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Christ The Antidote Regarding Death


Part 49.
The Wonder Of Secrets Revealed!
''Surely the Lord God will do nothing without revealing His secret to His servants the prophets.'' Amos
3:7. Amp.
''But that when the days come when the trumpet call of the seventh angel is about to be sounded,
then God's mystery (His secret design, His hidden purpose), as He had announced the glad tidings to His
servants the prophets, should be fulfilled (accomplished, completed).'' Rev 10:7. Amp.

''esus answered, !"en if # do testify on $y own behalf, $y testimony is true and reliable and "alid,
for !now where came from and where am going% but you do not &now where # come from or where #
am going.'' John 8:14. Amp.
Are e a!"e to tr#"$ sa$ ''I know where I came from and what my destination is.'' %& $o# 'an
then $o# are on a par ith Jes#s. 'ho other than our true identity the (hrist could ha"e shown us this)
This is 'oming dire't"$ &rom that hidden rea"m( hi'h is &rom ithin o#r res!rrected conscio!s
awareness" ) it is #ttering the ver$ same isdom ) se'rets that ere on'e hidden !#t no revea"ed to
#s( as on"$ the Christ identit$ 'o#"d impart to #s. % thin* it is ver$( ver$ onder&#".

''*he +ather dearly lo"es the Son and discloses to (shows) Him everything that He Himself does. ,nd
He will disclose to Him (let Him see) greater things yet than these, so that you may marvel and be full of
wonder and astonishment. ust as the "ather raises up the dead - &rom o#t o& the d#st o& d#a"ism - and
gives them life .ma&es them li"e on/, e"en so the Son also gi"es life to whomever He wills and is pleased
to gi"e it. !"en the +ather 0udges no one, for He has given all #udgement (the last 0udgement and the
whole business of 0udging) entirely into the hands of the Son,'' John +:,0-,,. Amp.
.hat a statement( ho is the /ather dis'"osing a"" o& this to0 The Son" !oth o#r individ#a" 'ons'io#s
aareness Christ( p"#s o#r cor#orate Christ se$f ) 1e is sa$ing to #s that as the /ather raises !# the
dead ) gives them "i&e2 that is raising them o#t o& their %ra&es of i%norance ' !n(e$ief o& the ADA)IC
S*EE+ OR DREA)" p"#s 1e has given a"" 3#dgement entire"$ into the hand o& this COR+ORATE SON.
'',nd many of those who S$%%& in the dust of the - their - earth shall awa!e1 some to e"erlasting
life and some to shame and everlasting - o"am - contempt and abhorrence.'' Dan 1,:,. Amp.
4n'e again the d!st of the earth is re&erring to the %ra&es of i%norance ) the s$ee# is re&erring to
the Adamic dream and is an ana"og$ or a para!"e( as the ho"e ord is in para!"es &or #s to de'ipher. %n
o#r "ast arti'"e e 5#oted &rom John +:,9 ) promised $o# that e o#"d sho $o# that this verse ) the
a!ove verse in Danie" mean e6a't"$ the same thing. 7#t &irst o& a"" as it is an a"most 'ommon
#nderstanding that the ord o$am means eterna$ or e&er$astin%( e m#st sho $o# &rom #sage that this
is &ar &rom the 'ase in most 'ases - usage is the true deciding factor - no matter here o#r in&ormation is
derived( hether it !e a 'on'ordan'e or otherise. /irst o& a"" it o#"d !e good to 'onsider to honest
'',nd the multitude of those sleeping in the dust of the ground do awa!e, some to life age'during,
and some to reproaches--to abhorrence age'during.'' Dan 1,:,. 8o#ng9s :itera" Trans"ation. ;oti'e age
Christ The Antidote Regarding Death
d#ring ) not ever"asting.
''+rom those sleeping in the soil of the ground many shall awa!e, these to eonian life and these to
reproach for eonian repulsion.2 Dan 1,:,. Con'ordant :itera" <ersion. ;oti'e on'e again the ord
eonian ) not ever"asting.
.e are no shoing &rom #sage that that the ord o$am means &ar more or "ess than e have !een
"ed to !e"ieve ) ma$ % a"so add( than most trans"ations or trans"ators are i""ing to admit.
3euteronomy 4516 78emember the days of old .olam/, oshua 5915 ,nd oshua said to all the
people, 7*hus says the L:83 God of #srael1 ;<our fathers, including *erah, the father of ,braham and the
father of =ahor, dwelt on the other side of the 8i"er in old times .olam/% > Samuel 561? ,nd 3a"id and
his men went up and raided the Geshurites, the Gir@ites, and the ,male&ites. +or those nations were the
inhabitants of the land from of old .olam/, as you go to Shur, e"en as far as the land of !gypt. =AB,
ob 551>C 'ill you &eep to the old .olam/ way which wic&ed men ha"e trod =AB, #saiah 951>9 7# ha"e
held $y peace a long time, .olam/ =AB. !Dodus 5>1E then his master shall bring him to God. He shall
also bring him to the door, or to the doorpost, and his master shall pierce his ear with an awl% and he
shall ser"e him always .olam/. =AB.
These are 3#st a ver$ &e o& the man$ re&eren'es that are avai"a!"e !#t i"" s#&&i'e to prove a point.
1aving no seen !$ #sage that 4:A= 'o#"d never in an$ a$ ever mean ever"asting or eterna" - eDcept
by usage - i& it is ever app"ied to mean that >od is going to p#nish an$ o& 1is 'reation for e&er it is ver$(
ver$ rong. e 'an no see that ''those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awa!e'' in the Dan 1,:,
verse is meaning e6a't"$ to hat e re&erred to in Jn +:,9 in o#r "ast arti'"e Part 48 as the &o""oing
Our Sleep n The (ust Of Religious (ualism) *s Opposed
To The *wa!ening Of Our ++%R ,hrist ,onsciousness!
* Third (ay Reality!
'',nd the multitude of those sleeping in the dust of the ground do awa!e, some to life age'during, and
some to reproaches--to abhorrence age'during.'' Dan 1,:,. 8o#ng9s :itera" Trans"ation.
This s"eep in the d#st o& the gro#nd( represents an$ &orm o& re"igio#s e6perien'e o#tside o& the Secret
+$ace o& the =ost 1igh e6perien'e( hi'h in inner se$f rea$ity has nothing hatsoever to do ith o#r
o"der first ' second rea$m( o!ter co!rt or ho$y #$ace or o#ter Ch#r'h per'eptions( even tho#gh the$
ma$ !e a "ead #p to #s awakin%. %t is as ;%>1T 'ompared to DA8. This is a part o& o#r $owered state o&
'ons'io#s aareness( hi'h is the tree o& %ood ' e&i$ within !s - our lowered consciousness - as opposed
to the tree of $ife within !s - our higher consciousness - this is a"" a "ead #p to to the TR,E inner Christ
'ons'io#sness rea$ity hi'h Peter mentioned as the sa"vation to !e revea"ed in the "ast time( %Pet 1:+( or
the end of the second day message as per. 1osea ?:,. This is hat is meant hen $o# hear peop"e
re&erring to their tr!e identity or their mistaken identity( hi'h in a't#a" &a't have a"a$s !een one - in
the sense of the "eil being rent within us - !#t e 'o#"d never !e"ieve it. .h$0 7e'a#se most peop"e thin*
that the !att"e is !eteen the %ood ' the e&i$ on the one tree2 !#t the tr#th is e have to trees ithin #s(
in o!r %arden as e have a"read$ mentioned a!ove in this paragraph. ''-o! are a %arden enc$osed''
@ong o& @o" 4:1,. ?:3. The thing that % &ee" that e m#st rea"ise is that the tr!e &ei$ that as rent is the
vei" o& 1is( Christ9s &"esh. .hat &"esh0 There is a nat#ra" !od$ ) there is a spirit#a" !od$( 1Cor 1+: 44.
The vei" to #s is a't#a""$ o#r $imited d!a$ !nderstandin%. .hi"st e are in this d!a$ a$ o&
thin*ing e 'an never move &orard. .hat 'an % do to 'hange this0 To ordsA NE. .INE/S0INS a
ho"e ne 'hange( nothing e"se i"" do it. A ho"e chan%e !#. 8ears ago e he"d a position as a '#tter
Christ The Antidote Regarding Death
in a &#rnit#re &a'tor$ e had a n#m!er o& seing ma'hinists that e tended to. .hen e had &inished the
r#n o& one t$pe o& "o#nge s#ite ) e introd#'ed another t$pe( invaria!"$ the 'r$ o#"d !e chan%e !# )
the ma'hinists o#"d have to 'hange need"es( threads( ) man$ times the ma'hine &oots p"#s ta!"es )
s#pports et' &or a 'omp"ete"$ di&&erent operation. The o"d set #p as #se"ess. %n this ne e6perien'e o&
the @e'ret or =ost 1o"$ P"a'e ithin( hi'h is here the Bingdom o& >od is entos ithin2 e need a
'omp"ete ne 'hange #p. ;e ine is not good eno#gh( o#r thin*ing needs to !e chan%ed" hen'e e
need 'omp"ete"$ ne wine/skins( a mi6t#re is #se"ess. And so e pro'eed ith o#r tho#ght.
''*nd they shall come out--those who ha"e practised doing good .will come out/ to the resurrection
of .new/ life, and those who ha"e done e"il will be raised for #udgement - *risis( a t#rning point - .raised
to meet their sentence-.'' John +:,9 Amp.
And they sha$$ come o!t to a res!rrection of a new way of (ein%" ) in !eing raised to this ne
a$ o& "iving wonderf!$ 1!d%ement - &risis, which is a turning point - i"" ta*e p"a'e ) it i"" !e a
3#dgement #nto 2ICTOR-. This 'overs an$one in an$ spirit#a" 'ondition( do not "et the ord 3#dgement
deter $o# as >od9s 3#dgements are a"a$s #nto &ictory. Are an$ o& $o# ho are reading this anting this
higher e6perien'e0 8o# i"" &ind it within ) not o#tside o& $o#rse"&( $o# are the tr!e Temp"e o& >od.
.e are serving a onder&#" >od ho has the !est interests o& a"" 1is 'reation at heart. =a$ >od !"ess
$o# ri'h"$.
The Wonder Of Secrets Revealed!
'',nd it will ne"ermore be necessary for each one to teach his neighbour and his fellow citi@en or each
one his brother, saying, Anow (percei"e, ha"e &nowledge of, and get acFuainted by eDperience with) the
Lord, for all will !now .e) from the smallest to the greatest of them.'' 1e! 8:11. Amp.
%t is o!vio#s that this has not $et ta*en p"a'e. % i"" as* the 5#estion h$0 The anser is that the o"d
a$ o& re"igio#s d!a$istic thin*ing is sti"" ver$ m#'h a"ive ) ith some sti"" standing &irm. There is a
'ondition that e 'ome into this onder&#" e6perien'e( ) it is &o#nd in the previo#s verse.
''+or this is the co"enant that # will ma&e with the house of #srael after those days, says the Lord1 #
will imprint $y laws upon their minds, e"en upon their innermost thoughts and understanding, and
engrave them upon their hearts% and # will be their God, and they shall be $y people.'' 1e! 8:10. Amp.
%n simp"e terms there are those ho '"aim to !e ) those ho o#"d !e third da$ !e"ievers ho are
sti"" vieing the Bingdom o& >od more &rom the o!ter or more &rom hat the$ 'an see - the fi"e senses -
) not &rom their heart or that hi'h is within themse"ves. Cnti" the tr#ths ) "as ) the innermost
tho#ghts ) #nderstandings o& >od are en-graven within o#r hearts( verse 11 i"" not !e'ome a rea"it$ to
There are three areas in the Ta!erna'"e o& =oses( 4#ter Co#rt( 1o"$ P"a'e ) the =ost 1o"$ P"a'e(
hi'h is app"i'a!"e to #s toda$. There are three "eve"s o& #nderstanding in >ods ord a"so ) hether e
'an re'eive it or not it is a &a't that there is a third "eve" o& interpretation to the inspired s'ript#res !esides
hat man$ have ) sti"" do adhere to. These three most de&inite "eve"s app"$ to &irst o#r (ody 4#ter Co#rt(
so!$ 1o"$ P"a'e( ) s#irit =ost 1o"$ P"a'e. The heart represents that hi'h is deep within. Re"igiosit$(
7a!$"onian ) se'tarian 'on'epts are things that are a"a$s 'onsidered &rom the vis#a" ie( great
Cathedra"s( great &o""oings or man$ in n#m!ers et'. %t is ver$ interesting to note that e read 'on'erning
%srae" in De#t 7:7 ''*he Lord did not set His lo"e upon you and choose you because you were more in
number than any other people, for you were the fewest of all people.'' % see this t$pe or a""egor$ as
representing the man-'hi"d( even i& 144(000 ere a "itera" n#m!er as - some would suppose - 'ompared to
the pop#"ation o& the present amo#nt o& those that o#"d '"aim a""egian'e to Jes#s Christ - and may God
bless each G e"ery one of them - the 144(000 o#"d !e ver$ &e.
Reading again verse 11( verse 1, goes on to sa$ ''+or # will be merciful and gracious toward their
Christ The Antidote Regarding Death
sins and will remem/er their deeds of unrighteousness no more.'' 1e! 8:1,. Amp. Beep in mind that
this is a&ter that ''all will !now me from the smallest to the greatest.'' Then in verse 13 e read(
'''hen God spea&s of a new 0covenant or agreement/, He ma&es the first one o/solete (out of use). ,nd
what is o/solete (out of use and annulled because of age) is ripe for disappearance and to /e dispensed
with altogether.'' 1e! 8:13. Amp.
To (e dis#ensed with a$to%ether. % am as*ing the 5#estion 'o#"d this !e part o& the reason that verse
11 has not $et ta*en p"a'e0 % o#"d sa$ that it o#"d most de&inite"$ have something to do ith it. :et #s
no 'onsider it is that hi'h is to ta*e p"a'e in the heart within or ith o#r tr#e Christ identit$. %n p"ain
terms this is a"" spea*ing o& that hi'h is happening .ITHIN o#rse"ves. .e read in this in the &o""oing.

''But whene"er a person turns .in repentance/ to the Lord, the "eil is stripped off and ta&en away.''
,Cor 3:1? ,$H

;o i& e a''ept the #s#a" #nderstanding o& this verse it o#"d mean that an$one ho repents is in
the =ost 1o"$ P"a'e( - while this may be true in theory, as all are in a relationship to him Lu&e 5I14? - to
#s e thro#gh e6perien'e #nderstand that it is a &#rther inner conscio!s third da$ rea"it$. @o in the "ight
o& this p"ease a""o me to share hat % am seeing ith the end o& verse 14 thro#gh to 18.

''But their minds were hardened. +or until this "ery day, the same veil remains upon the reading of
the old covenant, not /eing uncovered, because it is done away with in (hrist. But until today, whenever
.oses is read aloud, a "eil lies upon their heart, but whene"er one turns to the Lord, - f!$$y - the "eil is
remo"ed. =ow the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. ,nd we all,
with un"eiled face, reflecting the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory
into glory, 0ust as from the Lord, the Spirit.'' ,Co 3:14-18. :e6ham Dng"ish 7i!"e.
%t is m$ strong opinion that =oses is sti"" !eing read in most &irst ) se'ond da$ gatherings - G also
within others - more o&ten than e rea"ise( p"ease "et me e6p"ain. %n 1Cor 13:9-10 e are to"d that o#r
*no"edge is &ragmentar$ ) o#r tea'hing is a"so incom#$ete ' im#erfect. 7#t hen the 'omp"ete )
per&e't 'omes the rest i"" vanish aa$ !e'ome anti3!ated ' s!#erseded. <erse 1, %n&orms #s(
''+or now we are loo&ing in a mirror that gi"es only a dim 1/lurred2 reflection .of reality as in a
riddle or enigma/, but then .when perfection comes/ we shall see in reality and face to faceJ =ow # &now
+ &*RT (imperfectly), but then # shall &now and understand fully and clearly, e"en in the same manner
as # ha"e been fully and clearly &nown and understood .by God/.'' 1Co 13:1,. Amp.
%n m$ a''ess to di&&erent trans"ations( there are at "east 1+ mentioning the a't#a" ords in #art" hi'h
is in tr#th meaning PART :A. PART >RACD or #art )oses #art +entecosta$. Are e no !eginning to
see hat the inspirer o& the riter o& ,Cor 3:1? as re&erring to0 This is hat % !e"ieve that the @pirit o&
reve"ation as *eeping &or #s hen "oo*ing don the te"es'ope o& time( $es even &or this ver$ $ear(
month( ee* ) da$. This to m$se"& is h$ this verse 'annot app"$ e6perientia""$ to an$one other than in a
third da$ e6perien'e. .h$0 Again % repeat the$ are sti"" in #art $aw ) doing so THE-/ARE/STI**
READING/)OSES. >od !e praised &or the spirit#a" #nderstanding e are re'eiving. ;o % do not do#!t
that others have #nderstood this parti'#"ar tho#ght &or $on*s( !#t hat enth#ses me is that to me it is ne
) en'o#raging. % o#"d a"so add2 There is not one o& #s ho are at present in a !od$ o& &"esh that have it
a$$/to%ether( !#t to%ether it is more than possi!"e to have it a"" A

The Christ Chi"d is 'on'eived( &ormed ) !irthed on$y within. The 'r$ o& m$ heart( m$ tr#e Christ
se"& is that a"" thin*ing that o#"d te"" #s that o#r tr!e e6perien'e is o!tside o& o#r o#rse"ves( needs to !e
CO)+*ETE*- a(o$ished ' discarded. Amen ) amenA
Christ The Antidote Regarding Death
Remem/er $ot's Wife!
:#*e 17:3,. The end o& the previo#s verse 31te""s #s. ''$et Him that is in the field not turn /ac!.'' verse
33 then sa$s(
'''hoe"er tries to preser"e his life will lose it, but whoe"er loses his life will preserve and 3uic!en it.''
.hoever tries to preserve that hi'h the$ on'e had mnemeion( E a place of remembrance or a
memorial( in other ords going !a'* ) preserving a p"a'e o& remem!ran'e or o& something that the$ on'e
had ) sho#"d have !een &orgotten ) dis'arded2 that is the preserving o& a memoria".
''But on the "ery day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and /rimstone from hea"en and
destroyed them all.'' :#*e 17:,0 Amp. Than* >od there is no a re-ena'tment o& this ver$ verse ta*ing
p"a'e right no toda$ ) sha"" 'ontin#e ith m#'h white hot $o&e &or this is hat >od9s tr#e 3ea"o#s$
'onsists o& ) it is this that is destro$ing the @odom ) >omorrah o& o#r &"esh"$ so#"ish rea"ms o& se'tarian
re"igiosit$ that o#"d tr$ to ta*e aa$ o#r tr#e #nderstanding hi'h is( that 1e is on"$( % repeat on$y
ithin C@ sitting on 1is throne .ITHIN( i& e do not $et *no it "et #s rea"ise it toda$. >4D %@ A <DR8
JDA:4C@ >4D espe'ia""$ here 1is 'hosen ones are 'on'erned ) e are meaning in this 'ase initia""$
1%@ =A;C1%:D. .e are not r#"ing o#t the A:: no( no( no &or that is the prime 'on'ern o& >od9s heart
hi'h as proven in Jn 3:1?. /or >od so :4<DD T1D .OR*D( that 1e gave. 8es >od i"" have a
p#ri&ied peop"e tried !$ the fire ' (rimstone o& 1is hite hot "ove.

'':n that day let him who is on the housetop, with his belongings in the house, not come down .and
go inside- to carry them away% and li&ewise let him who is in the field not turn /ac!.'' :#*e 17:31. Amp.
These are dire arnings 'on'erning the 'oming o& the :ord. To me % see that an$thing that has
an$thing other than o#r &#"" &o'#s on that hi'h is ithin &orget it do not come down( do not %o inside to
carry anythin% away ith #s ) i& yo! are in the fie$d don't t!rn or $ook (ack. .h$0 Remem(er
*ot's wife.
''By this the Holy Spirit points out that the way into the .true Holy of/ Holies is not yet thrown open
as long as the former 0the outer portion of the- ta/ernacle remains a recognised institution and is still
standing)'' 1e! 9:8. Amp.
The o#ter portion o& the ta!erna'"e is re&erring on"$ to the 1o"$ P"a'e( hi'h o& 'o#rse is re&erring to
part "a ) part gra'e on'e again. Is sti$$ standin%4 .here0 %n #s o& 'o#rse. %n o#r thin*ing. This is a
ver$ so!ering verse. :et #s "oo* at this ver$( ver$ '"ose"$( i& e are sti"" regarding the o!ter #ortion or
1o"$ P"a'e as a reco%nised instit!tion ) it is RE)AINING in o#r thin*ing hi'h o#"d a"so in'"#de o#r
a'tions2 a'tions i"" te"" #s more than an$thing as to here e are in o#r thin*ing. %& this is so then e are
to"d that the 1o"$ o& 1o"ies is not yet &#""$ thrown o#en to !s if the former is a reco%nised instit!tion
or hi"st it is sti"" standing in o#r inner thin*ing and a'tions. There is on"$ one so"#tionA ;D. .%;D-
@B%;@. These onder&#" verses are not to !e #nderstood as an indi'tment !#t more o& a prote'tion )
dire'tion in g#iding #s as to ho e 'an re'ti&$ o#r sit#ation i& need !e.
.e a"so rea"ise that the former or o#ter portion is re&erring to o#r so#" hi'h is &eminine( ie =ost
1o"$ P"a'e E S#irit( 1o"$ P"a'e E so!$" 4#ter 'o#rt E (ody. %n Rev 1,( e read again ) again o& the
oman ) this ord is &rom G5567 g#ne( goo-nay ) is &rom the !ase o& >109?2 a woman2 spe'i&i'a""$ a
wife1 - i&e( oman. Remem!ering that Dve the oman - the soul - as ta*en o#t o& Adam a&ter he as
p#t into a deep s"eep ) she then !e'ame Adam9s i&e as a se#arated entit$ - which is really our dream or
an allegory - ) hi"st man is sti"" in this state he - the corporate ,dam - 'an never f!$$y aa*e hi"e he
thin*s in an$ remote a$ that He - his true identity - ) his so!$ - wife - are separated( s#irit!a$$y - and no
matter what we thin&, or how much we try to psyche oursel"es into a manifestation - it i"" 'ome on$y as
an a't o& the might$ poer ) the timing o& o#r >od within !s( as 1e in ) as the &#"" 'orporate @on has
had this p"anned sin'e even e"" !e&ore the !eginning o& time as e *no it. /or( ''By faith !noch was
translated that he should not see death% and was not found, /ecause God had translated him1 for /efore
Christ The Antidote Regarding Death
his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God.'' 1e! 11:+. BJ<. And he ''was not for God
too! him.'' >en +:,4. 4#r other onder&#" &orer#nner D"i3ah as 'a#ght #p in a 'hariot - so to spea& -
a"so a definite act of God. @o !e it ) AmenAA
s ,hrist (ivided!
%n the thin*ing o& J#daism there is on"$ one ord to e6p"ain the so!$ ' s#irit &or in their "ang#age the to
are s$non$mo#s ) to them the to are insepara!"e or "i*e a 'oin( to sides or aspe'ts o& the one2 isn9t that
interestingA ;ot so "ong ago % heard a ver$ interesting des'ription regarding this. 99There 'an never !e a
tr!e f!$$ f!nction of Christ i& the so#" is operating itho#t the f!$$ness o& @pirit.99 .hat he"p are e
o&&ered as part o& o#r re'ti&i'ation 0 =ore ine0 ;4AA New ine-s*insA
@o in the 1e!re a$ thin*ing so#" and spirit are seen as non divisi!"e. Considering this( &or
en'o#ragement it o#ght to !e said at this time that2 There is no de%ree of sin or any mistake or fai$!re
that can chan%e o!r tr!e identity or the tr!e Christ seed of o!r ori%ina$ s#irit!a$ (irth which ' who
is o!r tr!e identity.
Dven as an$ tr#e mother i"" a"a$s &orgive her on 'hi"d( no matter hat 'rime the$ 'ommit &or she
'an never den$ the &a't that her 'hi"d is a ver$ part o& her on !eing. This #n!ending "ove is p"a'ed there
!$ her Creator( it is a tr#e( ) one o& the highest re&"e'tions o& the "ove o& >od2 %t does not matter hat
'rime an$ o& 1is 'hi"dren 'ommit 1e 'annot &orget that the$ are an intrinsi' part o& 1imse"& ) to den$
&orgiveness o#"d !e to den$ hat 1e tr#"$ is :4<D2 &or >4D is the e#itome o& :4<D. This is h$2
'''hen # am lifted up from man's dualistic earthy way of comprehension G # am seen in $y *8K!
H!8SH!(*#B! # will draw - drag by lo"e - *$$ men unto $yself.'' This is m$ present #nderstanding o&
John 1,:3,. There is( ) never has !een an$ greater &or'e in e6isten'e than the :4<D 4/ >4D.
This hat e have shared dire't"$ a!ove 'on'erning the tr#e mother ) >od the /ather is re"ated more
deep"$ than e 'an imagine as a dire't 'onne'tion !eteen the tr#e oman or i&e or so#". The '"osest
thing to the @pirit o& >od is 1is i&e ) 1e is at present ooing( "oving ) prote'ting her ith 1is
JDA:4C@8 or white hot $o&e. And hatFs more 1e i"" have her ) 1e has gone to a"" 'osts to prove it(
1Jn 3:1?. ''He laid down His life for us.'' .hat 'on&iden'e e 'an have in s#'h a per&e't :over-@avio#r0

'hat lies behind us and what lies before us,
are tiny matters to what lies within us. Dmerson.
The .ystic Secret Of "aith!
''*hey must possess the mystic secret of faith .(hristian truth as hidden from ungodly men/ with a clear
conscience.'' 1 Tim 3:9. Amp.
=ost peop"e vie hat is genera""$ *non as Christianit$ &rom the o#ter 'o#rt or ho"$ p"a'e
#nderstanding( an o#ter per'eption o& the tr#th ) there&ore the$ are totally unaware that the$ are "oo*ing
at ) e6perien'ing a de"#sion o& hat the$ thin* is rea"it$. The rea"it$ o& the )ystic Secret is that hi'h is
on"$ within. 4ne des'ription o& the ord m$sti' hi'h % &ee" i"" he"p ith o#r tho#ght is &o#nd in the
Cam!ridge Dng"ish Di'tionar$( hi'h e6p"ains it th#s:- )ystic" :bscure to human comprehension%
in"ol"ing some secret meaning or import. The tho#ght that % ish to share is the phrase ''o(sc!re to
h!man com#rehension.'' The greatest m$ster$ that is hidden &rom man*ind ) the re"igiosit$ o& the &irst
) se'ond #nderstandings hi'h are made #p o& most !e"ievers( is the rea" tr#th that 99God was in Christ
re'on'i"ing the or"d #nto 1imse"&.99 /or i& 1e as in Christ then 1e is in ever$ man. /or e A:: ere
'reated in Christ in 1is ver$ Own Ima%e.

''+or we are His wor&manship, created - not re'reated - in (hrist esus.'' Dph ,:10. ;BJ<.
Christ The Antidote Regarding Death
''He has made e"erything beautiful in His time% also He has set eternity in their heart, so that no
man - no morta" man - can find out the wor& that God ma&es from the beginning to the end.'' D'' 3:11
.ho is eterna" other than >od 1imse"& 0 @o i& >od the Eterna$ One has p"a'ed 1imse"& in o#r
hearts2 .ho then are e0 The BJ< did not origina""$ sa$ this( !#t it is interesting to note that !oth the
=BJ< ) the ;BJ< have re'ti&ied this a"ong ith the A=P( the D@<( the A@<( the %@<( the :%T<. % iterate
that ever$ one o& #s ere created in 1is %mage( e A:: ere 'reated in Christ Jes#s ) ever$one o& #s
have eternit$ or the Eterna$ One p"anted ithin o#r ver$ on !eing ) this is the mystic secret of faith
that >od is no revea"ing to A$$ men &irst to the man-'hi"d ) then thro#gh them to the rest o& the A::. %
ish no to s#ggest to a"" ho are reading this arti'"e that this is the se'ret meanin% or im#ort that >od
is no imparting to man$ in their Ho$y +$ace 'omprehension2 in'identa""$ man$ things !e'a#se o& o#r
"imited #nderstanding have !een mis#nderstood ) s'o&&ed at in time past simp"$ !e'a#se o& o#r
ignoran'e. This ord m$ster$ or mystic a"so has another 'onnotation in @trong-s G G4566) the ord
HIJKLMNOPmoos-tay'-ree-on a secret or Rm$ster$S Tthro#gh the idea o& silence imposed (y initiation into
re"igio#s ritesU: - m$ster$. %n other ords this 'annot !e #nderstood !$ the nat#ra" or even the re"igio#s
man( e i"" see this on"$ !$ initiation o& the spirit. This a"so '"ari&ies the anser to the 5#estion that the
verse ''every man in his own order'' raises as &o#nd in 1Cor 1+:,3. P"ease noti'e 'are&#""$ e&ery man in
his own rank or t!rn or time. ;4 4;D %@ DVC:CDDD. >"orio#s p"#s onder&#".
"inding The True High $ife7 Within!
'''hoe"er finds his 0lower- life will lose it .the higher life/, and whoe"er loses his 0lower- life on $y
account will find it .the higher life/.'' =at 10:39. Amp.
A "ot o& peop"e ho seem to have no pro!"ems &inan'ia""$( ) seem to "ive in "eis#re itho#t a 'are in
the or"d have at times !een a''#sed o& "iving the HIGH "i&e. This ma$ !e a state that is 'oveted !$ man$
!#t a''ording to the inspired s'ript#re is &ar &rom the tr#th ) is rea""$ a tota" de"#sion. There is 'ertain"$ a
hi%h $ife ) it is the most onder&#" e6perien'e that $o# i"" ever &ind hi"st $o# are a resident in this
present m#ndane earth"$ e6perien'e ) this high "i&e 'an !e $o#rs to !e ith $o# &or the rest o& $o#r
eterna" e6isten'e ) 'an !e $o#rs a"so to ta*e ith $o# no matter hat or here $o#r destination ma$ !e(
&or it is &o#nd in the entit$ o& Christ Jes#s ho as not 3#st a man !#t as ) is The =ight$ Creator( >od
1imse"& revea"ed to #s IN THE 8*ESH( ) i& $o# 'an re'eive it is a't#a""$ a ver$ rea" part o& $o#r !eing(
hether or not $o# have or not had an$ previo#s spirit#a" or re"igio#s e6perien'e ever. 1ear these ver$
pertinent ords ''God was in ,hrist reconciling TH% WOR$( - you G # - unto Himself.''

'',nd a man's foes will be they of his own household. He who lo"es .and ta&es more pleasure in/
father or mother more than .in/ $e is not worthy of $e% and he who lo"es .and ta&es more pleasure in/
son or daughter more than .in/ $e is not worthy of $e% ,nd he who does not ta&e up his cross and
follow $e .clea"e steadfastly to $e, conforming wholly to $y eDample in li"ing and, if need be, in dying
also/ is not worthy of $e.'' =at 10:3?-38. Amp.
The a!ove three verses 'ertain"$ 'an app"$ nat#ra""$ !#t are e not to"d that ''without a para/le He
said nothing unto them'' =t 13:34. 1o m#'h more o#"d this app"$ in the third da$ #nderstanding.
A man9s &oes i"" !e o& his on ho#seho"d or in his or her on spirit#a" ho#se. 1e ho "oves father
or mother more than =e( meaning that i& in importan'e( e ho"d more dear"$ o#r nat#ra" !irth than e do
o#r spirit#a" >en 1:,7 origin hi'h is o#r origina" spirit#a" in'eption( then e are to 'hangeA A"so in "ove
e are admonished i& e are ta*ing p"eas#re regarding o#r son or da#ghter that e have !egotten in o#r
on spirit#a" ho#se2 .hat tho#ghts ) ideas ) pet do'trines sons ' da!%hters have e 'on3#red #p(
given !irth to ) made tr#th( o#r on tr#th ) made e6'#ses &or ) p#t it !e&ore o#r Christ0 .hat are e
to"d i& e do0 The "ast thirteen ords te"" #s ver$ '"ear"$( 1D .14 D4D@ ;4T TABD CP 1%@ CR4@@ %@
;4T .4RT18 4/ =DA Come on &e""o readers are these not admonitions &or o#r ver$ on spirit#a"
Christ The Antidote Regarding Death
hea"th ) e"" !eing0 .hat is to !e o#r response0 .hen Josh#a ret#rned &rom his trip &rom Canaan it
as a$$ or nothin% ) he a"most s#&&ered stoning &rom his ver$ on &e""o "eaders. @#!se5#ent"$
hoever &or having ''wholly followed the $ord.'' he not on"$ es'aped destr#'tion !#t a"so re'eived divine
ass#ran'e hi'h as #ni5#e to himse"& ) Ca"e! o& entering the promised "and. .h$0 ''Hold fast that
which thou hast'' as his attit#de( it is interesting that >od 1imse"& arned Josh#a o& a 'oming apostas$(
!#t promised him a s#''ess&#" a''omp"ishment o& the 'on5#est.
Dven as David9s on i&e despised him( so those '"osest to #s ma$ !e those ho despise #s. 7#t
*no this &rom hat % have e6perien'ed ) read this is &or to reasons2 one it *eeps #s h#m!"e2 to i& e
are to ta*e an e6amp"e &rom an$ o& the prophets2 .hen ere the$ ever pop#"ar 0 .henever the$ ere( it
seems that the$ ere o&& the message.
As in the 'ase o& the sa"mon it is a "ong hard sim #pstream( the &"o is against him most o& the
time. ;o e 'an "oo* at this &rom the &"esh"$ perspe'tive ) a"most "ose heart( !#t the simp"e spirit#a"
tr#th o& the matter is that the sa"mon 'an do nothing e"se !#t o!e$ that desire hi'h >od has p#t ithin
him ) that is he m#st ret#rn to his so#r'e ) that is here he as !orn2 .h$0 T1AT 1D =A8
RDPR4DCCDA %s this not a per&e't e6amp"e o& o#rse"ves( we must return to our source) to where we
were first conceived) %(%+ that original spiritual place in God) That e ma$ reprod#'e( or2 T1AT T1D
RD@T 4/ =D; =A8 @DDB T1D :4RD. .e 'annot he"p o#rse"ves( it is innate in ever$ one o& #s. .e m#st
"ose that "oer o#r "oer "i&e - flesh - on 1is a''o#nt that e 'an &#""$ see o#r hi%her $ife ithin( it ma$
!e at times a str#gg"e !#t o#r tr#e se"& the Christ ithin i"" a"a$s in time as ith o#r onder&#" Ja'o!
the s#pp"anter prevai" in ever$ one o& #s
The 'ross is something that goes a'ross or against( against the &"esh man or the nat#ra" man ) this is
the a$ it as p"anned. % as* #s a"" is there an$thing orthhi"e attaining itho#t a str#gg"e( there m#st
!e a str#gg"e to have tr#e vi'tor$( a spoi"t 'hi"d has ever$thing handed to him on a p"atter2 .hat
satis&a'tion o& a''omp"ishment 'an !e gained in this. Ta*e heart tr#e ones there are onder&#" #n#ttera!"e
even #nthin*a!"e vi'tories #p ahead &or a"" o& #s. ;o one o& the se'rets to o#r s#''ess is spending time
in meditation ith o#r inner tr#e se"&( ''they that wait upon the $ord shall renew their strength'' ) in
these present da$s do e not need to in'rease o#r res!rrected conscio!s awareness no more than ever.
''# will cry to God $ost High, Who performs on my /ehalf and rewards me .'ho brings to pass His
purposes for me and surely completes them/J'' Psa +7:, Amp.

=a$ >od9s ri'hest !e $o#r portion.
.ritten (y Ra$#h 0now$es" No&em(er 9:59.
%& e have !een prone to h#man error in this arti'"e it is not p#rpose"$( ) % tr#st that a "itt"e *indness o#"d a""o &or an$ &a#"t( ) that e i"" 'onsider )
im!i!e the !etter or spirit#a" part o& that hi'h is presented ) intended. R.B.


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