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1. Background Talking about urinalysis is firm urine that headed off in our mind or organ which play role in this process that kidney. One of function of kidney which very important for our body or animal is to secrete remain of metabolism from ureum protein, kreatinin, and ammoniac which we know as urine. Generally structure of kidney consists of fibroses capsule in outside, pale cortex and spotted by glomerulus and medulla is dark and streaked, consists of a number of papilla renal which sticks out to pelvis and dilation at the point of urethra. The normal urine coloured yellow, ivory colour, and transparent. Analysis of urine is important because many diseases which can be known from changes which occur in the urine. Normal urine not contained glucose, acetone, albumin, blood and pus. The various processes which goes in the body like chemical reactions in the cell, accompany of impulse from one part to the other part, muscle contraction, endocrine phenomenon, and various factors of physical and chemical which responsibility with origin, developing and movement of life in physiology. In this practicum we will test the urine in physically either chemical. In chemical analysis, the substance that wills the test is glucose as indicator if the urine contained glucose in various levels. Abnormally urine will be known from substances which exist in the urine. 2. Purpose a. Observed the physical characteristic which related with pH, fragrant, and colour in every sample of urine. b. Observed the colour of urine after heated as indicator of glucose in every sample of urine. B. PREVIEW OF LITERATURE The waste process of remain substances from body divided become excretion, defecation, and secretion. Excretion is the expulsion process of remain substance from metabolism which useless by cell and blood, turn out with urine, sweat, and respiration. Expulsion of remain substance in body can through the kidney, skin, lungs, and digestive tract. Metabolism of protein compound will produce compound which contain nitrogen. Protein will produce amino acid which apart becomes NH4OH and NH3 compound. This compound character toxic and must lost upon (Tjisoepomo, 1972). Urine is the waste which secreted by kidney then will turn out from the body by urinary process. Urine excretion is to throw remain of molecule in the blood which filtered by kidney and to keep the homeostasis of the body. But, there are also some species which use urine as the media communication of olfactory. Urine filtered in the kidney, carried by urethra to urinary bladder, then throw away from the body (Anonymous, 2011). The watery urine almost colourless meanwhile the thick urine is dark yellow. Colour substance in the food can cause the urine becomes red, meanwhile the medicines caused the urine becomes brown, black, blue, green or red. Brown urine may be contained remain of splitting-up of haemoglobin or muscle protein. The urine which contained the colour substance cause porifiria become red, meanwhile the melanoma cause urine becomes black. The turbid urine is shown that there is pus because infection of urethra or salt crystal from Achilles tendon acid and phosphoric acid (Kidhri, 2004).

1. Tools and materials a. Tools 1) Reaction Tube 2) Reaction Tube Rack 3) Bunsen Burner 4) Three foot 5) Asbes 6) Tweezers b. Material 1) Benedict solution 2) Universal indicator of pH 3) Acetate acid 4) Sulfosalisilat acid 2. Work Procedures First Activity (Physical Analytic) a. Prepared urine. b. Observed the morphology appearance looked the colour, pH, and the smell c. Wrote down on your temporary report. Second Activity (Chemical Analytic) a. Prepared four reaction tubes. b. Inserted by 8 drops of urine then added 5 ml Benedict solution. c. Put reaction tube on the boiling water for 5 minutes. d. Then looked the colour that expanded. e. Wrote down on your temporary report. Third Activity (Protein Observation) a. Inserted the urine into the centrifuge tube and then shake for 15 minutes. b. Put 3 ml of urine on the reaction tube and measured pH. If urine in alkali condition added acetate acid until in acid condition. c. Added 3 ml sulfosalisilat acid and looked if there was protein clotting d. Wrote down on your temporary report.


1. Observation result Group Name
Dilla Nurul Citra Sari Indah Pipit Engka Alya Noe Firdaus Ayu


Yellow brownish Yellow brownish Yellow brownish Yellow Yellow Barmy yellow Barmy yellow Barmy yellow Ivory yellow Colourless Barmy yellow

Stench Stench Stench Stench Stench Stench Stench Stench Stench Stench Stench

Glucose Before
Green bluish Green bluish Green bluish Blue Blue Brown greenish Brown greenish Brown greenish Brown greenish Blue Brown greenish

Green 2+ Dark blue 2+ Dark blue 2+ Yellow green 1+ Yellow green 1+ Brown greenish 2Brown greenish 2Brown greenish 2Brown greenish 2Yellow greenish 1Yellow greenish 1-







Ati Tenri Dian Ifa Asni Ria Wawan Dian P Syitha Yaya Agus Amel Hajar Ippank

Ivory yellow Ivory yellow Ivory yellow Ivory yellow Barmy yellow Ivory yellow Brown Barmy yellow Old yellow Yellow Ivory yellow Ivory yellow Ivory yellow Barmy yellow

Stench Stench Stench Stench Stench Stench Stench Stench Stench Stench Stench Stench Stench Stench

Green bluish Blue Yellow greenish Green bluish Yellow greenish Blue Yellow greenish Blue Green Blue Green Green Blue greenish Blue

Yellow greenish 1Yellow greenish 1Blue greenish Blue greenish Yellow greenish 1Green Yellow greenish 1Yellow greenish 1Orange-yellow 3Yellow greenish 1Orange-yellow 3Orange-yellow 3Blue greenish Orange-yellow 3-

2. Discussion a. Physical analytic Based on Our observation That Be done at physical analytic appeared that urine has yellow colour the means that its normal condition. If the pigment of urine normal its mean condition of glucose in the Blood normal relative its showed by pigment containing. Meanwhile the yellow colour means that pigment in the urine reduced and didnt contained bacterial and blood b. Chemical analytic Based on our observation that if the urine had blue colour its mean the urine didnt contained sugar (negative), its occurred because the consumption of food balance so the level of glucose in the also balance condition. At another object the urine contained different level of glucose. The increasing of glucose in the blood could increased the activated of adrenalin hormone. c. Protein analytic Based on our observation we got the data that nobody of object there was clotting of protein. So its means there isnt protein clotting be found in the urine. it because filtration process at the glomerulus still good. You can imagine that if the glomerulus has broken and disturbing expanding process of urine because the existence of protein in the urine could cause the clotting and disturbing expanding process of urine of the body. E. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION 1. Conclusion a. The colour of urine is yellow colour its mean that the composition of glucose in the blood its normal and the yellow colour signed that its in normal condition. b. The colour of urine after heated is blue it means that in the urine there isnt glucose (negative) so its signed normal condition especially in glomerulus area. c. There isnt protein clotting be found in the urine its means that its normal condition. 2. Suggestion a. Assistant must be on time when attend in practicum and must lead the apprentice when the practicum goes on. b. The tools in the laboratory must be complete in order the practicum can goes on good. c. Apprentice must be on time and more carefully when does observation.


Anonymous. 2011. Urin. Accessed on June 14th 2011 Kidhri, A. 2004. Buku Ajar Biomedik. Umitiha: Makassar Tjisoepomo, G. 1972. Biologi Jilid III. Erlangga: Jakarta

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