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To all Americans; Here is my take on this past election in my own opinion for which I take full responsibility for

blaming no one; this is just me thinking out loud with common sense as my minds eye pencils it here for all to read. This country is in a world of shit as more than 40 cents of every dollar you touch is from countries like China whether you know that or not is at you're great, great, great children and grandchildren's expense....literally! $52,000 per person or $51,722.25 to be precise so every man, woman and child right now has that much credit card debt as they are born! #6 If you were alive when Jesus Christ was born and you spent one million dollars every single day since that point, you still would not have spent one trillion dollars by now. If this simplistic explanation doesn't make you understand we are all living off our children's, children's, children's, children's, grandchildren right now you are brain dead! Way to go Obama voters, way to go, your grandkids thank you! I know we will all hear it is not Obama's fault it's the San Andreas Fault, or the newest geological find...the George W. Bush Fault. As I have said many times to friends that are true friends and know the truth hurts at times blame is lame with a capital B for Bullshit! As Jack Nicholson said in a Few Good Men "You can't handle the truth" a few of my friends are not my friends anymore as a result of exactly what Jack said and I don't miss them. People now live in this hollow wood fantasy world where fact means nothing and the drama of day time television has both men and women programmed as in a movie I saw many years ago called "The Step ford Wives." Stepford Wives is a 1975 science fictionthriller film based on the 1972 Ira Levin novel of the same name. It was directed by Bryan Forbes. Of course coke brain dead hollow wood copied (or tried) in 2004. Blame, Drama, whining and handouts are in today's society a way of life as sad and pitiful that is still a hard pill for me as an American to ingest. Each household in America legal or not is draining $60,000 a year from taxpayers like you n me. My life is almost over although you will never hear words like "I don't care, I'll be dead" coming from my lips...ever! I love my country as I do my children...forever! May God Bless our children and grandchildren with a responsible president in the future!

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