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Chaos players have finally received the tools they need to wreak even more havoc: Daemon armies!

Hordes of slavering Daemons and nothing but Daemons! It's all there in the Storm of Chaos Campaign Book. One of the more interesting (and powerful!) troop types offered is the Daemon Chariot. There are four to choose from, one for each ruinous power. Sounds great, doesn't it? There's a catch, though. There really are no official models out there for these Chariots. You have to come up with conversions on your own. This article gives you a few ideas on how to build your very own Daemon Chariots.

There are a few examples of these weird Chariots in the Storm of Chaos book itself. They look cool; they are inspiring; and they happen to be painted fantastically. However, the average hobbyist is not going to be able to build a Chariot that matches these photographs. The bitz for these master-class examples will put quite the hurtin' on your wallet! With this in mind, I set out to build Chariots for each of the four Chaos powers that were around $50, not impossible to build, and looked rad. Step-by-step photos and complete bitz lists have been provided for each "real-world" Chariot. Pick your favorite Chaos God below and have a look-see!


Beast of Nurgle Right: 73240-1 Beast Left Side: 73240-2 Beast Left Foot: 73240-3 Beast Right Foot: 732404 Beast Middle Tentacles: 73240-5 Beast Front Tentacles: 73240-6 Beast Rear Tentacles: 73240-7 Stage Coach Seat: 110204702 Plague Cart Top: 110100904 Plague Cart Seat: 110100907 (x6) Organ Gun Coupling: 20504108 Stn Throw Axle: 20504410 (x2) Nurgle Champ. Shield: 20113703 Plague Bearer 4: 991500704 Plague Bearer 8: 991500708 Wagon Wheels: 99399999058 Chariot Base: 99379999030

The Chariot of Nurgle really needs a wooden texture so that it can be painted to look rotten later. You can make a wood warcart-type vehicle with a bunch of different bitz (see the list above). Careening along in a soggy, rotten wagon is the only way Plaguebearers should travel into battle! The old Beast of Nurgle makes a great steed for this conversion and should also occupy a special place in the heart of any devotee of Nurgle. If you are set on having two beasts pull your Chariot, just add another slug to the mix. This conversion involves little to no pinning and only a bit of putty work. All you have to do is glue some stuff together, fill in any gaps, and follow the steps outlined below. You will, however, need some fine jewelry chain and a few small wire loops to complete this project. Click here for information about how to acquire and work with this material.


Juggernaut Body: 10200103 Juggernaut Head Plate: 10200104 Juggernaut Head: 10200105 Juggernaut Front Rt Leg: 10200106 Juggernaut Front Lt Leg: 10200107 Juggernaut Rear Rt Leg: 10200108 Juggernaut Rear Lt Leg: 10200109 Chaos Chariot Front: 20107305 Chaos Chariot Right: 20107306 Chaos Chariot Left: 20107307 Chaos Chariot Bottom: 20107308 Organ Gun Coupling: 20504108 (x2) Chaos Char. Wheel: 20107310 (x2) Bloodletter Standard : 20106902 Bloodletter Champ: 991500601 Bloodletter Champ Arm: 991500602 Bloodletter 1: 991500301 Bloodletter 1 Axe: 991500302 Chariot Base: 99379999030

The Chariot of Khorne is probably the most straightforward conversion of the bunch. It has to be spiky, brutish, and able to hold a pair of Bloodletters. The basic Chaos Chariot with the addition of a big Khorne symbol will do the trick nicely. All you have to add next is the Juggernaut and devise a method to hook it up to the Chariot. A pair of Organ Gun Couplings provide the eyelets and the rest is just a matter of chaining it all together. If you want a Chariot pulled by a pair of Juggernauts, then all you need to do is add another mad beast to the mix! This conversion involves little to no pinning and only a bit of putty work. All you have to do is glue some stuff together, fill in any gaps, and follow the steps outlined below. You


Disc of Tzeentch : 20114204 Tzeentch Disc Spikes: 20114205 Lord of Change Tabard: 20103609 Screamer 1 Body: 991501501 Screamer 1 Tail: 991501502 Screamer 2 Body: 991501503 Screamer 2 Tail: 991501504 Flamer Body 2: 991501602 Flamer Body 3: 991501603 Flamer Arms 1: 991501605 Flamer Arms 2: 991501606 Lg Flying Stem: 99379999013 Sm Flying Stem: 99379999003 Chariot Base: 99379999030

A Chariot of Tzeentch, once painted, is likely to draw a few stares from passersby. It's just so weird. Constructing this conversion is pretty simple. You need two Screamers and a platform to drag behind them that can support a pair of Flamers. The new Disc of Tzeentch is the obvious choice as it looks cool and has plenty of room. The addition of a small banner below the disc completes the model nicely. This conversion involves little to no pinning and only a bit of putty work. All you have to do is glue some stuff together, fill in any gaps, and follow the steps outlined below. You will, however, need some fine jewelry chain and a few small wire loops to complete this project. Click here for information about how to acquire and work with this material.


Daemonette 5: 991501008 Daemonette 2: 991501002 Daemonette Arm 1: 991501004 Daemonette Arm 6: 991501013 MTD Daemonette 1: 99151801 Slaanesh Steed Tail 1: 99151802 MTD Daemonette 3: 99151805 Slaanesh Steed Tail 3: 99151806 Stn Throw Axle: 20504410 Chaos Char. Wheel: 20107310 (x2) Talos Fuselage: 11201201 Talos Spikes: 11201205 (x3) Organ Gun Coupling: 20504108 Daemonette Standard: 20107502 Chariot Base: 99379999030

Chariots of Slaanesh should be swift and deadly. The Talos Fuselage is the perfect basis for this design concept because it has spikes built in, and it looks fast. By adding a few more spikes and other details, you can turn this Dark Eldar bit into a perfect emblem of Slaanesh. You can leave the Daemonette riders on the Steeds of Slaanesh they are a real challenge to remove, and they look just fine with the Chariot anyway. However, if you really want to remove them, go for it! This conversion involves little to no pinning and only a bit of putty work. All you have to do is glue some stuff together, fill in any gaps, and follow the steps outlined below. You will, however, need some fine jewelry chain and a few small wire loops to complete this project. Click here for information about how to acquire and work with this material.

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