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Covington 1 Annotated Bibliography Gary Goldenburg, et al. Eczema. The Mount Sinai Journal Of Medicine, New York 78.

5 (2011): 730-739. MEDLINE. Web. 21 Sept 2012.

This article was so packed with information about eczema and all the causes of it that I had a hard time following along. I think I am going to use the part that talked about the causes of eczema and how it is caused by genetics. This article talks about what is the definition of eczema which is typical morphology and age-specific patterns (face, neck, extensor involvement in infants and children; current or prior flexural lesions in any age group; sparing of groin and axillary regions). The article said that eczema is dominate in people who have asthma. I easily related to that because my father had eczema as a child and both of my parents had eczema. So it was obvious that I was going to have eczema for me I am writing this essay because I want to know how to take care of my skin better as well as teach other the proper way to take care of diseased skin. This article talked about different statistics of how people and infants get eczema and at what age they will start see really bad break outs of their skin. This article went on to describe what can make eczema better as in lotions and also what can break it out such as in allergies. Eczema is a skin disease that is kind of like have a 24/7 allergy break out so I want to use this article because there were some great examples of people that have the same issues as me. New International Version. [Colorado Springs]: Biblical, 2011. Web. 3 Mar 2011

I am going to quote the verse Genesis 2:7. This talks about how god created man from dust and then blew breath into their body to make humans. I want to know if there is a different type of dust or clay that he used to make people that have skin disorders like eczema. I know that

Covington 2 I am questioning God but I think this will be a perfect way to quote the bible in a sophisticated way. So I want to know why we all were not made of the same clay and why some clay is lighter and darker than other clays. This really may answer some question like why some people have birth marks as well as moles an other skin disorders Peate, Ian. Eczema: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment In The Community. British Journal Of Community Nursing 16.7 (2011): 324-331. CINAHL Plus with Full Text. Web. 20 Sept 2012.

This article talked about the skin disorder eczema and how inflammatory it can get such as redness, scaling, and intense pruritus. This article went on to talk about the environmental reason of how the skin can get affected in child birth. It says that some allergies can be brought on to children just by basically eating too much of the same type of food. This proved to be true with me and peanuts my mother claimed to eating a lot of peanuts and it was only evident that I was going to be allergy to peanuts. Also the largest organ that we have in our body is our skin and that it needs to be health on the inside as well as the outside. This article went on to talk about the make-up of the skin when you have eczema and the different types of eczema out there. There is clear normal skin which everyone has as well as mild which is just certain areas of break out. Then there is in severe case where it is all over the skin and there is redness which also includes oozing and bleeding. This article brought up a new study that I have never heard of it said that eczema originated in the UK and it is more dominate over across the big blue. Most people can get eczema from the irritation of skin from clothing sometime that can break out as little kids and have it from then on. Also house dust mites can cause and trigger some cases of eczema and there for it is a job as a person of eczema for them to use the right thread count of sheeting on their bed. Eczema is also described as a spotty skin disorder meaning it is in your

Covington 3 bends such as elbows and behind the knees as well as the neck. So I am going to use the environmental concerns that were expressed in this article I think that is important because we walk around in the air all the time.

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