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Ez a szveg fontos informcikat tartalmaz az n lett.

By Pastor Oriana Costa.

Eternity is a real place, not bound by time and cant be perceived in
our material world but interacts with it daily. Some know it as the
"fourth dimension". It is there that God's kingdom is manifest in spirit
and where God can be seen, along with his armies and also all persons
who have died in the body.
Don't go into eternity without Jesus, he is not religion: He is the only
way to stay on eternity in peace, in rest and receiving feed from God.
Jesus is the Creator God in person who came in human form in this
material world and offer himself to death instead of us and paying the
price with his life to that our evil actions don't prevent us to stay in the
presence of God because God hasn't agreement with evil.
To God, evil's knowledge materialized is only destroyed by death because when it enters into the mind
of man, it's able to rule him and enslave him so that either there is repentance that leads to rejection of
the evil's practice or the practitioner of evil shall be destroyed.
The man hasn't strength to stop doing evil alone without help or right guidance. The world doesn't
offer this support for on earth there is not even a human being who has not acquired knowledge of evil.
Therefore, there is not exist in world after the choice made by the first man created by God and so far
there is no one who is totally good as God is, even that we strive for this: we are all flawed!
However, God loved us and loved his creation and decided not destroy us and gave himself to die in
our place. This happened when Jesus was crucified nearly two thousand years ago, was buried and
resurrected of dead after the third day; then showed up to some people and right away left this world
and went to eternity, not only in his spirit but with a body able to resist to eternity proving that God is
almighty and he is able to relieve us even though our bodies die.
This is how he gives everyone opportunities to make their choices.
When we believe in this sacrifice and decide to forgo all knowledge
of evil in our hearts and strive to stop practicing it, we will live with
God forever and even if we die in the body, we will have it back
restored to never die more as happened with Jesus.
So now for demystifying some assumptions from the world, eternal
life is not achieved by death and eternity is not place of the dead. In
fact, in eternity there is not physical death. The truth is that God
judged all men and women by their disobedience and condemned them to arrive to this place only
through a breakup with their bodies, so this mean that God took the immortality that we had in our
body but not definitively. There is no man in all the earth, however intelligent he is, that be able to
prevent this trial from happening: all are born and die, some way or the other; so it shows that God is
and always will be superior to man in knowledge and power.
Who lives in this world far from God without seeking to approach him and understand him, when die
in body will exist there in spirit, however, separated from God forever because choice is made while
we live on earth. Those who die without believing in Jesus also shall resurrect on day determined by
God but shall not be entitled to peace, rest and food they need, meaning "eternal suffering" that also is
called "second death" and to this situation there's not salvation for it's God's final judgment.
While we are living in this world amid the most varied situations and adverse conditions, which are
given to us daily opportunities to believe God or not. When we arrive in eternity won't more need to
believe this message because, on that place, we will see all that we cant see here with our natural eyes.
Only God is able to provide adequate support for those who believe in Jesus and reject evil: He gives
us this knowledge by Holy Bible. Only the Bible contains information that has the power to draw near
to God, directing us to be in His presence so that we can feed
our spirit truly. It is not a fairy tale as many claim but contains
accurate data of eternitys existence, of God, his supernatural
action in this world and also the warnings about salvation that
is available to us and the judgment that is coming to humanity
soon; those informations were wrote by people who lived
centuries before us.
The existence of this place called eternity cant be proven
scientifically because there is no human knowledge that can
establish a logical connection with it but, nevertheless, it is
manifest to us when we see "miracles" which means there was an interaction of a power in eternity
(from God) with our world, to changing something of different way in such wise as to man cant do.
Think about it, there is still time, "Believe in Jesus today because He is the Way, the Truth and the


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