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When we check the technical feasibility configuratio n of thesystem is given more

importance than the actual make of hardware. The processing environment is windows

zone usedfor. The client configuratio n is window XP workstation min 20


Bhard disk, 64MB ram, Pentium processors 1


hz, the necessaryso ftwares required

running the Employee Managemen t System are VS 2005 and SQL 2000 From

the point of technicalfea sibility, the software is worth doing. ECO


OMIC FEASIBILI TY Establishing the costeffectivenes s of the proposed

system i.e. if the benefits do not outweigh the costs then it is not

worth goingahead.

n this we determine the benefits and savings that are

expectedfro ma proposed system and compare them with costs.


t benefitsout weigh costs; a decision is taken to design and implement thesystem.

This is an ongoing effort that improves in accuracy at eachphase of the system life

cycle.Econo mic analysis is the most frequently used technique forevaluatin g the

effectivenes s of a proposed system. Most commonlykn own as cost/ benefit

analysis the procedure is to determine thebenefits and savings that are expected

from a proposed system & compare them with cost.


n this feasibility financial and economicqu estion during the preliminary investigation

to estimate the following.1: - The cost to conduct a full system investigation .2: - The

cost of hardware and software for the class of applicationb eingconsider ed.3: - The

cost of nothing charges.4: The benefits in the form of reduced cost.Econom ic feasibility

is an on going effort that improves inaccuracy ateach phase of the system life

cycle. During interviewee


asked severalquest ions related with the cost of site.


AL FEASIBILI TY Do the current work practices

and procedures support a new system?Also social factors i.e. how the

organization al changes will affect theworking lives of those affected by the system.

It is mainly related tohuman organizatio nal and political aspects

. The points to beconsidere d are:

What changes will be brought

with the system?

What organization al structures are disturbed?

What new skills will be required? Do the existing staff membersha

ve these skills?

f not, can they be trained in due course of time? Such

consideratio ns are likely to critically affect the nature and scopeof the eventual recommend

ations. This feasibility study is carried outby a small group of people

who are familiar with


nformation system techniques, who understand the parts of

thebusiness that are relevant to the project and are skilled in systemanaly sis and

design process.

ssues that appear to be quite minor at the early stage can growinto

major problem after implementat ion. Therefore we shouldconsi

der operation aspects carefully. When


check the operationalf easibility.

found that the upper as well as the lower staff is fullysatisfied with it. The staff is

cooperative and they fee l easily with thissite . So


can say that proposed project is

passing the operationfea sibility also.

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