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IICILTRA SubPioject 45


There is no evidence ln the fl1e thaC on huoan'

subjects was a parE of subproj ect 46. Tte at,tach-lBent to a EerDorandr:m f6r the record dated 15 Decerber 1955 in paragraph one says "Itre overall plan vi11 be to incorporate inEo the molecule suirable. atoms
1n whose . to serve as tags -and to administer it to eroericental-t"tttls tissues the tagged at.oms cau be idencifled after various time perlods." (eophasls added) Paragraph five of the same attactunent says: "The probleur is to discover what the body does vith LSD. The Perceltages ' of a dose of LSD recaised in Eany other organs and tissues of the
body wjJl be qeasured. The'patt'ern of e-xcretion is inportaoE.


foroaCion as to what chemical alteraCions are induced by the oetabolic Slstem or in the 1lver or. accivity of cells in the central nervous

in the muscle wil-l be sought. Because of the ability of this molecule go produce schizophreuic-llke disorganization in normal humau='' the
have concenEraclon of LSD in the cent.ral nervous systero will of course

a pri:re interesE. one task will be to discover whether concentration differences exist in various Parts of the central Dervous systeur'r'
The mere meniion of hr.:oans in this quotation is not a




reason to conclude thac humans were used as test subjects.

In the total contexc of the prolosal lc is at. leasE equally as reasonable to conclude
thaE, known

effects of the drug on hr:mans give added


sigaificance to the'tests on animals. Because the sEatement of the overall plan in paragraph one orients the research dlreccly to'experimental anj-loals it seems reasonable to infer thac paragraph five might
have beea rDore precisely stated as follows: "The problern is to disLSD

cover shat the body does vith LSD. The PercenEages of a dose of

retained in uany other organs and tissues of t.he animal body will be measureCi fn" p"aa.rq of "*.t"aron i.s i.port"oC. Inforaation as to cheoical alre-rations are induced in the aninal by rhe uetabolic .:l"a activicy of cel1s in the cencral nervous system or in the liver or in the muscle will be sought. Because of the ability of this mol-ecule to produce schizophrenic-1ike disorganizaEion in nornal humans, the concenEration of LSD in the central nervous sysEerl o:q anirnals will of .:u*r.. have a priue interest]' d" c"tt will be to discover whether IJhile these insertLons Bay tend that ani-mals raEher than

concencration diffetencdS\exlst in various Parcs of the central nervous systems of laboracory aninals."

co over-enphasize the interpretation

were the subjects of the tests, any, one of theo vould have been suf-

ficien,t to suPPort specifically


the overall plan staced in paragraph

che plan

The originaL aut,hor


clearly had no foresighc chat

20 years

after his r"=iting a quescion sould be raised by zealously

cautious and suspicious researchers '



held a Top Secret Agency

clearance and was auare of CIA interest. apparently \ras noE. A memorandum for the record dated 22 August says in paragrapb elghtr'

has been cleared for.Top


Secret by the Agency and is the

Ttre Publie Health Service, and

wlttlng indlvidual at

rheresLarchpassuPPortedbytheLi11yConpany,_ the

as well as

CIA through the Geschickter Fund. The proJecE, sras considerd unclassi-

fied after it left the Geschickter




is nothing iu the file to suggest that



erted any taole influence over che direcEion of the research, its substance, or the Eanner lo which it was conducted than any of the ot,her supporters. The Unlversity knew of the proJect aod supported it but did noc koow that CIA r:as interested.
The Universicy, therefore, as

well as the other suppottersr',had'a much nore direct influence over it than CIA.
Because there is no clear evldence that human testing ltas


involved, and because other organizations were srore directly responsible for the research than was CTA, no further action w-i11 be taken wich respect co MKIILTRA subproject

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