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Michelle Malkin

Michelle Malkin is a Filipino Neo Con who is trying to justify Japanese Americans filled inside
concentration camps during World War II in her recent book “In Defense of Internment.” It’s times
like these that the love of liberty should ascend into a higher level. For the record, tons of
Filipino Americans and others of other ethnic groups are Patriots. So, I want to make that
perfectly clear. She’s a nationally known journalist and a FOX News contributor who
resides in Maryland. Although her earlier book called “Invasion” indeed rightfully outlined the
immigration problems that continue to sustain itself inside America. Michelle is totally wrong on
civil liberties and the racial profiling of individuals. Her simple arguments to promote the
internment of Japanese human beings are that there was a Japanese threat on the West Coast
[proven by top secret “MAGIC messages”], and other ethnic groups were inside the American
concentration camps like Europeans (like Germans and the Italians) during WWII. Also, Michelle
Malkin further contends that many were allowed to leave and hundreds voluntarily moved into
internment camps. Reason Magazine wrote that many of the men who proposed
or implemented the internment camps during WWII didn't know about the
MAGIC cables (and the vast majority of Japanese people weren't involved
with spying at all). Many of the Japanese citizens didn't have a trial at all,
but were kidnapped into concentration camps. In her book, she wants no
Muslims to be in the military to have combat roles in the Middle East
(including the establishment of internment camps today for certain people).
This generalization of Muslim Americans is inappropriate to say the least.
You couldn't make up this stuff. Racial profiling as a necessity to be advanced is her
motto. Michelle makes mention that the $16.5 billion federal bipartisan federal reparations law for
Japanese internees and evacuees was a disaster. My rebuttals to these immoral comments by
Malkin are easy and sweeping. Even if there were a Japanese espionage threat; the procedure to
respond ought to be investigations of those accused with due process.
There is absolutely no need for the basic allowance of 112,000 people into select concentration
camps at all. That action lead by the U.S. government was highly an overreaction. Internment
camps, regardless if other ethnic groups were allowed in (FDR indeed sent German, Italians,
Hungarians, Romanians, and Bulgarians into concentration camps), are still wrong. It’s wrong
because those Japanese people are innocent and were not convicted of guilt under a court of law.
After the war, Japanese and German Americans lost their jobs, had to sell their property, and had
to rebuild their lives all over again.

Surprisingly, Michelle loves the Democratic, FDR Gestapo policies. What Malkin failed to point out
is that FDR knew of the Pearl Harbor attack and did nothing to avert it. (She should read Mark
Everson Willer’s book entitled, “Pearl Harbor: The Mother of All Conspiracies” which
proves it 100%). The criminal FDR devised the Office of Censorship, conscription of 10 million
men, food rationizing, and allowed civilian bombings. What a pity that a woman so intelligent like
Michelle Malkin could be so hoodwinked. Racial profiling is a concept that I’ve always opposed
since you judge a criminal by just cause and by the content of someone’s character [and actions]
not by the color of one’s skin, creed, or race. The ante-9/11 world would give us more inspiration
to boost our civil liberties and rights. To degrade our rights is futile for real. Evil terrorism can be
done by people not of Arab descent also. In actuality, this terrorism war is fake (since al-Qaeda ia
CIA/ISI invention) and the Bush government years ago have acted as real terrorists (with depleted
uranium exploding in Iraq, the torture of detainees, and the violations of our civil liberties).

The Elite created al-Qaeda in the 1980’s and funded Saddam Hussein since 1959 (via the CIA).
Since the late 1970’s, Zbigniew Brzezinski and other Western elites funded the muhajedeen in
order to get the Soviets out of Afghanistan. Osama bin Laden was one of the muhajedeen
members who later formed al-Qaeda out of his MAK organization in the 1980’s. To protect
ourselves by watching our borders is fine, but anti-civil liberty measures decrease
freedoms instead of making us safe. The justification for that is suppressing rights can lead the
government to have a higher risk to bring fascism unto the people. Remember that a police state
and terror go hand and hand. The financial money used is debatable, but to not send reparations
to the Japanese victims is out of the question. Reparations for Japanese people who suffered
WWII internment camps is totally justified, because compensation for bad treatment toward
oppressed people are moral, biblical, and just. J. Edgar Hoover and Earl Warren just were one of
the many architects of the internment camp system for the Japanese Americans. This was a
pretext for the government in this new millennium to develop FEMA camps to house
dissenters in this fake war on terrorism. Author and diplomat Peter Dale Scott exposed
how the government created Operation ENDGAME. That was a Homeland Security plan to
remove anyone deemed “illegal aliens” and “potential terrorists.” Also, Kellogg, Brown and Root
had been award a $385 million contract by Homeland Security to construct detention and
processing facilities in the event of a national emergency. This is shocking, but true. She even
lied and say that a Marine didn't kill a dog in Iraq. Malkin claim that no Marine threw a dog
over a cliff. Yet, later it was discovered that the Marine admitted that he threw the puppy
over the cliff and killed it. Lance Corporal David Motari is the name of the Marine who
did it as it was caught on tape.
Michelle Malkin had a recent 2008 debate with Alex Jones in Denver during
the Democratic National Convention. Now, Michelle and Alex Jones debated
about torture and the war on terror. I don’t agree with Jones on every issue,
but I agree with Jones more on civil liberties, being against torture,
believing that 9/11 was an inside job, etc. than Michelle Malkin. The
controversy is whether Jones intentionally spit at Michelle Malkin and if Alex
Jones pushed someone. Jones denies both charges. What is true is that
provocateurs with the Malkin camp falsely claimed that Alex Jones wanted to
kill Michelle Malkin. Of course, Alex Jones didn’t want to kill Michelle Malkin.
The provocateurs threaten to kill Michelle Malkin not Alex Jones. The far left Recreate 68's
Kenneth Sanchez said "Michelle Malkin is a true patriot!" This tells me that phony
liberals like Sanchez are aligning with phony conservatives like Michelle Malkin.
Therefore, the establishment Left and the establishment Right work in deception together
in order to attempt to convince human beings to ignore the real, serious issues like the
FEMA camps, eugenics, the open borders (although, immigrants should be treated with
compassion and respect. Big banks always support porous borders to enact globalization
and break down national sovereignty), and the Big Brother evils in the world. Geraldo
Rivera disagrees with Michelle Malkin for obvious reasons over her support for the
internment of Japanese Americans (which was evil), the issue of immigration, etc. Alex
Jones was wrong in my opinion in excessively yelling at Malkin. He could of easily debated
her in a more meek manner. A real man doesn’t need to excessively yell at a woman to get
their points across at all. Yet, Michelle Malkin is 100% right to oppose abortion and expose
the evil group of Planned Parenthood though. Malkin is correct to point out the pro-
eugenics history of Planned Parenthood (i.e. Margaret Sanger was an eugenicist who tried
to brainwash black Americans like WEB DuBois that depopulation was ok). I don’t why
people still support Planned Parenthood when its early founders and supporters agreed with
the lie of eugenics and even aided the Nazis back decades ago. They have been involved in
scandals, especially when they permit deceptions to occur. Abortion is utilized by elitists via
Foundations, etc. as a form of eugenics to break down population growth. Abortion has been
utilized as a liberal establishment “sacrament” so to speak. Planned Parenthood has been
supportive of China’s evil abortion policy. There is a Georgia Abortion business that cuts
office hours after 40 days for Life Event. This abortion center is owned by Planned
Parenthood in Augusta, Georgia. The 40 days for Life is a prayerful pro-life event. In
2009, 38 abortion cnters have closed down its centers. News of the cutback won't get PP
off to a good start thi year. Leola Reis is the vice President of external affairs for Planned
Parenthood of Georgia. She blamed the economy for the cutback. "Women have been
changing their consumption of health care because of the economy," she told the Augusta
Chronicle newspaper. "We're seeing a lot of women giving up preventive care. Their
priorities are keeping the bills paid, putting food on the table, and their kids' health before
their own." That's typical eugenics rhetoric, because economic problem never
merit the eugenic policy of abortion. Reis said that the current staff was
somewhat affected but she doesn't think anyone will be laid off because of
the decision. Planned Parenthood stands their operations at only 797. Jim
Sedlak of STOPP International says that the cuts backs in hours is the first
step to closing. STOPP International monitors the abortion business. "We
have observed that often the first sign that a clinic is in trouble is that it cuts
its operating hours in order to save money," he says in a Thursday email to It's great to set abortion clinics closing indeed. Other clinics are closing
some of their hours. Sedlak believes that the 40 Days for Life campaign helped. He said
that there were at lest 8 regularly scheduled protests at the Georgia clinic each month. He
believes that having a regular protests weekly can have a major impact on Planned
Parenthood's business. Even a Catholic businessman (I don't agree with Catholicism
obviously) Gary Garner said that pro-life efforts have something to do with the decision.
The abomination of abortion should end immediately of course. I will be pro-life forever.
In the end, abortion will not exist in the Universe. To this day PP is funded by Foundation

Unlike some people, I will not yell at her face in that type of fashion to get my point across.
Alex Jones has a right to do this as it‘s apart of the First Amendment. In 2010, Michelle
Malkin (like Newt Gingrich, Gallagher, and Rep. Peter King of New York State) went to talk to
Sean Hannity to continually support the profiling of Muslims in airports after the failed
bombing attempt in Detroit by a young man named Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab
(he was in Flight 253). The more things change in the world, the more they stay the same.
Basically in other words, the more changes we have in society, the more the discredited
idea of forming a police state to solve our problems is still around. Fundamentally, we
judge a person legally under the banner of due process without regard to anything else. I
love you Michelle Malkin as a human being, but you need to open your eyes and heart to cherish
authentic liberty.

By Timothy

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