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Public Discourse Statement New Mexico: Los Alamos

The first time I lied, then kept it going A buddy and I super-glued a kids shorts to his bike seat - and his skin After a day of insisting I didnt do it the truth came out Kids father insisted I look him in the eye as he lectured me about lying as a Cardinal Sin I learned when you keep a lie going, it ends up being a larger mess in the end Its better for everyone if you stop pretending and make things right as soon as you can When it comes to building nuclear weapons in northern New Mexico, Los Alamos is the ongoing lie U.S. has 2,700 operational nukes on submarines & military bases, with 2,500 backups at home Yet bomb builders and politicians pretend we need more; while looking us straight in the eye Lies get even more destructive when dealing with radioactive plutonium It happens to be the most carcinogenic (thats cancer causing) substance on Earth The lie builds more nukes instead of prioritizing long-overdue clean-up When you have 5,200 nuclear bombs - whats another 80 a year really worth? New Mexico has a history of Atomic contamination In 1945 the first bomb was dropped, no warning at all given to neighboring towns Fallout coated New Mexican people, animals, mountains, valleys, and rivers Now its 2012 - the fallouts still coming down New Mexicans know whats happening, the lie has run its course, people rally around the Truth One group called Think Outside the Bomb mobilizes, educates, and is run - entirely by Youth Another group of New Mexicans call themselves Las Mujeres Hablan, the Women speak They represent the dignity of the people, animals, mountains, valleys, and rivers; downwind and downstream Occupy New Mexico, playing the role of father lecturing a kid whos been lying, but whos now been caught The kids been pushing a $6 billion Los Alamos expansion under the guise of national security Quadrupling the amount of plutonium waste in New Mexico - far from a kids harmless neighborhood plot Lying on volcanic ash, on intersecting fault-lines, in an active earthquake area An ongoing lie evolves into something more dangerous - outright denial Russian Roulette with plutonium - If the gun goes off, collateral damage for New Mexico endless Quick billion from Los Alamos corporate owner Bechtel keeps industry from going on trial A New Mexican consensus is growing Its time to clean-up Los Alamos - the development and production of nukes needs to end right now Its no longer a question of lf or When - everyday New Mexicans squarely focused on the How People ask Occupiers for what they stand; well, the position on Los Alamos is clear Stop risking the health and happiness and survival of the next seven generations for unnecessary nukes Are we traitors if Los Alamos, not Iran - is who weve come to fear? Occupiers stand for public health over corporate war profits - profits keeping alive the lie thats Los Alamos Occupy Movement stands for the people, animals, mountains, valleys; the life-sustaining Rio Grande as it flows If you support more nukes and more plutonium at Los Alamos - What exactly is it you stand for? If you support more nukes and more plutonium at Los Alamos - Youre lying

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