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Homework 3 Solutions

Math 351, Fall 2010 Section 16, Problem 9. Proposition. The dictionary order topology on the set R R is the same as the product topology Rd R, where Rd denotes R in the discrete topology. Proof. Because singleton sets are a basis for the topology on Rd , the collection B = {{a} (b, c) | a, b, c R and b < c} is a basis for the product topology on Rd R. Furthermore, as observed in example 2 on pg. 85, the collection D = {(a b, a c) | a, b, c R and b < c} is a basis for the dictionary order topology on R R. But {a} (b, c) = (a b, a c) for each a, b, and c, and therefore B = D. Since the discrete topology on R is strictly ner than the standard topology, the dictionary order topology is strictly ner than the standard topology on R R. Section 17, Problem 13. Proposition. Let X be a topological space. Then X is Hausdor if and only if the diagonal = {x x | x X} is closed in X X. Proof. By the denition of the product topology, is closed if and only if each point x y in the complement of has a neighborhood U V that is disjoint from . However: 1. x y lies in the complement of if and only if x = y, 2. U V is a neighborhood of x y if and only if U is a neighborhood of x and V is a neighborhood of y, and 3. U V is disjoint from if and only if U V = . Thus is closed if and only if X is Hausdor.

Section 17, Problem 19. Let X be a topological space. Proposition. If A X, then Int A and Bd A are disjoint, and A = Int A Bd A. Proof. If a Int A, then a U for some open set U contained in A. Then U does not intersect X A, so a (X A), and therefore a Bd A. / / For the second statement, let x A, and suppose that x Bd A. Then x (X A), / / so there exists a neighborhood U of x that does not intersect X A. Then U A, so x Int A. Proposition. If A X, then Bd A = if and only if A is both open and closed. Proof. Recall that Int A A A. We know that A is open if and only if A = Int A, and A is closed if and only if A = A. Then A is both open and closed if and only if Int A = A, which occurs if and only if Bd A = . Proposition. If U X, then U is open if and only if Bd U = U U . Proof. Observe that Bd U = U Int U for any set U . Thus Bd U = U U if and only if U = Int U , which occurs if and only if U is open. In general, if U is an open set, then Int(U ) may be larger than U . For example, if U is = [0, 2], and thus Int(U ) = (0, 2) = U . the open set (0, 1) (1, 2) in R, then U Section 18, Problem 8. Let Y be an ordered set in the order topology, and let f, g : X Y be continuous. Lemma. For any pair y1 , y2 of distinct points in Y , there exist disjoint open rays R and S so that y1 U and y2 V . Proof. Without loss of generality, assume that y1 < y2 . If there exists a point y Y such that y1 < y < y2 , then the rays R = (, y) and S = (y, ) suce. If no such point exists, then the rays R = (, y2 ) and S = (y1 , ) are disjoint, and therefore satisfy the desired conditions. Proposition. The set {x | f (x) g(x)} is closed in X. Proof. We will show that the complement U = {x | f (x) > g(x)} is open in X. Let x U . Then f (x) > g(x), so there exist open rays R and S in Y such that f (x) R and g(x) S. Then f 1 (R) g 1 (S) is a neighborhood of x in X. But every element of R is greater than every element of S, and therefore f 1 (R) g 1 (S) U .

Proposition. The function h : X Y dened by h(x) = min{f (x), g(x)} is continuous. Proof. Let A = {x | f (x) g(x)} and B = {x | f (x) g(x)}. By the previous proposition, these sets are closed in X. Moreover, h(x) = f (x) if x A and h(x) = g(x) if x B. Thus h is continuous by the pasting lemma. Section 18, Problem 13. Proposition. Let A X; let f : A Y be continuous; let Y be Hausdor. If f can be extended to a continuous function g : A Y , then g is uniquely determined by f . First Proof. Let g, h : A Y be two continuous extensions of f to A, and suppose that Since Y is Hausdor, there exist disjoint open neighborhoods g(x) = h(x) for some x A. U and V of g(x) and h(x), respectively. Then g 1 (U ) h1 (V ) is a neighborhood of x in A, so it must contain some element a A. Then g(a) U and h(a) V , a contradiction since U and V are disjoint and g(a) = f (a) = h(a). Second Proof. Let g, h : A Y be two continuous extensions of f , and let B = {x A | g(x) = h(x)}. Then B = (g h)1 (), where g h : A Y Y is the product function, and is the diagonal in Y Y . Since Y is Hausdor, is a closed set, and hence B is closed. Since A B, it follows that A B, and therefore g = h.

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