRE planning a singlE-shadE OuTfiT.

COmBining TRadiTiOnal wiTh COnTEmpORaRy, This sEasOn sEEs ThE RisE Of ThE urBAn TrIBAl mOTifs. TRadiTiOnal dEsigns Of ikaT and BaTiks aRE REvampEd wiTh mOdERn gEOmETRiC TOuChEs in COlOuRful inTERpRETaTiOns.

kEEp waRm and sTylish aT ThE samE TimE wiTh VelVeT faBRiCs and dO nOT BE afRaid TO gO all ThE way in an all-vElvET gET up jusT likE This Runway lOOk fROm paul smiTh.

OCTOBER 2012 / 31

GL AM TrendS

wE say gOOdByE TO ThE yVeS in yvEs sainT lauREnT and wElCOmE ThE fashiOn hOusEs fiRsT COllECTiOn This a/w wiTh ThE nEw namE sainT lauREnT. whilE mOsT fashiOnisTas aRE haRdlinERs whEn iT COmEs TO ThE suBjECT Of snEakERs (ThEy aRE Only fOR ThE gym), ThE Wedge hEEl snEakERs madE pOpulaR By isaBEl maRanT wOn ThE hEaRTs Of EvEn ThE lEasT EnThusiasTiC. ThE wEdgE hEEl snEakERs aRE pERfECT TO kEEp waRm This fall whilE disCREETly giving ThE ExTRa hEighT jusT likE a paiR Of hEEls.

x is fOR COllaBORaTiOns as wE lOOk fORwaRd TO ThE COllECTiOns Of jEan paul gaulTiER x la pERla, maRni x h&m, and jEREmy sCOTT x lOngChamp.

and lasT BuT nOT lEasT, wEaR all ThE lOOks fROm a/w 2012/13 wiTh lOTs Of COnfidEnCE and ZeAl!

32 / OCTOBER 2012

Style Set
Autumn/winter may well be one of the most loved seasons for fashion lovers around the world. it is the time where you can play dress up and explore rich luscious fabrics that never fail to evoke the feelings of royal oldworld charm. GLAM catches up with three style-inspiring individuals to take a peek into their wardrobes.
By dEBRina aliyah
38 / OCTOBER 2012

GL AM STyle prOFIle

sunglassEs fROm Ray Ban skull BRaCElET


ekATerInA IlIeVA
lvs small lEaThER gOOds COllECTiOn

puBliC RElaTiOns and fashiOn EvEnTs managER Of ThE ClOsET qaTaR

The very stylish and savvy Ekaterina has been in Doha for a little over a year and she has a finger on the fashion pulse as she helps manage multibrand boutique The Closet.
yOuR sTylE: It all really depends on my mood. Sometimes sporty, but mostly trendy and street casual. I have been a stylist for six years in Russia for various fashion publications, and have also worked at Russia Fashion Week. I wear high heels all the time I even sleep in them! OuTfiT-1: Drape harem pants from Mimi Plange (The Closet), black tank top from Massimo Dutti, shoes from Zara, skull-design clutch from Koku (The Closet), watch from Rolex. OuTfiT-2: White evening dress from Roksanda Ilincic (The Closet), shoes from River Island, necklace from Temperley London. fOR a/w 2012, i am OBsEssEd wiTh: Different prints, stripes, spikes, neon colours, skull designs and motifs, black and white monochrome and the colour gold. Ill also be wearing striped pants, scarves, white coats, leather cropped jackets and floral print dresses. And not to forget, my trusty Louis Vuitton collection of small leather goods just for an extra tinge of oomph.

skull CluTCh fROm kOku

saddlEBag fROm zaRa

OCTOBER 2012 / 39



laCE faBRiC EaRRings

naTaliE is an avid COllECTOR Of sCaRvEs

fashiOn dEsignER

a friend.
fOR a/w 2012, i am OBsEssEd wiTh: Soft cardigans and a lot of metallic touches be it on bags or knitwear. The metallic can be printed or incorporated with other materials to really make a statement. And of course, I love to accessorise with big chunky pieces. I am also loving loafers this season instead of boots. And a big thing for me is the scarf - I think people dont wear scarves enough and it is always an afterthought when they are feeling cold. Scarves can really change your outfit with colours and patterns. Also for A/W, I will be working on my new collection that will incorporate prints inspired by my heritage, an Islamic pattern base which includes typography and architecture. yOuR mOvE BaCk TO dOha: Before I left

mETalliC kniT wiTh lOafERs fROm RussEll and BROmlEy

Natalie grew up in Qatar before moving to London five years ago to pursue studies at the London College of Fashion. She has just graduated from the fashion school and is now back in Doha with new dreams and fresh ambitions.
yOuR sTylE: I would say it is like luxury

saTChEl Bag

meets comfort. Comfort is very important to me - the pieces have to be easy to wear and yet exude a charm of luxury. I always go for one standout piece that would highlight the outfit like a statement jacket. This concept is so ingrained in me that I naturally work it into my designs. If you look at my collection, you can see all my style influences - the statement pieces, the soft lines that are easy on the eyes and influences of late 50s and early 60s design movements.
OuTfiT-1: Jacket from Natalie Tahan collection, shoes from Zara and earrings are gifted from a friend. OuTfiT-2: Pastel lace-work dress from Zara, shoes from Zara and satchel bag gifted from

London, I gave away boots, heavy cardigans, chunky knits, capes and all the things that I wont need in Doha. In London, my wardrobe mix is all about keeping warm and comfortable but in Doha, I would always wear more dresses, heels and accessories. It is a change of lifestyle that calls for a wardrobe makeover!

40 / OCTOBER 2012

a muCh TREasuREd vinTagE CluTCh

GL AM STyle prOFIle

shOEs fROm kOBE husk


BrIdgeT rAdOmSkI phOTOgRaphER

Coming from the famous indie style and cultural scene of Melbourne, Bridget brought the best of independent Australian designers in her wardrobe when she recently moved to Doha. Creative and edgy, Bridget injects a fresh burst of fashion energy to our city.
yOuR sTylE: I tend to wear a lot of

favOuRiTE BRands: My favourites that I

independent designers, most of them from Down Under. Australians, especially those of us from Melbourne have a very indie and hipster vision when it comes to fashion and culture. I like to always keep a look out for emerging designers that are not available everywhere, unlike mass market brands. I wear a lot of black and keep to loose-fitting tops paired with tight bottoms. I love layering as well which works great for the weather in Melbourne and also here in Doha, to keep on the modest side of things. When it comes to footwear, I have always worn flats because of my height and have only recently started wearing wedges. I am really hard-wearing on my shoes so I will spend more money on shoes and bags because I need to get more wear out of them!

constantly keep a close tab on are Alpha 60, Claude Mouse, and Trim Paee all Australian. I will always follow what their latest looks are and kind of integrate all of my favourite items to create my own personal style. I personally really love Australian designers as they tend to lean on the creative and experimental side sometimes really androgynous with lots of simple and easy to wear cuts as well as amazing jackets.
fiRsT impREssiOns Of dOhas fashiOn sCEnE: A lot of people here dress for the


weather and at the same time still stick to certain restrictions to be modest. Although sometimes you feel that it does kind of cramp your style to adhere to certain guidelines, but I guess everyone has somehow adapted their own style to the community here.
OuTfiT-1: Tom Ford glasses, color-block top from Alpha 60, wedges from Kobe Husk a Sydney brand. OuTfiT-2: Blue top from Life with Bird paired with Black Milk leggings.

Bag fROm kiwi dEsignER dEadly pOniEs

a RufflEd sCaRf TO spiCE up any OuTfiT

COnvERTiBlE hOOdEd vEsT fROm alpha 60

OCTOBER 2012 / 41

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