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The universe is calling. It is a continuum, innate in all persons. It is the call to come higher and take charge of your life, to release you imprisoned splendor. . . . The call of the universe is the key to prayer, though not as we have been conditioned to perceive it. Your prayer is not for God to listen to. True prayer is words that God may utter through you . . . that which you voice, or feel in the silence. PRAYER Prayer is the contemplation of the facts of life from the highest point of view. (Emerson) KARMA the law of cause/effect sequence/consequence consciousness You are punished not for your sins, but by them. means favor awareness of the Divine Flow that is constant & ever present GRACE There is an upward pull of the universe, ever seeking to lift you to the heights of your divine nature. It is as real and inexorable as the force of gravity. THE GREAT AMEN Amen means so it is . . . it is done . . . it is finished . . . now Key: Frame your prayers affirming what you claim (rather than submitting needs for help with) It is a fundamental truth that you will never experience anything in the world of your body and affairs that you have not previously accepted in one form or another into your mind and heart. This is what I call the law of acceptance. And this is the implication of the Great Amen. ERIC BUTTERWORTH TRICK OF THE TRADE FOR LIVING PRAYERFULLY: He and his wife would remind each other to let go of outer appearances and remember the Presence of God with a cute trick. When theyd get upset or frustrated about something, theyd just look at one another and Snap Their Fingers. So . . . when you need to snap out of it in your life . . . do that literally!


Through the ages human creatures have used prayer to try and overcome unwanted conditions in their lives. (Prayers of sacrifice to appease an angry God Prayers of praise in hopes of flattering & getting favor Prayers of supplication to coax a miracle from God Prayers of repetition in case God not paying attention) It never cease to amaze me how Jesus teachings about prayer, which are so plain and simple, have been overlooked throughout Christendom.



STEPS FOUND IN THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO MATTHEW Matt 6:6 Enter into the inner chamber. Take time daily to listen in conscious receptivity to the inner direction then move your feet God can do no more for you than he can do through you.

Matt 6:8 Your Father knows what you need before you ask him Dont Ask . . . Claim your good . . . Affirm the truth of Gods ever presence God is always centered in you. You need to become centered in God. Matt 6: 33 Seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven, and all else will be added unto you. Seek the Presence first then will see it everywhere and in everything and everyone in your life Your prayer is to acknowledge it and rest in that consciousness. Matt 7: 7 Ask/will be given, Seek/will find, knock/door opened for everyone always only equipment involved in prayer is that which you have wherever you may be: your mind. The mind is the connecting link between God and oneself. The Charles Fillmore:

Matt 8:13 and 9:29 According to your faith be it done to you. Prayers always answered depends on laws governing the elements you put together All prayer is answered, though the answer may be accepted at the level of your consciousness. SO . . . YOUR INSTRUCTIONS SHOULD YOU CHOOSE TO FOLLOW THEM . . . 1. Take time apart each day and go within. 2. Come to peace as you lay down your lists of things to pray for. 3. Seek first the Divine Presence and fall into its grace. 4. Commune with it from wherever you find yourself knowing it will respond. 5. Open in willingness to accept the blessings that come to, though, and as you. REV. PAM PRAYER SUGGESTION: I always end my prayers with highest and best for all, and in right and perfect time. It is also important to give thanks in advance as you step out in faith and grace gratitude is one of the highest spiritual practices of all. Be grateful . . . be great-full.

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