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\r'r'HAIIS SAP? SAP is a packagedevetoped lrom ERp (Enterprise Resource And ulanning).

ERp is a An coinputer software whichdearswith anarysing alrd optimising vafiousresources avairabre in a lifrn lt is an advancement BpR (Business processFieengineering) Apl (Assist of and Processltnorovemenl) Sn P is an integrated business systemdesigned helporganisations such business to run prccesses managtng jnventory as requisitions ,creating ,payinginvoices and so covers a wtde spectrum of businessprocesses ln the pasl , computer systemswere specifiedand brought into organisation by each individ!al department,keepingthem working together was very exlensive.Moieover,this kind.ol complex patchworksystems inhibitedchange in organi;ation.SAp provides a single integratedsystem to handreneeds of al oepartmenisin a corporation.Arso,sAp rs a client -server based system,itsversalilityis further advanced. SAP is writtenin a language calledABAp (Advanced programming). Business Application It is a lourthgeneration language and it is a backbone SAp sysiem.AtsAp llexibleand of is easy to design and implementsmall and large businesssolutio;s.The language is event_ .driven,thatis llte user actionsand syslem evenlsconlrolthe applicauon.s uses,ntemal table concept lt is used for convenientmappingftom persistent data base tables into runtimeobjects and viceversa lt is a part of a iarger developrnenr envtronment calledDevelopment Workbench.This used to createrrewclient_server is applications and exlend existingsAP modules.Features such as FlemoteFunctioncall aflow distributed applicatiotls.ABAPpo{able to varietyot Operaling is Systerl and integrate intoexisting databaselramework_ Features ABAP of l.ABAP prcgrarn readsiust likea regulartext proglanr 2.Recordsand inlernallables help to build compl;x types and data ob,ecls. 3 lntegrateddictionarycontains type detetminationand data structures dalabase ,togrcal provides proceduresfor rettievingcomplex dala trom the databases I'EATURES SAP. OF 1 Single data repository. 2 One time data input . 3 Realtime operation acrossall business applications. 4 Inteqratedprocess oriented 5 Best business practices. 6. lJighly configurable 7 Userfriendty cUl ACCESSING SAP , SAP is a threetire Cilent- setveratchiteclure The thtee seryefsare . , I Data base server:stores all the data and application programs 2 Applicalion server: Inslalled acrossone or more hiqh end servet. Presenlirlonserver: lo wltichthe user has access. 3. Reforewe can access SAp from pC , few priliminaryrequirementsshould be satisliecl 1 ll^P alientsoltwafeshouldbe irrstalled pC in 2 It srrourd co.necledro networkthroughwhichlhe sAp serveris be accessedwrlen the
s4r1/er ts tf}r:alcd far;twav ro ler rnd \/SAT ara ossnntirl

I tjser nameand password log on lo SAP to 4 Nameol clientto whichconnection needed. is 5 The memory capacityof lhe syslenrs accessing SAp is 24 MB RANIand 2 GB HD lor local server II.ITERFACING SAP I SAP uses teld to accepland displayinformationThe lollowing . thingsstrould conside be red when dealing with fields: a) The lengthof the fieldwill showthe numberol character that can be rypeo, b) The cursorwill show the lield that we are currenfly . lt will generally in show a fieldnamefor each lield . c) wren rl displays question a mark, something shourd enteredintothe fierdberorewe can be proceed {unher :' Sn P uses dialog box lo displayor rcquestinlormation When the dialogbox appearson the screen rl becomes the actave window The lille bar is highlighled blue . in I An area in SAP such as Purchasing, plant maanlenance calledthe l]uman Flesources, are Appltcatton Area In lhis area we can creale Docunent I Document a genericnameror slandardbusiness is referslo an erecrronic business lransaclron record E\antples a Purchase Order b l"laintenance Request c Invotce 4ll busrness rransaclions involvedocuments somerinres documents createdauronratically are by SAP,but at othertirnesdocuments have to be createdusingdocumenr enrryscteen 5 SAP uses two typesof data withinils modules a [4aster Data :,ais relativelyf ixed in lhe system . A company could continueto run ior days without creating new master data . Examples. a) CuslomerMaster b) Personnell\,4asler c) Chad of Accounls b Transaction Dala . This data is made up of normalday to - day business lransaclions in a systenr wit!&outthis,business wouldconle to slop . with transaction data there is usually a chainol documents involved any process For example, a document ntay stad as an in inquirylrom a cuslomer, be converted to a quolation and then wotk ils way lhroughthe in , syslern to linally beconrean invoice and a payment

sAP master filesrEvery modure a master and manymaster has lire fires are shared between Inooutes Examples

FI, SD, QM MM, QN4 Pq SD ,

1 Custonrer Master 2 Inventory Masler

Customer Name, address, creditterms,and so on Malerial name, Number in stock, storagelocation etc. Material number,characte sticsandso on. Name,Job , Salaryetc.

3 Material lvaster 4 Personnel Master

QM, SD, I\4M, PP


SAPCONFIGURATION Mostorganisation deverop theirownwayof conducting inlernar business suitlheirorgani to sation style SAPwas designed alloweachorganisation adaptthe systemto lit its own to to needs Whenan organisation begins using SAp ,thelirsl lingto do is to determine document and how variousdepartments worktogether.The aspectof cofiguralion lirst involves assembling depadments experts SAp implementation Next,the inlo leam implementatiom decides team whether existing the process business shourd modiried.I imprementation decides be the team to makechanges, addition installing in to SAp.thefollowing optionscan be considered j l.Change business process and impJFent the lirsl SAp withthe newprocess. 2lmplement SAPwilhthe old business 6hange process and lhe later. 3.lmplement andchange business SAP process lhe sametime I the at ADorganisation normally stadswitha plainvanilla copyot SAp set up for a generic company. conliguration the process adapting vanillacopyto the business is ol this .Giventhe number'of complex interactions a company that experiences everyday, will inevitably conliguration ther be changes upto,during andatterimplementationyourSAp svstem , ol WhalSAPdoesnotdo? In mostbusiness can lind specialized thata general we task solulion suchas SAp does not addressWhenwe find suchtasks,youcan handleit eitherof two ways 1.Bywriting custom extensions SAp (extensions usually to are written ABAp) in 2.BUusing commercially available solutions interlacinglo Snp system and it lvlany companies wrileexlensions changes SAp programs accomodate or lo lo uniquewavs ol doingbusiness .These arterations wrillen a ABApthe ranguagere corrp"',yrour,l are in
||c e f nr M , r il i n n a y ta n s i n n c t^ SA p

. :i;:-1: ,::::; #,3i9


' oackaqe a atb\'.jln4t sofiware rhe lt b rJse advar,ta(,e

2 The buildin SAp help syslemown wouldnot provide wilh any assisrance cuslor.n on programs 3 r he nrorecustornizalion is done the trarder is lo that ir move lo new reteases sAp sortware of SA P A N D T H E I NT E N N E T SAP has-developed ways R/3 can be ,rsedwiththe Internet Version is the Java enabled 3.1 Vefsion SnP has developed technologies createnu,nerousposil,es lhat . remote ror(contqpt svstem tnernieinei lt,<4,6j,lttz. uses R/3 rnto ] 9"li:"I9r geographically r.iir ," o'.u,bLrle SAP R/3 "r wherethedeare no fnMs o|"Wnru;" -' "Ji',"^u'"ur[,

2 customeg Srdering/payments interface customers createlheir ordersdirecty for to on sAp R/3 syslem ipnto Internet. lhe quotation/inlorrnationget productanclpricinginfl?rnation lo -j Customers qccessto.Fi/3apptications give customers ro immedrate accessro intrornaljon :^^-q1:1^-11,-"lO: re.taorncl orderS deliveries etc
5 i..lore data entryout io the pointof caplute SAP S on rhe Woftd Wide Web I wide web browser(sucrr Ny'ichrosoft '!e iraveaccessto lvorlcr as accessor Netscape Interner Exolorer)you can visitSAp on thetrhome page located mnp//\, SAp honle fhe r)agers a greal sourceol infornratior aboutwrrals new witn bnp newsterte,", ru"r,r,i""r l,r-<s releasec and othervuselul rrl(lormation all be founJ there can ",ri"lu"l r\4osr lne documenls ot abatlable download lor lrornthe SAp paqe are in Adobe Acroballormat Newsgroups be foundon any toprcand among can ihem ls a'neri"lriup to, sAp R/3 The news_ groupname ts" newsgroup This is not sponsorejor officially supportect by sAP lt is juslan openforum oeopre ror invorved serringil ancr"u-siin nra.There some in is technical and organizational info;malion also.As in any newsgroup, "oo posryour own you can observations questions or here il you want SNP R/3 INDUSTRY SOLUTIONS / n g.neric copy of SAp R/3 provides starting a pointfor most businessesllowevel sorne can be unfitrromstadinqwith a versio. of SAp Fi/3lhat has t theirindLrstry such versions ale calledirdustly solutions. ""ri ",oi-t,i""t*r"r I he industry sorutions versions sAp are dilrerent of rromrhe vaniflasAIJ Fi/3because they are preconfigured have extentionsExte|tiorrs and are additions SAp nl3 fn"t do not cotnewilh to rhc prainvercio.. rhe progransthat are writtenthen lo alJino^iiv, functionary R/3 to "p"",ri"


on with any assistance customprograms own wouldnol provide 2.The buildin SAPhelpsystem of moveto new releases SAPsottware. thal The morecustomization is donethe harderit is to SAPANDTHE INTERNET Version 1 is the Javaenabled 3 ways R/3 can be usedwiththe Internet SAPhas developed numerous'l3osibiligs. that technologies create Version. SAPhas developed F<A"bt'{;Jre4 will to t( contart RE systemintothe Internet rdakeit easierto distriof 1. Connection remoteuses or wherethedeare no LAN'S WAN'S. bule SAP R/3 geographically on to for interlace customers createtheirordersdirectly SAP RE 2. Customeibrdering/payments the systemiPnto Intemet. o quotation/inlormationget producland pricinginflmation to 3. Customers access10infrormalion immediate to outsideaccessto RE applications give customers 4. Dg{ined etc. orders,deliveries rega]iing 5. Moredata entryoul to the pointof capture. SAP'Son the World wide Web ll we have accessto world wide web browser(such as Michrosottaccessor Ndscape lrdernt you Explorer), can visitSAPon theirhomepagelocatedOttpr'Anfl'com-/' The SAPhome afiides. pageis i greatsourceot intormation aboutwhat'snewwith SAP Newsletters,'technical pressreleases. othe(/useful irllormationcan all be loundthere and


by supported or is This group name, newsgroup notsponsored otficially There some is SAPRX3. in up involved setting andusing lor SAP lt is iustanopenforum people youcanposlyourown information As in anynewsgroup, also. technical organizalional and questions if youwant. here or observations

format are trom to-' oownload thesAPpase infoobe Acrobar "d"'r"oi" topicandamong for themis a newsgroup SAPRl3.Thenetvson Newsgroups befound any can d;;;nt"



can point mostbusinesses. However' some be for a A generic copyot SAPR/3provides starting Such lor customised theirindustry oJ with uniitfromstarting a version SAPR/3thathasbeen industry solutions. versions called are they SAPR/3because are from of versions SAParedifierent theVanilla Theindustry solutions to are Eldenlions additions SAPRl3thatdo notcomewith preconfigured haveextentions. and to {unctionally RE. thento addindustry specific that The ihe plainversion. programs arewritten

"arr p les ,rre inclustry the following: now include available solutions


I A (Administration) his is gearedtowardsliscalaccounting budgetmanagement & .l 'I ''I i institulions B (Banking):Tiris is gearedtowardsfinancial for l l (tlospital) Designed hospilaladminisltation

serviceproviders helpsmanage & cornpanies and linancial : lS (lnsurance) For insurance -curities& loans 'l for Oli S Tlris is desiqned oil industry

planning processindustries fpF control & production : I Pl (ProcessIndustry) This provides '; - P (F'ublishing) publishers. This aimedat periodical '1,)wIndustrialsolutions aflect
. . r1 t lr.tlr 'r'o,talrv L^lltlto S & Lonlrquraltorl will plesalrl lewel lisfs



INIET EXPLANATIOT.IS MODULES FOR :'rles and Distribution (.Ll F\) .rles and dislribution(sD) processes used to sell and deliverploduclsand the includes business is '.rrvrces customers and custorners partners. aboulthe producls and business lo /lnformation rsedin SD i in 1ohanclle process, structure the companyneedlo be represented SAP the ol these business rt / aJ \dvantagesof Sll 'lD adaptsto variousscenarios A customermightsimplycall and placean order,ot there might : plice and delivery that predelines .\n exislinq with a custonler agreemenl or contract scheduling /ou can priceordersmanuallY. such as returllsand lree delivelies 'll) provicles the ptocessing exceptions ol for valuesfloln lhe all to roLt can cteale a salesholderwitlt relerence a quolalion, the apptopriate will ruolalion be copiedintothe salesorder. ll emain d o c u m e n tS U se d i n S D i n cIU d e l heSaIesO|der .|nqUi|y,Quotalion_> Menro Debitlvlenlo,Credil Delivery, \rlline Allreemenl.Fleturn ChargeDelivery, ,No ,'r(j lnlo []ecord1henralnlviaster ial lvlasler,l\'4atel filesused by Slf are CLlslonler ' rsterand Invenlory Mastet.

you phones asking ol A customer about costanddelivery a product.

Youcreatean lnquirydocument SAP R/3lills in customerand productdetails{rom the masterfiles

wilh discounts, surcharges, laxes to come up and SAP/3uses pricelistscombined vvithnet Price.

SD checks availabilityol stock to lill the oder

The orderis conveded a Quotation withlhe addition price, delivery, of and laxes, lo and then sent back to the customer

is Delivery is on and document created SAPFl/3, delivery aranged.

lhe malerial is moved out of stock with a Goods lssue (which is an l\4Mdocument).





Ortin.u n",t needed makea product a rnaster lo on .

planningidentilies need to order moreol the parr Materials Requirements the

fhe vendot is selected,either automaticallV manuallv or

SAP R/3 automaticallycreates a purchase Ftequisition.

The Req{risition released eilheraulomatically) turnedinto a purchaseOrder is ( and

The parl is broughtinlo slock|lrouglt a Goods Receipt

A reservation placed, on the part. clairlfigit for a protluction is oder

The part is removqhromslock wiih a Goods lssue and enterc the Manulactunng

Thefinished product shipped thecuslormer heldin lnventory is to or .

A new material is created on l\4aterial Master.QlVlis aclivatedlor the malerial

The malelialis received form a Purclrase Orderor Dlodution order.

It is eithermoveddirectly stockor set asidefor inspection An inspection can to . Lot be created automaticallv .

The inspectionis carried out , possiblyas part ol an InspectionPlan.

Basedon the InsDection results. the material valuated is and usaqedecisions are

is ijependingon Inspectiorr resulls. the rnaterial movedto stock.held in blockedstock returnedto vendor discarded.and so on .

. The results the inspection recorded use in vendor ol are lor evaluations


,5 Dynamicmodifications allowautomalic adjUslrnents santplesizesanc Inspecllon ot ptans 6.ClMfl]oduleISO 9004 corn plaint, including inspeclion planning,jnternal ry \ qua audrts,test equipmenls and qualilycosls

T PLANTI\,4AINTENANCE 11}elps to plan and conttolboth preventalive repairol produolion and factltlres equiptnenls,/ and
llL,|lla qeneral l-M Inlor Inaltun:

1 lhe ma,ndocumertnecessary pr\,4 r\,4aintenance lor are Notificalion ancrMaanlenance order 2.|\ilaster involved files are Funclional Localion and Equipment Masler 3 PIMcan comrflunicate [,4M take slocksand with HR ror lirnekeepingar]ct 1., to conlro|ingfor clrarqelnformation 4 l\4aintenance tasks can be assignedto bolh internal and externalgroups

6, t,

) llr-JirlAl.l RESOURCES llR takescare of payrols , time recor cting) apprrcant adnlinistratron orga.isationar and data. - 1 -" ,3 .:
,- 'aral hjncli^ns ol Hll :

E ilcrn6 ']op"o,,na1Nlasler File

I raafrngand Controlling lravelexpenses and rneeting rootnreservations. .,cc?pling inputlroln an external tinrerecording system. flandltngneqatrve and posilive litr)erecotding r-ei.rnrJ relloactrve adjustrnents account into

: lL! r )

A , FINANC I A L C C OU N T IN G ( Fl Includes Accounlspayable,nccounts Receivable ,pieasury,Financial Information System _ an o \ l, t t so on' ) l-l rnodllleis also beneficial these reasons : for 1:Flexible closinqrepodsare available daily,rnonlhly yearlypefloqs. alor and 2 Non SAP R/3 sourcesand destinalions data can be accomodaled usingAulontatic fof by Procedures batchdata in or out. to L-3 The Financial Inlormation Systemhelpsus lo evaluate custonters and vendots. ,: J 4 We can use consolidation aggregate resultslrorn individual to the companres a groupof to companies

Thernain docurnenls usedin Fl include Invoices,Credil Notes,payments G/L. and Fl inlerfaces lvlMpurchasing Accounts payable to SD iales forAccounts lo for and Fleceivable

CONTROLLING In co,lhe cost accounling carrred wilhina controling is out Area)This is not necessariry the same as Fl,which presentsaccounts al ComOanvCode Level. Funclions CO i of ,Llracks productcosting and process costing . j2Provrdes Prolilability Analysrs aFd Fxecutive lnlormatton Syslem available both pelodic and on-demand ,SMakes tepotts. 4 Offers BusinessPlanningand Controt , InternatOrders and Open ttem,r."t. co creates very little original documentation co interlacesto G/L and the'Asset Manaqement module.lnput also drawnfrom Fl and Mlvl is AS S L I M AN A C E MF N T rfAM providestools lo acquire depriciate,evaluateand retire asset3lThbmain lransactionsused in n r ' F' fu\L Acquisition,Capitalisation,Transfer Depriciationand Retirement.] ,' , The main Master data includes Charl ol Depriciationand Ass6i Masler.AMrelers MM or can transfercost planningintormationto CO lor its work. PTo.JECTSYSTEIV plan ,manage,controland figure the cost ol R&D pojects ,software ,l lt helps to biojects ,marketingprojectsand so on.The common tasks revolve around allocation of pegple,resources moneywithinframework schedule and of and lask relati_ o n sh i o I Advantages.. the , l.Throughout projectphases, aclualcostsand dates are fed back intothe mooet 2 We can use the SAp B/3 DocLr[rentation l\,4anagemenl Systemto lrack proiect documenlation and cost planningare available -3rcapacity can be confirmedon Materialsand on productjon Flesourcesand --4:Availability Tools. can control track work assiAbedto outside resources 6.Loopanalysis task nelworkcan be done wilh pS. on

, /

FUTURE FORSAPI l.SAP is planning decouple to SAPFl/3 so thatcompanies buyand implement can onlythe modules theyneed. 2lt willbe usedby manymedium sizedbusiness Alsointegralion willbe high,it cost willnotonlyhelptheirinternal inlegration alsotheirintegralion other bul with companies using SAPR/3. 3.Because its integration of capabililies, companies be \,villing oulsource more will to service primarybenelitis its quickefticiency business in processrng. inforrnation -4The inventory orderof fulfillrnent andlime. and s5. Reducing ,cost , 6.lmproving time delivery,cuslomers on salisfaction. T.Raising employees satislaction B.Once documentedcannot changed il be I Volurne transaclion lessdue to integration of is 10lt is veryeflicient inlotmation in processingy'.Although can help,R/3oflers lnternel -_.

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