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Romnesia Affects Connecticut Public Officials

What else can you call it? When the democrats are carrying out the policies of the republicans and adopt their format whole heartedly, I cant think of a better phrase. Too bad the president supported now Senator Blumenthal, the person that help architect the Connecticut Workers Compensation Fraud scheme. They all forget the laws, conveniently. The latest in this episode of events is the State of Connecticut continuing to forward harassing correspondence to addresses using a Slave name, which I didnt know was a Slave name used by the White Oppressors of the modern era. Worst is, the State of Connecticut, the public officials affected by this Romnesia are responsible under the law which mandates the deducting the Child Support, Deferred Compensation, and other payments from my salary pursuant to the laws. However, they choose to threaten with liens, incarceration, suspension of license, contempt of court, etc.. The same State of Connecticut during a State Court Hearing required that I spell my ex-wife name according to her wishes using McKnight or I would be found in contempt of court. So, if the state can propose and order this to be done, then Why cannot the Dept. of Social Services and Child Support Departments not spell my name McKnight and not MCKNIGHT if there is not a negative connotation associated with it. If the all of these agencies are state agencies including the court, then why is it so difficult to spell my name as it is on my birth certificate. When each attorney general, or Helen Kemp, or any other public official send correspondences they manage to spell their names correctly, and not in upper case. There is something to it. Like conservative republicans, these people in Hartford claiming to be democrats, or homosexuals fighting for their rights all have Romnesia, and they will do anything to destroy the black man just as in slavery. The only difference between the republicans and democrats is that the republicans are overt and the democrats are covert in their hatred for Black men. The SEBAC agreements that the democrats put into effect from 1995 are geared toward the destruction of people. The people signing and pushing this agenda are all white as I see. They actually give White people their rights as oppose to processing the same papers required for black people, and they do it without conscience. The same mentality exists however, and that is, put their black asses in jail, burn down their houses, take them away from their wives and children, set them up, kidnap and/or harass them. The one thing for certain after hearing my family history of the south from my great great grandparents being raped and murdered is that nothing truly has changed. They only get more savvy as modern slavery requires. Romnesia has been with us for centuries, it is just another term used to describe racism, bigotry, biasness, discrimination, inequality and alike. The actions of these people in state government is the same, if you pay attention . It is no different than the old slave masters calling us Nigger or Nigger Boy, Coon, Monkey, Jigga-boo. At least, that is what I experience as a Black man. The president is just being nice about it. That is what Racism is, Romnesia, and Connecticut Public Officials have it and Obama Care can not fix it. The first thing they wanted to do with no regards to the country is get rid of him. I know how it feels. They take the policy ideas of black people like mine and disregard the black man. No morals or values, they simply steal your ideas and claim them for themselves. Then they lie, and cheat, and steal there way without conscience. Rather than honestly saying to President Obama that you were right and we were wrong, they want to take what was built by him and destroy it. What I have learned is not

to trust them. Romnesia is a mutha------. Let them eat cake. I dont like cake, nor this type poverty.

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