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Vot. ,XIV: No. 220
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(JAZ~~T:TE, ~:1~~!~>\
:g6~ent and'not by Jorce andg6es"on~
From tho 1~t of J~nuo.ry 1882 thc IH'ICC
OAZE'l"rE will be 0.11
ur LhQ';>".A\Y..f~'".rrtMrt
~ ' .,
y thnt bei'n ,.."crwithout.
" ',

$ u. 'g,SSlstanCe'l)l'materrat means the RaJah:

.. ..s .
Single nu!,!ber ',' .'
SubscriptIOn for 1 YO~I'."
. Pn)'n.b)eIII A,1ml' ce
"I,OU is' I dependent 011the; free will of.hi

. .Do, 'iuclu,ling to ~in;,n.\>(1rQ \.25' subjects. AJl this) is perfectly true
1)"" do. EugllllHl \.50, but the writer fihould ill: aclditionhave; I
All communications hltelHlc,l '!!\l:illsol,tiQn: in 'ihe p,ointeclout the fa~t:t,h~tl the popnln,.: . 'jI
8arawal( Gazetto, must be dirccted to t)1e Ml.litorat tlOn of ,sara..wak' 'If?::aD! ex..C~~.dlP.gll.Y.'(-
the.GovernmentI)rinti~g Oftlcc,.!\ucl1iug,alldsent so. miXed one' col1sistin , g of.po\!al.tribes: ,.
as to reach tile Office by thc,26th of tho montl1l\t,:>t~, j . ." : . ',' . , ..',
lo.testortl1clr fl1ilJii~ation
,~illlll\ve't6be dcfotreduntil' wno' fr()l11, olden; "tiiiles. have'f'! Q~!;.n '
theneiti8su...; ..~".; ,
" n lna Ol li st ic to On a ,:;:otlle ~ . .jt
h};"" -,I
, Letters I\ml other oontributions t1l11St
QOl\uthentiC1lt- '" lo<LC, . u.,: a \~.. .A!_',,~ . 1
~d by the writor'sname!to the E,litor; . antngOl1lSm, . as the ',past. histoJ'Y' ~9f.
, ~vcco.nnot,'11ll1ol'take
to retlu:nreJo.cte,1
comml\l1lCA' Sma wakshows
t101t8; or to give, re9.S0I1Sfol' !lot IIlscrtmg th<'lm. . ' , ' , has beeli- . Ion b0: Ivin
. I:).
lIosident8.M tho.ou.tstations will cOllfel'.(\ll obUgo.tioll
by forwatcllug .to tho .Oalco. ef\l'l~ illtellfgol1eo. of 1\11'
. ql11eSC611t
G . .
t 1. a firm
' and 'settled
t . t t Il b ' t'., " -, ,.. '

mo.tter8..01 aelle~~l!illte\'e~~.ill theirl'e~peotiv6,n<!igll. OVeln~llell ut~ IS..~ 1 ...a , !1.~:..p'\ a~~,y.

bour\J.oods, ' . one tl'lbe placmg' Itself: In ' OPpO,S.i1
---- tiOlVto a Governmen:hvhioh it, is the
comillon int.erest of..)all'these rtcibes'~to' 'II
obey, and thus placing, in. a re)l1a;]:\ka~
iJle. manne,r, thel:ialance, ,of powel' ill
. ., Thtt1'sda.y, '.hit ]}lay~' 1884,:.-......--
""-""'-.,J., ~ the Rajah's hauds., This lIlay be i),nt"
.'1'WO' lIlost interesting articles, hav. f()rward ItS one of..the, .' chief source~.6f
.' "'. ~ I ,. i .

ing reference to Sa.r1\V!\k, have A,p- the stabil'ity of . tlm! Govern~nent.,-

'file Ex-chancellor fui'iher writes th'ri.t,
pea red in the issues of the Pall Mall
Gaulle of the 7th aml 14th March; should t.)w people wish. it tlie 'Hajah
the one written'by His Highness the' "would have to take up his hat and,
Haj'1h and the other ~y a. g~ntlemall . go.". 'fhis from the pen of a gentle,.
styling himself the Ex-cJlancellor (~ ',mart of.U Jears ,experiencein Sara,.
the Exchequer, As most of our readers wak reaclsa little: stqu~gely. It is' not to
will have all'eatly read Lhe arlicles re- b(\ gainsaic1that sho\11(~such a \vish be
fel'red .to, it will be needless to insert unanimotlsly expressed by .the popala-
, them here, buL, iLSone or two of the tion, the rosnlt,w()uld be as the' writef ,
Ex. cliall~ello.l"sstatements are, be- says, but hi~ experience llltist surely .1
sides being a liWe conflicting, calcu- have taught him that snoh an oC'Cnr-
lated to l11i&lead, dobrief notice of his rence would be utterly inconsistent
:article may not he amiss. with the present state of affairs in
'1'he: Ex-ehal1cellol' writes of the Sarawa\c, .in fact simply. impossible.
Rajah~s Go'vernment'a~ being one by ".The. Eea Dya1ts," the writer trn1y

......... ~

., . --.~
, .


. \. . .
8a.yS~"are now our, chief reliance, and,., ' ~ttms. '..' ',. \ ' .
I they would defend our rule--against, ~'! ',' -:0:- ,

I. any enemy" -both from without and .,ON the 'afternoon of the 21st ultimo,
within. The Sea Dyaks are by farthe ,s~oke Wf1,Sobserved iSBuing from the fr
I.! mOot powerful and warlike tribe in, 'c,oal store in the, Government Cbal ,
I Borneo,\ and it must be borne in inirid s~eds,but, owing tQ..the: prompt Be- '- ,n
that this great tribe' is againsplit,up . ~~Ol~"of
the authorities,1!the fire was .'
into lesser tribes, a combination of ~ extmguished and what might, have' ~ ~
L \vhich would be ,impossible, unles's. \Proved a serious disaster pr~vent~d.'
called :,pon by the Governmentto ga- I~e. cause spo?taneoUB. IgnitIon,
ther, 1Dsuch a case they would even fl.rlS1Dg from 1DSUffiClent ventIlation or '

.b their' .arm~ against 'a refractory
, . from
t t the coals being stored i¥ '9,qamp,.
" I.. '.' ,'Ii
f, f th
.. tri eo.. ell'.ownrace. .' ' " sa e. , _~, 'lh ','; ~J~
I '..The wrIter further goes onto csay- .,,' . ';.f;.;f<:'J,J. '"", ~
tbat "if, anymisfortu~e;~b,ouldhap-' R~BUILDIM~
has already;~cgmmence'd'''j
. pen to the Rajah ,during .the"illinority, pn that portIOn otthe ':;1o,En~;:~ate~Y~J
of his son, who at present iR. vel' Ihburnt down, and as it great 'deal of
young there 'might be some tl:ohble" .' ~~,1l~l4ingmaterial is '.bejng'c~llected,.
though of what nature he only lellv " all tIrose houses destroyed WIll pro-
us to presume. The Governmeri .~f ,b!l:b.Jy!besoon re-placed. b,y r,n0l:eBub-
Sarlnyak has been placed on so s~c~l:~..,.8ta~~Paland better looking buildings. '01:
'n baSIS by the thst and present HaJ1\ f§_., - . . WI
I is so looked up to and resp~cted by' VINGGlub is being started in 7
I, u'}litB subjects, who have a lively ap- Kuching. anot.hergood' step in the
pl'eciation of the lidvr.ntagestheyenjoy right direction' by the, young'men in
.J .as
t po
and who would uphold the Govern- ,Sarawak, the number of whom ~a8 'M:
"I,. ment to the last, that nothing, except been' la.tbly nugm.ented by; so many
I an absolute change 01' withdrawal (If l1e'~ arnv~ls. It ,ISto be hoped this
I the presE!t)t~yst,em, would cause ,any prOject WIll be success~1111ycarried out'
such trouble. Shouldthe opportunity and, not be allowed to: ,fall' ,to the
l ev~r 'occur of putting ';some of our ground f~orn want of unan~Iility and. 'Bi
I young peopleon their mettle," tbeywlll 1 support. . \ D(
! not be found w!\Dting, however, in the
present peri.ceful'~state that Samwak WE take the following from the last
has enjoyed so long such opportunities is~ue,of the North B01'1leo
are little likely to occur. At the pre-
sent. moment. the. Emo pean staff of dmg
, "IN cO,nsequence o~Governor~L~Y,B procee-
to ~ng!nnd on s!ck. lell.\~e,.the Secretnry.
of State 'for the ColoDles hl\s, with tlfo' «:onsent
. Qt:
officers. cons~sts. of 43 and n?t 20 as of the COllrt of Di,'ectol's of the ,British NOl.tlt J
stated 111the artIcle uuder notice. Borneo Company, been pleased to appoint the ]
Anent om- rieighboffi'B.'. the Dutch ' Hon'blethecolony
uo\'of W. H. Tren.cber to be
of Labua.n in ,Acting
to tho Yo
t.11e E x-c1lancellor .wl'ltes a lIttle 'GovernorshiF
of N o\'th Borneo. The Secretary pI\!
strongly. That. t~l~ putch,!l!!-ye. done for Foreign Afft\il's has also uppointed Mr, J
much towards clvlhzmg BorneO'18not Trenche,l' t~ be H. D. ~1:.ConBul~Genero.lilJ (56
.b dthey cannot
to be denied and therefore
.' the
tho terr~tortes
Ii.f\Jnhof of the Sultan of Brunei
~nrn'\VAk.These !\nd of
be B? d~te seas
t d ;. theIr au- appointmentsmustbe vet.ygrat:{yingto Hi8_
thority IS gradually makmg Itself felt, Excellency"asn proofofthe coufhlenceplaced,.
but their form -r Government, rather b.f,the Imporinlnl\thoritiesinhiBma.nagement
I tha.n furthering, checks their adVaLJ"-. of llnportrmttn '" " '.'

With'respect to Governmentas appli- . ,

I ca~le to the natives. of Borneo, they. IN Upper Sa~awak atBau the Bor- ']
]~llght well take' a Illnt or two from! neo COI:npany"Limited" have re-com- con
! Sal'awak. . Imenced stamping gold ore; or which cei.
i (
,! . I they have some 10,000 tons mined, stO!
~ tit, .bt. ' and at Busau . the smelting furnaces
have beon agam start.ed. At Palm the
, , ~.o:- large steaDl pumping :engine at tlu~ Pen
. ~APT.W. Kll'k, CommanderH.H.S, Chinese gold mines is now in fnll I
4ltl1c left fo~ Eng,land on the 8th ul. swing. rl'he 'v.o!kin~ of this engine treo
tlmo, on lolt, 0 of <Lbsollce, and the one at ~,lat gIves employment

'THE SARAWAI{. <fAZETTE;:lsT MAY, '1884~ 37

.\ I . to a larg,enumher of Chinese, .Malay. Chinese... . '.~...63
Dyaks... 25
and. Dvak
and woodcutters.
., Malays.... .6
.0, ... '1
!Ie By. 'the. R.B. . Ranee,' which' arrived ---
from Singapore ,this day, we leam - -.97
,0f the loss of the Sarawak S.s. B'ajalt Di9chargcd',
cured ...H
a.s .Brookeof the Kuchipg 8.8. Company, . " . improved ...10
ve Ltd. The Rajah B1'oo~was run into Dismissc\L, J 2.
d. . and sunk by.the s.s. Glelieamin-Penang RUl'llIway... 4~
m. harbour orith(3 25th ultimo, no lives .Dead,.. ' Hi .
or werelosL . . Remaining'iuJ-Iospital..r.22 :
_~ _U.
1P.\, 97 '. .

T.nE 8.8. Banee ,CI\pt. Joyce, from
Singapore. anchored' alongside the
Company's wharf on t11emornmg...of
The somewhathigh t.lellothl'ateis -duo ~o'the
faet tbo.t 0.ctlstom prev~ils tllC €:liinesc
of.sending their sick to Hospital :in II..m.91:i-
ound condition thereby shifting the onus,.of
. ... !J,
. ....
11. ,the31'cl ultimo, 'left on the afternoon burial from themselves to tho' Govemmentl'
of' .of. the 8th, returned on the 17th. Wit~l.roglli\1 to Hos,1)italncco~~o~atio~'~hb
dj~~ 8'he ~iiiled on the afternoon of the " necessity fol' a doaa-houso adJolmng, Wltl:.
0- '22nd. ..... tllible. &c. for 1'08t tnortem examinations, is
nbl1ndnntiy iljdicatet.l. Such anadt.lition is Un-
b- , ' .\
doubtedly 0. matter of tl}e first import8.nce,
I. rrHEs.s. Lorna Doolle,left Io'l'Baram both n~ iiiso.nHal'YJI':e~au;'n';
qase~-by, no
'on th~' morning of the' 7tli. 'l1ltimo~ menhl! IUfrequent-oicorpses.Jela.yed 11\burial,
in \viLhMr. Sulivl1.n,returned on the"19th and.l\s a means oC',enn.bli!lg(C.,ron/n's) jurics,
he in'of supicious death, to found tlu~ir'ver~
:with Messrs. Daubeny and Somerville, di(,ts on inCol'lnlltion more .tl'ustlVor.thy than
In as IJ(\SSengers. 8n,iled for the above., hitherto has been posPlble. r
as port on the Ip'Ol'llii1g.of the 231'd with l'rison.-'-D I]ring the last throe months sixty-
1Y ':Mr. HOse. three cases oC sickliess 'liave occurred' niliOng
lis.", ----_...- the prisoncrs- '. . . -
. Intermttteat Fevcr.., ...11
11t ' H. H.'s stelt1U-launch Young [[arry, Glandular Jntlalhmations ...10
10 ":left for,.'Luudu Q11tile 1I)th ultimo, Dyspepsia. and Dio.rrh<.Ca ... 10
returned on the 18th" and left for RhenmatislU... ' ... -i'.
ld". Slight C llsualties... - ...11 .
'Sinumggang on the 20th, ,\'ithMr. Miscellaueous,.. ... 6'
st .
Deshon, [lDdreturued on the 21st.
Cases ::>fFlogging~..
... 9'
... 2'
i}t'i:l~ca{ ~tp-artnttllt /
. 03
!C- .. ':1
ry I beg to ca.ll -Yonr Higlmcss's rltt'ontidn to
'Q!;Al\n:RLY REPORT .ENDING 31sT MARCH, 1884. the cil'cnmstnnce that in thrt Prison Cella on tho-
,th To . Kuchill,q, April, 1884. ground door, although ample provision'is madu
he llis HigllllcSRTltc Rajah. . forJlle .entrance of a1r from without, no gort of 1
!r- HAJAH,-I ban., the 110MI' to submit for Fovisioll exists. for ventih\.ting the foul ail' Gut !
ho Your Higuness's inspectiou the rvredical De- into.tlle corridor, 80 .that practically stagnation 1
partment report for qual'tCl' ending 31st Mnrch of the atmosphe're lil'evnils with,in, attended !.
.ry '1884.. . . with evil conseqt16i1oes .~'o. tILt)halllth of' tho I
iu lJi,'pcIIM%/'y.:-Five hundred nnd sixty one pl'iaonel's Clnd \1\ol,'e'pal.ticularly;.those ~v1io'Se JI
of (561) patients of'a1lnationalities ho.vo receiv-. sentences do not pet'mit oC.their 1'emoval dur- ,
ed ed Medical and Surgical treatment dUl'iug the ing the day. ." .
£is... quarter- . Militll1'Y ])cparlmelll.-103 men havc been \
ed. . Mn]nys,.. ...243 ?n'tho siclt-list during the qunrter- i
In~ Chine~c... ...2lG . . Intermittent Fever ...28 _ I
Dyo.ks,.. ... 67 Dyspepdlu and Di3ri'hro'[\' . ...23'
'. J avane~e, (~c. ... 30 Glandu:lal' Iriflo.mmlitions ...~H.,'. ,
Heurt aud Chest Complain1s. f:! I.
Ir- 5Q1 Rheumatism... - ... 4. I
'l'he I\bove figul'es do r.ot inolude the vel'y Misoella.llcolis,.. .,.1()
n- consid~l'able number of nativos who have I'e- I
(Jh cei ved Medicnl relief at Outstatiatls. 103 II
!a". . Outstatiom.--Dul'ing the quarter Medical I
stores have been issued to the Collowing:- Police.-Follrtcen mon be0l} off Ul\~y
8S 011o.ccount of illness (luring the (lno.l.ter. I
he Sadong and Sadong Coni Mine, Banting,
Kllfo.ko.,Sibu, Mukab, Bintulu, Bal'o.m, Luuuu, . I have tbe honor, . I
!u~ Penrissen road. , B.njah, .. I
III Yotll'obcdipnt amI btimbl~ sel~vant" I
. Ilo'pital :.-In the Government H02pitul97
o.e pa.tientd have recoived Medicnl and Surgical . C.G.'H.. STORIE, )!.B:,

nt treatment during tho past three month~. 2nd Mcdicat Odfcc/'.


/ I
,- 1
.........-. .
.__._- , , n..

--- --
- _._- o~ .0____ _.~----.... ... ,-
, >,

II «.arrtSUDnbtmt. orerthe borders r.t a. place, Sima.ta.u, to
I -:0:- near'the Sidin village, these P~ Aim, who lives
there himself, ho.s promised to bring bl\ck de
I. To tile Editor of "Tlce Sarawal, G(/~ett6." nfter the harvest. I was pleased o.t my re- to
L rei
I SIR,-As all your renders may not have no- ception by the Tringgus Dyaks, having been
I given to understand that on former visits of go

ticed the following likely method of ridding
theil' buildings of thosedestructive pesls white
auts"which appeared in a late number d the
Straits Time., '1\ publication of tbe same in
Governmentofficialsmo&tof the'peopleretired
,into the jungle, though probably there is some
exaggeration in this; cerlninly s,uch''Wasnot
, - Ps
your issue may be appreciated.' ,
my experience., " " . , " sli
IIA Dutoh 80lentifio perlodicnl in IIn I\rtlole quoted ,Th,e 'Walkfrom Tringgus to G<>mba.ngis {air- _ tit
in the JIlTO:Bode of the 12th Jllnullry,re,oommends the ly. good, there is only one steep ~i1I(Temedak)'" til'
use of "waranglln" or native IInenic liS nil effectin
I' remedy IIgl\lnst ~hitollnts by sprinkling it'ln 1\powdered
to overcome. At Gombangthere are 5'2 4001'8 1'1\
form 011the flooring of infoste<l housos or into holes and there nre 12 <.1001'S of the snme people t)n
and glllleries mnde by these insects. Conting the 'll'ooa. living on the left hnnd branch of the bu
I work 1In<1plaster of, buildings with thnt substnnce dis. Snl'Rwak river below Gndin. These'Dyaks, pl:
I solved in wnrm wllter has been found equnlly c'ffeetiye,
Mixea with mortnr either proved servir.enble in stop-
nre nlso without 0. head man, tMir -last po
ping whitonnt holos, Wal'l\ogl\n should however- be Orang Kayo. died a few months bnck. One tit
I cllutiously uso<l from its being n stron,. poison." , Pengara Chinn (n shallow minded, tll,lko.tlve nt
i, The cautionl1.ry rcmo.rk should be.well borne old mo.n) is at present acting I\s'-chief. X of
in mmd in using this r~lDe<.ly. . could not get these people" to make any defi- <In
I, - I am, .811',
nite 'choice of 0. Dew Ol'ang Kaya tboug4.I nIl
r Yours It'ulJ', fancy the ehoico will fILIIon cithet' 1?l1.ko,tbB wi
A, B. C, late Orang Kayo's Hou-in-law, 01'Kadut, Orang be
I \.--
Kayo. Pesama's aon-in-law. , "
i, 'Mpptr-:o:~.sut.i1lunh., '.rheSirnmbu Dyaks huc for some'timebeen
living lit t)'e foot of Hirambl\ mountaino.t tl;eir
Palw, l]J}Jer Saraiw7", "marongs" Ol' fllrming villages, wilbin Cl\sy l'C)
, Ap,'illst, 1884. walking distance of Pakn, Thcy have fOUl', 1111.
"marongs" viz: Sininwan, S'ni bong, Rapnt \\'1
SIR,.-.! ha\'e the 11Onor to infol'm j'W tlil1.t Manok anI! Palm';' al} permanent houses, con. ,
I arrived hel'e on the 10th instant, to tnka lip tl1.ining about 50 dO,ors~ After, this' harvest
my present duties, and now beg to hl\l1<.1 ~'Ol\ IIR
tlley intenll returning to their ,village 'on'the'
my monthly report on affairs in this district;, hill, nt present deserted.- These Dyo.ks' ill'e . iUt
Dyaks.-During the month I visited the also without nn Omng !CIIJ'I\aud, Hke'the' pn
Tringgus, Gombang and Scrnmbu DYllks; ,1 'rringglls nnd Gombang Diitles, seE!tnanxious, po
had hopcd to have doue morc but \vas unable tiu
to- hl\ve one npp)inted. One ''Pa flu ~niS'(.Ii'~1 nn,
to <.10so.'l'he walk, follo,ving tho Podnun prcscnt Jooked u}J0nns head man.
strellm; fl'om 'rogora to 1'ringgua is bad I1.Sfill'
After the hnl'vest I propose brmglDg tho:
':' < hil
I\S Binwllk (a. sml\ll ]{am pong of 4 lIoors of hCl\dmen oCTringgus, Gombaug and 6ii'ambn' we
'rriuggus D)'nks). Tringglld villago has some 01'(
to Kuching wbere their choice of new chiefs
no doors. It has a clelln appearance hl\ving can be confifmea and theso chiefs tbem~8!,ves W'1
been freshly rebuilt, This viUnge is without invested in accordance with the old custom '
It chief, the Ornllg ICaYlI,Pcsllmn hn.l'ing been The Sirambll, fn:rms promise. a ver, ti~h otJ
Jeposea some time ago. I I\s"ed the people harvest as also do some ot ,tbe farms on tuo wlJ
to elec~ a new chief, a,nd One 8nin, 1\ pleu'saHt left flund branch belongingto the Aup D.nd . Co
IlDd quint looking man, who however unfor,tu- otbcr ,Dyaks, the Tringglls farms alOefl\ir but \ Pe
nately does not speak Malo)', was put forwlU'u; the Gombnng farms look very.'poor, The'Si- Co
tbel'e were no dissenting voices. Baill is tho l'!1.lDbl1DYlLkshave a gool! <.lealohngo plnnted th(
son -of tbe late Oraug KII)'a 'remnuggong. At but nothing to be compnrell to ,the 'sngo n't the
'.(ringgus, o!,)e Pa Aim cllquired relative to the Gombang. .' , '
.,- 13u
munler of lnche Abu an <.I, his wife Duder by Noue of thc Dynks, bcyonllII.fow 'Verytrivinl CO(
BumbangDYllks. The murder took place some matters, brought forwal'u any complnints, 1\1
months ngo close to Tringgu8 but ovor the though no doubt as aOOIla8 nn Officer is per- ,Dy
border. Abu was 0. PontinnakMnlay on his manently ~tatiolled here, witb whol)1 they c'an $11
way to bis-own country. Ducll\l' wn.s a have free intel'cour~e without tbe medium of . he1
Tringgus Dyak nnd Po. Aim's niece. Theil' Malays, they will have m:tn)' complaints to to
murderers wero hitherto friendlj' _with the make aud grievances to be arrnnged. ,..
Tringgus' D~'l\ks, I1.ndwere on the war-pnth Pal
ngn.inst another tribe, when they fell in with I inteu,a visiting the other tribes on the.ieft-
haUll brandl .dUl-ing this uoJ
their victims. village is beyond. . month:
. ~, ., " 0 . mu'
Sikong, over two daya' walk from Tl'inggus, I -CO~l't work has been very light, there' were Rre
met aome Sillin D)'a!ts in searcb of rice and only 11 Cases in the Bolice Conrt and I) in ;t1,IO chi
it seems certain thn.t tl~e escaped convict Ab COUl't of Requests, Olily 3 of the casesin
Cilf was "HIed at the foot of Sidin hill. He the formet'Col11'~ wore soriolls; 'olie Malay {lTe
resi~ted tho pnrty sent in pursuit of him, ns H sent,eneellto 2 years for theft tindfalae accusti-
Wo.shis IIvowed intention to do sl~ld o.ny'at- tion, one Chinc~'e to G months for D.ssault, and
tompt be IDade to tl.nest him-he was urmed n S'kal'ang Dyak is on remalHl charged with
wilh spent. n.n<.lparl1.tlg and, wouude<.l 0. Sidiu cutting anll woundin~ a Sambaa Dyuk. In the
Dynk before he was sbot' by one of the same COl\l't of Bequests 56 sumlDonseswero issuod
trihe. .Ah Bin hlld commiHetl severnl thefts £0\' tho l'ecovelT of sums amounti!1g iu all to 1'0
in tbe ShUn village. About 17 doOl'sof Tring- $540. ' ' ~

gus D~'o.ks have Lcen living for a long time A gQo..I,lcalof c~nfusioll haviug nrisen owing
. ----- 3V
~;theirt'eRuiar b~bit ?f-j~ug,me~lt
;i~btorspa~. I , !\t j lmg',
mg sums thro'tbe Polleo In hqutdatl?t1 of thOll" , -'0'-
debts, I have issued all order ,putting 0. stop ,,' ..
to this. There were dlso several matters with PUBLIO BUILDINGS C0N..STURCTrDIN R!:JANG
regnrd to Court books, &c., whlch requircd!\ JN1888.
",_ t, ' ,

good deal of attenJion." " Katibal W"tc1t.l~ouse:--CoUlmenced in ~ov.

Publio Worltsand roads. The bung~law,nt e,mber 188,2 aQd finished in 'July 1883., 'En.
,Palm 'requh'c~ thoroughl, repairing. and I tire oost $465.25. ~
should recommend this botl1g oone with nofew, "I'he length is ao ft. 3 in. Breadth 3DCt,2 in,
slight, a1tel,'ations, tiS perplnn (tunoxeCl,at the' Exkeme hei"ht..33 feet. Posts, I\'l\lIs and
timo it is re.t'oofed, I\S a good many upper roof of bilio.n~ ", ' '

~il~~ers willr?quire re.plnC!tTg'Rnd~ho r,ooC .The woqd was ,oo~trib'llted,by the _Dyt\,ks.
11\1smgwhere lt has. 8Unltwtth th~ fl,on~,at1,d .' The Attaps, s!1wll.p!anks, and nail! alone wcr~
'back P?sts: The pr180~ I fonnd 'Vet'j 1nse,c~lle provided by tho Govel'nmeut, The carpentors'
but ~llIs ':111 be .l'e1l1e(liec1n,s. so~n I\S bJIHln wages:w~l'e pnid for ,principally b1 thes~le of
pla~ll,s a1~ obtnmoo from, Kuclll!)~, ,A new Government fruit t1'ee~ at Ka.aomt. . The t\C:'
poltco '!,tntlol\ for BU~l\n IS I ~eh(we 111h.nnd 'ttlal ,cost to thci Govel'l1inent was' therefore
ut l(nchl\jg. ,Now stntlOns 0.1'0cqJullIy:.l'eqUlred $11790 ' ,

(It Tegoro und UR\!. I append plim fU1'apprbvR,I, .' " , " , "

of 1\'cbenp a.nc1811'0iI1g,ti~tion, wi~h o.ccommo. ,llaptt CtJw~lled,-:Comtnenc~(l In A:1)gnst

do.tio.u for o.n, Officer. Tho RilH-' statiol1 is 16~2, nna filllshoc1 11l Febrl.1o.ry -1883. COit
o.lso in f\ ,'ory bad condition but pet' it ,$20.38. ' · " , '
willllot be worthwhile re~lowiug it" tho place Lenglh 56 feet, Bl'enc1th20 feet. Extrome
beingllow nea.r)~'dosorted. 'height 15 ft. 2 in, Posts anlt r60£ of bilian.'
Thc Bat\. 0.11(18jnia,,'nn 1'On<18J'eqniro repo.i1" .The wood wo.s procured by .the prisdllors.
ing. I propose employiltgPrisol1 ItthOlll'and Tho were the ,old ntt:\ps, of Bo.leh COt't.
.char~illg tho Bau nna Pnku Chineso for the The nnils, nibongs anc1end plaitks wero fonnd
l'epl\irs au, tbe Dmt roa<1, The DOl'neq Com- by Gove~nment, Tlte workmon wOl'etho-fort"
liany lit'e .about ,to t'epllir Ihe rlJllu. t() TegorA mCII.
" which' I'equil'~s i,t. f{apif Uoat sltccl.-Commenced iu MI\Y1863
GeneraL 'A ,now impet4.18to gc,lc1workiug and fiuished ill ~eptomber. (;f)St $65,84,
has uee-n givou by the ~'eolioll of t\vo pnmp- rJon~th 61 feet O,in., ,B,reo.tjth33 feet. Ex.
itJ~ en1{ines hil'ed from Tho UOl'Il00 Com: treme height 15 ft. 5t in,
pnuy, Li~ited. One nt Pi~~ of 8 horse Thewoo!l was presontcl1 by the 'fttnjon'g;.
l>.owor, ~lllc!t !tas bc~n w~I},ung CoI' some The a.ttl\p~, nibongs, D'nil!!'l\I\lI pln.nlc!!'wer(.l
time, Il1re~1 by tho Choo IlOul:( Compn:IY fOl1ndby Government. 'rho eM'penters lfCi'9,
and the other at Pnku of 30 hOl'80powel" tho forttnen ' ' , , '
hil'ed by tho Hinn Chong KOIlf,si will 00 , .:. .', "

worlcing' 'in a. faw lisys. ,'1'ho Piat H, "G htla s F,re.tuoo,d "'led:-CotnU1~ncorl m
lire doing very well and the Pnku JCougsi'seetn August 1883 and fintshe(l 111JanuaI.)' l884,
"€'1'ysnnguine of succcs~. The Sho.pLung Mun <??st,$17.07. "'.
Kongsi'lIt Dnu I hesr flre {loing ba~Uy,the . IJongth 83 'feet 3 in. Hl'en(hh 2(! feet, Gem.
other JCongsint-Bnll, the Tai Parit (F61' Sbun), Extl'ome, height 13 ft, 'I) in. J,'OSIAand: roof
ho IUIVe111so
hired nopumping engino ft'om the' of bilinn. ';
. Compo.ny, ha,:e RSyoty~ bee,nvery successfill. Tho wood WitS present'Cl\ hy the Set'a.u,.u,~
People 111'0s.till worlung antimony ora for tho DYl1.lcs. 'the nttnps, nibon'g8, l1\tils and plal1lca
Conipany between ~alm and BtlSRtt whel'e wore found by Government.'rhe co.rpcntet.:8
there seems to bo I\n Jnexhanstabl~supply, and wel'othe fortmen. ' ,
the Compnt~ havo l'.coollltnel:cP,c1 r.r:;clling fit ., ' d A 'I 1882
HuslI.\1.- At 'regoI'Il. thore arc sonw 70-80 Sibil llJ'/d,qe,-.commonce \t1 111'1 ,
coolies working ore by contract; appHrently nnd completell 111 .~cetnber 1888. UGh
1\ l'omuDern.tivE\ employm~nt. fig I hear' bot.h $607,87,'
.Dyaks and Chinese enn .cll~ily 'make from The post.s nnd ra.ils of bili!111; tho pL~nklJ
$10-$12 per mcnsem and somotimes moro; "seUtaior." , '

. hero both gold and antimony \YQr]cersscem ,Length 41)0feet. Breadth 14 feot, ,

to bo wretched Iv poor. ," ~ I tl 1

, ,,' - , I The l\Ialays,ll.uc1 Rldt\atls I)reson.e( ,

Ie WOOl;
':rho Chlnescr hllvo ~utcly stn,rtea fI.sol1001~t I the Chinose coutributed'$1 ' 60 towllrlls the cqst, ' '
Paku, but unless asststed
., by" (Jo"el'l1l1len~WJIl B 8Ia a St a t wn.- C om me t1C' ed Otl t 1.
' ,
Ue '..n 6tl 1

t bo able to ~IIPP~l'tJt. rhe Clllllese school.
nt Bn.u IS pl\1(l ' by Gove1'llment. ~Phero
ovem el
1883 und coin letedon tlio 13th
,P, ' ' 1,'"
, ' '
1Icre w h o,wou Id 1I1te t 0 senu tl 10\1'
,],JnnuIII'Y 1884. \Jvlllpl'lSO~ fOllr uml d lUgs, J: urt, -
ftre many , '], ' "
chih1t-en to the Mission 8oho,,1 o.t Kllohing but barrnoks nn(~2 Ot~tuou8es.
m'e ul1l1bleto pay for theil' support at tho mte The fort is '48 hy no.Jo.Qt; the U!\I'l'I\cka
required. 84 by 30 feet. I
, I h1l.Ve the I,~onorto ue, The posts nud roofs Me bilio.ti; the w;dls
'Slr~ camphor planking. , '

YOU!' most obedleuL se{'vl\nt, The posts n-nc1 suits were, provided by the
C. A. BAMPFYLDE.' PUIMlotlS,Skapr.ns, KajamalJ5, and Lalt[1"nn.I~5; f,
1'0 tlt~ Holt'bltThe Resicltmt the plnnks and 9.ttaps"b,1 the ,KyalJs aIH1 hi,
at' Scr1'a1l'crkProper, " ,niahs; the other w:>ouby,the Dyaks;, the rat- j
Xl/chill!!. tans ana J,amboos by tho Sihans.rmd Bakn,tans;


_ !:!J._ ------.--. ._-~--------
-- --- --
-- ..- --

U~ik expre.ssing great'dissatisf~~t~on1,at the than the returns shew by 14 ,in '82 and
verdIct was dnected to appea.~wheh the Hon. 12 in ~8S. I here exempted 1\ J'sl?ui Dyak
the Resident of the Srd Division visited Multah n!lomedPaNyugit (Melum), who. is "'suffering
in August last. Thi's he faileu to do. . ", fi'om ~ chronic disease, from payiIig year.Jy tax.
The cl\se is 110Wbro~ght forward for final. Flom here the road to Jagui lies thronJlh
settlement. :', farming grounds Ilnd over "batangs~!',all the
The Court taking'into oonsideration that; woy; and it is about \.\1,,five hours wl\lk to thd
wben be on 1\ former occasion felled twelve ,village at the foot of Jagui mountain. This
treel on the disputed land, they were allowed village is known as Kampong Bimatal1 and,has
him, on the understanding that he felled no ,60 doors. Nearly on the top, dnd appro,ached ,

more, and also 8.She did not appent wben di- , by a sleep path, is Kam'pong 'remadnlc or, 10
rectedto, confirm the former decision. doors; nnd right on. the summit is,Kaoo'iioqg
Court rose at 1'.80 p.m. , . Ata's of 60 doors. ~rhe Pangn.r&lives at
Saturday, 17th, 1884.-In l'e Wte Gl~ing- pong Terna!!ak and the Orang KaYAn.tKampong
witnesses had not sworn in the ploper form Alas. With the cxception of the Orang ICl\ya's
they directed to swenr agl\in in frout of family the Inttor kampong is deserted, over, 30
, the Fort; this tbE'Ynow do, to the satisfac'tion families havc shirte!! to Bahang, about si,x to
of all parties. The Court therefore aWllrd !even miles over the Dutch border. 'Onar-
Wee Ching $95.60. . l'i\'l\l I found the Ol'l\ng KaYIlundel' a 'l;'em~1i''
On ThursJay 1111\1 Frida.y afternoon and this ~is wife having j.l1st given birth,to a. child lind,
morning I pal.tly audited the a,cconnts, which In accordan~e with tI.lecustom of t~esc 'people,
hao1not been nudited for two ~'ears. The cl\bh 1.16could nelthor ~ecelve l1.,strl1.ngerIIIhis 1'0'00
I found corre,ct. A .few it,ems of Jong st/llHling for 10 dnys no~'I.llmse.lfspeak,to one for 8 dnys"
in the Depo~it and COUl'tbooks I gave direc- but the Il\tlOl'~IIJUllctLO)n he vl?lated, and oa~e
tions 10 ,nite off, I shoulo1 have preferreu to do,vn to .stl1.)'111the langllra a roopl '~~er~,I .
bave stayed one o1l1.Y longer in order to have w~s puttl~lg up. ': ';'l.:!d '.
finished tbe, accounts, but o,n-I\ccount,of the Accordl.lIg to the Orll.n~,I{n.'y'a",\th~,Jn.gUI'
. Bon'ble t,he Resident of ,the ~l:d,Divi8io,~~en~" pl!p~,leprud In.~t yeuI' 4~p III rloe"IIU~'l\p.lla~8"
ing for England I have to leave I\t noon, In o~.72,m~ra than the ~oco1~s alte" WAS.! ece~ye4.
ordel' to meet him hel'c. ! do not therefore 1p(!r~ will be less thIs y.enr ns.20 Qf the doors,
mention anything about account9 mentioned n.bove as 11IlvlDgshined to Babang;
, .. did'so anel' the \:ollectiou'or '(Hel-ovenuein '83.
. . I have the honor to be, Mally' n\ore fnmil ies wi61i to foUow slI'i'tIJIid '\
, Genl,lemen" will do so, unless some'is placed ~pon "
YonI' most humble and obedIent servo.nt, them; their reason is scarcity of good Carming I
CHARLES S.. PEAR:;E, ~r6ulld8 on tUs side of the bOI'der. During
the past five years the returlis shew a decrease
in tho )enrly revenue of this village or $200,
~pptt .surnb3nh, l\ very large percentage., Of those, at B",ban~
-:0:- the SuHa.n or SlImbas has already appointed,
Pallit, June ht, 1884. nt their oIVnrequest, an Orang Rl\ya, Bakut.
8111,-1have the honour to report as follows, and a PlIl1gl1.l'n,PI\Nagit. '., "
on the affa.irsin this district dllring.the past The Dyu.ks in these villages hl\ve neal'li:all,
month. finished hn.l've~ting, with' better result~'tlian
ohtained last ye£lr, thcugh not qllite up to
During, the month !' visited the lCrokong, expectn.tiolls.
Aup and Jagui Dynks. ,
The Court work during thc month hils been,
The to Krokong is bad and muddy, lit ASu~ual, light. ThE're were 10 petty cases in
least the one I look was, tho" ! am told there the Police Court. In the Cottrt of Bequests
is 1\better one, alld frolll Bidi it tllkes 3 hours S5 cases were heard to I'ecuver $504 nnd 25
to accomplish. The Orang Kaya I'eceh'ed me snmmons issued to recover $200. A murder-
kindly and did bis best to make ns comforta' ous nssault WI\Smade on n Chinese hawker,
ble. There are 35 dool's here, aud, according whq was in his boat I\t Busan on the night ot
to the Ol'ang Raya, pay tax yeal'ly 126 in ~Je l1~h, a!ld the Chinaman had the
dollars and rice, more than the returns shew painter. of his bO",tcut on the nigM of, the
by 2 in '82 and by 10 in '83~ They compl-ain- 21st, no evidence to incrimbate auy one has

ed here that the Jagui people were taking all up to date been obtl\ined. ' .
the '~tomelan" and ratt.ans from their IlInd;
they claim in the direction of Jagui, up to The Bllsau Police station has been oomplet'.
tbe Tepong river, this claim seems to me ed; similar substantil\l buildings are badly \I
excessive. wnnte~ at Ban and 'regora. ,
A few oC the Chine$e who went to the mines
FIOm Kl'okong to Aup the rond was very I
bad, ~aking about 8t bours, on my arrival I in the Na.tive statet hnve returned, hnving I

found everyone away at their farm but a. te: been unable to obtain wOl'kthel"e in the capl\- I
tawak soon brought the Orl\og Kayo.,aud some city of mineTs. ,

others to the village. I have tbe honor to be,

, Sh', , \
'rhe Aup people have been here two years Your most obedient sernDt, I
only, the village being situa.ted further to the C. A, BAMPFYLDE.
eastward than marked on the map, and on the I
east bank of the Tepong. They have but 10 To the lIo/t' blc The Resident
dool'Shere and pay yearly, IIccording to the at' Sarawak Proper,
Orang Kayo., 30 in rioe and oash, being more XI/ching. I

_.J.__ _ ~.' _

-- --
: THElSA:R'AWAK. GAZETTE, .1ST!,AU~S"T~!t8B4.. t.8S
-s-,,~ ~ -..;; ...
.- -. . -
THE stIS.,Ldrna DOOII~, from Baram au tpati ents of .all.. nntionalit.ies..-ItaY6J;r~piv~
'Called'at,;Mnkah', arrived a.t the Gov'. Medical. and. SurgioaF tr.ea,t!Den&,,:cJuping..tbe
,~rq~riftt:wh!lor£ on the ~~th .tilt~.m9, quarter- ,..,:' .:'J,'"t<'(i:j'I".~t" !~." . .':J
- Malay... .i :f1 .269; I . .r :II
, with Dr. ,Storie ~nd Mr. Sulivan, '~ud Chinese' \, "". ' .,...,218,," i. .,:
left.on the mormng of the 19th arid Dyak' ,r ':<0,',;9.4n..' .
'returned on thE!aftf!rnoonof the 29th Mi8i:ellanooul... . ',.~:oH2'9, .~.;.,
'. '. " " '., ;lT~.:.I';i'''!fl:
.»,ith ~~~'8Sl'S.Somerville, (2).' . . .. 1i;~:11 :61q ",)1.1'1'"
: ,The amount of; medicines-grl\tqi~o-'l.JY1 'AVA'"
'ltssmgen, away' among the- poorer. native.s '.is v~ry .Oon-
siderable and is incl'ensing...,; It is.m.a.nifeet...... I
-:0:- I
.'. . b~w.ever, tha.t many of, these ar~ quite "',eU
Pu nantt: For .SillgQ.pore,,1s~1 ultimo- I
.abl~ to pa.y to a certain .~~.tellt ,for.)~edic_l
Miss Niven -and Mr.. Hardie; for Sarp.wak, rehef'f~. . " .j'" r ',,, 'nn P.' r"'il!' "'j'!,;:
8th...,:M\'s;' Hakel' I\nd Mr. Hardie; for ShIga. . O~'tQtion8i-DurjD~i.)lh~I.q'Ml'~Or;HMe~iqP.:1
pOt'e, 13th-:-Mrs. Bakerj'for ~ara.wak, 21st~. Stores have been is.sued"t~ tlte~loU~wjng:~.
.Mr. and Mh. Leicester. .. I ; . . Banting Mis8iont Siml\~aflt'.A:aJa.ka",Sarpb~.,

"'-- ~{ukab,. Hintulu, ;Bal'atn, f)ibu..,.P.~nri8SeJ1.r~, I
RUCHING, JUl.-T, OTII/1884. Palm\ Lundu and ,Quqp ')£i~j!}oJtI i. .,; ., I
7'0 7'nt Ho,~'ble .' .! FortY-.five ounces oJ quini~e:b&ve p~en'i~s\le~
.The llt,itient of the Fi,'st Di1liiuIn, throughout the terrilory auring.the'rlt.hBl,C
li.uching. of, the present yeP.t.: .'. ;1 ;.:... , I
SIn,-I' have the 'honor to inform you thf\~ Prisons.-Forty.two (42) .Q.Ils.Qs' ..of.,.eiQ]uape'
()n.t~e 2ndinstl\nt, I pl'i>ceetl(!dto Sildoug in
have occurred.aQ1ongthe ptis9De~s:+'-':\:i ;.'l'~' I
Intermittent Feve'&:"I"~I.')h~.w f".!; '; >
the' You~g Jl:rl'ry,. returning. oo'the toll('Ming
an ,.' . "., -' , Di8e~8e8 ,q.f,I.ympl~ntio Syste~:() 1 r" /I
'.' Do. Dige8ti"e.\!...';'jd~(; ';.S I;.ff!ll -I
.1,,foll1)d the .G6~p:rn11.l?n~ ?lIngn.I,ow .C1~IIIi,
tuc;~rtl'<len nnd grounds III fA.1rorder, but tue Rheumati@~ ,,j .I.\t ! r...~.u...,.~;."I'J1iu
.. Slight .Casunlties.C ...,..:i }' .'1 1.-..1 IL'u '1
gardener" (who is' It Mnlay) does M't s,eein 't~ I,
underst.nnu !tis work, nud lDuch time is con~ J.ljecellaneou8~..,: .,.11"",,;d! ':,11;1:. :,
.Case! of. Flogging, "".' !:II:,.d 5;., .:,! ,
t\e~iiolilly ~YI\Hted. . Deaths. . ... '~~I"r:; ""!I\~ '...! .' I I
. rhere are uearly pixt.cen 1(0)"'nn8of rice ill I,
t.he ~tol'e, on IIccollnl of LI,ia year's reven110. . JIi./itmy DC'p(trtm~tm-;8.i~~y:,s,i+.J ~.6.}.i rpen
71'he on,1t I bnlnl1ceol, 1111<1£01\11<\ correot. 1'1-1
hnve been on the. sick li8~ dUI'!Pi the quo.rtor-
Intermittent Fever... ...21
'Middletou. -Illul 1.ILkcu on n neIV policemau,
Diseases of Ly.mphp.ti~;"SY8tem 20
Nal"ll<\in, in I'IILCeof Sabau, who ,vn~ dischl\l'ged p() Digel\Live do 13
" uhol,ttime ",go., . Bronchitis... ..' ... 2
AhllUIC A.IUIlL informed me lh'1.t 1.1:0foll9wing Rheumatism" \ ~\.!,\I :\';:1' '~1 f-.';
Dyrik villagos were without'l\n O'huig'l{n'yn:- . Mi~cel1nn'~on8" '\\):':1.':
".'. '~~I 9
Temong, Teb~~luh,'Temnh, Si,mal>tll1g Seillbi, Hospital.'-:'Nit.ety'otwo (92) patients ba.\"8
I\is, n'l1u'KI'o~ell,the inhabitants of which had
received MediclIl and"Snrgical ~rel\tmellt ill
expresstd 1\hope that on frosh Orang Kayn~
the'.Su.rawRk Go,nll;~me~~MP~ital-
beiug nppoillt.ed,.the cel'ernony mij!ht be per,
{ormetl in tlu;lil'reppecti\'e villnges. 'rhe Dj'n.ks
ChinesG... ' ... 60
" Dyaks ...22
()f Empullga.n IIIso hnve no Omng Ko.YII,bat
they aro sRid tQ prefer \Ieiug IViLuoutone. Mo"1AYS
.;.. ... . ,I, 7
Klings : . .:~' ">... 3
I visited the wharf,. whore I found the, Bon.
nie l.assie 10ll.dillgcon!, she had IIbout 400 tOilS
au hOll.l'd,~d Mr. McFadaue expeoted lo.finisb .
loading her,.on the 4th., 'l'he' A.line-.o. SillmesE!
vesslll-:-wl\s lying\nChOI~in th~ main river
.waiting a .cargo, which the, Mnn~g~r. #pe~t,e'd
to haveon\boardby..the 9th. " ~. .. ... ,
Tb'ere wet'e no 'cases in 'CO'ilrt...
. I have the. honor'to .be,
Your JIlost obedien~ sernnt,

Kuckin.q, 28th jul~/t 1'884.
Te .
Iii, !i,ighnu:,The Rajah. ...
. RA..1J.u,-I.have the honor to 6ublUi~for
,Your Highness's intlpedion the MedicalDe.
.pa.rtmentreport fol' qua.rter ending June 80tb
18840" ! ;

Disp61t8(1,ry.-,.-Six hundred D.11Llten (610) i



.. -- :..--.
--- -- - - - -
... ...-----

~-. ---..--.---..--



-.- - .' ... -- -. . .'.- -. -'. .-

'me' prll1oipallyon' petty matter'~,. with th~ei' ,.the, old workinlt!l, an;l ,$tR.,~'Bllt'8t'Pen.
"ceptton,' however, of the 'Jagul people who kanAn Eantn, liudlng ~hl\t. tbei9le! batl&n~p'at\i
Complain ,~trongly again..t the rec.e~~ e~OTOQCh' f!Xinted no lon~er, I
left di5I\c~i,n~ ,~, ~0~~ve, itre,-
menh nia<Thon the bOl'dar by tlie SUllo.ll of
made an,!.pushed. Oil, to Tutll!!tal tcr collM\
' , ,
Sambas, :iri.,the vioinity of their'viU'nge. '1'be ,ome',loui7 0ItiAt8~Ilin£ fi,ie~;.,;'~ii,l'm~lce~sin.
Sultau's present claim
:yilh\ge of: nabllDg and, their only nvailablo
includes not only the I qll'rie~ ahont thp. onllection, of!!birll~ne&h.:
The 1'I!venl1efrom' \hi!" RO,UJ;O~
, avail~bl e ,farming gl'onnds, but olso, aot ul\1I1 declineoi for Rom" yellrs pa<t ' notwitl.lstautlin.g 1Jj
divides (.heir Ttloin villago rmd it rel'ogn:zed I
, thl\t Ihe q!1l\ntities of" ,;(>8ts'oolleotM' ,
'Would' compel',tlrem to 'beOOUle'Subjl'ctllto''the rather iliorcMell thAn diminitlhe,l. WI
Sultan,' \hi~" though' ;.mttr.h" i~l\in8t ",their T,he decline in the"'".ve~\1j .ll'rivP',1i~, partly Tl
wipbes, wOlild:be un!lvoldl\ble. "1h'esn l>~'ak" ntt,rlblltnhlo lo tne nnmher'" of nests that are
i, 'exprehed much sl11:priKCI lit the--aclidn of the takell over to Rn,lnng in' o,'dm' to 1Io~()ict, pn.y-. T
)3ultllifcon!idel'lilg'tbo boundary quelition hlld metit'oC the Gllvernl~l)nt. :dues 011 them, and
i ,bee'n,:e,ttled so many yel\r" ugo by tbe Nadlel" also; I regret to Kay. to the io~uffioient ,upel'. fo
land nnd Sarawl\k"Officin:18. -1 procileded to vision eX''JI"cille.1
1111Ihe cnllcl,tors by Intl\htho II;
t Jagoi on the 8th instant; 'nnd IDadoa rough IIoI1lhoriRl.(t
or Oover(\\u~nt, .
i ,"kel~h m,ap shewing tbe rel~tive' p.ollitiollll:>f, On l'cachin~ KI~hnnlCon ,the2ht. ultimo,
I ilie I?ld bOl1ndaI';-'0I1\I'k8and o£ I,ho'tI~i1t pro- Ahg. Lemllll 1111,1 Uaji Ab~. MUllrelK)rll'll tho
I. Bent claimcd by tba Sulbln'.'l'his map 1 have dicmicl. umler their, chl\rgei'to be pllorLiolllarly
alrt!ady rOI'~al'ded YOu', togethor with re!?1l\l'ks ql\iHt'lllln 1II")dpll1'0I1S, 11.11.1
_II l.jrJdgc,q £rol;D t~e 11.1
0,1 the iiuhjeql. " ' . row ('aROH,!,hctt I'"nIn, ,ill~() Pllli,Ce,. C.ou,r,t,dUT,ing 1j
The Pi at gold working KODgsi has been dis- my vi_il. thci-t', I\rter ao I\b..en,oe or nearly 1\'
r Bolved -with II 1088 of soma ~100. The lo~s, t\\'tJh',e monlb-; I Jla.v<,Ifl'wh f.1en.-ur!' in men. iN
uqdoubtedly, wos oamed' hy fl'IIII,j'on the pul't tinning t,be f,lct to YUilL',Higlllle-s, " 11
of the' two clerk a who linve bt'eu l'rilseci/ted .1'l1e ~iml ofolle thnn_,lucl dull "'I'.. WallI'emit~. n:
I uDd' sen~enced ,'to impi'ist1ument. Had tho I eel 10 the Saro.wl\'k Treainrry d'i'I'ing"'my .~&y w
nffuirs of the Kongsi been propal'iy couda('tell there, , .
I o profit would have beeu realized. ''l'he lotls Millg~lIt aud Taranlt brol1~ht down ~ flJw'
,, will fall more henvi1y on the 'htiau mull tbl\n D.Yllk l!II.~e&. ,\ t PURII.I ~pellt two <1I\Y~,.' Abg-. it
the othen; this man has, however; 'stlll'LCd 1\ KIL ,'",porte.1 all well 11/111JikelviKe, thel'o were t(
Kongsi,' having the same engine aud working (ewer cn_eR ror setl,l'Jment 'l,h'l11 ,.n~u~l. ..; ,
OD tbe ~ame cluim. , .I rel[l'et ,to report l,h'IL the f!~hf!rie" along
l' hl1vo nothing further of iDterest to report. the COBR!S,h,we PI'l)VIJI!\'~l:.v ~nJII:o.ii\~:~iv.e,t,I~,~i
" ". ,I bave the honor to bo, ": ~ yeur. .Nelther the pE\Dgl~lhtJulI;~k,~t"Jeremlu.
I ',~. 'Sir, "' ,~ , no'r slI.I..mbow ba \'e ,'.ill
t ,',lour most obedient s!)rvant, 1i~h worthy of IIIl'utlOU., "'~'" ',;
I 'C. A.BAhIPEYLDE. ,I have the bonor,. to DB, . "

I~ To tlit Hon'bl~ '''t R,sident " . \ Your Highness', ~~;~h~h~aient:lJer::;ii: ,':'-

Of Sa~atD(Jk Prop"! . ' H. F. DESI10N,' ";.'.-
Kuc~tng. I -- , Ile#dent, Bat(J~!I,."up~r..
..-..---.-- 1\
Simattggattg. !\tjcmg. t
-:0:- I
-~o:- ; . . "'l.
WE extract the fullowing itE!lns'otilenrs £
Simanggllllg, July, lit, 1884. i
from Mr. Low's Officials Diaries:-:"
RAuB,-I have the houor to report to Your t.
Higbues8 {or tbe palit,mouth I1d rollo\v8. 1.1lIl'cl1. ',',t'
On tl~e:ard nltimo', while still at Lnbhk Antu, . Tlie Dynk outlaW' Gulnt, whii' formerly
Apai qamang IInd lnggir, l>yukli ofL08~(lO'S receh'e,l II. heavy selltl!nce and, who t
honse, Sutong, were fiued ten pioulli fOl'the rr0l11 Kllchiug jail to the h,.'a,\ or the Hejl~ng., t
murder or two Javanese MalaY8 ill Aprilillst, has, fllil:n!:: capl,lIre, beeu :-i!fed by, tho ,np~ ~
.Untieng, Kriuyong, ~uleh and t:lillgah\nK. tlf rivel' chiers.
_ Hejun~ river IS nd\v free of 8~ch (
the .8o!ll~hou~", pal,ticipated:iu the'nllll'de~, bAn clrlll'llctprR, - .' '.,' ,.;(;,! 1 1
as did alio' Bulit anil Cuuudoug '0£'Auto.u's , FOllr D';lIks of Bel:i-w'ar ~nd ?lIenuan, were }
hOllse, au(FlnLieng an.}'Ampoh of Jell1uugau. fiuen for joining the expedi~ion I'f:cen~iy r,',iseJ t
The tine has been paid. , , _ ' " il1 ,Dutch tel'rhor,\" 11...<1el'\u- ailll Amlli,
UII the 6tb 'ultiino 1 retui'iled to Siman~gang all~llVhich l'esl1lted ill five of thp. attlLl'k~,1 peop:e
to filld Jabu or BIIDgal here, hawing come b..iug wIJulld...d lIoud OIlO k,U..d. alld ou tiu;
, back aftet- an absence pr, neatiy t.hree yel\rll. ol,hel' ~ide olle .killod allll four woul1ae,l.
He \Vas awaiting, to bring a' 'ollse against bis A MelRDl1Il nllY1e.t AJim. an oid offender,
brother Ngadan iuto Court. .- an II fi,'e 0l,hel'8 were, cOllvicte(1 of cbeating .by
About the 10th ultimo, olle Blaiong ofBukit mnnipllln.~illg IIn.1 ~ellil)g s~ven ,-puriou;
~edaug togetber with "PlIoteh'l::iaujau" "r Bu.. 0.8 good and old to DYliks. Alim wall seuteuced
cJ~u headed a slUnll expegitioD-iOlSikal'l\t hut 1,0fi VI! Yl'o.1'8with hl\l';\.1o.blll1r nnd the others
fet,ul'ne.d ~b01U the 24,th ult., wilhout buving to 1\ fille III $:WU Iin('l~ 'or h, .letl\uIHw<tjeara
killed anyone. " " . .. hnrd'laboul', Fonr other men were:a.lg~ COD-
On the 16th u,1timo I visited LinggBand the "fe'led of a simill\r offerice and" 'were ,fined
next day went upriver with the iment,iou 'of ~100 el\Ch or olle ~'enr ";ith I.l\rd'lah6l1r; :The
visiting' th!!, ,I;)jli'n,tek coal field in ord\)l' to nmou!lt oLtninod fl'OIo the D~'l\ka (*600~
hln~ t.he ground cleo.redarouud tM' site of 700) the)' 'l'ere 0.180ordered to refund. '

------- - - -- -
.. __.nO. __



dong,'in gl'eat.fear at.t'~ckfr~in' Pak.uwiil,however,find pl~nty:'df.em..i "

th~ people of Limbang ,combined with ploymentiIi'crushing'ore and; w8;shing1(,
the Kadayans. . for gold. , <.' : '-.: .:' r
2nd November, visited. a .stockade - ',";j.: .:~'
on hill.above)..~u1tan's house \Vhere On .the 19th in'stant, ~a shocking!;'

two swivel Jft'hs are mounted.nnd a a.coident occurred in ,the caves neatH'

gURra of 'Brunei's Malay's \vith some. Jambusan \vhere 1\party of Suba Dyaks
Saribas Dyiks are keeping \va.tcl1. A we1'~collecting birusnests. It appears
fine view was, <:>btaiued.from there of that eight of t.hese' Dyo.ks had suc-
the town'a.~d the sul'l l1nding country. ceeded, by lashiug long bamboos to-
. BrdNovembel',
the Enterprise,Pange-' gether, in a~cendiligto the st~geused .1
ran 'ruman~gong's launch, left for the by them darmg~he last col1ectlOn, and;
mouth to bring .up H. E. the Acting' estimated to he 'at!l. bf:ight:,-ofover..
Governor of Labuan, who is coming two hundred feet, when the :bamboos r ..
overin H.M/s P/-qas"s,Oapt. BicJdord. gav~ way precipitating the,meD;.to 'the.
4th November, the Hesident and bottom. 'i'hough aU received bad.,
party .pulled .down to .the Oonsulo:r fra.ctnres and contusions,. 'yet,\ up to .-
Agent's hO\1Seearly and called on the date, only one has died, ,the i'ecovel'Y
Acting Governor, \vhohad ar6ve.d the of another who ha.s ba.dly injured bis '

afternoon before, accompariied by the Bpine, probably broken it,. is not ex-
Hevd.'l'enison Woods. Captain Bide.. pectec1,but of t.he, others, at present .-
for~ with the boats'of the Pcgasus,.was: in hospital, hopes are entertained:ott
nleo at the Consulate, and br'ouctht the their. ultimate recovery. ConsidedIig.-.) Governor and party to', the I the great height fromi ,v.hich theytf.E!ll;.Jr ,
town to call 011 the Sultan in ,the it seems marvellous tl1atdtliese lmen"J
. afternoon. '£he Acting Governor and were not all killed on .the spot'jpro~"
.. party called on boaru the Adch, and bably their f!Lll was broken by the.
th,en retul'lled to the Pegasus. . bamboo~,and they also came down.on.
5th November, the Hesident. and soft ground. .
party had n,n !\ndience with the Sultan
at 1 o'(~lockand took leave, got np o,n- Reports. of ... serious outbl~eak- of
chor 1.30 and overt!tking H. M.'s Pc- Ohinese miners at Manrlon (about 40
outside 11roceed'edin company miles north of Pontianak) ago.inst tl~elJ
with her to Lnbuan, whicl~ was reach. 'Dutch- Govemment . are continually.fJ
cd at 6.30 p:m.. wl.u::!'£'.
they were in- being brol1ght .over ,the bOl:d~r,;and,!i
vited by the Acting Governor and have been confirmed from Sillgapore.r>.i
. Mrs. '£reacher to Goverl:1ment House. The ideas prevalent among theCbi- !
6th November was spent, at Govern- I nese in Upper Sarawak of the, mag-
ment . House, Labuan, the Resident nitude of this outbreak are cQnflict-
and Mr. .Hardie leaving after dinner it1g, and undoubtedly exaggerated, as
and r.eturning to the Adeh, the Lord tp what has already- occurred, but. ".
Bishop' of the Diocese' remnining in are fupported insonie way by the, -
Lnbuan en route to Sandaknn. - facUhat the Dutch Government are
7th November, .Adeh sailed 6 a. m. despatching troops from Samarang,
off. 4 p.lli. and nn$}hol'ed oft but this ,may case -qf the rising
Bintulu during the night.. . becoming general. .At present it is
8th November, went into Bintulu confinea to Mandor, the Montrt:l.doand, L
river, left agA.in6 p.lli. anchored off ,other Chinese having refused to afford
.MuTta1 n.m.. any nssistance to the }4andor Kunsi,
Left Mulm on 9th Knching was though this on the other hand is de- !
-l'eached 8.30 n.m. on 10.-0ommum- nied. By the most relif1.ble account.s 1
cattd. it appears that af£er the funeral of th~ I
/ old Kap (~rai,or headmnn of the Kuusi, -'
. UPPERSARAWAK. which the Oontr1)lleur stationed at
OWINGtQ the bad weather, the en- Mandor himself attended, the Govern--
gines\ in' use .by the two Kunsis at ment notified many radical changes j
Piat and Palm have been-stopped, and with regaru to the conditions upon -I
will DOt be employed again until after I which the Kunsi would, be allowed to
the mon:won. 1'he large Kunsi at I cont,inue 'to work for gold, imposing

....... -..


taxes, &c., doing away with their right, and a . Julau Dyak also receiving", ql1e!tiuS
of hearing and settl~ng cases amongst wounds. Ngelambai and hIs,compa.' . diBcol1
ot the L
themselves, and causing their flag1!taff nioDs will be shortly sent' ,over, to' tiationa
, to becut down. The next day the Con- Saribas fort for trial. , . '
bebnlf 0
trolleur went to the Kunsi house when the rep-
he expressed h~sdetermination to hear > AbangIgal-~he mulA~er of' t,hir- gents he
cases there, the Chinese there and teen Bakatans 11l the Karmas, men- city and
then rose and killed him, afterwards' tioned ,il:).our issue of September 1st,. ing (hke
(rom tho
burning the Government quarters is brother of Abang .Tela, ~the chief of '
~ the BuIt
down, and sparing ~ne of the Gov. Bunut. News 'h...coarrived from Pon~ by locl
ernment servants. The'Mandor Kun- tianak that Abang Igal 11asbeen ban- the Heo.
ishedto Batavia and his bl;other has "ere tet
si :are supposed to be able to muster On tb
one thGusand strong, 'it is o.lso stated , been removed'.froni his post on 'account to Bl'un
tuat they are supported by the Malays of this outrage. ·
. ~
'". , prise, nl
and Dyaks in their vicinity, that they Jayn.e flJ
are well armed aud,have a largequan.. The Roman Catholic Mission of him at (
he I1selc
tity of gianpowder, and rice sufficent St. Xavier, at Kanowit, in charge of
ever ng!
to last, them for over a yea.r. . Many the Hevd. Fathers Diuln and Keizer; ment, 1\
refugees have arrived, principl\tly, wo- is meeting with' fair success, havi~g ~ mises 01
'fo th
men and children, who have come by already- obtained fifteen pU;pils, all '

sea, and _ a few men who came'over- Dyaks boJ's, _ _ " ~ . DOprOll
land, many more are expected, thollgh, their w(
owing to the prohibitions imposed oy The Dyaks are allbnsy sowing their stateme
.. paddy, many by payment of a 'Pledge. At th
the Dutch Government against their
for their goocl behn.viour have been urroed
er0ssing the border, they will probably permitted to farm in the l'elagus river. District
experience somB difficulty in effecting His Hi~
their purpose. These Chinese belong Nearly all the Dyak revenne' has been, features
clolieflyto the agricultural, and pe.tty shows collected, which is satisfactory and UOII is
trading classes, who are fearfl~l, now- . Rejang the ready manner in which,the
Dyaks now cODie'forwl\rd witll
eyer the matter mav ev~ntu!1.lly'eud, M the t
they'will meet with trouble, on the their yearly revenue. -" -----
. I '. '

...i ill I
one hand, should the Chinese win, l\fUKA.
la.' lax
they would certainly be squeezed of
their small gains, and on the other ANinteresting 'experimeJit was suc- and 11£1
cessfully tried on the bar of' the Mnlm -.ellt U)
hand the punishment that would fol- which 0
low any general rising might be ex~ river, OJ)the occasion'of a baron,qput. from tJ
tended to themBelves. '
ting out to communiCItte wit~, the &hereof,
p.s. Adeh. 'fhere was a heavy sea,on at ol$30.
smu. the time, so bamboo,tubes \vhere }on old
fixed to tlJl? bows of th,8" baron!!"
. WHILST entering the month of t,he through which oil was poured, with the IfnI' by
Matu river the Blljang Seni, a schooner result that. the Adeh was reached with- Rajahs
of 52 tons.belonging to Nakoda Ghi. out tho bal'ongshipping a single sea. wse tn
rim, fouled some fishing 'stakes plac~d :aule fOI
in the channel by a Matu man named BINTUL U. eei\"o nc
Manan, who had been wnrned before what tb
to remove the same. Manan excused TRADEis slightly improving. At uon ~o
Tubau rattan!; are being brougat in . The'(
himself on the grounds that Nakoda daily by the Kayans, who are now u.xeu, (
Ghirim was a forelguer and the MaGu collecting this article., '.. ..10 n(1
""D of I
river belongs to the Matu peo'ple to . In the Pandau district there has' .. be ce
do with as they please. Manan was ,been a good deal of sicknessi seven On tl
fined alld ordered to pay for the slight persons have died." '.
tiki a ti tJ
damages the vessel had sustained. :JII!D
t ra t
B It U N E 1. The
In our issue of 1st September we froit tl
(From tlte Straits Times, 8tll November.) Jli!:S,Sion
inserted an account of a tragedy which BEFORE- 1~R. TREACHER, tbe Acting Consul. ~o I
occurred in the Saribas river, and in Genera.l, left Brunei on the Oth October, Dode- c.encee
.. which a Saribas 'Dya)1 was killed, and putation from the Sultan waited on him, reo ra.pacio
onA wounded by N~~lambai with-a o' It is Paugerl\n Adlpati Mung&u Nagata, (? Abang u.a Li
party of five Jnhiu l~yaks, Ngelambai Tcl,,) chicf of 13uDut,;who hils becn bIlDisbod.-ED.S.G.

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