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Assembly Language Program: Example of A/D Conversion

; File name: ADC.ASM
; Date: 9/5/97
; This module performs the A/D converter function in the K0 family.
; The conversion method is based on successive approximation and the
; conversion result is held in the 8-bit A/D conversion result register (ADCR).
; . Set an A/D channel for A/D conversion.
; . Set a conversion time.
; . Start conversion.
; . Wait for the A/D channel conversion completed.
; . Read the conversion result.
; . Reset the interrupt request flag.
; . Return with the result in the A register.
; Input voltage and result:
; ADCR (result register) = INT [(Vin/Vref) x 256 + 0.5]
; Where,
; INT = integer parts of the result
; Vin = analog input voltage
; Vref = AVref0 pin voltage (reference voltage)
; ADCR = the conversion result register
; Module name: ReadADdata
; Input:
; A = channel # (0 to 7)
; Return:
; A = The A/D result of the given channel
; for only DDB-K0070A
$set (DDB)
; Port assignment for A/D
ADDirPort equ PM1
; Select 100/fx (20 s) if fx = 5.00 MHz
; fr1/fr0/hsc = 101b and Start conversion bit on
ConversionTime equ 00100001b
; Internal high RAM allocation
; FWA = 0fb00h
dseg IHRAM
ds 20h
; Reset vector
Vector cseg at 0000h
dw ResetStart
; interrupt vector if any
org 20h
; dw
; Main

Main cseg at 80h

di ;Disable interrupt
; Select register bank 0
sel RB0 ;Select register bank 0
; Set stack pointer (IHMEM + 20H)
movw SP,#Stack ;Stack ptr
; Select Master clock (4.19 MHz)
; . MCS = 1, no divided clock
mov OSMS,#00000001b
; Enable INTP0 for DDB-K0070A
$if (DDB)
clr1 PMK0
; Init. ADC register
call !InitADC
; 16 step pwm output
mov a,#0 ;Channel # 0
call !ReadADdata
br loop
; Module name: ReadADdata
; Input:
; A = channel # (0 to 7)
; Return:
; A = The A/D result of the given channel
; Set A/D channel
add a,a ;position to bit 1
; merge with conversion time and start A/D conversion
or a,#ConversionTime
; Clear interrupt flag
; Start conversion
mov ADM,a
clr1 ADIF
set1 ADM.7
; Wait for conversion done
wait: bf ADIF,$wait
; Read the conversion result
mov a,ADCR +
; Stop conversion
clr1 ADM.7
; ADC init
; . Set conversion time
; . Set # of A/D channels
; Set memory expansion mode register
mov ADDirPort,#11111111b
; A/D conversion mode register

mov ADM,#ConversionTime
; A/D input selection (select all 8 channels)
mov ADIS,#00001000b

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