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Membership Application Asociacin Profesional de Conservadores-Restauradores de Espaa

European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers Organisations


Please tick the appropriate boxes for material included with your application: 1 Letters of recommendation from two full E.C.C.O. members 2 Statutes in the original language and an English version X Additional official documents such as: definition of the profession X X regulations and/or bylaws X code of ethics professional code of conduct X 3 A recent, complete and detailed list of the associations full members and their specialisations, if possible including addresses 4 A short description of the membership procedure including application form (full members, student members, associate members etc.) 5 A short description of the history of your association 6 Description of your main activities and goals 7 Application form for E.C.C.O. membership 8 ACRE documents List of Professional training and education ACRE statement about education ACRE on-line texts ACRE membership texts X X X X X X X X X X X

Membership Application Asociacin Profesional de Conservadores-Restauradores de Espaa

European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers Organisations

Membership Application Asociacin Profesional de Conservadores-Restauradores de Espaa

European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers Organisations

Membership Application Asociacin Profesional de Conservadores-Restauradores de Espaa

European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers Organisations







CAPTULO I DENOMINACIN, DOMICILIO, MBITO, DURACIN Y OBJETIVOS DE LA ASOCIACIN Artculo 1.- Denominacin Bajo la denominacin de Asociacin Profesional de Conservadores-Restauradores de Bienes Culturales de Espaa, que podr utilizar la denominacin abreviada de ACRE, se constituye una Asociacin de carcter profesional, no lucrativa, al amparo de la Ley Orgnica 1/2002, de 22 de marzo, reguladora del Derecho de Asociacin (B.O.E. de 26/03/2002), que se regir por los presentes estatutos y por las disposiciones legales que le sean aplicables. Artculo 2.- Domicilio La Asociacin tendr su sede en Calle Azcona 36, Bajo Local 2, 28028 Madrid, y podr establecer Oficinas, Agencias o Delegaciones tanto en Espaa como en el extranjero, mediante acuerdo de la Asamblea General, que ser tambin competente para acordar el traslado del domicilio de la Asociacin. Artculo 3.- mbito El mbito de la Asociacin se extiende a todo el territorio nacional. Artculo 4.- Duracin La Asociacin se constituye por tiempo indefinido. Artculo 5.- Objetivos La Asociacin tiene por objeto: a) Representar, defender y promocionar las necesidades, criterios e intereses culturales y colectivos del sector en los rdenes econmico, cultural, social y comercial, ante todo gnero de personas, entidades y organismos pblicos y privados. Para ello podr informar y negociar con la Administracin Pblica sobre elaboracin, desarrollo y aplicacin de cuantas normas y actuaciones 4

Membership Application Asociacin Profesional de Conservadores-Restauradores de Espaa

European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers Organisations

afecten al sector; as como fomentar el prestigio de los Conservadores-Restauradores ante la opinin pblica. b) Crear y mantener los servicios tcnicos, administrativos, econmicos, comerciales, financieros, jurdicos o de cualquier otra ndole, para la mejor defensa y orientacin de los intereses colectivos de los socios. c) Promover, organizar y participar en reuniones, congresos y coloquios de inters cultural. d) Promover la creacin de grupos de trabajo entre sus miembros para fomentar su participacin y llevar a cabo las decisiones adoptadas por la Asamblea General. e) Impulsar y contribuir al establecimiento y cumplimiento de cuantas normas tiendan a incrementar y regular la eficacia y el correcto desarrollo del ejercicio de la profesin. f) Destacar ante la sociedad la riqueza del Patrimonio Cultural y la necesidad de unas personas, especficamente formadas, que garanticen su adecuada conservacin. g) Denunciar cualquier accin u omisin de entes pblicos o privados, que perjudique la conservacin del Patrimonio. h) Y cualquier otro fin que tienda a una ms eficaz defensa de los intereses de los socios en su calidad de conservadores-restauradores de bienes culturales de Espaa. CAPTULO II MIEMBROS DE LA ASOCIACIN Artculo 6.- Miembros fundadores Tendrn la consideracin de Miembros fundadores de la Asociacin aquellas personas fsicas que hubiesen otorgado el Acta de constitucin de la Asociacin Artculo 7.- Clases de miembros de la Asociacin

Sern miembros activos con derecho a voto, las personas fsicas que estn en posesin de un ttulo oficial en Conservacin y Restauracin de Bienes Culturales, Patrimoniales o nomenclatura similares, reconocidos por el Ministerio de Educacin de Espaa. Sern por tanto: graduados en Conservacin y Restauracin de bienes culturales, licenciados en Bellas Artes con especialidad o itinerario en Conservacin y Restauracin de bienes culturales, as como los Titulados Superiores de las Escuelas Superiores de Conservacin y Restauracin de Bienes Culturales.

Membership Application Asociacin Profesional de Conservadores-Restauradores de Espaa

European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers Organisations

Si el Ministerio de Educacin reconociera otras titulaciones nacionales o extranjeros con posterioridad a la redaccin de estos estatutos, sus titulados podrn ser reconocidos como miembros activos.

Podrn ser miembros colaboradores sin derecho a voto ni beneficios asociativos, las personas fsicas residentes en Espaa que tengan titulaciones oficiales de pases extranjeros y pertenezcan a una Asociacin reconocida por ECCO. Todos aquellos estudiantes de titulacin oficial en restauracin y conservacin de Bienes Culturales que formen parte activa en grupos de trabajo.

Artculo 8.- Admisin de miembros La admisin de miembros se efectuar mediante solicitud escrita del candidato, en la que se har constar sus nombres y apellidos o denominacin, direccin y D.N.I. o C.I.F. Los candidatos debern acreditar documentalmente la titulacin correspondiente, cuya copia compulsada quedar depositada en la Asociacin, as como otros mritos que pudieran adjuntar, salvo que su titulacin sea pblica y notoria. La Asociacin se exime de la obligacin de comprobar la veracidad de la documentacin presentada por los aspirantes, delegando en ellos la nica responsabilidad en el caso de que hubiera falsedad documental. Contra el acuerdo de la Junta Directiva en caso de no admisin, se podr recurrir por escrito en el plazo de 15 das desde la notificacin ante la Asamblea General, que resolver definitivamente en su primera sesin. Artculo 9.- Prdida de la condicin de miembro La condicin de miembro de la Asociacin de conservadores-restauradores de Espaa intransferible y la prdida de sta puede producirse por alguna de las siguientes causas: a) Cuando cualquiera de los miembros de la Asociacin deje de reunir los requisitos necesarios para su admisin, contemplados en el artculo anterior. b) Por retraso durante ms de tres meses en el pago de las cuotas de la Asociacin, mediando requerimiento previo fehaciente al efecto por parte de la Asociacin. c) Por acuerdo de exclusin de la Asamblea General, por causa justificada. d) Por voluntad del propio interesado, comunicada por escrito a la Junta Directiva. e) Por haber incurrido en falsedad documental en el caso de comprobarse que no cumple los requisitos necesarios para ser miembro de la Asociacin. 6 es

Membership Application Asociacin Profesional de Conservadores-Restauradores de Espaa

European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers Organisations

Artculo 10- Derechos de los miembros activos Los miembros activos de la Asociacin tienen los siguientes derechos: 1. Elegir y ser elegidos miembros de la Junta Directiva de la Asociacin y de cuantas Comisiones o Grupos de Trabajo pudieran establecerse. 2. Asistir con voz y voto a las asambleas generales en cuantas sesiones se celebren; 3. Participar en las actividades que lleve a cabo la Asociacin de acuerdo con las normas que a tal efecto se aprueben, y proponer a la Junta Directiva y a la Asamblea General cuantas iniciativas se consideren de inters para los fines de la misma. 4. Disfrutar de todos los bienes, servicios y medios asistenciales que tenga la Asociacin para la consecucin de sus fines y en la forma que se reglamente expresamente. 5. Obtener el apoyo y asesoramiento de la Asociacin cuando legtimamente los requiera individual o colectivamente. 6. Promover cuantas iniciativas se estimen de inters para el buen funcionamiento de la Asociacin. Artculo 11.- Obligaciones de los miembros Los miembros de la Asociacin tendrn las siguientes obligaciones: 1 Contribuir al sostenimiento econmico de la Asociacin a travs de las cuotas que se aprueben en la forma prevista en estos Estatutos. 2 Cumplir las normas contenidas en los presentes Estatutos, as como las que legalmente fueran aplicables y las decisiones legalmente adoptadas por los rganos de la Asociacin. 3 Cooperar al buen funcionamiento de la Asociacin prestando la asistencia personal necesaria al efecto, abstenindose de llevar a cabo actuaciones que dificulten o contradigan los fines de la Asociacin o puedan perjudicar su prestigio o el desarrollo satisfactorio de sus actividades. 4 Aceptar la definicin de la profesin aprobada por ICOM en Copenhague en 1984 y el Cdigo tico aprobado por ECCO en Bruselas en 1993 5. Colaborar en la medida de sus posibilidades en las actividades que desarrolle la Asociacin. 6. La prdida de la condicin de miembro, no exime del cumplimiento de las obligaciones vencidas o devengadas con la Asociacin. 7. La prdida de la condicin llevar consigo la de todos los derechos sin excepcin alguna, y sin que proceda en ningn caso la devolucin total o parcial de cuotas o derramas satisfechas. Artculo 12.- Libro de Registro de Miembros

Membership Application Asociacin Profesional de Conservadores-Restauradores de Espaa

European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers Organisations

En la sede de la Asociacin se llevar, bajo la custodia del Secretario de la Junta Directiva, un Libro Registro de Miembros. En el Libro Registro de Miembros, as como en el fichero de los mismos, constarn los nombres y apellidos o denominacin, profesin y domicilios con especificacin de aquellos que ejerzan en la Asociacin cargos de administracin, gobierno o representacin. El Libro Registro de Miembros expresar tambin las fechas de alta y baja y de las tomas de posesin y ceses en los referidos cargos. Cualquier miembro de la Asociacin podr consultar el Libro Registro de Miembros y obtener certificaciones sobre su contenido. CAPTULO III RGANOS DE GOBIERNO DE LA ASOCIACIN: ASAMBLEA GENERAL Artculo 13,- Gestin y representacin de la Asociacin La gestin y representacin de la Asociacin corresponde a la Asamblea General y a la Junta Directiva, de conformidad con lo que se establece en los presentes Estatutos. Artculo 14.- Asamblea General La Asamblea General es la reunin de todos los miembros de la Asociacin debidamente convocada y constituida. Los acuerdos que en el mbito de su competencia adopte la Asamblea General sern obligatorios para todos los miembros de la Asociacin, incluso para los disidentes y ausentes. Artculo 15.- Clases de Asambleas Generales. Convocatoria 1. Las Asambleas Generales podrn ser Ordinarias y Extraordinarias y habrn de ser convocadas por la Junta Directiva, a iniciativa propia o a solicitud de al menos el 25 % de los miembros de la Asociacin, expresando en la solicitud los asuntos a tratar en la Asamblea. Si la Junta Directiva no convocase la Asamblea dentro de un mes de haber sido requerida para ello, los requirentes podrn solicitar al Juez de Primera Instancia del domicilio de la Asociacin la convocatoria de la Asamblea General. 2. La Asamblea General Ordinaria se reunir necesariamente una vez al ao, dentro de los seis primeros meses de cada ao natural, con objeto de aprobar la Memoria y las Cuentas anuales, as como el Presupuesto y las cuotas de miembros. 3. Las Asambleas Generales, tanto Ordinarias como Extraordinarias, sern convocadas mediante notificacin escrita a cada miembro de la Asociacin, cursada por correo electrnico, con una 8

Membership Application Asociacin Profesional de Conservadores-Restauradores de Espaa

European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers Organisations

antelacin mnima de 21 das a la fecha de la Asamblea. En la notificacin se especificar la fecha, hora y lugar sealados para la reunin y los asuntos del orden del da de la misma, as como la fecha, hora y lugar en que, en su caso, se celebrar en segunda convocatoria, debiendo transcurrir al menos un plazo de 1/2 hora entre la primera y la segunda convocatoria. Artculo 16.- Qurum La Asamblea General se entender vlidamente constituida en primera convocatoria cuando asistan a la misma, presentes o representados, la mitad ms uno de los miembros con derecho a voto, y en segunda convocatoria, cualquiera que sea el nmero de miembros activos o institucionales asistentes, presentes o representados, con derecho a voto. Artculo 17.- Representacin 1. Ser lcito conferir la representacin para la asistencia a las Asambleas Generales a otro miembro de la Asociacin, mediante voto delegado por escrito que deber estar en poder del Secretario antes de la hora fijada para el comienzo de la Asamblea. 2. El Presidente de la Asamblea, con la asistencia del Secretario, decidir sobre la suficiencia o no de los apoderamientos y representaciones conferidos para la asistencia a la Asamblea General. Artculo 18.- Atribuciones y competencias de la Asamblea General Sern competencias de la Asamblea General: 1 El examen y, en su caso, aprobacin de la Memoria y las Cuentas del ltimo ejercicio, que le sern presentados por la Junta Directiva. 2 La aprobacin del Presupuesto del ejercicio y de las cuotas que en el mismo deben satisfacer los miembros de la Asociacin, que le sean propuestos por la Junta Directiva. 3 La modificacin de los Estatutos. 4 La disolucin de la Asociacin. 5 El debate y la adopcin de directrices sobre las actuaciones a desarrollar para el cumplimiento de los fines de la Asociacin. 6 La eleccin y cese de los miembros de la Junta Directiva. 7 El traslado de domicilio a otro Municipio. 8 Las relaciones con otras Asociaciones Profesionales, en orden a su interconexin o incorporacin. En todo caso la Asamblea General tendr tambin atribuida cualquier otra funcin de la Asociacin que no est reservada por Ley o por estos Estatutos a la Junta Directiva. 9

Membership Application Asociacin Profesional de Conservadores-Restauradores de Espaa

European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers Organisations

Artculo 19.- Adopcin de acuerdos 1. Los acuerdos se adoptarn por mayora simple de votos presentes o representados en la sesin. Cada miembro tendr derecho a un voto. 2. No obstante lo dispuesto en el apartado anterior, se requerir el voto favorable de ms del 50 % de los miembros de la Asociacin para la separacin de cualquier miembro, as como para la modificacin de los Estatutos. Para acordar la disolucin de la Asociacin ser preciso el voto favorable de al menos el 67 % de los miembros. Artculo 20.- Presidente y Secretario de la Asamblea General 1. La Mesa de la Asamblea General estar constituida por un Presidente y un Secretario, elegidos por mayora simple entre los miembros presentes en la Asamblea. 2. El presidente dirigir las deliberaciones, concediendo la palabra a todos los miembros de la Asamblea que lo soliciten. 3. Cada uno de los puntos que formen parte del orden del da sern objeto de votacin por separado. Artculo 21.- Actas Las deliberaciones de la Asamblea General, tanto Ordinaria como Extraordinaria, se harn constar en Actas extendidas y sern firmadas por el Presidente y el Secretario de la Asamblea. El Acta deber hacer constar los asistentes a la sesin, las intervenciones cuya constancia en acta se haya solicitado, los acuerdos adoptados y el resultado de las votaciones. El Acta podr ser aprobada por la propia Asamblea, a continuacin de haberse celebrado sta, o, en su defecto, por la Asamblea General siguiente. CAPTULO IV RGANOS DE GOBIERNO DE LA ASOCIACIN: JUNTA DIRECTIVA Artculo 22.-Junta Directiva 1. La Junta Directiva estar compuesta por un Presidente, un Vicepresidente, un Secretario, un Tesorero y tres Vocales que sern elegidos por la Asamblea General; ello no obstante, las vacantes que se produzcan podrn ser cubiertas por la propia Junta Directiva, cuyos nombramientos habrn de ser ratificados por la Asamblea General ms prxima.


Membership Application Asociacin Profesional de Conservadores-Restauradores de Espaa

European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers Organisations

2. Todos los miembros de la Junta Directiva sern miembros activos de la Asociacin Profesional de Conservadores-Restauradores de Bienes Culturales de Espaa durante el periodo que ostenten los cargos. Los miembros de la Junta Directiva que ejerzan simultneamente como miembros directivos en otras organizaciones, asociaciones o empresas (incluyendo empresas pblicas o fundaciones) cuyo mbito de actuacin sea la conservacin-restauracin de bienes culturales, debern comunicar su situacin durante la presentacin de su candidatura. En el caso de ser elegidos, debern comprometerse a respetar, acatar y llevar a cabo las decisiones tomadas por la Asamblea General, estando obligados a renunciar a su cargo dentro de ACRE en el caso de que sus actividades sean incompatibles con su cargo. 3. La Junta Directiva contar al menos con un Presidente, un Vicepresidente, un Secretario, un Tesorero y tres vocales. 4. Los miembros de la Junta Directiva desempearn sus cargos de forma continua por un plazo de cuatro aos, pudiendo ser reelegidos por perodos iguales. 5. Los miembros de la Junta Directiva no percibirn retribucin alguna por el desempeo de sus cargos, pero tendrn derecho al reembolso de los gastos legtimos y justificados en que hubieren incurrido en el desempeo de los mismos. Artculo 23.- Atribuciones y competencias de la Junta Directiva 1. La Junta Directiva tendr las siguientes facultades: a) Designar, de entre sus miembros, un Presidente, un Vicepresidente, un Secretario y un Tesorero. b) Acordar la convocatoria de las Asambleas Generales, tanto Ordinarias como Extraordinarias, cmo y cuando proceda, conforme a los presentes Estatutos o a la ley, redactando el orden del da y formulando las propuestas que sean procedentes, conforme a la naturaleza de la Asamblea que se convoque. c) Representar a la Asociacin en todos los asuntos y actos administrativos y judiciales, mercantiles y penales, ante la Administracin del Estado, Comunidades Autnomas y corporaciones pblicas de todo orden, as como ante cualquier jurisdiccin (ordinaria, administrativa, especial, laboral, etc.) y en cualquier instancia, ejerciendo toda clase de acciones que le correspondan en defensa de sus derechos, en juicio y fuera de l, dando y otorgando los oportunos poderes a procuradores y nombrando abogados para que representen y defiendan a la Asociacin ante dichos tribunales y organismos, incluso con facultad de confesar en juicio y de substitucin. 11

Membership Application Asociacin Profesional de Conservadores-Restauradores de Espaa

European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers Organisations

d) Dirigir y administrar la asociacin, atendiendo a la gestin de sus asuntos de una manera constante. A este fin, establecer las normas de gobierno y el rgimen de administracin y funcionamiento de la Asociacin, organizando y reglamentando los servicios tcnicos y administrativos de la misma. e) Celebrar toda clase de contratos sobre cualquier clase de bienes o derechos, mediante los pactos o condiciones que juzgue convenientes, y constituir y cancelar derechos reales y otros gravmenes o derechos reales sobre los bienes de la Asociacin, as como renunciar, mediante pago o sin l, a toda clase de privilegios o derechos; siempre dentro de los lmites fija dos en el presupuesto aprobado por la Asamblea General. No obstante, la Junta Directiva no podr adquirir ni disponer ni gravar bienes inmuebles sin la aprobacin de la Asamblea General. f) Llevar la firma y actuar en nombre de la Asociacin en toda clase de operaciones bancarias, abriendo y cerrando cuentas corrientes, disponiendo de ellas, interviniendo en letras de cambio como librador, aceptante, avalista, endosante, endosatario o tenedor de las mismas; abrir crditos, con o sin garanta, y cancelarlos; hacer transferencias de fondos, rentas, crditos o valores, usando cualquier procedimiento de giro o movimiento de dinero; aprobar saldos de cuentas finiquitadas, constituir y retirar depsitos o fianzas, compensar cuentas, formalizar cambios, etc., todo ello realizable, tanto con el Banco de Espaa y la Banca Oficial, como con entidades bancarias privadas y cualesquiera organismos de la Administracin del Estado; siempre dentro de los lmites fijados en el presupuesto aprobado por la Asamblea General. g) Conceder poderes a cualquier persona, incluso con facultades de substitucin. h) Cualesquiera otras competencias que le correspondan de acuerdo con estos Estatutos, y las que le fueran delegadas por la Asamblea General. i) Regular su propio funcionamiento en todo lo que no est especialmente previsto por la Ley o por los presentes Estatutos. j) Aceptar las herencias, donaciones y legados en favor de la Asociacin. Las facultades que acaban de enumerarse no tienen carcter limitativo, sino meramente enunciativo, entendindose que corresponden a la Junta Directiva todas aquellas facultades que no estn expresamente reservadas a la Asamblea General. Artculo 24.- El Presidente El Presidente tendr las siguientes atribuciones:
1. 2.

Representar legalmente a la Asociacin ante toda clase de organismos pblicos o privados. Convocar, presidir y levantar las sesiones que celebre la Junta Directiva. Dirigir sus deliberaciones. 12

Membership Application Asociacin Profesional de Conservadores-Restauradores de Espaa

European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers Organisations


Ordenar cualquier medida urgente que la buena marcha de la Asociacin aconseje, resulte necesaria o conveniente para el desarrollo de sus actividades, sin que se excluya la necesidad de dar cuenta posteriormente a la Junta Directiva.

Artculo 25.- El Vicepresidente El Vicepresidente sustituir al Presidente en ausencia de ste, motivada por enfermedad o cualquier otro motivo y tendr las mismas atribuciones que l. Artculo 26.- El Secretario El Secretario tendr a su cargo la direccin de los trabajos puramente administrativos de la Asociacin, expedir certificaciones, llevar los ficheros y custodiar la documentacin de la entidad, remitiendo en su caso, las comunicaciones a la Administracin, con los requisitos pertinentes. En las reuniones de la Junta Directiva el Secretario ser el encargado de hacer constar todas las deliberaciones en Actas. Artculo 27.- El Tesorero El Tesorero recaudar los fondos pertenecientes a la asociacin y dar cumplimiento a las rdenes de pago que expida el Presidente. Ser el encargado de controlar y llevar al da las cuentas de la Asociacin, controlando los gastos e ingresos y realizando los informes necesarios para su presentacin y visto bueno por parte de la Asamblea General y de la Junta Directiva. Artculo 28.- Los Vocales Los Vocales tendrn las obligaciones propias de su cargo como miembro de la Junta Directiva y as como las que se generen de las delegaciones o comisiones de trabajo que la propia Junta les encomiende. Artculo 29.- Convocatoria y qurum de las reuniones de la Junta Directiva. Adopcin de acuerdos. 1. La Junta Directiva se reunir cuando lo requiera el inters de la Asociacin y como mnimo una vez cada seis meses. Ser convocada por el Presidente o por dos cualesquiera de sus miembros. 2. La Junta Directiva se considerar vlidamente constituida cuando concurran a la reunin, presentes o representados, la mitad ms uno de sus miembros. 3. Cualquier vocal puede conferir por escrito su representacin a otro vocal. 13

Membership Application Asociacin Profesional de Conservadores-Restauradores de Espaa

European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers Organisations

4. Para adoptar acuerdos ser preciso el voto favorable de la mayora simple de los vocales asistentes, presentes y representados, a la reunin. El Presidente tendr voto de calidad en caso de empate. 5. Las discusiones y acuerdos de la Junta Directiva se llevarn a un Libro de Actas y cada Acta ser firmada por el Presidente y el Secretario, o por quienes les hubiesen substituido. Las actas se aprobarn a la terminacin de cada sesin, o en la sesin inmediata posterior. Artculo 30.- Procedimientos para la eleccin y sustitucin de miembros de la Junta Directiva. La eleccin de los miembros de la Junta Directiva por la Asamblea General se realizar mediante la presentacin de candidaturas, a las que se les permitir la adecuada difusin, con antelacin de 7 das a la celebracin de la correspondiente reunin. En caso de vacante, ausencia o enfermedad de algn miembro de la Junta Directiva, podr ser suplido provisionalmente por otro de los componentes de sta, previa designacin por mayora de sus miembros. Los miembros de la Junta Directiva cesarn:
a. b. c.

Por transcurso del perodo de sus mandatos. Por renuncia expresa Por acuerdo de la Asamblea General.

Los miembros de la Junta Directiva que hubieran agotado el plazo para el cual fueron elegidos, continuarn ostentando sus cargos hasta el momento en que se produzca la aceptacin de los que les sustituyan. CAPTULO V RGIMEN ECONMICO Artculo 31.- Ingresos de la Asociacin La Asociacin actuar con autonoma econmica y administrar sus propios bienes e ingresos bajo criterios de suficiencia econmica procurando el adecuado equilibrio entre sus ingresos y gastos necesarios para el cumplimiento de sus obligaciones. Los ingresos de la Asociacin sern los siguientes: 1. Las cuotas de sus asociados. 3. Las aportaciones extraordinarias que se impongan. 2. Las donaciones, herencias y legados a favor de la misma. 4. Las subvenciones y ayudas que le sean concedidas. 14

Membership Application Asociacin Profesional de Conservadores-Restauradores de Espaa

European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers Organisations

5. Las rentas procedentes de su patrimonio y cualesquiera otras que pudieran derivarse de sus actividades. Artculo 32.-Cuotas anuales 1. Las cuotas anuales pagaderas por los miembros sern aprobadas anualmente por la Asamblea General Ordinaria a propuesta de la Junta Directiva. 2. La Asamblea General ser igualmente competente para aprobar aportaciones extraordinarias de los miembros en casos en que las necesidades de la Asociacin as lo justifiquen, a propuesta de la Junta Directiva. Artculo 33.- Cuentas anuales El ejercicio social coincidir con el ao natural. Anualmente, en el primer semestre del ao, la Junta Directiva elaborar las cuentas anuales del ejercicio anterior y una memoria de las actividades realizadas que ser sometida a la Asamblea General. Todas las operaciones y hechos con relevancia econmica sern objeto de oportuno reflejo contable de acuerdo con principios de contabilidad generalmente aceptados. La documentacin contable y cualquier otra relevante para la buena administracin de la Asociacin se conservar debidamente archivada en el domicilio de la Asociacin bajo la custodia de su Junta Directiva. Todos los miembros tendrn derecho a ser informados sobre la contabilidad de la Asociacin. En los Libros de Contabilidad figurarn todos los ingresos y gastos de la Asociacin, precisndose la procedencia de aquellos y la inversin de stos. Si el ingreso proviniere de donaciones, se har un asiento para cada una de ellas con expresin del fin a que se destina y de la referencia al documento de la concesin o al acto de la aceptacin por la Junta Directiva. CAPTULO VI DISOLUCIN Y LIQUIDACIN DE LA ASOCIACIN Artculo 34.- Disolucin La Asociacin se disolver: a) Cuando proceda, de acuerdo con la Ley. b) Por resolucin judicial. c) Por acuerdo de la Asamblea General, adoptado con el voto favorable de al menos el 67 % de los miembros de la Asociacin con derecho a voto. 15

Membership Application Asociacin Profesional de Conservadores-Restauradores de Espaa

European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers Organisations

Artculo 35.- Liquidacin 1. Acordada la disolucin, la Asamblea General determinar la forma de liquidacin y designar uno o ms liquidadores, siempre en nmero impar, cuyos poderes fijar. 2. La Asamblea General y la Junta Directiva conservarn, durante el perodo de liquidacin, las facultades que les competen de acuerdo con estos Estatutos. 3. Corresponde a la Asamblea General aprobar las cuentas de liquidacin y el destino que deber darse, en su caso, al patrimonio resultante, el cual, en todo caso, deber destinarse a instituciones culturales que tengan como fin la conservacin del patrimonio histrico y artstico espaol. Artculo 36.- Requerimientos de la Asociacin Profesional de ConservadoresRestauradores de Bienes Culturales de Espaa. 1. La Asociacin debe incluir en los encabezamientos y en todos los escritos oficiales lo siguiente: Acre. Asociacin Profesional de Conservadores-Restauradores de Bienes Culturales de Espaa. 2. La Asociacin podr usar el acrnimo y logotipo de ACRE.

Rosa Tera Presidenta

Rubn Delgado Secretario


Membership Application Asociacin Profesional de Conservadores-Restauradores de Espaa

European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers Organisations

STATUTES OF THE PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION OF CONSERVATORSRESTORERS OF CULTURAL WORKS SPAIN (ACRE) CHAPTER I DENOMINATION, HOME, ENVIRONMENT, DURATION AND OBJECTIVES OF THE ASSOCIATION Article 1. - Denomination Under the denomination of THE PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION OF CONSERVATORSRESTORERS OF CULTURAL HERITAGE SPAIN (ACRE) that will be able to use the abbreviation ACRE, an Association of professional nature is constituted, non for profit according to Organic Law 1/2002, of March 22, which regulates of the Right of Association (B.O.E. of 26/03/2002 will be governed by the present statutes and for the applicable legal dispositions. Article 2. - Headquarters The Association will have its headquarters in Street Azcona 36, Local First floor 2, 28028 Madrid, and will be able to establish Offices, Agencies or Delegations as much in Spain as abroad, by means of agreement of the General Assembly that will also be competent on the location of the headquarters of the Association. Article 3. - Area The area of the Association extends to the whole national territory. Article 4. - Duration The Association is constituted indefinitely. Article 5. - Objectives The Association has the following objectives: a) To represent, defend and to promote the needs, approaches and cultural and collective interests of the sector in the economic, cultural, social and commercial orders regarding all persons ,entities and public and private organizations. It shall report to and negotiate with the Public Administration on elaboration, development and application of how many norms and


Membership Application Asociacin Profesional de Conservadores-Restauradores de Espaa

European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers Organisations

performances affect to the sector; as well as to foment the prestige of CONSERVATORSRESTORERS in the public opinion. b) To Create and to maintain the technical, administrative, economic, commercial, financial, juridical services or of any other nature, for the best defense and orientation of the collective interests of its members. c) To Promote, to organize and to participate in meetings, congresses and discussions of cultural interest. d) To promote the creation of working groups among their members and encourage their participation, and to carry out decisions adopted by the General Assembly. e) To Impel and to contribute to the establishment and execution of as many norms considered necessary regulate the effectiveness and the correct development of the exercise of the profession. f) To encourage public awareness of the wealth of the Cultural Heritage and the need for professionally trained individuals who can guarantee their appropriate conservation. g) To denounce any action or omission of public or private entities which harm conservation of cultural heritage. h) Any other objective that contributes to a more effective defense of the interests of members in the sector of CONSERVATORS-RESTORERS of cultural heritage of Spain. CHAPTER II MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATION Article 6. - Founding Members Founding members of the Association will be those present during the of constitution of the Association Article 7. - Classes of members of the Association


Active members with right to vote, physical persons that are in possession of an official title in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage or similar nomenclature, recognized by the Ministry of Education of Spain. They will be therefore: graduated in Conservation and Restoration of cultural heritage, graduates in fine arts with specialty or itinerary in Conservation and Restoration of cultural heritage, as well as those Titled Superiors of the Superior Schools of Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage. If the Ministry of Education recognizes other national or foreign qualifications after the writing of these statutes, they will be able to be recognized as active members. 18

Membership Application Asociacin Profesional de Conservadores-Restauradores de Espaa

European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers Organisations


The category of collaborating members without right to vote neither associative benefits, people physical residents in Spain who have official qualifications in foreign countries, and belong to an Association recognized by ECCO, as well as students of official graduation path in Conservation-restoration of Cultural Heritage who actively take part in working groups.

Article 8. - Admission of members The admission of members will be made by means of the candidate's written application, citing names and last names, address and Identity Card Numbers. The candidates will provide the necessary paperwork relating to their studies and a notarized copy will be kept the Association The Association is exempt of the obligation of checking the veracity of the documentation presented by the applicants, delegating in them the only responsibility in case there were to be documental falsehood. In accordance with the agreement of the Directive Meeting in the event of non admission, one will be able to appeal in writing during the term of 15 days from the notification before the General Assembly, which will make its decision during its first session. Article 9. - Loss of membership The condition of member of the Association of conservative-restoring of Spain is not negotiable and the loss of membership can take place due to the following reasons: a) When a members of the Association fails to have the necessary requirements for contemplated in the previous article. b) For delay during more than three months in the payment of the quotas of the Association, mediating requirement previous good faith to the effect on the part of the Association. c) For agreement of exclusion of the General Assembly, for justified cause. d) For interested will of the own one, communicated in writing to the Directive Meeting. e) To have incurred in documental falsehood in the case of to be proven that doesn't complete the necessary requirements to be member of the Association. Article 10 - Rights of active members The active members of the Association are entitled to the following: admission,


Membership Application Asociacin Profesional de Conservadores-Restauradores de Espaa

European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers Organisations

1. To choose and to elected members of the Board of Directors of the Association and of how many Commissions or Groups of Work. 2. To attend with voice and vote to the general assemblies in as many sessions as called. 3. To participate in the activities outlined in the agreement Association with the norms that are approved for such a purpose, and to propose to the Board of Directors and the General Assembly as many initiatives as are considered of interest. 4. To enjoy all the goods, services and assistance means provided by the Association for the attainment of their ends and in the form that is regulated expressly. 5. To obtain the support and advice of the Association when it is rightfully required individual or collectively. 6. To promote initiatives which are considered of interest for the benefit of the operation of the Association. Article 11. - Obligations of members The members of the Association will have the following obligations: 1 To Contribute to the economic maintenance of the Association through the quotas that are approved in these Statutes. 2 To comply with the norms contained in the present Statutes, as well as those that legally applicable and the decisions legally adopted by the Organs of the Association. 3 to Cooperate to the good operation of the Association lending the necessary personal attendance to this effect, abstaining from carrying out performances that may hinder or contradict the objectives of the Association or harm its prestige or the satisfactory development of its activities. 4 To accept the definition of the profession approved by ICOM in Copenhagen in 1984 and the Ethical Code approved by ECCO in Brussels in 1993 5. To collaborate, within their capabilities in the activities promoted by the Association. 6. The loss of member's condition, doesn't exempt of the application of the rules and regulations established by the Association. 7. The loss of the condition of member shall apply to all the rights without exception some, with no partial refund of quotas. Article 12. Registration of Members

To take place in headquarters of the Association, under the supervision of the Secretary of the Board of Directors, contemplated in a Membership Registration Book.


Membership Application Asociacin Profesional de Conservadores-Restauradores de Espaa

European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers Organisations

In the Membership Registration Book, as well as in the files

will list the names and last names

profession and address, with specification of those that occupy an administrative position of the Association, government or representation. The Membership Registration Book will also list the starting and finishing dates of the legislatures of the referred positions. Any member of the Association will be able to consult the Membership Registration Book and obtain certified documentation from its content. CHAPTER III ORGANS OF GOVERNMENT OF THE ASSOCIATION: GENERAL ASSEMBLY Article 13, - Administration and representation of the Association The administration and representation of the Association corresponds to the General Assembly and the Board of Directors, of conformity which lays down the following Statutes. Article 14. - General assembly The General Assembly is the meeting of all the members of the properly summoned in its capacity will be compulsory for all the members of the Association, even for dissidents and absent parties. Article 15. - Classes of General Assemblies. Convocation 1. The General Assemblies will be Ordinary and Extraordinary and they will be called by the Board of Directors, by its own initiative or application of at least 25% of the members of the Association, expressing in the application the matters to be discussed during the Assembly. If the Board of Directors doesn't call the Assembly in one month of after having made the proper request, they will be able to request the a legal Intervention By way of a Judge corresponding to the area to order a meeting of the Association of a General Assembly. 2. The Ordinary General Assembly will meet once a year, in the first six months of every year, with object of approving the Memory and the annual Bills, as well as the Budget and the quotas of members. 3. The General Assemblies, so much Ordinary as Extraordinary, they will be summoned by means of notification written to each member of the Association, by e mail , with a minimum advance of 21 days to the date of the Assembly. In the notification the date, hour and place designated for the meeting and the matters of the agenda will be specified, as well as the date, hour and place in case there should be a second meeting called. There should be an intermission of at least 1/2 hour between the first and the second calling of the meeting. 21

Membership Application Asociacin Profesional de Conservadores-Restauradores de Espaa

European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers Organisations

Article 16. - Quorum The General Assembly will be considered validly constituted in first convocation when there is the attendance or representation of right to vote. Article 17. - Representation 1. It will be licit to confer the representation for the attendance to the General Assemblies by another member of the Association, by means of vote delegate in writing that will be submitted to the Secretary before the time arranged for the beginning of the Assembly. 2. The President of the Assembly, with the Secretary's attendance, will decide about the sufficiency or not of the seizures and representations conferred for the attendance to the General Assembly. Article 18. - Attributions and competitions of the General Assembly They General Assembly shall have the following responsibilities: 1 The exam and, in their case, approval of the Memory and the Bills of the last exercise that will be presented him by the Board of Directors. 2 The approval of the annual Budget of the quotas that the members of the Association must contribute, which that are proposed during the Board of Directors. 3 The modification of the Statutes. 4 The breakup of the Association. 5 The debate and the adoption of guidelines on the performances to develop for the execution of the ends of the Association. 6 The election and ceasing of the members of the Board of Directors. 7 The home transfer to another Municipality. 8 The relationships with other Professional Associations, in order to their interconnection or incorporation. In any event the General Assembly will also have attributed any other function of the Association that is not reserved by Law or for these Statutes to the Directive Meeting. Article 19. - Adoption of agreements 1. The agreements will be adopted by simple majority of present votes or represented in the session. Each member will be entitled to one vote. 22 half of the members with right to vote, and in second convocation, regardless of members active or institutional by being present or represented, with

Membership Application Asociacin Profesional de Conservadores-Restauradores de Espaa

European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers Organisations

2. In spite of what was previously explained, the favorable vote will be required of more than 50% of the members of the Association for the separation of any member, as well as for the modification of the Statutes. To agree the breakup of the Association it will be necessary the favorable vote of at least 67% of the members. Article 20. - President and Secretary of the General Assembly 1. The Board of the General Assembly will be constituted by a President and a Secretary, chosen by simple majority among the present members in the Assembly. 2. The president will direct the deliberations, granting the chair to all the members of the Assembly that request it. 3. Each one of the points that are part of the agenda will be voted on separately. Article 21. - Records The deliberations of the General Assembly, Ordinary and Extraordinary, will be recorded extended Records and they will be signed by the President and the Secretary of the Assembly. The Records will show the people present, the participation which has been requested to be documented, the adopted agreements and the result of the voting. The records will be approved by the Assembly, or during the next General Assembly. CHAPTER IV ORGANS OF GOVERNMENT OF THE ASSOCIATION: BOARD OF DIRECTORS Article 22. - Board of Directors 1. The Board of Directors will be composed by a President, a Vice-president, a Secretary, a Treasurer and three Speakers that will be chosen by the General Assembly; vacancies ratified during the next General Assembly. 2. All the members of the Board will be active members of the Professional Association of CONSERVATORS-RESTORERS of Cultural Heritage of Spain during their active term. The members of the Board of Directors that serve simultaneously as Board Members in other organizations, associations or companies (including public companies or foundations) whose performance environment is the conservation-restoration of cultural goods, will make this known during the presentation of their candidacy. In case of being chosen, they will commit to respect, to 23 nevertheless, will be able to be covered by the own Directive Meeting whose appointments will be

Membership Application Asociacin Profesional de Conservadores-Restauradores de Espaa

European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers Organisations

accept and to carry out the decisions taken by the General Assembly, being forced to give up their position inside ACRE in case their activities are incompatible with their position. 3. The Board of Directors will have a President, a Vice-president, a Secretary, a Treasurer and at least three Speakers 4. The members of the Board of Directors will carry out their positions in a continuous way during a four year term, being able to be reelected for same period of time. 5. The members of the Board of Directors wont perceive retribution but they will be entitled to the refund of the legitimate expenses and justified that would be incurred during the performance of their duties. Article 23. - Attributions and Responsibilities of the Board of Directors 1. The Board of Directors will have the following abilities: a) To Designate, from their members, a President, a Vice-president, a Secretary and a Treasurer. b) To Agree the calling of the General Assemblies, Ordinary and Extraordinary, and according to the present Statutes or to the law, the editing of the agenda and formulating the proposals that they are reasonable, according to the nature of the Assembly that is summoned. c) To Represent to the Association in all the matters and administrative and judicial, mercantile and penal acts, before the Administration of the State, Autonomous Communities and public corporations of all order, as well as before any jurisdiction (ordinary, administrative, special, labor, etc.) and in any instance, exercising all kinds of actions that they correspond him in defense of their rights, in trial and outside of him, giving and granting the opportune powers to procurators and naming lawyers so that they represent and defend to the Association before organisms, including the ability of admitting in trial and of substitution. d) To direct and to administer the association, assisting the administration its matters in a constant way. To this end, it will establish government's norms and the administration rgime and operation of the Association, organizing and regulating the technical and administrative issues. e) To celebrate all kinds of contracts on any kinds of goods or rights, by means of the pacts or conditions that considered convenient, and to constitute and to cancel real rights and other obligations or real rights on the goods of the Association, as well as to give up, by means of payment or non payment to all kinds of privileges or rights; always inside the limits outlined in the tribunals and


Membership Application Asociacin Profesional de Conservadores-Restauradores de Espaa

European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers Organisations

budget approved by the General Assembly. Nevertheless, the Board of Directors won't be able to acquire neither to prepare burden goods properties without the approval of the General Assembly. f) To take the signature and to act on behalf of the Association in all kinds of bank operations, opening and closing bills, intervening in letters of change as drawer, acceptor, guarantee, endorsing, endorsee; to establish loans with or without guarantee, and to cancel them; to make transfers of funds, rents, credits or values, using any turn procedure or movement of money; to approve balances of concluded bills, to constitute and to move away deposits or deposits, to compensate bills, to formalize changes, as much with the Bank of Spain and the Official Banking, and with private banking entities and any organisms of the Administration of the State; always inside the limits set in the budget approved by the General Assembly. g) To grant powers to any person, even with substitution abilities. h) Any other responsibilities that correspond with the agreement with these Statutes, and those that were delegated by the General Assembly. i) To regulate their own operation in all that is not specially foreseen by the Law or for the present Statutes. j) To accept the inheritances, donations and legacies in favor of the Association. The abilities that have just been outlined do not have limitations, but merely outline, understanding that correspond to the Board of Directors and all those abilities that are not specifically reserved to the General Assembly. Article 24. - The President The President will have the following attributions:
4. 5.

To represent legally to the Association before all kinds of public or private organisms. To summon, to preside over and the sessions that celebrated by the Board of Directors. To direct their deliberations. To order any urgent measure that the good march of the Association advises, be necessary or convenient for the development of its activities, without the necessity of being accountable to the Board of Directors.


Article 25. - The Vice-president The Vice-president will substitute the President in his absence, due to illness or any other reason, retaining the powers. Article 26. - The Secretary


Membership Application Asociacin Profesional de Conservadores-Restauradores de Espaa

European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers Organisations

The Secretary will be responsible for the administrative tasks of the Association, will send certifications, will take the files and it will keep the documentation of the entity, relaying the information to the Administration, with the pertinent requirements. In the meetings of the Board of Directors, the Secretary will be the one in charge of recording all of the deliberations. Article 27. - The Treasurer The Treasurer will collect the funds belonging to the association and he will authorize payment orders that the President sends. He will be in charge of control and taking day the bills of the Association, controlling the expenses and revenues and writing the necessary reports for their presentation and approval by the General Assembly and of the Board of Directors. Article 28. - The Speakers The Speakers will have the typical obligations of their position as members of the Directive Meeting and as well as those that are generated by the delegations or work commissions entrusted to them by the Meeting Article 29. Calling of and quorum of the meetings of the Board of Directors. Adoption of agreements. 1. The Board of Directors will meet when it requires it the interest of the Association and as minimum once every six months. It will be summoned by the President or for two any of their members. 2. The Board of Directors will be considered validly constituted when they converge to the meeting, present or represented the half more one of its members. 3. Any Speaker can confer their representation in writing to another Speaker. 4. In order to adopt agreements it will be necessary to obtain the favorable vote of the Speakers present, or represented, in the meeting. The President will have the deciding vote in the event of a tie. 5. The discussions and agreements of the Board of Directors will be recorded in a Book of Records and each record will be signed by the President and the Secretary, whoever substitutes them. The records will be approved to the termination of each session, or in the later immediate session. Article 30. - Procedures for the election and substitution of members of the Board of Directors.


Membership Application Asociacin Profesional de Conservadores-Restauradores de Espaa

European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers Organisations

The election of the members of the Board of Directors for the General Assembly will be carried out by means of the presentation of candidacies, to those that will be allowed the appropriate diffusion, in advance of 7 days to the celebration of the corresponding meeting. In the event of vacancy, absence or illness of some member of the Board of Directors, they will be provisionally be replaced by another of the components, having previously been appointed by a majority of their members. The members of the Board of Directors will cease:
d. e. f.

Due to the expiration of their legal term. By own their own resignation. By agreement of the General Assembly.

The members of the Board of Directors that had finished their term for which were elected, will continue in their positions until the time that their substitutes take over. CHAPTER V ECONOMIC RGIME Article 31. - Revenues of the Association The Association will act with economic autonomy and will administer its own goods and revenues from the position of economic sufficiency, offering the appropriate balance between its revenues and necessary expenses for the execution of its obligations. The revenues of the Association will be as follows: 1. The quotas of their associates. 3. The extraordinary contributions that are imposed. 2. The donations, inheritances and legacies in favor. 4. The grants and help that are granted him. 5. The rents coming from their patrimony and any others that could be derived from their activities. Article 32. - Annual quotas 1. The payable annual quotas for the members will be approved annually by the Ordinary General Assembly to proposal of the Board of Directors. 2. The General Assembly will be equally competent to approve extraordinary contributions of the members in the event of the Association having the need, and subsequently justify the proposal in the Board of Directors.


Membership Application Asociacin Profesional de Conservadores-Restauradores de Espaa

European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers Organisations

Article 33. - Annual Accounts The social exercise will coincide with the natural year. Annually, in the first semester of the year, the Board of Directors will elaborate the annual bills of the previous exercise and a memory of the activities carried out will be subjected to the General Assembly. All the operations and facts with economic relevance will be object of opportune countable reflection of agreement with generally accepted accounting principles. The documentation and any other papers used for the good administration of the Association will be conserved and properly filed in the home of the Association under the responsibility of the Board of Directors. All the members will be entitled to be informed regarding the accounting of the Association. All the revenues and expenses of the Association will be duly noted in The Expense Books, being necessary the origin of those and the investment of these. If the there to be a donation, records will be kept for each one of them with specific reference to the document of the concession or the act of the acceptance by the Board of Directors. CHAPTER VI BREAKUP AND LIQUIDATION OF THE ASSOCIATION Article 34. - Breakup The Association will be dissolved: a) When it proceeds, in accordance with the Law. b) By judicial resolution. c) By agreement of the General Assembly, adopted with the favorable vote of at least 67% of the members of the Association with right to vote. Article 35. Dissolution, the General Assembly will determine the liquidation form and will designate or clearing, always in odd number the capacities to be examined. 2. The General Assembly and the Board of Directors will conserve, during the period of liquidation, the powers the agreement with these Statutes. 3. It General Assemblys responsibility to approve the liquidation of bills and their purpose to the resulting patrimony, which will be dedicated to cultural institutions that have the conservation of the Spanish historical and artistic cultural heritage as their primary objective.


Membership Application Asociacin Profesional de Conservadores-Restauradores de Espaa

European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers Organisations









CONSERVATORS-RESTORERS OF CULTURAL WORKS SPAIN (ACRE) 1. The Association should include in the headings and in all the official writings the following: ASSOCIATION OF CONSERVATORS-RESTORERSOF CULTURAL WORKS SPAIN (ACRE) 2. The Association will be able to use the acronym and logo of ACRE.

Rosa Tera President

Rubn Delgado Secretary


Membership Application Asociacin Profesional de Conservadores-Restauradores de Espaa

European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers Organisations

Definition of the profession. Unlike many graduations of the Espacio Europeo (European Territory), which produce strictly academic effects, Spanish regulations provide the official graduation with a double academic and professional effect , which allows full access to professional practice without restriction of any kind. 1 However, the existance of different academic paths and different levels of qualification, lead to various problems during the professional practice, since in certain occasions labor opportunities which exclude some of the regulated professional profiles exist. In addition, the profession is not regulated by law. This implies that it is a free profession which does not need the possession of a title for the professional practice. Rules and laws. According to the report El concepto de la Profesin regulada a que se refiere el documento La organizacin de las enseanzas Universitarias en Espaa . Ministerio de Educacin y Ciencia(Ministry of Education and Science). 11of aApril 2007, may be regulated: -Aquellas actividades profesionales en cuyo desarrollo puedan verse implicados intereses pblicos o generales y en las que exista una relacin determinante entre la titulacin exigida y la especificidad de la actividad a realizar, determinadas por la intervencin del Legislador (Those professional activities which development may involve public or general interests and in which there is a relationship between the qualifications required and the specifity of the activity to be performed, determined by the intervention of the legislator.). In Spain , it exists a graduation of Ttulo de Conservacin y Restauracin (Graduation of Conservation and Restoration) registered in the Registro Central de Ttulos

GONZALEZ CUETO, T.: Informe: El concepto de la Profesin regulada a que se refiere el documento La organizacin de las enseanzas Universitarias en Espaa. Ministerio de Educacin y Ciencia.2007


Membership Application Asociacin Profesional de Conservadores-Restauradores de Espaa

European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers Organisations

(Central Registry of Graduations), which enables to the professional practice of Conservacin y Restauracin (Conservation and Restoration) with specialization. - La intervencin reguladora del Legislador ha de conectar ttulos acadmicos con competencias profesionales con entidad propia y carcter exclusivo para determinados profesionales o grupos de ellos, as como regular el ejercicio de ciertas actividades precisamente bajo el manto de la profesin.(The regulatory intervention of the legislator has to link the academic graduation with the professional qualifications in their own unique characteristics and for certain professionals or groups of them, and regulate the exercise of certain activities precisely under the guise of the profession) . In Spain the Real Decreto (Royal Decree) 635/2010 of Enseanzas Artsticas Superiores de Grado en Conservacin y Restauracin de Bienes Culturales (Higher Art Education Degree in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Property), regulates the basic content of these teachings relating them with the professional competencies externally defined basing on the needs of the profession and on the recommendations of ECCo and ENCore.3 - El Tribunal Constitucional determina que en las profesiones reguladas, su contenido debe ser ntegramente definido o determinado, por un Legislador o mediante norma con rango formal de Ley, de tal manera que la profesin resulte no slo social, sino juridicamente reconocible (The Constitutional Court determines that in the regulated professions, their content must be fully defined or determined, by a Legislator or by a formal regulation law, so that the profession will be socially and legally recognizable). Professionally the Conservator- Restorer has educationally ruled competencies to intevene on Bienes Culturales (Cultural Property) according to different Leyes Nacionales4 (National Laws) and regional laws5 of Patrimonio Histrico and/or Cultural (Historical Heritage and/or Cultural Heritage) ,and also on properties that are defined as Patrimonio de la Humanidad (Human Heritage). Code of ethics and professional code of conduct We think that for the definition of an ethical code that represents the Asociation,this must be addressed in a participatory manner to the members we represent. The methodology for
E.C.C.O. :Profesional Guidelines III . Basic Aims of Education in Conservation-Restoration. Brussels. 2004 4 Ley 16/1985, de 25 de junio, del Patrimonio Histrico Espaol. (B.O.E. n 155) 5 En Espaa existen diferentes leyes, ordenes y normativas relacionadas con el Patrimonio a nivel autonmico.


Membership Application Asociacin Profesional de Conservadores-Restauradores de Espaa

European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers Organisations

the definition of the ethical code has to start with the analysis and the study of other ethical codes internationally existing , performing a synthesis that fits the Spanish constraints. This study , performed by the working group of professional competencies and by the group of ethical code, will analyze the following documents: - Ethical code of the american previously known IIC, currently known as AIC6 - ICOM. The conservator-restorer: a definition of the profession. Copenhagen, september 1984 - Professional Guidelines of E.C.C.O: The profession and the ethical code. Document promoted by the European Confederation of Organizations of ConservatorsRestorers and approved by the General Assembly . Brussels, 1 of march 2002. - Resolution to be presented to the members of ICOM-CC during the XVa Triennial Conference, New Delhi, 22-26 september 2008. Terminology to define the conservation of tangible cultural heritage.


Membership Application Asociacin Profesional de Conservadores-Restauradores de Espaa

European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers Organisations

Please find enclosed below a detailed list of the members with full rights associated to Acre, and more specifically of those who have given the consent to use their personal data in this process. Due to the Spanish legislation regarding the protection of personal data, in order for them to be able to let us use their data, we had to send a letter to the members asking for their permission. Therefore, of the 73 members of the association with full rights , we can provide you with the information of only 41 of them, whose written consents we have received.

4. METHODOLOGY OF SUBSCRIPTION According to our statutes the Artcle 7 (Classes of members of the Association) we specify that: Active members entitled to vote, will be individuals resident in Spain or natural persons of Spanish nationality who are in the possession of an oficial degree in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Property , Cultural Heritage or similar nomenclature, recognized by the Ministry of Education. Therefore they will be: graduated in Conservation and Restoration of cultural property, graduated in Fine Arts with speciality or graduation path such as Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Property, as well as graduates of the College of Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Property. If the Ministry of Education recognizes other national or foreign qualifications after the drafting of the statutes, these graduates will be recognizes as active members. May be collaborating members without the right to vote nor associative benefits, the individuals resident in Spain who have oficial qualifications in foreign countries and belong to an association recognized by ECCO. All those students attending an oficial graduation path in Restoration and Conservation of Cultural Property who actively take part in working groups. To establish the status of associated member, the applicant must complete three requirements: Fill the application form ( inscripcin) on line


Membership Application Asociacin Profesional de Conservadores-Restauradores de Espaa

European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers Organisations

Send a cerified copy of the official graduation document and certified copy of the personal academic certification if you belong to the faculty BB.AA. , in this degree no speciality will be shown. Pay the Annual fee


Membership Application Asociacin Profesional de Conservadores-Restauradores de Espaa

European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers Organisations

The registration form is composed of the following fields, which are arranged in a data base in order to facilitate any subsequent statistical study. The fields are as follows:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Name Last name Identity card number Phone Address Zip code e_mail Graduation level Institution Type of qualification: Escuela Superior, BB. AA. with speciality, BB. AA. with itinerary, superior qualification, official, foreign graduation Institution where the studies path took place Date of the Royal decree that regulates the degree Year of completion of studies Other type of degree Level of the other degree. Name and place of the Master. Job: self made company, company employed, account manager, temporary job, more than one year without work, in another profession due to lack of work. If in an account management job, type of work: laboral, oficial, fixed, discontinuous, temping, temporary contract. Opinion about ACRE: I do not agree. There are things that I would change, I think this is a good start, I agree with the concept. Working group that you are interested in: Press and Communication, recognition of the profession, relationships with the companies of CR, labor relations with governament agencies, trade unin proposals, relations with training centers in CR, evaluation and accreditation system of ACRE, institutional relations, development of the document of good practice and of the code of ethics, relationships with

11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.





Membership Application Asociacin Profesional de Conservadores-Restauradores de Espaa

European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers Organisations

regional associations, european relations, ECCO, ENCORE, group of vindictive actions.


Studies or languages certified.

5. DESCRIPTION OF THE STORY OF THE ASSOCIATION The story of ACRE is based on social networks and in particular on facebook. Combining the feeling of many conservators-rastaurators, it has been identified the need to create a platform from which to work together to achieve the recognition and the regulation of the profession. A group of volunteers has articulated a Management Committee which worked collecting all the information supplied by the ideas of 400 people who were interested in participating in the project.With all these ideas plus all the information collected from the various areas of our profession, the statutes and the work proposal were drafted leading to the first general election in November 2011. Since the beginning the mission of ACRE can be defined as to regulate the profession of the CR to give it dignity, make it well known and to enforce the competencies that we deserve by law, so that through our work we can facilitate the enjoyment of culture and the proper conservation of cultural property for future generations. The values that emerge are the defense of the cultural heritage, transparency, teamwork, professional recognition, social commitment, participation and knowledge transfer. The executive process by which we intend to develop our mission basing on our values, arises through a partecipatory working methodology based on the formation of working groups. These groups are part of the Directors board through the figure of their respective members. Their work involves common goals that through strategic plans define the analysis, the actions performed and their evaluation basing on the different schedules. We are currently working on the basis of the annual strategic plan for 2012 in which by defining the objectives, targets and actions, we plan to undertake concrete actions by partners who are assigned to working groups.


Membership Application Asociacin Profesional de Conservadores-Restauradores de Espaa

European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers Organisations

6. DESCRIPTION OF THE OBJECTIVES AND OF THE RELATED ACTIVITIES The main objectives of the association are the following:

Make the profesionals understand the need to take active part in defining the competencies of the conservator- restorer, as well as understand the regulation of professions related to the Heritage and associated ancillary professions.

To be recognized as valid interlocutors with governament agencies to establish and consolidate the educational guidelines to be followed by the different official degrees (Grade) in the training of professionals, in order to make it possible for our professionals to take over the job of the conservator-restorer in accordance with the advanced guidelines adopted by ICOM and ECCO (Official Documents, Brussels march 2002).

To promote nationally the definition of a centralized plan that will rule the minimum required educational contents , according to the criteria defined in the educational competencies of ECCO.

To promote continuing education as an essential tool for the professional practice of the conservation-restoration of Cultural Property. To defend the professional interests of the Conservators-Restorers, individually and collectively, and to give strenght to this profession as well as labor and social recognition, promoting the safeguarding and the sustainable social use of the Cultural Heritage.

To remove the intrusions, through the application of the regulation of the profession by promoting legislative changes that regulate at least promoted interventions on the Cultural Properties.

In relation to the objectives defined above, until todays date we have promoted the following actions:

With the aim of creating a professional association, that brings together the individual efforts of the members, and that can be a national reference in december 2012 , we will keep in contact with all the associations in Spain

Membership Application Asociacin Profesional de Conservadores-Restauradores de Espaa

European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers Organisations

offering them an integration proposal with ACRE. These proposals are currently opened since the process of adquisition of Asociacin de Conservadores y Restauradores del Principado de Asturias (ARA) is still in progress.

Since on the decrees issued in Canarias and in Asturia the term restoration is associated with the handcrafting, there have been two appeals in Asturias and Canarias. This action has been developed in collaboration with the Asociacin de Restauradores de Asturias (ARA) , and in collaboration with the professionals of Canarias. The drafting of such documents will be the base for establishing future actions in order to deal with similar appropriations of the term restorer, which can be associated with nonprofessional and non-academic competencies. Related with this demand it has been started a campaign to collect signatures which can be attached to the documents until the resolution- through the date of the registration file mentioned in it7. Currently we collected more than three hundred signatures, by actively cooperating with the employees of various national insitutions which are connected with the academic and museums world.

They have been formed groups of work of professional competencies with six members and action work groups with four members. Since its formation the work group of professional competencies is conducting a research on all the existing regulations which are present at the national level ,that are not affecting only us as professionals but also other sectors of lower classification as the handcrafting sector and related auxiliary professions, which are connected with the regulation of the profession. The objective of this analysis is to make an action proposal that is related to regulatory interventions in Cultural Property.The action work group, has as main objective the one of giving visibility to ACRE though actions. This is why it has been requested our presence at the information stand which

Demands links:



Membership Application Asociacin Profesional de Conservadores-Restauradores de Espaa

European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers Organisations

will be at the congress GEIIC that will take place in Madrid from the 8th to the 20th of April 2012 in the Saln de Actos del Conde Duque (Conte Duque Auditorium) and in the 13 Jornada de Conservacin y Restauracin de Arte Contemporneo ( Day of Conservation and Restoration of Contemporary art) held on the 16th and 17th of February in the Auditorium 400of the building Jean Nouvel of the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofa (National Museum of Art Reina Sofia). Shortly we will ask for help in order to form a broadcast group.

They have been developed campains of Physical Distribution through all the national territory. Last year we talked about the project in Valladolid, Asturias, Pontevedra and Njera. In january we have been in Mallorca after the request of the department of technicians of conservaci-restauraci de la Direcci Insular de Cultura i Patrimoni del Consell de Mallorca, this conference was attended by 60 professionals, and in the IPCE where in two sessions other 50 professionals were involved. We are currently working to make the project well known in Bilbao, Valencia and at the III Jornada AESCROM that will take place in the auditorium of the ECRBC of Madrid the 24th of march of 2012.

In january we have published two divulgation articles on our website: Restauracin y Artesana8 by Guadalupe Carramiana (Coordinadora del Grupo de trabajo Competencias Profesionales) Los beneficios de asociarse9 by Rui Bordalo (Director ejecutivo de econservation)

From distribution we updated the format of the blog ( by inserting it into a web format with search positioning, that most likely will be used as a base for the communication web and the communication exchange in between the members. We connected together


Membership Application Asociacin Profesional de Conservadores-Restauradores de Espaa

European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers Organisations

the accounts of facebook, twitter and Linkedin and updated their image in order to give them a more professional look. We will soon ba launching a dynamic software in facebook with which we will interact with professionals. It will be based on the questions about the articles we published and that we will publish.

We will launch soon a statistical study of the status of the profession , where we will ask for the cooperation of professional members and professionals in general.

Regarding the decicion of the Tribunal Supremo (Supreme Court),that effects the denomination of the Degree in the Escuelas Artsticas Superiores , where is provided one of the oficial forms of training of Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Property. From ACRE we have established a methodology of positioning based on the vote of the members. According to this participatory sysetm and basing on the results10 of the majority obtained, it has been issued a manifiesto11 related to the judgement, which argues in favor of the integration into the University of all the Enseanzas Artsticas Superiores (EEAASS). After the manifiesto we proceeded to the implementation of a system of accession12 that currently has more tan three hundred signatures and is actively collaborating with the platform for the integration of the EEAASS into the University.

Currently :

We are discussing the line of associative positioning regarding the lack of relevant positions of CR in the decisin-making process concerning



12 eGc6MQ#gid=0


Membership Application Asociacin Profesional de Conservadores-Restauradores de Espaa

European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers Organisations

Cultural Property. The approach from which this analysis comes from is to establish the need to promote the creation and the maintenance of this type of seats. The existance of charges that know the profesional protocols from within the profession will ensure some basic protocols of action, promoting that they only regard us.

The working group of profesional competencies will start a study to evaluate various approaches to propose the professional regulation.

BIBLIOGRAPHY GONZALEZ CUETO, T.: Informe: El concepto de la Profesin regulada a que se refiere el documento La organizacin de las enseanzas Universitarias en Espaa. Ministerio de Educacin y Ciencia.2007. Avaible from: NORMATIVES E.C.C.O. :Profesional Guidelines III . Basic Aims of Education in Conservation-Restoration. Brussels. 2004



Membership Application Asociacin Profesional de Conservadores-Restauradores de Espaa

European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers Organisations


All information given in this application form is confidential and is only for internal use of the board and committee of E.C.C.O.




Official Address: Street: Azcona 36, Local First floor 2 Postal code: 28028 Country: Spain E-mail: Website: City: Madrid


Contact Person: Name and title: Maria Masaguer Otero Vice President Street: Garca Barbn 101A 2C Postal code: 36201 Country: Spain City: Vigo Tel: (0034) 653636560



Membership Application Asociacin Profesional de Conservadores-Restauradores de Espaa

European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers Organisations

2. 2.1

TYPE OF E.C.C.O. MEMBERSHIP Full Membership Is the full membership of your organisation solely composed of professional conservator-restorers of cultural property? X yes no


Associate Membership Is the full membership of your organisation not only composed of professional conservator-restorers of cultural property, but do the activities of your organisation also contribute in a broader sense to the development and improvement of the conservation and restoration of cultural property: yes no

3. 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4

THE MEMBERS OF THE APPLYING ORGANISATION Number of full members in your organisation: 73

Total number of members in your organisation: 73 Date of the last count of members: Are all full members professional conservator-restorers? X yes no Are there other professions represented among your full members? yes X no If yes, which professions are represented? 01/05/2012



Are students or trainees full members of your organisation? yes X no


Membership Application Asociacin Profesional de Conservadores-Restauradores de Espaa

European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers Organisations

4. 4.1

THE DEFINITION OF THE PROFESSION AND THE CODE OF ETHICS Has your organisation officially adopted the document formulated and ratified by the ICOM Committee for Conservation, Copenhagen 1984, "The Conservator Restorer: A Definition of the Profession"? X yes no If yes, when? This ratification appears on our statutes that were signed on 16/07/2011


Does your organisation fully agree with the E.C.C.O. Official Documents:"The Professional Guidelines: The Profession (Brussels March 2002) Code of Ethics (Brussels March 2003) and the Basic Requirements for Education in Conservation and Restoration" (Brussels March 2003)? X yes no Has your organisation officially adopted the E.C.C.O. Professional Guidelines? X yes no If yes, when? This ratification appears on our statutes that were signed on 16/07/2011


These documents appears linked on our website and in facebook several times.


Membership Application Asociacin Profesional de Conservadores-Restauradores de Espaa

European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers Organisations





Has your organisation made any official statement about the level of professional education, training and/or access to the profession in the field of conservation and restoration in your country? X yes no If yes, what has been decided? If no, what is the current level? We make a statement where ACRE defends the integration of ConservationRestoration degree on university level and the necessity to make an agreement about this issue. This document is included in this file translated to English, see 8.2: ACRE statement about education. ACRE is working to establish contact with all agents involved in this process.


Please give information about the institutions for legally recognised professional education and training in your country: Do you have any training at university level in your country? X yes no Do you have any training at polytechnic/para-university level in your country? X yes no Does institutional training exist in your country at any other levels? X yes Which level? Craftsman Graduate Others: no

X yes X yes

no no


Do you have any private training programs without legal recognition in your country? X yes no Additional information about name and location of institutions on document 8.1:


Membership Application Asociacin Profesional de Conservadores-Restauradores de Espaa

European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers Organisations

6. 6.1.

ACTIVITIES OF THE APPLYING ORGANISATION Does your organisation publish or edit: - an internal newsletter? X yes - scientific periodicals? yes

no X no

If your organisation becomes member of E.C.C.O., in order to exchange information, you must be prepared to add all E.C.C.O. member organisations to the mailing list of your Newsletter and send also a copy to E.C.C.O. 6.2. Is your organisation involved in training programs in the field of conservation and restoration in your country? yes X no If yes, please give more information By the moment we havent work directly on training programs but we are in touch with people, from University and Schools, who works in this issue. In the future we would like to work on it.


Membership Application Asociacin Profesional de Conservadores-Restauradores de Espaa

European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers Organisations

7. 7.1

ACTIVITIES OF THE APPLYING ORGANISATION IN E.C.C.O. What are the main interests of your organisation in becoming a member of E.C.C.O.? To work in a European framework trying to make our profession visible and working in his professional regulation. To participate in ECCO working groups, specifically in those who works in education and professional competences. To keep in contact with other national conservator-restorers association to learn about their specific problems, solutions and initiatives. To collaborate in the interdisciplinary study of heritage, working with other professional profiles to make possible the mutual comprehension and how to share-out professional functions.


If your organisation is accepted as a member of E.C.C.O., in which working groups or committees would your organisation be interested to take an active part?

We are particularly interested on Education (EQR) working group. The reason is the complex situation on the academic framework in Spain. We are also interested in terminology and in being an active part of the regular activity of ECCO as an association. Communication and diffusion are also very important for us, specially using new technologies but not forgetting old channels. Information interchanging between ECCO associations and between our members is also a task we are interested on.



DATE: 1 MAYO 2012



Membership Application Asociacin Profesional de Conservadores-Restauradores de Espaa

European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers Organisations


1.- Institutions for legally recognised professional education and training in Spain 1.1.-UNIVERSITY LEVEL ANDALUCA

Universidad de Sevilla Grado en Conservacin y Restauracin de Bienes Culturales Facultad de Bellas Artes Universidad de Granada. Grado en Conservacin y Restauracin de Bienes Culturales Facultad de Bellas Artes.

CATALUA Universidad de BARCELONA. Grado de Conservacin y Restauracin de

Bienes Culturales. Facultad de Bellas Artes. tml COMUNIDAD VALENCIANA Universidad Politcnica de Valencia. Grado de Conservacin y Restauracin de

Bienes Culturales. Facultad de Bellas Artes.

MADRID. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Grado en Conservacin y Restauracin del Patrimonio Cultural. Facultad de Bellas Artes.
PAS VASCO Universidad del Pas Vasco. Campus Bilbao. Grado de Conservacin y

Restauracin de Bienes Culturales. Facultad de Bellas Artes. _portal=S&p_anyoAcad=act&p_cod_centro=320&p_cod_plan=GCONSE30&p_menu=i ntro


Membership Application Asociacin Profesional de Conservadores-Restauradores de Espaa

European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers Organisations

ARAGN Escuela Superior de Conservacin y Restauracin de Bienes Culturales de Aragn Especialidades Pintura y Escultura. ASTURIAS Escuela Superior de Conservacin y Restauracin de Bienes Culturales de Asturias. Especialidades: Escultura, Pintura y Documento grfico. CASTILLA LEN Escuela de Arte y Superior de Restauracn de Len. Grado en Conservacin restauracin especialidad de pintura. Escuela de Arte y Superior de Conservacin y Restauracin de Bienes Culturales Mariano Timn de Palencia. Especialidad textiles. Escuela de Arte y Superior de Conservacin y Restauracin de Bienes Culturales de Salamanca. Especialidad Documento Grfico. Escuela de Arte y Superior de Conservacin y Restauracin de Bienes Culturales de Valladolid. Especialidades: arqueologa, documento grfico, escultura y textiles. Escuela de Arte y Superior de Conservacin y Restauracin de Bienes Culturales de vila. Especialidad conservacin y restauracin arqueolgica. MADRID Escuela Superior de Conservacin y restauracin de Bienes Culturales de Madrid. Especialidades: Pintura, Escultura, Documento grfico, Arqueologa y Textiles. CATALUA Escuela Superior de Conservacin y Restauracin de Bienes Culturales de Catalua GALICIA Escola Superior de Conservacin e Restauracin de Bens Culturais de Galicia

2.- Institutional training at any other levels and private training programs without legal recognition in Spain.



Membership Application Asociacin Profesional de Conservadores-Restauradores de Espaa

European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers Organisations

Los siguientes apartados se suprimen del expediente pblico por considerar que pueden ser difusin para estudios no oficiales. Est a disposicin de cualquier socio que lo solicite.


ACRE understands that new judgment about Conservation-Restoration education requires a public statement. We make public this document after an inquiry procedure between our members. ACRE defends, in an unequivocal way, the necessity of establish only one university academic program that extends the Graduation in Conservation-restoration. This unitary training program would act in two directions. It eliminates dualities and comparisons at the same time that promotes next required aims to the professional regulation. Some of the effects would be listed below: Same organizational conditions and equipment in all training places Same professional opportunities for professionals who teach Conservation-restoration subjects. Equal opportunities for students Equal investigation opportunities that contribute to their impulse Equal labor opportunities for graduates, this fact include a homologation system for old training programs Equal working conditions, related with the academic level that Conservation-restoration professionals acquire. Professional cohesion to pursue collective aims, not a broken collective marked for education duplicity. Increase and make easy associative representation form, as ACRE. Support professional regulation requirements with agents involved.

Whitout the pretension to interfere in administrative and academic institution decision, ACRE understands that the guidelines have to be:

Highly specialize education program is required in European framework, as it is define by ECCO and ENCORE Academic training programs that establish Master studies as a natural continuation of a Conservator-restoration graduate, making this decision equivalent in the European framework for professional regulation Academic programs coordinated with European countries improve mobility and professional competences.

ACRE supports all studies in Conservation-restoration must be in university framework. This means that Higher Art Education Degree in Conservation-restoration must be integrated on it. In this sense, ACRE would promote and supports all the ideas and initiatives that contribute to work on this issue. 50

Membership Application Asociacin Profesional de Conservadores-Restauradores de Espaa

European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers Organisations


ORGANIZATIVE DOCUMENTS - PAPERS .- Rules of procedure: text about our organization system and protocols

.- Our working groups. This texts has two purposes one is to describe our working methodology and the other one is to encourage our members to be an active part of them.

.- Why we make an association not a professional college? Explanation about legal framework and our election

.- Whos ECCO? This text introduces ECCO to our members and justify why ACRE must be active part of it.

.- Board of directors CV. Few lines about their professional profiles.

.- On-line application form. E6MQ#gid=0

ACRE INVESTIGATION PRODUCTS .- Who we are and why we have to create ACRE? This document is the result of 467 on-line quizzes. It informs about our professional profile and our occupational situation.

.- Present education framework.


.- Working schedule. .- Aims and goals board. .- Bimensual newsletter .- Vote system


Membership Application Asociacin Profesional de Conservadores-Restauradores de Espaa

European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers Organisations

All these documents are sent to our members by ACRE secretary. They are useful to informe them about activities of board members but also to ask for opinion and involved them.


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