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Fuhrm an
beef, sweets, cheese & processed foods

nutritarian food pyramid

poultry, oil, eggs, fish & fat-free dairy

whole grains & potatoes seeds, nuts & avocados

Forget counting calories. Make the quality of the calories count!

- Joel Fuhrman, M.D.

fruits beans/ legumes

Based on the principles of his health equation:

Health = Nutrients / Calories (H=N/C)

1/2 raw & 1/2 cooked
*Excludes white potatoes. Emphasis on green vegetables

90% of the daily diet should be comprised of nutrient rich plant foods with health-promoting phytochemicals. The pyramid promotes foods that are richest in micronutrients and bene t health and longevity.

Copyright Joel Fuhrman, M.D., 2010

1(800) 474-WELL (9355)

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