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T T(r Cochrane High School

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December 12,2008

To Whom It May Concern:

I have had the pleasure of having Joshua Leblanc as an intern at Cochrane High School. I worked
with him as his cooperating teacher. Josh was an outstanding intsrn who was ready and willing to take
any challenge presented to-him. Over the course of his intemship Josh taught the following classes:
Information Piocessing 2}l3},Communication Production Technology 20130, Psychology 20/30,
Commercial Cooking 2}l3},Merchandising 10 and Life Skills 9'

Josh has successfully completed his internship. Josh is highly organized and implements
technology into his classes whenwer the opportunity presents itself. He is very knowledgeable about the
content in a variety of different subject areas. His lessons plans include highly imaginative and
innovative projects and assignments which in tum engage his students. A few examples of his ingenuity
were in Information Processing and Communication Production Technology. Josh used a blog to help
relay information such as class procedures and assignments to his students so they could access it any
timi, whether at school or at home. In Merchandising Josh created a project which had the students
make and sell Jolly Mugs to the student body. The project was an overwhelming success and a portion of
the profits were donated to Adopt a Family'

Josh also contributed his time and energy to the exffa curricular programs here at Cochrane High
school. He is cgrrently one of the coaches of the hockey team and is planning to fulfill this responsibility
even after the completion of his internship Josh also helped supervise students at volleyball games.
Lastly, he is involved in recess and lunch time supervision.

One of Josh's strengths is his patience and his ability to connect with students. Josh is very
supportive of students in the school and designs his classes so students are able to experience success. It
is ipparent that he cares about the students and wants to make sure they have an opportunity to achieve to
the best of their ability.

Josh is an exceptional person who has demonstrated that he is a knowledgeable, effective and
compassionate teacher. He has the skills to be successful in the teaching profession but more importantly
he has the desire to continue to learn and grow as a teacher. This is an essential quality that will
contribute to learning in all students. Josh will be a valuable addition to any school who acquires his
services as a classroom teacher.


Michael Brouet
Cochrane High School Regfua

'ffi Scbools

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