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Managing Individual Stress

Subject: Work Behaviour

Wants Stress?
An adaptive response, moderated by individual differences, that is a consequent of any action, situation, or event and that places special demands on a person.

3 Key Factor to determine wether experience is likely to result in stress

1. Importance 2. Uncertainty 3. Duration



Individual stress Role conflict, Role overload Responsibility to people Group Level : Managerial behavior Lack of cohesiveness Intragroup conflict Status incongruence Organizational Level : Culture Technology Management Style Politics Non Work : Elder & Childcare Economy

Behavioral : Satisfaction Performance Absenteeism Turnover Accidents ProblemFocused Coping EmotionFocused coping Cognitive : Poor decision Making Lack of Concentration Frustation Apathy Physiological : Increased blood pressure Immune system Coronary high disease

Cognitive Appraisal


Moderators Individual Differences Heredity, age, sex, diet, Social support, Type A personalities

Optimal Stress

Low Performance Underload Boredom Decrease in motivation Absenteeism Apathy Optimal Performance High Motivation High energy Sharp Perception Calmness Overload

Low Performance

Insomnia Irritability Increased Error Indecisiveness

Organizational Stress Management & Prevention Programs

Targeted as :

Work on Non work Stressor

Employee Perception/ Experience Of Stress

Outcomes of Stress

How To Combat Stress

Apa yang kita pahami tentang stress dan stress yang menimbulkan penyakit adalah hasil dari sikap, nilai-nilai dan gaya hidup yang kita miliki. Satu cara untuk memerangi stress adalah mengubah gaya hidup kita.

How To Combat Stress

Some of The Way to Combat Stress: Identify the symtoms, then identify the causes. Dont bottle up problems. Talk them over with a colleague or friend to release tension. Dont hold onto the dynamite after it is lit. Walk away from unnecessary fights or quarrels-go and kick a football instead.

How To Combat Stress

Some of The Way to Combat Stress: Seek rewards in all dimensions of living. Dont be too critical or expect too much of others. Have one or more pastimes that give you a chance to relax. Dont be a perfectionist

How To Combat Stress

Some of The Way to Combat Stress: Learn to accept those things you cantt change Celebrate now. Life is now. Dont wait until you retire to enjoy life. Modify your behaviour to overcome inner conflicts. Perhaps seek professional counselling.

Stress Prevention & Management

Maximizing person-environment Fit Organizational Stress Prevention & Management Programs - Employee Assisstance Programs (EAPs) - Wellness Programs - Cognitive Tehniques - Relaxation Training - Meditation - Biofeedback

Prinsip Dasar Mengatasi dan Menganalisa Kekuatiran

1. Hiduplah dalam ruang waktu terbatas artinya jalani, hayati, hargai, gumuli, dan nikmati kehidupan hari lepas hari 2. Bila Anda menghadapi kesulitan, lakukan tiga hal berikut ini: - Tanya diri sendiri kemungkinan terburuk apa yang mungkin terjadi - Siapkan mental menerima kemungkinan terburuk itu - Perbaiki keadaan agar kejadian terburuk itu tidak terjadi

Prinsip Dasar Mengatasi dan Menganalisa Kekuatiran

3. Ingatkan diri sendiri bahwa kecemasan itu mahal karena ia berbahaya bagi kesehatan kita 4. Kumpulkan semua fakta yang ada 5. Pertimbangkan semua fakta itu, kemudian ambillah keputusan 6. Bila keputusan sudah diambil, segeralah bertindak 7. Analisalah problem Anda dengan menjawab empat pertanyaan berikut: - Apa problem sebenarnya? - Apa sebab-sebab problem tersebut muncul? - Apa kemungkinan penyelesaian yang ada? - Apa penyelesaian yang terbaik?

Stress Mapping
1 2 3



Kemungkinan terburuk

Tindakan yang diambil

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