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Jim Leighty Followup

Dear Brethren, As Passover approaches we are all aware of the time of self-examination. This is a year like no other year in recent history. This year the Passover service will be held, as you know, on the Sabbath. It would seem that with all that is going on in Gods Church this year is more than special. That is the reason why this letter is being written. We, as Gods people, must take the time to be absolutely sure that we are in the right place. We must also be positively sure that we are not in the WRONG place. In my last letter and I do hope that this will end soon I wrote and made the statement that I did not run off and use the mailing list. This statement was made primarily because I was told that the next person that used this list in the manner used by those before me would be declared an enemy of the church and would be prosecuted. I will state here and now that I am neither an enemy, nor an adversary of the church. I firmly believe that if I simply go away and keep quiet, I then could be viewed as an accomplice in Mr. Packs deception and then I would be an enemy! If he finds it necessary to prosecute me for what I have to say then let that be its own statement. In (Mt.7:20) God says by their fruits you will know them. In the following paragraphs I hope that we will see proof of the fruits of a man that is either working with God, working for himself, or maybe we will see that I have taken my crown and thrown it to the wind. By the end of this letter one of these statements will be true. God says in I Timothy 1:7 For God has not given us the spirit of fear but, of power and of love and of a sound mind. It is with this God given sound mind that I firmly state the following:

What kind of a mind rushes into printing projects using a process that ultimately causes these same projects to be done two, and sometimes, three times? It is a well-known fact and he has made it a point to let people know that we have had to reprint this booklet or that booklet. While all the time masking the real reason with the excuse that the printer had made the mistake or that there was formatting problems when all along it was his Get it done yesterday, I have a gun to my head approach. He will then state because of a printer mistake that we have turned lemons into lemonade. Tithe money, as he has stated privately, has been literally thrown in the middle of the floor and set on fire. (Knowing that this statement was made privately he will deny it of course.) I have personally watched him use the same printer, that he knows will produce a bad product, but because of his lack of basic organization, he then will use the printers expected mistakes later in an arm twisting session, after the sale, in order to get a rate reduction. This process has been going on for close to one whole year that I know of! Every single time he would over commit on a project, wait until the last minute, brag how fast he got HIS part done and then rant and rave on how everybody else dropped the ball and then wonder why we were behind schedule. This, of course, caused everyone to scramble and loose concentration on vital detail. SIDE NOTE: Take a look at your first copy of the Keys to Revelation and see for yourself. There are at least four scriptural errors alone. All because he was in a hurry to impress the church with something they could physically get their hands on. He would say if the people see something in their mailbox they would think that the work is being done. Mr. Pack did not have the faith to understand that the people in Restored were stronger than a few pieces of paper in the mailbox! A booklet a month, done right, would have been good steady progress. But he had to have two or three. After working with Mr. Pack for almost a year I have come to learn that the lemons were in his briefcase the whole time! Names will not be mentioned but ask yourself these questions: What type of mind hires someone that will not give up his Social Security number and then give them

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Jim Leighty Followup

total control of the books? This point is somewhat misleading. It should read, What type of mind does not even the books? to ask for a Social Security number and still give him control of

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What type of mind also allows this person to have complete and unfettered access to the churchs checkbook? What type of mind hands this same person the churchs credit cards? What type of mind is informed of this persons predisposition well in advance of employment and hires them anyway? The Lack of responsibility should scream at you! Mr. Pack will publicly admit that he hired this person and that he takes some responsibility. But I will add here that this is done for two reasons. One, as a public relations move in order to look like hes doing what is right. And most despicably it is used as a banner and a badge under the heading of persecution in order to prop up his stature as a shepherd as well as tool for control!! Do you understand what was just said? He makes these decisions and then tells everyone that we are being persecuted. Words alone can not convey the true meaning of the circumstance we find ourselves in. It will take ears that hear in order to understand the real problem that confronts us all. Then ask yourself What type of mind will replace that same person with someone who has virtually no accredited accounting experience and blindly lets the books go again into an accounting abyss? What type of mind finds that after this second individual leaves that the books are again so far out of line that he has to spend more Tithe money and bring in the areas top accounting firm to straighten out the books? What kind of mind will again, after the second person leaves, tell everyone that we are being persecuted? Most everything is done with one motive in mind. The last full day of my employment Mr. Pack came out of his office thrilled that we were going to have two new booklets and another edition of The Pillar in peoples hands before the Spring Holy Days. (Once again pushing that same printer snowball down the hill causing the same chain reaction of costly mistakes.) At that time I said, yes it will be nice for people to have this material. Now that we have hit the dregs of winter and it will be nice for those in the church to have something to concentrate to help them prepare for Passover. His next statement was unbelievable Yes, it might inspire people to give more for the Holy Days!. While this may be a completely innocent thought a leader of God should have kept it at just that, a thought (IICor.10:5). God says in Mt. 12:34 out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. This shows a mind that is concentrating on money for the wrong reasons! It is that simple. This also is the type of mind that, as he admits, was almost swayed into ordaining an individual partially because of monetary sacrifice. What type of mind thinks in this manner? It is a mind that thinks of nothing but control and manipulation. A mind that has become so accustomed to manipulating those around him that he does not see it when it is coming right at him. This is the type of mind that you are allowing to guide you spiritually! You can see now that either Mr. Pack is working for himself or I have taken my crown and thrown it out of the window. One last and, what should be a, totally shocking example of Mr. Packs mind can be found in his latest book How often should The Lords Supper be taken? At the bottom of the first paragraph on page 9 the following statement can be found, As a side note, while researching my genealogy, I learned that our family name is

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Jim Leighty Followup

derived from this very word pascha. This statement is made as a concluding remark for the section explaining the translation of the Hebrew word for Passover. He not only makes the point about his name but it looks as though this is the fact he wants the reader to take with him or her!! How can a man of God actually and publicly state that his name in effect is PASSOVER? It should be made known here that Mr. Pack was advised at some length not to include this statement for obvious reasons. He has insisted on leaving this remark in the book and I might add that this is the weaker version of that statement. It originally read I learned that my name is derived from this very word pascha. Is there anyone in Gods Church who, if they had found this to be true, would actually include this in a book that they had authored? I guess we have at least one! Brethren, these are only the things that I am aware of. I ask you what else is out there and more importantly how many times does this have to happen before we all wake up and realize that this man is not who he pretends to be? I do not know how else to say it. I know that all you have to go on is my word, along with a steady stream of other individuals, who have over the years tried to tell you the same thing again and again and again. The time will come when we will all have to stand before God One at a time. Does it not make sense that He would test us now, One at a time, perhaps to see if we can stand One at a time, finding out if we can be trusted in his Kingdom that is surely closer than we think? Jim Leighty [Information Page] [Home]

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