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Costa Rica - 5 Julio Ecuador - 8 Julio Colombia - 11 Julio Per - 13 Julio Brasil - 16 Julio Uruguay - 18 Julio Chile - 20 Julio

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Tom Kyte Vice Presidente Oracle Corporation AskTom Advanced analytic functions Analytic functions are the coolest thing to happen to the SQL language since the introduction of the keyword SELECT. This session explores the use cases for analytic functions, demonstrates how and where you should use them, and explains the (nontrivial) syntax behind them. Efficient schema design Based entirely on chapter 7 of Tom's book "Effective Oracle by Design", this session takes you through the fundamentals of physical schema design. It demonstrates the various structures (hash clusters, B*-tree clusters, indexorganized tables, ...) and tells when and where you want to use them. The session closes with indexing and compression techniques. Read and Write consistency Oracle's multiversioning model is by far it's most striking core RDBMS feature. We'll explore this often misunderstood database feature, both from a "read" perspective as well as some nuances you probably are not aware of in a multi-user environment. This session is probably an eye-opening experience, even for people that have been using Oracle for many many years. About Tom Kyte Tom Kyte is the Tom behind AskTom blog and Oracle Magazine answering questions about the Oracle database and its tools. Tom is also an Oracle ACE, a featured speaker at Oracle conferences around the world and a Senior Technical Architect in Oracles Server Technology Division. Before starting at Oracle, Tom worked as a systems integrator building large-scale, heterogeneous databases and applications, mostly for military and government customers, spending a great deal of time working with the Oracle database and, more specifically, working with people who are working with the Oracle database. Tom Kyte is the author of many Oracle books: Expert Oracle Database Architecture (Apress, 2005), Expert One on One Oracle(Wrox Press, 2001/Apress 2004), Beginning Oracle Programming (Wrox press, 2002/Apress 2004), and Effective Oracle by Design (Oracle Press, 2003).Recientemente la leyenda del mundo Oracle AskTom, form parte del IOUG COLLABORATE en Orlando en el mes de abril 2011. Tambin estuvo presente durante el mes de marzo 2011, en Bruselas, Paris, Madrid, Roma, Milan y Oslo, en un maraton de charlas apoyando a los grupos de usuarios de Europa. Para el mes de mayo 16, tambin formar parte del Oracle Guru Tom Kyte in Dublin, en el "Free Seminar & AskTom Live!!". Tom Kyte, visitar 2 pases en el presente OTN TOUR DAY 2011, Costa Rica y Ecuador.

Murali Vallath Oracle ACE Director and president of All India Oracle Users Group Using 11gR2 Result Cache Feature in a RAC Environment The result cache feature introduced in Oracle database 11g provides considerable benefits for operations where results sets do not change quite often. This feature helps store the final result sets in memory providing high speed access to the dataset. In a RAC environment it provides an added advantage that, when multiple users execute identical queries from multiple instances in the cluster, instead of the entire dataset being transferred across the interconnect or retrieved by performing an I/O operation, only the final result set is transferred across the interconnect. This provides great benefits in speed and resource utilization providing considerable performance enhancement. This presentation will go deep into the architecture and functioning of this feature in a RAC environment. Tools & Utilities Monitoring and Testing Your RAC "Oracle has provided several tools and utilities to monitor and test a RAC implementation. Tools such as ORION help benchmark performance of the storage component, the HBA and controllers to help decide between iSCSI and SAN storage. While iSCSI used TCP for data transport SAN used FC for data transport. What is better, how do you find out? Tools such as OSWATCHER, RACDDT, LTOM, OEM will help collect OS performance statistics while performance testing your application in a RAC environment. This presentation will look under the hood at these tools and utilities and help understand its functions, its usage and the kind of information it provides. We will look at some real life test case examples and diagnose the outputs. The presentation provides an opportunity to listen and learn from real data and performance metrics. Oracle 11g RAC for Developers Middle tiers can become more proactive to the user workload by directing connections to the least loaded server or directing connections to servers when one or two servers in the database cluster fails. A perfect synergy between Oracles database technology stack which includes RAC, FCF, FAN, ONS, the middle tier technologies such as WLS connection and Universal Connection Pool (UCP) and the Java layers such as JDBC, .NET, SPRING to provide high available, scalable implementation of the application. This presentation is geared to serious developers interested in writing code in a RAC environment. The session will cover RAC implementations, features that are specific to the developers such as database services, fast application notification, fast connection failover, load

balancing advisory etc. The presentation will discuss various implementation scenarios using these technologies in both an UCP and WLS environment.

Bio: Vallath has more than 22 years of IT experience including over 16 years using Oracle products. Vallath is an Oracle ACE Director and president of All India Oracle Users Group ( He has worked on a variety of database platforms for small to very large implementations, designing databases for high volume, machine critical, real time OLTP systems. His expertise is with Oracle Real Application Clusters and Vallath released his second book titled Oracle 10g RAC, Grid, Services & Clustering in March 2006 and has co-authored his third book titled Oracle Automatic Storage Management (ASM) November 2007, from Oracle Press.

Vallath currently provides independent consulting services in the areas of capacity planning, high availability solutions and performance tuning of Oracle environments through Summersky Enterprises ( with operations in USA and India. He has successfully completed over 100 successful small, medium and terabyte sized RAC implementations for reputed corporate firms. Vallath blogs at

Marcos Muoz Consultor Independiente CEO Mavisof S.A. Utilizando Apex 4.0 en el Cloud Cmo utilizar Apex 4.0 en el cloud, especficamente, utilizando Amazon AWS's Free Usage Tier, para que la gente pueda evaluar los servicios en Cloud gratis por un ao utilizando Apex y la base de datos Oracle Express Edition. Mejoras y Caractersticas de Oracle Database Express Edition 11g Nuevas caractersticas y mejoras en esta edicin de la base de datos Express, as como ejemplos de aplicaciones orientadas a PYMES en nuestro pas que pueden aprovechar las caractersticas de esta base de datos.

Francisco Muoz Oracle ACE Director Year 2010 Presidente LAOUC y OTN TOUR Latinoamrica 11g New Functionalities for DBAs This session will introduce you to some of the new fantastic functionalities introduced in the new release of 11g. You will learn about Compression, ACFS and Security topics like Network Encryption and TDE. This is a session that any DBA or Oracle professional cant afford to miss. All you want to know about RMAN The most important rule with respect to data is to never put yourself into an unrecoverable situation. The importance of this guideline cannot be stressed enough, that's why without any doubt. Backup & Recovery are the most essential skills you need to have to become a successful DBA,also this is an essential knowledge to have if you are seeking any Oracle certification like OCA,OCP or OCM. This session starts with some basics about backup strategies and recovery concepts, quickly moving to some tips and best practices regarding some intermediate and advances topics including a correct proactive approach to make your life more easy.

Bio: 21 years of experience in consulting, analysis, support, Implementation, and Migration of Oracle Databases. Worked as Associate Technology at Oracle Brazil and Chile Oracle Instructor for New Horizons Center, Chile. ( Current job, CEO - Database Integrated Solutions - Auckland, New Zealand Worked in the first team to introduce Oracle to South America (Oracle 6 and Beta version of Oracle 7). Founder and President of CLOUG (Chilean Oracle Users Group),President of NZOUG (New Zealand Oracle Users Group),President of LAOUC (Latin American Oracle Users Group Council),Member of IOUG,Member of AOUG, Member of UKOUG. Specialties Oracle ACE Director Oracle ACE Oracle 10g OCA, OCP, 10g RAC OCE, SQL & PLSQL OCA, E-Business OCP, Oracle 7 OMC ITIL Certified First Oracle 7 Master Database Administrator in South America

Daniel A. Morgan Oracle ACE Director Edition-Based Redefinition: Live in SQL*Plus Edition Based Redefinition is a new and critical component adding abilities that greatly enhance high availability in Oracle Database 11g Release 2. This revolutionary new capabilities that allow online application upgrade with uninterrupted availability using three new database objects: The Edition, the Editioning View, and Crossedition Triggers. This session, with live a demonstration live in SQL*Plus, will show how each of the key components of editioning work and explain how they can be leveraged with single-instance stand-alone databases and with Real Application Clusters.This is the presentation accepted by Oracle for OpenWorld as session S313426. DBA Best Practices for a Stable Production Environment Above all else a production database must be stable and a stable environment requires using a combination of "best practices." This presentation, some live in SQL*Plus, will demonstrate various methods and technologies available in Database 11gR2 for creating and maintaining a stable environment upon which applications can be managed and on which performance tuning can take place. Developing Extremely Large Databases with Version 11gR2 To be successful developing and managing extremely large databases requires enhancing a skill set developed with smaller and medium sized installations. This session will highlight those techniques and technologies available in Database 11gR2 for creating database applications that will perform even when scaled into the many hundreds of terabytes. Bio Daniel A. Morgan: Oracle ACE Director Dan Morgan is the Morgan behind Morgan's Library on the web. Morgan has retired from the University of Washington where he was the primary Oracle instructor from 1998 through 2009. Morgan is a member of the Board of Directors of the Western Washington Oracle Users Group, a member of UKOUG, the International Oracle zSeries SIG, the Oracle RAC SIG, and BAARF. He is also the former Chair of the Washington Software Association's Database Special Interest Group. Mr. Morgan is a regular contributor at Oracle conferences and forums around the world and in 2009 presented at OpenWorld, ODTUG Kaleidoscope, NoCOUG, RMOUG, and WWOUG, in addition to presentations in Canada, Chile, Finland, Norway, and the UK. In 2010, he has co-founded the Vancouver (Canada) Oracle Users Group, and will speak at 10 Oracle conferences in the US, UK, Canada, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, and at the EMEA Harmony Conference in Tallinn Estonia as well as participating in the IOUC's international leadership conference in Redwood Shores and in 2011 will be speaking at conferences on four continents.

Joel Prez Oracle ACE Experto en Soluciones Oracle de alta Criticidad Empresarial Primer Oracle Expert Latinoamericano
Implanting Oracle Active Data Guard 11g, 1hora. Bio: Oracle OTN Expert ( Oracle Technology Network Expert ): Reconocimiento otorgado por Oracle Corporation USA, otorgado en el ao 2003 siendo el primer Latinoamericano en ser exaltado en el Oracle Web Site. Oracle ACE, otorgado en el ao 2004. Joel Prez, Venezolano, es el nico Oracle ACE, localizado en Centro Amrica. Poseedor de ms de 9 certificaciones internacionales Oracle posicionndolo entre el grupo de los 15 tecnlogos Oracle con mayores certificaciones a nivel mundial. 10 aos de experiencia con trabajos realizados en ms de 8 pases.

Edgar Vsquez INTESYS CONSULTING Consultora en Administracin de Proyectos en Tecnologas de la Informacin y Comunicaciones Como encontrar la verdadera oportunidad para crear tu propia empresa ! .

En Latinoamrica no tenemos una buena infraestructura de apoyo a los emprendedores, de modo tal, que puedan generar una verdadera oportunidad de negocios y que luego puedan desarrollarla hasta tener una empresa exitosa en operacin. Por eso, en esta charla se compartir el conocimiento necesario para encontrar esta verdadera oportunidad de negocios y el cmo convertirla en un negocio rentable.

Ronald Vargas Quesada Technical Sales Consulting en Netsoft de Centroamrica, Oracle VAD de Costa Rica y Guatemala. Profesor ULACIT, Fundador y Miembro del Comit Director ORAUGCRC Creador:, 45000+ visitas, Blog de OTN LAD, Gerenciamiento y Desempeo de Base de Datos Oracle Database 11g, Caractersticas poco documentadas 3 en 1 ndices Virtuales Columnas Virtuales Cmo crear DBLINKS, sin registrar el alias de la instancia en el TNSNAMES de los servidores de la base de datos Oracle Exploraremos estas tres caractersticas del motor de base de datos Oracle, algunas ya disponibles desde versiones anteriores, pero que son poco conocidas y an ms poco aplicadas, en nuestros ambientes de produccin. Oracle GoldenGate 11g Producto para Alta Disponibilidad, Escalabilidad, Integracin, Proteccin de datos en ambientes Oracle, Replicacin de datos para bases de datos Oracle y para ambientes heterogneos. Oracle Database Enterprise Edition 11g: Management Packs-Underground in Standard Edition Los paquetes de administracin de la base de datos Oracle, son productos con licencia slo para la versin Enterprise Edition, sin embargo, son instalados de facto en el momento de instalar la versin Standard Edition, cuando configuramos la administracin de la instancia con el DBCONSOLE. Qu implicaciones legales trae consigo, el no deshabilitar el acceso a dichos paquetes ?. Bio: Actualmente trabajo en el rea de consultora tcnica de productos del portafolio Oracle con el Oracle VAD de Costa Rica. Estoy involucrado de lleno, en la edicin de mi blog: y formo parte del comit director del Grupo de Usuarios de Oracle de Costa Rica. Adems estoy liderando la creacin del Grupo de Usuarios Oracle de Guatemala. Tengo participacin en las comunidades OracleMania de Chile y Comunidad Oracle Hispana de Argentina, con cobertura a todo Latinoamrica y Espaa. Represento a ORAUGCRC, en las reuniones de la LAOUC y de OTN TOUR. Experiencia 20+ aos, en el rea de Administracin Base de Datos Oracle 6,7x,8,9i,10g,11g, RAC, Performance y DataGuard, en diversos sistemas operativos. Conocimiento en el rea de deploy de aplicaciones en 3 capas con IAS 10g Forms and Reports Services y Weblogic Suite 11g. Miembro: Comunidad Oracle Hispana y OracleMania Miembro: Junta Directiva ORAUGCRC ( Grupo de Usuarios Oracle de Costa Rica ) Miembro: International Oracle User Community, IOUC Miembro: Latinoamerican User Group Community, LAOUC Oracle 10g/11g Database Specialist Sales Champion Oracle Golden Gate Presales Specialist Assessment Oracle Database 11gR2 Sales/PreSales Specialist Assessment Database Security 11gR2 Sales/PreSales Specialist Assessment Oracle Real Application Clusters 11g PreSales Specialist Assessment

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