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ROTH: "I'm heartened b the turnout...

I look forward to listening to your concerns so I can do a better job of moving this University in the right direction." "My rhetoric is often celebratory. I believe those things. But I'm also well aware -- or perhaps not as aware as I should be -- of our shortcomings." Mentions three occasions for this forum: 1. "The awful rhetoric of some posts on Wes ACB." 2. "The questions of racial profilings and ways in which crime on campus feeds into a climate of racism." 3. "Recent case of alleged excessive force by Public Safety against a student." "I will wait for an investigation into this incident." -- "Public safety, and my administration, doesn't tolerate excessive use of force." --"Student brought to my attention that such racial identifications contribute to the exclusion of certain groups -- including African-American males. ... We can, I think, find a better way to do it." "I did receive phone calls from parents [in the past few years] threatening to sue the University because of posts on the ACB when it was owned by a Wes student... ... I went on there tonight. And I did some searches that I would not say in public here." --> "It is not my role to tell you what to read or what to condemn. If you enjoy reading that stuff on the ACB, that's your privilege. If you enjoy being offended by it, that's also your privilege." (receives jeers and cries by parts of the audience) Dorisol Inoa 13: Responds to Roth: "We need more support from the administration... It is constantly a duty for me to educate people. We need to put more responsibility on the admin to address these issues." "Sonja should have a team of at least five people -- we need help." -Chantaneice Kitt 13: "To hear from the administration that it's my fault that I feel the way I do cuz I went on the ACB is... well, I'm not gonna say problematic, because that's a word that Wesleyan teaches us [huge cheers]." References affirmative action bake sale and HOLI fliers. "I'm a full-time student. I have to take on this activism not because I'm choosing to -- but because I have to!" "People need to start getting committed to this ,because I don't get a salary."

Jalen Alexander '14: "When professors don't call out their students, they should be held accountable. When the president says he doesn't feel hurtful remarks should be addressed, he sets the tone for the University -- and I think he should be held accountable."

DAVE MEYER: "People don't understand everything we do. I'm more than glad to explain it... I've worked with the WSA, I've worked with numerous student grups over the years." EVAN OKEN '13: "On an anonymous confession board, we cannot hold people accountable..." "Does the ACB ever cultivate positive emotion?"

McCallister: "I'm here because I support you. I'm here to tell you I love you. In the 15 or 16 years I've been here, black males have reported increased scrutiny by public safety. Does it reproduce racist thought? This is real.... We can talk about it." "What role does the ACB play in students' lives? I would liek to know why it's important" ... "We have to make an intervention." Prof. Alex Dupuy: "It's unrealistic to think the administration can solve by itself all these problems, They are systemic problems that we as a society are incapable of talking about. ""The fact that there is social profiling at Wesleyan. This should not be a cause for surprise." "It's not surprising that we cannot have this conversation in society because there's too much at stake." OPEN QUESTION TO ROTH: "What steps as a campus should we take to address these issues?" :Roth: "Things could get much more difficult for the agenda I think we share." -mentions assault on affirmative action. "I want to see the progress that you've identified that we need." "Maybe I'm wrong about the ACB. But I am ready to listen and draw up a list of things we can accomplish." Inoa:[mentions Day of Discussion at Amherst, suggests that women at Wesleyan suffer even more abuse, wonders why Wes doesn't have such an event.] "This conversation is so long overdue." "We need an office with more than two people." "Why do we have funding for people to run around fire when we can't have funding for things that are more institutionalized, like racism." Sophomore: "It's disheartening for me to see that the administration doesn't reflect the needs of the students in this community... The ACB definitely is a wide presence on this campus. I think there can be no harm coming from addressing it."

SP '13: [points out classist comments on the ACB and in real life, feels like she's a target of classist sentiment]

JA '13: "I don't care about the ACB. I care about what that post made us realize about the last four years on this campus. The Affirmative Action bake sale that got us nowhere, the HOLI fliers that got us nowhere, the racial profiling happening on campus... I think we're being blinded by the ACB comments, and I wish we would stray away from them, because I think they're hiding something." [huge applause] Q from student: "What can we do about the tension between Middletown residents and students?" Dave Meyer speaks: "The law says I am required to make these security alerts. It's not something I make up. Seven years ago, I did a survey of all the other colleges. As much as I have to do it, it has to be done." ... "You have to disclose what you know." Visiting Prof Sarah Mahurin: "I did my graduate work at Yale, and Yale took out racial descriptions in their description." --> Meyer: "II all of them they have racial descriptions." Mahurin: "Not yale." [applause] Mahurin: "At what point do the alerts become like, "Oh, I saw this guy, he might've looked like this.'" Meyer: "That's what the law requires of me." Sona: Talks about her children, who are getting older and "look like you guys," and says: "African-American male and Latino male are hypersensitized on this campus." Student: "Do you care about women of color on this campus?" [mentions incident when she reported to P-Safe about people threatening weapons and didnt get a reply] "There were weapons involved." "It's your responsibility not only to protect us, but to get to know us." Frosh: [brings up recent aassault on Paulie] "I would like to know whenever a P-Safe officer assaults a black male on this campus." [huge applause[ Other student: [calls out Dave Meyer on comments made in private, saying, "You told me that I kinda look like the suspect that you knew." Says, "President Roth, how do you feel about people in power in your institution making comments like this. Roth becomes grave: "I take this very seriously. It's so corrosive. It undermines the very fabric of this university. This can't go on." --> Roth: "If we have screwed up, we will fix it." "What you're describing to me wrecks the university's mission." [major applause]

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