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This workbook contains help information for formulas in Excel.

Click on the Name of the formula below to take you to the page which explains how the formula works

Absolute Cells
Array Formula
Combining Statements
Conditional Formats
Correct case
Date Functions
Is Statements
List Validations
Numeric Conditions
Pivot Tables
Range Names
Text to Columns

Amendment History

Change American Date

ains help information for formulas in Excel.

he formula below to take you to the page which explains how the formula works

Ability to nest values together in an IF statement
Fixes the cell being referenced in a formula
Allow multiple SUMIFs conditions to be nested
Inserting a calendar in Excel worksheet
Examples of combined statements
Joins two or more cells together
Sets the colour of a cell depending on what the value is
Puts all text into correct upper / lower case letters
Picks up the column number
Counts the number of values or text fields in a range
Different ways of formatting a date - showing working day, year, day of week etc
Finds the position of a string of text - also combining statements
Formatting cells - dates, fonts, borders, colours etc
Checks whether a condition exists, returns one value if true, another if false
Pick up a nominated column from a range of columns (similar to vlookup)
Validates a cell depending on the IS statement used and returns true or false
Extracts a portion of text starting from the left - also see Right and Mid
Finds the length of text
Puts in Cell Validation using a separately stored list
Puts all text into Lowercase letters
Extracts a portion of text starting from the middle - also see Right and Left
Gives common numerical conditions used in excel - eg greater than, less than
Puts large data into a summarised table
References a group of cells using a name
Extracts a portion of text starting from the Right - also see Left and Mid
Picks up the row number
Replaces one value with another
Sums up a range of numbers
Sums up columns of numbers if certain criteria is met
Puts all text into Uppercase letters
Splits a column into 2+ columns
Validates the entry made to a cells - checks if it is a value etc
Looks for a value in another spreadsheet, workbook etc and returns another value

List of changes which have occurred since the last version

In IF statements to save having to repeat the condition
When copying a formula down this will fix the cell being referenced

Linking firstnames and surnames together

Can be used to highlight if values reach a certain value - eg flag all negative numbers in red
Making all text fields in the same format
Very useful when using vlookup
Putting number totals on reports

Picking out the first, second etc word from a sentence - useful for splitting firstnames and surnames
Changes the way a cell looks and behaves
Very quick at checking two columns for any differences
Allows a total / value to change depenent on the column selected
Used to trap errors - removes N/As, DIV/0 errors
Picking up the x amount of characters from a cell

Enables new values to be added without changing the validation

Picking up the x amount of characters from a cell

Used in formulas

Picking up the x amount of characters from a cell

Separates a column of values into separate columns - ie first name and surname
Can be used to restrict entries to only numbers etc
Can be used if you need information from one spreadsheet copied into another - eg names from netids
Numeric Conditions

Sign Command
+ Adds numbers together
- Takes (minus's) the second number away from the first
/ Divides the first number by the second
* Multiplies two numbers together
() Performs the formula within the brackets first
> Checks if first number is greater than second number
< Checks if first number is lower than second number
= Equals, is the same
<> Does not equal, is not the same
' Apostrophe - used to enter a number or sign as text

Quick Keys
Ctrl+C Holding down the control key and pressing the C key
Ctrl+V Holding down the control key and pressing the V key
Ctrl+X Holding down the control key and pressing the X key
Clicking on the row or column and then
Ctrl+ - Holding down the control key and pressing the minus key
Clicking on the row or column and then
Holding down the control key and shift key and pressing the
Ctrl+Shift+ + plus key
Ctrl+S Holding down the control key and pressing the S key
Ctrl+P Holding down the control key and pressing the P key
Ctrl+F Holding down the control key and pressing the F key
Ctrl+H Holding down the control key and pressing the H key
Return to Front Page

Shift =
- on keyboard
/ next to shift key
Shift 8
Shift 9 & Shift 0
Shift ,
Shift .
= on keyboard
Shift , & Shift .


Deletes a row or column

Insert a row or column

Saves the spreadsheet
Prints the spreadsheet
Finds an item
Find and replace
IF Statement Return to Front Page

Used to return one value if a condition exists, another if it is false.

Example 1: If the value in column A is the same as B then print 'True' in Column C otherwise print 'False'

Name 1 Name 2 Correct? Results Explained

Fred Free False Col A (Fred) does not equal Col B (Free) therefore 'False' is entered in Col C
Joe Joe True Col A (Joe) equals Col B (Joe) therefore 'True' is entered in Col C
Mike Mike True Col A (Mike) equals Col B (Mike) therefore 'True' is entered in Col C
Tony Toni False Col A (Tony) does not equal Col B (Toni) therefore 'False' is entered in Col C


Condition If condition If condition

Exists does not

Example 2: If the food is an apple charge 50p otherwise charge 20p

Food Quantity Total Price Results Explained

Apple 2 1.00 Col A (Apple) is "Apple" therefore the quantity in Col B (2) is multiplied by 50p giving the total price of £1 in Col C
Banana 3 0.60 Col A (Banana) is not "Apple" therefore the quantity in Col B (3) is multiplies by 20p giving the total price of 60p in Col C
Pear 1 0.20 Col A (Pear) is not "Apple" therefore the quantity in Col B (1) is multiplies by 20p giving the total price of 20p in Col C
Apple 1 0.50 Col A (Apple) is "Apple" therefore the quantity in Col B (1) is multiplied by 50p giving the total price of 50p in Col C
Pear 3 0.60 Col A (Pear) is not "Apple" therefore the quantity in Col B (3) is multiplies by 20p giving the total price of 60p in Col C


Condition If condition If condition

Exists does not
The command is broken down below:
= Always enter the '=' sign first to show it is a formula
IF The command in this case is 'IF'
( The command to obey is contained within brackets - to show the start and end
Condition to check for. This is normally a cell reference and then a numerical sign '=', '<>' (does not
A23="Apple" equal), '<' etc. If you are checking whether it equals a 'text' the word must be in quotes
, A comma is added to break up the command - it signifies the end of the condition
What to do if the condition is true - in this case we are multiplying the quantity in column B with the
B23*0.5 price of an apple (50p)
, A comma is added to break up the command - it signifies the end of the true condition
What to do if the condition is false - in this case we are multiplying the quantity in column B with the
B23*0.2 other price - 20p
) Close the brackets to complete the command
Concatenate Statement Return to Front Page

Used to combine one or more cells together

Example 1: The firstname in Column A needs to be joined to Column B

Firstname Surname Full Name Results Explained

Fred Jones Fred Jones Col A (Fred) is joined with a space and with Col B (Jones) making "Fred Jones"
Joe Brown Joe Brown Col A (Joe) is joined with a space and with Col B (Brown) making "Joe Brown"
Mike Smith Mike Smith Col A (Mike) is joined with a space and with Col B (Smith) making "Mike Smith"
Tony Martin Tony Martin Col A (Tony) is joined with a space and with Col B (Martin) making "Tony Martin"


Condition Value 1 Value 2 Value 3

Example 2: Column A needs to have the word "Pass" entered in front of it

Pass Number New Word Results Explained

12 Pass12 Col A (12) is joined with "Pass" to make "Pass12" in Col B
232 Pass232 Col A (232) is joined with "Pass" to make "Pass232" in Col B
11 Pass11 Col A (11) is joined with "Pass" to make "Pass11" in Col B
43 Pass43 Col A (43) is joined with "Pass" to make "Pass43" in Col B
211 Pass211 Col A (211) is joined with "Pass" to make "Pass211" in Col B


Condition Hard coded Value 1


The command is broken down below:
= Always enter the '=' sign first to show it is a formula
CONCATENATE The command in this case is 'CONCATENATE'
( The command to obey is contained within brackets - to show the start and end
"Pass" First value to join
, A comma is added to break up the command - it signifies the end of the first value
A25 Second value to join
) Close the brackets to complete the command
Calendar Return to Front Page

Used to inser a calendar popup box in Excel

Example 1:
Sep 2008 Sep 2008

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

25 26 27 28 29 30 31

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

15 16 17 18 19 20 21

22 23 24 25 26 27 28

29 30 1 2 3 4 5

The way to insert the calendar is
View > Toolbars > Control Toolbars
Click on the Design Mode button (looks like a set square)
Click on 'More Controls' (Looks like a hammer and spanner crossed over)
Select Calendar Control 11.0
Click on the Excel Screen and drag the square where you want to place the calendar
Once you have placed it in the required location - Click on the 'Design Mode' button to turn off editing
If you want to extract the date selected you will need to tie some VB code around it using "x1 = Calendar1.value"
Activecell.value = Calendar1.value

Left Return to Front Page

Used to extract a certain number of characters from a cell

Example 1: Column A has a persons pass number and initials in it - you only want the initials

Pass Number Initials Results Explained

ABC100 ABC Col A (ABC100) has the 3 left characters extracted making "ABC"
DEF200 DEF Col A (DEF200) has the 3 left characters extracted making "DEF"


Condition Cell No of

Example 2: Column A contains a persons name - you only want the initial

Full Name Initial Results Explained

A Jones A Col A (A Jones) has the first character extracted making "A"
B Smith B Col A (B Smith) has the first character extracted making "B"
C Bloggs C Col A (C Bloggs) has the first character extracted making "C"


Condition No of
Cell Characters

The command is broken down below:
= Always enter the '=' sign first to show it is a formula
LEFT The command in this case is 'LEFT'
( The command to obey is contained within brackets - to show the start and end
A21 Cell reference of the data to use
, A comma is added to break up the command - it signifies the end of the first value
1 Number of characters to extract
) Close the brackets to complete the command
Right Return to Front Page

Used to extract a certain number of characters from a cell

Example 1: Column A has a persons pass number and initials in it - you only want the passnumber

Pass Number Initials Results Explained

ABC100 100 Col A (ABC100) has the 3 right characters extracted making "100"
DEF200 200 Col A (DEF200) has the 3 right characters extracted making "200"


Condition Cell No of

Example 2: Column A has the persons sex appended to the name - you want to pull this out

Full Name Initial Results Explained

A Jones - F F Col A (A Jones - F) has the last character extracted making "F"
B Smith - M M Col A (B Smith - M) has the last character extracted making "M"
C Bloggs - F F Col A (C Bloggs - F) has the last character extracted making "F"


Condition No of
Cell Characters

The command is broken down below:
= Always enter the '=' sign first to show it is a formula
RIGHT The command in this case is 'RIGHT'
( The command to obey is contained within brackets - to show the start and end
A21 Cell reference of the data to use
, A comma is added to break up the command - it signifies the end of the first value
1 Number of characters to extract
) Close the brackets to complete the command
Row Return to Front Page

Used to pick up the column number

Row Number
Results Explained
The formula picks up the row number it is entered in.
This can then be used in hlookup etc


Range to
add up

The command is broken down below:
= Always enter the '=' sign first to show it is a formula
ROW The command in this case is 'ROW'
( The command to obey is contained within brackets - to show the start and end
Cell to pick up or blank for current row
) Close the brackets to complete the command
Column Return to Front Page

Used to pick up the column number

Column Number Column Number Column Number Column Number Column Number
1 2 3 4 5

Results Explained
The formula picks up the column number it is entered in.
This can then be used in vlookup etc


Range to
add up

The command is broken down below:
= Always enter the '=' sign first to show it is a formula
COLUMN The command in this case is 'COLUMN'
( The command to obey is contained within brackets - to show the start and end
Cell to pick up or blank for current column
) Close the brackets to complete the command
Absolute Return to Front Page

Fixes a cells to be referenced in a formula

Example 1: The list below contains the quantity of fruit bought by each person. The absolute formula is used in column D when finding the percentage

First Name Fruit Bought Items Bought Percentage of total

Fred Smith Apple 10 15.38%
Joe Bloggs Banana 5 7.69%
Mike Smith Pear 6 9.23% Results Explained
Anthony Brown Apple 19 29.23% An absolute formula is used when the cell being referenced needs to be fixed.
Mary Jones Apple 18 27.69% It is fixed by putting a $ sign in front of the row number and/or column number being referenced
Mike Jones Banana 2 3.08% In this case the total sum of items used '65' is being fixed when trying to calculate each qty
Malcolm Knot Pear 5 7.69% bought as a percentage of the total
Total 65 1


items being Cell being fixed -
bought total fruit
(known as Absolute)

The command is broken down below:
= Always enter the '=' sign first to show it is a formula
C8 Cell showing items bought - this will change as the formula is dragged down to other cells
/ Divided by sign - in this case we are trying to find the fruit per line as a percentage of the total so you need to divide each line by the total fruit
$C$15 Fixed absolute cell of total fruit bought. Even when the formula is copied down this cell does not change. The fix can be on just the row or column if required
Mid Return to Front Page

Used to extract a certain number of characters from the middle of a cell

Example 1: Column A has a month and the number of days in the month - you only want the month

Month and person Month Results Explained

Jan - 31 Jan Col A (Jan - 31) has three character starting from character 1 extracted making "Jan"
Mar - 30 Mar Col A (Mar - 30) has three character starting from character 1 extracted making "Mar"

No of
Condition Cell

Example 2: Column A has a part number in it - the second field is the stock number you need

Part Number Stock Id Results Explained

100-02-03-440 02 Col A (100-02-03-440) starts after the 4th character (eg 1=1st, 0=2nd, 0=3rd, -=4th) - extracting the next 2 making "02"
121-23-21-232 23 Col A (121-23-21-232) starts after the 4th character (eg 1=1st, 2=2nd, 1=3rd, -=4th) - extracting the next 2 making "23"
122-12-23-322 12 Col A (122-12-23-322) starts after the 4th character (eg 1=1st, 2=2nd, 2=3rd, -=4th) - extracting the next 2 making "12"

No of
Cell Starting

The command is broken down below:
= Always enter the '=' sign first to show it is a formula
MID The command in this case is 'MID'
( The command to obey is contained within brackets - to show the start and end
A21 Cell reference of the data to use
, A comma is added to break up the command - it signifies the end of the first value
1 Character to start at
, A comma is added to break up the command - it signifies the end of the second value
2 Number of characters to extract
) Close the brackets to complete the command
Find Return to Front Page

Used to find the position of a certain string of characters - mainly used in nested formulas (see Combining Statements)

Example 1: The fullname is in Column A - you need to know where the space is so the firstname can be extracted

Full Name End of first name Results Explained

Fred Jones 5 The space in Col A (Fred Jones) comes after 'Fred' which has 4 characters - making the position "5"
Joe Brown 4 The space in Col A (Joe Brown) comes after 'Joe' which has 3 characters - making the position "4"
Mike Smith 5 The space in Col A (Mike Smith) comes after 'Mike' which has 4 characters - making the position "5"

=FIND(" ",A8,1)
Condition Value to Cell

Example 2: Column A contains a part number - you need to find the position of the first hyphen in order to extract the stock
number (2nd field) - See Combining Statements

Part Number End of first field Results Explained

12-232-2343 3 The hyphen in Col A (12-232-2343) is after '12' which has 2 characters - making the position "3"
244-344-544 4 The hyphen in Col A (244-344-544) is after '244' which has 3 characters - making the position "4"
1-33-444 2 The hyphen in Col A (1-33-444) is after '1' which has 1 characters - making the position "2"

Condition Character
Value to Cell

Example 3: Column A contains a part number - you need to find the position of the second hyphen in order to extract the stock
number (3rd field) - See Combining Statements

Part Number End of second field Results Explained

12-232-2343 7 This is a nested find - after finding the first hyphen (above) you then want to locate the second one.
244-344-544 8 This is done by wrapping another find around the original one (using the original find + 1 as the
1-33-444 5 starting character)

The command is broken down below:
= Always enter the '=' sign first to show it is a formula
FIND The command in this case is 'FIND'
( The command to obey is contained within brackets - to show the start and end
"-" String to find - this can be any number of characters
, A comma is added to break up the command - it signifies the end of the first value
A25 Cel to look in
, A comma is added to break up the command - it signifies the end of the second value
1 Character to start looking from
) Close the brackets to complete the command

Mrs Anne Minihan Minihan,Anne

LEN Return to Front Page

Used to determine the length of a field eg - number of characters

Example 1: Column A has a persons name

Firstname Length Results Explained

Fred 4 Col A (Fred) has 4 characters making the result "4"
Joe 3 Col A (Joe) has 3 characters making the result "3"


Condition Cell

Example 2: Column A has a part number in

Part Number Length Results Explained

100-02-03-440 13 Col A (100-02-03-440) has 13 characters making the result "13"
121-23-21-23 12 Col A (121-23-21-23) has 12 characters making the result "12"
1-12-23-322 11 Col A (1-12-23-322) has 11 characters making the result "11"


Condition Cell

The command is broken down below:
= Always enter the '=' sign first to show it is a formula
LEN The command in this case is 'LEN'
( The command to obey is contained within brackets - to show the start and end
A21 Cell reference of the data to use
) Close the brackets to complete the command
COUNT Return to Front Page

Enables you to count the number of text or value fields

Example 1: Column B has a list of peoples names - you need to know how many

Firstname Results Explained

Fred COUNTA counts the number of text and value fields in the range.
Joe Returns the total number of 3
Total No of Names 3


Condition Cell Range

Example 2: Column B has a list of numbers - you need to know how many numbers

Values Results Explained

3 COUNT counts the number of value fields in the range.
4 Returns the total number of 3
Total No of Values 3


Condition Cell Range

The command is broken down below:
= Always enter the '=' sign first to show it is a formula
COUNT The command in this case is 'COUNT' for numbers or COUNTA for text
( The command to obey is contained within brackets - to show the start and end
B24:B26 Cell range of the data to use
) Close the brackets to complete the command
Date Functions Return to Front Page

Extracts a value based on a date - eg Name of Month, Year, Date etc

Example 1: Column A has a Date Function in it - date is in cell B&

Date Function Results Explained

1/26/2009 =Today() Picks up the value of the current date - reformats as the spreadsheet is opened
2009 =Year(A8) Picks up the current Year of a date
26 =Day(A8) Picks up the current Day
1/31/2009 =EOMONTH(A8,0) Picks up the last day of the month
1/29/2009 =WORKDAY(A8,9) Shows the next working day 'x' days after the cell selected - ie misses weekends
1 =MONTH(A8) Returns the month number
Monday None - Formatting Using Date Formats to extract just the day
January None - Formatting Using Date Formats to extract just the month
09 None - Formatting Using Date Formats to extract the year number

The command is broken down below:
= Always enter the '=' sign first to show it is a formula
EOMONTH The command in this case is 'EOMONTH'
( The command to obey is contained within brackets - to show the start and end
A8 Cell reference of the data to use
, A comma is added to break up the command - it signifies the end of the first value
x Number of months from the date - in this case it is zero to signify end of current month
) Close the brackets to complete the command

NB: This command needs to have the Analysis Toolpak added - this is done via Tools > Addins > Analysis Toolpak

The command is broken down below:
= Always enter the '=' sign first to show it is a formula
WORKDAY The command in this case is 'WORKDAY'
( The command to obey is contained within brackets - to show the start and end
A8 Cell reference of the data to use
, A comma is added to break up the command - it signifies the end of the first value
x Number of days from the date - in this case it is 9 - the weekends will be missed
) Close the brackets to complete the command

NB: This command needs to have the Analysis Toolpak added - this is done via Tools > Addins > Analysis Toolpak

Rules: Date Formatting

Dates can be formatted by clicking on the date required and then selecting Format > Cells from the Menu Bar

Select the 'Custom' Category and enter in the format required shown below
ddd Short Day eg Mon, Tue etc
dddd Long Day eg Monday, Tuesday etc
mmm Short Month eg Jan, Feb, Mar etc
mmmm Long Month eg January, February etc
yy Short Year description eg 03, 04 etc
yyyy Long Year description eg 2003, 2004 etc
IS Statement Return to Front Page

Validates a cell returning the value "TRUE" or "FALSE". Validations include ISERROR, ISNUMBER, ISTEXT, ISBLANK

Example 1: Column A has a text, number or errors in it



Results Explained
ISBLANK Checks to see if the cell is blank or contain a value / text
ISNUMBER Checks to see if the cell has a value in it
ISERROR Checks to see if the cell has an error (N/A) etc
ISTEXT Checks to see if the cell contains a text field
ISEVEN Checks to see if a value is even - if the cell is not a number an error is returned
ISNA Checks to see if the cell contains a N/A value


Condition Cell

The command is broken down below:
= Always enter the '=' sign first to show it is a formula
ISxxxx The command in this case is 'ISxxx' where xxx is NUMBER, TEXT, EVEN, ERROR etc
( The command to obey is contained within brackets - to show the start and end
A21 Cell reference of the data to use
) Close the brackets to complete the command
Changing Case Return to Front Page

Changes the case of text words into Upper, Lower or Mixed case

Example 1: Column A has a persons name

Value Uppercase Lowercase Mixed Case

Fred Jones FRED JONES fred jones Fred Jones
FRED JONES FRED JONES fred jones Fred Jones
Fred Jones FRED JONES fred jones Fred Jones

Results Explained
UPPER Changes all text to be capital letters
LOWER Changes all text to be small letters
PROPER Changes all text to be in correct format of capital and lower letters


Condition Cell

The command is broken down below:
= Always enter the '=' sign first to show it is a formula
UPPER The command in this case is UPPER, LOWER or PROPER
( The command to obey is contained within brackets - to show the start and end
A21 Cell reference of the data to use
) Close the brackets to complete the command
And / Or Return to Front Page

Used in If statements to check two or more values at the same time

Example 1: Column A has a list of fruit and Column B has the cost - if the fruit is an Apple AND it is free then flag as 'True'

Fruit Free True / False Results Explained

Apple Free True Col A (Apple) and Col B (Free) making the result "True"
Pear Free False As Col A is Pear the AND statement is "False"
Apple 10p False As Col B is 10p the AND statement is "False"
Pear 10p False As Col A is Pear and Col B is 10p both statements are "False"


Condition Values to
Check for

Example 2: Column A has a list of fruit and Column B has the price - if the fruit is and Apple OR it is Free then flag "True"

Fruit Free True / False Results Explained

Apple Free True Col A (Apple) and Col B (Free) making the result "True"
Pear Free True As Col A is Pear the AND statement is "False"
Apple 10p True As Col B is 10p the AND statement is "False"
Pear 10p False As Col A is Pear and Col B is 10p both statements are "False"


Condition Values to
Check for

The command is broken down below:
= Always enter the '=' sign first to show it is a formula
OR The command in this case is 'AND' or 'OR'
( The command to obey is contained within brackets - to show the start and end
Condition 1 Condition 1 to check in the 'If'
, A comma is added to break up the command - it signifies the end of the first value
Condition 2 Condition 2 to check in the 'If'
, A comma is added to break up the command - it signifies the end of the first value
Condition 3 etc Condition 3 to check in the 'If'
) Close the brackets to complete the command
Ranges Return to Front Page

Range names are used to reference a group of cells. These can be used in formulas, list validations, Visual Basic etc

Example: Column A has a list of colours which you want to name as 'Colours'

List of Valid Colours Hints / Tips

Black NB - on the 'Formula' bar (where you click the tick to accept changes) there is a cell reference with a down arrow
Red Clicking on this down arrow will show the range you have just entered. Selecting the name will take you to those
Blue cells

The way to produce a range name is broken down below:
Toolbar > Insert > Names > Define

Insert Click on the word 'Insert' on the top toolbar (or hold the Alt key and press 'I')
Name Click on the word 'Name' on the 'Insert' drop down or press the 'N' button. (NB if the option 'Name' is not there click on the double chevron to expand the list)
Define Click on the word 'Define' on the 'Name' drop down or press the 'D' button.
Colours' Key in the name of the range - in this case 'Colours' in the top box
OK Click OK to close the box
Validation Return to Front Page

Controls what items can be entered into a cell

Example: Column A has a list of colours which you want to name as 'Colours'

Value Validation Type Explanation

50 Must be a whole number between 1 and 50 Validation will only allow 1 to 50. A message box appears to say incorrect value etc
4/12/2004 Date - between 01/01/2004 and 31/12/2004 Validation will only allow a date between the valid start and end date. A message box appears to say incorrect date etc
Blue Text greater than 3 characters Validates that any text entered is greater than 3 characters
Two Drop down list Only values entered in a 'list' can be entered

The way to produce a validation is broken down below:
Toolbar > Data > Validation

Data Click on the word 'Data' on the top toolbar (or hold the Alt key and press 'D')
Validation Click on the word 'Validation' on the 'Data' drop down or press the 'L' button. (NB if the option 'Validation' is not there click on the double chevron to expand the list)
Settings Select the Validation Type required from Any Value, Whole Number, Decimal, List, Date, Time, Lext Length or Custom - in this case it is Whole Number
Enter the 'Data Type' eg Greater Than, Less Than, Between etc. Then enter the range of values. With the list option the valid list should be entered in the 'source' box without quotes but
Enter Values with each value separated by a comma eg one, two. See 'Example - Settings' below
Input Message Optional. Key in the message that will appear as a yellow box when the cell containing the validation is click on. See 'Example - Input Message' below
Error Alert Optional. Key in the message that will appear if an incorrect value is entered. See 'Example - Error Alert' below
OK Click OK to close the box

Example - Settings Example - Input Message Example - Error Alert

Text to Columns Return to Front Page

Splits a group of values in a column into separate columns

Before Explanation
This command allows a column to be split into several other columns - ensure you insert blank columns before the start otherwise other data will be copied over
Value It is used to split items such as names etc
Anne Minihan 07966126409
Fred Bloggs 01982111222
Mary Trarer 0911122222
Judith Jenkins 01222122222

The way to split the columns is
Toolbar > Data > Text to Columns

Data Click on the word 'Data' on the top toolbar (or hold the Alt key and press 'D')
Text to Columns Click on the word 'Text to Columns' on the 'Data' drop down or press the 'E' button. (NB if the option 'Text to Columns' is not there click on the double chevron to expand the list)
Delimited / Fixed Width If you want the values split using a space or special character as the separator choose Delimited - otherwise choose Fixed Width
Choose ths delimited type - or the fixed width split
Click Finish

Example - Delimited Click Space - to choose the space as a delimiter - then click Finish Result

Anne Minihan 7966126409
Fred Bloggs 1982111222
Mary Trarer 911122222
Judith Jenkins 1222122222

Example - Fxied Width Click on the box where you want the split to occur Result - NB - in this case you would use Delimited and not fixed

Anne Minihan 0 7966126409
Fred Bloggs 01 982111222
Mary Trarer 09 11122222
Judit h Jenkins 1222122222
List Validation Return to Front Page

Used to only allow a user to enter a value which is in a list.

List of Valid Colours

Black Please enter Colour Here Results Explained
Red The only values the users can enter is from the list in Column A
Blue This list can be kept on a separate spreadsheet which is hidden
Green from the users view.
NB - You will need to take care to insert any new values in the middle of the list

The command is a combination of creating a range name and setting up a list validation
Create a Range name by selecting the data you want in the list and then selecting 'Insert > Names > Define'. In this case the name of the range is
Create Range Click on the Hyperlink 'Create Range' to take you to the 'Ranges' page for full details

Create Validation Add the validation to another cell by selecting 'Data > Validation'. Select 'Allow' List. In the source box type the Range Name - in this case 'Colours'
Formats Return to Front Page

Formating cells allow you to display the field how you want - eg two decimal places

Example: Column A has a list of values - the other columns show what formating can do. The explanation will contain the menu selection

Value Display Description Key Commands

1509.2 1509.20 2 Decimal places Format Cells > Number > Number > 2 Decimal Places
15/09/04 9/15/2004 Displays date in dd/mm/yyyy Format Cells > Number > Date > *14/03/2001
145 145 Formats cell (numbers etc) as Text Format Cells > Number > Text
Green grows the
grass Formats text to be wrapped and at the Format Cells > Alignment > Vertical > Top
Green grows the grass top of the cells Format Cells > Alignment > Text Control > Wrap Text

NB: The Format Cells option can be used to change Fonts, Put Borders around cells, colour cells and much more

The way to produce a cell formatting is broken down below:
Toolbar > Format > Cells

Format Click on the word 'Format' on the top toolbar (or hold the Alt key and press 'F')
Cells Click on the word 'Cells' on the 'Format' drop down or press the 'e' button. (NB if the option 'Cells' is not there click on the double chevron to expand the list)
Select Option Select the format as displayed on Key Commands
OK Click OK to close the box

Examples below show number and date formats

Conditional Formats Return to Front Page

Formating cells allow you to change the colour / display of the cell depending on its value

Example: Col A has a list of fruits and Col B has their price, If the price is greater than 12p then this is expensive and flagged Amber, if more than 49p it is very expensive and flagged Red

Fruit Cost Expiry Date Cost Results Explained Expiry Results Explained
Apple 9 1/26/2009 9p is less than 12p so flagged Green Date is today so fruit is still ok to eat therefore colour is Amber
Banana 80 1/31/2009 80p is more than 49p and is flagged Red Date is today + 5 days - it is greater than today and therefore Green
Pear 50 1/23/2009 50p is more than 49p and is flagged Red Date is less than today and therefore Red
Strawberry 39 2/2/2009 39p is greater than 12p but less than 49p so is flagged Amber Date is today + 7 days which is greater than today therefore Green

NB: The Format Cells option can be used to change Fonts, Put Borders around cells, colour cells and much more

The way to produce a conditional format is broken down below:
Toolbar > Format > Conditional Format

Format Click on the word 'Format' on the top toolbar (or hold the Alt key and press 'F')
Cells Click on the word 'Conditional Formatting' on the 'Format' drop down or press the 'd' button. (NB if the option 'Cells' is not there click on the double chevron to expand the list)

Select Option Enter in the conditions you wish to check. It is important to check the greatest value first as the conditions are checked in order. Clicking on the Format box will allow the colour etc to be set
OK Click OK to close the box

Substitute Return to Front Page

Changes a value (or string of values) in a cell from one item to another

Example 1: Column A has a persons name with a hyphen instead of a space

Value Substitute Results Explained

Fred-Barry-Jones Fred Barry Jones Substitute can be used to change either a single value or a whole string
Nigel-Murray Nigel Murray Any occurrence of the value is changed. In this instance the Hyphen is replaced with a space
Sarah-Bloggs Sarah Bloggs This is similar to the command Find & Replace

=SUBSTITUTE(A8,"-"," ")
Item to replace
it with
Condition Cell Value to Find
and replace

The command is broken down below:
= Always enter the '=' sign first to show it is a formula
SUBSTITUTE The command in this case is SUBSTITUTE
( The command to obey is contained within brackets - to show the start and end
A8 Cell reference of the data to use
, A comma is added to break up the command - it signifies the end of the first value
"-" Item to find in the cell - this is the value that will be replaced. The value must be incased in speech marks ""
, A comma is added to break up the command - it signifies the end of the second value
- Item to replace the found item with. The value must be incased in speech marks ""
) Close the brackets to complete the command
Sum Return to Front Page

Used to sum up totals

Example 1: The list below contains the quantity of fruit bought by each person

First Name Fruit Bought Items Bought

Fred Smith Apple 10
Joe Bloggs Banana 5
Mike Smith Pear 6
Anthony Brown Apple 19
Mary Jones Apple 18
Mike Jones Banana 2
Malcolm Knot Pear 5 Results Explained
Total 65 The total number of items bought was 65


Range to
add up

The command is broken down below:
= Always enter the '=' sign first to show it is a formula
SUM The command in this case is 'SUM'
( The command to obey is contained within brackets - to show the start and end
C8:C14 Range of values to add up
) Close the brackets to complete the command
Sumif Return to Front Page

Used to sum up totals if certain criteria is met

Example 1: The list below contains the quantity of fruit bought by each person

First Name Fruit Bought Items Bought

Fred Smith Apple 10
Joe Bloggs Banana 5
Mike Smith Pear 6
Anthony Brown Apple 19
Mary Jones Apple 18
Mike Jones Banana 2
Malcolm Knot Pear 5
Results Explained
Total Banana 7 The total number of items bought where the fruit was 'Banana' is 5 + 2 = 7
Total Pear 11 The total number of items bought where the fruit was 'Pear' is 6 + 5 = 11
Total Apple 47 The total number of items bought where the fruit was 'Apple' is 10 + 19 + 18 = 47


Range to Value to Find Range to add
Look in up

The command is broken down below:
= Always enter the '=' sign first to show it is a formula
SUMIF The command in this case is 'SUMIF'
( The command to obey is contained within brackets - to show the start and end
B8:B14 The range / column to look for the 'value to find' - in this case it is the 'Fruit Bought'
, A comma is added to break up the command - it signifies the end of the first value
"Banana" Value to find in the range - if the value is text then it should be enclosed in quotes - for numbers do not use quotes
, A comma is added to break up the command - it signifies the end of the second value
C8:C14 Range of values to add up if the 'value to find' is correct (eg if the fruit is banana)
) Close the brackets to complete the command
Array Formula Return to Front Page

An array formula is a multiple condition - in this example a multiple SUMIF

Example 1: The list below shows how much fruit was bought by each person and in which class

First Name Fruit Bought Class Items Bought

Fred Smith Apple Beech 10
Joe Bloggs Banana Holly 5
Mike Smith Pear Holly 6
Anthony Brown Apple Holly 19
Mary Jones Apple Beech 18
Mike Jones Banana Beech 2
Malcolm Knot Pear Holly 5
Results Explained
Total Banana for Holly 5 The total number of items bought where the fruit was 'Banana' and the class is 'Holly' is 5
Total Pear for Holly 11 The total number of items bought where the fruit was 'Pear' and the class is 'Holly' is 6 + 5 = 11
Total Apples or Beech 49 The total number of items bought where the fruit was 'Apple' or the class is 'Beech' is 10 + 19 + 18 + 2 = 49

Range to add up is
=SUM(IF((B8:B14="Apple")+(C8:C14="Beech"),D8:D14,0)) conditions are not

Condition 1st Range Operand - 2nd Range 2nd Value Range to add up if
1st Value
to Look in + is or, * is to Look in to Find conditions are met
to Find

The command is broken down below:
= Always enter the '=' sign first to show it is a formula
SUM The command in this case is 'SUM'
( The command to obey is contained within brackets - to show the start and end
IF The array in this case is 'IF'
( The command to obey is contained within brackets - to show the start and end
(B8:B14="Apple") The first condition to check is whether any of the fruits in the range B8:B14 is an Apple
The operand to perform on the conditions. In this case a '+' is used to mean if either of the conditions are met add the values. If you wanted both/all
+ conditions to be correct then use a '*'
(C8:C14="Beech") The second condition to check is whether any of the classes in the range C8:C14 is Beech. You can have as many conditions as you require
, A comma is added to break up the command - it signifies the end of the first value
D8:D14 Range of values to add up if the 'values to find' are correct (eg if the fruit is apple or the class is Beech)
, A comma is added to break up the command - it signifies the end of the second value
0 The values to add up if the condition is not correct - in this case zero
) Close the brackets to complete the command

NB - With array formulas you will get an #Value error. You must then edit the formula and hold the Ctrl + Shift keys and then press enter. The sum will then be enclosed
in {} brackets.
Index Return to Front Page

Allows a value to be picked up from one sheet dependant on the row / column choosen.

Example 1: The table contains a list of total by month. Dependant on the month choos en in B18 the total fruit changes as the column being picked up references the month number

Fruit Jan Feb Mar Apr Results Explained

Bananas 10 4 3 4 Index will pick up the results in a certain column (or row)
Apples 3 6 2 4 In this case the column is selected by the user using a value in the Validation List
Pears 5 8 1 2
Grapes 6 9 2 4
Oranges 7 0 4 8
Total 31 27 12 22

Total Choose Month Total Fruit

Total Fruit 3 Err:504


Range to
number to
look in
pick up value

The command is broken down below:
= Always enter the '=' sign first to show it is a formula
INDEX The command in this case is 'INDEX'
( The command to obey is contained within brackets - to show the start and end
B13:E13 Range to look in.
, A comma is added to break up the command - it signifies the end of the first value
B18 This is the column number in the range to pick up. In this case it is the 3rd column
) Close the brackets to complete the command
Pivot Tables Return to Front Page

Summarises information in a table format Explanation

This feature will take lots of data and summarise it by any field you require
Before It is used to obtain totals
Cost Centre Name PC Car Bonus Pivot tables are best created by not using the Wizard. Simply drag the fields where you want them. If you
111111 Anne Minihan Yes £10,000.00 have put them in the wrong place - click on the field and drag it back out of the pivot table!
111112 Fred Bloggs Yes £-
111111 Mary Trarer Yes £2,000.00
111111 Judith Jenkins Yes £1,500.00
111111 Nigel Crossland Yes Yes £5,000.00
111111 Jim Jones £2,000.00
111112 Frank Enstein Yes Yes £500.00

The way to create a pivot table is
Select the Columns required - or the top corner for all of the sheet
Toolbar > Data > PivotTable and PivotChart Report
Data Click on the word 'Data' on the top toolbar (or hold the Alt key and press 'D')
PivotTable and PivotChart Report Click on the word 'PivotTable and PivotChart Report' on the 'Data' drop down or press the 'P' button. (NB if the option 'PivotTable and PivotChart Report is not there click on the double chevron to expand the list)
Ensure Microsoft Office Excel List and PivotTable or selected (these are the default options)
Click Finish
Drag required Rows, Columns and Data fields into the table

Example This screen will be displayed

Click Finish
Hint: If you get an error message saying the field name is invalid check the columns -
you probably have a blank column in your selection

Example 1 - Summarise bonus by Cost Centre We now need to see a summary of the bonus's. So we drag the word 'Bonus' By default the data field normally appears as 'Count' and not 'Sum'
Decide which rows you would like displayed - on this occasion we want to see bonuss by CC so from the PivotTable Field List into the table section where it says To change this right-click on one of the 'data' count lines (ie B5 where it has 4)
so we drag the word 'Cost Centre' from the PivotTable Field List (box on the right) into the table section "Drop Data Items Here" and select Field Settings > Sum
where it says "Drop Row Fields Here"

Example 2 - Show the Total of Cars, PCs by cost centre

In this example we would like to know the total number of cars and PCs per cost centre. So we start by We will repeat the exact same steps for the 'Car' field It would be better to have the PC/Car details across the top where it says Total.
draging the cost centre field as before. We then drag the 'Car' word from the PivotTable Field List and place So click and hold the Column heading 'Data' and drag this to the top box where it says 'Total'
it iin the 'Drop Data Items Here' section

As we don't want to see the Blank cost centre we will hide this line.
This is done by right-clicking on the (blank) word (cell A7), and selecting Hide
Lookup Return to Front Page

Used to look up a value on one spreadsheet and return the value from another

Example 1: List 1 contains the Names and Titles of some people. List 2 (which is on another spreadsheet) contains their Date of Births. You need this information on your List 1

List 1 - Name List 2 - Title Date of Birth Results Explained

Fred Smith Manager 5/18/1954 Vlookup looks at the first column to find the value selected - in this case 'Fred Smith'
Joe Bloggs Assistant 1/13/1973 Once found the formula will return the value in the second column - in this case '18/05/1954'
Mike Smith BPO Manager 8/8/1958
Nigel Paul CDE #N/A Nigel Paul is not in List 2 so an error is returned. To remove the error you can combine the ISERROR
Anthony Brown 1st Line Support 10/13/1968 formula with the VLOOKUP and IF eg
Mary Jones Manager 12/3/1960 =IF(ISERROR(VLOOKUP(A11,A18:B24,2,FALSE)),"Cannot Find",VLOOKUP(A11,A18:B24,2,FALSE))
Mike Jones PA 2/27/1962
Malcolm Knot Help Desk 4/15/1932

List 2 - Name Date of Birth Sex

Anthony Brown 10/13/1968 M
Fred Smith 5/18/1954 M
Joe Bloggs 1/13/1973 M
Malcolm Knot 4/15/1932 M
Mary Jones 12/3/1960 F
Mike Jones 2/27/1962 M
Mike Smith 8/8/1958 M

=VLOOKUP(A8,$A$19:$B$25,2,FALSE) What to return

if not found
Value to Range to Number of
look for look in column to
return value

The command is broken down below:
= Always enter the '=' sign first to show it is a formula
VLOOKUP The command in this case is 'VLOOKUP'
( The command to obey is contained within brackets - to show the start and end
A8 The value to look for - this would be the value which is the same in both lists / spreadsheets. In this case it is a persons name
, A comma is added to break up the command - it signifies the end of the first value
Range to look in. The $ fixes the cells so the formula remains the same when copied down to other cells. The range must start with the value which is the same in both list
$A$19:$B$25 (eg persons name) and must also include the column you want to return
, A comma is added to break up the command - it signifies the end of the second value
The column number you want to pick up the value from. In this case the 'Date of Birth' is the second column in the range. If we wanted to pick up the 'Sex' of the person the
2 range would need to be extended to pick up Column C and the column number would be '3'
, A comma is added to break up the command - it signifies the end of the second value
FALSE The value to return if the 'lookup value' cannot be found. In this case we have asked for an error
) Close the brackets to complete the command
Combining Statements Return to Front Page

All of the formulas shown can be combined together to make Excel a very powerful tool. Detailed below are some ways that combining statements can be used

Value 1 Formula Result Results Explained

Fred Jones Fred Combining the Left and Find statements the first name can be extracted
Joe Brown Brown Combining the Right, Find and Len statements the last name can be extracted
Fred Jones Text Checks to see if the value contains a text and then returns the word 'Text' otherwise returns 'Value'
Amendment History Return to Front Page

Date Version Author Email Address

10/15/2004 1.0 Anne Minihan
10/18/2004 1.1 Anne Minihan
10/27/2004 1.2 Anne Minihan
2/8/2008 1.3 Anne Minihan
2/8/2008 1.4 Anne Minihan
2/11/2008 1.4 Anne Minihan
7/17/2008 1.5 Anne Minihan
7/22/2008 1.5 Anne Minihan
8/8/2008 1.6 Anne Minihan
New release
Fix hyperlink to vlookup
Updated conditional formats to show Formula is
Added the Sum, Substitute, text to columns and Index command
Added column, row
Added Absolute Cells
Added quick keys reference
Added Pivot tables
Added the Calendar function

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