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Name Thomas Currie


Reason A greater say into what students study: Additionally students also have little say into what they study for example students can only choose from a blog of modules. However, many students have expressed their desire to study other subjects but have no means of making these ideas heard. Therefore I believe that schools should provide an online petition by which students can submit their ideas for new modules; if the petition then gets enough signatures it can then in turn be discussed by the school of history and if the school is happy it can then be incorporated into the course for future years. I completely appreciate however, that some ideas may be ludicrous or the school may simply not have the resources to provide it (although some ideas could simply be shelved until the resources become available) but nevertheless we still need to provide students with a means by their which ideas can be expressed and taken seriously. Increased seminar participation: Currently Students have little input into the layout of their seminars, for example students have little say into what they read or what they print off in seminars. As a result students can often find themselves having to read material that they may find is irrelevant to their studies or having to print off large amounts or work which are never discussed nor used. Therefore I propose that schools provide students with the Layout of the seminar beforehand and gives students the opportunity to raise issues such as proposing alternative reading materials, discussing specific subjects within the seminar to discuss or not printing certain material etc. If the seminar leader is then happy to adopt these changes the necessary changes can be made and the seminar can then proceed as follows. The Deadline for changes should be a least week before the seminar giving ample time to make the agreed changes and additionally the seminar leaders should have the final say in all matters regarding seminar layout. So long as seminar leaders are supportive of the proposal, I believe it should be relatively easy to implement and should come at no extra cost. True most students may not use the service but with a strong awareness campaign and sufficient encouragement I believe a significant amount of students will use the new service and If not that does not

Thomas Currie

Lucy Golding Badereddine Thabti

Alex Murray

Kent Union should campaign for a change in grading boundaries within Higher Education

hide the fact that schools are doing all they can to give students greater powers. Subsidised printing or printing credits. To increase the relationship between the students and their lecturers/ module convenors or seminar leader and to actually allow students greater access to the decision making process of the different schools and departments, i propose weekly or monthly sessions that bring all of the lecturers and professors with the students in an informal gathering to get to know and establish working relationships with their teachers. The difference between two grades can be incredibly marginal at times down to just tenths of a percentage point yet in terms of perception a chasm can exist. A survey conducted by the Association of Graduate Recruiters (AGR) this year found that 75% of businesses are ignoring any job applications from graduates with less than a 2:1. This policy has a national outlook, calling for a system which offers a breakdown of the distinctions between each boundary using a grade point average, leaving the graduate with a mark such as a 3.7 or 2.5. I think that there should be windows or peep-holes in the doors to all lecture theatres and seminar rooms. Many of these rooms do not have any way of observing what is inside without physically opening the door leading to regular interruptions of sessions by people investigating to see if they can enter, either looking for an empty room or early for a later lecture. With the addition of windows it would be possible for people outside to look in and make sure that the room is empty or filled with people from their course before entering, this would prevent people having to open the door to check that they are in the right place which is distracting for both students and lecturers when it happens mid lecture and embarrassing for the person who has opened the door to check.

Timothy McMaster

Kent Union should campaign for peep-holes to be put in all lecture theatre and seminar room doors

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