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Will the prayers of the faithful ever cease?

The prayers of the faithful have been constant throughout history. From the very first day of mans fall right at the beginning of creation to this day, many people have tried to breach the gap with God opened by sin. When sin entered the world and severed the relationship between God and humanity there was still a way for those who wanted to reestablish communication with God to achieve this: prayer. Of course, it is not the prayers of the faithful that take away the sin. God was being attentive to the prayers of men and women in the past for the same reason that He does it now: the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. In the Old Testament this sacrifice was symbolized by the death of a spotless lamb, and that was the means by which the prayers of the faithful believers like Adam, Noah, Abraham, Jacob and Moses were heard. Nevertheless, when the Israelites left Egypt and entered the Promised Land, God spoke mainly through the priesthood and the prophets. It is curious to note that when the people started to wander away from God as a nation Gods voice was less and less heard till it finally became almost silent. It remained so for almost four centuries until Jesus began His ministry.

Prayers of the faithful

With the coming of Jesus and His death on the cross, God turns a new leaf in His dealings with His people. Now there is a different entity, formed not only by Jews but also Gentiles, so the prayers of the faithful constitute the voice of a new body of believers: the Church. This is the time when the Holy Spirit is in the midst of Gods people, dwelling inside every believer and guiding the Church as a whole with unprecedented signs and wonders.

The prayers of the faithful are now answered in a powerful way and the apostles are able to perform miracles greater than those that Jesus Himself did while on earth. That brings us to the present day. The Church is still the main way that God uses to extend the news of the Gospel. The prayers of the faithful are yet instrumental in bringing about Gods kingdom and the Church as a whole. The Church has the enormous responsibility to be light and salt in this world.

Prayers of the faithful that never cease

There will come a time, however, when the prayers of the faithful will be needed no longer. When Jesus comes for the second time to this earth and gathers His elect from the four corners of the globe, the prayers of the faithful will turn into shouts of joy and songs of worship and they will remain so for all eternity. Would you like to join in these prayers of the faithful now?

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