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Laboratory Course-IA

L 0

T 0

P 9

C 3

MM 100

Note: The duration of examination will be of eight hours. Students are required to do one practical of 20 marks each from Inorganic, Organic and Physical sections. Each exercise will be 20 marks. Viva 15 marks Seminar/Attendance/Assessment/Record 25 marks. Inorganic Chemistry Qualitative Analysis Qualitative analysis of mixture by semi-micro method containing not more than six cations and anions including: (i). Rare-earth elements (ii). Anions, which have not been done in under graduate practical. (iii). Insolubles. Organic Chemistry Qualitative Analysis Separation, purification and identification of compounds of binary mixture (solid-solid or liquid and solid) using TLC and Paper Chromatography, chemical tests and spectroscopic analysis. Physical Chemistry Chemical Kinetics 1. Determination of the effect of (a) Change of temperature (b) Change of concentration of reactants and catalyst and (c) ionic strength of the media on the velocity constant of hydrolysis of an ester/ionic reactions. 2. Determination of the velocity constant of hydrolysis of an ester. 3. Determination of the rate constant for the oxidation of iodide ions by hydrogen peroxide studying the kinetics of the reaction. 4. Flowing clock reactions (Ref: Experiments in Physical Chemistry by Showmaker). 5. Determination of the primary salt effect on the kinetics of ionic reactions and testing of the Bronsted relationship (iodide ion is oxidized by persulphate ion).


Laboratory Course-IB

L 0

T 0

P 9

C 3

MM 100

Note: The duration of examination will be of eight hours. Students are required to do one practical each from Inorganic, Organic and Physical sections. Each exercise will be 20 marks. Viva 15 marks Seminar/Attendance/Assessment/Record 25 marks. Inorganic Chemistry Chromatography Separation of cations and anions byPaper Chromatography Thin Layer Chromatography Ion Exchange Chromatography Organic Chemistry Organic Synthesis Acetylation: Acetylation Oxidation: Adipic acid by chromic acid oxidation of cyclohexanol. Grignard reaction: Synthesis of triphenylmethanol from benzoic acid. Sandmeyer reaction: p-Chlorotoluene from p-toluene Physical Chemistry Electrochemistry Conductometry 1. Determination of the velocity constant, order of the reaction and energy of activation for saponification of ethyl acetate by sodium hydroxide conductometrically. 2. Determination of solubility and solubility product of sparingly soluble salts (e.g., PbSO4, BaSO4) conductometrically. 3. Determination of the strength of strong and weak acids in a given mixture conductometrically. 4. To study the effect of solvent on the conductance of AgNO3/CH3COOH and to determine the degree of dissociation and equilibrium constant in different solvents and in their mixtures (DMSO, DMF, dioxane, acetone, water) and to test the validity of Debye-HuckelOnsager theory. 5. Determination of the activity coefficient of zinc ions in the solution of 0.002 M zinc sulphate using Debye Huckels limiting law.

Laboratory SOS/C011 Course-IIA

L 0

T 0

P 9

C 3

MM 100

Note: The duration of examination will be of eight hours. Students are required to do one practical each

from Inorganic, Organic and Physical sections. Each exercise will be 20 marks. Viva 15 marks Seminar/Attendance/Assessment/Record 25 marks. Inorganic Chemistry Quantitative Analysis Quantitative Analysis of mixtures of two metal ions involving Volumetric (by complexometric titration using masking and demasking agents) and gravimetric analysis.

Organic Chemistry Organic Synthesis Acetoacetic ester Condensation: Synthesis of ethyl-n-butylacetoacetate by condensation. Cannizzaro reaction: 4-Chlorobenzaldehyde as substrate Aromatic electrophilic Substitutions: Synthesis of p-nitroaniline and p-bromoaniline. The products may be characterized by Spectral Techniques where possible. Physical Chemistry Solutions 1. Determination of molecular weight of non-volatile and non-electrolyte/electrolyte by cryoscopic method and to determine the activity coefficient of an electrolyte. 2. Determination of the degree of dissociation of weak electrolyte and to study the deviation from ideal behaviour that occurs with a strong electrolyte.


Laboratory SOS/C012 Course-IIB

L 0

T 0

P 9

C 3

MM 100

Note: The duration of examination will be of eight hours. Students are required to do one practical each from Inorganic, Organic and Physical sections. Each exercise will be 20 marks. Viva 15 marks Seminar/Attendance/Assessment/Record 25 marks. Inorganic Chemistry Preparations Preparation of selected inorganic compounds:

VO (acac)2 TiO (C9H8NO)2. 2H2O cis-K[Cr(C2O4)2 (H2O)2] Na[Cr(NH3)2(SCN)4] Mn (acac)3 K3 [Fe (C2O4)3] 3H2O Prussian Blue, Tumbulls Blue Co [(NH3)6] Cl3 [Cu (en)2 (H2O)2] I2

Cu2HgI4 [Co (Py)2Cl2] [Ni (NH3)6] Cl2 Tris-(thiourea) copper (I) sulphate [Cu (tu)3] SO4.2H2O
K3[Cr (C2O4)3] Organic Chemistry Quantitative Analysis Determination of the percentage or number of hydroxyl groups in an organic compound by acetylation method. Estimation of amines/phenols using bromate bromide solution/or acetylation method. Determination of Iodine and Saponification values of an oil sample Determination of DO, COD and BOD of water sample. Physical Chemistry Electrochemistry Potentiometry/pH-metry 1. Determination of strengths of halides in a mixtures potentiometrically. 2. Determination of the valency of mercurous ions potentiometrically. 3. Determination of the strength of strong and weak acids in a given mixture using a potentiometer/pH meter. 4. Determination of temperature dependence of EMF of a cell. 5. Determination of the formation constant of silver-ammonia complex and stiochiometry of the complex potentiometrically. 6. Acid-base titration in a non-aqueous media using a pH meter. 7. Determination of activity and activity coefficient of electrolytes. 8. Determination of the dissociation constant of acetic acid in DMSO, DMF, acetone and dioxane by titrating it with KOH. 9. Determination of the dissociation constant of monobasic/dibasic by Albert-Serjeant method. 10. Determination of thermodynamic constants G, S and H for the reaction by e.m.f. method. Zn + H2SO4 ZnSO4 + 2H

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