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a stuDy in putTING our faith into action

Sermon Notes Wk2 HEAR&dO THE WORd

JAMES 1:19-27


Sermon Notes Wk 2 // Hear & Do The Word // Jms 1:19-27 02 4472 9419 | 0433 161 422 | Sunday Aug 19. 2012 James 1:19-27 Who Are We Trying To Kid? // Week 2 of 7 Date: Text: Title: OUTLINE: A) Receive The Word B) Practice The Word C) Share The Word INTRODUCTION:
The emphasis in this section is on the dangers of self-deception ( James 1:22, 26 ). When we sin because Satan deceives us thats one thing. But if we deceive ourselves that is a far more serious matter. Many people are deceiving themselves into thinking they are saved when they are not. Matthew 7:22-23 are sobering words from our Lord and it is even more confronting when we realize that Jesus is talking to believers and those in seemingly successful ministry positions. Our teaching today is vitally important for us at Cross Central because as believers, we dont want to be fooling ourselves concerning our Christian walk. We do not want to be a church that think were spiritual when were not. It is a mark of maturity when a person faces himself honestly, knows himself and admits his needs. It is an immature person who pretends ( Rev 3:17 ). Spiritual maturity comes from the proper relationship to God through His Word. Gods Word is truth ( John 17:17 ), and if we are rightly related to Gods truth, we cannot be dishonest or hypocritical. In the verses we will be looking at this morning, James gives us three responsibilities we are to have toward Gods Word. When we truly fulll these requirements, we will nd ourselves on a path with God that is honest and a track with other believers that is authentic. b e l i e v e

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James 1:19-21 James 1:22-25 James 1:26-27

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1. Receive The Word (James 1:19-21)
James calls Gods Word the engrafted word ( James 1:21 ), which means the implanted word. Borrowing from Jesus Parable of the Sower ( Matt 13:1-9, 18-23 ), James compares Gods Word to seed and the human heart to soil. In His parable, Jesus described four kinds of hearts: the hard heart which did not understand the Word and so did not bear fruit, the shallow heart, which had no depth and bore no fruit, the crowded heart, which lacked repentance and permitted sin to crowd out the Word; and the fruitful heart, which received the Word, allowed it to take root, and produced an incredible harvest of fruit. The reality of salvation is made evident by the fruit we bear in our lives. This means a life that is growing in Christian character and conduct, and ministry to others for the glory of God. This fruit might include winning souls to Christ ( Rom 1:16 ), growing in holy living ( Rom 6:22 ), sharing our material possessions ( Rom 15:28 ), spiritual character ( Gal 5:22-23 ), and offering up praise to God ( Heb 13:15 ). Man made religious works can be manufactured, but they do not have life in them, nor do they direct people to The God of Scripture. Real fruit has in it the seed for more fruit, so that the harvest continues to grow fruit, more fruit, much fruit ( John 15:1-5 ). Gods Word cannot work effectively in our lives, unless we receive it in the right way. Jesus not only taught us that we are to pay attention to what we hear ( Mark 4:24 ), but that we are to take care how we hear ( Luke 8:18 ). Too often we can fall into the trap of attending church services, connect groups and Bible studies, but never seeming to grow. For the seed of the Word to be planted in our hearts, there are some key principles that James lays down for us to do in this mornings text. Quick to hear ( James 1:19 ) : Matt 13:9 says those with ears should use them. Rom 10:17 shows that faith comes by hearing and hearing the Word of God. Just as the servant is quick to hear his masters voice, and the child responds to her mother coming home from being away, we are to have that same speed of b e l i e v e

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anticipation and recognition. There is an amazing illustration of this principle in the life of King David ( 2 Sam 23:14-17 ). While David was hiding from his enemies, he yearned for a drink of the cool water from the well in Bethlehem, a well he had often visited in his boyhood. He did not issue an order to his men; he just said ...longingly, Oh that someone would give me a drink from the well of Bethlehem... ( 2 Sam 23:15 ). Three of his mighty men heard their king sigh for the water and they risked their lives to get the water and bring it to him. They were quick to hear. Slow to speak ( Vs 19 ): Anatomically we have a clue as to the speed with which to speak. Too many times we argue with Gods Word, if not out loud, at least in our hearts and minds ( Prov 10:19, Prov 17:27 ). We live in such a fast paced world with access to more information now than ever before, that we can run the risk of thinking we can have an argument with God. Let us always remember that His is The Creator...and we are the created. Slow to anger ( Vs 19 ): As crazy at it might sound, people actually get angry at God and or His Word. Prov 14:29 reveals the level of understanding that comes from being slow to anger. When Nathan the prophet told king David the story about the stolen lamb, the king became angry, but at the wrong person. You are that man said Nathan, and David then confessed and repented ( 2 Sam 12 ). In the Garden Peter was slow to hear, quick to speak and quick to anger, and he almost killed a man with his sword. Many disputes are the result of short tempers and hasty words. It is important to understand that there is a godly anger against sin ( Eph 4:26 ); and if we love God, we must hate sin ( Ps 97:10 ). But mans anger does not produce Gods righteousness ( James 1:20 ). In reality, anger is the complete opposite of the patience God wants to produce in our lives as we mature in Christ ( James 1:3-4 ). When people hear my name (Tepa) for the rst time, they think it is Temper. I tell them it is not my name or my nature. But temper is what gives steel its strength. When we do not get angry at sin, we do not have much strength to ght it. James warns us against getting angry at Gods Word because it reveals our sins to us. b e l i e v e b e l o n g b e c o m e b e y o n d


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A prepared heart ( Vs 21 ): It is almost like James saw the human heart as a garden; if left to itself, the soil would produce only weeds. He urges us to pull out the weeds and prepare the soil for the implanted Word of God. The KJV translates rampant wickedness as superuity of naughtiness. This phrase gives the picture of a garden overgrown with weeds that cannot be controlled. It is foolish to try and receive Gods Word into an unprepared heart. How do we prepare the soil of our hearts for Gods Word? 1. Confess our sins and ask God to forgive us ( 1 John 1:9 ) 2. Meditate on Gods love and grace and ask His holy Spirit to plow up any hardness in our hearts ( Jer 4:3 ) 3. Have an attitude of meekness ( James 1:21 ). Meekness is the opposite of wrath in James 1:19-20. When we receive the Word with meekness, honouring it and not trying to twist it or conform it to suit our agenda, then we prepare our heart to receive Gods Word. If we do not receive the implanted Word, then we deceive ourselves. When we argue various points of view for arguments sake, and not to better understand Gods purpose, then we may very well be fooling ourselves.

2. Practice The Word (James 1:22-25)

It is not enough to just hear the Word, it must produce action in our lives. Many people have the mistaken idea that hearing a good sermon or Bible study is what makes them grow and get Gods blessing. It is not the hearing but the doing that attracts Gods blessing and favour. It is too easy to mark our Bibles, but not have the Bible mark us. If we think we are spiritual because we hear the Word, then we run the risk of kidding ourselves. In the previous passage, James compared the Word to seed; but in this paragraph, he compares it to a mirror. Lets look at how James unpacks this imagery and learn how we can more than hearers of the Word, but be doers of the Word also.

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The main purpose of owning a mirror is to be able to see yourself and make sure you can make an accurate assessment of how you look, and so examine yourself before you go out into public. As we look into the mirror of Gods Word, we see ourselves as we really are. James gives us clear actions to follow if we to allow Gods Word to examine us and for us to be doers of the Word. i. Take time to look with intentionality into Gods Word: When we read our Bible or devotional email as a religious duty or out of guilt, then we fail to prot it from it personally. Skimming over a verse or a token reading of the Bible will never reveal our deepest needs. It is only when we take time to look into the Word of God, with the help of the Holy Spirit, that we begin to see things we might have missed. It is the difference between a photo taken on my phone and a cat scan taken at the hospital. ii. Remember our true condition before God saved us: When we forget Gods grace and mercy in saving us and setting us free from sin, we run the danger of becoming arrogant and self righteous. It is important that we remember what we must remember, and forget what we must forget. By realizing that the life He has given us is undeserved, and our salvation was brought by the sacrice of God The Son, it keeps us from forgetting how much He has given to us, and keeps us open to the work He continues to do in our lives. iii. Simply obey what the Word of God says: We must never be caught up in the lie that hearing is the same as doing. We can hold endless committee meetings and attend the latest conferences about evangelism and church growth, but if thats all we do, then we cant fool ourselves into thinking we have made progress. While there is nothing wrong with committees and conferences, they become sinful when we substitute them for obedient service to God. If we are to allow Gods mirror to truly examine us, then we must gaze into it carefully and with serious intent ( James 1:25 ). No quick glances will do. We are to search our hearts and lives in the light of Gods Word. This will require time, attention and sincere devotion. We must continue to grow past ve minutes with God a day. This cannot create deep spiritual examination. b e l i e v e

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After seeing ourselves, we must remember what we are and what god says, and we must do the Word. The blessing comes in the action of the Word, not in the hearing of the Word. James 1:25 clearly shows us that ...he will be blessed in his doing. The emphasis in James is the practice of the Word.

3. Share The Word (James 1:26-27)

The word translated religion means the outward practice, the service of a god. It is used only ve times in the entire New Testament ( James 1:26-27, Acts 26:5, Col 2:18 - where it is translated as worshipping ). Pure religion has nothing to do with ceremonies, temples, or special days. Pure religion has everything to do with practicing Gods Word and sharing it with others, through language, labour and leaving the world. Language ( Vs 26 ): There are many references to how we are to speak James letter, giving the impression that the tongue was a serious problem in the church at the time ( James 1:19, 2:12, 3:1-3, 14-18, 4:11-12 ). Our language reveals what is in our heart ( Matt 12:34-35 ). When the heart is right, then our speech will be right. If we are to share the Word effectively, we must ensure that our language lines up with Gods work in or heart. Labour ( Vs 27a ): After seeing ourselves, and the work of Christ in our lives, through the mirror of Gods Word, we must see others and labour to meet their needs where we can. The prophet Isaiah rst saw the Lord, then himself, and then the people to whom he would minister ( Is 6:1-8). Words are a great beginning, but they are no substitute the labour of love ( James 2:14-18, 1 john 3:11-18 ). Gods ultimate plan is for each of us to serve in the gifting and anointing He has deposited in each of us, for His glory and for the blessing of His people. Leaving the world ( Vs 27b ): By the world James means society without God. Satan is the prince of this world ( John 14:30 ), and the lost are the children of this world ( Luke 16:8 ). As the children of God, we are in the world physically but not of the world spiritually ( John 17:11-16 ). b e l i e v e b e l o n g b e c o m e b e y o n d


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We are sent into the world to share the truth and love of Jesus, so that others may come to His grace, mercy and salvation for themselves ( John 17:18 ). It is only as we maintain our separation from the world that we can serve others effectively and lead them to the redemption that is found in Christ alone. The world wants to stain the Christian and start to dilute and dele him. First there is the friendship of the world ( James 4:4 ), which can lead to a love of the world ( 1 John 2:15-17 ). If we are not vigilant, we become conformed to the world ( Rom 12:1-2 ), and the result is being condemned with the world ( 1 Cor 11:32 ). This may or may not mean the loss of salvation, but it most denitely means a loss of joy and destiny and all that God desires for us. Lot is a prime example of this principle. First he pitched his tent toward Sodom, and then moved into Sodom. Before long, Sodom moved into him and he lost his testimony even with his own family. When judgment fell on Sodom, Lot lost everything. It was Abraham, the one who left the lure of the greener pastures, the separated believer, the friend of God, who was able to minister to Lot and his family through petition to Gods judgment. At Cross Central, we are called to minister to our community, but that does not mean we become tainted by of our community. Jesus was without blemish ( 1 Peter 1:19 ), and yet He was the friend of publicans and sinners. The greatest impact we can have in sharing Gods Word with our community, is to be different and separated from the delement in our community.

Lets not kid ourselves church. We are called to be not only hearers of the Word, but to be doers of the Word. Our text today shows us that we do this by: 1. Receiving The Word 2. Practicing The Word 3. Sharing The Word b e l i e v e b e l o n g b e c o m e b e y o n d

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