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Fact, vaccines have never eradicated anything, ever

by Christina England July 2010 For years now the myth that vaccines can eradicate illnesses has existed. This myth was perpetrated by the pharmaceutical industries and backed up by our governments and has existed purely to trick the general public into having countless vaccines in the ruse that they will live long and healthy lives. I want to examine the facts and attempt to dispel the myth and prove that vaccines cannot and will not eradicate illnesses because many are caused by viruses which can mutate as we have seen with the flu virus, thus rendering the vaccines against it, useless. I will begin by asking the question - If vaccines eradicate illnesses, then why do they still exist today? The word eradicate according to many dictionaries, means to eliminate, to wipe out, obliterate. So taking these definitions into account have any of the illnesses we vaccinate against today been truly eradicated from our world? The plain and simple answer to this question is no they have not. To examine this properly, we have to see if anything has ever been truly eradicated with vaccines, if so, then no child would ever get these illnesses because they would no longer exist. On Vaccinate Your Baby : History of Disease Eradication the first paragraph statesImmunization is one of the most successful public health achievements of the 20th century. Due to systematic vaccination programs, smallpox has been eliminated worldwide, and cases of polio, measles, diphtheria and Hib are at all-time lows. The burden of other diseases has been significantly reduced . Is what they are saying true? The WHO say it is, on their website WHO | Immunization against diseases of public health importance they say :Immunization is a proven tool for controlling and even eradicating disease. An immunization campaign carried out by the World Health Organization (WHO) from 1967 to 1977 eradicated the natural occurrence of smallpox. When the programme began, the disease still threatened 60% of the world's population and killed every fourth victim. Eradication of poliomyelitis is within reach. Since the launch by WHO and its partners of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative in 1988, infections have fallen by 99%, and some five million people have escaped paralysis. Between 1999 and 2003, measles deaths dropped worldwide by almost 40%, and some regions have set a target of eliminating the disease. Maternal and neonatal tetanus will soon be eliminated in 14 of 57 high-risk countries. Significantly reduced perhaps but has any disease or illness been eradicated? Let us take a look. According to some doctors Smallpox has been seen to still exist even though the world has been told that vaccines have eradicated it. According to Dr Kris Gaublomme, it has simply been renamed and is now called Monkeypox. In his article Has smallpox really disappeared from the earth?-----Dr. Kris Gaublomme he explains:A new and embarrassing development was the resurgence of pox-family viruses in Africa, known as the monkeypox. This fact has been known for many years but the public was reassured that this had nothing to do with smallpox and that the human species was safe. Not as safe as we were told,though, since in the Congo in 1970, pox viruses were isolated from humans2 corresponding to the pox viruses found in captive monkeys in 1958 and identified the next year (3). It was baptised monkeypox~. The same virus was isolated from 6 humans in 1959 by Foster. In 1976, Gipsen reported on more cases in Nigeria (4).

The terminology of the disease became ever more confusing, since what were at first simply monkeypox are now introduced into literature ashuman monkeypox. What, now, is the difference between smallpox and human monkeypox? It is interesting to read in a recent article in the Lancet that "Human monkeypox is a systemic exanthem, resembling smallpox, that occurs as a sporadic zoonosis in rural rainforest villages of western and central Africa. The disease is caused by an orthopoxvirus, which is transmitted to human beings by handling infected animals; serosurveys have implicated squirrels ... as the probable reservoir. Secondary human-to-human spread by aerosol or direct contact accounts for about 28% of cases..." (my emphasis) So, let us make a simple addition. This virus is an orthopox virus, which means, literally translated, a real pox virus. This virus spreads among humans causing an exanthem resembling smallpox, and causing disease and death among the infected (between February and August 1996, 71 cases were notified in the Katako-Kombe area in Zaire, 6 of which 4 died from the disease (5). From his report in Atlanta Reuters (WS) via Individual Inc December 15, 1997 Monkeypox outbreak in Africa biggest ever - U.S. we see that humans can catch monkeypox and die from it. The largest outbreak of human monkeypox ever reported has caused more than 500 people to become ill in the Democratic Republic of Congo, health officials said Thursday. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said children 16 and under accounted for 85 percent of the 511 human monkeypox cases that have occurred in the former Zaire since February 1996. The CDC said it was the largest human monkeypox outbreak ever recorded. Five deaths were recorded, all of them of children aged between 4 and 8. Monkeypox is a sister virus of smallpox and is generally spread by squirrels and monkeys in the rain forests of western and central Africa. Before the outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo, cases of monkeypox in humans were rare. So is smallpox really history or is Monkeypox really Smallpox? Well the article in the Lancet mentioned above, by Dr Gaubloome, according to the Vaccination Information site says:"A pilgrim returned home to Yugoslavia from Mecca in February, 1972, with a fever In the 4 weeks since the pilgrim first had his fever, 150 people were infected across the country. It took 4 weeks before doctors, nurses, and health authorities knew they were dealing with smallpox 175 people contracted smallpox [thereafter] and 35 died these events occurred in a well-vaccinated population." Dr. Vivian Virginia Vetrano says in her article Smallpox :The authorities claim that we will be safe from terrorists attacks using the pox virus because there are adequate stockpiles of cultivated smallpox viruses in Russia and in the USA to make most all the vaccines "needed." It is claimed by medical historians that the vaccination process wiped out smallpox throughout the world. However, the truth is that compulsory vaccination was abandoned because more deaths were caused by the vaccinations than there were cases of smallpox. A slight of the hand trick was used to foster the claim that smallpox was eradicated by the vaccination practice. Everyone who had been vaccinated and who developed smallpox was diagnosed as having chicken pox! The doctors who were interviewed on recent television shows admit that the vaccine may cause many serious side-effects and that a certain number of persons will develop painful and sometimes lethal sequelae. Yet, they advise that it is better to take the chance and be vaccinated in

spite of these dangers. So have we all been party to an elaborate hoax, has Smallpox existed all along and we have had the wool pulled over our eyes by our governments and the drug companies to push vaccines? Well it is certainly a possibility. Bearing this in mind, let us now examine other illnesses, how well are vaccines doing in eradicating these? Not too well it seems. The whooping cough or the pertussis infection which is a an infection involving the respiratory tract and is caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis . This is a highly contagious illness known to last for a duration of approximately 6 weeks before subsiding. The disease derives its name from the "whoop" sound made from the inspiration of air after a cough. Although many medical sources describe the whoop as "high-pitched", this is generally the case with infected babies and children only, not adults. On occasions a child may vomit after a bout of severe coughing. The first vaccine to combat this infection was brought out in 1930's and was given as part of the triple vaccine the DTP. In 1991, DTaP vaccine was licensed in the United States. The pertussis component of this vaccine is a more purified "acellular" version, which produces fewer side effects as the original vaccine was id entified as having a high rate of side effects which included brain injury and even death. Harold Stearley said this about the DTP vaccine in an article - (4/18/97) The Tainted History of the DPT Vaccine There's no question that DPT vaccinations save lives; they have lowered the annual pertussis de aths from about 1000 annually to less than ten. Unfortunately, as reported by the National Vacci ne Information Center (NVIC), the form of the vaccine used and sanctioned by the Centers for D isease Control also kills as many as 900 children per year, and leaves one of every 62,000 childre n immunized with permanent brain damage. This makes me wonder if we are swapping one problem for another and if vaccination has been pro ven not to completely eradicate Smallpox, then do the risks of the vaccines outweigh it's benefits? Professor Gordon Stewart an M.D and a Emeritus professor of Public Health wrote much on this in his extensive range of papers on the subject. He certainly felt that there were extremely worrying si de effects linked to this vaccine and this included death. In the article The lies the Government tell when it comes to vaccines written by myself, I have detai led his work along with an expose of a few of his extremely worrying letters written to the UK Gov ernment, proving concern about this vaccine, existed, as early as the 70's and 80's. What Professor Stewart was saying and the vast majority of media reports that appeared at the time on the side effects of this vaccine, was worrying many parents and so in 2005, two new tetanus toxo id-diphtheria-acellular pertussis (Tdap) vaccines were licensed. These vaccines are the first acellular pertussis-containing vaccines and made it possible to vaccinate adolescents and adults against pertu ssis. So if these vaccines have been so effective, then why are so many children still being infected toda y, whether they are vaccinated or unvaccinated? Dr Mercola says in his article on the 15th July 2010 Whooping Cough Kills 5 in California the following:After the deaths of five infants, California health authorities have declared an epi

demic of whooping cough, also known as pertussis. The announcement came after authorities noticed a sharp spike in reports of pertussis, which often is mistaken for a cold or the flu and is highly contagious.

A CDC study suggests that the resurgence of whooping cough is due to the vaccine causing an increased and more virulent toxin Of course many scientists and the pharmaceutical industry would argue that this was because not every person has been vaccinated and that if they had, then this disease w ould no longer exist. However, this simply is untrue because VACCINATED people a re still getting the infection? In July 2006 a whole year after the latest vaccine promising to keep children safe fro m this infection and three decades after the original whooping cough vaccine was intr oduced, the Sunday Times journalist Nigel Hawkes the Health Editor wrote an extrem ely alarming article called Whooping cough still infecting millions of vaccinated c hildren which beganMILLIONS of British children have probably been infected with whooping cough

even though they have been immunised against it. A study has found that nearly two in five children who went to their GP with a persistent cough had suffered from whooping cough, though very few doctors diagnose it. The results suggest that the whooping cough vaccine is ineffective at preventing infection, but makes symptoms less severe thereby concealing just how common it remains. Nigel quoted a BMJ study saying:In BMJ online, a team from the University of Oxford, the University of Auckland

in New Zealand and the Health Protection Agency report that in 85.9per cent of the cases they saw, the children had been vaccinated. But blood samples tested positive for antibodies to Bordetella pertussis, the cause of whooping cough, indicating recent infection. The team studied 172 children aged 5-16 who visited their family doctor with a cough lasting 14 days or more. Immunisation records were checked, notes made on the symptoms and duration of cough, and blood samples taken for testing. They found that 37.2 per cent of the children had evidence of a recent pertussis infection. The results suggest that the condition is endemic among younger school-age children, they say, and that doctors should consider a diagnosis of whooping cough even if the child has been immunised. So if this study is correct and one presumes that it is, especially as it was allowed to be reported in the BMJ, a massive proportion of the children who had been vaccinated still went on to contract the illness, thus proving that whooping cough has not been eradicated even for those children who have had the vaccine. This renders this vaccine as somewhat useless in my eyes. In an article by Barbara Loe Fisher National -Vaccine Information Center she gives a possible explanation:NVIC Vaccine News - Whooping Cough Outbreaks & Vaccine Failures
Pertussis vaccination rates are very high in the U.S. According to the CDC, 84

percent of children under age three have received four DTaP shots.17 By the time

American children enter kindergarten nearly every child has gotten all the CDC recommended pertussis shots.18 In 2009, the CDC said that the proportion of totally unvaccinated children in America is only six hundredths of one percent (0.06).19 Even with super high pertussis vaccine coverage in America and other countries like the Netherlands, Australia, Finland and Canada, whooping cough disease cannot be prevented.20 There are two main reasons for this fact. First, pertussis vaccines widely used since the 1950s have not prevented whooping cough disease from circulating in vaccinated populations. Unknown numbers of children and adults, who have gotten all government recommended pertussis shots, can and do develop whooping cough or are carriers without symptoms.21,22 Because pertussis vaccine immunity is only temporary and does not last, health officials are now telling teenagers and adults to get more booster shots.23 But that is not going to matter if scientific evidence that B. pertussis organisms have mutated and become vaccine-resistant turns out to be correct.24 A second important reason is that another Bordetella organism parapertussis also can cause whooping cough.25 B. parapertussis symptoms, while often milder, can look exactly like B. pertussis. But doctors rarely recognize or test for parapertussis.26 And there is NO vaccine for parapertussis. I am now going to look at how effective the Measles vaccine has been in eradicating the Measles virus. The Measles vaccine first became available in 1963. An improved measles vaccine be came available in 1968 and then later in 1971 a combination measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine became available. Unlike the Whooping Cough the Measles is a virus and is caused by paramyxovirus a nd is the most unpleasant and the most dangerous of the children's diseases. Measles has some very serious side effects and it is these side effects that worry doct ors the most and include these taken from NHS website- meningitis, pneumonia (lung infection), signs of which are fast, difficult breathing, chest pain and deteriorating condition, hepatitis (liver infection), encephalitis (inflammation of the brain), which can be fatal, so watch for drowsines s, headache and vomiting, low platelet (white blood cell) count, known medically as thrombocytopenia, which affects the blood's ability to clot, bronchitis and croup (infection of the airways), characterised by a hacking or barkin g cough, and squint, if the virus affects the nerves and muscles of the eye. serious eye disorders, such as an infection of the optic nerve (the nerve that transmit

s information from the eye to the brain), known as optic neuritis, which can lead to bl indness, heart and nervous system problems, serious brain complication known as subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE), w hich can sometimes occur several years after measles. Although the condition is fatal, it is very rare, occurring in only 1 in every 100,000 cases of measles. So how is the measles vaccination doing in eradicating the measles virus? Again let u s examine the vaccinated children. Well, according to recent reports this vaccine also can not guarantee that if a child is vaccinated they will not get the measles infection. In a report MEASLES : The Real Facts - by Hilary Bulter the spokesperson for Immunisation Awareness Society she wrote:FACT. Vaccinated children still get measles. Deaths and hospitalisations have bee

n recorded for 120 years. The measles death decline graph provided shows that the measles vaccine had nothing to do with the decline in deaths, and has not affected t he number of children hospitalised during epidemic years since its introduction. (A ppendices to Parliamentary Journals, Official Year Book, Health Department publi cations such has "Health Trends" and Immunisation Handbook. Also, graphs prov ided to Herald and Metro in the past) PARENTS HAVE A RIGHT TO KNOW THAT, She goes on to then state some very worrying and proven facts
*** A similar campaign vaccinating 7.1 million schoolchildren in England has res

ulted in a legal firm called Dawbarns (dawbarns (0044 1553 76437 3) taking legal action against the British Health Department on behalf of the follo wing cases: Autism (202), Crohn's disease and other serious chronic stomach problems (110) E pilepsy (97) Hearing and vision problems (40) Arthritis (42) chronic fatigue syndro me (24) Diabetes (9) Guillain-Barre syndrome (9) chronic Thrombocytopenia (5) s ubacute sclerosing panencephalitis SSPE {3) Wegener's Granulomatosis (2) Multip le Sclerosis (1) Death (14) (Dawbarns fact sheet) *** The childrens' doctors and specialists have come out in the media in support of the children *** The New Zealand, and British Health Departments deny the existence of these cases. (NZ H Dept media release, and BMJ article) and maintain that OPERATIO N SAFEGUARD eliminated measles from UK. In October 1996, UK started anothe r MMR booster campaign. **** Deaths from Measles were virtually wiped out in every <developed country be fore the vaccine was even used.(See disease decline graph

*** Using the Health Department statistics on vaccinating 540,000 children, would result in: Up to 81,000 cases of rash and fever. Up to 5,400 cases of parotid (mumps) swelling Up to 216 cases of febrile seizures Up to 18 cases of thrombocytopenia (red-blood cell destruction) Up to cases of chronic thrombocytopenia. Up to 5 cases of Aseptic Meningitis. Up to 1 case of Central Nervous system damage. Up to 15,420 cases of transient joint arthralgia some of these becoming chronic. (p g 95, H. Dept Handbook) *** Germany does not routinely use the measles vaccine because their reporting sy stem found 1 per 2,500 vaccinees had a neurological complication, and 1 per 17,50 0 vaccinees had abortive encephalopathy. (FDA Technical Report, 1980) The Germans considered the risks too high in light of the fact that deaths and disea se severity had decreased without any reference to a vaccine. * THE SAME IS TR UE OF NEW ZEALAND, but parents are not told that. *** That in the pre vaccine era, mothers' antibodies protected babies for around 15 months, measles was mainly an infection of 5 - 9 year olds, and by 15 yrs, 99% had antibodies. By 1985, 14 % of 15 year olds lacked antibody.( NZ Med J. 27 May, 198 7) No-one knows what the level is now, but evidence from America shows that adul t measles, which can be very serious, is now quite common. *** that vaccinated mothers cannot give protective antibodies to their babies, so th at young babies, for whom measles is serious are no longer protected. (Washington Post, Sun Nov 22, 1992, and others) "** that in the 1991 USA measles outbreak, over half the deaths were vaccinated, a nd most deaths were in immunocompromised people. (Washington Post June 14, 1 991, BMJ, 11 May, 1991) *** that New Zealand doctors and hospitals do not prescribe or use Vitamin A for measles, and as a result, many cases are far more serious than they should be.

"** that in Africa, children who have a natural measles infection have half the ast hma, allergies and eczema compared with their vaccinated peers. (Lancet, June 29, 1996) *** that if children with mild to moderate psoriasis get a natural dose of measles, t he psoriasis is often cured. (3 med studies) *** that babies vaccinated who have maternal antibodies, or people who have meas les suppressed with gammaglobulin go on to have a higher rate of immunoreactive diseases, sebaceous skin diseases, degenerative cartilage and bone disease and cert ain tumours. (Lancet, 5 Jan 1985) If you revaccinate children who already have an tibodies what will happen to them in later life? *** that you have the right to take home the PRODUCT INSERT, and read it caref ully before you make any decision". Scary isn't it? However she is not alone in her findings. In the Indian Journal of Science a study was carried out and reported by Munesh K S harma, Vikas Bhatia, HM Swami. Outbreak of measles amongst vaccinated children i n a slum of ... The abstract of this study says;BACKGROUND: An outbreak of measles was reported from a slum, UT,

Chandigarh in April 2003. Similar outbreak was also reported in less than three years from the same and adjoining areas. The present study was conducted to investigate and assess various epidemiological features associated with measles outbreak. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Three cases of measles were admitted in Deptt. of Paediatrics, Govt. Medical College & Hospital, Chandigarh and were reported to the Deptt. of Community Medicine for an outbreak investigation. A trained team investigated the slum having a population of 25,000 and studied various features associated with epidemic between the period of April 22 to May 10, 2003. RESULTS: The study covered 484 houses having 1130 children. Among the children who developed measles 32.76% were vaccinated ones. In them attack rate was 3%. Attack rate in vaccinated children went on increasing as age increased. An overall attack rate of 5.13% (Peak incidence 6% in 1-4 years age group) was recorded. Among measles cases, one-fifth had post measles complications. As much as 32.76% children with measles had received measles vaccination in the past. Therefore something more than immunization by single dose of vaccine is required. Measles was reported to be higher amongst the children without Vitamin A supplementation (P<0.001). CONCLUSION: There is need to store vaccine properly and to strengthen routine immunization coverage, Vitamin A supplementation and health infrastructure in underprivileged population. Serological studies among vaccinated children against measles should be undertaken to explore the possibility of second dose of measles in older children. In another study by Russell W. Currier II, DVM; George E. Hardy, Jr., MD; J. Lyle C

onrad, MD Measles in Previously Vaccinated Children they came to the conclusion th at the measles vaccine was failing to protect children against measles, as in this study they also found cases of vaccinated children who contracted measles.
Investigation of 37 cases of measles in an Alabama elementary school revealed th

at 25 patients (68%) had been vaccinated, suggesting measles vaccine failure. Attac k rates based on a measles history and immunization survey indicated that 16.2% (six of 37) of measles susceptibles who responded acquired disease compared with only 4.0% (20 of 505) of vaccinated respondents. Analysis showed that 17.6% (12 o f 68) of children vaccinated at less than 12 months of age contracted measles comp ared with only 1.9% (eight of 419) of those vaccinated at 12 or more months of age. It is inferred that vaccination at less than 1 year of age may not be effective, becaus e maternal antibody may persist and interfere with immune response to vaccine vir us. This would explain the higher incidence in this epidemic of measles among chil dren vaccinated as infants. If the conclusion that they came to was correct and that vaccination at less than 1 ye ar of age may not be effective, because maternal antibody may persist and interfere with immune response to vaccine virus then surely this would indicate that the mater nal antibody may have been enough to protect these infants and that the vaccine was counteracting a normal antibody passed from mother to infant. One thing that is for certain it seems that at what ever age a child is given a vaccine it does not protect them from this illness and certainly vaccines have done very little to eradicate illnesses as we can clearly see. I believe it is time that the world woke up to the fact that vaccinate or not, these illnes ses are here to stay and the only thing that is being eradicated is the public's confiden ce in vaccinations.

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