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Surprise: PA College Slashes Instructors' Hours to Avoid Obamacare


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250 comments 14 minutes ago

Pennsylvania's Community College of Allegheny County (CCAC) is slashing the hours of 400 adjunct instructors, support staff, and part-time instructors to dodge paying for Obamacare.
"It's kind of a double whammy for us because we are facing a legal requirement [under the new law] to get health care and if the college is reducing our hours, we don't have the money to pay for it," said ( /?print=1) adjunct biology professor Adam Davis. On Tuesday, CCAC employees were notified that Obamacare defines full-time employees as those working 30 hours or more per week and that on Dec. 31 temporary part-time employees will be cut back to 25 hours. The move will save an estimated $6 million. "While it is of course the colleges preference to provide coverage to these positions, there simply are not funds available to do so," said ( /20/ccac-obamacare_n_2165383.html) CCAC spokesperson David Hoovler. "Several years of cuts or largely flat funding from our government supporters have led to significant cost reductions by CCAC, leaving little room to trim the colleges budget further." The solution, says United Steelworkers representative Jeff Cech, is that adjunct professors should unionize in an attempt to thwart schools seeking similar cost-savings efforts from avoiding Obamacare. "They may be complying with the letter of the law, but the letter of law and the spirit of the law are two different things," said (

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Occupy 2.0 : Destroy U.S. Economy with Lawlessness ( /Big-Government/2012/11 /23/Occupy-2-0-Theory-And-PracticeOf-The-Destruction-Of-TheU-S-Economy)
90 comments 10 minutes ago


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11/23/2012 7:55 PM

Surprise: PA College Slashes Instructors' Hours to Avoid Obamacare

/neighborhoods-city/health-care-law-brings-double-dose-of-trouble-for-ccac-part-timeprofs-662697/?print=1) Mr. Cech. "If they are doing it at CCAC, it can't be long before they do it other places." Under the new CCAC policy, adjunct professors will only be allowed to teach 10 credit hours a semester. Adjuncts are paid $730 per credit hour. "We all know we are expendable," said ( /neighborhoods-city/health-care-law-brings-double-dose-of-trouble-for-ccac-part-timeprofs-662697/) Mr. Davis, "and there are plenty of people out there in this economy who would be willing to have our jobs."

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And 3million conserv/rebubs didn't vote. That would have avoided donkeys and wheel barrows. I reserve the term "jackasses" for them. That would have put away Obamacare. I wish I knew why. They decided not to vote. Their Republican primary guy didn't win, maybe. And they took their ball and went home. Or some other selfish reason. Bottom line is this is what they got, and let down their country. It's going to get very bad, worse than it is now. So next time someone who didn't vote, and was Republican, tells you they didnt vote. Look them in the eye and "thank them". Remind them what they helped do. It wasn't the Liberals fault. It was "ours".
A LIKE REPLY 11 minutes ago F


I'm loving it! I bet some of these fools voted for Obama. The only one celebrating his job, is Obama! I'm sure when he and Moochell are alone he says " thanks you fools for falling for it twice!"
A LIKE REPLY 23 minutes ago F


If you "bastions" of Liberal ideology are so damned pro-Obama, why take actions like this to lower your ACA liabilities? What a bunch of hypocrites!
A LIKE REPLY 43 minutes ago F


Haha...I bet every one of them voted for obbamma, too. Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of liberal morons. How do you feel now about spreading the mean spreading the wealth? LOL!
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 1 Like F


Oh God how i hope that 'adjunct biology professor Adam Davis' is yet another liberal academician who couldn't vote for Obama fast enough. Talk about the chickens coming home to doesn't get better than this.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to giantclam 1 Like F


This made me smile. Thanks Andrew.

A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 1 Like F

2 of 10

11/23/2012 7:55 PM

Surprise: PA College Slashes Instructors' Hours to Avoid Obamacare


This is funny how a liberal is upset about paying THEIR fair share lol lol
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 3 Likes F


This is the case all across the country.This law was rammed down the throats of citizensAnd human nature will find a way around it.
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 2 Likes F


It is poetic justice that these holier than thou undoubtedly libreal academia are some of the first to get the boot thanks to obamacare. How's that hope n change working out for you now, leftie?
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 2 Likes F


A college using "common sense" business practices. We need more colleges and government offices that will use "common sense" business procedures in all of their business transactions rather than throwing taxpayer money away as they have been doing for many years.
A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago 2 Likes F


I wonder how many of the teachers were lib clown OBowel voters? ObamaCare IS the War on The Middle Class! What HASN'T Obama lied about?
A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago 2 Likes F


1. Control their healthcare..................check 2. Control their housing......................check 3. Control their food...........................check 4. Control their vote...........................check
A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago 3 Likes F


"We have to pass this bill so that we know what's in it." From your fearless leader Nancy Pelosi. Everybody with a brain was saying we better know whats in it before we pass the bill. Now you know why libs. Poetic justice indeed! I don't feel the least bit sorry for your butts. You libs are bad Americans-yes, that's right-bad Americans. You know that fiscal cliff thing? Maybe you can all do that. BAMM! that
A LIKE REPLY 4 hours ago 4 Likes F


Ah, too bad jerky! Who did you vote for? Serves you right slapper. Enjoy your "free" healthcare meatball. Oh thats right-you wanted everybody else to pay for it. This is going to happen a lot more-but you slurpus dogs weren't smart enough to figure it out-even though you were told about it. You see, you libs are all dopes. Now how are you going to gravy-train it? I'm sure you scavenger hunting slumdogs will find some what to suck from the public trough. Keep up the good work you bunch of sponges. BAMM! that
A LIKE REPLY 4 hours ago 3 Likes F


This actually furthers Obama's true goal anyway. With many more people getting healthcare through the government option, the government will have more power to dictate what the government will pay hospitals for specific procedures. This is exactly what they did with medicare. In turn, the hospitals cost shift the shortfall of government funding to private health plans pushing their costs up faster. The next domino will see even more businesses bail on private healthcare plans due to the rising cost thus pushing more to the government option. The real goal has ALWAYS been to see most all Americans in government healthcare.
A LIKE REPLY 5 hours ago 4 Likes F

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11/23/2012 7:55 PM

Surprise: PA College Slashes Instructors' Hours to Avoid Obamacare


I agree. This is in Obama's plan. What I find almost dumbfounding is the unions answer. Unionize and we will get you what youwant! Did Hostess teach them nothing! When you kill the golden goose there are no more eggs. No companies = No jobs = No wages = No dues = No unions
A LIKE REPLY 4 hours ago in reply to Duude 3 Likes F


In the end, we will all be forced into assisted suicide once we retire or are unable to work. Death Panels are real. We will need to think about retiring abroad - illegal aliens will get better treatment then those of us that paid into this all of our working lives.
A LIKE REPLY 4 hours ago in reply to Duude 4 Likes F


We'll all become soylent green....or in barrick the dog's case...soylent black.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to Dena F


Its not like anyone with at least half a brain didn't see this coming. Part-time work will be very common in the near future. We'll also see a large number of new sole proprietorships in 2014. Companies will be taking people off payroll and sub-contracting out work for millions nationwide.
A LIKE REPLY 5 hours ago 1 Like F


Pooooor Prof Davis and his liberal cronies. Obamacare mandate, cut in hours at work and a bleeding rectum to boot !! Thank you Jesus.
A LIKE REPLY 5 hours ago 3 Likes F


The wife and I are doing the same thing at our small business. We are taking everyone to a 32 hour week or lower if needed. We are still going to maintain other benefits such as paid sick days and vacations but they are going to take a hit on pay plus when the mandate hits they are going to have to pay out of pocket or have their tax returns withheld. You Democrats voted for this now you pay for it. I refuse too.
A LIKE REPLY 5 hours ago 3 Likes F


That is not how it works, you take the total number of part time hours per year and divide it by 2080 to determine how many full time employees you have. You can also wait till 2014 when the employer mandate kicks in.
A LIKE REPLY 4 hours ago in reply to Wilder Napalm 1 Like F


If they all part time then by your method who gets covered and who doesn't? Your method makes no sense.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to graymerica 1 Like F


32 hour week makes you still responsible for Obamacare.

A LIKE REPLY 5 hours ago in reply to Wilder Napalm 1 Like F


And to think, these idiots voted for Obama. Maybe this is what it takes for these liberals to wake up to Obama. One thing John says, don't moan nor groan, You own it!
A LIKE REPLY 6 hours ago 4 Likes F


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11/23/2012 7:55 PM

Surprise: PA College Slashes Instructors' Hours to Avoid Obamacare

Problem is, that's exactly what defines liberals - they're too stupid to see past their utopian ideology.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to Hisemiester F


A LIKE REPLY 6 hours ago 2 Likes F


Good for them!!! Since it was the teachers' union that was one of Obama's biggest supporters and contributors, they got what they deserve. I say this as the son of two school teachers.
A LIKE REPLY 6 hours ago 4 Likes F


Got a little problem with the headline, "Surprise:"? It should say something more like "Surprise, surprise surprise" or perhaps "shocked, SHOCKED!" ...because of course this is no surprise at all. Anyone who knows anything about finance, business, and real-world economics could (did!) anticipate exactly this kind of thing from the moment Obamacare was signed. And, unlike the surreal world of the socialist universities of America, community colleges operate very much in the real world. So, of COURSE, they've had to make some drastic changes to accommodate this insane government intrusion. Unlike America's ossified ivy-encrusted ivory towers of ant-American academia, community colleges don't live off oblivious rich kids living off their oblivious parents and they don't live off colossal foundations and trusts supported by parlor pinkos. Community colleges live off real American students trying to get real, useful, educations so they can get real jobs. And that market can tolerate only so much of an assault. You may never see the old line liberal estates like Harvard, or the taxpayer-supported socialist enclaves like UCLA forced to this kind of decision, but watch for lots of other, smaller, private and community colleges go exactly the same way.
A LIKE REPLY 6 hours ago 2 Likes F


I hope they chop them down to 20hrs a week & their wages as well. They are way overpaid to begin with & I can get all the BS I want for free on the MSM.
A LIKE REPLY 6 hours ago in reply to damnyanqui 5 Likes F


I'd bet most of those who's hours will be cut voted for Obama. As you say sometimes actions are followed by consequences. Count on many other community colleges to begin doing the same cuts in hours. Tax dollars are used to run these asylums and we tax payers are fed up with our money being wasted on programs we don't approve of. I got an idea, if any liberals in Pa, don't like this and think the universities should pay for health insurance, they can make donations to their favorite community college. Sounds fair doesn't it.
A LIKE REPLY 7 hours ago 5 Likes F


Elections have consequences. There is more ... MUCH more ... to come.
A LIKE REPLY 6 hours ago in reply to Foxmuldar 4 Likes F


So true but most Liberals cannot seem to grasp that. But, they'll be able to get some kind of support from the Feds to insure that they vote the Dems back in in two years.
A LIKE REPLY 6 hours ago in reply to Foxmuldar 3 Likes F





As they say in university english, that's poetic justice. Bask in the glory of consequence.
A LIKE REPLY 7 hours ago 10 Likes F

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11/23/2012 7:55 PM

Surprise: PA College Slashes Instructors' Hours to Avoid Obamacare


This announcement is a breath of fresh air. Potus' liberal supporters get their comeuppance.
A LIKE REPLY 5 hours ago in reply to vonvervengarten 2 Likes F


Isn't that the truth. The Liberal Academic Elitists trying to avoid the Socialist dictates of the guy they gladly voted for.....twice.
A LIKE REPLY 7 hours ago in reply to vonvervengarten 8 Likes F


I'm going to enjoy sitting back and watching the carnage!

A LIKE REPLY 7 hours ago 11 Likes F


The academic bastions of progressive/liberal/socialist training hoisted on the lance of economic reality. Obama' economics: the great equalizer of driving all into penury and misery. You people voted for Obama, you sold your soul to the company store; and f 'd over the entire nation.
A LIKE REPLY 7 hours ago 11 Likes F


Talk about low rent, now even college professors can't get health benefits?
A LIKE REPLY 7 hours ago 2 Likes F


I think this is a WONDERFUL idea...I'm sure 90% of these jokers voted for zerO. You asked for got it...obama! Just the change you hoped for , huh?
A LIKE REPLY 8 hours ago 10 Likes F


You idiots voted him in office. You were one of the swing states and still wanted his dictatorship in office. I feel sorry for the minority that didn't vote for him
A LIKE REPLY 8 hours ago 6 Likes F


Ohhhhh my, please say it ain't so. Employers, companies, educational institutions finding loop-holes to Obamacare. I am shocked to the core. Where did this come from?
A LIKE REPLY 8 hours ago 9 Likes F


Big smile.

Pennsylvania went to Obama. You get what you deserve.

REPLY 8 hours ago 11 Likes F


BOHICA! .....actually I LIKE the fact that the colleges/universities are doing this.
A LIKE REPLY 8 hours ago 7 Likes F


Let me guess, 90% of the foolish, stupid commie "professors" just voted to lose there jobs.
A LIKE REPLY 8 hours ago 11 Likes F


Not me.
A LIKE REPLY 8 hours ago in reply to stewartsmall 3 Likes F

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11/23/2012 7:55 PM

Surprise: PA College Slashes Instructors' Hours to Avoid Obamacare


Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Claus!

A LIKE REPLY 8 hours ago 7 Likes F


Hah! The ObamaScare/RobertsTax hits academia. I love it! Wait'll it hits the full-timers as it eventually will have to. Maybe in their spare time now they can actually sit down and learn what this behemoth is all about, and maybe they'll finally vet their "messiah" prezuhdunce--I can dream, can't I?
A LIKE REPLY 9 hours ago 7 Likes F


Love it! Please, please, let it happen here in California! The rest of us are in "survivial" mode, and since we knew it was coming we prepared to the extent we could. Good luck to you.
A LIKE REPLY 6 hours ago in reply to stukinIL4now 1 Like F


I am so pleased to see college faculty take it in the chops! How's that Obamacare workin' fo' ya'? I have a pimple on my darryaire. Can youses recommends a doktor for me.
A LIKE REPLY 9 hours ago 10 Likes F


The unbelievable ignorance of many US voters who supported Obama because, they "liked" him, lol, without the slightest understanding of what scum he is and the damage he is doing, will soon be crying in their panties, as the upcoming depression makes his first miserable 4 years look like a holiday in Hawaii.
A LIKE REPLY 9 hours ago 17 Likes F


.....and some said they voted for him because he has a beautiful speaking voice - the Dumb, Dumberer, and the Dumberest and they actually boasted about it! Gee, I wonder how many are on Food Stamps. Don't worry, they'll find a way to blame Bush and Romney.
A LIKE REPLY 9 hours ago in reply to trajan2448 11 Likes F


"You asked for it, You Got It"

A LIKE REPLY 10 hours ago 18 Likes F


here it comes :(
A LIKE REPLY 10 hours ago 9 Likes F


It's too bad it's the adjunct professors taking the hit. Those are usually the ones with day jobs teaching real-life skills that aren't super absorbed into acedemia la-la group think.
A LIKE REPLY 10 hours ago 6 Likes F


I'll bet Obama won the day in the local voting booths. You own it; you voted for the guy, academia told us he's the smartest guy in the room...I guess the profs will have a lot more time to review the empirical data, conduct research and make an informed decision next time!
A LIKE REPLY 10 hours ago 14 Likes F


Don't hold your breath....academians will still scratch their heads in wonder...they lack the ability to apply facts to reality. Indoctrination above all.

7 of 10

11/23/2012 7:55 PM

Surprise: PA College Slashes Instructors' Hours to Avoid Obamacare

6 hours ago A LIKE

in REPLY LCON1 reply to



Well it must be what they wanted. They voted for it.

A LIKE REPLY 10 hours ago 12 Likes F


I work at a high school. I am one of VERY FEW moderate conservatives. You could not believe the drivel I hear. A classic form of delusion from above: ""They may be complying with the letter of the law, but the letter of law and the spirit of the law are two different things," said Mr. Cech. "If they are doing it at CCAC, it can't be long before they do it other places." Obviously not reading any convervative news sources. It started immediately and decisively. I despise the term "Spirit of the Law" It's either in the law, or it isn't! "OH, that's not the spirit of the law, here, we'll just ignore that part." Can we all interpret the laws given to us that way, in our own way? I'll start with tax law Thank You Very Much.
A LIKE REPLY 10 hours ago 8 Likes F


I believe the drivel because I hear it as well. Boggles the mind.

A LIKE REPLY 9 hours ago in reply to deitris 5 Likes F


Poor academic Obamacrat babies.

A LIKE REPLY 10 hours ago 11 Likes F


Hmm. PA Voters went for Obama. Therefore no sympathy is in order.

A LIKE REPLY 10 hours ago 14 Likes F


Hey all you stupid Liberals, you voted for Obama and now you own it. You get the government you deserve.
A LIKE REPLY 10 hours ago 20 Likes F


If Obamacare is so wonderful, then why are people forced to participate? The same could be said of communism.
A LIKE REPLY 10 hours ago 17 Likes F


Lets add a 50% income tax onto the entertainment and sports celebs. We it the Kardashian penalty come on now......hand over half that junk you got stashed in your trunk. Cameron Diaz said it herself on Graham Norton - actors have A LOT of cash..... time to redistribute that.
A LIKE REPLY 11 hours ago 15 Likes F


Instead of Income tax, level a personal property tax. Commies like SoreAss and Buffett dont mind income taxes, because they dont have income. They have TRUST FUNDS, HEDGE FUNDS, etc. There $ is not declared as income, thats how Marxist Warren gets away with lies like "My secretary pays more in taxes than I do". Start taxing there assets, and watch them scream.
A LIKE REPLY 8 hours ago in reply to wyatt chia 4 Likes F


Dittos. This was entirely predictable. Obamacare will cripple people trying to return to full time employment.

8 of 10

11/23/2012 7:55 PM

Surprise: PA College Slashes Instructors' Hours to Avoid Obamacare

11 LIKE ago A hours

inREPLYto wyatt chia reply



This is great news! These liberal college profs. continually extol the virtues being Progressive and a Socialist and how EVIL capitalism is. And they vote for Obama by the tens of thousands. Hopefully they cut their hours to 20 a week. Welcome to the real world Socialists!
A LIKE REPLY 11 hours ago 13 Likes F


Most of these assclown commie "professors" dont even work 20 hours per week , anyway, so these overpaid pinkoes are now getting there just due. How many "professors" show up on Lefty TV to attack Capitalism? If they were doing any real work, they wouldnt have the time. And BTW, what does a "black studies". a "womans studies" or a "transgender studies" degree get you in the real world?
A LIKE REPLY 8 hours ago in reply to roadapple 5 Likes F


These are the unions that obama exempted from obamacare......... kinda makes their advice smell funny
A LIKE REPLY 11 hours ago 8 Likes F


There wont be any companies left for the unions to strike against. Who pays for those dolts then?
A LIKE REPLY 8 hours ago in reply to wyatt chia 4 Likes F


Considering the preponderance of liberals teaching at colleges/universities the liklihood of these people being liberals who voted for Obama is fairly high. Hard to work up a boo hoo - actions have consequences.
A LIKE REPLY 11 hours ago 14 Likes F


Just remind people that some of the Obama train can be stopped two years from now with a flip in the senate from democrats to republicans.
A LIKE REPLY 11 hours ago 8 Likes F


Unfortunately, the Republicans lost two seats (from 47 to 45) when they ran those two incredibly and destructively ignorant "God sanctions rape" nutcases in MO and IN.
A LIKE REPLY 11 hours ago in reply to 4juices 4 Likes F


Now all you happy proffessers will soon learn this economy takes no prisners after all your leader has spoken you have to have SKIN in the game but you uesfull IDEOTS didn't think it would be your's . HE HE HE
A LIKE REPLY 11 hours ago 9 Likes F


Karma's a bitch, isn't it, libs?

A LIKE REPLY 11 hours ago in reply to pomoc 8 Likes F


Now this is something to be thankful for. Just as LBJ gave the south to the republicans. So how are those liberal policies working for you? LOL.
A LIKE REPLY 12 hours ago 7 Likes F


Reality bites.

9 of 10

11/23/2012 7:55 PM

Surprise: PA College Slashes Instructors' Hours to Avoid Obamacare

It sucks, absolutely sucks to have to live with the consequences of the millions of unthinking drones who voted for the most nothing president ever. Honestly, he's not much more than a hologram. I work with people who voted for Obama, cheered his victory, and days later were complaining about the burden taxpayers have to pay to provide services for illegal immigrants. I just looked at them dumbfounded. They really have no idea what they voted for.
A LIKE REPLY 12 hours ago 16 Likes F


Some people are not trainable, but at least try so they don't screw up again 4 years from now.
A LIKE REPLY 11 hours ago in reply to conservativemama 5 Likes F


Fox had someone outside a Bill Maher Concert asking questions of who they voted for. Mostly Obama. One jiggly college student was so so happy he was re-elected. Why. Obamacare of course. Obviously like her peers she thinks its going to be free.
A LIKE REPLY 12 hours ago 9 Likes F

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11/23/2012 7:55 PM

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