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PREZENTUL SIMPLU *initiativ S + Vp(forma I-a) exceptie: persoana a III-a sg cand se termina Vp in -s/-es Exp: I brush my teeth every

morning. Ma spal pe dinti in fiecare dimineata. exceptie: He/She brushes *interogativ V aux conj + S + Vp(f1) V aux = TO DO do/does(a III-a sg) Exp: Does he brush... *negativ S + V aux conj + not + Vp don't doesn't *interogativ negativ V aux conj + not + S + Vp V aux = TO DO Exp: Don't you brush Cand se foloseste? - exprima actiuni general valabile Exp: The sun rises in the east - actiuni care au loc intr-un mod repetat (se pot folosi adverbe de frecventa): often (adesea, deseori), usualy (de obicei), rarel/seldom (rar), same times (uneori), every day, once a week.

- pentru a exprima o situatie definitiva Exp: I live in Barlad. - pentru a exprima o actiune viitoare ce face parte dintr-un program stabilit din exterior (nu depinde de mine) Exp: The train leaves at six o'clock. ************************************************** PREZENTUL CONTINU *initiativ S + V aux conj + Vp-ing V aux = TO BE Exp: I am brushing my teeth (now). You are He/She is We are You are Thei are *interogativ V aux conj + S + Vp-ing V aux = TO BE Exp: Are you brushing? *negativ S + V aux conj + not + Vp-ing V aux = TO BE Exp: I'm not brushing. You're not brushing You aren't brushing He's not brushing He isn't brushing *interogativ negativ

V aux conj + not + S + Vp-ing V aux = TO BE Exp: Am I not brushing Aren't you/we/they Isn't he/she Cand se foloseste? - exprima actiuni valabile in momentul vorbirii Exp: The sun is rising (now/right now/at the moment). - actiuni care se desfasoara intr-o anumita perioada de timp dar nu neaparat si in momentul vorbirii Exp: I'm studing english at the moment. - pentru a exprima o situatie temporara Exp: I living in Iasi for the moment. - pentru a exprima o actiune viitoare stabilita de persoana in cauza (stabilita de mine) Exp: I'm going to Brasov tomorow Obs: Aspectul continuu al verbului TO GO TO exprima o actiune viitoare in stadiul de intentie. Exp: I'm going to go to the mountains next week ************************************************** TRADUCERI 1. Te rog nu mai fa atat de mult zgomot. Incerc sa ma concentrez. Please don't make so much noise. I'm trying to concentrate. 2. Tom si Ana vorbesc si beau intr-o cafenea. Tom and Ana are speaking and drinking in a cafe. 3. Tom nu joaca fotbal sezonul acesta. Vrea sa se concentreze asupra studiilor sale. Tom isn't playing footbal this seasons. He want to concentrate... 4. Scuzati-ma, caut o cabina telefonica. Este una prin apropiere? Scuse me, I looking for an telephone. Is there any arround? (Is there one neear by?/Is there any one arround?) 5. De ce ma privesti asa?

Why are you looking at me like that? 6. Piscina se deschide la ora 09:00 si se inchide la 18:30 in fiecare zi. The swimming pool/bath opens at 9 o'clock and closes at 18:30 every day. 7. Asculta-i pe oamenii aceia! Ce limba vorbesc? Listen to those people. What language are they speaking? this - acest, acesta they - ei, ele, lumea that - acel, aceea these - acesti, aceste, acestia, acestea those - acei, acele, aceia, acelea 8. Scuza-ma, vorbesti cumva limba engleza? Scuse me, do you speak english? (Do you happen to speak/know english?) 9. Locuiesc cu niste prieteni pana imi gasesc un apartament. I'm living with some friends (of mine) until I find a flat. 10. Ii auzi pe oamenii aceia? Despre ce vorbesc? Do you hear/(can you hear) those people? What are they talking about? 11. Barbatul acela incearca sa deschida usa masinii tale. That man is trying to open the door to your car. 12. Cred ca ar fi o idee buna sa plecam devreme. I think it would be a good idea to leave early. earlier - mai devreme can - prezent - pot could - trecut - puteam/as putea would be better - ar fi mai bine it could be better - ar putea fi mai bine 13. Grabeste-te autobuzul soseste si nu vreau sa-l pierd. Hurry up, the bus is caming and I don't want to miss it. 14. Poti imprumuta umbrela mea. Nu am nevoie de ea acum. You can borrow my umbrella. I don't need it right now/at the moment. 15. George spune ca are 80 de ani dar eu nu-l cred. George says (that) he is 80 years old but I don't belive him. (I don't think so.) 16. Tatal meu este profesor dar momentan nu lucreaza.

My father is a teacher but he isn't working at the moment. 17. Avem de gand sa dam o petrecere Sambata viitoare. Ti-ar placea sa vii? We are going to have/(thinking of having) a party next Saturday. Would you like to come? 18. La ce ora pleaca urmatorul tren? What time does the next train leave? 19. George, e adevarat ca te casatoresti saptamana viitoare? George, is that/it true that you are getting married next week? 20. Uita-te la norii aceia negrii. O sa ploua. Look at those black clauds. It's going to rain. 21. La ce ora ai sa te intalnesti cu Ana? What time are you meeting Ana? - prezentul poate fi folosit pentru a exprima o actiune viitoare 22. E un bun film la televizor diseara. Ai de gand sa te uiti la el? There is a good film on TV tonight. Are you going to watch it? ************************************************** PAST TENSE SIMPLE *initiativ -- pentru verbe regulate S + Vp-ed Exp: I worked until/til 8 o'clock yesterday. Am lucrat pana la ora 8 ieri. (la fel pentru toate persoanele) -- pentru verbe neregulate S + Vp(forma a II-a) Exp: I saw him in the park yesterday. see saw seen - a vedea L-am vazut ieri in parc. Alte reguli:

- verbele terminate in y precedat de o consoana transforma y-ul in i la adaugarea terminatiei -ed try -> tried study -> studied - verbele terminate in y precedat de o vocala pastreaza y-ul la adaugarea terminatiei -ed play -> played - verbele terminate in consoana precedata de o vocala scurta dubleaza consoana stop -> stopped prefere -> preferred - verbele terminate in l dubleaza l-ul in engleza britanica travel -> travelled (UK) travel -> traveled (SUA) *interogativ DID + S + Vp(forma I-a)? Exp: Did you work til 8 o'clock? Ai lucrat pana la ora 8? raspuns simplu: Yes, I did./No, I didn't. Obs: se foloseste DID pentru toate persoanele *negativ DID + not + Vp(forma I-a) Exp: I didn't work til 8 o'clock yesterday. *interogativ negativ DID + not + S + Vp(forma I-a)? Exp: Didn't I walk til 8 o'clock yesterday? Cand se foloseste?

- exprima o actiune savarsita si incheiata intr-un moment trecut care de obicei este mentionat prin adverbe de timp: yesterday, the day before yesterday, 2 days ago, last week, 2 weeks ago, at 5 last yesterday, last year, in oct. 1980, few days ago. Exp: I called my brother a few days ago. Mi-am sunat fratele cateva zile in urma. Exp: Did I called...? I-am dat telefon...? - o actiune trecuta si incheiata si definitiva Exp: I saw Mary in font of the theatre (yesterday). Am vazut-o pe Mary in fata teatrului (ieri). Obs: I have seen Mary... -> Prezent Perfect ************************************************* PAST TENSE CONTINUOUS *initiativ S + TO BE conj. + Vp(prima forma)-ing I was You were He/She was We were You were They were it was Obs: was(pers. I sg., pers. a III-a sg.) were (pentru celelalte persoane) Exp: I was walking in the park yesterday at five o'clock. Ma plimbam in parc ieri la ora 5. Alte reguli: - terminatia -ing se pune indiferent daca verbul este regulat sau neregulat Exp: begin began begun - a incepe begining - verbul la prima forma + terminatia -ing *interogativ

Was/Were + S + Vp-ing? Exp: Was I walking in the park yesterday at 5? raspuns simplu: Yes, I was./No, I wasn't. *negativ S + Was/Were + not Vp-ing Exp: I wasn't walking in the park yesterday at 5. *interogativ negativ Was/Were + not + S + Vp-ing? Exp: Wasn't I walking...? Cand se foloseste? - o actiune in desfasurare intr-un moment trecut amintita in momentul vorbirii Exp: at 5 o'clock yesterday yesterday at this time He was talking/speeking to Mary this time last week/(last week at this time). El vorbea cu Mary saptamana trecuta pe vremea aceasta. - pentru a exprima o actiune durativa in desfasurare intrerupta de o actiune nondurativa, fie doua actiuni durative in desfasurare intr-un moment trecut paralele Exp: He came/enter in the room while I was eating. eat ate eaten - a manca El a intrat in camera in timp ce eu mancam. Obs: in prima propozitie s-a folosit trecut simplu deoarece era vorba de o actiune momentana (a intrat) iar in a doua propozitie s-a folosit trcut continu deoarece era vorba de o actiune de durata (eu mancam) actiuni momentane -> Past Tense Simple actiuni de durata -> Past Tense Continuous Exp: He was speaking to Mary while I was doing my homework. El vorbea cu Mary in timp ce eu imi faceam temele. **************************************************

TRADUCERI 1. I-am cerut un pahar cu apa si mi l-a adus intr-o clipa. I asked him a glass of watter and he brought it to me in the second/(in a moment). Past Tense Simple <-|-> Past Tense Simple bring [brought] brought 2. Ai vandut automobilul/masina? Cat de mult ai luat pe ea? Did you sell the car? How much did you get on it? Past Tense Simple <-|-> Past Tense Simple [sell] sold sold [get] got got 3. Ai citit doar cartile pe care le-ai cumparat luna trecuta? Did you read all the books that you bought last month? Past Tense Simple (interog.)<-|-> Past Tense Simple [read] read read buy [bought] bought 4. L-am sunat de trei ori dar nu mi-a raspuns. I called/phoned him three times but he didn't answer (me). Past Tense Simple <-|-> Past Tense Simple 5. Tom a cazut pe scari ieri si si-a rupt piciorul. Tom fell down the stairs yesterday and broke his leg. Past Tense Simple <-|-> Past Tense Simple fall [fell] fallen break [broke] broken 6. Am adormit in timp ce ma uitam la televizor. I fell asleep while I was watching TV. Past Tense Simple (actiune momentana) <-|-> Past Tense Continuous (actiune de durata) fall [fell] fallen 7. Cineva a batut la usa si mi-a lasat un buchet de flori in timp ce faceam dus. Somebody knocked on the door and left me a bouquet of flowers while I was having a shower. Past Tense Simple & Past Tense Simple <-|-> Past Tense Continuous 8. A inceput sa ploua in timp ce mergeam spre casa. It starting raining/(began to rain) while I was walking home. Past Tense Simple (actiune momentana) <-|-> Past Tense Continuous (actiune de durata) begin [began] begun 9. Aveam nevoie de niste bani asa ca mi-am vandut masina. I needed some money so I sold my car. Past Tense Simple <-|-> Past Tense Simple Obs: amandoua sunt actiuni de moment sell [sold] sold

10. Sora mea a cheltuit o multime de bani ieri si si-a cumparat o rochie care costa 50$. My sister spent a lot of money yesterday and she bought a dress that cost 50$. Past Tense Simple (actiune momentana) <-|-> Past Tense Simple (actiune momentana) spend [spent] spent buy [bought] bought cost - costa (nu poate fi o actiune durativa) 11. Noaptea trecuta citeam in pat cand deodata am auzit un tipat (ciudat). Last night I was reading in bed when suddenly I heard a (strange) scream. Past Tense Continuous <-|-> Past Tense Simple [read] read read hear [heard] heard 12. Prietenul meu cel mai bun a vazut un accident in timp ce astepta autobuzul. My best friend saw an accident while he was waiting for the bus. Past Tense Simple <-|-> Past Tense Continuous see [saw] seen for - prep. pentru, timp de; din (pricina); dupa, in loc de 13. Ce faceai cand s-au intors parintii tai? Nu ai vrea sa stii. What were you doing when your parents returns/(came back)? You wouldn't want to know. Past Tense Continuous (actiune de dutata) <-| 14. Ai recunoscut-o pe fata care statea langa tine la concert? Did you recognise the girl that was sitting/standing/staying next to you/(near you) at the concert? Past Tense Simple <-|-> Past Tense Continuous [sit] sat sat [stand] stood stood that - adj. acel, aceea; pron. acela, aceea; care; adv. atata; asa de; conj. ca; incat; pentru ca. 15. Tom mi-a facut o poza in timp ce nu ma uitam. Tom took a photograph of mine while I wasn't looking. Past Tense Simple <-|-> Past Tense Continuous take [took] taken 16. Nu am iesit pentru ca ploua. I didn't go out because it was raining. Past Tense Simple <-|-> Past Tense Continuous 17. Ai racit ieri? Did you catch a could yesterday? Past Tense Simple to catch a could - a prinde o raceala

18. Cand a sarit gardul, baietelul si-a rupt bratul. When he jumped over the fence, the little boy broke his arm. Past Tense Simple <-|-> Past Tense Simple break [broke] broken 19. Tom dadea un telefon cand a intrat in camera. Tom was making a phone call when entered the room. Past Tense Continuous <-|-> Past Tense Simple make -> making (se pierde e-ul) 20. Sunt foarte atent. Vad un meci international pentru prima data. I'm verry attentive. I'm watching an international match for the first time. Present Simple <-|-> Present Continuous 21. La ora 09:15 aseara eu ma plimbam in parc. Last night at quarter past nine I was walking on the park. Past Tense Continuous on - adv. inainte; in continuare; mai departe; aprins. prep. pe; asupra; deasupra; la (data de); despre; langa; impotriva; in. 22. Ce faceai ieri pe vremea aceasta? Spalam niste rufe (murdare). What were you doing yesterday at this time? I was washing some (durty) clothes. Past Tense Continuous <-|-> Past Tense Continuous Concluzie: Cand avem o actiune de scurta durata (momentana) descrisa de verbul principal atunci vom folosi Past Tense Simplu si cand avem o actiune de lunga durata descrisa de verbul principal vom folosi Past Tense Continuous.

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