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Flash News - France Invades Switzerland!

Posted by : Bruce Krasting Post date: 11/11/2012 - 11:44 There is going to be a pissing match between France and Switzerland over this story

Why Did CIA Director Petraeus Suddenly Resign And Why Was the U.S. Ambassador to Libya Murdered?
Posted by: George Washington Post date: 11/10/2012 - 15:27 What the Heck Is Really Going On?

Obamas (dumb) Line in the Sand

Posted by: Bruce Krasting Post date: 11/10/2012 - 10:11 Get ready for a failure in these negotiations

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Foodstamps Surge By Most In One Year To New All Time Record, In Delayed Release
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 11/10/2012 10:46 -0500

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While there had been speculation that the BLS may delay the release of its October nonfarm payroll number until after the election, it turned out there was no reason to worry. Perhaps this is because the number, while at stall speed, was not quite as horrible as some had expected (even if the change in average hourly earnings did tumble to new all time lows) and so boosted Obama's reelection chances. There was, however, another closely tracked number which perhaps is far more indicative of the economic "growth" in the past 4 years, which certainly had a delayed release. The number of course is that showing how many Americans are on foodstamps, and usually is released at the end of the month, or the first day or two of the next month. This time the USDA delayed its release nine days past the semi-official deadline, far past the election, and until Friday night to report August foodstamp data. One glance at the number reveals why: at 47.1 million, this was not only a new all time record, but the monthly increase of 420,947 from July was the biggest monthly increase in one year. One can see why a reported surge in foodstamps ahead of the elections is something the USDA, and the administration may not have been too keen on disclosing.

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Foodstamps at the household level also rose to a record 22.685 million:

Finally, going back to the start of the official start of the depression in December 2007. In the 57 months from then until August 2012, there have been 4.6 million jobs lost even as Americans on foodstamps and disability have risen by 21.2 million.

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Delay explained. Source: USDA and SSA Average:

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Record Number Of US Households On Foodstamps US Foodstamp Usage Rises To New Record High 46.5 Million Americans, Record 22.3 Million US Households, On Foodstamps; 8,753,935 On Disability Foodstamp Usage Remains At All Time High, Record Number Of Households Receive $277 In Poverty Assistance Monthly June Foodstamp Recipients Hit All Time High As Three Times As Many Americans Enter Poverty As Find Jobs nmewn Sat, 11/10/2012 - 10:48 | 2967610


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Sat, 11/10/2012 - 10:52 | 2967613

thank god we can afford to print, forever.

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Bay of Pigs

Sat, 11/10/2012 - 11:00 | 2967623

YESWECAN! Winning.... Four Moar Years

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Sat, 11/10/2012 - 11:10 | 2967641

flacon Just doing God's work - feeding thepoor.

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Sat, 11/10/2012 - 11:37 | 2967693 nmewn Oh I don't know. There were plenty of people around here saying its not a good idea to bailout the IB's and don't throw money at Solyndra, Fisker, A123etal. Those are all run by the rich.
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Sat, 11/10/2012 - 13:08 | 2967915 DaveyJones The dumbest argument I've ever heard is the one that suggests money hasn't bought both parties.
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Sat, 11/10/2012 - 20:13 | 2968910 knukles Do you mean to the 2 different wings of that same one party? Money don't buy love but sure as shit buys all the politicians you can get! Ain't it just awesome (er coincidental) all these amazing releases always happen way the fuck days late and then on Friday nights?. Who'd a thunk?
(uh, Eddie Bernays, maybe?)

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Sat, 11/10/2012 - 23:07 | 2969162 Oh regional Indian I think some Sillycon valley biotechnology company will come up with edible/nutritionally balanced/bio-stable food stamps. Just eat your stamps. Simple. ori
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Sun, 11/11/2012 05:39 | 2969389 BrerRabbit Yummy, soylent green stamps.

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Sun, 11/11/2012 06:39 | 2969424 GetZeeGold Get a freakin's what rich people do. How do you think they got rich? I should add....stay away from people that crap on cop cars. That's a ticket to nowhere.
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Sun, 11/11/2012 10:31 | 2969841 Enslavethechild... the rich lie, cheat and steal, but there are no laws or law enforcement for the rich. Crapping on the corruptcopscars won't help, but

there are plenty of other ways to return their karma to them

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Sun, 11/11/2012 05:39 | 2969391 Supernova Born If there isn't a "Galt lives" food stamp application table outside every college graduation in the nation next May/June it is a GD travesty. Idicracy is the RULE my sweet, naive blue state voters. We can at least feed those with the POSSIBILITY of future contribution (in addition to the eternally dependent).
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Sat, 11/10/2012 - 20:19 | 2968927 nmewn Yes. But its an age old problem. I would point out the NYT is ownedbyamoniedclassas well. What I always remember (as an old fart now, I is "free speech" is just that. Nothing really. An opinion, to be taken as fact or left as the rantingofamadman. Until what they're saying is confirmed. It can be hiring someone to stand on the corner of Broadway & Vine with a placard around their neck screaming the end of the world is nigh...or an editorial in the NYT. Its just an opinion. In political speech, in a free America, its perfectly permissable to lie your ass off. Its up to the individual to confirm or deny what is beingsaidastruth.We've devolved (in MY opinion) into "tell me what is truth"

instead of seeking what is truth. Thats not their fault, its ours.
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Sun, 11/11/2012 - 07:06 | 2969442 old naughty +1. A few good men left, who can handle the truth !
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Sun, 11/11/2012 - 08:01 | 2969493 Ident 7777 economy nmewn " But its an age old problem. I would point out the NYT is owned by a monied class as well. ..." Whose value, I would point out diminishes each year. Notice the 'trust fund' kids inherting the NYT are going to have to go to work/find gainful employment .. oh, the horror...
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Sat, 11/10/2012 - 11:39 | 2967696 Bay of Pigs Yeah, ZH goes easy on the Banksters, and the posters here are all mean and nasty and have no compassion. Nicetry.

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Sat, 11/10/2012 - 11:41 | 2967702 vast-dom JPM is kind enough to process and distribute some of them EBT cards.
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Sat, 11/10/2012 - 11:48 | 2967713 derek_vineyard i eat by whats on sale at the various stores around my home i can afford more, but fuck food is getting expensive why not eat by what is the 'loss leader' at each store (i only stop at store when im passing by --no special trips) and it kinda fun on wednesday to see what my weeks menu is going to be
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Sat, 11/10/2012 - 11:49 | 2967717 vast-dom man gotta do what a man gots to do...
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Sun, 11/11/2012 02:02 | 2969301 Alternative What about the women? American cows might start looking like tem?
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Sun, 11/11/2012 07:09 | 2969443 old naughty Fear no-men (NOTmen).

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Sat, 11/10/2012 - 12:38 | 2967814

Peachfuzz I do this same thing. The food inflation has made it "affordable" to get off all the gmo bullshit I used to eat. Now Bananas and oranges and OG apples are less than gmo corn, canola, and cottonseed. Food bill made a near lateral move but my nutrition level went through the roof. Got local beef and I'm all set.
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Sat, 11/10/2012 13:11 | 2967871 DaveyJones That's what I hate about the electronic card. we should at least make themlickthestamps to get a little labor in return funny how food stampsriseininvesre proportion to shrinking food units on our shelves good advice vineyard my mommy taught me some of those tricks from the mid seventies One thing I've noticed recently that must be an economic indicator is that even the special "organic"productsare having to cut prices more often granted, the best organic investment (and healthcare investment) is building a greenhouse avoid cottonseed oil at all costs (it's in a lot of things)Itistheonly food source that seems toopenlydefyfood pesticide standards cause the oil is pressed from cotton. Of course it's cheap because its literally a waste product.Asthecotton seed is condensed into

oil, those pesticides are ever concentrated.

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Sat, 11/10/2012 14:40 | 2968022 francis_sawyer Let them eat cake [purchased with foodstamps] ~~~ Chewbacca
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Sat, 11/10/2012 22:14 | 2969105 post turtle saver Good grief, you are so wrong it's staggering.
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Sun, 11/11/2012 10:12 | 2969790 Common_Cents22 thanks for tip on cottonseed oil.
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Sat, 11/10/2012 - 16:38 | 2968492 Id fight Gandhi Im loving it. Speaking of which a double cheese burger cost $1, so does a large coffee. If you can adjust to junk food you'd probably get by on $5/day and that's not using coupons.
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Sat, 11/10/2012 23:47 | 2969143 Incubus "Destroy your health & shorten your lifespan and promote mental disease in late age, all

on a full stomach! For just 5 dollars a day!" GIGO, bro. GIGO.

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Sat, 11/10/2012 - 19:11 | 2968799 Henry Hub ***fuck food is getting expensive*** Is this consumed precoital or post-coital?
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Sat, 11/10/2012 20:15 | 2968919 knukles That's just wrong even by my standards.
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Sat, 11/10/2012 20:43 | 2968978 NuckingFuts Mid-coital.... Why not?

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Sun, 11/11/2012 - 04:09 | 2969360 Milton Waddams We've made it a game.Whenthe "savings" (via coupon or whatever discount) is greater than the aggregate cost... you win. It's so, so sick that day-to -day life has become (or always was?) a labyrinth comprised of landmines. Ifoneendeavorsto observe 'social darwinism' in action, visit a supermarket... or a mall.
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Sat, 11/10/2012 - 12:12 | 2967758 Snakeeyes

Chris Whalen goes easy on the banksters? Are you kidding me????
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Sat, 11/10/2012 - 11:44 | 2967705 JPM Hater001 Yes, stiff upper lip old boy.

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Sat, 11/10/2012 - 11:46 | 2967708 macholatte NO ONE COMPLAINS ABOUT GIVING TRILLIONS TO THE RICH, BUT YOU GIVE JUST ONE MISERABLE DOLLAR TO A POOR PERSON... interesting how you turned it around....... a discussion of the use of food stamps as an indicator of just how bad things are to your ownversionofthehatespeech.If you're not being sarcastic then you must be a latent Media Matters troll or just another fool. A word to the wise ain't necessary - it's the stupid ones that need the advice. Bill Cosby

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Sat, 11/10/2012 - 12:20 | 2967768 NO ONE COMPLAINS ABOUT GIVING TRILLIONS TO THE RICH, BUT YOU GIVE JUST ONE MISERABLE DOLLAR TO A POOR PERSON... Are you being compassionate to the poor if more and more of them are getting poorer and poorer while you hide your head in the sand? We need to know about this and complaining has nothing to do

with it.
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Sun, 11/11/2012 - 10:15 | 2969796 Common_Cents22 nobody is really bitching about the poor getting help, although there is plenty of fraud.It'sthatrecord foodstamp number reflects the trueeconomy.Sofarthey havent screwed with foodstamp numbers like they have with unemployment numbers. I'm sure they are brainstorming about starting a foodstamp household survey, and foodstamp seasonal adjustments, foodstamp birth/death adjustments, foodstamp people not looking for foodstamps, etc...
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Sun, 11/11/2012 - 11:20 | 2969944 Agreed.

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Sat, 11/10/2012 - 12:32 | 2967796 Republicae I don't think the point is giving to the poor, but to create a society of complete dependency on government. The crony-capitalism, or mercantilist form of government we must endure presently is equally as bad in creating dependency within the private sector as creating dependency among those who are being driven into poverty by the very government that now seeks to enslave them through dependency on it's largesse. The reason behind the Food Stamp Program is to conceal the massive soup lines that are the result of this government's policies, it keeps the growing number of poor and struggling away from public view and therefore the ability to construct an realistic opinion on what the actual causes of such a growing population of povertystricken really is in this country. The government is essentially

"papering over" the problem as it does with so many problems. The problem with the poor is not a lack of money, but a lack of opportunity and that lack of opportunity has been drastically increased over the last 30 to 40 years as this country has dropped in productivity, creativity, individualism and independence. Government is not the solution to poverty otherwise it's War on Poverty would have been a success a Trillion Dollars ago, government creates poverty through intervention into the markets, through regulatory mandates that usually assist the very industries they regulate, through essentially monopoly powers to manipulate monetary polices and manage economic decision-making, limiting and directing consumer choices. ...and if you haven't noticed, people do complain about the bundles of government subsidies, the favored status that some corporations and banks receive from this government. Your assertion therefore, is flaccid at best and mis-leading at worse.
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Sat, 11/10/2012 - 13:19 | 2967941 macholatte The government is essentially "papering over" the problem as it does with so many problems. Much of what you said is spot on. However, you miss one important point....... buying votes, a much more productive way to stay in power, and that is what it's all about, as shown by the recent performance of the "poor" in their neighborhoods as they chose to stay enslaved. But it is not the "poor" who are enslaved. It is the remnants of the worker bees in the private sector. The "poor" have nothing to lose and everything to gain and will hardly notice any loss of "freedoms" or "rights" as they que to buy their fast food, alcohol & tobacco with SNAP cards. Restrict that and you might get a revolution. Until

then, it's business as usual. Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide. John Adams
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Sat, 11/10/2012 - 15:12 | 2968273 AmCockerSpaniel JOBSJOBSJOBS, It's all about jobs. Giving money is not the answer in the long run. A man gains no self respect from taking a hand out. This is the way we domesticate animals, and people so they never can fend for them selves.
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Sun, 11/11/2012 - 05:07 | 2969378 piliage Adams believed that America could only function as a religious country. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other. I do believe that Adam's position is correct, that American Democracy requires a moral and selfreliant populace to function. However, from my recent experiences at LAX (something like a Kafka novel acted out in a John Carpenter film) and looking and the voter numbers (and the reaction to Romney's 47% comment), Adams' theory may be proven correct sooner than we think.
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Sat, 11/10/2012 - 13:06 | 2967905 monopoly Huh? Who gives trillions to

the rich? They pay most of the taxes this country wastes. They hire more employees than any other class of wealth. Taking more from them does nothing for our debt or insolvency. It is mere pennies in the scheme of things. But it is good politics. Soak the rich. But with millions on unlimited food stamps, unemployment, medical disability because they cannot find work and a myriad of social programs we cannot afford, yup, that is the way to go. Just keep that up and soon, 17T,18T,justpickanumber. I think we should reduce tax deductions for many of the loopholes that exist. For instance, if I can afford to buy a second home, why am I getting a tax break on that? Or if I can afford a 2 million dollar home why do I get a tax break on a 900,000 loan? THAT is where we should rein in the deficit. But the idiot realtors associationwillnotallowthat. Just keep the social benefits flowing? And what is wrong with telling my daughter who is 24, that she will not collect Social Security until she is 68 with NO early benefits. Maybe all under 50 shouldbeinasimilarvein.But no, Congress will not vote for that. They might lose their sweet cushion. And as a retired military officer with 24 years of military service why am I getting 100% free medical after I pay my medicare premiums? Yes, I know many are thankful for my service and sacrifice and that is fine. But, I could pay a $500.00 a year extra premium for my medical benefits. There are probably 5 million of us like that. It may hurt a little but help the deficit a lot. But no, AARP and veterans politics won't allow that. And why does Warren Buffet. Bill Gates, Tim Cook and all the thieves in banking even get Medicare? When you are worth 10 million or more, pay for your hospital costs. Nope, I will lose votes if I do that. And since we are bankrupt, why do medicare deductions stop at any level of income? We need to contribute no matter what income level we are at.

And one of the most disgusting of all:....Congress. Not one dollar in pay cuts, million dollar expense accounts, absurd pay scale, medical and retirement that is off the charts. When do they start "contributing". Oh, I forgot. Thieves do not contribute, they just steal. There are ways for many of us to pay a little more. But to say the rich just soak it all up. No sir. The middle class, which is most of us,need to do just a little more. But raise income tax rates for any,. NO! And why am I policing the entire planet. Bring every American home from over 120 countries to protect US. Never mind the planet. I cannot change 5,000 years of religious history in the middle east because I want to and I am Bush Jr. I am tired of killing young men and woman, destroying the lives of thousands of other dismembered Americans to save the Pot fields in Afghanistan or pretend I care about Iraq. But no cannot do that. Then we would not need as many defense toys, and that would hurt all the defense contractors. And I would lose more votes. See where I am going with all this. It makes no difference what any of us believe. Nothing, nothing will change until the system blows up again. All our "elected officials" care about is getting re-elected and increasing their personal wealth. The people be damned. We had Ron Paul, "unelectable", andIagree. So just finish preparing, be ready, and when it all blows up we will have protected our families best we can. There is no solution until the final outcome is completed and changes are forced upon us. What a pathetic end to a problem that true "statesmen" could solve withtimeandtruth.
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Sat, 11/10/2012 - 15:23 | 2968297 AmCockerSpaniel You would like to have a dollar for all those under 65 that collect SS. It's a real need for most of them, but taxes should be non linear. Those who have the most

should be asked to pay the most. Not to do this is to cultivate serfdom.

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Sun, 11/11/2012 - 00:05 | 2969230 AmCockerSpaniel It appears that the majority would not object to being a serf, but I would.Enslavementisjust that.Itcanbeaccomplished withforceorwithmoney. And it's NOT easily reversible.
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Sat, 11/10/2012 - 15:35 | 2968337 disabledvet before another dollar is taxed i would argue a full accounting of how every dollar is spent is in order. then we would know whether or not are "charitable bent" is in fact being realized. i think we all here know the answer: "no, the money is not being spent as intended. to help those in need." and because Wall Street is one step ahead of all of us...they are the one's who get the bailouts and thus we ALL lose do we not? NO...those who argue for "starving the beast" have a valid point. the people of the 5 boroughs of New York City plus Northern New Jersey all say the same thing: "where is everybody?" And the answer is "in a bank account somewhere." The money is LONG gone. We'll see if this is the Storm that starts the realization that no one really does have are back...that we live in a condition that may truly be rotten to the core. I find it interesting that the Governor on New York as pegged the cost of Sandy to the same number as what Mayor Bloomberg's net worth allegedly is: 35 billion. "Charity starts in the home" Mr. Mayor. Now is your chance to lead. I would like to think i could be watching as closely as you do. Is the intention to do nothing to begin with? original.
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Sat, 11/10/2012 - 18:10 | 2968699 whoopsing FEMA was driving around my area in a big stupid fucking bus-with escorts with flashing lightsobviously,hopelessly lost. Absolute, fucking losers.Meanwhile, our as local as possible gov't has done a monumental job of digging out, getting shit cleared for utility work,feeding people Why the fuck do we need fema?
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Sat, 11/10/2012 - 16:00 | 2968398 hooligan2009 bravo bravo..well said +1 brazillion upticks!
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Sat, 11/10/2012 - 17:49 | 2968654 real all the rich all the corporations all businesses get their money from the middle class and the poor buying there products. I am not including the profits involved from financial fantasy So dick heads, as you have gained from us it is now time to pay for your profits. either that or say good bye to the united states
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