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The Bridge

Blossom Goodchild A Channelled Communication with The Divine Oneness and The Federation of Light

An explanation of the past and a promise for the future

Published by: Golden Rays Publishing 45 Allambi Terrace Noosa Heads Queensland 4567 Australia E-mail: Copyright: Golden Rays 2007 All rights reserved This book may not be reproduced, wholly or in part, or transmitted in any form whatsoever without written permission, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review. All enquiries to the publisher.

ISBN : 978-0-646-48275-0 Category: New Age, Channelled Writings, Author Cover Artwork: Alexandra Marler Layout: Catbird Media


Blossom Goodchild is a professional direct voice channelling medium working with spirit and cosmic energies. She has been channelling the Native American Indian Spirit Energy White Cloud for eight years now and shares his messages of Unconditional Love by means of personal readings and group meetings. These meetings have been recorded and White Clouds words transcribed and subsequently published in three books Walking in the Light and the Love, The Spirit of White Cloud and A New Dawn. In addition to White Clouds guidance on how to live our lives to the fullest he has also given us, through Blossom, a series of guided meditations to help us tune in to our Higher Selves. In addition to her spiritual work Blossom is also a wonderful actress, whose experience includes touring the UK in repertoire and musicals. Since immigrating to Australia in 2001and settling in Noosa with her husband Goody and son Ritchie, she has firmly established herself as one of the finest actresses on the Sunshine Coast. Blossom has performed the one-woman show Shirley Valentine as well as major roles in several David Williamson plays for the Noosa Long Weekend. She took on the challenging leading role in The Gingerbread Lady in which she was simply superb. She recently returned to the musical stage in Ian MacKellars Now Thats Entertainment. Through all of these experiences, Blossom remains firmly grounded and with her easy laughter and warmth is a delight to be around.

I feel very honoured to have been asked to write the foreword to The Bridge, for I know just how Powerful and Liberating it will be for all who read it. The Bridge cemented my understanding of Love and the Oneness. It gave me so much clarity. The world really is about just being Love being that change you want to see in the world and returning to when there was just Love. It explained so well to me about the separating of the Oneness and where it led. It showed me how we the Light-workers (of which I am sure you are one if this book has found its way into your hands) are gaining strength, armies of us not fighting but bringing all to Light and Love. It helped me truly understand in depth, to the nth degree where we are from, where we are going and what Light is all about Love, Always Love True, Unadulterated, Beautiful, Sweet LOVE. I cannot thank Blossom enough for the whole year of dedication, faith and Trust that she applied in the writing of this amazing work. It takes someone very special to show the diligence, courage and determination required for a project as vast and as insightful as this. How blessed I am also then that she happens to live just around the corner from me in a part of heaven on earth called Noosa and that she is my sister and one of my closest friends. Thank you so much Bloss for sharing what you Know to be True with the whole wide world. In Love and Thanks Jill Simpson

Some souls that we meet on lifes journey seem to have a deeper connection with the heart than others. It is so assuring to recognize a petal from your flower, as White Cloud would put it. Alexandra Marler, to whom I dedicate this book, without doubt, is part of my flower, if not of the same petal. Challenges assist us to grow and this is probably why this lady is one of the brightest Lights I have had the honour to befriend. Not only has she had to endure years of physical pain, she has had to overcome so many other obstacles in her pathway and has done so with such bravery and grace. Those who have the pleasure to meet her cannot help but be inspired. Even though she has metal plates in her wrists she is still able to let her incredible artistic talents flow through, as can be witnessed by the cover of this book. (She is also the artist of Walking In The Light And The Love and our Logo.) And I just Love them! Thank you Alex for being the example of Truth that we are all aspiring to become. You are definitely here to show the way to many. We are so blessed to have you on the team. Blossom To see Alexs paintings and artwork go to

On December 7th 2005, I went for a reading with a gifted clairvoyant and through her, I was asked by spirit, to start writing another book. It was not going to be White Clouds words; it was going to be for want of a better way of putting it White Clouds bosses! Interesting! They asked me if I would sit down at the computer every morning for half an hour and they would channel the words through. This was very unlike the other three books, which were simply transcripts of the White Cloud meetings that had been held. A matter of transcribing tapes of the meetings into book form. I say simply because compared to this one, that is what they were simple. The next day was my 48th birthday. What a marvellous day to begin. I took some deep breaths to tune in and promptly wrote down the thoughts that came into my head. A year later on my 49th birthday I finished the book. Here it is. Blossom


December 8th 2005 The bridge to beyond. Day 1! I have sat at my computer and done some deep breathing and tried to tune in to whoever it is I am supposed to be tuning into. Lets see what transpires. Understand that we are here to assist the process of living. To make adjustments to your ethereal makeup, so that the flow of these words may filter through with ease. Happy Birthday to you. It is the correct day to begin. It is all in the timing. I am ready to begin. I believe you know who I am. I am the sunset and the sunrise. I am the sand and the sea. I am all things. I AM. Never before have these words been brought through in such a way. I will prepare the days ahead for those who are preparing themselves. Each one in turn shall rise to the fullness of themselves. They shall understand the importance of their Truth. They shall acknowledge the wisdom that is theirs. Never again shall their hearts be downcast for I bring in these following pages the WAY. Accept what is written, however UNBELIEVABLE it may appear at times. Largely, I come through you because you are the one that was given the go ahead and approval by many. So shall we begin? I invite you now to walk with me, to talk with me, and to Trust.


What is it that you wish to talk about in the following pages? I wish to talk of wonders. Of things that will blow away all doubts of restriction. I wish to talk of many things that have never before been spoken of. I have no idea what these things could be. How shall we begin to work with each other? This feels rather disjointed. I had imagined it would flow through without hesitation. As the days progress my child we shall have fingers of elastic. For now, this is just our trial days. So do not be concerned as you write, whether or not it is making any sense. It shall. It will. Because IT is. I show to you of skies, of the heavens and of earth, of mountains, of the world that you reside in. Do you believe that I created this? This is not so to a certain extent. It was created by others that were given the choice to express themselves through Love. It was not that I had no say in it. It was that they decided as opportunists to see what could be gained by allowing the self the freedom of thought the free will factor. They had no idea what they were letting themselves in for. For the souls that created this earth plane of yours had not taken into account that free will could allow for much to go awry. For they only knew of Love. They had not come into the way of thinking that one could desire for the self. They knew only of Love as a Oneness. Not in its separation form. They had no idea that the self-individual soul could become ravished by the want of more for itself. They had no idea that materialism could take over the world they had created. For they knew not of these things. BUT because of the rules that were put in place at the beginning, they could not go back and change things Until now! There was a code that was put in to practice at the beginning


of time. It was never to be broken. Never to be revealed until a certain structure had taken place. There was only one outlet. That outlet is you! It was decided that this would be so, because you are able to express in a way that is suitable for the purpose. It is time for your world to AWAKE. It is time for these Truths to be revealed. This is why the bridge must be built in order for one to walk across and see for themselves what is on the other side. The choice shall be given to each. They may use this bridge as their stepping-stone to the other side. To be able to be part of the other side and yet be able to walk back across the bridge. Therefore, residing in both worlds. This will be a choice that is given to all. For those who do not wish to cross, they shall remain solely on one side. For those who choose to interact with all time and space ... Never again shall they feel the desperation that is felt in a souls depth. For by taking the step to journey back and forth ALL UNDERSTANDING shall be given. The questions one needs to have answered shall come instantly. But there will be no questions, for within each one of you lies all answers. This is all for today. I thank you for the Trusting. We shall resume tomorrow. ----As the days move forward you shall find the communication channels becoming clearer. For now, do as you sense, and remove fogginess. Did you know that the reason you are sitting here is because you asked if you could take this task on? Your strength in this department is greater than you imagine. You shall be ridiculed by some. Take no heed. Stand in your Truth, for these words will be the bridge to the Truth. If you allow doubts in any form to enter then it will serve only


to make this task more difficult. When a task is performed through and in Love there can be no concern. For Truth is the ultimate. We speak of living in ones own Truth. This is True! And yet the Truth that I am to reveal to you will allow souls to open up to their Truth that is a universal Truth. Many rivers shall be crossed by this one bridge. The waters that flow underneath are from the same source. The time is coming when souls must realise that all rivers flow into the same sea. For too long they have allowed rivulets to flow in many directions, depleting the strength of the flow. I am to reveal to you a new way. A new world. There will be no misconception. It will be down in black and white. Some will struggle with this Truth for a while. Others will simply KNOW that they have found the way home. They shall follow without questioning, for their hearts will recognise of what they once knew. The time is coming to put back together all that has gone astray. To bring back the wisdom of why each and every one of you are here. This world of yours was a trial. It has become successful in many areas and disastrous in others. The pain that human beings have inflicted upon themselves was not in the original plan. When an experiment such as your earth world along with many other experiments ... was put into place, it had a very different agenda from the path it has proven to take. There were certain aspects that were not allowed to be tampered with. That was part of the experiment. The Beings who put this experiment into form have undergone great exasperation. The idea of free will was an exciting concept. The ways open to expansion in this form were limitless and indeed still are but look look how you have taken this free will. Sometimes one looks upon it not as a gift


but as a burden. The experiment that you are in needs a new formula. I am to give you this formula. Because of Love, we cannot watch those of your world continue in the fashion that it has created for itself. This is the experiment, do you see? You were created in order to create. You have created the most beautiful miracles, on the one hand, on the other hand however, you have brought upon yourselves the mark of ugliness. Although this was not the intention of your elders, the rules were, that once certain things were in place, one would not be allowed to tamper with these rules. It was the gift of freedom of choice that would determine the pattern. For many eons of your time those creators were feeling rather smug about this world of theirs. In a sense The Garden of Eden was the paradise that had been their intention. For from its original form there was no possibility of turning this garden into the cesspit that it has become. You question that word. But I tell you, when you recognise this garden in its Truth once again, you will not deny that cesspit is an apt description. Yes, there are areas of your planet that have some form of their original blue print. These have HAD to be left in place and followed through to allow hope. But if you look around other areas of your planet, how would you describe these areas? ----Do you think that beings of pure Love would have sensed the degradation that has come into your world? Do you think that having put into place this experiment through Love that they could have possibly imagined all that has occurred? You in your world were given freedom of spirit. To express your-


selves in the knowledge that whatever you desired would be given to you. There are some very strange desires for the soul. Look at your wars. Would one ever have imagined that these wars have been brought about because someone chose them? What the eye doesnt see the heart doesnt feel. And yet, the eyes are the gateway to the soul, and through the eyes of the young a new world shall come into place. I would like to speak of the children of the New World. They have been put into place to SAVE it. Those who are in command had many meetings. Great discussions were debated upon as to whether these children should arrive. Would they be able to conduct their Truth in such a place and allow the strength of whom they are to be able to save such a devastated planet? Souls of your world are so ready to blame Me. They cannot accept that through eons of time this world of yours has been created by themselves. They do not see themselves to be part of what they see around them. They need someone to blame and they blame ME. One looks upon all that is taking place and feels great sadness. How could things possibly have gotten this bad? I tell you this. They have gotten this bad because the collective consciousness of your race has brought it upon themselves. Through freedom of choice. How could you have chosen this you may ask? It has been a united gathering of thoughts. Thoughts are your creation. You have created the horrors. Each and every one of you throughout time. I can sense that you are feeling Honest. It wasnt me. I do not have a nasty bone in my body. I am trying to make this world a better place. Let me explain. Let us go back to the beginning, when the experiment that you are was put into consciousness. It was written that your world would be of


Light and Love. Indeed that is how it began. I spoke of the Garden of Eden. When your earth was created it was indeed the paradise that one imagines of this garden. There were no thoughts of anything else other than Love, because that is all that was known. For many of your decades, life was as it had been set out to be. The creators were pleased with what they had achieved. The human being was working very well, and all that they had foreseen; to a certain point was a mark of high intelligence. The plan was working well. As individuals, (a new concept), they were aware of this freedom of self-expression that was beginning to evolve. Your creators were excited to see how nicely everything was coming along. New expressions were developing, and the kindnesses that were shared were causing your creators to feel very content with this new way. Gradually, as the separateness of the soul became stronger and more aware of itself, it began to develop the mind of its own, that in the beginning had not yet been fully recognised. Because of its newness, although individuality was in place, it took time for the individual to feel the singularity of itself. It had not known of separation. It was natural to be Love through one another. As the realisation of single mindedness increased, the separation of Love itself became apparent. The soul self began to accept that it had a mind of its own. It was exciting. The race thrived on the knowledge that the individual mind had to offer. Please understand this was not achieved overnight. But as each soul discovered how to think for itself, the reality of this discovery set about the creation of what your earth could be. ----On the other hand, this freedom of choice was a new concept; one had not allowed the possibility of destruction to be


part of the scheme self-destruction at that. It was not considered to be a natural way. It was only when the downpour of thoughts of the self entered that the game to begin with started into play. Those who were the creators, at first found his terribly interesting. The mind had found itself, and was therefore, ready to grow in any direction the soul self chose. For many decades of your time, all progressed as it should, and they were pleased with their creation. If you knew, which you do, of the world as it was when it began, your eyes would Light up with the very remembrance. It was as it was intended. Thoughts were transferred to another thoughts of kindness and giving, consideration and acceptance all things that were directly from Love. The individuality became apparent as souls developed their own personalities through this free choice. This again brought much excitement. The beauty of the individual was astonishing. The interaction through the separateness was a gift that was to be recognised as a True conquest. With all the thoughts and ways of each individual coming into its own, what mammoth achievements could unfold? As time passed, the self awareness increased rapidly. One developed skills that suited their needs and desires. It was discovered that one gift could be shared to assist another, and another and another. The swapping or exchanging of these gifts became a way of life, all done to assist the other. As skills developed further, so too the mind developed. But more importantly the individual soul. When this was in play, there was no jealousy. It was not known. One admired and praised the skills of another. Gave thanks and appreciation. All was still as the original intention. The power of Love as it had begun, was very much the overall factor. It came about after a stretch of your time, and in your terms this was quite a way down the track, that the more developed individuality as it learnt to think for itself the more the thoughts of the self developed in a way that had not been


expected. For never before had the separateness game been put into play. One began to look at anothers skills that were perhaps the same as its own, and whoop! there came insecurity. One discovered fear of the self, afraid that they were not doing as well as another, not developing so fast. Through that came jealousy. Through that came thoughts that so far had not been present. Through these unusual thoughts, that one allowed themselves to expand upon, the soul self gradually brought about for itself, the fear of not being as good as. This was of great interest to the creators. Not being directly in the position themselves, they were unable to feel this feeling. It was intriguing. From being in a different position, and not directly in it, they watched on in deep curiosity. This was so new; this fear of the self and the doubting that one was not as good as another. It amused them, because they could not understand how one could feel this way when not so very long before, each individual soul was of the same essence, and they knew this. How could they doubt the very essence of that essence! They were at the beginning the same. They were identical in Love. No one soul was given more Love than another. For Love was who they were. It was discussed and pondered upon, this new emotion. This fear. The creators could not understand it, and yet although of interest, it was of great poignancy, so early on in the game. The negativity of this new emotion, had brought yet another new concept into the equation, that of self-doubt. This had never been known. To question their essence, and to even consider that they were not perfect, was not in their present realms of knowledge. Yet, certain rules had been put into play at the start, and they were not to be changed. Little did they know how this one emotion could change the course for all time. Was it a spanner in the works? They were unable to realise the extent to which it could develop. They thought it


was just a small glitch, and that those who had not allowed fear to enter in, would be able to put those who had, back to their original form, by assisting them and helping them to remember who they were and where they came from. They had not imagined how quickly this fear had taken root inside the hearts of these individuals. ----As your time passed forward, great changes took place rapidly. Groups began to form, which was new also. At the beginning, due to only knowing of Oneness, there was a united front. They knew so little of separation. The groups were known as clans. It was often that they produced a leader, to be the guiding Light. Again this brought into play new emotions. New conditions. As much as the individual enjoyed its freedom, it brought with it unexpected controversies. The clans spread further afield from their original grouping that they had been placed in. Do not misunderstand. All was more or less blissful at this stage. A world that cannot at this time be imagined by the souls of your world today. Let me digress for a while. What would you consider to be the ultimate conditions for your planet? How would you begin to describe the planet that you would like to reside upon? One would speak of peace and harmony, of all things that are of Love. But do you not see? All things are of Love. All things originated from Love. For that is all there is. You may say that anger is not of Love. But I say to you it is, for there is nothing but Love. There are different interpretations of Love. How would you know what anothers interpretation is? Your individual self has developed in to such separateness, that one can no longer find the same Truths. And yet there is only one Truth. There has only ever been one Truth. It is the


Truth of Love that can never change. It can be interpreted in many forms. But it is still the One Truth Love Love is Love is Love is Love is Love. You may argue that you do not always feel Love. But it IS Love that you feel, just a different interpretation of it. Through time and separation, Love has been broken down in to many levels if you like. You would talk of different degrees of Love. I say again, everything you see, hear, do, respond to, think, ABSOLUTELY everything is Love, for there is nothing else. This is what the souls of your earth must start to understand. As contradictory as it may seem at this stage, I say to you that war is Love. It has to be a contorted form of it, because there is nothing else. There is no other way of putting it, except to keep reiterating that there is only Love. At the beginning, Love arrived on this planet in its purest form. This was apparent through nature, and indeed through the souls that had been planted here, along with everything else. There was nothing to stop all these seeds in every form developing into their fullness of Love except themselves. And it is nothing but the self that has transformed Love in to the different degrees that you experience in your world today. Take a mountain. Think of it. Imagine it as the sun beams down upon it. It may have crystal-iced snow on its peak. It may have an array of flowers. But really imagine it. Standing tall amidst the blue sky. This mountain. This form of Love has allowed itself to grow into its fullness. Not being of the human variety it does not have to deal with free choice and decisions. It simply is. Growing growing growing. It does not have the separateness of the individual mind to get in its way. It is what it is nothing else. Now, take a look at that last sentence. It is what it is nothing else. You are what you are, nothing else and what are


you? You are Love nothing else. You can allow that Love that is you, to grow back to its original form. This is our aim. Your race has distorted and contorted its Truth to such a degree, that it is time for the game masters to intervene. This decision was not taken lightly. Never before has such a degree of concern been discussed for many eons of time. Because of the rules put into play at the beginning, it was a great split between masters as to whether one should intervene or not. The council had to grow larger. It was essential to bring new energies on board to add fresh Light to this ongoing disaster. Some of you who read these words will naturally feel unease, or feel insulted when you keep reading the word disaster. But from the point of view of the game masters, this indeed is what this innocent experiment has become. Look around your world as a whole. Surely you could not say it is a success? The intention of this book is to lead you into the New World. To help you regain that of what you already know. To assist you in becoming the Truth that you are. It is the bridge that I have asked you to build. What is this new world? What will it be like? This is why I come to you, to bridge the gap. To give you the information required that is necessary for your world to take that leap. Your race is desperate to retrieve itself. For too long it has been sinking into the mire. I am the reins that can guide you in the right direction. Some in your world will not consider the possibility that I am to offer. It will be too far from where they are. They will question and ridicule. They will feel that the realms that I am to lead you to will not be in their grasp. They are not of your concern. It is not your responsibility to account for the entire human race. I am here to give you the choice. It is offered to all. Many millions of your race are ready to walk across the bridge. They are already waiting. The


bridge is not yet built. But its foundations are in place. Yesterday, I spoke to you of the rules, and how things must now change. I wonder how many of your world will accept that you are part of a game. Thats all it is. Games are to be played. To be acted out. Let me read the instructions to you that were put in place at the beginning of the experiment. 1. All souls who reside upon planet earth are to be given freedom of choice. 2. At no time can this freedom of choice be taken away from the individual. 3. Whatever transpires cannot be tampered with. 4. What evolves IS. Let us look at this. How simple could the rules be? I know you were waiting for a list that stretches on and on. You were expecting rule after rule. This was not the case. The experiment that you are was as basic as that. Knowing that from what one had been given was enough to set the ball into play. You may feel awkward to acknowledge that you are just part of a game. It seems to take away your worth. If you are just a game, what difference does it make, what you do, how you behave, how far you travel? What is the point of it all I hear your mind say? There is no point, but there is purpose. They are not the same. The purpose is to retrieve you, now that you have moved so far away from your Truth. The purpose of the game was to see how one could experience Love in its fullness. You hate to hear that you are an experiment that has gone horribly wrong. You are asking me about all the good things that have been created. What about all that? Oh yes, there is much of that. Yet you fail to understand how behind you are. This


planet has not progressed. It has fallen by the way side. You find it hard to hear these words, and yet as this bridge is built you will understand. You have had cities in your world that were of PURE Light. You are questioning of what I spoke of before when humans developed the avarice and greed and insecurity and FEAR. How could there be cities of Light if there was already fear? You need to understand of your time factor. You have been told that there is no time. You know this but you cannot understand for you choose to live in a world that is conducted by time. In the beginning there was no time, it was created by you. There was simply the moment, the moment of now. Then the next moment which was still the same as the last because it was now. It was a movement of expression. You had not yet developed your rat race. Racing against this clock that you had created. If I may say, one of the greatest disasters of your creation was to invent years, months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds. It took away much of the freedom that one had come in with. It became a limitation upon the self. What you now know of as time was once simply a space, a space that was filled by that moment nothing else and the next moment and the next. Is that not time then I hear you ask? NO. It is being. It is experiencing the living moment. Take into account that all that you know of NOW, evolved from where you began. In the beginning there were no calendars, or diaries to consult. There was no thought of booking in for the following week. One simply moved through from moment to moment as I have said. As the mind expanded and role-play took over, humans thought it would be a useful


tool to recognise the rising and setting of the sun. To apply a system that worked around the sun. You changed that into working around the clock. You devised the splitting up of the space that lay in between the rising and the setting of the sun. You chopped it into minute segments. You caused this havoc that everyone now abides by. Let me confirm that I am not speaking of you Blossom, but you as a race. ----We spoke of the beginning and how things were. Now I am going to jump to the end. The end? Yes. But I know that you are saying that you thought there was no end. There isnt. I am speaking of the end of the ways of your world as you as earthlings know it. For far too long it has been allowed for you to carry on in a manner that is not befitting to the purpose of this experiment. As you are aware, we wish to rectify this situation. We cannot do it alone. We need the assistance of souls such as yourself to bring down to your planet the tools required to make this new world come about. We are sure that as time progresses that you will feel and understand the reason why we have chosen you to do this part of the work. We can only rectify when it is in agreeance with all that are involved to play their part to the fullest. This means that each one involved has to be at the stage necessary in order for the transformation to be clear in all its thousands of aspects and alignments. We speak to you often of timing and all being in alignment for things to take place. You accept that, but I would say that your humanness does not fully comprehend of this. What would you say if I explained to you that now that YOU are ready, others that have been waiting for you can put their part into play? AND you can only do so much because maybe others are not quite at the stage within themselves that you are at.


If I was to tell you that it is only through your part in this that the whole plan can come together, how does that make you feel? Do you question who you are? Or are you simply going to accept that this is so. Yes I am. I feel there is nothing more to do other than that. Otherwise if I questioned, the link would weaken. So here I am ready to Trust and continue. Yesterday, it was that you began and then erased. The flow was not correct for you. What do you think is the reason for the disappearance of those pages? (I had lost 22 pages of channelling due to my computer playing up!) What do you suggest is the entirety of that taking place? I have no idea. It could be many things but I prefer not to question it too much, because through questioning something, I am not able to put my Trust in the acceptance of WHAT IS. Good answer! Which leads me on. When one can learn to accept that this is simply what is, then the flow is allowed to continue. If one fully accepts that what is, is just that, and there need be no questioning on the matter, then it multiplies the regard for the ever-increasing possibilities of what is to come. This is why we ask of your race to Trust. It helps to lessen the interference. If I said to you that it is only via the universal aspect of the continuity of each now, that your world shall be in alliance with other worlds, and that it is only through the universal congruence with all other worlds that the ending of this one shall change into the beginning of the next, via yourself, would you doubt that?


Who knows! Ive got to work out what you are talking about first! Then this is how I ask you to continue. It matters not that you are not aware of the fullness of the meaning of the sentence. That proves to me that you are Trustworthy in this cause. And what shall the effect be? That millions of souls upon your earth plane shall be able to interact with other planets and energies that at this point are not able to do so. All through you! Do you believe that? To me it doesnt matter what I believe. I am writing these words as they come to me. I accept it is for a purpose. How can I have any idea as to what impact these words shall have in the long term? I have no idea what this section of the book is to be about. You speak of crossing the bridge, and that you, whoever you are, (with due respect) will bring forth the knowledge, the Truth, to assist other worlds to integrate. In my head, I do not know anything of the information you are to give me. If it comes about that this book goes into print and the outcome is of what you say, then that is what is. You are catching on quickly. And if the knowledge I bring forth is not to your liking? How will that affect you? How will it affect you? I asked first! Again for me, it would be a matter of Trust. There are things that White Cloud speaks of in Books 2 and 3 and I find them rather mind-boggling. Its not that I dont agree with them, I guess I tend to sit on the fence sometimes, because Im not really sure what I feel in my soul about them. Therefore, whatever you bring forth in this book, I would have to Trust is what you desire to be known. If I didnt do that, even though


I may not understand and be it on my head, if you like what would be the point of me doing any of this? I know in my heart, this is what I am meant to be doing. I feel at this point that is all I need to be aware of, and see what happens as we move on. Shall we? Our time is up today and yet I know you are anxious to continue to make up for lost time while you have the time. Do not let eagerness contort. Today is dealt with. We shall resume again tomorrow. ----I am ready to start but there doesnt seem to be any information coming through. I cant find the starting sentence today. I have been waiting ten minutes now, are you not here today? I am here always. I never go away. It depends on what you call here. You see now Im getting fed up because I want to get on and nothing seems to be taking place. What do you want me to do? I want you to listen. To what? To yourself, to me, to whatever you can hear. Stop and listen. I hear the birds singing. I hear the whirring of the computer; I hear a car driving past. What else?


Building sounds in the background. Im getting nowhere. Its just not happening today, and now I feel annoyed because I wanted to get on with this. Why does this happen when all I can do is Trust, and still it doesnt take place? Listen and you will hear. Im TRYING! My child, as I speak and send this message through to you, there are so many things that are related to why you are feeling that this communication is not working. It is working exactly the way I wish it to. You in your world accept what you can see and hear with your physical eyes. It is living proof. I am asking you now to accept what you cannot see and hear with your physical eyes and ears. Accept that what I am about to reveal to you is what is. Are you able to do that? Yes. Let us try then. Of matters regarding the immediate self. How do you feel about who you are? Sometimes good. Sometimes I feel I could do a lot better. Apply myself more to things of importance. Like what? I am OVER this. Are you there or not? Is this me yapping away to myself? It just isnt happening today and I want it to happen. So now I am fed up with the process. I have been here half an hour now. What have I managed to achieve for you? Do I scrub todays writings out? It seems pointless. I am Trusting. So where are you? What is going on please?


That is all for today. Great. ----Shall we try again? I thank you for your Trust to return to this machine after yesterdays fiasco (as far as you were concerned). What shall I speak of this morning to give you renewed hope? Once upon a time there was a change in degrees of your earthly temperature. What was once cold became warm. This changed the whole layout of your land. Who? What was it that caused that? It was time once again for a change to take place within your atmosphere to move things on to a different level. This enabled not only your earth to change but those who resided upon it also. Once again at this time the change in atmospherics is taking place, in order to move you on, to assist you to move upwards. There is far more to it than meets the eye. Your beings transmute to allow for this change and yet it is done in such a way that one does not notice it overnight. All the changes that are taking place on your planet are gradual. This is how it must be. To suddenly change all overnight would only end or, shall I say, begin, in disaster. It would be too irrational. If I was to show you the changes that have been taking place on a speeded up film, you would see this metamorphosis likened to the opening up from a bud to a flower. And yet, ones eyes do not see of this either. Your bodies are being transformed at a pace that is suitable for them to deal with. They are being changed to allow you to live within the new atmospheres that are filtering through. This Higher vibration enables you to breathe in new life. It enables you to function on and within different levels. This intermingling of worlds that I am to speak to you of, takes much forethought, much planning, and then


allowing and being patient for this to be put into place. Under such circumstances there must be leaders to oversee that the plans are running smoothly. This is where you come in. Me? Yes you! The reason I am asking you to write these words is to assist with this change over, to prepare the way. If beings of your world are not prepared they would not be able to accept. Through you, and others, they will have a form of acceptance. For those that were not so eager to appreciate this change, the ones that were, will be able to take the hand of the lost and lead those who are willing into this new way. Can you give me some insight as to what to expect in this new way? Please. You can expect the unexpected that is for certain. It is difficult to describe in your terms, for that which is to be is not yet known in your world. How do you describe a colour to a blind man? What I can tell you is that there will be a different level of understanding within the soul self, which incorporates a different level of LOVE, as you know it. We are all working towards this. But you must understand some of what is involved in allowing this to happen. We need the assistance of you earthlings. We cannot make this change happen from where we are without your help. It is you on earth that need to do your part. If you do not, then the new world is lost. In order for this new level of Love to survive in your atmosphere, there has to be the human beings here able to be this new level of Love. If it simply came through and souls were not ready to accept it, it would have no purpose and it would disintegrate. It needs to be fed. And the way it can do this is for souls to become that Love, to express it for its Truth. To open up the channels of themselves to allow this expression to exist is what we are here to explain to


you. To show you how this can be done. Already you have mentors, teachers, lecturers, and gurus. Already you have the seeds planted in your world to show you the way. Some are prepared to listen to what is said, others choose to bury their heads in the sand. I tell you this by allowing the self to try to understand, by accepting things that are not acceptable, this is how the change shall take place. ----When those of your world begin to grasp this concept this New Love, things will change dramatically. There will be no more of the world that you live in now. We wonder if this can possibly take place when we look into the situations that you have allowed to occur. Is it possible that you can retrieve yourselves? Look how far from the Truth so many of you have strayed. And yet, with each dawning of a new day there is hope. Each seed that has been planted to grow this new flower is being watered from your world and mine. Every ray of sunshine that is cast upon it, every drop of water assists in bringing this flower into what it should become. You wonder sometimes if this is all a fantasy. You have heard White Cloud and others speak of this change for so long, and yet there does not seem to be that much of a difference over the last few years. But there is a difference. You cannot deny that. Look back into how your thoughts formulated just a few years ago. See how much you have changed with your ideas and your Truths. Think how many others have and are doing the same. Think how many more of you are joining and are to join this force. As each one in turn takes their place in this new discovery, as each one learns to understand the GREATNESS of what is occurring, the days that you exist in now will no longer be of recognisable form. There is a long way to go. But bit-by-bit we are achieving our goal. So many of you are joining us in bringing your world into the Light that we are expecting. As your army grows, new developments shall


occur that will leave the soul in awe and wonder. Things that you felt were only the minds imagination shall be a reality in front of your very eyes. These things shall never be lost again. It has been agreed by those in the know that the lessons that have been learned through your downfall cannot be repeated. This is also part of the plan that we are putting into place. There will be a new race that is brought into your world. A race that knows only of the Love that it originated from, a race that does not fear. Can you imagine that? No, you cannot at this point, for your world is overcome by fear. It is for us to help you let go of this. It is for you to help get our message across in saving your world from complete abomination brought about by the self. I sense that you are eager to get down to the nitty gritty. For me to stun you with a complete revelation that makes you feel Ah! So thats it. Thats what is going to happen! I am not. This is a slow process, one that is built on Trust. As we progress with these pages you will see how I wish the format to be. You are aware of the underlying message that comes through with all of our messengers. It is that of Love. But what we need to do is to explain to you in greater depth, this Love. You know very little of it, and yet it is who you are. It is clouded by generations of mistrust. It has been buried in its Truest form to protect it. It has been hidden amongst the ashes of the fires that are now to reignite and bring freshness to a planet that has lost its way and its purpose. The Love that you know of, the level that it is showing as itself, is not what I am speaking of. Your vibrational level at this time upon the earth plane is one that is only able to suggest to you what lies ahead. A sense of what could possibly be. Through that sense you are willing to continue. It is that sense that drives you on. Is that not telling you something? It is that inner drive to know more, to become more. That is the Truth of yourself pushing through. Telling you to follow this sense. It is not that you can give a reason, for you do not know what


lies ahead, and yet you continue on, searching for this Truth. It is nowhere other than within yourselves. And yet at the same time, in its fullness, it cannot be revealed to you at this point. The vibrational level that exists within you and indeed your atmosphere could not accept it. I have spoken to you of a new level of Love that is able to filter through. This in turn can now intertwine with the level that one is allowing their inner soul to aspire to. As these energies blend and settle, already we are able to view the effect that it is having within yourselves and the planet. It cannot be noticed by you, from where you are. Not in its entirety. But from where I am, I can be a general overseer. The tapestry we are weaving is taking form. One is beginning to recognise certain scenes that are forming. Many places are still void. They do not even have the starting stitch, whereas others already have the outline in place. They seem to know of the picture that they are to create, and yet, with all respect they are stumbling in the dark. It is the Trusting that we are relying upon. It may feel that one is stumbling at this point, but through Trust, one shall be able to stand tall, and walk proudly, following the direction in their hearts, that shall allow them to walk once again in the Light and the Love. ----In your world you have brought about many things that you say you have created. Was it you? Have they been created before, and you are simply repeating that pattern? Do you think that all that is of your world is invented or reinvented? We wish to help you understand that you have lost so much. In many cases it is merely a question of retrieving. Of gaining back what you once possessed. You marvel at the speed of your flying machines. Yet those who are in the know are aware that what you call modern technology today is very archaic. Your advancement in your scientific field is little


other than the beginning of the knowledge that you already possess. Your scientists struggle to find new ways to enhance their inventions. Yet they fail to understand that their Truth would allow them all the knowledge they require to recreate machines that travel in nano seconds into other galaxies. You are feeling that what I am saying is out of your league. Nothing is out of anyones league my friend. I need to transport you back to a time where there was little that was not understood. When the vastness of yourselves was acceptable and commonplace. A time when there was a knowing, a Truth, that rested peacefully within each one. There were not thoughts of the kind that your race has allowed to develop. It was a time when the harmony and unity that you now dream of existed. It was a world where human beings related to all life with respect for the life that it was. It is hard for you to imagine. Hard for you to comprehend that of which I am speaking, for your race has practically abominated all that once was. This downfall has been allowed to continue throughout eons of your time. As if you were set on selfdestruct. There was much for us to consider from where we are. What to do? Should we do it? What if you had brought your world to such a degree that the regeneration of what once was, simply would not be able to occur because so much had been lost? There is a saying in your world You reap what you sow. Therefore, was it right for us to interfere with this natural law? It is not so much a question of interfering. More a matter of intervening to assist. To bring hope into a place that was greatly lacking hope. To bring Light to a place that had fallen into the clouds of darkness. We feel it our responsibility to assist, for each one of you are part of us and us part of you. We could not stand back and watch the misguided tyranny overtake the little rays of Light that were left. We needed to reinforce our armies. We needed to bring together those who


are willing to fight this fight. How our souls Light is brightened in the knowledge that there are seemingly so many that are willing and eager to assist us. Perhaps it would be helpful for you to know that each one of you that exists in human form on your earth plane today, as pinnacles of strength and Light, were also in the time that I spoke of earlier. I do not wish to talk of matters of reincarnation at this time for it is far too big a subject. I need you to accept that what I have just said is a Truth. It is essential to the plan that this is so. You are reading a book at the moment that was written in the early 1900s. What is brought through from the other side is really no different from what is coming through via messengers today. You wonder how many years, centuries, this change is going to take to occur? That is up to you. ----Your evolution upon this planet has been gauged upon the souls development. That is from our point of view. Those of your world choose to recognise the development in a different way. They choose to gauge things upon how advanced the technology or the materialistic energies of your world have progressed. Again I say to you, compared to what you once knew, you have gone backwards! This is not to be confused with the wanting of your human condition to retreat back to what it once was. Many of your world feel you have progressed so much in these matters, say to a century ago. Yes, within that comparison you have moved on. But if you were to reveal the Truths of yourselves, the what you originated from of yourselves, you would see only too clearly that advancement is by no means the correct terminology. High up in the self there is all knowledge. Some of your world accept this, others cannot. We wish in the following


scripts to relate to you how the self can once again be in full contact with that aspect of the self. To bring down to this level on your earth plane, that which is of pure Love. The humanness that you know as you is not you. It is a degree of a minute aspect of the Higher you. You have been led to believe that the you you know as you, IS you. It is not. It is clouded by everything that is not you. The being of Light that you once were, is the real you. Through eons of the earth time your race has allowed the clouds to remain to shadow the Truth. For what purpose? For the destruction of THE TRUTH. You ask why I have allowed it to happen, how we have let it go so far. Again we must enter into the rules of The Game. What is it you think regarding this game? That you are here to be manipulated, to be puppets? You say in your world Dont get so involved/upset/emotional etc. It is just a game. Do you think that is how we look upon you as individuals? May I stress now, although you are indeed an experiment, you must recognise that you are part of the wholeness that IS. Therefore, would you imagine that those in control of this experiment would be so fickle? If this game was put into play purely for amusement, do you think we would have cared whether or not it works out okay? It is not working out okay. That is why we are changing the course, because we care. It is imperative that we intervene, not only for the survival of your race, but that in turn, is connected to the survival of many other related planets that you cannot be aware of in the place that you are in within the soul. There is far more involved than meets the eye. There are incredibly many of you earthlings that STILL refuse to recognise that there is life outside of your earth plane, let alone consider the possibilities that another part of themselves is actually another being on another planet living in a different form and being kept attuned to the Higher self by


forms of energy that you cannot relate to all at the same time. And that is only one possibility. I would care to say that it is a reality. Something has to be done about these souls that refuse to accept the vastness not only of themselves but also the universe, other universes, other galaxies, other worlds. Some parallel to this existence, only perhaps in your time, a second behind this one that you focus on. I could make your brain explode with certain information. But I would not choose to do so. All in its own good time and space. The simple fact is that unless we can bring the majority that reside on your planet to a certain degree of understanding, we are unable to move forward in a way that we would desire. We NEED your assistance and your cooperation. Otherwise we are at a standstill. All will not be lost, but nothing shall be gained either. If you were me, how would you suggest we do this on a worldwide basis? Not everyone reads books, not everyone has a desire to open up the mind. So how do we get through to those souls? BY EXAMPLE. You are unable to have the understanding at this juncture, as to the difference this can achieve. It cannot be described in your words in a way that I would like. The POWER that is encased within being an example is not able to be put into your earthly terms, and yet I tell you this, as one evolves into the Light being capable of channelling this power, there will be no question of its enormity. It cannot be denied. It is above doubt, above fear. It is above any of the detrimental adjectives that you have created into form. Nothing can surpass this energy. It shall be effervescing from you! It is a


teacher within its very essence, a teacher that has no words, a teacher that simply reaches into the unknown of the self. Feeding it with the Truth. No explanation necessary. It simply IS. And its conduct shall be like no other. That is all for today. We have flowed better than before. The plan is working. Many thanks. My ABSOLUTE pleasure! ----Since your time was created, souls of your earth plane have allowed the Light of their Truth to wither. For some, it has withered into non-existence. If only one was aware of who they Truly are, your world would change overnight. But it is a fact that this cannot be done. We wish to explain the workings of your Truth in a manner that will allow all that you are to be retrieved. How often does the soul feel its home? Perhaps when you look at the night sky, in all its glory, perhaps then you feel an inkling of that knowingness, and yet you do not know what that knowingness knows. It is just a feeling. Yet within that feeling there is an understanding that cannot be put into words. It is an overall acceptance by the soul self of the belonging to the whole. There are so many things you have yet to understand, and yet some things you are not capable of understanding from where you are, and others do not need to be understood, they just need to be accepted, until such a time when you are ready to understand them. Do you understand? At this stage in your development as a human being it is impossible for you to understand all that you feel you would like. You want to know all the answers and yet the more the questions are answered the more you realise there is to know. As a human you cannot. It is not within your scope. The vibrational level in which you reside within restricts you from certain knowledge. When you sleep


or meditate you are able to access some of this knowledge that can then be filtered through into your awakeness. ----My friend and colleague, you continue in Trust and for this I thank you. This new world that you are to bring about upon your planet, you as a race, depends at this point of your time, in Trust alone. For what lies ahead you cannot see. Therefore, you must Trust, which sometimes is not easy to do. Trust in what? In yourselves and the knowledge that you are receiving and choosing to recognise it as a Truth. If this fails then the new world shall not come about. You have inklings of insight, and yet the deepest Trust comes from a place within you that you do not question. It simply IS. What is this place? It is your soul. When one learns to Trust their very soul, that is when the party can begin! That is the way it shall work. It is the knowing from your soul that allows you to move forward. That is why you yourself Blossom continue on, when at times things of this channelling nature may not seem to be going as they should in your eyes. But you keep on because of the knowing in your soul that this is what you must do. If you look at it another way, when things of any nature do not go as one wishes, it is so easy to give up. So easy to say it just wasnt working out. Because of this so much that could be achieved is lost. You have to understand of things that are against you. Things that do not wish your planet to move into the Light. The energy that I speak of wants your planet to sink deeper into the mire. For that is all it knows and it is comfortable there. But this lesser energy in its full force shall eventually come into its understanding of Love. It shall have no choice. For as the vibration of Love enters deeper into your planet, that energy shall also rise to the occasion. Nothing can be lifted without it having an effect on every-


thing else. This is our plan. Upon other planets and systems, there already is in place Higher degrees of Love from that of your planet. The beings that reside upon these planets are of a different level of Love from that of which your earth is. I hear you asking in your head the question, Have we not at some time been a being on these planets? So therefore, have we not already experienced that level of Love and how have we then, once again lost it? These matters are very complicated and differ greatly within the soul of each individual. You have to try to apply the fact that when you speak of once being of a different planet or universe, that it is another aspect of yourself. Not the human aspect that you are experiencing now. It is not that the you that was once a being on another star system is the you that is here on earth now. It is an aspect of you. And may I add that that aspect of you from the other system may still be experiencing that life as we speak and indeed many others. Due to human conditioning the mind has closed itself off to that of which can be, to that which is. You feel that this that you are experiencing is all there is of you at this particular time. This is not so. What if, when your world has reached a level, that of which we are moving towards, what if, as you learn to interact with other universes, other realms, what if I were to say to you, that you will be able to meet those other aspects of yourself. Meet and recognise the you in that other form. Within that place merge your beings as one for a time, and gain a greater understanding of who you are. You as Blossom have grown to a level of understanding where nothing would faze you anymore. You have come to realise


that possibilities are endless. Not only that they might be possible, but also that they probably are! This is good to do. You are not putting your restrictive mind into destroying the thoughts of these possibilities. The saying in your world of anything is possible is Truer than you imagine. For it is a Truth. Anything is possible. You of your world have been conditioned to reject that, because of the enclosure that you are placed within your human frame, and the Truths that you have lost over time. The more these restrictions are placed upon the humanness, the more unlikely these possibilities seem to be. This is not so. Wake up planet earth! Get a grip! It is only you that is stopping yourselves from experiencing and knowing as a Truth these endless possibilities. Let go of the chains that bind you. Take off the shackles that have imprisoned you and your kind for so long. Allow yourselves to walk in the freedom of your souls. Feel the freshness under your feet as you choose to stride into the unknown that is already known by you. As you walk you will recognise that it is not new. It is like losing your way, and then knowing that somehow or other you are back on the right track. That gives you such relief and such security, for there is the knowing that if you keep going, you shall eventually arrive home. That is all for today. Thank you for your will to continue. ----I would like us to begin today with something that we have not yet addressed. Not in the detail that I require. It is concerning the welfare of your planet. The power of which is unknown to you, and yet your race still chooses as a majority to abuse and use, with little thought of putting back. Yes, I am aware of a minority that spend their lives to this cause. How grateful we are to these few souls. They have a large task


on their hands, when you consider that all that they do is opposed by so many. Your planet is a LIVING entity. It has survived and revived itself for YOU that live upon it. It needs you as much as you need it. There is very little known and understood regarding the enormity of its purpose. You call it your world, and yet it is a world that is inhabited by many that you are not aware of, on many levels of vibrations. You see on your news of catastrophic events caused by freaks of nature. Remember, you reap what you sow. Look how the earth has been destroyed by your race, and yet you still expect it to serve you. It must retaliate. It is natural law. There is so much behind the scenes that you refuse to accept. So much that you continue to destroy, and then once again you blame it on me! If there is a me, how could I be so cruel as to let this happen? What about you lot? How could you be so cruel as to destroy this beautiful earth of yours? To rip it apart, to pollute it, to take away its trees that do such service, just so you can turn it into paper that often does not get read and then discarded into your waste bins. Who is it that is wasting what? You expect your sunny days, you allow the rainy days so that you may have sustenance, you take, take, take, but what do you put back? You litter, you use unnecessarily, you pollute on a grand scale, you obliviate certain areas of nature so you can have your big houses and industrial estates for your gain. All this you do, and then, when an earthquake or a flood destroys you, it is all so unfair, BECAUSE YOU ARE HUMAN BEINGS. What if you werent? What if the energy that you are was a flower or a tree? Have a think about it from the side of nature. In comparison, nature is at the disadvantage I would say. When will you understand that all things are equal? ALL LIVING THINGS ARE EQUAL.


For you are all a part of each other. You cannot keep on the way you are doing, with such lack of respect for that which sustains you. If you do you shall be no more, for there will not be enough sustenance left to sustain you. Until such a time when the respect for Mother Earth is of a level of equality with the humanness of your world, your earth shall continue to fight back. What else can it do? Sit back and let you destroy it? It is trying to let you know, that it cannot be treated so. In order to stay alive itself, it needs your support not your tyranny and you have allowed yourselves to become blind to this union. It is time for you to open your eyes and recognise that you are ONE with the earth. You are part of it. It is part of you. Would you treat yourselves the way you treat your earth? You claim lands as yours. You have no right. This land belongs not to one of you. In the same way that not one of you belongs to another. So much is lost. It must be found! Learn to be in harmony with Mother Earth that serves you so well. You will find that these so-called natural disasters would not take place. They are not natural. They are even-ing out. They are putting things back in balance. Your world is so keen to condemn. You know so little of the Truth. You know so little of reasons why. You are always so quick to call it the fault of anything but your own. Look inside of yourselves my people. Find your Truths so that once again the harmony that was intended and that began, can play its music for all to embrace. ----Alert yourself to all that I am to say to you. Matters of which will seem inconceivable and yet I tell you they come from me and they are the Truth. How many human conditions is it going to take for one to realise that these are not human conditions as they were intended? You talk of your humanness. You restrict yourselves by making the excuse that you


are only human. Only? Do not underestimate your powers. The humanness that you were born of is far greater than you choose to accept. You close off your powers. You think that You are unable to do this and It is impossible to do that. I tell you, you are wrong. For you are capable of doing all things. You watch your screens and call it science fiction. It is not fiction. It is fact. You watch phenomena that you call theatrical. Not real life. You say maybe these things will come about in the future. They have already come about a long long time ago. You have lost these art forms. You took them away from yourselves. The more you learnt to separate yourselves from your whole, the more you lost these gifts. It is only by coming back to be a part of the whole that they shall be retrieved. We need you to understand of the Oneness that we speak. You try your best to grasp this, and yet you cannot. You can accept that we are all part of the same energy, and yet you do not acknowledge that you are one and the same. This non-acceptance must be rectified. How can your world move on if all that lives within and upon it is treated differently? If there is no regard for certain forms of life then how can everything work in harmony? Until everything can work together as one, for the betterment of the whole, your world will continue to decline. I have said to you before that the answers to these matters lie deep within your soul. How far are you prepared to look? You scratch the surface. You block your own knowledge through indoctrination and disbelief. We ask you to remove all that you have been taught through childhood teachings. Start afresh. Start by asking yourselves what you think is possible. So many of you fail to see that there is no limit. Yet you live within great limitations. Free yourselves from these restrictions that in Truth do not exist. If you cease to feed them energy they shall disperse. Nothing can survive without being fed. Think of that. If you no


longer require something, do not give it sustenance. Do not give it your thoughts. Change the things that you dont want into things that you do want purely by your thought energy. Surely you are wise enough to see that this is how all things transpire? Through thought energy. It is as simple as that. Yet I ask you to look carefully into what exactly you do want. And how you propose to get it. There is only one way to get what you ask for through the energy of Truth and Love. Knowing that what you want is for the betterment of yourself and all mankind. If it is not you can still get it but I would say that you would not find your life improving. You would always be searching for the peace, which every one of you is searching for. Why are you all looking for this one thing? Because it is your home. Peace is your home base. You have moments of peace. You have glimpses of the feeling that you would like to live in. Perhaps that is it my friend. Your home is your feelings. For in Truth home is not a building, as you know of on your planet. Home is where all is at one with everything. Where not one thought of anything other than Love can enter in. This is your True home. It is not somewhere. It is of you. This is why we ask you to take that step into looking deeper inside yourselves. That is where you shall find home. This is why I have come. To show you the way home! For some of you it is a long way to travel. For others they are certainly on the correct path. We have lost many en route. But we shall find them all, each and every one, and bring them safely into the Light so that they may see where they are going. ----Whomsoever shall read these words will be rewarded in a way that they cannot expect to begin with. As the days unfold and the Truth of their souls reaches further into the Light of who they are, they shall find a transformation that is not yet


understood. We are unable to express in words the feeling that they shall feel. It is to be discovered by the individual. At one time, it was that upon your earth many came to show the way and assist. Through lifes experience of itself, this way has been hidden. You expect me to tell you the key. I cannot. I can only lead you into the caves of yesterday where this Truth lies. It can only be discovered by the self. Let me put it this way. If I was to show you a map, you could follow it, and if followed correctly one would surely arrive at their destination. I would not be able to tell you the experiences that one would have along their journey, for each one must walk their own path. It would be a different journey for each. For some, they may come across a different path that they choose to explore. That is their choice. Eventually it will lead onto the main path again, and what they have learnt by the detour will have enhanced their experience. In the same way, if one did not divert from the course, they too, would have had experiences, but of a different nature than those who chose another way. How could I possibly tell you what any one journey shall be like? It depends on how YOU choose to get there. So, do you see why it is so difficult for me to explain what this new way is? For it cannot be the same for any one soul. The thing I can tell you is that when you arrive, you will know it. There will be no questioning of Am I in the right place? Your soul will know when you get there. Just as your soul knows now as to whether or not you are on the path that assists or takes you round and about the houses, because you can FEEL it. Let us talk of this feeling. When you have sunny days in your world, when you are comfortable amongst friends, when there is laughter in the air, when there is sharing, when there is a knowing that the friends you are with are of unconditional Love for you. When you feel safe, when you feel


that you are so blessed to be alive. All these things are where I am leading you. All these feelings are that of which I speak. How can I tell you how to get there? I cannot because it has to come from you. As you allow your soul to expand in and through Love you begin to have an inkling of this feeling and it just gets better! This is what I speak of. This FEELING. That is who I am. I am this feeling. That is all. No more no less. That feeling of joy, as if one could burst with happiness. That is me! Now, put that into the context of everyone and everything having that feeling. This is your new world. This is how you shall find it. By allowing the expression of unconditional Love that resides in each and every one of you to BE. It is not something new for you, as you would think. It is who you are, but it has been shadowed by the separateness of yourselves. That is why you feel so lost at times. You have separated from the whole. Put yourselves back together again. Put yourselves back into one piece, that from which you came, that from which you are. Do not allow thoughts of doubt to question follow I do not ask you to follow blindly. And yet a blind man, who trusts its leader, does not question as to whether that leader would allow him to crash into walls. He knows that is not the point of his Trust, if you can understand. If you Trust that I shall lead you, without question into the Light of the Oneness, then you shall tread carefully, but none the less, your steps shall be firm and stable. Leaving footprints in the sand for others to follow. When this New World begins to take its form, the wonders that it brings shall astound you. It shall enable other worlds to blend as one with yours. The learnings that can open up to you are nothing that you yet know of. Let us look at this a little. It is not that each and every one must have arrived at the point on the map in order for it to begin. But it is essential that those who have volunteered to go on ahead fulfil


their destiny. The strength and power that this union shall become will enable so much more to be accomplished in the way of rescuing those who have fallen off the edge of the map! The rescuers shall be able to redeem those who are lost at a much faster pace, which in turn, brings more strength, as more walk in the Light. Negativity as you call it, shall weaken to a degree that it has no power to control any longer, and it is our wish that it shall eventually dissolve into the nothingness that it came from. Mans desires shall be of a different nature, therefore, negativity that has evolved through mans fears shall no longer be fed. And as I have said, if life is not fed it cannot continue to exist. This shall come to pass. It is written. ----How many times does one question their reality? You, as a race have been conditioned to accept that who you portray yourselves to be, is that which you really are. Wrong! You become who you think you are by the way you think. For you are aware that what you think then becomes your reality. But you fail to see that you have not allowed yourselves to think for yourselves. From birth you have been conditioned to think in a certain manner. A manner that is no longer appropriate. As you awake from your deepened sleep, you start to question this conditioning. This indoctrination. That is what I am after. Find the Truth of all things for yourselves. There was a man who proved that the earth was round. Until then such thoughts were absurd. Think now, of your world and the way it is opening up to you in ways that you only once dreamed of, or even more correctly, thought of as absurd. I can see why things need to be proven to a certain degree. But not all things can come about this way. Once it was accepted that your world was round, then that knowl-


edge became a fact. Can you imagine of the things to come things that already once were being proven and then becoming fact? I tell you this; there is nothing that is impossible. Absolutely nothing. Look at that concept. You could come up instantly with matters that you would say were exactly that. Impossible for instance, moving a mountain? From where I sit, this is only a small feat. The mountain is energy. One thing energy is not is static. Therefore why could it not be moved? It is the way you choose to perceive things that puts limitations upon these possibilities, and they then become impossible. How many limitations do you imagine you have put upon yourselves? Even the smallest things you tell yourselves you cannot do, or you are not very good at, so you leave it to someone who is. Limitation! Expand your minds. Expand the concept of the impossible becoming possible. Does it require faith? No. I say to you it requires knowledge. It requires the understanding of who you are and your relationship to all things. And here again I bring up the matter of your separateness. Some of you are grasping that when you work with the universe, it miraculously works back in harmony with you. Fulfilling your desires, almost immediately these days. Why? Not because you are one of the lucky ones, but because you are beginning to understand the process of Life the Oneness of Life. When all things start to work in harmony, allowing the energies to blend, how could they work against you? And yet, time and time again, your race criticises the ways of the world, the tragedies and the disasters. Who brought them about? The human beings that reside upon it. Not me. Not me, you would all say. Why not you? Over eons of time you are beginning to evolve into recognition of what you once were. But whom have you allowed yourself


to be in order to get to this place? Are you sure it was not you that perhaps was on the council in days gone by to bring terror and destruction to another land? Are you sure it was not you who slayed man in the name of GOD once upon a time! Once upon a lifetime! You are all accountable for this world you live in. It is your choice to make it a world of peace where all living things live side by side in harmony, or whether you make it a place of darkness, where no Light can enter in. Where humanity is inhumane, where Love is void of itself. You choose my friends. Which is it to be? The world as you see it now, is not how it was planned. The plan went wrong. And yet, is there such thing as wrong? Not necessarily. There are choices to be made. The outcome of those choices gives you what you have. If you dont particularly like it, there is nothing stopping you from changing it to how you do like it, nothing but you and that conditioning. So, is wrong, wrong? Or is it just another aspect of life, just another experience? Part of the game? Put yourselves in control. Throw the dice and make your moves. Make the world a better place. It is you who have chosen to live in it. ----At large, I have invited you to share the knowing of yourself. To share yourself with those who are willing to accept that who you are is what you are. For some, it shall be that you are an alien! In the sense that these ideas that you are to put forth in these pages will seem that extreme, that it will seem as though you are from a different planet. You are asking me to make myself clear. You are reading matter at this time that is broadening your horizons. You are learning to accept that which I spoke of. In that nothing would seem impossible to you any longer. You have allowed the bridges to help you to come to this understanding. This is why you and I are building this new bridge. To help others to walk across, so that they may see the Truth, so that the bizarre becomes normal,


so that whatsoever is brought to them shall be accepted and understood. I know you Trust. That is why I have chosen you, and yet I am aware that you still wonder how this shall be done. What wonders am I going to tell you that shall bring my children home? And ... more precisely, when am I going to get to this point! Keep Trusting my confidante. For I Know what I am doing. Take the branches of a tree. I am the tree, shall we say. You are the branch that grows from it. Upon that branch many Blossoms shall bud. But I am bringing forth those buds from the feeding of the very roots, through to you, in turn, through to the buds. I have many branches like you. Eventually the tree shall be in full bloom, and souls will be able to see the tree in its fullness, as a whole. Then they shall marvel at its beauty. They will not question as to whether or not the tree will become itself. For they shall be able to see for themselves that this is so. ----Only when I am ready to reveal Truths shall they be brought from under their hiding place, and it will shock your world. Already much is preparing the way, so that the adjustment will not be too great. You have heard of many things regarding the Truths of your bible these days. Yet some still choose to ignore this, for they are frightened of the reprimand that may occur should they disobey. In your great churches and religions you are told that you will suffer greatly at the hand of the Lord should you think any other way than that which is written. It is a great sadness to us that this is so. But as your days move forward the bolder ones are speaking forth. They are prepared to go out on a limb to help uncover these hidden Truths. It is known to many now that things that have been written in this so-called sacred book are not as they seem. You are beginning to wake up to the reality of your


souls, and in this you find that you can no longer accept what you were told you must. Much corruption has taken place over your centuries regarding this book. It leaves souls confused as to what they should really believe. For all that they have been indoctrinated with is being discovered to be nothing more than a tale a tale that was written in order to gain control of the masses. If you know of your God to be an all-forgiving, all compassionate God, then many of these writings in the book would not ring True. Not in the deepest part of your soul. For these writings speak of judgement. Why would an all forgiving, all compassionate God judge? How could there be judgement if this is so? You have been raised to live in fear of your misgivings. You have brought guilt into your being instead of understanding of the self. You have sins in order to magnify that fear. Fear of me! Fear of yourselves. REMOVE THE FEAR! It is of no service to you. It is a hindrance, and yet your world has allowed it to control for so long. Try to imagine a world where there was nothing to fear. How would that be for you? Absolutely nothing to fear. You, at this point cannot really imagine this, as it is so far removed from your consciousness. Yet I tell you this, the day shall come when your world lives this way in Pure Love. This is not to say that the fear cannot exist. That will be down to each individual. For in this new world you shall find yourselves residing upon a vibration that is suitable to the individual. One will not be able to reside in a place that is not congruent with its feelings and energy levels. Very much like that in other realms that are not of the physical. This is why we are trying to make you understand that it is up to each one AS an individual to wake up to themselves. You cannot ride on the strength of another, not anymore. Each shall find its place, its comfort in


the level that they have allowed themselves to become. If you choose to let go of fear, then there shall be none for you. It is as simple as that. If you hold on to it, then it shall be there. It is to do with creativity. What you create you shall have. So do not create fear. Create Love. Love Love. IN all things. AS all things. THROUGH all things. This then shall be the new world that you shall arise into. So many refuse to look into matters of the soul, the spirit, because they have been taught that they must not. It is only up to God to have spirit amalgamation. You have been told that if you interfere with spiritual matters then you are working with the devil. There is NO devil. It was created to put fear into you. Some of you may not agree. But if you are only of pure Love, where did this devil come from? It came from the thoughts of you humans. Allowing it to be created out of thought energy. Feed it not, where would it be? It would be nowhere. It would not exist, because no energy was given to it. But Love shall always exist in many different levels of itself. For that is all there is. ----These words that come to you are of my form. They express within the cosmos that which is. You dillydally with your thoughts and your beliefs. You are not yet in the place of the full Knowing of which I speak. This is because you are in your human form and are clouded by your physical density. Yet, when the flesh is no longer, so much is able to be clarified. As if it is one sentence. The whole of the universes, galaxies, star systems, everything can be understood within a moment. I am aware that you are faltering and having difficulty Blossom at this point. Keep on. It will come.


Sometimes I find the link to be weak and ask a lot of questions in my mind. You want to know what it is that I am going to reveal to you. What great revelations lie across this bridge that we are building. But do you see? I cannot show you until we get there. Each step of the way must be clearly marked, because you shall need to return again and again. You shall meet many along the way. Many that are not of your form. Already the interaction is taking place. Even with you yourself Blossom. And yet, you still wonder if this world of integration shall ever be. Its not that I wonder if it shall be. It is more of when it will be? I really am having difficulty with the flow today. I dont always understand these things, therefore I must Trust. Of course. You allow yourself to keep on doing what you are doing. You Trust, even though it does not always seem fruitful. And yet are you not writing things down within this half-hour allocated? Yes, but what value are these words if they are my questioning and not your wisdom? They are one and the same. You forget that all things are one and the same. In a way, my words are no different from yours. Yes they are. You told me you were bringing through new Truths. I dont know them. So how can they be my words? You do know them, for you and I are the same. You, Me, Joe Bloggs down the road. We are one and the same. How then can we not know of the same things? It is just that you are where you are right now, and I am where I am. Where I am


allows me to access all knowledge. As I said, you are caught up in the density of the earth vibration. Therefore all cannot be as clear. BUT if you practised your daily meditation, if you of earth did as you were asked and allowed yourselves to access the Higher part of yourself, you would have the same degree of knowledge. We wish to teach you how to bring this knowledge down to the vibration within your earth. It is so easy to access when you are out of your body. The trick is to remember it when you are back in it. Only small portions can filter through at this stage. But it is happening, little by little and this is changing your world little by little. When you meditate, sometimes you say you went right off. Right off where? You dont know. You have no recollection of the experience. Yet you are wise enough these days to know that you were not asleep. What were you? Where were you? You were in a place/places that have much affect on who you are, and where you intend to go. You are back at base camp if you like. You are being reinformed. You are revising all that you knew before you came here. You are being strengthened. You are being enlightened. You are helping others that are in need on different vibrations. They are helping you. You are storing Light energy into your being to assist you in your daily life. You are teaching and you are learning. You are resting and you are recharging. You are understanding and you are remembering. You are forgiving. You are BEING. YOU ARE! When you come back into the physical recognition of yourself, you have no knowledge it seems of what has just taken place. Yet you know that something has. You just know. It is not necessary for you to be aware of it at this stage. If you were your mind would explode, for that awareness would be too much for you to be aware of on this level that you reside in, in the human form. Much patience is required. But, even though you are not aware on this level what you experienced


on that, you have to admit to your demeanour being joyous and your outlook being brighter. Your mind being at peace. Your lips smiling a lot more and your compassion expanding. Your gratitude yes, that changes, for you are aware of how it is changing lately. You are giving thanks in a way that you once did not. You are tuning in more with the Oneness, and thanking not just the obvious, but things that you never would have considered to thank. Before you just took it for granted. These changes are all coming about through your meditation. Through this, your vibrational level of the self is lifted. Many matters then come into play regarding different souls and different levels of vibration. This is very complicated. If you were to see how much change takes place within a single minute of your time, within your aura, you would be astounded. For everything your aura/energy comes into contact with must adjust itself continually depending on who/what it is blending with at any given time. ----I spoke to you of auras and energy. Understand that it is you who creates your own energy field. You are the one in control. The make up of this field depends on numerous things that allow your being to operate within this atmosphere. Keep in mind also that each one of you has its individual blue print. No one energy of a soul can be exactly the same as another. When you allow your thoughts to be of Light, this will be how your aura appears. It is a history within itself. And every change that your aura incurs will remain in your memory bank. It is as if it has a file all of its own. Everything affects your aura. Everything. It cannot be otherwise. You are so limited with your thoughts that you cannot fully comprehend that of which I speak. I am trying to give you a general overview. Your interaction with another form of life energy will change the auras colour and vibration, depending on what it is one is interacting with. You are aware


yourselves sometimes of great clashes perhaps, or beautiful harmony. It is easy to distinguish between the two. Again, when one is meditating it is a good opportunity for the aura to get back in balance with itself. I put it as if it is going to the cleaners! So much takes place during this time. One is aware of ailments that may occur within the self. These ailments could be rectified very quickly if one meditated just for 10 minutes with the purpose of putting ones energy field back in balance. Again this is to do with feeling. Your imagination of what your aura looks like and where it is placed is probably exactly that. As you imagine it. So if, literally, one side seems higher than the other, bring it down. Make it how you would like it to be. Make it the colours you wish it to be. Watch it circulate, for it is forever moving. Try all these things. For this is what we are trying to get through. All things of the self are controlled by you no one else. You may allow another to affect you, and your behaviour. But another can never be in control of the soul self. Even if one thinks that this is not the case, and feels they are being controlled by another and that they have lost their free will, this is not how it is. When you Truly understand that, it can make a great difference to how you choose to act/react. By taking control of the self, in its fullness, much power can be felt. It is the power of the extreme self, coming through to act for itself. Many in your world feel their weaknesses, and try to gain power through control of another. This will never give strength, as one would imagine. You cannot take anothers power without great repercussions. The people in your governments and such like have a lot to answer for, and they will find much regret at a certain level of their existence. The power of one human being is beyond your comprehension. When one chooses to join powers, to add strength that is of a different nature purely by the intention of good, the power of two becomes triple. And so on and so on. The FORCE that works together as one, (if you understand) cannot be defeated. Why is it do you think that one desires to be in


control of another? It is because they do not feel the power of their own strength, their own existence. If they did, they would have no need to require to manipulate anothers life. For the control of their own life would be more than enough. Here too judgement of another comes in, but we shall leave that for another time. ----You have been wondering why you are doing this. You feel a little unsure as to the writings that are being transported from me to you to the page. Keep at it. You will understand in due course. I am here to help your world into the new age of existence. To help you to pass through this great change with ease and clarity. To help you to feel your way through to the next stage. You are feeling differences within yourself. This is part of it. The change will take place slowly so as not to disturb your vibrations too abruptly. YOU ARE WAKING UP OUT OF A DREAM, INTO THAT WHICH YOU THINK IS DREAMING. My task is to lead you through. To lead you to the other side of KNOWING. For at this point you know within yourself of certain Truths even though you have not yet experienced them. Yet you feel them as a Truth. In time, through me, you shall know these Truths because you HAVE experienced them. All things that souls are asking for in need of proof shall come about. And yet I tell you, still some shall doubt. I dont seem to be able to get the next sentence. Sometimes I feel a huge block with this. Then my doubts and fears enter. Can you help with this?


The trouble that you are encountering is your expectation. But I have told myself not to expect anything, just to see what happens. Am I blocking in any way? Yes. You are doubting yourself, not me. The reason I am doubting myself, if you say I am is because the flow isnt happening. That is my doubt. If it flowed through more easily I wouldnt be doubting. So its a bit of a vicious circle wouldnt you say? Certainly not vicious. Yes it is a circle. And it keeps turning round. With all respect thats not helping. With all respect you are not looking. At what? The issue. The turning round. You talk of a wheel, it turns, does it stay in the same place? No, it moves on as it makes it cycle. It moves forward. Our wheel is spinning; we are moving on, just not in the way that you are EXPECTING. Is there a point to this? I feel we are getting nowhere and cannot see how any of this would be interesting in book form. You underestimate yourself and me then? No, that is not it. When it flows forth and I cant get the words down quick enough, then I feel we are getting somewhere. It hasnt felt like that in the last few days. I want to make headway for you, and the books purpose.


Understand this my child. Whatsoever fills these pages for souls to read will be exactly how I wish them to be. You have your Trust in me. I have my Trust in you. Shall we continue? Yes please! Try something for me. Close your eyes. What do you see? Nothing. Look again. Blackness. Is that nothing? I dont know. You tell me. It is blackness. It is something that is there blackness. It is not Nothing. For there is nothing that is nothing. For everything is. You cannot have nothing because everywhere, whether seen or unseen is energy. You could therefore say you were looking at black energy. (I do not mean that in the negative connotation). You know what, our half hour is almost up. Im getting annoyed because the flow has stopped again. What have we achieved? Certainly not NOTHING! Ill keep at it, dont worry, and hopefully will look back and laugh at this phase we are going through. I have all respect as you know. Just feeling a bit exasperated.


You will understand in due course. But I have already told you that. ----Much has been taking place within your world at this time. Many of you are discussing possibilities of why one is feeling as they do. You talk of the pull of your moon. You talk of energies that are disrupting the aura. You talk of sightings that have been seen in your skies. All of which are to do with the upheaval and the changes that one is feeling within the self. How many of you actually realise the intensity of what is going on for you at this time? You cannot, and yet on another level, within this level, you are aware that things are taking place that you are not able to explain. Your world is undergoing vast changes that are unseen to the human eye at this point. So much is occurring on a level that will lead you into this new world. It is happening as we speak. Do you care as to what may take place? Of course you do. Yet, you are unable to understand it, therefore ones attitude occasionally switches to that of not caring, as it all seems too BIG for you to grasp and indeed it is. But little by little you shall accept new things. New understandings. The time frame for the phenomenal change has been altered. We are hoping that, due to the Light that is lifting your world at this time, and the souls who are waking up, this new world that is to come will be experienced sooner than we had calculated. What you need to know is that there is a certain level of vibration that allows your world to be. It keeps matter together. It allows you to function, to breathe. It allows all things to exist within your earth. What is taking place is the raising of this vibrational energy. It has to be done within a rate that is suitable for you to adapt. The changes in your body must adapt also. That is why many of you are experiencing ailments. On the one hand there are some of you that indeed


are not well, shall we say. On the other hand, for many, these are not ailments at all, but a change within your physicality that shall enable you to move up with the new vibration as it comes into play. This cannot be done overnight. It would blow you all away. It has to be a gradual process. But as we move further into the Light and Love of a new vibration, all things must do the same. That shift is an enormous task. Imagine your world, as it is now. Then try to imagine that every living thing within it is to be moved up to this next level of vibration. It cannot be that little portions at a time move up, for that would completely imbalance the earth. It has to be that all things are in preparation, ready for the off! Higher energies are now intermingling with earth energies. The speed of the vibration in which you live is quickening. Hence why your days are at the end sometimes before you have eaten breakfast! By meditating you can allow the soul to blend with a different vibration in preparation for this change. Understand this this cannot take place unless the level of Light and Love rises upon your planet. That is what allows the change. That is what speeds up the vibration. More and more of your race are beginning to understand this. There is nowhere else to turn. There is no magic potion that will stop your wars and your greed and your jealousy. There is no wand to be waved to rid your world of all that is of darker nature. But there is coming into play the understanding of what Love and Light can do! We, in other realms are eager to assist. But ultimately it is the doing of your earth beings that can make this happen. Keep on listening to the Truth in your heart. You can hear it more strongly now than ever before. It is telling you what to do. It is telling you where to go. It is telling you how to conduct your daily lives. Do not fight against it my warriors. Go with it. You know it makes sense. But may I say regarding that, if you falter now and then, if you have a day that is not to your liking, do not beat yourself


up as you earthlings tend to do. For you are then undoing all the good work you have done by destroying the energies that you have built up on the good days. Just accept that this is how it is, and tomorrow, all being well, will be a better day. It is merely the self creation of destroying the soul, of telling the self it is not good enough, that allows the negative forces to have their power. Do not give in to these forces. They are man-made and have no place within the soul in its Truth. Again, before I take my leave I wish to reiterate the importance of taking time to meditate. This has been our message throughout. And yet your days are so busy doing this and that; you forget to find the time. If I ruled the world I would make it compulsory for all souls to meditate daily. That is how your world will become Light. That is how it will slip into the new vibration, because all souls would be in touch with their Higher selves and quite simply KNOW what to do. Thank you for your time. ----(Returning after one months break) Welcome back. Did you know that during this break we have taken, you changed your mind on many issues? Also, may I tell you that what we are about to portray in these next pages will allow the self to arise to a different place from where you were a few of your weeks ago. I say to you that I am willing to oversee the following text, and yet I am considering the advantages of a change in the way that we write. In that, whatsoever comes into your head I am asking you to write down. Regardless of whether you think the words are coming directly from me, or from yourself. So just keep writing.


How many delights are there to be encountered for the soul in these following months? How delicious are the tastings that are to tease your soul on the current specifications that are now in place. I say to you, that should you so choose to continue with this mission in total Trust, your very being will be surprised at the pace in which you are progressing. Your world is undergoing vast changes, as you know. So too, the souls that reside in your world. Yet, there is little that is understood at this point. Within side of yourselves each one of you is transmuting. Each one of you is undergoing cellular transformations that will assist you in this change. For all of you, at this time, there seems to be confusion, coupled with a breakthrough of Light that you cannot explain. You are finding it difficult to keep on top of things. This is so because of the changes that are disrupting the very core of your being. From one Now to the next, more strength is able to penetrate into your vibrational level. The shifts are causing disruption in all manners, and yet, when a certain degree is in place, this shall settle once again to allow all to adjust. There seems to be a conflict within the self of many. Unsure of the Truths they have come across. Unsure of themselves. Unsure of anything at all. Be kind to yourselves whilst this transformation is taking place. Allow for the differences within to find their home. We do not wish to contort or disturb the balance within. But it is necessary for the shift, in order to bring it to its Higher place. In time, you will recognise the changes to a degree that you have not yet experienced. It is difficult for you in these times. We are aware of this. Try to keep your head above water. We are behind you, in every endeavour. We are unable to assist as much as we would like, due to the density. It is up to you to clear the way, so that efforts to bond and be known can be felt more clearly. We have not deserted you. We are building up our strengths also at this time. As the fog clears so much more can be seen.


How we praise you for your Trust. How it fills our being to hear you speak in the manner that you do. We are marching onwards. Gathering our armies as we go. The Light that is streaming down into your world is stronger now, enabling much to occur at a rapid rate. Keep yourselves healthy in mind and body and spirit, oh warriors. The time is upon us. In Love we shall allow the transformation to move into its rightful place. When all that you know now, will seem a vague memory. For it is written that those who shall lead us into this new world will do so with the greatest of ease. What is your Truth today shall be a past of a distant long ago. This new age shall be all there is. Where angels, and planetary beings shall fill your hearts with Love. Imagine an existence where there is nothing other than Love. Where all doubts and fears have been replaced with pure thought. Moving ever onwards into the Light of who you are. This is your Right. It is your journey home. We thank you from the position that we are in, for choosing this difficult and yet rewarding position. It is not for the faint hearted. Despondency shall be removed. For what is about to be revealed will bring renewed hope to your everyday living. Trust in yourselves. Trust in all that you do. Know that you asked to come to this planet at this time to assist in its great plan. To remove the past errors. To lift it and all within it, to its new dimensional home. Never again to be distorted by human misconception. This Earth of yours is awaiting your Love and Light in its new strength to bring to it the healing that it longs for. It wishes to serve you, and for that service to be accepted, it must be understood that you are part of it. In serving you, it is serving itself. In the same way, if you serve the planet you are serving yourself. For you are one and the same. Do not take these words as merely words. Take them for what they are. A means to explaining in the best way we


can, what is to take place. Always have faith. Know that it is happening, even when all around you seems to be exhibiting the opposite. You, from where you are placed cannot see the overall effect that each minute atom of Love, as it changes its vibration is having on yourselves and the planet. One day you shall look in wonder and awe. Knowing within you that you assisted greatly in this new world of yours. Bringing it into the vibration of Light and Love that you shall then find yourselves in. Lift your swords to the heavens. Recharge them with the Light. Continue on. Your Trust shall not go unrewarded. ----This following channelling came through very strongly and easily. I was surprised when he announced who he was, as I cant say that I felt a difference in the energy. Good morning. As in days gone by, the days that lie ahead shall be of further advancement in the transformation into the new world. I speak to you of these things because it is you that has asked to assist, before you came. May I enlighten you? I am an officer of the guard. The Guard of honour that resides within and around your earthly vibration. You seem surprised. I have stepped in this day to offer my findings. I have been studying your planet and its ways for many thousands of your years. In honesty, not a lot of progression has taken place. Not in the way that we would have liked. We keep a close eye on you, and monitor your progress. Quite a tedious task sometimes. What we have found is that by living in the way you choose, you have decided in one form or another to self-destruct. Even those who we would call enlightened (to a degree) seem to allow this trait to overshadow that which is Light. It is up to you to change this. This self-destruct button


was not intended to be. You have made it so. How we shudder at the lack of understanding when we hear your thoughts of how little you consider yourselves to be. You have allowed yourselves to be in disguise, and then forgotten who you actually are in your Truth. Take off your masks and clothing that hides your Truth. Allow yourselves to be who you Truly are. How our hearts would shine. We ask you to remove the blindfolds that have kept you in the dark. We ask you to consider a life that is rightfully yours. It is time! We have had to wait patiently, forever circling your planet, hoping that each time round we will come across a breakthrough. There is little to report. But now, we are finding encouragement. We are mindful of what you are up to on this planet of yours. We are Lightened for we see the changes within individual souls that are allowing Light to enter in. We are filled with hope, for as one discovers their True self; we know that this in turn is the breakthrough that we have been looking for. For each one that is waking up to the greater picture shall wake another and another, and the wheel turns. Our hopes for your planet are now becoming a reality. We can see this in your future. For eons of your time we have despaired. Trying to understand the behaviour of you humans. It seems ridiculous to us. The way you treat your planet and the brothers that reside therein, has sometimes brought us to despair. We could not see the point of our mission, when your ways were so different from ours. Through patience we have now joyously come to a place where the breakthrough of Light is having an effect. If it were not for souls who have chosen to awake at this given point we would have been very disappointed indeed. We feel now that we have our troops down on the ground ready to take action. The ones who have woken can allow the Light stream to enter deeper into your vibration. Allowing it to lift. Allowing it to change the very nature of your exist-


ence, from that of which you are accustomed. It is essential for our armies on the ground to heed to their Truth. We are able to bring orders through from Higher realms that we can pass on to you. Orders that have already been agreed to be carried out, from free will. Know that for each one of you, acting out their part, there is a counterpart assisting on each level. You are not alone in this breakthrough. You are unable to see from where you are, the vastness of your armies. We are renewed with strength after so long. We celebrate. We feel our purpose has not been in vain. For the sun rises into A NEW DAWN and a new understanding. I had been struggling for a title for the third White Cloud book at this time. A friend heard A New Dawn and passed the message on to me. Ric and I both immediately agreed. The tingle of Truth was speaking for itself. It made me smile when I came across these words especially as they had been channelled in capitals. There was my answer all along! It was a good confirmation. It is souls on your plane that are taking charge. Knowing that their purpose here is now to come into fruition. You will be amazed at how many of you will spring into action as if your alarm clock has been set off. You have been asleep, waiting for your call. We are waking you up, as your task comes into play. Be alert. Our manoeuvres shall coincide with yours, and together we shall bring this planet into the vibration that has been planned. Many discussions are still to take place as and when. But for now, know that we are on track, and very happy with the progress. I thank you for allowing me to speak this day. I shall return when I have permission. Until then. Keep up your chins. We are moving into the Light and Love that we are. Raoul -----


After much discussion we have decided that it would be more beneficial to let you in on our secret at an earlier stage than originally planned. We feel it is time to let you have free rein when putting these words down on paper. It may feel different for you and you do not understand exactly what we are saying. Due to the human conditioning of the mind, it can be an easier way to allow our knowledge to come through to you. I dont really understand. If this is to be channelled by you how can I have free rein? Because we will still influence you. Is that not what we are doing now? No. We are sending you these thoughts. In order for you to function in the way we would like, we have decided to let you flow with your own thoughts. I still dont understand. You will. Take for instance your views on one subject. What are your views on motherhood? To be a good mother I feel that one should allow the soul of the child to think things out for itself. Offer opinions and guidelines, but ultimately, it is for the child to decide its own destiny. It therefore gives its soul the understanding of consequences, due to decisions made. I feel that Love, unconditional Love comes into play easily when involving a child that one has given birth to. I feel one should follow their own Truth in how to best raise a child. Not to listen to others and their ways. To treat them with respect, as one would an adult. To listen. To allow their point of view on any matter to be


discussed and considered. To laugh with them. To encourage. I could go on and on. Let us then look at what you have said. Would you not say that this would be most beneficial to all who exist on your planet? If each one of you were to treat another in this way, would not your world and all who reside within it gain? When one Loves a child of their own, many things can frustrate you. Yet through unconditional Love those frustrations are soon replaced once again with the overall Love that one feels for that child. You world is so quick to condemn. You judge others for the way they choose to behave. Yet you have no control over them, and do not allow them to express themselves in their Truth because it is not your Truth. A human behaviour for one may not be acceptable to another. But in all honesty, it is none of your business. How you choose to let that behaviour affect you IS your business. But there should be no blame onto the other, for they are simply walking their journey. If it is not congruent with yours, take a different path for a while. You may meet up further along the way when the other has changed their way. You may become the best of friends. You may not. Your race allows judgement to get in the way of what could be. If one does not behave in the manner you expect, you shut them out. You move on. Forgetting that they too have the pleasure to move on in a way that MIGHT suit you further down the track. Let bygones be bygones. It is for your world to let go of all things of the past. For there is no past. There is only NOW. Move forward in the now. Each new day is the first day of the rest of your life. How would you like it to be? Make it how you would like it to be. Have a clean slate, so that all misgivings that you once had are part of you no more. Reshape the way you think. Make your life work for you. It is not up to another to do so. So many of you wait around hoping the pattern of your life will change by the doing of another. This will not suffice. Plan how you wish to continue. Set your goals. Move


towards them with each new day. Some have got the hang of this. Others waste this chance they have been given. And before they know it they are on their deathbed regretting all the things they did not accomplish. Do not leave this decision to change until it is too late. LIVE YOUR LIVES TO THE FULL. That is why you came. To make the most of every opportunity that comes your way. To create your own opportunities. Again, as we shall keep doing, we bring in the art of meditation. For this is how you can bring the plans you made for this lifetime down into the human self that lives on this plane. If you could see the reasons why you chose to come, if you could understand the potential behind your everyday manoeuvres, you would not waste another second. You would be filled with awe. You would find a new enthusiasm that would egg you on. You would have something to accomplish. Something to strive for. Find out your purpose! And see it through. That is why you are here. The more you meditate, the more your purpose can filter through to your human mind. We tell you this over and over and yet many choose to not give it another thought. They are too busy. Too busy getting caught up in the everyday strife. What sort of pleasure of life does that bring you? We wish you to be of pleasure within every moment. Life can be that good you know. ----I am mindful of your task. We thank you for taking your time to express our words in the form that we are asking. In your world you have many forms of words. They are often misused and misinterpreted. They are used in gay abandon, for their meaning cannot always portray the Truth that one


wishes. Words are a form of expression to rely on for your race. Yet, they do not adequately tell the True story of the soul. When one is for instance, expressing their feelings, it cannot always be done in the way that really tells how the soul is feeling. It is feeling that is the Truth. Words do now allow this to be brought out. We ask you to think carefully about how one uses words. They can misrepresent. You are aware of negative connotations. You are aware of how to use positive words in order to allow the best possible outcome. You are learning to delete negatives. How one little word can maim. How another can uplift. Use your words wisely. They can cause much damage when expressed without thought. Learn to use them in a manner that assists. Be cautious of what is verbalised. When there is the written word, one can often misinterpret. I do not feel the link, but I wont give up or give in. what do you suggest I do now? We suggest you allow yourself to keep on writing even if it doesnt make sense. What would be the point of that? Because, sometimes when we are feeding you through the words, you feel that they are not making sense and yet when you read it back you are quite surprised are you not? True, but other times I delete a sentence because I feel it doesnt! Is it that I havent tuned in for long enough? No, that is not the case. We are laughing at your questions. For we know where you are going, and you do not. Close your eyes and look at the word we are showing you.


LOVE. In its written form. Now, have a go at telling us what it means to you. Tricky! Mmmm Need to think about this. The word Love means, well actually, now I am thinking about it, I dont know how to express it. How does one say what Love means? I see what you are saying. We use it so often; and yet trying to interpret it is actually very different. I wonder what it says in the dictionary. You see Love is a feeling. There are no words to fully explain it. The feeling of Love is far beyond any expression. We want your world to understand of this Love in its True form and yet there are no words to tell you what it is. Now this is making sense. That is why we talk in the way we do, to try and get you to know Love. And yet, one can only discover it for the self. Within side the self. You can express WHY you Love someone, all the reasons that you Love them, but you cannot put into words what it actually means. Because it is beyond expression. You only feel it. Now, take the word hate. How would you describe that? Again it is a feeling. You can express WHY you hate, but you cannot fully interpret its meaning because it is a feeling. This is what we are trying to get through. That who you are is how you feel. That is YOU! That is your soul. If you did not have verbal language, your feelings could only be expressed through your body language. If you did not have a body, your feelings could only be expressed through thought. The thought, without words can only be a feeling. Do you see? That feeling is the True expression of your soul. We ask you to think a little more about how you are feeling, not what


you are thinking because of that feeling. If one paid more attention to the feeling, they would find that they understood themselves much more. In your world, if we may say, you are burdened with language. Even when one is talking to themselves in their mind, they are blocking their True feeling through language, and the distortion of words. Please think about this. Become more in tune with your feeling. Do not try to put that feeling into words. Just allow it to be what it is. The feeling. By feeling the feeling, one begins to understand, who they are, and where they are within themselves. It is difficult to explain through words! But if you begin to practice this art, each one of you shall understand exactly what it is that we are saying! Try it. Daily. You shall notice the change within. Others will notice the change without. You see, by persevering, one always gets a result! ----Over eons of your time, man has created his reality. How did it ever come to this? Is the reality you see before you one that man has chosen? How do you see your before you? Until your race begins to understand the importance of presenting its future to the future, you shall remain in this place that is not all its cracked up to be! So many of you are stuck in the reality that is. Until you understand that you create your reality, through thought, nothing will change. Your friend and mine, known to you as White Cloud has spoken many times regarding the fact that visualisation is your greatest tool. Not just to assist in undoing past attachments etc, but he means to visualise your future in order to create it. You feel that you are stuck with what you are given. This is not so. If you choose to believe this, then this indeed is how it shall be. But if you choose to believe otherwise, and


that you can change your life, then this too shall come about. You were given free will for this very reason. To CHOOSE. What will you choose? For that is what your future depends upon the right choices for yourselves, for your planet and for your way of existence. How many of you feel that you can change your world, in your Truth. Do you Blossom? I feel that my part in it, by writing these books, and getting the message out can assist. And that by putting into practice the knowledge I have gained regarding Light and Love may help those that I come across. I guess that if each one of us chose to be nothing other than an example of DIVINENESS, then there would be a dramatic change instantaneously. There you have it. But sadly, there are few souls who understand this. Imagine that. Just for a moment, visualise that! A world where there is nothing other than pure Love. Do you think it could happen? I KNOW it COULD happen. But will it? How can I say? I am not you, you are not me. Nobody is anybody but themselves. And only as individuals can this occurrence take place, as a whole! Do you understand that? We cannot make choices for you. Yet if you asked anyone Do you want a world full of pure Love or one as it is at this juncture? What do you think the answer would be? I am assuming it would be of pure Love. So, therefore, the message must get through to those who do not yet understand, that it is up to each individual to make this world of pure Love. It is up to you. So, we cannot say, yes it will happen. For there is free choice to determine that outcome. But the more souls begin to fully understand the concept of creation, the more they shall change it for the good. That is why we are here. To spread


this knowledge, so that the more souls that wake up, the more the Light can come in. Once people do understand, as you know, they will not turn back. For each one that has woken, there is the opportunity to wake another, and so the circle goes. This is why so many of you have chosen to be here at this time as Light workers. You have the power to change this world. By helping others to get it. Then they help others etc. We have hope. We have times of despair also. If you had any idea, of the vast scheme that is taking place, you would be astounded. Sometimes from your point of view, it all seems so pointless. It seems that nothing is really changing at all. Especially when you turn on your television and listen to your news. But we tell you that IT IS changing. If you were to look down upon your planet, and just assess the level of Light that is now within it, you would be filled with enthusiasm. For not too long ago, in your terms, it would have looked a very different picture. WE visualise to the fullest degree in order to bring about change on your earth. This aids us in creating what we desire for you. If each one of you learnt to do the same, it will happen. But, as you so rightly asked, will you? Yet, know this, souls cannot visualise and make it happen, if they do not know that it can be done. For all of you who may read these pages, I ask of you, I beseech you, I implore you, spread this word. Let souls know about this, and their inner Truth shall recognise it, and they shall join in the party. For that is what it can be. A celebration of getting it. You are intrigued it seems as to why I have used this getting it. Because thats what it is about. GETTING IT. Bringing it to you, so that you have it. So that you can live it. If you dont get something then it is not there, you dont have it. But by getting it, how it works, cottoning on, if you like, then yes you get it! It is yours. We ask your race to comprehend this.


When they do, your New World shall be. ----OK. Ive got to be honest Im not really in the right frame of mind today, so maybe thats why I dont feel the opening sentence. I want to get on with this and do my half hour every day, and yet I think I am already blocking by the mood Im in. So Im just writing this down to see if the link gets stronger. What kind of mood are you in? Tired, and therefore a bit negative. I really have nothing to moan about, just in a blurrgh mood. Shouldnt imagine that you can get through these energies of mine in order to say what you want clearly. And do you think that we shall be annoyed at this? I would imagine youre frustrated. So you think this is all your fault? I dont think Im helping. Ill try and tune in again. Why is it Blossom that you feel so bad when you are unable to get the connection? Because I feel I am letting you down. And yet you are sitting here as asked, trying to do what you have been asked, so what exactly is it that you are doing wrong? With all respect I am going to leave this now. Maybe try again


later, which is annoying, because I wanted to get it done and off my list for the day. Just not in the right frame of mind Sorry. OK its later and Im in a much better frame of mind. Lets go pal! What put you in better frame of mind? Myself. I pulled myself together and got on with other things. The sun is shining and although chilly on the feet it is a beautiful day. So, did you create your future? Yes, my immediate one. That is all there is. That is what we mean. You did not want to be in that frame of mind so you made an effort to change it. Thats all it takes. Look at things that you desire. Do you get them by sitting around waiting for them to fall in your lap? You have to make the effort to make it happen. If each one of you made the decision to bring about exactly how you would like your days to be, then wouldnt that automatically make your world a better place? ----Of recent years your world has cottoned on in many ways to what we are asking your world to become, for the survival of those living upon it. Constantly you are connecting up with souls that have the same values. How refreshing you find this. You realise that you are not alone. And that indeed you are all part of a vast plan that is now coming into fruition. Day by day you are recognizing how this is unfolding. Your connections confirm for you that this is not just an out there con-


cept, and that all that has been talked about from our side of the veil is no longer a fantasy. It is becoming a reality before your very eyes. You are also aware that your understanding of what it is we wish to accomplish is slowly unveiling itself as you progress rapidly within your awakeness! There are connections being made between your world and others that you cannot deny are actually a Truth. You yourself, Blossom, are aware of this through your readings that you give. Many are now, through you, making the connection with their home planet, and they are being reintroduced to their purpose for this great change. And yet, you are aware that others who are still asleep would find what you do to be absolutely off the planet. If they only knew the Truth of that statement. We ask of you to continue on. You see for yourself the great work that is to be done. Approach with caution, those who are still asleep. Do not wake them with a shock. That would imbalance them. But gradually coax them out of their slumber, into a world where they desire to be awake and live! These days I do not feel the link for this writing very strongly at all. Is there anybody there? Yes. I am here. You do not feel the link so strongly, because as I have said, we decided to change the way in which we get the message across. Through you, and from you. Still you are awaiting things to be said that astound you are you not? YEP! Of what nature do you think this astounding news shall take? If I knew, I wouldnt be astounded! And perhaps, even when it is given to you, in its newness,


you will not be astounded then either. For all that we tell you, your soul already knows. That is why you think there is nothing of great revelation taking place. But, upon my word, even as you write now, the book is taking shape in the way that I desire. Many of you tend to look at things in their separateness instead of the whole. Looking at it, when it is apart from the rest, it doesnt always make sense. But gradually as the pieces all come together, and slot nicely into place then there is your revelation. You each have your chosen responsibility. You each play your part. It is like an orchestra. Each musician learning their part. Working upon it. Getting themselves and their involvement to a place that is of a high standard, before getting together with the entire ensemble, and then blending each individual piece into the whole. What sweet Divine music shall be heard? So much of it does not make sense to you at this time, and yet can you not say that on a deeper level there is an understanding, a knowing, that it is slowly all coming together? Yes, I have to say I can feel that. Especially when talking with others, and funnily enough when I read over these pages as a whole instead of daily. I found a reality in the fact that you up there and us down here are joining forces. I felt that we are a uniting front. Us helping you and you helping us. It really made me see where the Trust must come in. Not just for writing these pages, but for everything. We cannot see you, and yet as I read through the other day, I experienced a sense of the reality of all this. Yet a reality that is of a different reality from that in which I spend my days. MMM! Does that make sense? It does to me, because I was with you when you experienced it. It is very difficult to explain is it not?


Yes. I get you! Back to the feeling thing. I agree Ive never really looked at it too much before you mentioned it the other day but our words are so inadequate. How does one describe that KNOWING? Very inadequately! So can you see the challenge that we are up against? When you say it like that yes! ----We are aware that you are feeling a little unsure about where all this is going. We are asking you to move on and allow your Trust to go with the flow. Would you like us to reveal something more of our quest to you? That would be splendid! Thank you. In your days ahead there will be great changes that suddenly will make you understand everything in a much clearer fashion. There is a plan that is in place that will make you giggle! Purely because of its diversity. Oh dear, a little unsure as to what that word means and if its correct in its placement. Im going to keep going. I dont give up that easily. Every time that you question what we/you are saying you are recognising within yourself that you cannot allow that to interfere. How you are progressing. Ok, I just looked up diversity and it said variety, to divert, to change course. So I guess it does make sense. It was just that we were struggling for that word and when it came in, it seemed very different from the word I thought you were trying to give me. But, onwards and upwards, it makes sense. If I


had just trusted I wouldnt have wasted the last five minutes! It is always good to question if you are unsure. That is different from Trusting. Again look back to the feeling. May we proceed? Please do. The problem that you are experiencing at the moment is that you do not feel as if you are tuned in, although you did! We mentioned that we were changing the way in which we wish to get this message across. Although it feels strange to you at the moment, it is a much easier way for us to act. As you read, and recognise in your Trust that it actually is all making sense, then we shall be able to develop a way of interaction that allows us to get our message across in a more suitable manner. This diverse course will be of a way that you have not yet conceptualised. That is why you shall giggle. Of course, we cannot reveal this to you until the correct alignment with all things. May we ask you a question? By all means. What exactly is it that you are pondering upon? I dont understand the question. In regard to what? In regard to yourself. You have many questions inside of you. To do with what? I guess when I think about it, you are right. I ponder over the human behaviour. I am well aware that I have many failings as an individual. I have yet to come across a perfect person. I think I am becoming frustrated that humans in general


tend to judge others for the way they choose to conduct their lives, when they are not walking in their shoes. I am realising that we are all so different, and although we may have a lot in common with another, we are not them. We are not having the feelings that they are, so why is everybody so quick to judge another, feeling if they were in their shoes they would behave very differently? No they wouldnt, because they cant be in their shoes. They can only be in their own. I suppose I am finding that a tad annoying! I am not saying I am perfect, and I sometimes feel like giving another a kick up the whats it! But then I realise that isnt my place. They are doing the best they can. They are who they are, doing it their way. I feel that we are all so busy fussing about anothers interaction with life, when really, if we just focussed on our own lives and how we conduct it, and left everyone to get on doing the same, there wouldnt be all this judgement on something that really isnt anybodys business! Hhhmph! What is your response to that? We dont have one. For we are not you. That is the way you feel. Another feels different! So, we do not judge the way you choose to look at things. None the less we quite agree! Souls of your earth allow themselves to become so involved with anothers behaviour. You blame another for the way you feel. You blame another for the way you respond. You can choose how to respond can you not? That is progression of the soul. By allowing yourself to move on, to approach things and others behaviours in a different way. You are able to recognise these changes within yourself as you walk your journey. Empathy with another is an entirely different matter. There is no judgement within that. In that respect you are able to understand why a soul is behaving in a certain way. Perhaps you have had a similar experience and therefore can assist. Because it may not be their shoes that you are walking in, but you may have walked down that same bumpy track. Remem-


ber too. Words of assistance can assist. Words of dictation cannot. Offer your thoughts, but if they are not acted upon, then let that be also. You can lead a horse to water, but you cant make it drink. ----However much you consider yourself to be of Light, that is the Light you shall be. So, we ask you to concentrate on exactly what level of Light you are. It is wise to think of this daily. Imagine yourself as nothing other than Light. Then turn up your dimmer switch. (As Mr White Cloud would say). Visualise the strength within the white Light that you are emanating. The more you are able to do this, the more your Light shall shine. It is not a difficult task. Indeed it is a pleasurable one. And it shall make quite a difference to your everyday purpose. Remember YOU ARE LIGHT. In your essence this is where you come from. Allow yourselves to develop this. By doing this you are being who you are. It shall trigger many memories of your Truth. By imagining this, you are able to let go of your physical density. You are able to see from a different point of view. Your physicality is your restriction. You allow your soul to remain imprisoned within this density, when actually, it is free to come and go as it pleases. It is just that you do not believe this to be so, and therefore you do not allow it to take place. You have heard of such things and yet you believe that those who are capable of this must be very advanced. Indeed they are. But does this mean that you cannot be of the same? If souls of your earth recognised that by keeping in contact with their inner spirit, they would be able to become their inner spirit, and therefore be able to achieve miracles, what


a wondrous place you would reside in. Do you see what we are trying to tell you? It is all about becoming who your soul is. By learning to understand what you are capable of. Until you can open your minds eye to this, how could it possibly be achieved? You are all looking for enlightenment. You look to others, you look in books, this can aid you, but ultimately as we keep saying, you need to look within. This is where all your answers lie. And yet, as often as you are told this, you earthlings still prefer to look without. You imagine you have to go without, due to karmic law etc. There is nothing that you cannot have. There is nothing that you cannot achieve. But whilst you are still in the mindset of lack, how can that help to bring about the change of lack into abundance? May I say to you with all respect, so many of you are beginning to cotton on to this, but because you still have your doubts, you create the same scenario over and over. You try to release yourselves from these doubts, you do your best, I am aware of that, but basically you are still tied down by the density of beliefs that have indoctrinated your planet for eons of time. Even unconsciously, these mindsets have to be released. They have to be dispersed so that the Truth can enter in. You are well aware of all of this. But we need from you, more strength and determination. We need you to move on those extra steps, so that we can prove to you of all we say, and in turn, you shall be able to prove to others, that we are not a figment of an imagination. We are more real than you are! You were not put on this earth to be left alone, to be disconnected from your Truth. But that is what you have been led to believe, and so you believe it! Change your minds. Wipe the slate clean. Decide for yourself what is and what is not. Make your own version of what is and what is not. If you are wise, you will decide to KNOW that we are with you. That we can assist in a greater way than you care to recognise.


Make your own decisions about what you think is possible. For I tell you everything is possible. As your world moved forward, those in power had to conquer this knowledge. It had to hide the Truths away, in order for the power to be held by them, instead of by the individual. How could they control another if another KNEW that only themselves were in control of themselves? Therefore, those that remained in their Truth had to be eliminated. Through fear, the Truth of who you are became lost. We are here to help you to find it. We are here to retrieve those Truths. To give you back your right of existence. To put you back into the full power of yourselves. Trust in us and all this shall be yours. ----On the subject of linear polarity What! At first I thought youve got to be joking! And then I realised you were. Nice one! Blossom, collect your thoughts. For it is your thoughts that we would like to embellish. Ok, I have been thinking of some questions that I would like to ask. One subject that many of us talk about is the Mayan Calendar, and that it stops in 2012. Many feel that is when the new world shall be upon us. Some say that those who are enlightened to a certain degree shall go through the portal, and it shall then close, leaving others who have not woken up, behind. Im not sure what I feel about that. Because you have said that the new world shall come when we are ready, depending on how much Light we are able to bring into this earth of ours. You also say, that we shall be able to come and go across the bridge, and that there shall be an intermingling


of worlds. May I ask your views on this matter? You may. What you need to understand is that there are no set rules. We simply have a plan, and this can only manifest according to how you upon the earth plane conduct yourselves. This Mayan Calender, I am not saying that a lot of what is said is of Truth, but I am saying that if one is determined to keep focussed on that date, and believe that it all shall come to an end, they may be a little surprised and confused. It was written thus far, and beyond that, there was no knowing. Yes, by this date, there shall be vast changes. Look at them already. But I would like to say to all who read these words, that you are not going to wake up on 1st January 2012 and find that you are in a different place, leaving some behind, or even that you are left behind and others have gone. This would not be plausible. It is an ever-changing world that you live in, and therefore these changes that are in our plan, shall emerge gradually, so as not to set your world over the edge, shall we say. I shall be blunt with you. There will be a transformation for those who are willing to move into it. Many shall not. This is not segregation between worlds, but for those who are in a position to transform, they shall do so, and find that through the intermingling, by being able to walk across the bridge and back again, that more and more shall decide not to return. For the earth that is on this side will seem very cold compared to the one on the other. That is a bit of a revelation at last is it not? You see, for those who have chosen to remain in denial, to stay in the place of their soul that is unaware of their spirit, they will not be able to cross the bridge. Not because I am discriminating, but because their vibration, simply will not be able to settle in the Higher vibration that is on the other side. You cannot be where you are not! So, can you understand? It is not that there is a judging on who moves into this new world. It is


not of judgement. It is of an individuals soul decision. Each one of you is given the opportunity. Each one of you knows of these greater Truths. Some may say they do not. But I tell you that you are all equal. Your choice as to whether you remember and act upon this knowledge is up to you. As you walked along your beautiful beach yesterday, you were filled with awe and Love. You found it difficult to believe, that there you were, feeling so blessed in this paradise you live in, and there, not too far away from you in another land, 5,000 souls had been removed from the planet by Mother nature. For all those around that area, much suffering is taking place. It seemed like two different worlds did it not? Think about that. If souls choose to remain in a vibration that is of war and hatred, then that is where they shall be. If souls choose to be in a vibration of Love and peace, then that is where they shall be. I dont think I can be fairer than that. For freedom of choice is a gift. How you choose to use that freedom is entirely up to you. ----So many times have we asked for assistance from those on your earth plane, and yet you would be surprised how many times we are ignored. Through lack of self-awareness, through lack of self worth, through disbelief in the reality of who we are and what we have to offer. Your world has been residing within a level of self-lack for too long now. This is not what was intended. Our intention was to allow you to have the freedom to have everything. Yet, throughout your ages one has even felt that I want you to have less. How contorted have my intentions become? Why would I have a world that is created in order to experience lack? What benefit would that have to anyone? It is your power seekers that have led you to believe that I will be happy seeing you with less. I am not talking of greed here, for that is a differ-


ent matter. However, if one is to always feel that it is wrong to have too much of a good thing, then how will they ever have anything that they want? I want you to have everything. Everything that is good and lots of it! The more you have, the more you can share. It is not about keeping these good things for yourselves, but to become a world where there is the desire to share all that one has with another. I mean in every way. Spiritually and materially. Through giving one can understand the value of Love for another. Never give because you feel you should. Give because your heart desires it. Share because your being feels the glory of giving. One is so afraid to give away in case it brings about lack for themselves. This is where you have misunderstood the universe and how it works. By giving with your heart, the universe in turn shall do the same for you. It cannot do otherwise. ----Imagine to yourself all the things that you would like your world to be. Picture these in your mind and focus on them daily. Bring this world that you desire into your world that you live in now. Encompass all your thoughts on that world only. If you were to do this, to live in your world of your mind, and not let any distractions intervene, gradually this world of your mind will become the world of your reality. Do you see? It is through the power of thought that we shall bring about this new world. By eliminating all thoughts of negativity, entirely, so that they no longer exist. We are then able to live in a place of Light. A place that once was. A place that we are all dreaming of, and yet at this time, not one of you can fully comprehend how that would be. For your world is wrapped in this smog of negativity. It pulls you into its lair when you are least expecting it. If it is eliminated how different your every day living would be. We understand the struggle that you are in. It is not easy for


you to rise above all that is not of Love. But when you begin to understand this concept that there is nothing but Love, then you are able to turn the tide, and change all that has become negative, back into its True form of Love. Ahead lies a pathway that has not yet been walked. It is a new path that has been created in order to lead you home. All we ask is that you put your feet on the path and begin to take your first steps. You shall be guided throughout. There are many in place waiting for you to be with them. They are eager to assist and have patiently been in position. They are ready to take on board their duties, and bring you into the Light that is of a different vibration from the one that you know. But they cannot guide you until you step onto that path. For they cannot, however much they may desire, come and meet you to get you there. That must be done by the souls desire to return home. We have talked about the bridge that we are building here. This is what I speak of. This pathway is the bridge. Take the chance to walk its path and see how your world as you know it shall no longer be. You can come back, but after a while you shall not desire to do so. Some of you shall return over and over to try and retrieve others, to bring them across the bridge. To give them the opportunity to discover a Light of intense Love for themselves. Some shall come willingly; they will have been waiting for you. Others will not believe that over the rainbow dreams really do come True. Always remember that there is the freedom of choice. Do not be alarmed by anothers choice. It is your soul that can show the way, but it does not necessarily mean that another shall follow. Many will choose to walk across. Their souls have been on standby, if you like. They are waiting for their call. How our realms are eager in anticipation to start the ball rolling.


Your task Blossom, and for those like you, is to help others understand that this is not a myth. This is a reality that is to take place. We are aware of the risk involved, in that what we have to say may cause others to ridicule your intent. Be not deterred. The proof of the pudding is in the eating is it not? The days shall come when all that we speak of shall be of reasoning. For there shall and will not be space for denial of what is in front of your very eyes. For those who are prepared, the walk shall be of ease and delight. For those who have been denying their soul its Truth, they shall find it a little difficult. The saying You reap what you sow is one of earths Truths. Be aware of this my friends. Sow your seeds of Love with utmost care. For how easily may the winds blow them away if they are not carefully planted? All this preparation that is taking place shall be of utmost value as the days draw closer to the changing of your vibrations. It is taking place as we speak, but at a rate that shall not disturb. We do our best to make this transformation as smooth as we can. Many times we are shaken by unexpected entities and energies that are determined for your world to remain as it is. The battle is on, as you know. We are warriors of Truth that have sworn to bring this earth of yours into the place that was originally planned it should be a place of pure Love. Be of strength all who read these pages. Your orders shall come when the time is in alignment with all that must be done. ----Today I would like to talk to you regarding the work that you are doing. We have asked you to sit at this machine and put down the words that we send into your head. You have done


this without question and for this we thank you. How often are you wondering if what we say is coming from the source that you imagine and how often do you feel it is perhaps coming from you? We say to you that when we are working with you in this way, it will not always feel as if we are in close proximity. We are pleased with your determination and your will to continue, when sometimes you feel that you are going backwards. We ask of you to carry on in the way that you are doing. You will discover as the pages become full that it was worth your efforts. In time to come many will read these pages and find their Truth within them. As of today, you shall notice yet another difference in the way we present ourselves to you. May I ask who you are? We are from the Federation of Light. We are a large group who have been put in place to assist your earth in its troubled times. We have many on board. We are working continually to bring your world into its new vibration. We consist of groups within groups. We are a large band. And can I ask where is White Cloud within all of this? Your guide that you know as White Cloud is part of our Federation. He is one of our most diligent partners. His work shall be spread over many lands through you. There shall be a time when his True identity shall be revealed. But it is not appropriate at this juncture. We have many sections within this Federation. We are always in constant negotiation with others that circle your planet in order to bring about your new world. Our task is of the greatest yet put into play. We are heartened by those such as yourself who have taken on their duties with such determination, even when sometimes the odds seem against you. As your earth draws itself from


its darkness, you shall witness phenomena that will dazzle your eyes. For those of you who have continued on in faith, you shall KNOW that it has all been worthwhile. Any doubts shall be removed from your being. For there shall be no place for doubts. All will be revealed in a way that is of great understanding. ----What would you like to speak about today I wonder? Today is going to be different yet again. You do not feel that we are connected with you, but you have to accept that we are. Although you do not feel your usual semi-trance state, you must realise that we have chosen to work in a different way in order to make it easier for all concerned. Thats cool with me, but how does that work in regard to writing on these pages. I have no idea what you want to be put down. Ask us a question? You say we are working in a different way, but surely that has got to be going somewhere. Can you enlighten me please? Yes we can, although enlightenment comes from the self. We have chosen you Blossom, because of your integrity and your devotion. You may wonder where all of this is going? And yet as despondent as you feel you continue. We need you to do this. For as we have said when the time is right, everything shall come into the Light and all this patience and work will be of great use to others.


We ask you to keep going. Gradually you will understand. You are aware of interferences which are not of our doing. We battle to get through at times, due to negative energies interfering. Will you continue? You know I will, but as my mood gets more frustrated and despondent, I know that helps little to assist you. How easy it would be, if I could hear a voice and just write down what it said. To be honest at the moment, I really feel like everything Im doing for the message to get out there is being sabotaged. You wonder whether or not this is to do with Divine timing and at the right moment it will all take off. That is when you are positive. When you are negative you still feel the same yet with less conviction. Is that not so? Yes. I cant explain the Knowing inside that writing these books is what I have to do. And that is why I continue. I believe in White Clouds teachings, with all my heart. I believe the books have a lot to offer to assist others in their growth. So, if that is the case, why do we seem to be blocked at every corner? Do you believe in us? Yes. Then believe also that we know what we are doing. All we ask of you is to continue on. We would not consider wasting your precious time. We have it all under control. Be of cheer Blossom. ----Understand this, that for all of those souls that are learning the Truth of who they are, they shall not go without reward


to their souls. We realise that we are where we are, and you are in a place that is very different. Many of us who work within the Federation have not experienced the vibration of earth. We can only try to understand how it functions, for we have not been in it. Therefore this is where we come up against challenges that must be overcome. As with you Blossom, we are working on a project that has been put into place, but as you see, until we begin to experiment, we, like you, must muddle through for a time until we get the exact frequency that we are aiming for to filter through to you. And as you know there can be many interferences within this. We have had discussions as we know of your purpose and we wish to fulfil our part of the bargain. But as of late as you have felt, we are at a bit of a standstill. This is due to interferences that you maybe aware of. But you have to accept that we are doing our best in the same way that you are. We honour you for your determination. Please continue, for it shall be that as we continue to work our way through these misdemeanours we shall come to a point where we shall succeed, and you shall be joyous that you did not become too despondent and give up. ----In return for your dedication, we would like to offer you something that shall be of interest to you and others. We invite you to the opening of the bridge. You are surprised at this. You are feeling that this is too soon, for you do not feel the bridge has been built yet, therefore how can it be opened? We say to you that the bridge is being built as we go along. We have explained to you before that we are working at this to get it right, the same way as you are. Therefore it seems quite feasible that we work together as we go. So, when you say its open, surely thats quite a big step. And with all respect what exactly does that mean, and how will


it make a difference? I mean if you hadnt just told me that, would I have known? What we would like you to do is take notice for yourself as to whether or not you feel a difference. Note we use the word feel. Senses are being heightened as the days move forward. Some of you will notice this difference within yourselves greatly, others not at all. Some of you are now ready to make those first steps onto the bridge. Each shall go at a pace that is suitable to them. Please understand also that to begin with, as with all things, one will remain in a certain place for a while, as adjustment and balance find their position. Are you able to tell me what to expect? We were hoping you would be able to tell us! Well I will, by all means, when I know myself. I have no idea what to expect and what sort of change I am looking for. I guess I shall have to be very observant, perhaps just noticing the smaller changes within me. I really dont know. Maybe it will be obvious. You know, sometimes when writing these pages I wonder if other channellers had the same difficulty, and questioned themselves as I do. But I am going to return tomorrow. Many thanks for opening the bridge. Is there a toll? Just kidding! ----We have discussed yet again the possibilities of achieving our goal. What we ask of you is to rectify all thoughts and doubts regarding these pages and to understand that what we are or are not giving to you is still according to the plan. In your world much is taking place. It is a very significant time. For you, White Cloud has not been so prominent, and your meetings are not so regular. This is also in accordance, but


if you were to have him speak with you he would be telling you that many things are taking place regarding your universal patterns and there are many disturbances that are affecting all that we do. It is a battle between those of Light and those of lesser Light. Because those of lesser Light are feeling the strain and the pull towards the Light, they are rebelling forcefully and causing all sorts of havoc. We are not unduly alarmed by this, for we have everything under control, but it makes our job of connecting with you earthlings rather more difficult! We spoke to you yesterday of the bridge now being open. This is of grave concern to those who do not wish the plan to succeed. For this is of utmost importance to us, and we are making sure that we are not bombarded with negatives that have intentions to destroy. We realise that from where you are, it might seem that you are simply having a bad day etc. How could you know what is taking place in other realms. But our vibrations are being shaken and therefore that is affecting one and all. We ask you to continue in faith. We shall be able to get through in a much more acceptable fashion in a short while of your days. We thank you for not giving up, for we are aware of the problems regarding connection that you have been undergoing. Today is a brighter day is it not? There is a new council that has been put in place. The Beings of Light that make up this council have a major task in hand. We were aware that there would be many opposed to this uplifting of your planet. But until all was in its place we were unable to decipher exactly in what forms their counteraction would be. The new council are dealing with all attacks in a way that we cannot explain to you. They are of great wisdom and we are happy that they have taken this new assignment. We have no doubts that our plan shall succeed. We are prepared for such interruptions, although sometimes they can take us by surprise.


In any event we are satisfied that all shall be well. There is so much work to be done. Look at your planet; listen to your news bulletins. From where you are sitting I would imagine it would be easy to feel downhearted, as your world is so full of the darkness that engulfs it. A major change is coming to your planet. There will be great shocks to the system! but once they have filtered through to the more accepting part of the self, then relief shall be the order of the day. There shall be new insights, not just to those who have already come out of their slumber, but also to those who have still been asleep. We are falling behind regarding the amount of souls who need to wake up. As you know we need these souls to allow the new vibration to come into its own. Therefore, as with the new plans, we have had to come up with a way that will make others simply have to look at the situation, whereas before they did not even know that there was one! May I ask in what form this will take? You knew as you were writing that question that we would not be able to discuss this. We can only say that when it comes you shall recognise it for what it is. There will be no mistaking. These sorts of statements always leave the mind boggling! Let it boggle away! We feel that is all for today. I feel I have at last had some proper communication after quite a while. Ever onwards into the Light my friends! One more thing dear Blossom. Never feel that we shall give up on this cause. Our dedication is as yours. This is why you were chosen. How you shall be in absolute stunned sur-


prise when you see what is around the corner for you. Many thanks. It is good to be back in this more acceptable manner. You can say that again! It is good to be back in this more acceptable manner. What a good start to the day, until tomorrow then. Many thanks to you also. ----There will come a time in your future days when all those that are of like minds shall come together in Love. You cannot be separated for you are One. As earthlings you have chosen to separate yourselves from that Oneness, although you do not realise that this is not possible. There can be no separation, for there is not one thing that does not belong to the wholeness that is Love. We are aiming to help your world understand this. For when you realise that you are ONE a vast change takes place. We accept that many of you accept this, and yet it is difficult for you to grasp the concept in its entirety. As this awareness grows and becomes more of your reality you shall be able to recognise yourselves for what you Truly are. Each given prospect of this acceptance can bring you closer to your True home. That home lies within you. For it is your souls place, and even though you are in the physical flesh, you soul is still and always will be in its home. The more you are able to be in touch with your soul the more peace shall be within you. You can never leave this place, and yet so many of you choose to deny that you are there. When you leave this physical world you have nothing but your soul, for that is you. What we are trying to achieve, and what is possible to achieve


is that you can access this Higher part of yourself whilst you are still within this physicality. All things can be achieved when this takes place. By doing so, then you are able to be in touch with all other aspects of yourself and all other aspects of those that are not yourself, even though they are part of you! There is no separation. There is no divide. Your worlds that exist at this present time can be as close to each other as you choose them to be. On your planet, in the not too distant past, what was 100 of your miles away, might as well have been on another planet for there simply was not the means to travel there. As you progressed in your transportation facilities, you made it possible to travel to these places that were a 100 miles away. Now look at you! You can travel across to the other side of the world in only one of your days. In the new time ahead, you will come to recognise that the same can take place with the travelling to other worlds and planets. Only it will not be of the physical transportation that you shall require. You build rockets and space machinery in order to travel and explore your space. We say to you this is not how it shall be. It is by learning to progress within your spiritual existence that shall enable you to do that of which we are speaking. You believe you are restricted within your physical body. This must be undone. For when these restrictions are placed upon the self it blocks all that is possible, and makes it impossible. This is what we are here to tell you. That there must be a complete turn around in the thoughts of those on your planet. You have been blocked from the reality of who you are. This has gone on for so long that the minds of those who reside on earth have become so conditioned; that they no longer remember who they Truly are and what they are capable of. This must change. Unless it does so, and rapidly, your world


will remain in a place that has lost its reason and purpose. Do you think your world was put into place to create wars and such like? Do you think you earthlings were put here to create hatred and greed and racism? Again we say Wake up! You are blinded by the mindset of those that were and are in power. If you questioned on a deeper level, your soul would tell you that this is not how it should be, and yet you amble along accepting that it is! You yourself Blossom have the knowing inside you that these possibilities that we speak of are realities. You have not experienced them yet, as your soul is still waking up to the reality of who you are. And yet you cannot deny that for you, these wonders that we speak of are an absolute Truth, even though you have not experienced them. Little by little as one begins to understand and allows their soul to progress, these possibilities shall present themselves, and shall no longer be of the impossible to the human race. Again and again and again we tell you to do your meditations. This is how we can assist you. For when you allow yourself to be in that state, it is far easier for us to access your minds and gently filter through that which can assist and bring your thoughts into a new place of understanding. Which, in turn can bring your souls into a new understanding, which in turn shall bring about this new world that we speak of. It is difficult for us to speak of this in any other way. All we can do is persist. All you can do is act upon our words and see whether or not we speak of the Truth. If you do these meditations that we ask of you on a daily basis, with utmost sincerity, you will come to realise that these things that we speak of make much more sense and shall be much more acceptable than if you do not.


We are pleased the flow is back in play. Again we thank you for your perseverance. We have had a breakthrough that would not have taken place if you had decided to give up. Many thanks. ----We have great news. Through perseverance it has come about that many of those that are within the universal concordance have coagulated to a degree that has brought about great change. It has taken many of your years, whilst this has been in progress; to reach the outcome that has just taken place. This means, that a great speeding up of our purpose shall now be able to be in play. We have been celebrating. It is joyous to know that our work is fulfilling the Divine Plan. Up until this point, there has been much trial and tribulation! Sometimes it was very touch and go. But since we spoke with you last, a great shift has been able to occur. We may put it in the terms of your understanding, that vast amounts of negative energy have been removed. We would liken it to a dark cloud circling your planet and much of your space. Through the assistance and cooperation of many, it took place that we were able to disperse it, and it is no longer. You are quite surprised at this news are you not? Well, it certainly came out of nowhere! I am very pleased all is well for you. Congratulations! Thank you. Let us try to explain what this means in your terms. This energy that we speak of has caused much concern to us for a very long time. It was able to deter and disrupt much of which we had desired to occur. It caused great rearrangement from our side and like you sometimes, we were baffled as to which way would be most beneficial to continue. We joined forces with many and came together with new


plans in order to counteract it. And we have succeeded. It is for you to know also, that within this negative energy there were many that were determined to drag your world into the place that they desired it to be. This was not by any means the place that we have in mind! And so, it is great relief that with this dispersion, that many that were of a deep darker nature have been removed also. In turn, this shall enable us to be able to get through to those of your earth plane with far greater clarity and ease. We are not saying that the coast is clear. We are saying that this enables us to reach you without the complex interference that we have been experiencing of late. Many of you shall notice this ease in which we can come through. And to understand also that now this block has been removed, there is so much more flow of the purer Love/Light that can filtrate through, without being watered down on its way. For want of a way to explain. We are enjoying our triumph. We are preparing the next steps with renewed enthusiasm. This is indeed a great achievement that has transpired by the Love and assistance of many that strive always to bring your planet into its new place. At the risk of breaking the flow, may I ask how this was done? It came about by intense planning. It was the fact of the joined forces that made it possible. Many came to our aid when the call for assistance was given. A way to explain it for you would be, that by this immense army of great Light workers, and intense focus, that I am afraid you would not be able to understand in your terms, we were able to literally blast it into the nothingness that it derived from. The power of Light was phenomenal. Much energy was used, which is why you were experiencing such difficulty with communica-


tion not so long ago. All in the heavens gave power to us in order for this to occur. The energy that was of great darkness could not put up their fight. As the saying goes, and quite rightly so Love conquers all. This is our greatest achievement for a long period of your time. May we give thanks to the Divine that is All for allowing it to take place. We are of great disposition now, for the days ahead are exciting. Our job shall now become so much easier without this interference. There are still fragments, but they are a mere drop in the ocean compared to what we had to contend with before. Rejoice. Spread the word. What a difference shall be seen and felt. Awaken yourselves to this knowledge. Allow yourselves to feel the energy and presence of this purer Love that is coming through to you. Within this, vibrations can be heightened at a quicker rate and all things shall feel the benefit. Again Congratulations to all involved. I seem to be picking up on your party mood, and its only 9.15 am! Good on ya Captain! (Why I said captain I have no idea, but it came through so strongly I had to write it down). What a good start to the day! ----Within the confines of your understanding, you are not always able to accept the realities of which we speak. We are increasingly aware of this and wish to elaborate on matters that will bring you to accept certain things. As with all things, there are times when one is in a place of peace and harmony and times when one is what you call out of sorts. These out of sorts feelings can disrupt the flow of the pattern that you are building upon. It is good for you to learn how to disregard these thoughts of doubts of the self etc. as quickly as they enter in. To be able to recognise them instantly and alleviate them from your energy. The quicker you can do this the more you shall realise how detrimental they


can be. For when you allow them to remain and dwell within and around you, you experience more and more of the same. By discarding them straight away, they do not have time to disrupt and penetrate; therefore they are unable to have any effect. The more that this takes place, the less you are likely to be consumed by unnecessary negatives that delight in your downfall. By not allowing these negatives in, you will soon recognise that there is a change within your disposition that remains. As the positive is allowed to build more and more, without the interruption of the negative, you find a strength that feels new. Because it is. It is not an easy task we set. For your world is a place that contains many of these negative energies and in order for you to alleviate them from and around you, much persistence must be put into practice. Once mastered, there shall be no turning back. One, on your world can sometimes for no apparent reason feel in a downcast mood, but as we have expressed before, recognise it, then bring about the change to remove it, and continue on in the Light that you are allowing yourself to be. By teaching yourself to do this, you are removing these negative energies not only from yourself, but from the whole. You are not giving them space and focus, therefore they cannot thrive. As like anything, the more one puts ones energy into it the more it can grow. Many of you are aware of this, and yet few have mastered this. It would become a most valuable tool, to the self and to the whole. We ask you to work upon this, and see for yourself the difference it makes. What comes naturally to us appears to have become something that is so unnatural to you. There are now teachers of your world that are assisting souls to change their thought pattern. This is of great benefit. The more you recognise this, the more you can continue to change. The more you change the more you recognise that you are changing, and with that


comes the change of everything around you. This new way is an ever-turning circle. We cannot do it for you. We can only suggest ways in which to help you understand. If one is not prepared to make those changes for the self then we are unable to assist any further. The change must come from you that reside upon your earth. As individuals. When each one wakens to the fact that they are spirit in a human form and that this form is merely a way of expression of the soul, they may in time come to realise that the physical flesh that they are encased in, is not the thing that puts limitations on these wonders that we speak of. It is the human mind that does the ultimate damage. Your minds belong to you. No one has control of them. Although sometimes you would feel it necessary to disagree. So, if this mind of yours chooses to think in a way that is of benefit only, then it continues to form that beneficial pattern, because that is what you are asking it to do. You are in control of it. It is not in control of you. Many would say that at times it feels nothing short of being in control of you. You allow it to take over, as if it is someone else inside of it, dictating to you, what and how you must think, behave and react. This is not how it should be. Take control of your own thoughts. Get them in to an order that is suitable for your growth. Your conditioning has again allowed you to believe that you have no control. By taking charge of the mind, and ridding it of all that is not useful, leaving only all that is, you will find a joy in the way that you conduct yourself. There will be no damning of the self. There shall only be praise. Not from the egotistical side, but from the side of Light that you are. For as you recognise this Light that is personal to you, you are able to feel the beauty of who you are. When this occurs, the Light becomes brighter. The example that you display will leave others in awe. They shall want some of the same.


Be your Light. Live your Light. Do not allow the shadows of who you are not, to disrupt the Divinity of your True self. We are expressing in a way that we Trust will assist you to do these things, for yourselves and for the betterment of all mankind, and indeed your planet. ----Of late we have been expressing to you ways in which you can improve your wellbeing and get in touch with the Higher part of your soul. Today we would like to take this a little further by explaining to you the reasoning behind this. As your world moves into this newer vibration there will be certain aspects of the soul self that no longer are of use to you. We ask you to recognise these things that are no longer of value and rid them from your entire being in order to be able to move up with the new vibration that is in its preparation stages. It is of no use to do this half-heartedly. Concentrate on matters that you no longer desire to be part of you, and work diligently to expel them from that which you are. Take these expulsions to extremes so that not only have they left you inside, but also to make sure that they are not lingering around you outside ready to slip back in again when a weaker moment may occur. Handle your conquests with ease and grace. Be of good cheer for when you are able to discard all that is no longer of service to you, you shall find a renewed lease of life that shines from within. Take note also, that many of these traits that you no longer desire may have been handed down through generations. Therefore, it takes much more diligence in order to make sure that they are dispersed forever, and shall not return. You have come to this planet with this knowledge of doing just this. So Know in your being that you can and will see your contract through. This is imperative for souls to do. One cannot enter into the new vibration carrying old suitcases of baggage that serve to displease. One can only enter with a Light heart, soul and


mind. For the New World has no place for encumbrances that are of no use to the souls growth. Understand these things that we speak of and do your utmost to apply them to your being. As you do so, you shall find yourself to be of a Lighter disposition in all things. We can prepare the way for you, we can assist in teachings, but we are unable to see you through unless you have prepared yourself. In Nature you shall recognise change as these days move forward. Be aware of all that is changing around you. Take note of the transformation, for as it takes place little by little you shall recognise that what we are speaking of is coming about before your very eyes. There shall be a time when we are able to let you know who we are in a fashion that is suitable to all. Much laughter and joy shall ensue from this. We are not exactly who you think we are. You do not have an image of us in your minds eye. You just write down these words. We say to you that this shall change and you shall be of great surprise. Due to the no time factor from where we are, we are unable to give you dates etc. of when these things shall occur. We are in full steam ahead mode since the clearing that took place in your recent days, and yet in your world one cannot notice much difference. You have noticed that you and your friends are very aware of synchronicities that are occurring at a rate that is of a great quickening compared to before. Those that are linked in are accepting this with great excitement. Keep on the path of the excitement. Anything detrimental to this way should be brushed aside immediately and given no focus, so that one can remain in the space that is of Divine purpose. Those of earth who are accessible to these words we bring, we ask you, not only to read them, but to put them into action. If you do so, you shall be assisting yourselves and your planet


in a way that is far greater than your human form can digest at this time. But when you have moved up to the new world your soul will be aware of that which you did in faith, being of ultimate assistance to that of the whole. In genuine Love for you earthlings we strive to break through the barriers that have been put in place for eons of your time. Perhaps if we were to show you on a screen what all of this entails, you would be able to get a much clearer picture. But this unfortunately cannot be so. Instead we must work in this way, until such a time that the vibrations allow a different format. For no reason at all, I suddenly started crying! Deeply!! Very difficult to explain, but I felt that I was crying for our world and what we have done to it. Ridiculous I know. I mean it isnt ALL my fault!!! But dont know how else to describe this feeling. Can I ask what these tears are all about, and why the sudden deep emotion? But there was no response. And I can feel that there is no more to be said today. Maybe tomorrow I will get my answer. Maybe I wont. Thats the nature of the game! Either way, I feel a deeper connection with these beings that are making themselves known to me daily. A most strange feeling I feel right now. Cant explain it, and yes Im still bawling! In Love and Light and acceptance that this is all part of the plan. And in the knowledge that all is as should be, I sign off for today. ----As the days continue we reassess all that we are choosing to take place. We are happy with all that is occurring. Although


at times we can see that from your point of view it may not seem that much is taking place or indeed going in the right direction. Many of you were affected strongly by the full moon that took place in the day of yesterday. This was unintentional, but due to the clearing of which we spoke, coinciding with the fullness of the moon, many disturbances affected the spirit. If we were able to give you a school lesson in detail, we feel you would still not be able to understand that of which we are trying to explain. Energies of a lesser nature are struggling desperately to put up their fight. They are aware at this time that things are not going according to their wishes, and therefore their strength, although weakening, is affecting those who are more sensitive to these matters. We wish you to understand that it is not just on your earth plane that these disruptions are taking place. It is of all things, for as we have said, nothing can take place without it affecting the whole. Stand in your strength. For your loyalty shall be rewarded. May I ask a question? At the moment, as a mere earthling, I have to say that sometimes it all seems to be in the too hard basket. I have days of absolute bliss and days when it seems that I am a different person and just find everyone and everything too hard to deal with. I feel I just want to get off the planet to be in a less complicated world. I know we have lessons to learn through all these things, but surely, ones mood and thoughts shouldnt be so extreme from one day to the next. Is this just me and perhaps hormones? Or is this to do with anything that you are speaking of? Lady, our friend, we are able to observe mood swings, as part of our study of your race. We find them as baffling as you from where we reside. We do not have days like yours. We are not of the same makeup. We are forever in Love and therefore find it hard to understand why you humans react in


ways that we would not. When you are in Love at all times, there is a greater understanding of all, by all that we are with. Therefore, we do not have to encounter souls that are still struggling to be who they are, and behaving in a manner that is confusing to another. Your ways fascinate us and yet we do not allow them to affect us. We simply observe. This is not so easy to do from where you are. We do not have the complication of negativity intereacting with positivity, which naturally causes imbalance. Your planet is certainly not the easiest. For those who chose to come to it, you were all aware of this before you came. And yet, your planet has a great deal to offer that perhaps others dont. Do not be of despondency. Use your skills and knowledge to rise above these discrepancies. This is why we come to teach the things we do. But you need to put them into practice. I do try, believe me, but sometimes I get tired of trying. As Im sure we all do. Forgive me, just got a lot on and finding it difficult to fit it all in. I know the answer is balance. I know the answer to a lot of things but being able to put it into practice is altogether another matter. There sometimes doesnt seem to be enough hours in the day. This of course as you know is because your world is ruled by time, which will always bring pressure to the mind and soul. In our world we simply continue from one space to another. We cannot make appointments for there is no time. We deal with things in a far more moment-by-moment fashion. You would do well to do the same. You are slowly cottoning on to the living in the now concept. This is a major reprogramming for you, and not easily achieved. You are aware our time is up, perhaps we could continue on this tomorrow. Sure. Im sorry if I took up time waffling on, but because of


my mood the link was weak, and I wanted to keep the flow of writing. Tomorrow is a new day OOPS! Now is a new moment! ----We would like to continue with the now theory. You in your world are accustomed to planning ahead. You plough through your days, with thoughts of tomorrow and the following days and what needs to be accomplished. Your minds are continually busied by thoughts of things that must be achieved by such and such a time. You hurry through your hours; in a time span that does not allow you to be who you are in any given moment. You are so preoccupied with what you are trying to achieve that you forget to be in that moment. You forget to savour the preciousness of that individual moment. You spend time with friends, you value that time and yet always your thoughts are looking at your clock, worrying about the next appointment. We ask you to stop this. You are forever living ahead of your time, instead of living in that particular moment of time. SLOW DOWN. Take time to smell the roses as you say. ----Please put your Trust in us. Of late you have been experiencing all sorts of disruptions that we have explained about to you and they are still continuing on. It is right to fight your way through them and not succumb to their influences. We are aware of their strength upon the earth plane and we say that it is fitting for you to surround your self in Light to the nth degree. We ourselves are in full battle at this time. You are unable to understand that of which we speak, but we are working hard to dispel these forces of destruction. Never before has it been so prominent and there is no let up at this point. This time is crucial to stand in your strength of


Light. Lift your swords, see them recharged with Light. Do not have fear, for as you know we are of the Divine force and nothing and no one can break through the power of Love in its fullness. We are picking up your thoughts of doubts as to whether you are making this up. Why is this please? Because, with all respect, sometimes from an earthlings perspective, this all seems like a bit of a sci-fi movie. Again, I feel we are still going over the same ground, and nothing new is being told. Oh ye of little faith! Yep, right now that about sums it up! We are laughing, as we know this not to be a Truth. We cannot do anything more than we are doing under present circumstances. Then do you want me to continue daily at the moment? It seems rather a waste of your time and mine, and only leads to frustration. Yes, in all truth we wish you to persevere. When the time comes for these pages to be read by others you will smile with pride. Then you shall see its purpose. We are unlocking gates that have been kept closed for great periods of your time. This too is causing much shifting in the vibration. Many are opposed to this taking place, for the Light that is able to come through those gates is of great magnitude, and can assist your world greatly. However, we would put it in a way that it is also causing much turbulence, and much balance is needed to be restored. Many in your world are feeling these disturbances. Many of you are so out of sorts that you feel you wish to leave the planet, although


we know you know better. Do not allow this shift to take you where you do not wish to go. Hang on steadfastly, and wait a little. Very soon, you shall notice the change and be of cheer that you hung on. We understand of your feelings. We are trying to gauge the level in order to assist and resume balance. We may liken it to a whirlwind and we are caught within the centre of its grasp. It shall pass. It shall settle. I dont believe this. Once again I feel full of tears. Why is this happening? What am I picking up on? I have tuned in and put my protection round me, please what is this tearful stuff about? You are picking up on the distress calls from many. This shift is bringing out from the darkness many who have been encased there for amounts of time that we cannot calculate. They are regretful of where they have remained, and their woe is being released at the same time as they themselves. So, look forward. This is indeed a troubled time, but it is going in the right direction. This is why we ask you to be vigilant with your strength of character and perseverance. We ask you to remain in your power and be of your Light so that those that are joining us can see the way. They have many who are using their power to bring them down again. It is not an easy fight for them. They have been weakened greatly. They wish to come with us, but they have little left to carry on. Warriors. Believe this as a reality. The only way to break through is for your knowledge of Truth to shine forth and be of standing. A large part of me totally understands all this. And yet it is always a bit odd when none of it, other than in the souls Truth, can be seen.


Which is exactly where it is all taking place. It is of a different vibration to that in which you reside. Therefore you are only able to pick up on what your soul self is allowing to come through from that other vibration. When you sleep, or meditate, your being knows of this as Truth to a fuller degree, it is only the earth vibrations that allows it to distort. Continue on, as you are doing. You shall know as the days are lived that what we are doing together in this partnership is exactly as we agreed to do, long before you arrived on your planet. Be of cheer this day. Do not give into the forces that are striving so hard to bring you down and lessen your Light. Ill do my best, and the same to you my friends! ----We are a band of Light workers whose mission is to lift your planet into its new vibration. We come only in Love. At this time we are unable to work with you in the way discussed. This is not something that we wish to embellish upon at this time. Okay. Im really not sure if this means you want me to stop doing this. In fact, Im not sure of anything regarding anything but Im going to give it a go anyway and see what takes place. Blossom, we are with you and we are aware of your determination for which we are grateful. Do not underestimate your strength and your power and your gift. If, when you are trying to communicate with us, all does not go according to plan, then know that this is not of your doing. There are great forces, as we have said, that are determined to stop our work being made public. Also, make sure that when in times


of doubt that you protect yourself from these forces, for they are so keen to penetrate into your thoughts and bring you to a place that is not suitable for you. You have been aware of this lately. You are behaving in a manner that will not allow them to continue, for they cannot be within your Light for too long. In the past weeks you have experienced depression of great magnitude. This is what they wish, so that your determination will feel battered. But you have not allowed this to take place. Know that we are with you and that when the clearing of these energies has taken place, there will be a new expectancy for you, which shall be realised. We are aware to, of your frustration regarding all matters of your spiritual work. White Cloud wishes us to portray to you that he is with you although you cannot sense him in your usual fashion. Much is taking place within his silence with you. When the timing is right, as always, you shall know him once again, in a new form, in a new way. Before we can continue on with these pages we need to make a few things clear to you. At present, we are circling your planet at a rate that is faster than we have been. This acceleration is due to the clearing that we spoke of. It has allowed us to step up our practices and move into the next phase. This has not taken place without necessary adjustments. It shall take a while for the balance to settle into its regime of regularity. We are adjusting plans also, in order to make this work with you and fall into the category of ease and clarity. We thank you for your patience, for we have been trying to make this understood. This is all we wish to say to you this day. We are happy to be able to say this much! Have faith. In days ahead you will know us. This shall take place. This shall be. As vibrations settle we shall work yet again in a new way. It is an ever-unfolding experiment. The hitches shall be overcome. We have our Trust in you. Be strong and surround yourself in your Light. You shall look back on this time and smile, remembering the hardship of these early days.


----This day we wish to indulge you with the ways of our race. Often it is misunderstood and misinterpreted of whom we are and where we are from. We come from a place that is out of your solar system. We travel from another universe to become a part of your universe, in order to enlighten the energy that is of you, and the energy that surrounds you of your earth plane. Your people are of a different type from ours. Your people choose to kill and maim. We cannot conceive of this. We are of Love. We do not understand your ways. We feel it necessary to answer the call, and to attempt to rectify the situation that your world has put itself in. We cannot intercept without the permission of yourselves, from another part of yourselves. We can offer our advice. We can offer our Love and support. But it is written that we cannot interfere with the freedom of choice. We continue to experiment with ways in which we can break through. You are living upon a planet that is in much pain due to the horrors that the human race has brought upon it. Where we come from, we would not dream of treating our energy source in the way that you do. Our planet is revered. It is our lifeline. Why would we take from it without giving back? You of your world destroy so much that could assist you. You have lost your understanding of why you are here. You do not feel compelled to work as one with all things. You fight and bicker. You must change your ways or there shall be no planet of earth, as you would desire it to be. Once again the link was difficult and the doubts entered. When will I ever learn? Write this down now! You have been chosen to assist us. We are working on ways to fulfil our destiny and those of your planet. We do not wish you to be downcast, and yet we are aware of your dilemma. This is why we are planning a new


way to work. We need the space to reconsider the best formula. We would wish for you to return to these writings in the following days when you are given the yes to go ahead through another source. Well, well wait and see then. I do apologise. I just dont know what you want me to do. Once again I will sign off. Not knowing when you want me to return. Until then, in Light and Love and a tiny bit of Laughter. ----Well, its been a while. Im going to see if anything comes through. In the days that have elapsed since we last communicated, you have heard of many new things that have been taking place. We ask you to listen to your heart to decipher that which is True and that which is not. Do you think we are fulfilling our purpose? Of course! The times ahead in your world will both shock and reclaim the control of the individual back to itself. Outwardly there will be much for those to marvel at. Inwardly there will be much excitement and recognition. We are aware of the time that we have been away from you. This is as we had wished. The reasons are not specific to your planet, and we would care to leave it at that. Consider the reactions that shall occur when we descend upon your earth plane. This is of concern to us, but we cannot deter our actions any longer. We have tried with all our might to assist souls in the understanding of themselves. In your world, because of the atrocities that are taking place within your governments we have agreed with the council to move on. We must intervene before it is too late. You have heard of a craft that has been launched from deep


within a pyramid. This is so. It is planned that we shall indeed present ourselves to your planet. There will be much confusion. It shall be a time of disruption within the outer and the inner. Prepare yourselves for all that is to occur. We are on the side of the good guys. Do not allow threats of war to encompass your being. Concentrate only on the Love that we come to bring. Your planet earth is in need of this change. It simply must begin. Expect the unexpected. Utilise your knowledge to its best viewpoint. ----A two-month break has taken place. Its as if I almost forgot that these writings existed. Most odd. Anyway, Im back again. I am re-entering this phase blindly. I have not read previous entries. Im just going to Trust and allow! We have been remiss in our communication with you for many purposes. We ask that you allow the continuation of this project to now take up its new position with you. Until such a time when we ask you to once again stop. Within each one of you the change is taking place at a more rapid pace than before. These changes allow the soul self to be able to accept what is taking place on the outer perimeters of your planet also. We are drawing closer to you now. Our intention is making itself known in the hearts of many. Understand that we come only to prepare the way. The pathway in which you are all given the choice to travel. The quickening of this project is necessary. Have faith in what you do. We did not pick you because of your rationality; we picked you to perform this task, because of your knowing. And you do know dont you Blossom? You know that we are intending to make contact on a much bigger scale with those that reside upon your earth plane. We need you to initialise our beginnings.


We feel that you are able to explain to many of who we are and why we are here. Even though at this point you do not know who we are. All shall be made perfectly clear at the correct time. Is it that many of you are writing this book? Is it a conglomeration of wisdom and insight? Indeed this is so. For there are many of us who wish to do so. We have been travelling around your planet for longer than we can say, in order for the days ahead to take place. Now is the time for us to filter through. Now is the time when it is imperative that those in the human flesh wake up to the Truth of who they are. Now is the time when without doubt we shall make ourselves known to many. We can retain ourselves no longer. Lift the vibration of yourselves and your world, so that we can carry out our instructions. Much shall be gained by this. We ask for you to enter into a period of deeper insight. We ask you to be vigilant in your communication with us. What would you ask of us in return? For clarity when I work with you. For your assistance in guiding me and leading me to the correct people in order for these pages to get out to all who need to read them. I ask that we respect each other for where we are and what is taking place. I ask for patience. I ask for greater understanding. Surely that leaves me owing you a few favours? We pick up on your humour. All this is yours. We ask of you only to follow your inner Truth as you have so done. This day is just the reuniting of our energies. We thank you for paying attention. Prepare your soul for the days ahead. We are willing and eager, as is yourself. In Trust, Truth and Light we sign off for today and look forward to resuming in your coming


days. Love be within. ----On behalf of the Federation of Light we welcome you. We wish to disclose of Truths that up until now have been sheltered from your planet. We accept that conditions are drawing us to a closer communion with those who chose to walk with us. Be aware of the disasters that will occur. Know that in the bigger scheme of things they are not as they seem. Many will fall. Many shall rise. It is the choice of each individual. Realise that although there are restrictions upon us at this time, we shall fulfil our Divine purpose. Above you in your skies are many lying in wait for their orders. When this time comes your planet shall take on a different view of that which now is classified. Upheaval will ensue but shall be followed by the settling of the new vibration into which we are all rising. To undertake this task we ask that each one of you lift your hearts into a place of greater understanding within yourselves. We are in need of assistance from those who understand. We cannot carry out future plans unless we have many upon your earth plane in their correct position. The governments of your world shall be at a loss. They shall no longer be able to hide what they are choosing to hide. They cannot expect to get away with all that they are doing. For natural law shall intervene. Send Light to these souls, for indeed many shall find themselves in an unknown place of despair. We shall no longer abide by the laws of YOUR world that were put in place. For we find them to be deceitful. With much patience and knowledge we have persevered. We have our limits also. The Truth of ourselves can no longer be allowed to be displayed under the masks that your power seekers have shown to you. We shall no longer tolerate this. Be


prepared in your beings for our descent into your frequency. There is nothing to fear. For we come in the Truth of who we are, and that is of Love. Our aim is to save your planet from its downfall. We come to show you better ways. We come to lead you through into a better world. Do not listen to those who would have us destroyed. Again they seek only to control what is not theirs to control. The days are drawing close when we shall display our travelling ships into your atmosphere. In turn, when the unrest has settled we shall introduce ourselves to certain allotted states. Lighten Up! This is of joyous news. A turning point is approaching, which never before has been executed. Those in our worlds are working towards this constantly. Certain coordinates are being placed upon our radar screens, and suitability clauses are underway. May I ask you about the colour-changing star that is visible in our skies at the moment? It is merely an observation station from our point of view. What are you observing? Conditions. Behaviours. Solar activity. It covers a radius well exceeding your imaginations. It is also sending out signals to other observatories. Data is collected and utilised. There are many of these stations that are positioned across your skies. All conditions must be in correct alignment for us to enter into your atmosphere. The days will come when your world is in absolute disruption due to our visits! Those who are prepared shall be in gratitude and awe. Those who are not shall indeed be in need of comforting. We stress to you


WE COME IN PEACE TO SAVE YOUR PLANET. We are happy to be in touch with you once again. For today that is all. In Love and thanks. ----In order for the transformation to occur, it is essential for your race to take on a different view of all that is. Recently a summit was passed that allowed for extra activity to coincide with a global experiment that pursues future interaction with those that are willing to assist in the coming together of worlds. Take heed of this event. It is contradictory to what has gone before. We have met with councils and an agreement was passed in order for the outcome to be as desired. This will mean that there shall be much that is now noticed within your skies and indeed yourselves. Alert media of your sightings. Encourage others to do of the same. As nations join in these revelations, it shall take on a keen enthusiasm. An overwhelming majority shall respond. Those in power shall weaken at its core. There shall be a continuation of deceit until such a time that the Truth can no longer be hidden. There shall be discussions worldwide as to the purpose of our visits. Then is the time for those who have followed their Truth and have come to know of us to take their place in the unification that we have been working towards. New leaders shall come into government. This has already been decided. A change in status for many. Your world shall undergo much change in matters that are of importance to the individual and your nations as a whole. Throughout this upheaval, there shall enter a new degree of Love and Light that shall filter through on a scale that has never before been possible. As the vibrations of individuals rise and awaken, there shall be great upliftment. This shall spread at a rate of speed that shall bring a new level


of peace to your planet that for so long has been dragged into the mire. It shall be a time when groups of like-minded souls shall find their niche. Separations shall occur between those who choose to follow their Truth and those who choose to remain in their comatose state. In a sense, there shall be a dividing. There shall also be those who cannot decide one way or the other. We rejoice in our beings as the time for this draws closer to fruition. We ask of you to rejoice also. We are eager to assist and comply with our orders. We have awaited these days ahead for such a long time. Patiently we have persevered with our undertakings. We are walking into victory. We are seeing before us the unveiling of the mists that have separated us for so long. WE ARE ONE AND THE SAME. THIS IS SO. You are listening well in these new times. We look forward to each day with you. Light be in and shine through your being this day. In Love and thanks my friends. ----We are currently entering into a phase that allows our communication to be moved forward. Unlimited access can be determined through allowing the mind to remove itself from this process. Concentrate only on these words coming into your head. Until recently, it has been accepted that your time of half an hour is all that can be mastered regarding the filtering through of our energy to yours. This can now expand. But we shall take it slowly according to your energy of the


day. Mastering our connection is fruitful to all concerned. We have accounted for delays that were unaccounted for! Now it shall be that our work together shall step up a notch. In this format we shall accomplish our target at a quicker rate. What we would require from you is the continuation of your Trust and dedication. It would be beneficial for us to make our encounters within a certain time frame upon your planet. We are happy to follow your instructions regarding this. Stretching yourself to the outer limits is now what we ask. Thus far, you have followed our wishes. It is now for you to consider taking your Trust level to a degree Higher than before. What exactly is it you wish for me to do here. Please? Thank you! We wish for you to go out on a limb, as you would interpret in your language. We feel that you are now ready to consider interacting with us in a different form from this. Sure but with all respect what different form? Accepting that we come to you in a purer energy. It is possible to do so now. It would allow our work together to be more intact. I found myself taking three deep breaths. Integration between our soul selves shall blend with each other becoming One for this period of time whilst we send our information through to you. Certain paradigms have been put in place to assist. We know well of your decisions to undertake this role. For you told us that you are ready. By having that in place we are able to advance.


A few weeks ago, I had looked up at the awesome night sky, and I found myself saying Im ready. Now Im ready. Which took me by surprise for I had no idea what I was telling them I was ready for. Socrates was a master of his own Divinity. He respected himself within his inner knowledge of Truth. He ignored those who scoffed. For he followed his hearts desire. He was led on, like you, because of the feeling of Knowing within himself that what he was doing was his purpose. As with yourself. You reiterate this time and time again. The following is what we ask of you, should you choose to agree. To accept all things that are given to you in this form from here on. To nobly uplift your being in the cause of change. To respect what you have chosen to undertake, without ridicule and self-doubt. To feel aware of who you are on a larger scale. And through this allow a greater power to work through you, for the betterment of yourself and all mankind. To assist those who are searching for reasoning. To forget what has gone by in all past days of your existence this time, and move forward unhindered by any attachments that you have now released from your being. And lastly at this point, for you to delve deeply into the reason why you have been chosen for this task.


Do I need to know? Should I not just accept, and keep it simple? It would be a great accomplishment for you to do so. It will allow aspects of this project to take place that as of now you have not even considered. You have a concern regarding ego entering. There is no ego involved. We could not work with you in this way if this was the case. Know that as a Truth. I will do my upmost to follow these instructions. Please know that if there is any jesting to be done, it is done in order to be accepted, and to Lighten up those around me. Always, within my soul, I have the deepest respect for this communion with you. I wonder if one day we shall meet face to face. Thank you whoever you are. The same and more to you. The best is yet to come. We are to close now for this day, happy and excited for future days with you. Many thanks. And to you also. Golden Rays rule! ----It is only when the mind can be still that communication between other worlds can be brought forth in its fullest strength. Allow wisdom to become you. It is told in books of history that others shall arrive in future days. It is this that we wish to bring your attention to. For all that is said, for all that is misplaced, for all that is no longer viable, we adhere to our sentiments regarding chosen outcomes. If one so chooses to be of sound foundations then indeed shall they glory in what is to be.


Consider that which is rightfully yours. That of full consciousness. That of total awareness. You are bound by limitations that have settled in to your vibration for eons of time. You think you know who you are and who you are is merely a remnant of what you once were. We come in peace to offer you the return ticket home. To show you the concepts of pure living. To predict outcomes that shall arise when the race of your planet awakens to the ultimate Truth of the self. Of the whole. Imagine if you will, a world that is untouched by human degradation. A world that is filled with pure Divine Light. Making all who reside within it, behave in a manner that is congruent with that Pure Divine Light. To you it is an imaginary world. We wish you to start feeling that world as your reality. It shall then come to pass that imaginings can be your reality. ----My dear child, what we are asking from you is not to concern the mind with alterations that may occur. Be aware of fundamental differences that may interfere due purely to vibrational shifts of any particular moment. We, like you, have schedules that must be adhered to. Therefore understand that at any given point there may be a glitch within our matrix. No offence, but Im sure Ive heard that line in the movie! Indeed. You are correct. These mishaps are not of our doing. And when you consider the vastness of this intricate design, it is no wonder that plans sometimes are not always exactly on target. Throughout our communications with you we are extremely vigilant regarding your safety. Unaware as you are of this, it is a necessity. In what form and why?


Because of the nature of our work, there are many that wish to provide detours, if we may put it that way, in order for distraction and alarm to enter in, therefore disturbing our connection with you, and occurrences that may be of a detrimental nature could arise. There is no need for concern on your part as we have it under control. Is this interference taking place today? Yes and you have just been made aware of it. A word came into my head that I knew did not flow with the sentence I was writing. Ok if you really want to know the word was polyunsaturates!!! Even I recognised this as not being in context! With all respect as much as I felt the urge to do this today, an electrical saw is now being used next door, and I feel conditions are not satisfactory. Not to be deterred I shall pick up again tomorrow. I tried!! Anything youd like to add? Yes. We wish you to acknowledge past attributes of the self that can be reengaged in these times. You are wondering of which we speak. But you shall know of these. ----To accumulate knowledge one must first be in a position to understand it. What good would information be to one who prefers to ignore it? Having been in a place of serenity and Light we are now able to propose to you of our intentions. Do not disregard any words that we bring forth, but allow the mind to be still and concentrate. According to scriptures it was written that the King of Kings would descend upon your earth plane. That there would be a day of reckoning. We wish to interpret that in a different


form. Each one of you that has and ever will descend upon this planet of yours has already known of this fortuitous event. But through your indoctrination it has been misinterpreted. As indeed so many things that have been utilised to a degree that they are no longer evident in their True form. The day of reckoning is every day. For it is the inner self of each individual that is an aspect of this King. Call it what you may. Inherent within each one is the power of the Almighty. And yet, however many times one is told of this, in however many ways, one refuses to believe it. The power that is in each one and of each one is beyond your ways of thinking. It has been locked behind a doorway that is pulsating now with Light. Open these doors dear ones. It is only you that can turn the key and allow the full potential of the GOD self to enter into the hearts of your race. It is not understood what can be achieved. It is surpressed and dampened in order to keep you under the control of those who wish to have power over you. Decline this useless belief of being unworthy. Rise up to the entirety of the Light that you are. Do not question the mind in its form of self-doubt. Ignore it! Return your thoughts to those of knowing who you are and the capabilities that you are made of. You have absolutely no True concept of your power. But it is time for you to reclaim it. Bring into your being the Trust that is rightfully yours. Pull into your beings the power that is yours and use it to bring about the change that is indeed about to take place. For it is written. We have said before, it is most beneficial to the whole to have those on your planet in accordance with our future plans. Those that are accepting of these days ahead can be of great assistance as we gradually present ourselves to you face to face. You wonder when this shall be? We can only tell you that


all things are in place for these appearances. We wish only to assure you of Love. We wish you to move forward into a world that is only of this. We come to assist in the transformation of energy and vibration that shall lead you into your new phase. In coming days much shall be revealed to many of these plans and it shall come about that these revelations shall be confirmed, as was given. There shall be a turn around of many. They shall awake and be in need of much counsel and knowledge. We are not speaking of the few. We are speaking of the many. This is why many like yourself are already in their awareness of these matters. You are to be the teachers. Your world shall be buzzing with new anticipation as to what shall occur as more and more of my kind present ourselves to you. These events are forthcoming. These things that we speak of are to be. There shall be no denial as one looks upon us, that we are real. And yet, there shall be much denial from those who wish to bring us down. Those who are in fear of what may be. There are many souls who already know of us and yet they have refused to acknowledge our purpose. Those who have chosen to take what we have offered and abused it for their own benefits. These souls have much to answer for in the grand scheme. We tell you this: When we make ourselves known to those upon your earth plane, we shall be in full display. We shall be recognised as peace givers. As enlightenment. This cannot be disguised. We come to prepare the way. Accept this as a Truth and allow your hearts to be uplifted within this Truth.


I do! In Love and thanks. ----It is accepted and understood by many of who we are, and yet it appears that there are those among you who are of great ignorance in the matters that are essential in the wellbeing of your planet. It shall be of much concern to us regarding the placement of ourselves within your vibration, for we wish to encounter as little shock value as we are able. Understand also that for those who are of the understanding of our arrivals, even to those who are prepared, there shall be much disturbance within their current vibration during the days of our drawing close. This is unavoidable. But the disturbance within each ones frequency shall be coupled with an air of excitement that one will find almost uncontainable. During such visits it will be required of you to resonate with the frequency in which we have chosen to enter into your atmosphere. This can be done merely by thought and attuning to the knowing within the self. We wonder how greatly we shall affect souls. We know that so many of your kind are totally unprepared for these visitations. It shall be for a time as if the end of the world is nigh. There will be much panic within the souls of many. There will be much hope and upliftment within many others, and these are the ones that shall lead those in turmoil to an acceptance of what is taking place. We have looked at all other ways to make these encounters as smooth as possible, yet we find that it is now that the only way ahead is to appear to you en masse, in order for the ideal outcome to occur. You have remained in a capsule of ignorance for too long, and the councils of our plight are in agreement that the way that has been chosen shall be the most effective. We are determined to accomplish our mission, against all odds. You would be amazed to discover how much interference needs


to be dealt with. We are speaking from those on your planet who refuse to cooperate and whose intent is to hide us away. In a sense, in your language we would say that they are fools for they have no True idea of who and what they are dealing with. We have access to instruments that could literally freeze them in time until we would feel it safe to set them free. We have systems within our ships that are capable of evaporating matter in a blink of an eye. We do not wish revenge on those who have deceived us, but we can no longer comply with their power seeking control over events. Some of which you would find hard to accept. We have given to them chance and opportunity to redeem their ways, but they refuse to deter from their ultimate goal of world power and control. As our arrivals become more apparent in different countries of your planet, there will be denial of our intent. All that has been covered up shall have no choice but to be exposed, and the Truth behind what you are told is Truth shall be revealed in the plain Light of day. Much injustice has been served to many of our kind by those of your kind. We are able to appreciate that the vibration in which you reside upon varies greatly from ours, and because of that we take into account certain factors that we might allow for and give leeway. But there are matters that we simply cannot and will no longer accept and the time for intervention is drawing closer than you think. Please know that those who have betrayed us within your planet are puppets, whose strings are pulled and manipulated by forces that are denying their Truth. Those that have succumbed to the desires of these manipulators shall only have themselves to answer to. We have no desires or plans for reprimand. That is not our way. They shall find that the space


they find themselves in when the takeover has come upon your planet shall be penance enough. We are not beings that can feel hate towards another. We send Light to these on your planet whose intent is to Rule the World. We ask for understanding and awakening to come into their hearts. Sad to say many have reached such an intense manner of greed and avarice that even the most concentrated of Light energy is unable at this time to penetrate through. We have done well this day in our communications. The link is strengthening and we are able to remain within your energy for longer periods of your time frame. We eagerly await our correspondence with you in the following of your days. Yep, its getting easier to pick you up. In Love and thanks. ----Recognition of who we are shall become apparent during the forthcoming events. We lovingly await these days whereupon we can appear to many in our True form of Light. As with your race, understand that there are many involved and therefore expect that we appear in all shapes and sizes! Our communication with you shall be on a level that as yet is not understood by you. Yet, when we choose to communicate there will be no misunderstanding. It shall be on different levels also. There shall be an amount of diversions necessary for the human mind to be able to comprehend our messages. In that, some will come through sound alone, which shall then resonate with a part of the human brain that will then be able to interpret it into its original discourse. Other interactions shall be of colour that will enter through the visual and received by the visual senses and again processing through the brain can interpret the messages that way.


We speak of soundwaves. It will be as an overall knowing of what we wish to present to you, through the vibrational frequency of certain sounds. That mingled with colour can reach the desired effect. You are wondering how many of you would be able to understand these messages in this form. This is why we are imploring you to seek the solace of the inner self, which allows the souls vibration to accept what we have to offer. There shall be some of you who find the sounds painful to the ear. As if it is hurting your brain. This is due to the level of frequency in which a particular soul is attuned to at that time. Those, whose level has not yet reached a certain degree, will find a few difficulties with this. Please understand these things cannot be avoided. We wish no disturbance to occur, but our initial visits cannot take place otherwise. In further visitations, this shall simmer, and as one becomes more accustomed to the frequency, the ease of communication shall come. At first we shall merely be visual. There will be no contact at the outset. For obvious reasons of the occurrence of the visual being quite enough for the human form to accept. As we progress and things settle we shall be able to determine when it is suitable for the next stage and so on and so on. Truly we say to you that our intent is to assist. It is imperative that this is known. Due to misconception of Truth many shall assume the mode of panic and not allow themselves to reap the True qualities that these events can offer. For those who stand in awe, they shall be at peace within. They shall find a difference within themselves that was not there before. The vibration of Light that we can emit and therefore penetrate into the human form shall have an effect that is beneficial within your earth realms. Do not misunderstand.


Your earth will not come to a standstill. Quite the opposite. Much chatter will begin to circulate at the expectations of more frequent visits. Many who once denied our existence shall be eager to embellish upon these matters. There will be a continuous overflow of resources that may assist them at this time. These shall be the days when those of you who are already aware of their purpose shall be given further orders. The heart shall know what to do. In your personal readings Blossom, you have witnessed events whereupon the particular energy that may visit a certain soul, using you as their vessel, has placed within side that soul, information that neither you nor that soul are aware of at that time. And yet with all parties involved the feeling is of an understanding that information was being transferred. Bingo! Had to put that because it came like a flash, and I have to say suddenly made sense of a lot of things that take place with my private readings. Yes, you have understood. When the information given is required to be put into place by that soul, it shall awaken within them. Rather like a key that is given and yet one has not been given the go ahead to open the door. As if one has been given an envelope, but until told cannot open it to reveal its content. It is rather like that. When that time is correct the information shall come to Light and be utilised. For now, accept that within those souls who have encountered this, that the energy of what was given to them shall remain dormant. I feel I should explain here. Sometimes during private read-


ings an energy other than White Cloud may come in to either speak or simply just be with that soul. I do not know where they are from and it can differ greatly in the way their energy feels. Sometimes they ask the soul who is having the reading if they may transfer energy to them. This takes place by my raising my arm(s) and intense breathing takes place. I then either place my first two fingers onto their third eye, or all ten fingers on to their ten fingers. From there the energy is transferred. Difficult to describe but my fingers tremble in stops and starts and my breathing is very intense. I can feel huge amounts of energy flowing through me and then it simply dies down and my hands are removed from that person. I always felt that information was being transferred but have no idea about what! What they have just said in the previous paragraph now makes perfect sense to me and is a great clarification. Do you begin to see how/where the need for Trust becomes apparent? You have often questioned what actually takes place during these visits from energies. You have allowed yourself to Trust that although you are unaware on your human level what is taking place that something on a different level is definitely going on. This is taking place throughout your planet by others like you. Some are having the implantation of information during sleep times. Others are taken off during their meditations and given the key, their envelope, if you like. This is what is meant when White Cloud speaks of the armies upon your earth plane. This is why he asks you to visualise your swords of Light being presented to the heavens. This is why we can connect with you and many like you, because in Trust you have followed our wishes, and continue to do so. All of this is not in vain. Can you see now why we are in such gratitude to those of you who listen to their hearts? You are given no dates, you are given nothing more


than you need to know at any given time. And within, the Truth of who you are is allowing you to follow the pathway that you have chosen in order for these coming events to come about. How we shall reign in glory as we come together as one. From different worlds shall we recognise each other, and yet it shall be a meeting of great joy as we recognise that we have been working together on the same plan, and now, as foretold we have brought it into fruition. These are wondrous days ahead. There is much excitement from where we are. Sometimes Blossom you are able to pick up on this. Go with that Truth. For it is so. We have done well today. Now we must leave. Yep, Loved it. In Love and thanks my friends. ----Welcome to you our friend and colleague. Decisions have been made and it is to come about that along with future events there shall be projects that will allow the mindset of those on your planet to change. We have assessed the value of these changes and feel that it would be most useful to all involved. Continuing on from our last contact we would advise that although there are many of your kind that are willing to raise their vibrations in preparation of our coming, there are so many still that refuse to comply. These are their wishes and we have always known that we cannot interfere with free will. However, we feel that there perhaps should be more opportunity for those who remain in a sleep to be given their wake up call. We do not wish to let these souls remain in their present state. Therefore, it is that we shall be sending a wave of Light form through to them, which we are hoping shall aid their present state of understanding.


This can be achieved in many ways. It shall occur during their sleep state and yet when one has woken they shall be able to recall what they perceive to be of a dream. However it shall have an effect upon their emotional state. They will feel a lightening of disposition and have flashes of remembrance of that dream. This in turn shall bring them to release past beliefs and pursue the questioning of these dreams and indeed their relevance. It is baffling to us that the human mind has shut down to such a degree as to remove any sense of the bigger picture. How compact have many of you allowed your minds to become? You have literally through time, shut down functions of the inner workings of the brain, and this is indeed where much of your problems evolved. There are those who would say that the human mind is all there is. We would say that this is not so. For within the human form there is and always has been the capacity to expand the awareness of the soulself. This reaches far beyond your imaginings, but not your capabilities. It is of much sadness sometimes when we witness these blockages. How elated we become as we see those of you begin to awaken into the glory of your souls. Let Love guide you each step of the way. Through Love alone can one find the expansion of the soulself, which allows the connection with the Higher self to become apparent in the moment of Now. Not to put it out there of course, but there seems to be great difficulty with our link today, and we have been doing SO well. The weather is all over the place lately, does this interfere? Yes, but not in the way you would look upon it in your terms. It is not because the wind is blowing for example that we are experiencing difficulties. It is more so the imbalance of the


atmospherics that is the problem. You see we battle continually with outside forces that are determined to destroy. This does not deter us, it just makes our task a little more difficult. We are not hindered by their efforts, and may we say it is not just from our vibrations that these defences apply. Much from your world also has great reason to prevent us from contact with you. We do not just mean you Blossom, as you sit and channel these words. We mean on a far greater scale. It is imperative to those who wish to prevent our visits from taking place, to interfere in any manner possible. Too much is at stake for those who have for so long worked against us for reasons of control. Fear is entering into their beings in these new times. Many have been made aware of our coming and our prospects, and they work intently to prevent this taking place. We have much to contend with. Yet we made it known to those in power in order for there to be a change of heart. In order to give them warning of what would take place, should they not comply with our wishes. Sadly, those in the highest of positions in your world could not concede to acknowledging the Truth of these outcomes. They continue to bombard and deceive. We have no fear. We are not capable of this. Thus, we continue in knowledge that their downfall is imminent. How the mighty shall fall. As we have spoken of before, we wish no harm to those who have plotted against us. We desire only that they shall find peace and understanding within their individual selves, and make amends for all the devastation and atrocities they have caused. Only Truth can prevail. It would be of much joy to our hearts if this turn of events had not needed to take place in the way that they must. But due to the earths depletion of energy caused by the absolute greed of a few, it is necessary for this


change to come about in the way that it must. We cannot and will not allow destruction and world domination by the wrong kind to further its plans. Thank you. You rightly retuned and all was well. In Love and thanks to you also. ----Within each soul upon your earth plane lies the potential of Godliness. We spoke of how the majority of you have allowed yourselves to remain oblivious to the understandings of the power within. We realise too that this is not about direct choice, as it has taken place over eons of your time, and little is now known of the absolute creation within. In these days of yours we rejoice that these opportunities are now once again being presented to you. What you must try to envisage is the knowing that you are the creators. Keep reinforcing this knowledge to yourself and others. As it becomes commonplace and settles easily within there will come about change. May we say that even the things that you at this point imagine to be of the most extreme possibilities are merely the beginnings of the True potential that you can achieve. We implore you to listen to your feelings. To pick up on the thoughts that once upon a yesteryear you may have considered to be insane! It is our intent to assist you in implanting thoughts beyond your wildest dreams and allowing them to integrate with the self, in order for them to become possibilities, which in turn become realities. Open your minds. Open your ears. Open your hearts. Your senses are a given virtue that at this time are underestimated to a degree beyond recognition. You use your senses mostly for your human experience. We ask you now to accept that there is so much more than that.


There is the use of the senses within your spiritual self, where they then become heightened in a manner that will serve you intently. This requires you to ask. To bring forth the reopening of these senses so that you may find for yourselves all that can be enhanced by yourselves for yourselves. We understand of your haste this day and know that you have other matters to attend to. We thank you for this brief window none the less. You are welcome. ----We spoke to you of the heightening of your senses. This can be achieved by meditation. It is an art form that would benefit you greatly. Allow yourselves to become aware of the finetuning that is necessary to achieve the required results. You may ask how this can be done. It is by the stilling of the mind and being. When you allow the quietness to penetrate in to the deepest part of your mind, when you can be aware that no thoughts are interfering, but simply concentrate on the nothingness that is all, when you can do this, you will begin to see visions that were once unavailable to you. With each step that is moving you forward comes a new beginning. It is difficult for one to become in touch with the Higher part of themselves if they do not give themselves the required silence to go within and be of that like mind in order to make that contact. This is exactly what is taking place for me right now! I do apologise, but my mind cant settle this morning. Perhaps I will try again later when there is more free time. Feeling a bit rushed, and not able to concentrate. Sorry chaps! I gave it a go.


In the years ahead you will look back upon these words and know them to be of Truth. How easy it is for the mind to wander and be distracted. You have much to contend with on a day-to-day basis. Matters that can bring the energies of the soul into a place that one would not desire. It is then that you must rise above these insignificancies. The trivialities that effect can take hold and bring the level of ones consciousness into a place that it is not comfortable with. Recognise these trivialities for what they are. Intentions of the correct form can bring you out of these moods that sometimes seem to overwhelm. Frequencies can be altered by persistence. It takes determination to keep on going in your world sometimes, when all around seem to be of a downcast nature, and what you see and hear makes you feel there is little point in continuing. You know that there is a point. You know that there is reason. Sometimes it seems that your lessons to be learnt will never cease. This is because you have chosen to be in a world that challenges. You have asked to be here for many reasons. We often desire to step in and show to you the brighter picture that lies ahead but we cannot. It is against the rules. Know within your being of this brighter picture ahead. Today I am struggling to pick up your link. Although I would definitely say today that it is my frame of mind that is blocking. I know Ive said it before but I do wish sometimes that I could hear you. That would make it so much clearer. I feel you are asking me to keep going. What do you wish to say next? We wish only to express our Love for you. We wish only to thank you for all the work you have done so far. We wish you to appreciate how grateful we are to you for your continual perseverance, when others may have given in. Do you think if we could let you hear us that they we would not have al-


ready done so? You always feel that it is you at fault. With respect have we not already told you of interferences by those who wish to destroy this mission? Well, how come then that now this last paragraph is suddenly coming through, when the previous ones today were so difficult, just because I decided to pack up? Because you decided not to bother and let go, therefore your thoughts were not interfering with ours. But I thought you said it was outside interference and not my fault? We did. But we did not say that it was not outward influences that are affecting your disposition today. By not concentrating and trying to deliver, you broke the spell if we may put it that way. ----Blossom, at this time you are experiencing difficulties in this field. We would ask you to raise your spirits and know that we are with you. We are aware of your despondency, but we ask that you persevere. In order for your Truths to be revealed. Are they my Truths? I thought they were yours? Indeed. Follow the process and allow for silence within the mind. We feel that you are in need of a little upliftment and therefore we are going to oblige in a way that may surprise you. That would be nice!


For many days you have chosen to sit at your machine and relate our words on to it. You have delivered with Truth and humility and we feel it is time for a gift to be given. That would be even nicer! When taking into account the offerings that are available we have decided to let you in on a secret. We are coming to visit you! With all respect yeah right! Forgive me please. I dont feel in the best of moods these last few days and yet feel I must continue on with this in order to fulfil the purpose, but hardly in the right frame of mind for channelling. So therefore Im wondering if Im making this up. I guess if you did visit me, I would fall over!!! We will catch you when you fall. ----Ready to give it another go. Energies were very low last week. Feeling better today. First of all let us categorically state that we have intentions to assist in a way that is useful. Of days behind you, you have experienced difficulties with our communication causing you to doubt yourself and this process. We do not wish to confuse or disturb you. We come to bring a message of hope to a world that is slowly losing its beauty and desire to struggle on. Understand that to those who have no conception of us, we intend to show to them the value of what we are able to bring forth in terms of new hope. Within your frame of what can be understood there is much that can be shown in order to move the soul into a place where it can feel its purpose. We are aware of matters that are around you trying


to abort this mission. We ask of you to stand in your power and allow only that which is of Light to be within. Counter intelligence is often the case here. We admire all you of earth who continue to battle through these destructive elements in order to save the race that you are. At times it seems an impossible task. You have conflict to your Truth around every corner. Be strong in your Truth. Allow nothing and no one to penetrate into the Truth that is yours. WE WILL COME TO YOUR ASSISTANCE. It is not so much a matter of faith. It is a matter of knowing. Your doubt enters because you do not know when these happenings are going to take place. When they do do you think you will doubt then? No for it shall be there for you to witness. Until then, we implore you to continue on in Trust, even though at times it seems pointless. You have been inquiring as to your spiritual work and where it is you are heading have you not? Yep. Feel at an absolute standstill. Poor old White Cloud must be so frustrated with me. WHITE CLOUD. (I feel) My friend and trustworthy colleague, look at all you have done for me and our cause. Why would you imagine that I am displeased? We have a plan you and I. It is just that I know what it is and you dont. It would help me so much if I knew. Just seem to have lost the plot in all this. Know of this my Blossom. When all is in correct alignment, we shall project our destiny into its next phase. And this will be ? Yes I know. When all is in alignment.


And that is ? What you already know yet at this moment have forgotten, is that it is not just you that must be in alignment with yourself. It is a matter of many things that also must be of the same. Our work would not be satisfactory to either you or myself if it was to be presented at the time when all is out of balance. But surely there are so many more people who would benefit from reading your words NOW. This is so. But it is not correct within the greater scheme of the plan. BLOSSOM. Stand strong in your inner self. You are under attack in ways that wish to destroy this plan, for it is beneficial to human kind. As with all matters of this nature there are times that must ensue that shall cause doubt. This is when most of all you must not. We know you know. We send you Love at these times for we see you struggling and indeed many that are around you also. This is why we beseech you to bathe yourself in your Light. To be able to do this at all times will assist you. It is no easy task when so much is out there trying to weaken your senses and your determination. Fight back. Your weapons are yourselves. Your Light. Your Truth. You are armed with all you need. Know of this. All of you on your planet know of this in some form or another. As to whether you choose to recognise it is a different matter. We shall continue on in the next of your days. Be of cheer Blossom. There is much ahead to smile about. Okay Ill do my best. Many thanks to you. -----


When I am tuning in to begin these sessions, I try to imagine what you look like. Are you able to tell me please? We are of Light, yet we have form. There are many of us within the Federation. And many of us appear differently depending on status, duty, and evolvement. So, am I speaking to one or a collective? Mostly you are talking to one, who speaks as collectiveness. Would you be able to tell me a bit more about yourselves? Not necessarily your mission, but about your day-to-day running, if you have such a thing? It is most difficult to express, but we shall try to explain in your terms. You imagine us to be travelling within a star ship. This is so. But understand that when we say we are circumferencing your planet, we do not literally go round and round! For the speed in which we manoeuvre is beyond your capacity of thinking. Therefore we would be most dizzy would we not? Our mother ship is anchored at various times in order to collect data and allow us to observe many things. It would be safe to say that it is our smaller craft that actually enter into your skies. These in themselves are uniquely designed. It is difficult to express regarding size of our mother ship. You might care to think of it as another world in some terms, due to its vastness. Indeed, its circumference could be seen that way. We have many levels on board. Not only am I speaking of the structure, but of those who reside within. So, is The Federation Of Light your ship? Yes and no. Meaning?


Those within are all working with The Federation of Light. We all have the same intent. To assist your planet as we have said and help raise its vibration for the betterment of mankind. There are others who do not travel with us and yet are just as much a part of us. Let me be brave and ask where they reside. I say brave, because I wonder where I shall find that answer! They reside within a complex of energy. Meaning? In your world you may have a certain club. There may be many members within that club, and yet not all are directly involved with the running and organization of it. They have other schedules. This is an enormous project that we have agreed to undertake. Please understand also that we are not just pursuing the enlightenment of your tiny planet. (With all respect) our work encompasses many galaxies. We do not just have the one mother ship. There are many, continuing on in other places also. But do you look like humanoids? Aliens? Angels? What? We have different guises. Does that surprise you? We are of a status that enables us to change form depending on the necessity to do so. Does that surprise you? Not particularly. So, when there is no one around that one would need to change form for, if you get what I mean, how would you describe yourself physically then? We would be more of our Truer self. But you are enquiring as the we. As I said there are many varieties, if I may put it that way.


So you who are speaking to me now, what do you look like? Are you sitting in a room in the ship, at a desk? On a lounger with a Gin and Tonic? What I really would like is to have an image. I think it would help with communication. Can you tell me these things, or am I being a little too petty in the greater scheme of things? We understand your inquisition. ----Let us resume. We are in high spirits, as you would say on your earth. We realise that you are intrigued by what we look like, what we do etc. You shall know soon enough. Do you have to consciously stop what you are doing when you communicate with me? If so, I must mess up your timetable a little. It is not of that way. We are able to multitask if we may put it that way. Although we enter into conversation with you, there is much that is underway at the same time. In my head I still have no image of you. Do you know what I look like? We know only of your intent and Love. We do not know what your surroundings are from where we are at this point. In a sense you know only of our Light do you not? It is the same either way. At this point, but this shall change as we draw closer. It is difficult for you to imagine. Ultimately, in all honour, it is not of importance at this juncture. What is of importance is the continuation of these bondings with you. In future communications we would expect the contact to be of a different form, which shall allow an ease that is not yet present.


Much is changing in your world according to the plans that have been set in motion now. You have conceded to apply intervention. Through this we can move forward. Lately we have tried to assure your people in high places that we come to change things. To make a difference. We have much knowledge that we are able to impart that can be of great assistance in all fields. And yet, still, those who are in power refuse our help. They think they can cajole us into imparting information for no return. It is not that we expect or demand any return. It is not of that way. But we will no longer agree to their terms, for they are of a kind that will not benefit the whole. There are breakthroughs appearing. There are some of you humans in power that are indeed questioning what is taking place. Their hearts have been touched. They are not able to agree with all that is taking place within your governments regarding our treaties. Much deceit in past communications has led us to believe that we cannot trust them. Therefore, although we have offered ourselves willingly to partake in joint assignments, we find it better to decline, for we are aware that there is double entendre taking place within what they present to us. Sadly we find that of many that we have tried to interact with in positions of status upon your planet, there is little or no progression. Those souls feel that they would lose their strength should they comply with our offerings. How afraid they are to face the Truth of themselves. We offer Light to such souls. It must be most unpleasant to reside in a shell that is so fearful and of ignorance. We wonder why they should wish our destruction when they are fully aware of our purpose. Gradually there are those who are turning around to our way of thinking and they refuse to comply with the childlike manner in which many behave. More and more are beginning to relieve themselves of their positions, for they know that what is conducted by


your power people is neither respectful nor courteous. Tantamount to this, we underestimated the levels to which they would stoop. We are being introduced to their ways slowly but surely. We smile at their attempts to fool us. With respect, as we have said before, they have no idea who they are dealing with. If they did, they would think more astutely regarding their behaviour. That is all for today. Our time is up. Many thanks. Yep. And to you. Have a good day, flying round the universe, and Ill have a good day writing Xmas cards and things like that. Do you want to swap? In Love and Thanks. ----Up until now we have discussed with you ways in which you can prepare yourselves for the new way that is to come to your planet. We can only assist in certain ways and there are rules regarding information at this time that is not to be revealed until it is appropriate. As we move forward we understand more of that which encompasses your world, and reasons why your people behave in ways that we could not understand. How we desire to set you free. We cannot imagine what it must be like to spend your moments in such a place, where the human mind has allowed itself to disintegrate into such a confused state. It is clarity of mind that allows this freedom. When you accept the offerings that we come to give and apply their usage, you will be astounded at the difference. Not only in who you actually are, but what you are actually capable of also. Through Love we persist. There is much group work to be done. In general, we are achieving much sought after results. We have days like you, when we are grateful and happy of things that are taking place and we feel confident in our pursuance. Other


days we must accept that we are not in control of the human mind, and therefore free will may hinder at times. Like many of you on your earth plane, we can only do our best. And at times you feel despondent. We do not feel of this as we are aware of the much bigger picture and where all this is leading. We wish that we were able to show you things that would lift your spirits, and we shall, but not at this present moment. With much knowledge that we share we are able to conclude that we are coming closer to our aims. I am wondering how long we continue on writing these pages. There must be a time when you feel that enough is said and I will move into the next phases of publishing your words. Do we have a long way to go? I am happy to continue but Im wondering where this is leading to and indeed what more you wish to say? I have come to realise that there will not be these amazing revelations as originally thought, for as I read through the pages I can see that this is more of a preparation for the self. The Bridge to guide us over perhaps into the unknown. Dearest lady, we are not quite ready to cease these communications. There is more to come that is of great importance. As they say in your world, we are leaving the best till last. You still are waiting for a major breakthrough are you not? Oh dear Yes I guess I am. As I continue on every day, I still have a feeling that we are not really getting anywhere. Please forgive me for that. Yet, when I read back, I can see that we are, but Im not sure where it is we are actually getting!! We understand of this. And we again must thank you for your continuation when you feel this way. Please know that we know what we are doing. We assure you that these hours that you spend are not in vain.


With much Love we come to overcome the ignorance, which has implanted itself in the minds of many. We come to show you that there is a vast universe outside of your little world. There is much more also but we shall lead you through one step at a time. You feel that we are not revealing much to you. We wish you to understand, that until your souls are of a certain vibration we are unable to do so, for the mind level would not be able to accept that which we have to reveal. That makes sense to me. I see your point. This is why we keep on in our persistence to ask you to raise your vibration of the soulself. Do you see? We can offer guidance but we cannot do it for you. Sometimes Blossom you find that even this, what we are doing now, is a bit far fetched. You look to your skies, looking for us. You know we are there, but you have never seen us. This we admire in you. We wish that knowing to spread into the minds of others. Through entering the minds, then once it is accepted it can penetrate into the soul, and that is where the Knowing can enter. It is not a case for you as to whether any of this is True. It is a case for you of when is it not? Precisely. And what you must realise is that many do not have the same conviction as you. May I butt in here? Surely, if you were to present yourself, which I understood was the plan, they would not need to know beforehand, because they would know when they saw you, if you see what I mean. We understand. But we wish more of you to be of acceptance beforehand. The being will be much better prepared in this way for our visits. There is so much at stake in that we do


not wish to upset the balance of the soul and yet for many this will be so due to the total surprise. For those whose souls are prepared there shall be no shock value to the system, although having said that, it will be in the days that we appear of such amazement that we expect there to be a little jolt, for want of a better way to describe. Words as we have said can be so inadequate. It is time for us to depart this day. We thank you. Ditto! In Love and thanks. ----We are of like mind. Our intentions in the deepest part of our being have the same purpose. When there is only of these intentions that flow through thought patterns, it allows the intention to become the reality. We, from the position to which we have aspired, have eliminated all thoughts that are not congruent with that intention. We have removed complacency. We have removed all nature of imaginings that are non beneficial to self and to the whole. Your minds have been trained to work in overload. The clogging up of your system has made it so that there is little room for the flow of intent to be of prominence. We marvel at the continuation of the influx of trivial matter that you allow to enter in. This causes great imbalance. We ask you to think about this. Monitor your thoughts in a way that can oblige. All menial interferences of mind can be registered and eliminated before they can be of damage. You are learning many new ways in these days; this one will take your soul to a level of purity that will allow so much clarity to be present. Through persistence it shall be that eventually the thoughts that are of no use will not enter in. They will have recognised that they are not welcome, for want of expression. It really is a case of astute awareness. When the mind is full of interferences one cannot


focus on the thoughts that are of great service. The mind has been so cluttered with non-sensical matter. This is unnecessary, but how do you stop this, when it has gradually introduced itself with age, and complications occur due to this very intrusive backwash. Remove the clutter. Not just when you take the time to meditate. Remove it altogether. You do not need to fill its empty space with something else. Let there be the empty space. That space will give the thoughts that are of the correct intention room to move, room to grow, room to flow. It is only yourselves that are able to do this for yourselves. Become more aware within each moment of your thought pattern. Stop the ongoing nonsense. Simply recognise it and stop it. That is the easiest way to put it. As you make practice of this, you will see how it has an ongoing effect and less and less thoughts of the useless kind shall be able to enter in. This may seem quite a task. But as with all things, unless it is worked upon, how can it improve? You would notice such a difference within yourselves and your everyday living. There is so much we could say about this. Give it a try perhaps. It will take time to even have an inkling of its purpose, but as you do so, you shall find yourselves impressed with the difference it makes in all matters. If we politely say, it is a case with your kind that too much thinking is done. There are those of you who never, not once, ever choose to switch off. The mind is a literal swirl of thoughts that have no home. That never settle. This becomes a strain on the entirety of the self. Not just of the mental, but it becomes such a heavy burden to the mind, that it is transferred through to the physical in order for it to be released in this form. When thoughts and mindsets remain within, they become stifled. They do not have the freedom to expand and be expressed. If they are of the negative connotation they


fester and turn into a physical reaction to the non-reaction of the doing. Pure minds, positive minds, pure thoughts, positive thoughts. Learn to have only these within your being. With all respect your world has suffered greatly because of this not being the case. Look at it in these days that you are in. For every grievance one may have with the state of affairs that are deeply implanted in their own negative vibration, each and every aspect that does not appeal to your nation as a whole has been conjured up en masse. Your world would not know of war if it was not for a mass concentration on the very nature of elimination through greed and power. One little old man sitting in a rocking chair does not have the power to cause a nation to go to war. It is through a build up of the same thought by many that can allow it to evolve into its reality. These things you are aware of. There is a cleansing that must take place. A cleansing on many levels. If this cleansing begins in the mind it shall make the task much easier for all involved. As you are writing this we are aware that you are imagining the mind in its pure form, without any negative interference. Then you are trying to imagine this within the mind of all that reside upon your planet. It is a wondrous vision is it not? And yet. How much work is there to be done, in order for this Truth to be in the hearts of each individual? Our ways are so varied from yours. We are of these learnings. We abide by these ways. That is why we are able to be of great advancement compared to your planet. That is why we have intentions to lead you into this way. To live the lives that were intended for you. It can be changed, this world of yours. The souls within can bring this change about with outside assistance and the desire to uplift this planet of earth and water into the Love and Light that was intended for it.


In Love and thanks. ----In the final stages of our communication with you we would like to express our sincere gratitude for your continual perseverance and dedication. We have accomplished much through these pages and are content to reintroduce ourselves at a convenient time to continue on with our message of preparation. Oh! Does this mean its the end of the book then? Thats come a bit out of the blue. A few pages back you said you were saving the best for last and that there was more to come of great importance! It means that we are happy to leave things as they are for now. So, can I just clarify that you want these pages printed as they are in to book form. Forgive me for not just accepting. This has taken me by surprise as I felt there would be a lot more to come in order to give it more purpose. That doesnt sound very positive does it? Are you sure this is what you want? Could it be me putting that in my head, although why would I? I had no idea these words would come today. Blossom, our friend and colleague. We ask you to take your Trust further, and know that we know what we are doing. This is just the beginning. What we have put in these pages will allow many to prepare themselves for our coming. We cannot offer more insight at this time. Is this the last time we shall communicate for quite a while then?


There shall be a few more finishing touches and then we shall take a break. But do you want this much printed? Does it clarify as a book if you know what I mean? We feel that it does. We feel it has enough content to give one food for thought. We do not wish to overload. Once again forgive me, but its all so sudden. I had no idea we were near the end. I feel most odd about this news. I get the feeling right now that maybe I have a few weeks max left with you. Actually that makes sense, as it will be my birthday in a few weeks and thats when this all began last year. I feel it will end the day before. Two weeks to wind down. I guess I will find out as the days go on. I actually feel rather sad. And confused. Is this really enough content to make a book? I think I need to leave this for today and read it again later and see what I think. And I guess as well, I need to read everything through from the top and see how it reads as a whole. I know you know what is best. Its just its just well you know its just what it is I guess. Just a bit taken aback. Anything youd care to add? Only that we apologise for the abruptness of the ending. We thought you may be pleased with the finalisation. For we have accomplished our first mission together. We shall continue tomorrow as usual for there are final statements we would care to make. Okay. I would like to continue on but do not have the time right now. Ill definitely talk with you tomorrow, when Ive had time to let this sink in. Wow! Dont know what to make of this. Thank you though. I shall ponder greatly on this today. -----


Recovered from your news yesterday, and yes, I know you know what you are doing. So, here we go on the few contacts that we have left for this book. Yesterday your mind went into a spin. You felt many forms of emotions which were brought on through your doubting of yourself and us is this not so? Oh yes! We understand your predicaments. It is not easy on your earth plane to always be strong in your beliefs and intentions. It is very different for us for we know we exist! Its not that I dont know if you exist or not its a matter of when you shall make yourselves known to others? We do understand. Please accept our gratitude for your perseverance. It is important that these words reach many. It is important that your race is prepared for our coming for all the reasons that we have stated in these previous contacts. These days will not be our last communication. You are an important contact that we do not wish to break. There is so much more that we shall be able to share with you when the correct timing is in place. We are Light workers. The same as you. The same as many on your planet. Many, as with yourself have no idea as to exactly the plan that they are involved within. You spread your Light as an example of humanness. You and many others. Yet, although this is part of your purpose it is not the full contingent of your reasoning for being on earth at this time. When our visitations take place, that shall be the time when much of your dormant selves may be awoken into action. Each in their position shall know what it is that they must


do. They will feel that at last they have found their purpose. For many at this time feel lost and wonder exactly what they are here for. How the heart shall brighten. There shall be new teachings set into place. There shall be so much to do, due to the shock. We wish to settle the minds of those in denial. We wish to fulfil our mission of enlightening your world out of its darkness. You are of the understanding, are you not, that there is not just of the one ship that shall present itself on a particular day? There are many many involved in this major upturn. Many races from other planets are involved. It shall be an ongoing supply of wonder. Can you see how much planning has been put into place? We cannot predict the outcome. We have been sending vibrations of Light to these future days. It is imperative that more of your kind wake up to what is to take place. We need the assistance of those who understand to follow through with their position. Many as we have said, do not know what their position is. But it shall be made perfectly clear by the knowing inside of the self. Prepare your being Blossom, and explain to as many as possible that they must prepare theirs. This is NOT a fantasy story. This is NOT a sci-fi movie. THIS IS TRUTH. You cannot imagine this is so, for your world has been told of matters like these for eons of your time. Many have waited with perhaps quashed faith. You volunteered and were chosen to be here specifically for this time. As with so many of you. You have found it difficult at times to remain on a planet that has so much misunderstanding of the Truth. Yet you have chosen to remain in order to fulfil your destinies. In order to uplift this beautiful planet of yours into the Light


that was originally planned for it. There are vast changes that lay ahead. We cannot at this time give you the exact details. Much shall depend on the behaviour of those who reside upon your earth as to how the following days will pan out. Always know that we will assist in fullness to prevent as little upheaval as possible. But as we have expressed before, there shall be unavoidable disturbances. Not only on the planetary level, but also of the mind. In your picture shows you have seen pretend craft that descend from the skies. We say to you ... you aint seen nothing yet! Like your style! My dearest friend, we are of great excitement. We have waited forever to embark upon this major change a change that involves all the nations of your planet a change that shall be of breathtaking outcomes. We ask you to be strong in your soul selves. We ask you to be vigilant in the connection with your Higher souls. For in that way the mind, body and soul is prepared for what is to come. We thank you for your continuing support. Hey, no problem. Feel renewed. I had an email through about someone else saying that star ships would be visiting soon. I am not alone in all this. It helps me know I am not writing a huge fantasy. Although you know that I know that you know that I know this is fact. This is Truth. Hallelujah! ----We wish for you to look ahead for a moment. How do you think this new world shall be? What do you consider to be


the outcome of our visits? You feel you cannot know; yet we ask you to think on this. We do not come literally for the surprise factor. We could have done so many times if this was the case. Indeed we shall be of surprise, but that is not our purpose. Once we have been established as a reality, which will take some time, even though your eyes are seeing what they see, then there shall be a time of settling within the individual being. Yes, there will be change. Change that is of a degree unrecognisable to what once was. What you in your world must understand is that we will not just simply appear one day, present ourselves to you and then disappear never to return. We shall be visiting at intervals that are suitable for the mind to adjust. Over your time, we shall visit and stay longer. Whilst we are not in your vision, your world will be of much discussion as to why we have come. Some will feel we have come to take over your planet. This is not so. But this is what you may be told by those in your government who are wishing you to be distracted from the Truth. We do not wish to rule your world. We wish to bring a form of sanity into its pastures. We wish for the soul to be uplifted into its former self, so that it may recognise who it is. We wish for joy to be part of your everyday experience. We wish for all things of Godliness to come upon you and within you. We are teachers of the new way. We will not barge in and disrupt. We shall progressively introduce your being to a new vibration. We shall explain to those who are of ignorance that which shall allow the soul to be awakened. We shall plant the seeds of Love into the hearts of many. We cannot predict an exact outcome, for that can only be determined through the reaction to our presenting ourselves. But we do know that there are many like yourself Blossom who are awaiting our arrival with great anticipation and hope. There is little time left to be with you in this way for a while. But we wish that in future days when it is necessary for the


next phase to begin, that we shall resume our work together. We say to you now, that when this time arrives you will be in a different place within your being. You will feel differently about who we are for so much will have taken place. Be alert. Tell others to be of the same. Definition of our purpose can only come about through the assistance of our warriors on earth that can play their part. The time is coming very shortly when this great plan is to begin. Be prepared in your souls. Do not just look upon these words regarding preparation lightly. Do not think, Oh yes, I must get my soul ready. Do it. For you will find yourself in great unbalance if you do not. Be of service not only to others in these matters, but serve yourself well also. It is important. We are aware of decisions made within yourself over the last few days. We are uplifted by this. We knew this would come about, but it was very much that you had to sift through your feelings in order to come to your own answers. We are in joy feeling what you feel. Progression has been made, and as you yourself know Blossom, you are ready for the next phase. (The feelings I had sifted through were deciding whether or not I was brave enough to publish this book and speak in public about all of this my Soul said Yes!) We have little time left with you to finish our communications as we have said. We will look forward to meeting you in your days ahead. That would be interesting I must say. For this day we must close. We thank you. No worries. In Love and Light and thanks. -----


I realise that there are few days left now for these communications to take place. How would you like to begin today? The word shaman keeps coming into my head, but Im not really sure why, because Im not getting anything else to go with it. Dear child of the universe, we offer this word to you, because that is what we recognise in you. The knowledge that we have brought to you through Love is that which you already know. This is why at times you have felt uncertain as to whether or not this is really you, or whether this information is coming from elsewhere. But do you see? Is the penny dropping? You are, in the deeper part of your soul, aware of all that has been spoken of in these pages because this knowledge was given to you prior to your arrival on this earth plane. You know that you had made an agreement with the honourable White Cloud, and it is the same with us. We had choices to make as to whom we would use, and we found you to be the most suitable. We asked you to look into who you Truly are, as it shall assist in your work during days ahead. A Shaman is a teacher, a soul of great wisdom, recalling to itself wisdom from the days of old, that are now to be reunited with the days of new. You have become aware in this last week that we are asking much more of you than simply publishing these pages. We are asking you to spread the message. To alert those in your world of our coming and why. This we understand is no easy task. You are open to all sorts of rivalry. We wish you to know that at these times as you move through your days and accomplish what we are asking of you, that we shall be behind you all the way. You, as yet, do not really understand how this is to come about. You will smile inside at the opportunities and how they come to you from that which would appear to be most obscure. We shall assist you along the way. We shall be able to be ac-


cepted by many through you and others who are willing to leave behind all doubts and questioning of the nature of our visits. You KNOW why we come. WE COME TO LIFT YOUR PLANET AND THOSE WITHIN INTO ITS NEW FORM. We ask you to pacify those who are afraid. We ask you through your internal knowledge to help others understand the purpose of our visits to your planet. Be of great upliftment within your souls. The beginning of the beginning is about to unfold before ones very eyes. Always know that we come in Love. From where we are there is so much in these final days that must be correctly put in place in order for things to run as smoothly as possible. We know what we are doing, but we do not know how your world will react. This is why we have many at hand to deal and assist with matters that may occur. This is why we need your assistance, for you understand the reasoning in your fullness of Truth now. Please know that there shall be many others also that will be with you in these days ahead. We would not leave you standing alone. You shall receive much support. We are aware that you have an appointment with White Cloud this morning. We would not wish to deter from this. Our energies and Light shall be with you in that place also. (I had been asked to give a talk on channelling for a meditation group.) You can feel in yourself at this very moment the nearness of us, for you are picking up on our energies that are in preparation. We are so close now. How long we have waited. Our ship is of a different feel in these days. There is so much at


stake. Yet we are confident that our preparations have been of the most meticulous nature, and all shall go according to plan. We shall let you get on now. Although you and I can feel that we would both like to continue. Yes, I really want to make the most of our time left, but as you said I must get ready for an earthly appointment. Until tomorrow. In Love and Thanks. ----As our time together draws to its close, we would ask of you to release all contingencies that you may have felt throughout the writings we have accrued together. If you know of these contacts with us to be of Truth then there should be no concern as to whether or not we shall be appearing within your atmosphere. Yet, we understand the nature of your concerns that have taken place throughout our contacts with you. Due to forthcoming events it is necessary for the mind to remain focussed upon the activities that are to prove to those of your earth that they are not alone. Many struggle to feel comfortable with this concept. Even those who know in their hearts that we exist. Those whom you speak to that respect you; even they struggle with the reality of this occurrence. For so long happenings such as we foretell have been designed strictly for your TV fantasies. But you and I know better as to why they were produced. We needed to prepare the mind for such possibilities. It is just that the mind believed that these were indeed only of fantasy and now that it is spoken of it being a reality, one is finding it difficult to accept. There is much need for expansion within your mind/soul selves. May we say with respect, that if you find this confronting, we wonder how you would feel about all that is to occur beyond that? Do you see? This is why we can only


speak of matters that can filter through and be accepted in a gradual progression. If we were to add more detail at this juncture, one would find it even more difficult to appreciate the possibility of its Truth. You yourself Blossom have experienced much questioning as to these Truths and where they are coming from. We feel it is important to lead you through one step at a time. As we have mentioned we wish to return to these communications with you at a further point in time. There will have been rekindled interest in our existence due to our appearances. But as you know, this is just our introduction. We have no intention of showing ourselves to you, and then leaving never to reappear. This would leave your planet in disarray, and would throw more confusion as to the reasoning of our visits. We have stated that to begin with there shall be no initial contact. Our appearance shall be enough. Each time that we return, another step may be taken. May I ask if there is just going to be the one ship that appears to begin with, or will there be many sightings in many different places? Is it that the news of the one ship will spread worldwide? It shall be of the latter of your statements. In a sense you may look upon it as a gradual build up of occurrences. As the souls of your earth begin to settle down after the first MAJOR appearance, then it shall be that there shall be a few more in different places at short intervals. As bizarre as this may seem to you now, it shall progress in to a far more common occurrence in the future days as human kind awakens itself into the FACT that there is not just human kind. There are many kind.


Can you imagine how we may shock many? They have not allowed themselves to look further than their noses, and then suddenly they shall have to look into the stars and beyond. Because of our appearances they will HAVE to question other worlds. But as we say, even when we are there for all to see, some will still deny. How can they deny, if theyre standing there looking straight at you? They will feel it is trickery. They will feel as if it is a hoax. They will find all sorts of excuses to begin with, because they do not want to accept the consequences. This is not the way it shall be for all. There shall be a dividing. For those who have been waiting in their hearts for these moments, they shall find much solace and compassion entering their beings. They shall find that the desire to serve mankind and assist in this upliftment shall rise a thousand fold. It shall be easier in some ways for there is the certainty that has replaced doubt. Understand that these changes that are to come upon your world are not all going to happen within a week. They shall take place over a span of time that is suitable for the human being to adjust. We wish this transition to occur as smoothly as is possible, and yet, as we have said, without doubt our visits shall also incur much confusion and disarray. If one is prepared to know that we come to assist then their path shall be a lot easier. This is why we would ask you to spread the word to as many as possible. The more souls that are prepared the easier it shall be for all concerned. And may we say all are concerned. For not one of you upon your planet shall miss out on the news. That is all for this day. Enjoy the growth in your soul that is taking place. Enjoy the Love that we are sending you in ap-


preciation of your dedication. Oh I will! In Love and thanks as always. ----We are aware that we have made an agreement for these communications to stop within the next few days. I have to say I will miss you, and probably feel a little lost for a while. Although I still have quite a bit to do regarding expressing feelings and editing etc., so that should keep me going for a while. Im wondering what profound statements you may come up with in these last few days? We smile with you, always you have been awaiting these profound statements and revelations and yet here we are having completed an entire book and you are still waiting! I know, but thats just me. I feel these pages are a preparation for the soul. I can see why you wish me to call it The Bridge. We hope that we have done our job well. Yet this is only the first step. We have planned matters in order for these words to reach many. For this we rely upon your instincts and Trust to follow through with correct opportunities that shall be offered. You are hearing the words We are the way, the Truth and the Light, but you did not wish to put this as it sounds too clich does it not? But this is indeed what we are. Many many of us. All together in a vast scheme. We come to show you the way to uplift your souls in order to uplift your planet.


We come to bring you the Truth. For so long your world has questioned the possibilities of life upon other planets. Many of you have succumbed to this valuable Truth. Many are still in denial. How will your world continue to deny when we are there in front of you. Yet understand this. We do not come to shock and prove. We come to assist. If it was a case of proving we exist we could do that very easily. We could simply appear to your world over and over within your skies. At first it shall be a bit like this, without the initial communication. In time we shall be able to express our Love for you and as we are accepted little by little, there shall be a Trust that enters into your hearts. Once this is established our job shall become easier. We come to bring you Light. For we are of it. There is so much that is of our way that you are unable to understand because the level of your vibration upon your earth plane does not allow you to do so. You have much to look forward to. You also have much sorting out to do within your soul selves. Our visitations will cause great soul-searching. The self shall ask the self many questions. There shall be major discussions amongst many groups. There shall be dividings. We cannot intervene on certain levels, and yet it is through our very intervention that the great change is put into motion. It is a time of great importance for the individual soul. Our appearances shall cause turmoil to some, peace to many. You must expect a transition period, whereby at first the confusion and rumour of our purpose will send your world into a spin. For the hundreds of years that we have been set aside as fantasy, for the ridicule that has been put upon those who know of us as a Truth, for all the questions that have been asked regarding life upon other planets, for all these things we come to lead you out of the mire and invite you to bask in the Divine Light of Truth.


The gift that we come to bring shall be offered to all. This does not mean that all shall accept. We cannot take from you your freedom of choice, but we can give back to you your freedom. I have to be honest Im finding the link rather weak today, which is disappointing as we only have three days left according to my calculations. Yes there is difficulty, but you have persevered. We would like to make it four days if that would comply with you. That way we may complete on your birthday, which has given us the full year. We are aware of times that we were unable to be with you, but we have completed our task exactly in the time frame planned. With this we are content. Most pleased. Overjoyed. Thats fine. Have a good day wherever you are and I shall do the same. ----During this time that we have spent together we have made it our purpose to express our intentions. We have been aware of your questioning of yourself at various times, and yet you have chosen to persevere. You have followed your heart and pushed fears aside. For this we thank you. As each new day brings us closer to our goal we strive to put into place all things necessary for our coming. That is not really the difficult part. We are bombarded by forces that would have us destroyed. These intrusions we are able to overcome. You have seen recently on your computer the scale in which your earth is, compared to other vast planets. Your earth is less than a pins head within this scale of the universe. And that is just your universe. You would wonder why we have


made it so important to save this little world of yours? It is because we love you. We are of Love. You are of Love. All things that exist are part of each other, therefore to allow your world to destroy itself would be detrimental to the Divine purpose. At times those who are in Higher commands have despaired at the behaviour of your human kind. There were those who felt quite strongly towards the not giving of assistance, as it seemed that through the lack of Love on your planet that one would get their just desserts. There were others and more of them that fought for your survival. Once it was agreed for you to be given the opportunity to redeem yourselves and your earth, the great plan was put into place and is now underway. We could not sit back and watch as you dug yourselves deeper into the pit. We desire only for you to release yourselves from the cage that you have locked yourselves within. We desire the freedom of your spirit to once again fly. Yes, we could have left you to continue as you have been and simply hope for the best. But we felt that your free will factor had been lost in its misunderstanding of itself. For so long you have allowed yourselves to be trapped within yourselves. It is only the individual and its position that has control over itself and yet still many of you are unable to comprehend this. Free yourselves. Allow the depths of your Truth to honour and serve you. As realisation dawns, realisation of who you Truly are, then the cage can be opened and never again shall you be incarcerated by your own beliefs. We are coming to destroy these beliefs that have caused so much anguish and despair. Indoctrination of many falsities has brought your world to this place where it now lies. It will take much time for the change ahead to settle in its rightful place. The wake up call of those upon your planet is fast approaching. So much shall occur within the soulself. So much


questioning. So much searching. We do not desire to alarm you, but it is essential for the individual to prepare the soul for what is to come. Be strong in your hearts and minds. You chose to be upon this planet specifically for this purpose. For the change over into the new world. There is nothing to fear. We come to redeem your earth. There shall be those as we have said, that will be most unwilling to comply. This is due to the fear within for the way they have chosen to conduct themselves. The fear of losing their power. The fear of being discovered for the atrocities they have embellished upon. We send our Love to these souls. They have much ahead to account for. We do not condemn. We wish only for their souls to return to the Light force from which they derived. We ask you to send your Love also. The Love that is inside each one of you that is of ultimate Light can assist greatly as this change over develops. Each one of you shall discover a new level of Love within as the vibrations shift into their new frequency. We say there shall be opposite levels of the scale in ones mood at times. This is due to the upheaval that has to take place in order for one to emerge in the glory of their Truth. Be of cheerful hearts. Be of a happy disposition. It is not long now whereupon one shall notice great changes within the self as we prepare to present ourselves to you. Many thanks. Only three more days left. An odd feeling. Many thanks to you also. In Love and Light. ----I have sat here for a while and cannot seem to get the opening


sentence today. Surely youre going to come through as we only have these three days left. Is anybody there? Yes. We are with you. We ourselves are aware of the little time left. Still struggling just cant seem to pick up your thought pattern. I shall be so disappointed if theres nothing today. Dear one, we are here. We would desire for you to take a few more minutes in your tuning in with us. Sure. (I did so.) It is through your Trust that we have been able to communicate in this way. You have had times of great doubt as to whether we are a figment of your imagination. Yes we are to a certain extent. Thats marvellous to hear now Ive finished the book! Let us explain. That would be good and necessary!! We are able to transfer our thoughts into your head. That is how we work with you. However, because you do not directly hear us, it is a case of putting our thoughts into your thoughts. That is why you feel at times as if you are making it up. But what about this figment of my imagination? We make that statement to confirm not to confuse. This is another reason why it is you that we have chosen. You are a creative soul and therefore you are able to let your imagi-


nation expand. That is important to us because if you were not like this our thought pattern would not be able to filter through very well. When we say figment of your imagination, we have to be. We need to be. You have not seen us with your human eyes. You have not even seen us with your spiritual eyes. So you are imagining. Carry on Your human form is so tightly contracted by the lack of mind expansion. If one did not have their imagination, nothing would exist. It is through your imaginary thoughts that the energy of that thought can be turned into reality. Yes but I understood that to be in the light of something that you wish to create for yourself and then make happen. In your case, with all respect, I didnt set out in my imagination to create you. I thought you came to me, because you had chosen me to write this book. Im going to hang on in there with this little puppy, its important to me. We understand. Look at it like this. If you had not let your imagination run with us, we would not have been able to connect with you. If you had closed your creative self down, we would not have been able to enter in, as we connect with your creative side. This is closely linked with your imagination. Think of that word. Break it down. Image a vision of. Imagine, to create a vision of. So, if you work along those lines we have created a vision of what is to come. By allowing your imagination to work alongside ours, we have managed to create this book. Does that make sense to you? Somewhere in the back of my brain I understand, although Im wondering if all this is necessary. With respect, you are the one who questioned.


With respect, I was not going to let a statement like that slip by unnoticed. I needed to know what you were getting at. And have we got there? Guess so. Moving right along then Blossom, we have found much joy in interpreting your humour. Many times we were unsure regarding certain comments you have made. Would you believe there were discussions held to define the sentiments of some of your statements? But through the recall of your disposition and energy as they were written we were able to attune ourselves to the knowledge of the difference in energy between a funny comment and perhaps maybe one of frustration. Now that we understand of this we are able to find ourselves amusing at times also. How nice. However, Im wondering if there is simply nothing more for you to say within this book. Again with respect, these arent exactly words that are going to change the course of history! You would be surprised at what these words will do. With this we mean the words within this book. You have felt always that there is nothing profound. Nothing to shock. Nothing that somehow you didnt already know? Is that so? Well, yes, but I think thats because when White Cloud is channelling through me, I feel the same. The answers come to me, but I dont think they would if he wasnt present. In fact I know they dont. So I was thinking perhaps its the same sort of thing with you? You are correct in your assumption. And now do you see, we became a figment of your imagination purely for this purpose?


Yep I think I get it, whether anyone reading these words shall get it too I have no idea. Im feeling that our time is over today, I can feel myself tiring. Not quite sure what we have accomplished. But Im glad something has been put down. Only two more to go. But you have mentioned that we shall pick up again another time. Presuming for another book. So that fills me with hope, and therefore I shall not be sad. But may feel a little something missing in my morning duties! Hopefully, when I have finished all the editing and adding my own bits, I will be very proud of our accomplishment. Signing off in Love and Light. ----And so it is that we come to the last few days of our communication with you for this period. In Light of all that we have said to you we ask only that you follow your heart as you always do. There will be moments ahead of pure clarity for those in your world that are allowing their souls to surrender to the gift of Pure Love that is encompassing your planet. As it gradually filters through know within that you are a child of the universal laws. Those who comply with these natural laws shall find a newness that shall come upon them. These days that are unfolding will bring to your hearts a clarity that assists in the understanding of what is taking place. We cannot change who you are, or indeed the way you choose to think and conduct yourselves. We can only offer to you our knowledge and our profound Love. Those who choose to follow the new way, as many of you are so doing, will not be disappointed. You are often asked by Mr White Cloud to look back upon a certain period of time and to evaluate how far your soul has progressed within that time. As you move forward you shall find yourselves almost unrecognisable. You shall receive gifts that are already given, yet are still resting inside of you awaiting their revival. All things shall come at


the correct time. Many of you are beginning to connect with a deeper part of your spirit. You are resolving yourselves to the factual nature of your Truth and recognising it for what it is. What was once fantasy within your thoughts is gradually turning into reality, as the mind aligns itself with the soul as it moves further into the Light stream that guides you through. These are merely words, and as we have discussed throughout, words are irrelevant if they are not felt from the core of your being. It is when you turn these words into the doing of that you shall discover that which we have come through to explain. It is by putting into action the expression of your soul that shall lead you into this new place. Those who do not wish to give the soul its time of day shall remain where they are. One cannot rise into new levels if they do not climb the ladder that is presented to them. It is the individual choice. We shall not push to change anothers way of thinking. We simply present our offerings to you and that is all we can do. This is how it must be. Freedom of choice IS your freedom. Nothing can take that away from you. We ask only that you take the time to look at that which is offered. One cannot lose by trying. But if the soul does not wish to do so, then we cannot interfere. Be of supreme joy. Be of a grateful heart. Remember that you are unable to understand the plan in its entirety, for the level in which you reside does not allow the full comprehension to infiltrate. But know of this WHEN WE PROCEED, WHEN WE SHOWER UPON YOU THAT WHICH IS TRUTH, FOR THOSE WHO ARE READY, THERE SHALL BE EXALTATION. Trust in yourselves. Trust in the inner knowing that feels sometimes that it knows nothing. When the mind is in a


scramble due to questioning and confusion, Trust that there is no need for concern. You cannot work it all out from where you reside. You can only feel that which is in your being. That which is of Love that carries you onwards. YOU ARE WARRIORS OF TRUTH. THAT IS WHY YOU ARE HERE. You were made aware of all necessary before you volunteered. As the plan unfolds you shall know of your place. You shall know without question what it is that you must do. Strength shall enter that is more powerful than that which is so far known. The uprising of the soul shall continue forth and take you to heights as yet uncalculated. Prepare your beings dear friends of earthly vibration. This advice would be most beneficial if adhered to. We too are in full steam ahead frame. Perhaps it would be helpful for you to know that at regular intervals there are connections between those of us involved, whereby we join our thoughts as one united front in the hope that our mission is successful beyond doubt. There are many in the heavens that are assigned to do this full time. The energy that they emit on our behalf is of great intensity. Their strength is crucial to our outcome. We are in deep gratitude for their care over us and the overall effect that this new way shall bring to Light. Dearest souls of earth be as one with us. Let us no longer be of separateness. Let us return your earth to its former glory. Let all those who reside upon it also return to the Truth of their purpose. Let it be known that we come to dislodge the negative forces that have determined the years of yesterday. The evacuation of these forces shall enable us to plant the seeds of tomorrow whereupon their growth shall determine the avenues in


which we walk to take the soul onto the path home. We are reluctant to leave this day. We are feeling what you are feeling. (Suddenly found tears to be cascading down my cheeks. Completely out of the blue.) Lady of Light. Be not of this way. We understand. But we do not wish for you to be of this disposition. We wish for you to be of much pride and joy. Look what we have accomplished because you chose to follow you heart. We have so enjoyed your presence within our thought range as we have moved throughout these days. I feel as if this is our last contact and yet I thought tomorrow was to be our last day? This is so. To which are you referring? Tomorrow is a special day for you as it is the celebration of your birthday and we are aware that you are planning to go to the energy point in the early hours and make the communication with us there. Yes, we would like you, as you have picked up upon to take your writing utensil and paper. This is in fact the ideal circumstance for us to say our goodbyes for a while. I feel really ridiculous blubbing away like this. I hadnt expected it at all. I just want to thank you so much for your patience and understanding. I know at times I must have driven you mad with my doubts and fear and lack of trust. Thank you, thank you for this privilege and for your Trust in me. I only hope that I have done the job well for you. I


shall sign off now. If Im like this today what am I going to be like tomorrow? My friends unseen, I give to you my heart-felt gratitude. In Love and thanks. I honour you and your purpose. Until tomorrow then. December 8th 2006 OK. This is it my birthday! Our last day of communication for this time. Here we go. I do hope youre around. Here goes Happy Birthday to you dear lady. And so it is that we have come to the end of our time together for this period. How we have enjoyed our communication with you. It would be suitable for you to let go of restrictions that limit. Allow your being to grow into the fullness of its Truth. You are a child of this universe. You have chosen to be here and to do exactly what you are doing at any given moment. We offer our profound Love and gratitude to you this day and within all days that you shall encounter. Know that what is written within these pages are of Truth. Know that as we work towards the future days, your planet and all that reside within her are to come into a place of extreme beauty. In a sense we invite you to join with us in that of which we already know. We come to assist. We desire only of the upliftment of the energies that surround you and lie within you. There shall come a time upon your earth plane when all that is of a form of lesser Light and energy shall transform into the True Light of itself. All that is you is Light. All that is you is Love. You are nothing else other than this. We invite you to merge with our energies. Within the dawning of each new given day allow your spirits to rise up into that which is rightfully yours. Do not deny


yourself this given opportunity. For it is through this that the understanding of greater things, at this time beyond your comprehension, shall be offered to you. Feel the Love that we send to you now and always. We extend our hand of friendship to all those who desire to take hold. For those who accept, they shall find themselves in the new world that has been spoken of. We are aware that it is difficult for you to understand all that is involved. But we ask you to know of this Truth from within the deepest part of your soul. Let your heart sing out. Let these words be offered to many. The choice is for the individual to accept or deny. Either way, there is no doubt that what we shall present to you in future days is to occur. WE GIVE YOU OUR PLEDGE. Dearest lady, you have served our purpose with much Trust. It is strange for us also to be in the knowledge that for a time these visits to you must cease. But we are never far away from you, and this you shall be made aware of. Know that the Love we have for you and all mankind is forever within our hearts. We shall continue to work towards the coming time of unification. Change yourselves in order to change your world. Look ahead with joy, for Truly we say to you, the world in which you live is moving into its new form. With this comes the enlightenment for which ones soul yearns. How should it be best to finish these pages? For we have made clear that which we have come to say. Take heed of the words within. Discover for the self as an individual the deeper expression that is offered. Allow your soul to connect


with the Highest aspect of itself and recognise the knowledge that is already known to you. It is with much sadness that we must finish this day. It is also with great joy, in the knowing that we have set out to accomplish this section of our purpose and we have done so. With your help. We could not have done it without you! So it is that we shall retract from your vibration for a while. We accept that within your being you are aware of our feelings towards you. Connection between us shall return when it is necessary to continue. Await further notice. So this is it? This is where we say Goodbye? This is so. I am Trusting that you know also all that is in my heart. As you say, words are inadequate. I shall miss you. I shall also be alert. I know the day will come when you show yourselves to us. I can feel the excitement of these visits. My friends, wherever you are, whoever you may be, it has been a pleasure to work with you, a pleasure to meet you and a pleasure to assist in this major project. Go forth in this day in the knowledge that we are with you. We thank you. We respect you. We Love you. Keep your eyes on the skies! Until we return with much Love we take our leave. Goodbye to you. Please know that I shall do my very best to get this book out there. I thank you. I dont want to stop but I know I must. As my friend White Cloud would say, Adieu my friends, adieu.


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