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Saturday, January 31, 2009

Creeping Jihad at Harvard & VA; Your Town Next?

>Lord Ahmed is a repugnant individual in association, character and morality who

has threatened jihad on the House of Lords<

A Member of Congress announces she is inviting Dutch Parliamentarian Geert Wilders

to come to Washington to meet with members of Congress and discuss his documentary
film “Fitna.”

When Congressman Abdullah hears about this, he threatens the Member and the entire
Congress that, unless Mr. Wilders’ visit is cancelled, he will mobilize 10,000
Muslims to prevent the visit from taking place.

As a result, the visit is cancelled and Congressman Abdullah praises Allah for
delivering a victory to the Muslim community. "The Pakistani Press is jubliant,
and [ ] is praising Allah for delivering ‘a victory for the Muslim community’."
Of course, this couldn’t possibly happen in the United States, right?

Read the commentary, roll the clock back thirty years, and ask yourself how many
Brits do you think would have believed it could happen in Great Britain today?
What was unthinkable in Great Britain thirty years ago is reality today. This is
“cultural jihad” at work.
"Lord Ahmed is a repugnant individual. Not only in appearance, but in association,
character and morality. [H]e has threatened jihad on the House of Lords if their
lordships should fail to meet his demands..." [emphasis added] Cranmer

Twenty years ago who would have believed that today Harvard would create “women
only” gym hours to meet the demands of Muslims. Or a state legislature would allow
an imam to open its session with a prayer that calls on “victory over those who
disbelieve.” Or the Fairfax County (Virginia) police department dropping an anti-
terrorism training program after complaints from Muslim police officers – one of
whom was engaging in the various types of subversion the training program was
intended to prevent.

For the British Parliament to abandon its right to free speech by knuckling under
to the intimidation tactics by Lord Ahmed will only invite more – and bolder –
tactics. To think that we in America can follow the path Great Britain has trod
and not end up dealing with the same intimidation tactics is the worst form of
wishful thinking.
Used with permission from
ACT for America
P.O. Box 6884 Virginia Beach, VA 23456

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