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Hospital Happenings Newsletter

A newsletter of the Pastoral Care Department

October 2012

Cancer Survivor Program

A free educational program for cancer survivors, caregivers, and health professionals focusing on exercise, nutrition, and encouragement for the future will be offered Saturday, October 27, 2012 8 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. Walters Auditorium
Northeast Georgia Medical Center

Featured Speaker:

Dr. Matthew Mumber

Author of Sustainable Wellness Enjoy a healthy breakfast, cooking demonstrations by master chefs, and exercise information by oncology rehab specialists.
To register or for more information, contact Angie Caton Andria, or 770-219-8842

Simplify your life to reduce stress

The old Shaker Hymn stated, 'Tis the gift to be simple, 'tis the gift to be free, 'tis the gift to come down where we ought to be, and when we find ourselves in the place just right, 'twill be in the valley of love and delight. In a technical, fast paced, consumer culture, simplicity becomes a relic of the past. The Mayo Clinic recently suggested that a way to maintain physical and emotional health is to rediscover simplicity. They suggest the following: Clear the ClutterIt's not just your home that can get cluttered. Your life and even your mind can also
become overcrowded with too much junk. Pick one area to tackle, such as the junk drawer in the kitchen or the piles of clothes in the bedroom. Take a hard look at what you've accumulated. Clear out any items you're not using. If they're in good condition, consider donating them to a local charity. Do the same with any emotional or spiritual clutter you are holding onto.

Switch off the mediaTVs, radios, smart phones, laptops, video games they all contribute to
audiovisual clutter. Being flooded with stimuli, even entertaining stimuli, is a tremendous source of stress. Unplug and unhook yourself.

Clear you CalendarOnly say yes to activities you really care about. In other words, learn to say no.
Remember, it's easier to decline an invitation than to figure out how to get out of it later.

Stop MultitaskingStart by turning off the electronic distractions and focusing on one task. Only when
you've completed that task can you go on to the next. Focusing on one task is also a good way to learn to be present or totally engaged in the moment.

Domestic Violence Month

Domestic Violence Awareness Month evolved from the first Day of Unity observed in October, 1981 by the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence. The intent was to connect battered womens advocates across the nation who were working to end violence against women and their children. The Day of Unity soon became a special week and then evolved into a month to focus on the problem of domestic violence. October is recognized as Domestic Violence Awareness Month. One in three women will experience intimate partner or domestic violence in their lifetime. Young people ages 16-24 are most likely to experience intimate partner violence. Though it can be difficult to come forward when someone you care about is hurting you or a loved one, having the right resources available can help and provide hope. If you or someone you know needs immediate help, you can call the toll-free hotline anytime at 1-800-799SAFE (7233).

Fall Clergy Seminar

Pastoral Care and End of Life
Tuesday, November 13 9:3011:30 a.m. Auxiliary Conference Room

Objective: This seminar will explore how we can both personally prepare and how we can help our congregations prepare for end of life issues in a world of modern medicine. Too many times individuals and families are caught in a medical maze attempting to make last minute decisions on the care of their loved ones. The fall seminar will feature several speakers addressing such issues as developing a theology for end of life, when cure is no longer an option, advanced directives, and options for care for those facing end of life. For more information contact Chaplain Jeff Thompson at 770-219-3563 or

Winter/Spring CPE
We are taking applications for the Winter/ Spring Unit of Clinical Pastoral Education. It will begin the first week of January. If you are interested for have questions, contact Nancy Sulhoff at 770-219-5077 or you can email her at

Octobers Clergy Breakfast

Join us on Wednesday, October 17 in the South Tower Cafeteria for our monthly Clergy Breakfast. We will begin at 7:30 and be through by 8:30 a.m. Simply go through the line, tell the cashier you are a minister participating in the Clergy Breakfast and sign the ticket. We will be looking for you in the cafeteria.

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Hospital Happenings Newsletter

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