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Lesson plan K.S.S.

R English Language Year One Day Date Time Class Number of pupils Focus Theme Topic : Tuesday : 20th March 2012 : 8.45-9.45 a.m. (0ne hour) : 1 Ilham : 40 pupils : Listening and Speaking : World of Self, Family and Friends : Meet My Family

Previous knowledge: Pupils already learn the topic family members in preschool.

Content Standard

1.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to pronounce words and speak confidently with the correct stress, rhythm and intonation.

Learning Standards 1.1.3 1.1.4

Able to listen to, say aloud and recite rhymes or sing songs. Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance


By the end of the lesson, the pupils will be able to : i. ii. Sing songs with correct pronunciation Talk about family members with guidance

Teaching Aids

1. Lyrics of song I Love My Family 2. CD songs and CD player 3. Picture cards : Family Member


: Creative and Inovative


Teachers activity

Pupils Activity

Teacher shows picture stimulus of a Pupils answer the questions Set Induction ( 5 minutes ) family members. Teacher asks the pupils who are the pupils in the picture. orally.

1. Teacher shows the lyrics to the 1. Pupils look at the lyrics. Step 2 ( 15 minutes) pupils. 2. Pupils listen to the teacher.

2. Teacher reads the lyrics and asks 3. Pupils repeat after the pupils to follow. 3. Teacher corrects the teacher. pupils 4. Pupils repeat the lyrics by substitute the word father with other family members.


1. Teacher plays the CD. Step 3 (15 minutes) 2. Teacher asks the pupils to listen. 3. Teacher corrects the pupils

1. Pupils listen to the song. 2. Pupils sing the song


Step 4 ( 15 minutes )

1. Teacher shows picture cards to the 1. Pupils look at the picture. pupils. 2. Pupils answer the teacher. 2. Teacher asks questions to the pupils. Example : i) Who is this? ii) What is your fathers name? Example : i) This is my father. ii) My fathers name is Ismail.

1. Teacher distributes worksheets to 1. pupils get their worksheet. Step 5 ( 5 minutes ) 2. Teacher say aloud the words. Example : Father, mother,brother,sister,grandfather,grand mother each pupils. 2. Pupils listen to the words. Pupils tick the correct words.

1. Teacher plays the CD again. Closure ( 5 minutes)

1. Pupils listen to the song. 2. Pupils sing the song

2. Teacher sings the song together with together with the teacher. the pupils.

Lesson plan K.S.S.R English Language Year One Day Date Time Class Number of pupils Focus Theme Topic : Tuesday : 20 March 2012 : 8.45-9.45 a.m. (0ne hour) : 1 Ilham : 40 pupils : Listening and Speaking : World of Self, Family and Friends : Meet My Family

Previous knowledge: Pupils already learn the topic family members in preschool.

Content Standard

1.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to pronounce words and speak confidently with the correct stress, rhythm and intonation.

Learning Standards 1.1.3 1.1.4

Able to listen to, say aloud and recite rhymes or sing songs. Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance


By the end of the lesson, the pupils will be able to : iii. iv. Sing songs with correct pronunciation Talk about family members with guidance

Teaching Aids

1. Dialogue about My Family 2. Lyrics of the song I love my family


: Creative and Inovative


Teachers activity

Pupils Activity

1. Teacher shows pictures of a Pupils answer the questions Set Induction ( 5 minutes ) family members to the pupils. 2. Teacher asks questions about the pictures. orally.

1. Teacher plays the CD. Step 2 ( 15 minutes)

1. Pupils listen to the CD. Pupils sing the song

2. Teacher sing the song together with 2. the pupils. 3. Teacher corrects the

together with the teacher. pupils 3. Pupils repeat singing the song by substitute the family members.


1. Teacher divides the pupils into group. 1. Pupils get into group. Step 3 (20 minutes) 5 pupils in each group. 2. Teacher gives each group a dialogue 2. Pupils repeat after the teacher. 3. Pupils introduce

3. Teacher reads the dialogue and asks themselves according to the the pupils to repeat after her. dialogue.

4. Teacher explains to the pupils how to 4. Pupil take turns to become carry out the role play. father, mother, brother, sister.

Step 4 ( 10 minutes )

1. Teacher asks the pupils to bring their 1. Pupils show their family family photo. photo.

2. Teacher asks the pupils to introduce 2.




their family members by using sentence family members to the class. patterns taught.

1. Teacher plays the CD again. Closure ( 5 minutes )

1. Pupils listen to the song.

Teacher sing the songs together with 2. the pupils.





together with the teacher.

Lesson plan K.S.S.R English Language Year One Day Date Time Class Number of pupils Focus Theme Topic : Wednesday : 21 March 2012 : 11.45-12.45 p.m. (0ne hour) : 1 Ilham : 40 pupils : Reading : World of Self, Family and Friends : Meet My Family

Previous knowledge: Pupils already learn the topic family members in preschool.

Content Standard 2.2

By the end of the 6 year primary schooling, pupils will be able to demonstrate

understanding for variety of linear and non linear texts in the form of print and non-print materials using a range of stragies to construck meaning. 2.3 By the end of the 6 year primary schooling, pupils will be able to read independently for information and enjoyment.

Learning Standards

2.2.3 Able to read and understand sentences (3-5 words) in linear and non-linear texts with guidance. 2.3.1 Able to read simple texts with guidance: a. fiction


By the end of the lesson, the pupils will be able to : a. read simple texts with guidance b. Match words with correct pictures. c. read sentences with guidance from substitution table.

Teaching Aids 1. CD player

2. Word cards 3. Big book


: Creative and Inovative Teachers activity Pupils Activity


1. Teacher plays CD of song I love my 1. Pupils sing the song after the Set Induction ( 5 minutes ) family 2. Teacher sings the song and pupils follow. teacher.

1. Teacher introduces words of family 1. Pupils listen to teachers Step 1 ( 10 minutes) members. presentation) -father, mother, brother, sister. 2. Teacher reads the words. 3. Teacher corrects the pupils (using powerpoint pronunciation and repeat them. 2. Pupils read the wods and match pictures. them to the correct

pronunciation. 4. Teacher asks the pupils to match the word cards to the pictures.

1. Teacher reads a story A Magic Map 1. Pupils listen to teachers Step 2 (20 minutes) using big book. reading.

2. Teacher asks the pupils to read after 2. Pupils read the story after the the teacher. 3. Teacher corrects the pupils teacher.

pronunciation. 4. At the end of the story, teacher tells the ending.

Step 3 ( 20 minutes )

1. Teacher shows substitution table to 1. Pupils read the sentences the pupils. (Using powerpoint from the substitution table with guidance.


2. Teacher guides the pupils to read sentences from the tables.

1. Teacher distributes worksheets. Closure ( 5 minutes) 2. Teacher shows a word card.

1. Pupils read the word. 2. Pupils colour the correct

3. Teacher repeat the step with another picture in a worksheet. words.

Lesson plan K.S.S.R English Language Year One Day Date Time Class Number of pupils Focus Theme Topic : Thursday : 22nd March 2012 : 8.45-9.45 a.m. (0ne hour) : 1 ILHAM : 40 pupils : Writing : World of Self, Family and Friends : Meet My Family

Previous knowledge: Pupils already learn the topic family members in preschool.

Content Standard

3.1By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to form letters and words in neat legible print including cursive writing. 3.2 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to write using appropriate language, form and style for range of purpose.

Learning Standards

3.1.2 (d) (e) (f) Able to copy and write in neat legible print: words, phrases and simple sentences 3.2.2 Able to write 3-5 words sentences with guidance.


By the end of the lesson, the pupils will be able to : i. ii. iii. iv. v. Copy and write words correctly, clearly and neatly. Copy and write words correctly, clearly and neatly. Fill in missing words in story. Solve simple word puzzle.

Teaching Aids 4. Worksheet.


: Creative and Innovative


Teachers activity

Pupils Activity

1. Teacher plays CD of song I love my 1. Pupils sing the song in Set Induction ( 5 minutes ) family 2. Teacher asks the pupils to sing in group. group.

1. Teacher shows words to the pupils. 1. Pupils read the words by Step 1 ( 10 minutes) (Using power point presentation). -father, mother, brother, sister. themselves. 2. Pupils read the words and them to the correct

2. Teacher asks the pupils to read the pair words first. 3. Teacher corrects the pupils

pictures in groups.

pronunciation. 4. Teacher distributes word cards and pictures to the pupils.

1. Teacher reads a story A Magic 1. Pupils listen to the story. Step 2 (20 minutes) Map using big book. 2. Pupils take turns to point to

2. Teacher gets the pupils take turns to the words. point to the words and to turn the 3. Pupils follow the reading of pages of big book. 3. Teacher asks a volunteer to read the story. their friends.

Step 3 ( 20 minutes )

1. Teacher puts up pictures on the 1. Pupils look at the pictures. board. 2. Pupils read the words aloud. 3. Pupils match the words 2. Teacher shows the word cards to cards to the correct pictures. the pupils 3. Teacher calls the pupils individually to match the word cards to the pictures.

1. Teacher distribute word maze to 1. Pupils listen to the teacher. Closure ( 5 minutes) each pupils. 2. Teacher reads the words aloud. 2. Pupils circle the words read by the teacher in the word maze.

Lesson plan K.S.S.R English Language Year One Day Date Time Class Number of pupils Focus Theme Topic : Thursday : 22nd March 2012 : 8.45-9.45 a.m. (0ne hour) : 1 ILHAM : 40 pupils : Writing : World of Self, Family and Friends : Meet My Family

Previous knowledge: Pupils already learn the topic family members in preschool.

Content Standard

3.1By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to form letters and words in neat legible print including cursive writing. 3.2 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to write using appropriate language, form and style for range of purpose.

Learning Standards

3.1.2 (d) (e) (f) Able to copy and write in neat legible print: words, phrases and simple sentences 3.2.2 Able to write 3-5 words sentences with guidance.


By the end of the lesson, the pupils will be able to : vi. vii. viii. ix. Copy and write words correctly, clearly and neatly. Copy and write words correctly, clearly and neatly. Fill in missing words in story. Solve simple word puzzle.

Teaching Aids 1. Worksheet.


: Creative and Innovative Teachers activity Pupils activity


Set induction (5 minutes)

1. Teacher plays CD of song I 1. Pupils sing the song after love my family 2. Teacher asks the pupils to teacher.

sing after teacher.

Step 1 (20 minutes)

1. Teacher shows words to the 1. Pupils read the words by pupils.(Using presentation). -father, mother, brother, sister. powerpoint themselves. 2. Pupils read the words and pair them to the correct pictures in

2. Teacher asks the pupils to groups. read the words first. 3. Teacher corrects the pupils pronunciation. 4. Teacher distributes word cards and pictures to the pupils

Step 2 (15 minutes)

1. Teacher puts up a puzzle on 1. Pupils solve the word puzzle the board. Teacher explains to with teachers guidance. the pupils how to solve the puzzle. 1. Teacher reads a story A Magic 1. Pupils listen to the story told Map to the pupils. by teacher.

Step 3 (15 minutes)

2. Teacher distributes worksheet 2. Pupils write the missing words of a story with missing words. in a story by listening to the Teacher asks the pupils to write teacher. the missing words while she reads the story.





picture 1. Pupils look at the picture

stimulus of Pats family. Teacher stimulus. Pupils draw and colour asks the pupils to draw and their own family members in the colour the picture of their own worksheet given family.

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