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Chapters 5 and 6
Know what event “closed” the American Frontier
Know what Laissez Faire
Know the Pacific Railway Act, Homestead Act Sherman Anti-trust Act
Know who Andrew Carnegie was and why he was an entrepreneur
Know what Debt Peonage means
Know what nativists believed
Know how the American Governments policy on American Indians changed in the 1800’s
Know what was the effect of “Americanization” on American Indians
Know what two companies built the trans-continental rail road
Know what workers Samuel Gompers tried to help
Know what happened in the Supreme Court case of Mueller vs. Oregon
Know which constitutional ratification allowed women to vote
Know what Teddy Roosevelt wanted to “square” in the Square Deal
Upton Sinclair’s book THE JUNGLE led to what investigation
Know why TR created the U.S. Parks and National Forest Service
Know if RR slowed development of West
Know if ‘new” immigrants in late 1800’s came from Western Europe
Now if mining camps grew into major cities like Denver
Know if J.D. Rockefeller used vertical integration
Know if TR dissolved trusts that created unfairly

Chapters 7 and 8
Know: Walter Reed, Venustiano Carranza, Juan Carlos Finlay, sphere of influence,
Roosevelt Corolllary, Porfirio Dias, speak softly and carry a big stick, “Remember the
Maine!”, dollar diplomacy, imperialism, protectorate, J.F. Stevens, George Dewey

Know what nation thought of itself as the protectors of the Slavs

Know about the Schlieffen Plan
Know why 24 Billion worth war bonds were sold to the American Public
Know about the Sedition Act
Know what three groups U.S. Senators broke into as Wilson brokered the Treaty of
Know what happened when Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia
Know which nations made up the the Allied Powers
Know what WORLD WAR I killing method was considered “unfair” and “barbaric”
Know what the United States policy toward Europe was in 1914
Know what President Wilson’s lasting plan for peace in Europe and the world was
Know why so few black regiments fought in World War I
Know which country emerged as the world Super Power after WWI
Know how Europe disagreed with President Wilson at the Paris Peace Conference
Know what the 1918 Sedition Act was about
Chapters 9 and 10 study guide for U.S. History Final

Know that affiliation of which group caused fear among many United States citizens
Know who benefitted the most in the post WWI economy
Know that the success of business in the post WWI economy led to what factors
Know what “war payments” were called
Know what Vladimir Lenin believed about the economy
Know what Sacco and Venzetti went on trial for
Know what some major effects were of Henry Ford’s business success
Know what the effect of fear of Communism had
Know what the biggest industry of Detroit was during Prohibition
Know what role Speakeasies played during prohibition
Know what another term for a “feminist” was
Know which Harlem Renaissance poet wrote about African American heritage
What did the Scopes Trial pit against each other
Why did urbanization happen
How did radio create a common culture

Chapter 11
Know what could happen if investors “bought on margin”
Know which economist predicted the 1929 economic collapse
Know what the loose-knit communities of shacks were called
Know what another name for the drought in the American West was called in the 1930’s
Know how government “hand outs” made people feel during the Depression
Know what Black Tuesday was
Know what Gross Domestic Product is
Know what Herbert Hoover believe the role of central government was during the
Know what most families had to do during the early days of the Great Depression had to
do if they lost there jobs
Know why the SEC was founded
Know what the New Deal was and what the program was called that gave public
infrastructure jobs to those in need.

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