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XDO file name: IBYDE_N1US_en.rtf (APXNACHA.


Mapping of Payment Format: US NACHA CCD Format

Date: 5/8/2007

Format Setup:
Hint: Define formatting options

FIXED_POSITION_BASED iso-8859-1 Upper Carriage Return

Sequences: Hint: Define sequence generators


PaymentsSeq OutboundPaymentInstruction LEVEL 1 PaymentsSeq




/ OutboundPaymentInstruction/PaymentInstructio nInfo/PaymentSequence[SequenceName= US_NACHA_CCD_DAILY_SEQ]/LastValue + 1 26 US_NACHA_CCD_DAILY_SEQ


Format Data Records:

Hint: This is the body of the format. Define your format records here. Create one table for each record or group of records that are at the same level. <BEGIN FILLER BLOCK> <FILLER CHARACTER> <BLOCK SIZE> AllRecordsBlock 9 10

<LEVEL> <POSITION> <NEW RECORD> 1 2 4 5 1 2 1 9 <LENGTH>

OutboundPaymentInstruction <FORMAT> FILE_HEADER Number Number Alpha Number L, 0 L, 0 R, L, 0 InstructionGrouping/BankAcco unt/BranchNumber 1 1 Record Type Code Priority Code Immediate Destination: the first position is a blank Immediate Destination: the second to the tenth position of this field is the ABA routing <PAD> <DATA> <COMMENTS>

number of the receiving bank of this payment file. The ABA routing number is a nine digit number composed of three parts. The first four digits are the Federal Reserve Routing Symbol; the next four digits are the ABA Institution Identifer; and the last one digit is the check digit. 14 15 24 30 34 1 9 6 4 1 Number Alpha Date, YYMMDD Date, HH24MI Alpha R, L, 0 L, 0 1 REPLACE(InstructionGrouping/ Payer/LegalEntityRegistratio nNumber, -) SYSDATE SYSDATE DECODE(SEQUENCE_NUMBER(US_NA CHA_CCD_DAILY_SEQ), 1, A, 2, B, 3, C, 4, D, 5, E, 6, F, 7, G, 8, H, 9, I, 10, J, 11, K, 12, L, 13, M, 14, N, 15, O, 16, P, 17, Q, 18, R, 19, S, 20, T, 21, U, 22, V, 23, W, 24, X, 25, Y, 26, Z) 94 10 1 InstructionGrouping/BankAcco Immediate Origin: mutually defined ANSI one-digit ICD Immediate Origin File Creation Date File Creation Time (Military Time) File ID Modifier.

35 38 40 41

3 2 1 23

Number Number Number Alpha

L, 0 L, 0 L, 0 R,

Record Size Blocking Factor Format Code Immediate Destination Name

unt/BranchName 64 87 <NEW RECORD> 1 2 5 21 41 1 3 16 20 1 23 8 Alpha Alpha R, R, InstructionGrouping/Payer/Le galEntityName Immediate Origin Name. Optional Reference Code.

BATCH_HEADER Number Number Alpha Alpha Number L, 0 L, 0 R, R, L, 0 5 220 InstructionGrouping/Payer/Le galEntityName PaymentInstructionInfo/Instr uctionReferenceNumber 1 Record Type Code Service Class Code Company Name Company Discretionary Data Company Identification: first position is ANSI one-digit ICD (Identification Code Designators): 1 = IRS Employer Identification Number (EIN) 3 = Data Universal Numbering Systems (DUNS) 9 = Mutually Defined Company Identification. Same as position 14 in the file header rec Standard Entry Class Cpde Company Entry Description. Company Descriptive Date. NACHA recommends but does not require that RDFIs print this value on the receivers statement.




REPLACE(InstructionGrouping/ Payer/LegalEntityRegistratio nNumber, -) CCD PaymentInstructionInfo/UserA ssignedRefCode InstructionGrouping/PaymentD ate

51 54 64

3 10 6

Alpha Alpha Date, YYMMDD

R, R, R,

70 76 79 80

6 3 1 8

Date, YYMMDD Alpha Number Number

InstructionGrouping/PaymentD ate R, L, 0 L, 0 1 InstructionGrouping/BankAcco unt/BranchNumber

Effective Entry Date Settlement date. Reserved for ACH operator. Leave blank Originator Status Code Originating DFI Identification. This is the first 8 digits of the ABA routing number of the receiving bank (internal bank) without the check digit. Batch Number. This is the sequence number for the batch it must match position 88 to 94 of batch control rec.



L, 0


OutboundPayment Payee/Name <FORMAT> <PAD> <DATA> <COMMENTS>

ENTRY_DETAIL_CR Number Alpha L, 0 R, ' ' 6 IF NVL(PayeeBankAccount/BankAcc ountType/Code, CHECKING) = CHECKING THEN DECODE(PaymentAmount/Value, 0,'23','22') ELSIF PayeeBankAccount/BankAccount Type/Code = SAVINGS THEN DECODE(PaymentAmount/Value, Record type Transaction Code

4 13 30 40 55 77 79 80 88 <END LEVEL>

9 17 10 15 22 2 1 8 7

Number Alpha Number, Integer Alpha Alpha Alpha Number Number Number

L, 0 R, ' ' L, 0 R, ' ' R, ' ' R, ' ' L, 0 L, 0 L, 0

0,'33','32') END IF PayeeBankAccount/BranchNumbe r PayeeBankAccount/BankAccount Number ROUND(PaymentAmount/Value*10 0) PaymentNumber/PaymentReferen ceNumber Payee/Name

Receiving DFI Identification (including check digit) DFI Account Number Amount Identification Number Receiving Company Name/ID Number Discretionary Data

0 BankAccount/BranchNumber SEQUENCE_NUMBER(PaymentsSeq)

Addenda record Indicator ODFI Routing Number Numeric sequence starting at 1 within the batch


<LEVEL> <POSITION> <NEW RECORD> 1 2 5 11 1 3 6 10 <LENGTH>

OutboundPaymentInstruction <FORMAT> <PAD> <DATA> <COMMENTS>

BATCH_CONTROL Number Number Number Number L, 0 L, 0 L, 0 L, 0 8 220 InstructionTotals/PaymentCou nt SUM(TO_NUMBER(SUBSTR (OutboundPayment/PayeeBankAc Record Type Code Service Class Code Entry/Addenda count Entry Hash

21 33 45

12 12 1

Number, Integer Number, Integer Number

L, 0 L, 0 L, 0

count/BranchNumber,1,8))) 0 ROUND(SUM(OutboundPayment/Pa ymentAmount/Value)*100) 1

Total Debit Dollar Amount of Batch Total Credit Dollar Amount of Batch Company Identification: first position is ANSI one-digit ICD (Identification Code Designators): 1 = IRS Employer Identification Number (EIN) 3 = Data Universal Numbering Systems (DUNS) 9 = Mutually Defined Company Identification. Same as position 14 in the file header rec Message Authentication Code AND Reserved Space




REPLACE(InstructionGrouping/ Payer/LegalEntityRegistratio nNumber, -)

55 80 88 <NEW RECORD> 1 2 8

25 8 7

Alpha Number Number FILE_CONTROL

R, L, 0 L, 0 InstructionGrouping/BankAcco unt/BranchNumber 1

Originating DFI Identification Batch Number. Same as last field of Record 5

1 6 6

Number Number Number

L, 0 L, 0 L, 0

9 1 CEIL((COUNT(OutboundPayment) +4) DIV (10))

Record Type Code Batch Count Block Count. Total number of records in the file, divided by ten and rounded up. All records, including both the File Header

and File Control Records are included in the block count. 14 22 32 44 56 <END LEVEL> 8 10 12 12 39 Number Number Number, Integer Number, Integer Alpha L, 0 L, 0 L, 0 L, 0 R, InstructionTotals/PaymentCou nt SUM(TO_NUMBER(SUBSTR(Outboun dPayment/PayeeBankAccount/Br anchNumber,1,8))) 0 ROUND(SUM(OutboundPayment/Pa ymentAmount/Value)*100) Entry/Addenda Count. Entry Hash Total Debit Entry Dollar Amount in File Total Credit Entry Dollar Amount in File Blank




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