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Lab One Diffusion and Osmosis

Stephanie Armstrong,Eduardo Navarro,Rose escalante,Alexandra Millet - APBIO- 7TH Period Tuesday,October 23,2012

In our first lab, the insect populations lab the purpose of our experiment was to trap insects in our environment. The hypothesis was what kind of insects are in our environment? The conclusion was that we captured a very small amount of insects, which were all fruit flies. In our second lab, the units and measurements lab the purpose was to calculate the volume and mass of three irregular objects. Our three irregular objects were a scissor, a lead pencil, and an eraser. In our third lab, the animal behaviors lab the purpose was to observe the reactions of pillbugs to different things such as heat, cold, mint, and cinnamon. Our hypothesis was would pillbugs be attracted or repelled by different factors such as heat, cold, mint, and cinnamon? Our results were that pillbugs were actually very attracted to heat and many moved from the room temperature part of the chamber to the warm one. Also, it should be noted that when the temperature got too hot they fled. In the cold trial pillbugs withstood the cold and very few left the cold area. In the mint trial they were repelled by the mint. Finally, in the cinnamon trial they were also repelled. Measuring volume of liquids and solids (pennies displacement) Insect behavior (qualititative) attracted to traps Insect behavior to heat, cold, repellents mint & cinnamon (quantititative: temperature, time, locomotion) Mass (3 types of balances for different objects) Length and width microscopy MATERIALS AND METHODS

In our first lab experiment, the insect populations lab we used an empty can covered in Vaseline on the inside to capture insects. Also, a 4 inch by 4 inch paper which was covered in scotch tape to make a smooth surface, was also covered in Vaseline on both side in order to capture insects. Finally, we used 4 paper clips puncture each corner of the paper in order to hang it on the fence. In our second lab, the units and measurements lab we used two electronic scales. A Electronic Scale - Fischer Science Education with a 300 g x 0.1 g capacity and a Scout O with a capacity of 200 g x 0.1 g to calculate the mass of a lead pencil, an eraser, and a scissor. In our third lab, the insect behaviors lab we placed 13 live pill bugs in a two circle chamber connected by a small passage. We tested their reactions to heat by placing the chamber on two beakers filled with 50 mL of water. Each beaker was on a heat stove, where one heat stove was heated up to 4 and the other was not heated at all. Also, a

third larger beaker was placed on the heated stove where we placed a electrical thermometer in order to take the temperature of the heated chamber. On the reaction to cold trial we placed the chamber on two ice packs, one cold and the other room temperature. In the reaction to cinnamon trial we placed a wet paper and a cinnamon covered paper in each circular chamber. The same was done for the reaction to mint trial, however instead of covering one paper with cinnamon we covered it with mint. To take temperature in the heat and ice trial we used an Electronic Thermometer which was labeled MAST 8.


This experiment was conducted to show the different effects on insect behavior based on different factors such as heat, cold, cinnamon, and mint. The results we found was that in heat and ice trial we conducted in every 30 sec the bugs are greater in the heat trial than the ice one. In the meant and water trial the bugs in the water was much higher than the bugs in the meant. In the Cinnamon and water trial the the bugs in water were greater. In the cold and hot trial the bugs were greater in the cold one.

The heat and ice trials-mast zero

Left(heat) 4 9 3 10 5 8 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6

Right(room temperature)

mint and water trial-mast 8 Left(mint) Right(water) 5 8 4 9 4 9 4 9

4 4 5

9 9 8

Cinnamon and water-mast 8 Left(water) 10 3 11 2 9 4 8 5 8 5 12 1 12 1 Right(cinnamon)

The cold and hot trial-mast 8 Left(cold) 11 2 10 3 10 3 9 4 10 3 9 4 12 1 Right(room temperature)

ADD ANALYSIS DISCUSSION in the course of this experiment we tested how roly-polies (otherwise known as pil bugs) would react to different temperatures and chemicals in this case cinnamon and mint, which are both known to repel ants. We found that their were more pill bugs on the side that was warmer then the one that was above the ice. this lead us to assume that they were seeking warmth since they are not warmblooded creatures and cannot regulate their body temperatures, this behavior

was not unexpected.We also concluded that since in both the mint and cinnamon and water trials This experiment was conducted to show the different effects on insect behavior based on different factors such as heat, cold, cinnamon, and mint. The results we found was that in heat and ice trial we conducted in every 30 sec the bugs are greater in the heat trial than the ice one. In the meant and water trial the bugs in the water was much higher than the bugs in the meant. In the Cinnamon and water trial the the bugs in water were greater. In the cold and hot trial the bugs were greater in the cold one.

electronic scale-fischer science education capacity 300gx0.1g eraser scissors lead pencil 21.5 20.1 5.3 21.5 20.1 5.3 21.5 20.1 5.3

scout o capacity:200g 0.01-200g eraser scissors lead pencil 21.49 20.13 5.30 21.49 20.12 5.30 21.49 20.13 5.28

ex: scissors weighed 20.13 +/- 0.01 g, lead pencil was 5.29 +/- 0.01 g and an eraser was 21.49 +/- 0 g. The significance of this is that our operator had a manual error of 0.05% mistake among measurements. Our balances indicated that they had an error range 0.1 g. In light of our blog readings on the uncertainty of measurements, we can only say that our operators were as good as the limit of the balance but not better than it. We could have expected larger differences. Length and width microscopy Microscopy Length and Width Lab:

In the microscopy lab we measured the letter L on a sheet pf paper and it measured to be about 5 micrometers long and 2 micrometers in width, while the other letter b was 4 micrometers long and 3 micrometers in width. Greek Letters: This are the letters we measured in the microscopy lab: (Letter B in Greek) (Letter L in Greek)

The Letter B was 3 in width and 4 in length. The Letter L was 2 in width and 5 in length. NO UNITS NO SCALE NO CONVERISON FROM DRAWING SIZE TO REAL LIFE ADD EQUIPMENT RANGE OF ERROR (IF YOU CAN DRAW 1 mm at 40x magnification which is 100 microm in real life, that means that your error is 100 micrometers) DISCUSS UNDER THAT LIGHT WHETHER YOUR RESULTS AR QUESTIONS FROM LAB SHEETS AND BLOGGER ON UNCERTAINTY WHAT TO DO BETTER IN THE FUTURE CITATIONS PLEASE CHECK OUR WEB SITE FOR A REVIEW ON STATS DONT FORGET TO MAKE A LIST OF YOUR GREEK LETTERS ADD THE OTHER EQUIPMENTS RANGE OF DETECTION AND APPLY TO YOUR PARTICULAR RESULTS. EXAMPLE: At 40x magnification and making a circle of 5 cm perimeter for a total field of 4.5 mm real life (scale 1 cm=1mm), my Leycas limit of detection is 0.1 mm real life. So, since our measurements indicate that a letter beta was 3 mm long by 4 mm wide, we could assume that those measurements are reasonable and predictable at 3 +/- 0.1 mm long by 4 +/- 0.1 mm wide. The thickness of the beta printout was in the range of 0.5 mm +/- 0.1 mm thick.

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