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Referensi: facts about garbage An estimated 6.

4 million tons of waste into the sea every year worldwide, and 80% is plastic; makes more than 1 million sea animals die every year due to plastic

image source:

image source: Supermarkets around the world deliver over 17 billion plastic bags each year. Every year required 12 million barrels of oil and 14 million trees to make all plastic 2006 data, South Sulawesi, with a population of 7.6 million, producing 1.3 billion plastic waste every year.

image source: Every day of waste paper in the world comes than 27,000 logs.

image source: Various types of tissue are produced from wood fiber and can not be recycled. Use a cloth / napkins that can be used repeatedly In China, the waste has been processed into electricity by roughly 1 ton waste / hr 31.8 kWh electricity generating investment cost $ 2.5 million (USD 24 M) / MWh or 79 thousand $ / ton of waste. Indonesia likely to generate electricity from waste; waste by 11,330 tons / hr and is expected to be 566.6 MWh of electricity

image source: sources: from various sources

Fakta tentang bau sampah 1 Referensi: The smell of Bogor Municipal Solid Waste Handling
Posted on 10/09/2012 by admin

Bogor city bears the name has long been a city of education, cities and towns of rain a million minivans.The dynamics of the city which is always accompanied by economic growth and population growth. One logical result of economic activities of the people in the markets, daily life in households and office activities are waste problem. The issue of waste must be handled properly so that the adverse effects of waste can be minimized. It is not light duty and responsibility of the Department of Hygiene and Bogor City in managing this waste. Starting from the shelter, transportation to final waste handling.

One side of the waste problem is the stench that spreads everywhere to air pollution. When the bins are still in temporary shelters have started to smell the smell, especially when it comes to late transportable.When waste is transported by truck to the final storage location smells very disturbing to the users of the highway. When storage tanks early in the markets and estates and has been transported waste tanks already unpacked garbage trucks, garbage odor crowd still pushed the nose and chest. At this point the Sanitation Department and Landscape Bogor City office on Jl. No. Paledang. 13 Bogor is to find solutions that Protexol. Based on the Work Order (SPK), which we received on June 23, 2012 titled Activity Service of Waste And Drug Procurement Tools and Odor Removers, then we have to send as

much as 1920 liters jerry @ Protexol in containers of 5 liters (384 jerry cans) on July 18, 2012 in accordance with a deadline of money has been set.

The employment contract was successfully agreed after the Department of Hygiene and Landscape Bogor stated that Protexol proven to eliminate the smell of garbage. Organic active ingredients that actually reduce the real gas odors caused by ammonia, hydrogen sulfide and methane gas from the waste in accordance with the field test using a sample that we sent earlier.

Once again Protexol has proved beneficial for us all. Countless farms had chickens, ducks, quail, cattle, sheep and pigs that have benefitted include avoidance of public demonstrations around the cage due to the stench of manure. Now we see againProtexol a solution that is safe, cheap and fast to overcome the problem of waste in urban areas.Congratulations to the city of Bogor for your city government is very concerned about the trash and litter goodbye stench of the city and home to the Istana Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB).

Referensi: Fakta tentang bau sampah 2 Garbage stinks up the senses VANCOUVER - As the city suffers its 10th week without garbage pickup, some areas are starting to smell pretty ripe. VANCOUVER - As the city suffers its 10th week without garbage pickup, some areas are starting to smell pretty ripe.

As you walk home through a back alley or pass an unemptied trash can, the stench of rotting garbage is increasingly difficult to escape. That raises a couple of questions: What makes garbage smelly in the first place? And why do we find the particular stench of refuse so unbearable? The answer to the first question is relatively simple: Bacteria. The hungry little micro- organisms are everywhere including the surface of most foods and, given enough time, they start to chow down. As they do so, they break down the large molecules in food into smaller ones. And its just kind of unfortunate that the small molecules all happen to be a bit smelly, said Reg Mitchell, a professor of chemistry at the University of Victoria. The smelliest among them, he said, are nitrogen and sulphur, both of which are produced when protein breaks down. Thats why foods that are high in protein like meat, fish and eggs smell the nastiest once they begin to rot. Food high in carbohydrates, on the other hand, is more benign. A slice of bread, even if it goes mouldy, doesnt usually smell, said Mitchell.But what is it about the molecules garbage gives off that the human nose finds so smelly? Pamela Dalton is a researcher in human olfaction at the Monell Chemical Senses Cente r i n Philadelphia. She said its not hard to theorize why humans developed an aversion to garbage smells. After all, if your ancestors were in the habit of eating rotten flesh, you probably wouldnt be here now. Over time ... weve come to associate these types of odours with danger, said Dalton. However, its still unknown if we have these instincts from birth or if we learn them over time. Dalton said researchers know that babies are born with certain innate aversions to sour and bitter tastes, a protection against ingesting poisonous foods. If you put a bitter- tasting compound in a newborn infant, they will spit it right out, said Dalton. Its a very clear response. But, despite repeated studies, researchers have been unable to determine if babies have similar hard- wired responses to smell. Dalton suspects humans have some built- in aversion to certain smelly molecules, like sulphur. But she thinks theres also more to it than that. After all, we respond to the smell of garbage more viscerally than other bad smells like a skunk or industrial chemicals. The other awful thing about garbage smells is that they can linger for days, even after the source of the smell is long gone. Dalton said thats not because garbage smells are any more resilient than nice ones, but because our brains are fine- tuned to detect them. With no end in sight to the municipal strike, Vancouver can at least take comfort in one fact: After repeated exposure to bad smells, said

Dalton, the olfactory system eventually stops responding. If you smell the same thing for a long time and it hasnt hurt you, your brain starts to filter it out, she said.

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