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Sample Question Paper

Course Name : Mechanical Engineering Group Course Code : ME/PG/PT/MH/MH/FE Semester Subject Marks : Fourth : Fundamentals of Electronics. : 100 Time: 3 Hours


Instructions: 1. All questions are compulsory. 2. Illustrate your answers with neat sketches wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks. 4. Assume suitable data if necessary. 5. Preferably, write the answers in sequential order. Q.1 A) Attempt any SIX of the following: a. Draw the symbols of Zener diode and Photo Transistor. b. Compare BJT and JFET based on their construction c. Draw the circuit diagram of full wave bridge wave rectifier. d. Give any two specifications of liquid crystal display. e. Give Barkhausen criteria for oscillation f. State two types of triggering in digital electronics g. List the types of filters. h. Draw the circuit diagram of Schmitt trigger using op-amp. Q.1 B) Attempt any TWO of the following: 08 Marks 12 Marks

a. Describe with graph, forward and reverse characteristics of pn junction diode b. Describe VI characteristics of UJT. c. Draw the circuit diagram of half wave rectifier with pi filter and label it. Q.2 Attempt any four of the following: a. List the types of regulator ICs with their output voltages. b. Describe the working of zener diode in line regulation. c. Draw the block diagram of power supply and label each block. 16 Marks

d. Compare half wave and full wave rectifier on the basis of effiency and ripple factor. e. 5 How IC 723 is used as a voltage regulator? Q.3 Attempt any FOUR of the following: a. List the types of transistor biasing. What is operating point? b. Describe how transistor is used as a switch. c. Draw the circuit diagram of phase shift oscillator. State the formula for frequency of oscillation. d. How CE configuration of transistor is made to work as an amplifier. e. Describe the working of Hartley oscillator with the diagram. f. Compare RC coupled and direct coupled amplifiers based on their frequency response and applications Q 4. Attempt any four of the following: 16 Marks 16 Marks

a. Describe construction and working of seven segment display with neat diagram. b. .Describe how op-amp is used as an adder. c. Draw the block diagram of op-amp d. Draw the circuit diagram of instrumentation amplifier using op-amp and label it. e. Describe how op-amp is used as voltage to current converter. f. Compare conductor, semiconductor and insulator on any two parameters Q.5 Attempt any FOUR of the following: a. Draw the truth tables for AND, OR, XOR & NOT gates. b. Draw circuit diagram of master slave JK flip flop and state the advantage of it over JK flip flop. c. Why NAND gate is called as universal gate? d. Show how JK flip flop is converted to get D flip flop and T flip flop. e. Convert 98.3 decimal into binary and hexadecimal number system. f. Draw the circuit diagram of 4:1 MUX. Q.6 Attempt any FOUR of the following: a. Describe the construction and working principle of MOSFET b. Draw the block diagram of IC 555 c. Describe the working principle of astable multivibrator using IC 555. d. Describe the working of successive approximation method of ADC. e. Describe R-2R ladder network method of DAC. f. Draw V-I characteristics of CB and CC configurations of transistor. 16 Marks 16 Marks

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