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Chaptei-1 Intiouuction To BvAC Contiol Systems

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!ntroduction to HvAC Control System !ntroduction to HvAC Control System !ntroduction to HvAC Control System !ntroduction to HvAC Control System

o.o ooo_o5c control system o5toooq_t .............................................................................. 2

o._ Control ooq_to5totooo5o .................................................................................................... +
o.p Control Loop o5t ........................................................................................................................... 5
o.g Control mode o5t. ....................................................................................................................... 11
o._ Gains and Loop Tuning................................................................................................................ 26
o.o Control Action o5tac Normal Position ........................................................................................... 29
o-g Control Range ac sequencing _o_ooo .......................................................................................... 3+
o.o Controls documentation . Naintenance ac Operating .................................................................... 36
(o) oqto c Control o_5goo o_ooooo5og5to5t ooo5_oO5to_
(o) ooo_o5c HvAC ac ACNv System o5toc Control o ogqoooq_t
(o) Control product o5t o tooo5o oq5ooooct o_t o ooo5_oO5to_
(o) Control System o5toco`oco_ control loop o5tac Block o5t
o_oo5ooo ogct_oO5to_
(c) Control Loop o5toc ot_o_O5to_ Control Strategies o5tac algorithms o5t
o o_too5_oO5to_
Study Objectives Study Objectives Study Objectives Study Objectives
oqt(Chapter)o cqcoooo o5_otoq5o
(o) HvAC System o5toc Control System ogo_oc o oo
(o) Open Loop Control ac Closed Loop control o o _o5t_o5tq5to
(o) Two-position . floating ac modulating control loop o5t ooooo
(o) Nodulation control loop o5toc Proportional (P). integral (!) ac Derivative (D)control
action o5t ooooo ac control loop ocoo tune o oq_t
(c) Direct action ac Reverse action oo_o5to Normally open ac Normally closed o o_o5to
(c) Controller ocoo_too5 ot_o_@ controlled device o5t sequence _o_ooo o o
q5to_ ooo5oo`o ooo__oco_
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o oo o. .. .o oo o ooo_o5c ooo_o5c ooo_o5c ooo_o5c control system control system control system control system o5toooq_t o5toooq_t o5toooq_t o5toooq_t
ooqq_to_5 ooo_otoc oaoo o ooo@ convenient _ocgq . comfortable _ocgq .
efficient _ocgq ac effective _ocgq oo Control q_to_5 ac Control System o5tggqoo_
_oco condition ac occupancies o5to_o5ctoo_oo equipment o5to oooo5cooo5t
o ooo5_oO o_o5ctoocgq oo control o5to oo5cgoooto_ Equipment o5too
oo5ctoqc5 oooo5cocgq o_t control o5to oo5cgo ooto_
Control o o_o5oo go_ooq(input)o5to oc5c_o__ot (monitor o o_ot) output o5to
ogo_ ococt_oco5c o go5(device) o5t _oc Oqtootoo5 (regulate o ooot) _oct
_oo5 qqo oct oq ocogo_to_o` ogoooqo oo_oc cot_otoo_
ooqgo5cogooooto_ o5tac ogotooto_o5to oo_oco_o ooogo_
ooqog5o o5c _o_o o_octo_ Control o o_oct oc_oco_
oq5o _oo5 ocoo5 o5too5cto_o` ocoo(speedometer) o _o_@ooogo_
_oqaqtgo5c accelerator o o_ooO5o _oc ooot_oct_oco_ O _oo5 5toto_ Closed-loop
manual controls o5t_oc_oo_ Nanual o o_o5 (Controller o ooo Control loop o oo to)
o ooo co Controller _ocoo5cgo ootoq_oct_oco_ o o o_o_ Control Action
_o_oogo_o o t_oo o5 oo5cgooq_oct_oco_
Closed-loop o o_o5 Control Action o feedback _oqo @ ot_o_O5t_oct_oco_
ocoo5cgoooo_ Control Action o o_o o _oqo_@o_oqo go_o feedback
_oc_oqo @ control o o_octoooo_ Ooo` _oo5 o5toc feedback _oc ogo
ogoatooato oo_occotoo_oct oo ogo__oqaqtog5ooog5o o _oqaqt_oocoo
(speedometer) o oot_o__octo_oco_
oo@oco5toc _oqaqto ogoo O qtO5taco_ Cruise control o`oc O
Control o_ Automatic Control o oo oo oo`o o_ Automatic control oo_o5 oc
manual control oc _o_oo ooo5co_ Control Action o5to ocoo c5t_o_ooooto_ Device
oco_oco_ oco5to cruise control panel o cocogo_ _oqaqtoO_ oct_ot Set
oo ooaoooo_ac oc_o_cqo cruise controller o_ o5to_oqaqto oc5c_o__ot
(monitor oooq_ot) o o5 (accelerator) oooo adjust o ooqooo__oco_
oco goo5_oqaqt (Desired Speed) o Control oo`o5g 5t_oc Set point ooo`o_
Controller o__ooot Set point oggo5c _o_tc5toqo oo__oco_ Cruise control System
o_ ocoooo O5too5 _oqaqt (Set point) o ocOooo oc5 O qtootO5tac cotgo_o
oo gooo_
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ooo_o5cooo5oco_o5t _oqa_qt (speed) ocoo_too5 Oqtgq_ooot
5gcooqqcoo oo ooo5o_o5c_oco_ Automatic Control o5tooaoo ot_o_go_
o_o5cto5 ogoo5goo (Desire result) ocoo_too5 ggqoo _oo_oo_o_g
_otOqto ot oqgqoqog_oct. Oo _o_o_oooqgq ocotac_oct ac _ctoc o5_oct o o_o5c
HvAC ac Refrigeration System o5to Control o_ oaoo5to O qtoot oo5ctaco_
o`oto_ Control acocoo_ o5to_oqaqt (Speed) o_o_@ (oq_toc. oo5toco )
ootag5o octo5coo5ctooo HvAC system o_ o o5t confortable _ocoqo5c dry
bulb temperature o o oo _o O qtootO5tgo_ ooo5 ootag5ooctc 5
oo5ctacgqoo (Speed) ooo_t_oc oooo5ooo o thermal comfort _ocgqo oo_t
temperature ocoo_t_ocogacoo ootag5ooctc5 oo5ctgq Speed o_ major factor
_ocooo comfort _ocgq ooo_t temperature o_ major factor _oco_
ooct _oqaqt_oco5c (Speed o5t) go5coo_oct. oo5coo`o oo5ctoo_octac
oqooto_ oc_to5to5t _o_oo oo5c_oct co_ oco`ocg oo5 _ocoo`o_
o_ooqo_to5t _oo peak power output o o_ot oqoq o5toco go_ speed
o ggq accelerator o qct@ engine o output o ooo control ooo_ HvAC System
o5tocto_t O ooc_oco_ Peak cooling load (o ) heating load o5tooco`ocg
oo5o o_ot oqoqo5toc comfortable _ococo_ actual cooling ac heat load o5to system
output ggqoo o oo control o o_oct_oco_
HvAC System o5toc manual control oqg5o c automatic control _oc c5tOt
ot_o_go_o_o5cto5 automatic control oc operator o_oo_oo oc5c_o_ Oqtootoqgq
oo oo5o_o5c oooo5to(Operator cost) ooo5o_ _o consistent _oco_gooo
ootqco_ System ocoo to performance o_toooo5ctoqqco_
HvAC system o5toc control o ot_o_go_oo g_goooo5 facility octg
process o5too ocoo5oo5 environment gggq oo_oco_ oo5o _t
octgoo5t (Building's occupants) ooocoo5oo5 thermal comfort gocgqo o
_oco_ gtoqto5toct oqOoto5too productive atmosphere gocgqoo
_oco_octoc o5t. c5too5ooco5t ooo5o oo5oo_ ac c5toto o5to
oo oo`gqoo comfortable environment _ocgqo o_ oc_tOooooo5 co go5too
oooo5to5t oqto5 ooo5c5 ooooqcgqac O ooqo5to g_oot
oooo5ctocgqoo _oco_ ootgo5taccotoooqto5t og5o`oo tcoaco_ oqg5o5tac
oto5to5to O og5oc5 oqccaoqctacoo5 oqg5o5t_ocgq oo_oco_
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HvAC system o5tg oo (air) ac water (og) oo movement o5to regulate o ogqac
environment oo heating. cooling ac humidification source o5to regulate o ogqoo
_oco_ ooqo c ooog oo5cto o5oo5 Control System o5to capability ocoo5 Energy
Nanagement _oco_ Control system o_ o_ocooq o ooo5cootgo_ HvAC function
o5t_oc energy efficient _oco5c ooacot oo5cgo ootgo_ Safety (oota5go
octogt) o_ automatic control o oq5oOoogt_o to_ function oco _oco_ Safety
fuction o_ HvAC Equipment o5tqtg o oocoqo o5to ooago ac
oqto5ogto_o_co ogocgq. Equipmento5t ooo ctocgq ac Equipment o5t ooootoc
_o5g_c5 ot_o_acocgqoo _oco_ Safety control function o5to _oo5o5to5 overheating
ac freezing o o_ococgqoo high temperature ac low temperature o o oqooO5t_oct.
high pressure ac low pressure o ooqoo O5t_oct. fuse o5t_oc over current (Current
oq_ocooo5_octo o5oo_oct) . fire ac smoke detection o _oco_
o oo o. .. ._ __ _ Control Control Control Control ooq_to5totooo5o ooq_to5totooo5o ooq_to5totooo5o ooq_to5totooo5o
Automatic Control ocoOooto t_o_oo5 device o5 space heating system o`go_
bimetallic strip _oco_ O device o_ ogo_ Boiler output go5c o ooo ogo_
combustion rate go5c boiler oo`too_oct. oc_oct. combustion air damper o oc_oct. oo_oct
co_oco5toooo5cgq control o oooto_ O _oc steam radiator ac steam heating coil
oco t_o_o_ O oqo steam radiator o manually (oc5c_o_@) oo_oc oc_oct.
oo _octq_t_oc control o oo_oo_
Dr.Andrew Ure o_ thermostat o coc o Ocot_o_oo_oco_ooqOooc
thermostat o oqg5o5tc5ocot_o_ oq_oo_oco_ thermostat o oqtoo5t. c5too5o oco5t
ac oo5o _to5t_ ooq (temperature) o control o ogqoo ot_o_ _oo_ O oq5o
mercury thermometer column ac mercury switch o o oOc ot_o_ o5_oo_ mercury
thermometer column o c o5_o_g o epansion _oco_o_o5c contact _ococo5 control
o o_oct_oco_ ooq_oco5to5oo_o5c o5_o_go O O_o_ oo _oqo5o5 o occ
ctoctoc_ot complete circuit _ococo5 contact _ococo_ O ogo5o_ oqooc5
o ooo5cootacoo5o_t o oo adjust o o@ogo_ Non-adjustable Device _oco_
Nercury switch o_ ootcoo_ tube O oc mercury o O_@ oooo O5t
o_ogo5_oco_ Ooocooooo o O oocooc o_ contact _oc ot_o_ O5to_
Refrigeration System o5toc thermostat o oo5o5o5too5ctgq. gogqoo
o_too5ct. o5to5tocgq. oo gqo o o_too5ct ot_o_o_ oOo_tot refrigeration
system o5toc ctocto_ refrigerant oo5 o Nanual control o oo_ O oq5o high side
floats. low side floats ac constant pressure valve (automatic epansion valve) o_ control
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device o5tooOco5 ot_o_o5_oo_ Control devices o5too`oo`oo`c_ fan o ooo pump
o5too5ctgq. gogq (o ) valve ac damper o5t ocgq. oo gqoo ooctoooot (electric
circuit) ooooot_o_o5c o o_oct(Nake). oo oot_ooo5coo_oct(Break)q_t_oc control
o oo_
o Oco`coqo control device o5to_ self-powered o go5o5t_oc_oo_ Self-
powered oo_o5 control device o5tooo_ power oo_o5too5 eternal source ooo o
control oooqo_ process o power oot_o__oct_oco_ Ooqo octaqtooo5o_
modulating control o5tggq ooo5oo5o_o5c o occ (electric) o ooto compressed air
o ot_o_o_ pneumatic control device o5too`oo`oo5o_ Nodulating control o o_o5
oo5ct_oct. go_oct (o ) oo _oct. oc_oct co_oo state _oo5g_oct oooo controlled device
o o ooo o 1 oct goqoc_oct_oco_(_oo5-valve o ooo damper o p
ocoqoc_oct _oco_)
Pneumatic control o5to_ analog o_tc5t (Nodulating o_tc5t) o5t_oc_oo_
O oq5o electron tube o oo`O qto5_otoq5o analog electronic control device o5t
o Ocaco5o_oo_ooo`o c analog solid state (semiconductor) device
o5tooOc qco_octo_o5c control o oaco_ function o5to_to@ oo5cto qo5o_
O oq5o Direct Digital Control (DDC) o oo`o_ Digital control q_to_5o5tO qto5to5o_
Nodern control system oo_oo control system o_tc5t _ o_to5
(o) Self-powered controls
(_) electric controls
(p) pneumatic control
(g) Analog electronic controls ac
(_) Digital control o _oco_
ooq ot_o_oqoo5 control system o5toc Ooo` control system o_tc5t _ o
o oo`ctco@ o_oo5o O5t_oct _oco_ Hybrid control system ooo`oo`o oooqoqo_
ooc. ooac oq5cocgo_ temperature control system o5toc ot_o_O5to_ Hardware
o_tc5t 5toto_ o _oo5 control fundamental principle oo_oo@ o_oo5o
O5to_ o_o oc ooo5ct o5c _o__oco OcO5to`oc o_oo fundamental concept
o5to_o5ctoooo_ ooo oo (ASHRAE publication-Heat and Cold mastering the Great !ndoor
oo tooo5_oo_)
o oo o. .. .p pp p Control Loop Control Loop Control Loop Control Loop o5t o5t o5t o5t
ooooO5too5_oqaqt (Speed) ocoo cO qt@ o5too5ctoq_octo_ control loop
ocoo _oo5_oco_ o5to_oqaqto o gq _oqaqt_oocoo (Speedometer)o ot_o_o_
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oogo5t speed o_o go_ speed Oo oatoqoc o o5(accelerator) o oqct@
o5tooq_oqo o oc5c_o_o_ O oq5o o5t_oqaqto_ ogo_ speed Oo oat
oqootoc o o5(accelerator) o o@oqcto_ o_oqoqo coo5@ qcto_ q_t_oc
ogo_ speed o go5c speedometer o _o_ @ oo5(accelerator) o Oqt @qcto_
Ooo` _oo5o c oco_ accelerator o o_oqcto_ oo 5ooto_co_ control
decision o ot_ooo5 controller oo _o_o oo5cgoo_ Control oo`o5go5tg o5t speed
o_ controlled variable _oco_ speedometer o_oog_oqaqt oocto5o_ sensor
_oco_ oo g_oqaqt Control point (o control variable) o o_too`o_ o5t engine o_
process plant _oc_ot accelerator o5 controlled device _oco_
igure 1-1 Diagram of Control Loop
o 1-1 o_ information o5t_oqo q oo o_ooo schematic oc_ocoo5_oO5to_
Control loop ooo`o go_o_o5cto5 information o5tocoqg5_ot ocoqg5
(oqg55to tog5oo5c ) oooo5cog5o o5too5o_o5c_oco_ Sensor ooo`o_
speedometer o controlled variable o oo`o_ speed o_ controller O oog5ogo 5to_
Controller o_oo g controlled variable _oco_ speed acogo_ speed set point
acacto _o5 o5o ogo_ o o_ control decision oooo o_ O oq5o
o5o ogo_oo_ instruction o output _oc controlled device _oco_ accelerator
O ooooto_ Controlled device (accelerator) oococ process plant (car engine) o ooo
Control loop 5toto c Process plant . Controlled variable . Controller . Controlled
device. Set point . control point co_ essential element o5to`oco_ o 1-2 o_ steam (o)
hot water (o ) o_o5too5 heating source oco_to_to o tO5to_ heating coil o`go_ air-
heating system oco o_oco_ oto_ooo5t o fan o oo O_oot_ot ogo_ set point
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ooqo og5oo5c go5c OqtO5tgq_oco_ Controlled variable _oco_ supply air
ooq (temperature) o sensor oocto_otoq5o controller oo oooto_ controller o_
sensor o ctoO5to_ ooq (control point) acog o_ooq (set point) o oacto_o5
error o oo oo_ error oo_o5 set point ooq ac control point ooqoo_o5tq5too
_oco_ Controller o_ error oo_oo@ output signal o oo oo_ot controlled device
_oco_ valve O ooooto_ valveo_ ggo_ signal oct opening position o _ococo5
(Heating medium flow rate q_to5c o5to5c _ococo5) process plant g coil octo
ctoctoco_ Ooq5o supply air o_ coil o _oo_oto_o` ooco_ ooqo
o_tooo5toco_ oq5o oco` sensor o_ information oco Oooo o5 controller
O oooot_ot cycle ococoo coc_oqo_ q_t_oc _oo_oo desired output ggo5c
Ooo5Ooo5_o_o ooq_oo_
igure 1-2 Simple Heating System
Ooo` _oo5 acocoto system 5t_oc o_o5to_o5gooc feedback control system
_oco_ controlled variable o _oo_oo sensing oooq_ot controller O oooo_oo feed
o oootoq (oootoq) oo5o_o5c feedback control system o ooo closed loop o oo`o _oct
Controlled device ac process plant o o_ controlled variable oo` o_tooog5o
accotgo_ Controlled variable o sensor o _oo_oo controller O ooooto5. controller set
point ac acto__ot output signal o controlled device o ooooto_
Open-loop control system o c controlled variable ac controller o _o5toc
o ogooooo o (direct link) ogoo O o_o5c feedback o_togoo Open-loop control
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_oo5ocoo5 sensor o_ outside air temperature o controller Oo oooto_ Controller
outside air temperature ocoo_t (feedback ogo ) _oc control valve o ooc5 control
o o aco5c oct_o_oo O5t o_ _oo5oc controlled variable _oco_ supply air
temperature o octo5_octo_tog. controller O oooto_octo_togoo O o_o5c controller
o_ control valve oc_oct. oo _octo_o5c _ocoo`o5o_ o _oqo (response) o _oqoo qc
open-loop o _o5too5 oo`oo5 controlled device _oco_ control valve o direct impact
_oco_ control variable oqoto _oq @ sense oo ooo
Table 1-1 Control Comparison for Automobile and Heating
Term Term Term Term
Automobile Automobile Automobile Automobile
Eample Eample Eample Eample
Heating System Eample Definition Heating System Eample Definition Heating System Eample Definition Heating System Eample Definition
Controller ou
The device that provides
a signal to the valve
The device that provides a signal to the
controlled device in response to
feedback from the sensor
Sensor Speedometer
Supply air temperature
The device that measures the current
status of the controlled variable
The accelerator The control valve
The device that changes the operation
of the process plant in response to a
control signal
The car speed
The supply air
The signal that the sensor senses
The car engine The heating coil
The device that produces the change in
the controlled variable
!nput signal
(set point)
Desired speed Supply air set point
This is the reference or desired input
that is compared to the controlled
Open-loop control system o c end result ac variable sensed by the controller o _o5t
oc indirect connection go_o ooooooO5t (presumeo oO5t) o_ oo@ outdoor
air temperature ac heating load o _o5t oooo ooo oo O5toc open-loop control
o ot_o_ @ constant space temperature o oo oogo5c OqtO5taco_ o oo5
ooooo c O oo ooo_ oooo oo_to o gqo_ocacoo5o_o5c open-loop control
system o5to_ooqooo5oo_ performance o oootacoo O o_o5cto5to_o5c HvAC
continuous control system o5t5to toc closed-loop control o ot_o__o_oct_oco_
Time clock . occupancy sensor co_ open-loop control o5to oo oooot_o__oo_
gcto o_ onoff o_tc5to5to5_oc_o_ot continuous control o5tooo_ooo oto5to_
open-loop control o_tc5tocoo5 reset control _oco_ Reset control o_ closed-loop
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control o setpoint oo_o5ctoocgqooo t_o_O5too5 open-loop _oco_ o 1-3
oc_oO5to_ oct outside temperature o o_oo @ heating supply water temperature o
adjust o ogq oo open-loop control oot_o_aco_ Outside temperature
oocto5o c (qoo5o c ) ooooO5to_ predetermined schedule oct open-loop output
o _ocootaco_ (o5toc_o O5to_o ct) O open-loop output o boiler o set point
o ootaco_ Reset control o Ot_o5too5ctoqooo5 heating load oo o5o_ aco
heating system o capacity o o5toc_oct_oc control ability o o5tc5oooo5ctoqoco_
q_to_ control loop ocoo output o second control o c input _oc
ot_o_O5t_oct_oco_ Cascading o oo_o oo`o_ _oo5o5to control loop o ct _o`ocoo5
essential element o5t_oco_ sensor . controller . controlled device ac process plant
o ooo5_oO5to_ q_tooo5 control system o5to5 _oo5o5too gtgctoooo_
igure 1-3 Boiler Reset Control
oqt _ o c o_otgooOtoo5(comple) system o5to oo5_oO5to_ o oo5
elementary control loop o5too5 o_oo_ot o_oo5o O5to_ oco`ocg sensor ac
controller acoco to package ocoOoc o`oco5c_o_ooO5toogo_
Sensor ac controller acoco to`oco_ g5o Stat o oo`o_ _oo5- thermostat . humidistat
ac pressurestat o_oco_ Stat Ooc sensor ac controller o ot_o5tco_g_ooo5o_t
_oco to Enclosure ocooctoc O_o5_o_o oO5t_oct_oco_
Stat o5tqc o @ oto5to_ controlled device o5to5 control valve (steam o ooo hot
water o control o ogqoo) ac control damper (air flow o control o ogqoo)
o _oco_ O device o5tac octo oo_o o oqoqc5 ogtooo t_o_go_o oqt p
Controlled variable o5to5 temperature . humidity . pressure ac velocity o _oco_
Hydronic heating system ac cooling system o oco5totoogoo5 Controlled variable o5to5
ogo temperature . velocity ac pressure o _oco_ O variable o5toocto_ sensor
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o5tooco_to_t . goc5to_to_tac accuracy o_to_tooctooocto c gaco_
(o_tc5to5to5) measurement o5to o oo (accuracy) o_ control ocooto accuracy
oo`o_tooog5oogo_ sensor o5to_o5cto oqt g ocoo5_oO5to_ ooq5t_oc
controller ac controlled device (valve) _o5toc actuator go_ Actuator o_ signal o
physical force _ocoo_o5ctooc_ot controlled device _oco_ Damper oooo valve
co_oo oqtoc. ogoco_ Actuator o_ controlled device (valve)oo`oc Linkage
o oo`o_ oo5cto_ocooO5to_
control system o_tc5to oo@ Actuator o characteristic o o_o5ctooo oqt o o oqt o
Ooo5_oO5to_ oqto c control system o5t_ ot_o_o_ oo`o5g (term)o5to o_oo
ooo5og5to5t(fundamental) o oo5_oO5to_ O oo`o5go5to oto_o_cc5
q_to_gqooo_ oq5ooqto5toc oo5_oO5to_ ocoqtc5o5t o q_to_
ooo5oo`o gq o_o5to5cooo5toco_
Controlled variable Controlled variable Controlled variable Controlled variable control oo_octogo_ temperature . humidity . velocity . flow ac pressure
co_ property o5t.
Control point Control point Control point Control point _oco. go o_ o_ooq (condition) o ooo _oco. goo_ control variable
sensor sensor sensor sensor Controlled variable ooqo to sense oooaco_ o go5. oo oaco_ o go5.
eisting(condition) o sense o oaco_ oo o aco_ o go5
Sensed variable Sensed variable Sensed variable Sensed variable Temperature . pressure . humidity co_octo_octogo_ property o5t.closed
loop control o5too sense variable o5to_ controlled variable o5toc_oc_oo_
Controlled device Controlled device Controlled device Controlled device valve. damper co_ process plant o5to output o o_o5ctoocaco_
o go5o5t.
Process plant Process plant Process plant Process plant heating coil o ooo cooling coil co_ controlled variable
ooqoto5too_o5ctoocaco_ equipment o5t.
Controller Controller Controller Controller Sensor ooo oO5to_oqotac Set point oo acto__otoo _o`o ooo_
corrective action _o_o ogqoo Controlled device o o Signal oooto_ogo5o Controller
o oo`o_
Control loop Control loop Control loop Control loop sensor. controlled device. process plant ac controller ooo`ctcO5to_
cooto control loop o oo`o_
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Closed-loop Closed-loop Closed-loop Closed-loop sensor o controlled variable ooo ctoo oc_o5too5g5ocooooctoO5to_
control loop o open loop ooo`o_ Controlled device ac process plant o oc o_o5ctoo
ocoo_o_o o_octo_o5c controlled variable oco ogo o_too og5o o (direct impact) ogoo
o cto5O5to_ g5(property)ac controlled variable o ooqoto_ oooo5q_t_oc
oooo ogo_o oooooO5to_
o oo o. .. .g gg g Control mode Control mode Control mode Control mode o5t. o5t. o5t. o5t.
closed loop controller o5to ooo5oqo5 controlled variable o5too go_ Set point
o_ooqoc O qtO5tgq _oco_ Controller o5t5toto_ controlled device O o output
signal Oo ootgqoo ocoo5o_o ooo o__o_o o o_ Output signal o_ error signal o
function _oco_(unction of output signal)
error o ooo error signal o_ control point ac Set point oo _o5tq5too_oco_oq_t
controlled variable oqo t ac Set point oqotoo _o5tq5too _oco_
Controller _o_ooo5cgooo o_ Control mode o ooo Control Logic _oco_
Control Node o ooo Control Logic o _oot5t_oc oto_to_o5taco_
(o) two-position control
(_) floating control ac
(p) modulating control o _oco_
Error signal o output signal _ocoo_o5cto oco_ control algorithms o5toc o oo
(accuracy) oo5ctgq ac performance ooo5cto5ocgqo o Ooo` control mode
o to_tOo oco_to_to ot_o__oo_ Control mode o5tacOoo5tO5to_ subcategories
o5to_ ogo_goo (Desired result) o5tgggq q_to_to_t_oc oo5cgo O5t_oct_oco_
HvAC System o5to_oqaco _oo_o5ctooqo_ Dynamic system _ocoo5o_o5c o oo
_ocgq oo oqooo o_ oo ogooOto_ Control o5toooo go__ooo
controller ooo5cgoooo5t ac sensor ooo oo oo_ process plant oo_oqoo5t
(response) o5t_o5toc oqo5oo(time Lags) go_
o5t(valve)o_ Controller o output signal g_otoqq_tco_o5o o5oco_
o_ooqo og5oo_ o5toc_otoq5o oo5 ogcto5t cocctocto_ oo5ctoqo_
(Operation o ooqo_ ) Coil o_oco c ogo_ooo oo5co_o_oooc Coil ocoo to
gcoo5c_o_oogo_ oo@ sensor o_ Duct octo c ogo oqt octo c
o_go oc oqo_o5o5coc5c_otoo5 oqto ooqo_o5ctoo (response) oggo_
ooo_oqtoctgqgo5to ooc_otoo5 sensor qtgooo ooc (warm) oo5o_o5c
oqo5oo oo5to5o_ O_oc sensor octg sensing material o5toooc_ot. steady state
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o_ooqococoo og5ooc_otoo5 controller o o information oc update o ogqooto
go_ Ooq5o controller o_ oqo@ sensor o signal ac set point o acto__otoo5o_o
o q_oqgo_o ot_oo oooaco_
O oqo5ooo5t (time delay) o system time constant o oo`o_ oo@ time
constant o_ o oo5ctooc controlled device o ooo process point oo_o5cto
_ococgq system oo c_oqc5 o q_oqqco_ react o oo_o oo_ oo@ time constant
o_o_o5o c controlled device o5to oq_oqoo_ oatooto_ o oo_ o5t 1-2 oc
controlled device ac process plant oo_ o_ooqocoo_o5cto gqoo controlled device
oo_o5ctootgo_ oqoto controller gain o oo`o_
Controller Setting Controller Setting Controller Setting Controller Setting Controller Controller Controller Controller
Gain Gain Gain Gain
Control Action Control Action Control Action Control Action
Open valve from zero to 1
for a 1

change in measured.

o_o5ctgqo o valve o
o 1 Oocootgo_)
Higher Small change in measured variable creates a
big change in output. 1

causes controller to
request 1 valve opening
Open valve from zero to 1
for a 5

change in measured

o_o5ctgqo o valve o
o 1 Oocootgo_)
Lower Large change in measured variable required to
create a significant change in output. 1
causes controller to request only 2 valve
Controlled device (_oo5o5t) ocoo oc g_oc required output ogo acoc controller
gain o_ system gain aco _o_ system gain o_ controller gain o system capacity
_occ5tO5to_oqot _oco_
xyxtem ga|n =
untruller gatn
O o_o5c system gain o_ controller gain ofunction _oc_ot load o oo5cg o aco_
system capcity o function o_t _oco_ oqo5to_ gain (High Gain) go_ system
o o_o5 q_tooo5 output signal o_o5cto_octo_ (controlled device oo ) controlled
variable 5t_oto5too5o_o5ctooo _ococaco_ oq_t signal q_tq_to_o5cto g_oc
controlled variable o5tc5o_o5ctoo5to_ o@Ocg5to5co_o5goc system o
o oo_Ooo_o to5c oversized o oO5t_oct_oco_ Signal q_tco o oqo5too5
output o _ococoo5o_o5c oo5ctoq oqoqo_ control o o_oct o_ocacoo
o1-3 o c_oO5to_ outdoor reset o_ oqq_to_ load o_ooq oc over
capacity o_ococgq system capacity o Oqt_oot_oct (Adjust o ooot_oct) _oco_ oo@O
time delay ac gain o5to_ o_to_o5c oct oooo o (linear relation) g_o_ot
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o_o_5o_t (consistent) _oc_oo c o ooqoqoo5 control _ocgq oo controller o5to
O qt_oot (Adjusto ooot) aco_ Tune o oo_o oo`o_ ooo5 o_to_o5c
octooooo5 oooo oo5t (Non-linear relation) . delay acoo _o_ o q_oqoo5t
(uneven response) co_ hystoresis o5tgoo5ctgaco_
_oo5 o5t(valve) o oo5cto(stem) oc_ocoo`oo5 friction o_o5c delay gaco_
riction o_o5c oo5oo c5oc_oct oo_oct(linear movement) o_t o ogacoo Heating coil O o
ocog5o o5oo5 hot water supply temperature _ocooo5oo_o5c system gain
o_too5to5aco_ Air flow oo q_to5too5o_o5c o_t system gain oo5to5aco_
O ogooO to_ system o5toooc5 oo5cgoacgqo oo5o oc control mode
o5tooo5_oO5to_ gctocto oootacoto5to too5 control o5 two-position control
_oco_ an oooo pump co_ equipmento5t oo5ct_oct. go_oct co_ state _ oo5go_
Damper o ooo valve o5tco_ device o5t oc_oct(open) oo _oct(closed) state _oo5go_
equipmento5t ac device o5to control o ogqoo two position control oot_o_o_
o oqoo5to c ooocO5to_ HvAC system coc5to5toco`oc o_ air
conditioner o5tac furnaces o5toc two-position control o ot_o_ o5totot_o_oo g o_
State _oo_to5go_ o_o5too5 system o5toco_t two-position control o
_oot_o_oo g o_ o 1- +o_ heating system o heating thermostat ocoo two-position
control oooo5co(Action) o oo5_oO5to_
igure 1-+ Two-position Control Diagram for a Heating System
Two position control o c onoff ooo o openclose o5_ocaco_ steam (o ) hot
water co_ heating medium ocooo ot_o_@ Supply air temperature
o _ocoo oco_(ooco_) O oq5o Supply air temperature o_ o_o_t_o_t
_ocooo5o set point Oo_oco_ control differential ooqoog5ogo_ Control
Differential o_ocoo5o_oqtoooco (ied difference) _oc_ot (valve ocgq temperature
ac valve oogq temperature aco_o5to cgo_ ied difference _oco_ Supply air
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temperature o_ Set point temperature ac Control Differential acooo`ctO5to_ ooqo
og5o o_o` Controller o_ Actuator 5toogq oo gq oq (off Command) ootooo_
oqq_tco_o5_otoq5o valve o_ oo o5t_ot heating medium ctoct_oct
ogoo5o_o5c Supply air temperature o_ Set point O og5oo5coocto5 oq5oOo Cycle
ocoo coco_ _oo5o c Set point o_ on-point _oco_ (valve o ococo_ oo
(Point) o o_t o_o5aco_) Set point Control differential o_ off-point _oco_ (valve o
oo oco_ oo (Point) o o_toaco_) Set point o on-point ac off-point
o aco_o5t(mid point)oc o_tO5t aco_ O o` valve oc_octac oo _oct _o_o5to c set
point goqo oo_
igure 1-5 Two-position Heating Control
oooo o c two position thermostat o5t_ o`go_ o toooto o_@
_oco5c.qoo5c o oo set point o adjust o oaco_ oo5ocO5to_Ooo @
oto5t_oct (over shoot) aco@ oo5_oct(undershoot) o_t time delay o_o5c_ocaco_
over shoot ac undershoot oo_o5tq5tooo operation Differential o oo`o_
o o-o controlled variable o_ maimum temperature ac Ninimum temperature
o _o5to cgoqo_
operating differential o_ control differential Oo_o_otoogo_ HvAC system
o5tocgo_ Natural time delay ac thermal Log o o oo g5tgqo_ocacoo
o oo5 operating differential ac Control differential o 5ooo oo5o oo5oaco_
(anticipation device o5too t_o_@) Single zone heating thermostat oo oto5too5 heat
anticipator o5 resistance heat _oco_ Resistance heat o temperature qtocoooc_ot
oc.oo oooot_oct_oc sensor o_ false reading ggo o@_oqoqc5 respond o ooot_oct
_oco_ oqocoo space temperature o_ control differential oo coc _ocooo5oco
heater oo oc_oct_oc overshoot o q_tocaco_ Overshoot q_t_octo_o5c operating
differential o_too5q_to 5tooo_ Cooling ooo_t anticipation device
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o ot_o_aco_ Cooling oc sensor go_ signal (supply air temperature) o set point
Ooo_oco5c_o_o ooot_oct_oc Cooling Coil octo ogo5to@ _oq_oqocog5o o5 operating
differential o oo5oaco_
Temperature versus time for Two-position coolinging Control
igure 1-6
o_o oc Anticipation device o5tot_o_oco5o. control differential
o otooo5ooo o5to5c (ogo5c ) _o_oo@ogacoo Oo_o5c set point Oo
ooqo_oc_octac oqo_oct (temperature fluctuation) o o_tgoqooo_ _oco. go o_
o_ooq (desired condition) oooo set point o go_oqo5oooqo5_oco_
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Control differential o q_to5c_o_oo_oct_oc control o o@oooco5 ogo_o ct
_oco5c_o_ooaco_ o oo5 control differential oqq_to_o` short-cycling _ocoo`
o5aco_ Short-cycling oo_o5 o_o5o valve o5t oo _oct(close) . oc_oct(open) ac
oqq_tcooct equipment o5t _ooo5tc5 oo5ct_oct (On). go_oct (Off) o_oco_
Short-cycling o_o5c heating ac cooling system o5too5ctc5 efficient o_ocacoo5oo
Equipment o5toqooco ooct_oooo_
Two position control ocoo_ oo5ctc5ooqo ooogqo o short-cycling o_ococo.
ocoo 5o_ control differential O5tg_ot. controlled variable o set point qtoc
ooacoogo5c OqtO5t_oct_oco_
Two position control oo ooo5co (function) o_ HvAC system o system gain
oo`oc oo_o_ Process plant o capacity o_oqooo go_ load Oo o5tc5o@
_otooqocgq oo_ o@_otoqoc control differential o oo @_oto5c_o_o oo5
O qtO5taco_ Control differential _o too5o_o5c operating differential o_too@_ot
o5o oo_ ooo o system short-cycle _ocooo_
HvAC system ocoo capacity o oqooogo_ load Ooo_oto5coct
o oO5toc two position control q_t _oc control o ogqoo oo_ controlled variable o set
point oc O qtO5tacgq
(o) control differential oo oo O5tootgo_ Operation differential o_too@
(o) system o_ short-cycling _ocoqo oo_
O oo HvAC system o oct_o_oo O5to c control oogqo qoooo_ (o_oooo5
q_t_oc control o oo`oc) Load q_to5too@ ocoo5o5c system capacity
o ococo@ octooO5tgo_
System capacity oco5t (Nultiple step o5t) oo step control oot_o_aco_
Step control o o_o5 two position control _ oO5tg_ot set point _ o_too5 control
o o_oct_oco_ Nultiple stage capacity go_ system o5toc step control o ot_o_o_
Nultiple stage capacity o o_o5 High-Low-off go_ multispeed motor o5too_too5ct High
fire Low fire-off go_ multi-stage gas bunner o5t5to_too5ct. multiple compressor multi-
speed compressor compressor with cylinder unloading co_ multi-stage refrigeration system
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igure 1- Step Control
o 1- o c heating stage _ ogo_ heat system ocoo c High fire . low fire ac off
co_ operating position p o_tgo_ control system ooooo o oo5_oO5to_ ooo
ooqo_ stage 1 set point oo5o O qoocto5oc controller o_ first step o ON
o oo_ oo@ first step heating o capacity ac o o_oqo c ooooqo_ stage 1 set
point qtoc cycling _ocoqo oo_ Two-position control oo_ocoqo oo_
O oooo oooooqo_ stage 2 set point Ooo@ qoocto5o`o controller o_
second heating stage o ON ooo_ O o` irst heating stage o _o ON O5t_ot second
heating stage o ON o o. O o o_oc two position control oo _o_ooqooo_ Control
operating range _ oo ocoacoco Oooqoc (overlap) first stage ON _oco_ooqo_
second stage off _oco_ooqOoqo oqooo_ Set point ac control differential o o
(overlap o_oco5c) stage ocoacocoOoo oqo5c_o_o oO5toco_ Second stage ON
point o_ first stage on point Oo_ocgo_ (_aco_ocogoo) o oo5o_t overlapping
range o_ stage ocooctco operating differentaial q_to5coo oo over all operating
differential o oo5oaco_ (acoOoo5too5o_o5c_oco_) q_t_oc short-cycling
o_ococo ooo5cto qo5cq_t_oc control o oaco_
loating Control loating control o tri-stage control o oo`oogo_ Two position control
aco_tooococo_o_ o oo5 system o two state o5_oco5c ooqooO5too
System oc modulating o_tc5t controlled device o`oco_ o5too55t_oc damper ac
valve oo o5t_oq aco_totoo5ctaco_ bi-directional actuator (oo5o5cooco_t)
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loating control o controller o5toc mode p o_tgo_
(o) drive open (ocoqo)
(_) idle (No movement) (og5oo_oqg5_gooq_oct)ac
(p) drive closed (oooqo)o _oco_
loating control o_ two position control oo oc set point ac control differential
o go_ o_oo5 floating controller o5toc upper set point ac lower set point o @ set point
adjustment _ oo`oco_ Control differential o_ upper set point ac lower set point _
oo o_o5tq5too (Differential) oc_oco_
igure 1- loating Control
o 1- o c_oO5to_oct supply air temperature o_ lower line of differential
Ooqoocto5o c controller o_ valve o c ocgq oq (command) ooto_ valve oc_ot
coil octo heating medium o5t o_o_t_o_tocog5oo5o_ valve ocgq oqo
oo5o_o5c (time delay o_o5c ) o_too5ct. goooo5 thermal lag o_o5co_too5ct. valve
ocoqoo5o_t supply air temperature o_oo @ooctoqooo_ o_o5ocoqo ct
supply air temperature _ocooo5ooo_ Supply air temperature o_ differential
Ooo_oco5to`o loating controller o_ valve o oo goqg5o cOqtO5tgq oq (command)
ootooo_ !dle (No movement) _ocoqo oo_ Supply air temperature o_ differential range
octo cgoqo c valve o_oo_oct. oc_octo_oc oogoqg5o co5gooqo oo_ oo@
temperature o_ differential oOooct (Upper Line) Ooo_oco5o`o loating controller
o_ valve(Actuator) o oogq oq (command) ootooo_
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O o` Coil octo ctoctoqoo5 heating
medium flow rate o_ oc_o_t_o_tq_to5
o oo_ O oq5o temperature o_ Differential
range octo og5oo5o_acoc_o_cqo
valve o_og5ooqo_oqg5oc go(No
movement) oqo oo_ Air temperature o_
differential range octoc loat
_ocoqoo5o_o5cq_to loating control
o oo`o_oct_oco_ o o-o_ Actuator Oo
controller o drive signal ooto o_o_oco_ Drive
signal o_oogq (close) signal o_t_ocaco_
ocgq open signal o_t_ocaco_
og5o o_oqg5oc gooq_octo_to_t_ocqco_
loating control o c controlled device o_ two
position control o5oo ooo oo ooo
igure 1-9 loating Diagram with Actuator
o toocoq_oct(full open). o tooooq_oct (fully open). ocococooocoq_oct(opening
ocooo c gooq_oct) o _ocaco_
O o_o5c loating control q_t _oc two position control Oo ootco o_ control differential o
short-cycling (ecessive cycling) o_oco. instability o_ocggaco_ two position control
o5o ooc loating control _o_t operating differential o_ control differential
Ooo@oo(_o t)o_
(time dealy ac thermal lag o_o5c ) loating control oc valveo5t. Damper co_
controlled device o5to_ full open o full close _ocgq oqo_o5oo5o_o5c (full closed o full
open) overshoot ac undershoot o@ _ocaco_ (oq_t valve timming ooatoo5o_o5c over
shoot undershoot o_ocaco_
unstable _oco_ctoo5o_o5c valve timming o oatO5tg_octo_t_oco_ oo@
valve o_oo_oct. oc_octo c_oqc5 _o_oooc two position Control ac o5_o5to oo_ oo ooo
loating control _o`ocoo5 valve o5tac Damper o5t oc_oqc5oo _oct.oc_oct_oco c O
loating control o_ two position Control oco_tacoco oqooo_
O o_o5c two position o5toc ot_o_o_ anticipation device o5to loating Control
o5toco_t ot_o_gq ooocoo 5o_ Nodulating Control 5too5ctaco_o`
oogoo5ctoqo_ speed o_ oo5ctoo_ Speed (desired speed) Ooq_toqo_o`oc
o tooqctoooO5to oo c o5to__oqo ooatoo _ocoqooo_ q_t_oc
o5too5ct_octo_ two position control _oc o5too5ctq_t_oco_ o5to oo5ctoo_ Speed
ocooc5 oo5ctgqoo oo5coo. oo5coct. o_o_oq co_ooto_ooqo _o_@
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ocoo 5o_ power O oo5c oo5 (accelerator) o ooqct_oct. o ooot_oct. 5toq
oqct_octco_ q_t_oc control o ogo_
O oo oc HvAC System o5t5totooo Load o_oqacoo_o5ctooqo_
O oo oqa c o o_o5cto oqo_ Load oo desired set point qt_ Controlled variable
o OqtO5tacgq modulating control o_ocoo5ot_oco_ o5to two position control
q_t_oc accelerator o qctoo. o ooo o oo5oo5ctaco_ oo5ct@go_
oooo5coo o5_ocooo_ oo ooo loating control q_t_oco_too5ctaco_ o oo5
ooqooooo5cto_ o_ooq o og5oo_ooo oo oo5t 5totoo oo
oo5ctoq_oo_q_to5 Nodulating control q_t_oc oo5ctoq_o_oct_oco_
Nodulating Control ooco`ocg analog control o oo`oogo_ Two position control
o o_t Digital control o oo`oogo_ o qoo_acoo`cto5tc5o Proportional control o
modulating control _ocoooooo`o _oo_ ooo_o5cooo5 oqoo_oqo
Controller o5to_ Proportional control logic function ocoo_too5 o oac_ooo5o_o5c
_oco_ ooo`oco_o5o oq_oo_ modulating o_gtgcto_ Proportional logic Ooo@
gooO toooo_ sophisticated algorithms o5too oootaccotg_oo_
Automatic control o_oo5to5to _o_ooo5cgo o o5t o ooo5 o OcO5too5
q_to_5o5t_oco_ o5to oo5ctoo Constant speed _ocoo5cto_o`oc ooto_ooqo
_o_@oo5cto_ ooto_ __5 o_o5coqtoqo c o ooo ocoooo_t q_tco
oc5ctoqo c oo5ctoo_ o o5(accelerator) ooooqctO5to_ oo5coogqoo
ootoo oc5oo5o_o`gqoo5to_ Oo` oo5(accelerator) o o@oO5to_
oco`ocgo oco_ speed Ooq_tq_toato5toc q_tco o@ o o5(accelerator)
o oO5to_o oco_ speed Oo o@ o5tc5oato5o c accelerator o o@oo_oct_octoO5to_
oco`ocg o5to_ constant speed _ocoo5ctoqoo5o_t ogo_ speed
Oooatoqo_o` o o5(accelerator) o oooo5o@ oqct ootgo_ oco`ocg ooto
o qtoctoct_oco5too5o_o5cooc o_ speed Ooo_oqo5o5c o o5(accelerator)
o ooo oo_ O oo oc control system o5to control loop o5to_ o5too5ctoo5to o
_o_ooooto_oo5_o_oct control equation o5t oo5_oaco_
o_ offset adjustment _oco_ o_o_ocootocoo`oo5o_too5ct(o )
o_o_5o_tgo_ o qtoo. o qtoctocoo5o_too5cto go_ speed
octo5toqo5c oo5(accelerator) o qctootgo_ oo5_oco_ v
o_ proportional
term _oco__oc Error o ogoo_too_oo5 _oco_
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Frrur = dex|red xpeed (xet pu|nt) - actua| xpeed
Error o o_o5 desired speed (set point) o actual speed o aoO5t_oct_oco_(desired
speed (set point) o actual speedoo_o5tq5too_oco_) v
o_ Error aco_too_
oo5_oco_ Desired speed (set point) Oo Actual speed oq_toqoc Error
go_oato_o_o ooatoc Error o5tooo_ Error o5toc (speed ooatoo5o_o5c )
o o5(accelerator) o o5to5toootgqo o_ Error q_to c (speed o ooo5oo5o_o5c )
q_tq_to5 oootgqoo_
o_ integral term _oco_ ooooO5too5 oqocooctg Error o5to
oo`ctO5t_oct_oco_ ooo_oooo`ctO5t_octo integrate ooo_ooo`o_
calculus oo5q_tgoo5_ogo c time-weight average of the error _oco_ Set point o
o_o_o5_o5o 5ootoqo_oo @oo5_oO5t_oct_oco_(ocq_t5t_oc oqo cto5
ocooctg average error ac O oqoo5 aco_o5o O5to_ goooo5_oco_) _oo5-
o5t speed o_ desired speed Oo oatoqo__oc oqoo5_o5oatoqoo5o_o5c
o o5(accelerator) o o @_oct_octogq o o_oo o o_oct_oco_
o_ derivative term _oco_ Derivative of the error with respect to time _oco_
Calculus oo5_oc oo5_ogoc rate of change of error o_ o5to speed o_ desired speed
(set point) oo o_o _oq_oqo_toooqo_o oo5_oo_ o ooo Set point oo_o_oq_oq
ooto5oqo_o oo5_oo_ _oo5 - o5t speed o_ desired speed o o oc_oqc5
o_toooq_o (approching) o oc oo5(accelerator) ooO5to_oqg5o q_tq_too5
ootaco_ O ooo5 og5to5 derivative control logic oo_ooooo5 _oco_ o o-o oc
term po_tcoto ogooc_ocoo5_oO5to_ proportional term (v
) o_ Error
q_to5to oo @ o_t_o_o5ctoo_ Error q_to_oo_o5 Set point qtoc g_ot
(Set point) o oog5oootoo Error o5to_ o o_o5 controlled variable o_ Set point o
o5ooto_o o oo_ !ntegrant term(v
) o_ Error o time weight average
aco_t_o_ Curve oo5o _goo5 Area _oco_(area under the Curve) derivative term
) o_ error line o slope _oco_ (slope of the error line) _oco_ Set point oo o_o
_oq_oqo5toqo_. Set point o o_oq_oqooto5oqo_o oo5_oo_ term po
co to_oq_tq_t_oc Control accuracy o ooo5cto5co oootaccotgo_
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oo5ctOo_q ( Page 1-22
igure 1-1 Proportional !ntegral and Derivative Control
oOo_tc5 Equation 1-1 o integral term ac derivative term o o proportional term
ocoo_to o5c_tc5t_oo`c
Ooo` equation 1-2 oc v o_ controller o output _oco_ o5too5cto_
_oo5_oco_o5go c ogo_ desired speed (set point) ggq accelerator o o_oqctO5tgo_o
o oo_ Proportional only control logic o oo5q_t_ocoo5_oO5too5 mathematic epression
_oco_ proporation control o_ gtgctot ac oto5totoo5 modulating control logic
_oco_ pneumatic thermostat o5t5to tqto`t. pneumatic controller o5t5to tqto`tac analog
electric controller o5tco_ P gain ocoo_to5o`o_ (Proportional only) control logic
o ot_o__oo_ o o-o o c equipment o5tcoc oo5cto_oq ooo o set point o
o_o5cto oo_oqoc Proportional only system ocoooq_oqo_ (response) o oo5_ o
O5to_ System o_ set point oo og5oo5c o_tooo_ o oo5 timer delay
acthermal lag o_o5c overshoot _oco_ set point oog5o o5c oq5oOo_o_tc5t
o_tooo_o` undershoot q_tco_ocoo`o_ oq_o5o5o_aco overshoot ac
undershoot oo_ o_o_t_o_toooooo_t_ocoqooc controlled variable o_ set point
qtocgoo5o_t set point acocOoo_toooo q_tco oo5ooqo_ O o5ooo
error o offset oo_too`o_ droop oo_too`o_ steady-state o_ooq(constant load
o_ooqoc ) _ogoqo_ offset o_ proportion control oooto_ooot_oco_
continuous offset ac proportional only control o o__oooo g_oo_og5coog
Proportional control o_ controlled variable o set point qtocgo5cOqtO5taco_
(oo ooO5too5 load o_ooqoc ) o oo5 droop o ooo offset o_ _oootgoq
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o oo_o5_oco_ Epuation 1-2 oc proportional logic o O_o5 Heating coil5t control
o ooooo5_ooo_ heating coil ocoo_ steady load o_ooqoc load aco tooo_o_
heating medium coil octo ctocoqgqoo_ Octocoqo_ flow rate o _ococgq
ocoo 5o_ ocoqgo_ (valve opening ) o controller o output signal oot_oo ooto_
out put signal oqoto_ equation 1-2 o v ooqotoc_oco_
oo@ set point ac controlled variable oo_ oo o __ooc error o o _
(zero)_oco_ error zero _ococ second term o_o_t zero _oco_Oo` control signal
o_ v

ooqotaco_oqooo_ v

o_ offset adjustment _oco_ O o_ooqgo_ Load

oo o oco_ flow rate o ggq v

o adjust o ogqoo_ o oo5 offset o zero

_oco5cooaco oo_ v

o_oqtoooqo t(constant) _oco_ load oo5to5o c oo5to_

flow rate oo_ oo5to_flow rate gggq valve o oocootgqoo_ O o_o5c signal
oqo too5tgqoo_ (larger valve of v) vooqo to5tocgq Equation 1-2 o second term o_
zero o_ocg ocq_t5t_oc error oqoto_ o_ o_ocg(Non-zero) error o_ offset oooo
droop _oco_ offset oo5o_ o qtoo
oqo too o@ o_t_
o_o5cto oqo_(offsetfunction of constant

o_ controllero porporational gain _oco_
oqoto5to5oooo offset
oqo tq_to5oooo_oco_
oqoto5to5cO5t@ offset oo5o q_to5c
_o_ooO5tacoo5o_t oq_o to5to_
O5tg_octo_o5c system stability o O oo
Set point qt_ controlled variableo_ oscillation _ocoqooo_ O o_oc_octo hunting
_oco_oo_o5oogo_ gain o _ot_otO5t_octo_o5c signal valve o_o_t_o to5
ootcoo_ error o_ococoo5o_t load q_tco o_o5cto _octo_o5c system
o_ooo_Oo o@o5tc5oq_oqo_ overreact o oo_
overreaction o_o5c o@_oto5to_ error
o oc_o5too (o_o5ct_oqoo )o c_ococo
_ (valve o_oc go_c5toooco_)
oo_o to5to_ overshoot
o_t_ocoo`oco_ stable control
gggqoo gain o5to adjust o o_oct
hunting o_ococo offset
oqo tcoo5co o_octo turning the
control loop o o_o5ooo go_
igure 1-11 Proportional-only Control
Proportional gain o oto5to_ _o5tq5o_ocoo5 P Gain _oco_ throttling range
o_ controlled device o5t_oc_oo_ valve ac damper o otooc (full open)o o tooo(full
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closed) o_ooqoog5o oqoc controlled variable o_o5cto o5to_oo5 _oco_
octo_ proportional gain aco_o5ct_oqo_too_
proportional only logic oc _ogoqo_ offset o oo5oocgq. ooo o
oo 5q_tocgqoo integral logic acoo5 ot_o_aco_ proportional plus integral (P!)
control logic ooo`o_ oo5q_t_oc equation 1-3 o coo5_oO5to_ !ntegral term
oo ooo5coo o5 error goqo_oq_o5o5o_aco integral term o@ _o to5to5o_
O o_o5c controlled varivable o set point oo og5oo5c (o_tooo5c ) o_o_t_o_t
oqtoooto_ Oo` offset o_otooo5oo5taco_
oo_o5ooo5oo5cootcoo5taco_ o o-o_ oc P! control oooooooo5_oO5to_
Control logic o sensitivity o_ proportional gain
ac integral gain
function_oco_ proportional control oc gain o_o q_oto`o(o5to`o)stable control
o_ocac tune o ogqoo_ !ntegral term o5tq_tooo5 wind up _ocoo`_oct_oco_ wind
up o_ control loop o oooooq_ot(in operation) controlled device o_ oooo
oO5to_o` (disconnected) _ocoo`o_
Controlled variable
o oOqtaco_o`o c wind up
_ocoo`o5o_ controlled variable o_
set point q5tooog5ooo5o`
(ooto 5oqo_ o`)oc integral term
o_ o_o_t_o_t o@ _o to5to5o_
O oqoc system coo5ct o oo_
o`oc valve o_otoocoq_ot o ooo
o tooooq_ot( wrong side o c) over shoot
o _o_ocoo`oco_
igure 1-12 Proportional Plus !ntegral Control
integral term ooq_ococgq oqoo5_o5oc5cgo_ ooo_o5co oo5 error
o_oq oo5_o5o5c _ocoo`oqooo5o_o5c_oco_ (oq_t system o controlled
variable o_ set point o5oq_o5_occ5ootoqoo5o_o5c_oco_Ooo _oc_octo windup
o oo`o_ oqoooqo system o unstable o_ooq_ocoo`oco_(temporarily
unstable) O _o o o_ogctgqo o system ogoO5to_oq _ controller ac controller loop
o5too_tgoO5tgqoo_ system ocoo_ gooq_ot O system o control loop o
ogoO5to`o wind up _ocoo`o oo_ derivative control O_@o_to_ogctaco_ anti-wind up
device o5tO_@o_to_ogctaco_ analog electric controller o5toc algorithms
O_@o_to_ogct qco_ oto5tot anti-wind up algorithm o5 system coco`coqoc
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integral term o ootO5to proportion only control logic _ocoqo_o5 coc_oct_oco_ P!
control o pneumatic control o5tac analog electric control o5tocooaco_ digital control
system o5too oo`o_oc standard oco_oco_
Equation 1-1 oco`oco_ term o tocoto ot_o_o c proportional plus integral plus
derivative (P!D) control logic ooo`o_ derivative term o o`ococ_oct_oc overshooting
o oo5oootaco_ integral term o Brake _ocooOqtooto_
ooq5t_oc derivative control o_o qoc_oqc 5o q_oq oo5cgooo go_(very fast
O o_o5coc_oqc5 o q_oqgqoooo5industial process o5tacotoo5to
oO qtcqco5tocoqc5 otoco_
HvAC system o5to responses o5oatoo5o_o5c derivative control o HvAC application
oco tq_to_ differential term o`oco o_o5c funing oog5ocoooogooO to5o_
unstable _ococo_ responses o o_tootoo go_
oooooocqtoco5to c digital control application o5t_ P!D loop ooo`oo`o_o5o
oq_ooo5o_t derivative function o oto_o_o O5too go_ P!D logic o modulating
function o5toc ooo5cto_ accuracy o ggq ot_o_O5to_ staged capability o5toc
o_to t_o_o_ O o`o_toc modulating control loop o_ real device o control oo oo
virtual output oo5 Oo oot_ot contolled variable o control _oct_oco_ second loop o
virtual output o_ Equipment o capacity oco sequence oooot_oct_oc control
o ooot_oct_oco_
o P!D logic O_octo t_o__oct_oc step control logic o cggo_ operating
differential Ooooo5cto_ (co o_ ) operating differential ggocaco_ Oto_oc step
o5to5 go_ system o5t. step goOo oo5to_ system o5toco o_tooog5o o_ Pulse-
width modulating ac Time-proportioning Control Nodulating Logic oq5o oco_to5 on-off type
output o pulse width ooo5o q_to5c_o_oo_ot control o ooo5q_t_oco_ Pulse-idth
modulation (PN) ooo`o_ Ouput o_ oqtoo _ocoo5 ot_o5t step o5to o og5to
_oco_ (Series of discrete step _oco_) o oo5 oqooo modulating ogoo5 ocac
o toqto`t ocoo_ Controller o output o_g_oo_oo5 pulse o5toc_oqt
_oco_ (A Series of pulses of varying length) O pulse o5to_ controlled device
o5tooo5ctoco_ valve ac damper o5tocooocO5to_ step motor o5t. electric resistive
heater o5to ON-O control o5t_oco_ Control loop o output signal o_ control device o
position ooo o (length of pulse) pulse o5tooq og__oco_
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igure 1-13 Pulse-width Nodulation
igure 1-1+ Time-proportioning Control
Controlled device o5to actual position o o gqooo_ o`o5t_ feedback device (actuator
o position o oo5coaco_ ) o5to ococ control system o o input _oc (feedback
_ocotgq ) oooto_ PN o_ actual position o oootacoo5o_o5c position o qcgq
o_o5too5 Device oco_to_t oooc@ input _oc control system octo oooto_ Time-
proportioning control o_ PN control ooOo o5oo5 control o_tc5t_oco_ PN
oo oc output o_ onoff pulse o5to c_oqt _oc o_ o oo5 time cycle o_ ooo
(fied) _oco_ Cycle octg on time ac off time o o o_o_o5ctooqo_
o oo o. .. ._ __ _ Gains and Loop Tuning Gains and Loop Tuning Gains and Loop Tuning Gains and Loop Tuning
o5too5ctooo`c oo5too5cto_o` o5to_ _co5oo5ooc5 o5too ogoo co ato_
o` o o5(leave) oootqctO5t_oct. o5too5cOo _oct. ogo ooc5cqct_oct co_
ocoo_ooo5t gc_o_oco_ o oo5 ootocc5 oo5ctooo5o_o`oc
ooo5oOqtooo5o_ ooo5 o_tc5too o_ o5to oo5cto_o` ogo o5.
oo5o5_o5t_oct. o o5(leave) oo __octoo_o5co_o oo_oq@ adjust oogqoo_
O q_tooc HvAC system o5toc go_ control loop o5too_t tune oogqoo_ Control
o ogo_ system o5to_ oco ac ocooo _oo5o_o5c control loop o5t5toto_o_t
o _oo oo_ oo ooo oq_o to5t oo5 ware house o coto_ heating coil ac
o oo oqtco ocoto_ heating coil o oc5toto _o_ controller ot_o_aco_ O
system _ oo time constant o_o__oooo_oo o O o_o5c controller gain o5to adjust
o ogqoo_ Tune o ogqoo_
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igure 1-15 Proportional Control
igure 1-16 Proportional-integral Control
o 1-15 o c proportional control loop turning oooooo5_oO5to_
P Gain o5to5oooo oscillation o_ocoooo_oco_
P control loop _ocoo5o_o5c Gain 5totoo offset go_ o 1-16 oc proportional
plus integral (Pl) control loop turning o ooo oo5_oO5to_ P only control
Ooo@oo5cto5o_ 5totoo P Gain (
) o5 1.5 o qtoo_oco_
! Gain (
) q_to5oooo oscillation q_to5oooo_oco_
o 1-1 o_ P!D control loop tuning o ooooo5_oO5to_ Set point ooc_otooc
o_o5cto5o_o` control loop o5to oq_oq oo oo5_oO5to_
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igure 1-1 Proportional-integral-derivative Control
HvAC system o5to_ocoqo5oct set point o_o5cto o o_ _ocoo`oo5o_t.
o o5toc_oO5t ooo_oqoqc5o_ocoo`ac o` heating load ac cooling load o5too
response o5to5 ooococ o__oo_ ocoo 5o_ proportional gain. integral gain ac
derivative gain oo ogtoo_oct _ocoooo_ accuracy ac ooo5cto_ system stability
ggacoo curve o5to ooc ooo5aco_ Loop turning o_ao_5oqo_
o5o_5go_oc_ot trial-and-error q_t_oco5 _o_ooaco_
Tune ooo_ q_tooto5 o5too55t_oc ocoo 5o_ proportional gain o gcotgo5c
_o_oo_ot goqo_ off set oqo to integral gain _oco tooo5oo5c. q_to5to5c_o_o o_oct
_oco_ o5too55t_oc derivative gain o ot_o_oo ogoo Derivative gain o o`O_@ tune
o c oqgooOtoo5o_o5c o oocoq5oo too5 O_oogo_
oOo_tc5 P!D gain o5to rule-of-thumb q_tgoo5gct. Oooooo5t (Nanufacturer)
o5to recommended value o5tgoo5gct. ooco_o _oooo_ oo_o_o5t goo5gct
O_@ tune o ooo_ control system oo oocoo5cgooo ooo5_ot Gain oqo to
oscillation c_oco_ Oog5o o5cotooto_ Trend logging gacoo c control system o
performance o_oq@_o_aco_ O oq5o Gain oqo to osicallatin coc_ocoo`o_
oqo toOooo oq oo5oo5o t_o_aco_ P!D oqo to5to performance o5to
manufacturer o5tocoo5oacocoo5o o _o5tc5 o toogo_ o@oo_o_o5to o_
oqoo oct oo oc5 turning o oacooo_ Ooo`q_to_ oo5ctot
oo ooo5o_t ocoo 5oo5ctoqo_ go5oogaco_ oqooo_ loop turning
q_to5to ot_o_aco_ ooo5oo_oc (manually) _o_o ogq oqoooc. oo oo_
o_oo5 digital control system o5toc automatic loop turning software o`oco_
o_o o_ac input oo oo software ooo5o loop turning _o_oo aco_
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Proportional control logic o c process o5to_ o_to_o5coct oocooqo_ (Linear
relation) o oo(Assume)O5to_ Error oo oo o_o`_ o`ocoo5o_ characteristic
o5to_ operating condition acooooc (independent _oco_ ) o o_tooO5to_
oooo process o5t5toto function o_ Non-linear _oco_ Oo_o5c P!D Logic o
operation condition o5t5to too error ogo5c (errorzero) o ogqoqooo o_
o1-2 o c_oO5to_ heating coil o valve o_ q_tcoocg_oc supply temperature
o_ oq o c_oqc5_ocoo o5to_ O ooo5 characteristic o5to steam ac hot water
o ot_o_O5t oo5 heating coil o5tocoo _ocgo_ valve o_ _ opening
_oc_otoq5o(oc_otoq5o) oq5o Oo q_tco ocg_oc supply air temperature
o q_tcoo5o_o5ctooco_ Hot water oooo steam flow rate _oco5toqoqoc
oqoo5ctoqo_ control _oco5c turn o o_otoq5o flow oocto 5to_o` control
o_oto`t_octo 5taco_ (oq_t response o_ oatooto5to oo_) O q_to flow
qoo 5to_o_ooqoc turning o oO5to_ control loop o_ flow _oco5o_o` response
o_o qoc_oqo5o5. system o unstable _ococaco_
Dynamically self-tuned o o_o5o qoooo5 (precise) control gggqoo gain
o5to ooo5o. ooo_oo operating condition oo o@o_o5cto ootoq_oct (Adjust
o ooq_oct) o ooo_ o_oo5 digital control system o5toc Oooo5 dynamically self-
turned capability o5tg_o_octo_o5c system o_o@ robust _oco5o_ (oq_t fast
responding _oco5o_) Dynamic self-tuning o_o5c manual tuning o ocg5oooo5o_o5c
commissioning o oo_o`o@ oqoqooo5o_ Non-linearity _oq5oo_ogctgq
_o5too5q_tocoo5 fuzzy logic o ot_o__oct_oco_ uzzy logic o_ P!D control logic o5t
oo q_to_5oc_oco_ uzzy logic o_oo5tc_tc5tootoo`_oto t_oooo oo_q_t
o ooto5 control action o5too5cgooot_oct_oco_ Neural network ac artificial
intelligence ooo t_o_O5too5 self turning technique o5to_ system ocoo operation
condition o_to_toc_o_oo (behavior) oooo5_ot control ooocoo5o_ response ac
gain o5tooooooot_oct_oco_
o oo o. .. .o oo o Control Action Control Action Control Action Control Action o5tac o5tac o5tac o5tac Normal Position Normal Position Normal Position Normal Position
Controller action o5to direct action (DA) ac reverse action (RA) o @aco_to_o5to_
Control o_5go oo`oo`_ocoo5control action o ooo control direction o_ controller o
output signal o controlled variable oo_o5cto o5to_ direction o o_oo@oo5_o_oct_oco_
Direct action o o_o5 controlled variable ooqo to5to5o_aco controller o output
signal oqoto5to5_oct_oco_ Reverse action o o_o5 controlled variable
oqo to5to5o_ac o controller o output signal oqo tq_to5t_oct_oco_
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_oo5-discharge air temperature o set point ocO qtO5tgq cooling valve
o ot_o_O5to_ oo@ discharge air temperature o_ set point Oo_ocoqo`o
controller o_ oo5to_ output signal oqo to O oooto5 valve o ococ_ot cold water
o5to5to coil octo ocog5o oco_
Temperature _oco5o_ o` signal o o_tooo5tootoo5o_o5c direct action
o oo`o_oct_oco_
Heating coil ooo reverse action _oco_ Cooling coil oo Direct action o o o_
Temperature o_ set point Oo qooqo_o` controller o output signal o o5toc_ot
valve ooococo5 coil octo hot water (steam) o5toocog5ooc o_ Control action
o o_oo`o5 (term) ooo_otc5_ocot_o_o` oooooc control variable
oo_o5cto o5to_ direction o o_oo@oo5_oO5to_oo_o o@o to5t_oo_ Two
position-action . floating action . modulating co_ control mode o5too_t control action
o @og5oa5 o_o5ooo go_ Control logic o5too_t proportional action . integral action
co_oc control action _ocog5oa5o_o5o oogo_
igure 1-1 Proportional Control
o 1-1 o_ proportional control logic o ot_o_@ direct acting ac reverse acting signal
o5toooooooo5_oO5to_ Output signal o5to_ error signal ac o ogo o_t_ (direct
proportion) o_o5ctooqo_ oo5q_t_o_oct _oc equation 1-2 o coo5_oO5to_
Slope line ooqot (Nagnitude) o_ proportion gain o oqo t_oco_ Slop
ooo5 (sign) o_ action ooo5_oo_ Direct action oo slope sign o_ positive
_oco_ Reverse action oo slope sign o_ negative _oco_
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o 1-19 o c_oO5to_ throttling range o_ controlled device _oco_ valve full-open
o_ooqo controlled variable oqo to valve full-closed o_ooqo controlled variable
oqo to ao O5t_oct_oco_
Set point o throttling range o oooc oo5_oO5to_ two-position ac floating
control(o 1-+ o o1- O) o c set point o cqtocooo coo5_oO5to_
O oo__ oo5_o_octo_ proportional control logic oo O tc_oco_ ooo5
oooo oc set point o_ ot_o_o (user) oo.ot acoo oo o o@ o_o5cto
oqoo5o_o5c set point o_ throttling range octo_o_oqg5ocoo goqaco_ Set
point o_ throttling range full open oqg5oco_t_ocaco_ ully closed oqg5oc
o_t_ocoqaco_ Damper o5t. valve o5tac switch o5tco_ controlled device o5t normally
open(NO) position ac normally closed position (NC) o @ position oqg5 _ o_tgo_ Damper
o5t. valve o5tac switch o5to normal position o o_o5 O device o5toootO5to_ power
(electricity power o ooo control air-pneumatic oo ) ogo_o`o cgoqo_ position
_oco_ Device o5t normal position oc ocgq. oo gqoo spring (cogq) o self power
O oooto_ o go5_ocO_octO5to_
igure 1-19 Control Action and Normal Position
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Normally closed damper oc spring o actuator OocO_O5to_ Actuator
o ootO5to_ power supply o ooooo_o` (o ) _oooo5oooo_o`oc actuator
octg spring o_oqtoq@ damper oooo oo_ Normally closed damper o oc spring
o oo oqo_ oqO5toog5oo5c oqtoo ooo_ Normally open damper o oc
spring o ocoqo_ oqO5toog5oo5c oqtoco oo_ (O oo o_t damper o spring
return damper ooo`o_) oo@ actuator oct_ spring o5oo`go c power supply o
_oo oo5o o oo_o` damper o_og5ooqo_oqg5oco5gooqooo_ (Stay in the
last position) O oo o_t damperactuator oc normal position oo`ocoo Three-way valve
o5toc diverting o_tc5tac miing o@ _ o_tgo_ Diverting o_ oco_ water (o)
compressed air o steam _ o_t _ocoog5oo5coooto_ Niing 3 way valve o_ stream
_ oog5oa5o 5t o5co oooto_
3 way valve ocgoo5 port po qoo ooo5 common port _oco_ Diverting valve o c
Common port o_ entering port _oc_ot Niing valve oc common port o_ leaving port
_oco_ Normally open(NO) oo common port o_ power _ocoo5o_octogo_o`oc
ocoqo oo_ Normally Closed 3 way valve o_ power _oo oo5o _octogo_ o`oc
common port o_oooqo oo_ 3 way valve o_ Normally Closed _ococ Normally Open
_ococ ogo_ctoqo_ o5_oco_ Coil octo ogoc_oct gogo5 o5_o5to_
oo_o_gqoo o5 Controlled device o normal position o_oq c_ (every day) ooqoooogq
ocoqo_o_ooq oo oqo_ o_ooqo o o_octooo o` Outdoor air damper o
normally closed _oc_o_ooO5toco_ oqoq_ an oo5ctoqc_ outdoor air damper
o_oc oq_otooo5too5o _to cto ocog5o oqgo_ _oq an oo o_o`o c
Dampero_oooqgqoo_ otooo_ o` Damper o_(NC _oc@)oooq_ot
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o gc5qo5t.ooo5tocog5o _oct. ototo5tocog5o_octo octootoco_ Spring return actuator
ac_o5t device o5to_ power ogo_o`oc fail-safe position o cgoqo5c_o_ooO5to_
ail-safe position o_ooooO5to_ normal position ocoo_oco_
(o toocoq_octNOo ooo o tooooq_octNC_ocgqoooo)_oo5-Outdoor air intake coilo
hot water valveo normally open(NO)_oc_o_ooO5too go_Ooo5 power ogo_o` hot
water o_ coil octo oo ctoctoq_ot freezing _oc_octoo5ooaco_Supply fan o inlet
guide vane ac outdoor air intake damperoo normally closed _oc_o_ooO5tgo_
anacDamper o ointer lock oooco_ !nter lock oo_o5angoo_o` Damper
o ooO5to5c_o_o oO5t_ot Damperooco an oo5ct @ogo5c_o_o o_oct_oco_ _o`
supply fan o ogooo o_o` inlet guide acoutdoor air damper o oo_tooo 5o
oo ocgo_O tc5t_oc Control singal ogoo5o_o`(o ooo) zero _oco 5to_o` Control
deviceo_ normal positiono oog5o o5to oo_ Control single oqoto5to5_oct_oc controlled
device o_normal positionoootg5_o5tocoooog5ogo5to_Oo_o5c Normal position
o_controllero control actionac process plant oo5ooooo o5 o o_o5c
_oo5- o (o-_)o c_oO5to_ heating system o valve o_ normally open
(NO)_ocgo_ Controllero Control action(thermostat)o_ direct action _ocgo_ Controllero
control signal q_to5o_aco valveo_ normal position(ocoqg5o)
oootg5o (oo o_oo o )og5o o5tocooo_valve otooo gqoo Control signal
o__ocoqot(Naimum value)_ocgo_Oo_o5c Ductoctg
ooooq_ocooo5o_qcocontrol signal ooqo to_o_to5to5o5 valve oo o5to o
o_valve oo o5t_octo_o5c Coilocto ctoco5o_ Hot water flowq_to 5to5 over
heating _oc_octoo5ooa co_o o-_ o heating coilo chilled water coil _oc
o o_o5ctooo c control valve o_normally open(NO)o5_oco_ o oo5 Controller o_
reverse action _ocgo_ooq _ocooo5oc valve o_oc gqoo_ot Chilled water flow
o5to5tctocgqooo_valve ocgqoo Control signal o_q_to5 go_ q_tgo_
ooo_o5cooo5temperature o_o5cto_ oqocoo o Controller o o ooo5cootgo_
oq_t reverse action _ocgq o oo_
Table 1-3 Required Control Action
Normal Position
Application and Controlled Device NO (Normally Close) NC (Normally Open)
Heating valve or damper Direct Action Revrese Action
Cooling valve or damper Revrese Action Direct Action
Chaptei-1 Intiouuction To BvAC Contiol Systems
oo5ctOo_q ( Page 1-3+
Heating ac cooling application o5too Control action ac normal position o oooo oo
o5t o-p o coo5_oO5to_ o o-o ocO oo oo o (relationship)o5to schematic o_oc
proportion control oot_o__ot oo5_oO5to_ oOo_tc5 fail-safe position _ocgqoo device
o oo@ ocoo 5oo5 normal position o ogtoo o` Ooq5oprocess plant(heating plant
o ooo cooling plant) o oo5oacocoo5oo5ogtooO5to_ normal position o o_oo@
reverse acting _ococo_ o ooo direct acting _ococo_ co_ controller o control action
o o t_ooo` oo@ occocg5ocoo_o@ o oo(conflict) gooccontrollero actiono
o_o5cto 5tocgq reversing relay o O_@ ot_o_aco__oo5- normally open (NO) heating
valve ac reverse acting controllero ot_o_o oc reversing relay oO_o`
o oo o- -- -g gg g Control Range Control Range Control Range Control Range ac ac ac ac sequencing sequencing sequencing sequencing _o_ooo _o_ooo _o_ooo _o_ooo
Equation 1-1 o1-3 oco`go_control loop o output oqoto q_to5co5to5c
(Gaino adjust oo_oct_oc)_o_o oaco_ error oo o@ Gain o adjust oo_oct_oc Output
oqoto octo5ocooct scale o oaco__oo5- control loop oo controlled device
o_ fully closed _ocoq_ot o1 octocgaco_o_ direct-action loop
oo controlled device o_ fully closed _ocoq_ot 1 o_ full-open_ocgqoo_pneumatic
controller o5to output o_ 3psi o 13psi oct_oco_Electric controller o5to
outputo_ 2vdc o12 vdc oct_oco_Controller device o5to_ controller ocoac
oo5ctc5oo oo _ot ooooacgq Contoller o output range o_Controlled device
o5toooaco_ Control range _ocgo_ Control range o o_o5 controlled device o5to
oooo_oqaco_ Control signal range _oco_ _oo5-pneumatic controller o5to output range
o53 psi o13 psi oct_oco_Controlled device o5tocontrol range o_ output range
octo c_ocgo_
Chaptei-1 Intiouuction To BvAC Contiol Systems
oo5ctOo_q ( Page 1-35
igure 1-2 Sequencing
pneumatic device o5to(control range o53 psio psioctac psio 13 psi oct
_oco_Control range ocqtocooooo_ device o_fully closed o oo o fully open
_ocoqo oo_ _oo5-Normally open pneumatic control valve o control range o5 3 psi o psi
oct_oco c valve o_ 3 psi _ fully open _ocoq_ot psi go_o` fully closed _ocoqooo_
Control span oo_o5 Control rangeo o5toto q_toto aoO5to_ oqot_oco_
Ooo` pneumatic control valve o control span o5 psi -3 psi5 psi _oco_ocoo 5o_
controlled device o5t.ocoo5o_ control range acocoo5o_ normal positiono5to
ogtoooc controller ocoo_to5o t_o_o5 ogoo5 control function o
o ooo5caco_ cotco_o_qto toc gqooo O5too5 c_tooto5t(Energy lode)g valve
o5to control range o_ over lopping o_ococg
_oo5-heating valveo Control range o o 5octo5o t_o__ot. cooling valve o
control range o55o1 octot_o__octo_t_oco_Heating valve o_ full
open(controller output _oco_ o`) _ocoq_ot-Controller output 5 _oco_o` heating
valve o_ full close _ocoqooo_valve o_(controller output 5_ocoqo_o`)full- closed
Chaptei-1 Intiouuction To BvAC Contiol Systems
oo5ctOo_q ( Page 1-36
_ocoq_ot controller output1_oco_o` full open _ocoqooo_ooo5 ASHRAE 9.1-2+
oooooo o5to_ overlapping o_ocgac oo oo5o oo ooctoooo5c_tooto5to`oco_
o oo o. .. .o oo o Controls documentation Controls documentation Controls documentation Controls documentation . .. . Naintenance Naintenance Naintenance Naintenance ac ac ac ac Operating Operating Operating Operating
Control system o5t5toto cqcoo oo oot_o_cO5tgo_Ooo ooto5tocooooo
sequence o5t. !O Point list o5t. Data sheeto5t. Damper o5tac valve o5to schedule o5t control
drawing o5t. O device o5tgo_oqg5o5t(site plan location) oo control device o5tac
Remote Device o5t input output Point list o5to`cgo_ Oc5goc5ooto5tac Drawingo5to
o _o_o_ oqg5oc o oto_tO5t_ot ot_o_o o5t oooo _o_acgo_ oooco_
(!nstallation) 5tot _otcto_oq5oTesting Commissioning _otcto_o` ggo_ Result
Data o5too_t oooot_o_cO5toco_ Control System o5t5to too oqoq
_o__ocOq to oto_o5t (Periodic Naintenance). ocoo5o_ Adjustmento5t. Calibration o5t
_o_oogqooo_ ocaco c _ _oo (Semi Annual) o g _o o (uarterly) _o_oooco_
ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2+ ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2+ ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2+ ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2+ o c Naintenance ac oo oco_ ooo5to oo5_oO5t_ot
Outdoor Air Damper ac Actuator o5to po oc_o o ccootgq oo5_oO5to_ _o__oc_oct.
O qtoot_oct o _o_o o_oto_o` cqcoo ogto5t ooootoc O5toco_
- End -

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