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Tyle r o mas Th No ve m b e9,2012 r Pe r io d 3

BondingLablnvestigation lonicvs. Covalent Introduction: a t s l M o statomsneedto form chemic ab o n d s o b e c o me t a b le n d in d o in gs o ,t h e y t en d

There are of startto form a fu!.lglell valglle eleglgns. to createan octet.In otherwordsrthey
which rrl,ol'. bonding, two maintypesof chemical

lonicbondingnormally ,!d corg.!:l!._

electrons lose of consists both arnetal and nonmetalelement.In the process.metals valence


\ \

then become enlfgy, or abilityto attractelectronsrand due to their low electronegativity



gainelectrons they containa because typically whereai nonmetals cations; negatively charged s a c and h ig he le ctronegativity become{ap o s it iv e ly h a rg e d n io n .lo n icc o mp o u n d t ra n s f e r e y t w crystals, h ic hle a d s h e m t o o n lyc o n d u c t in g le c t ric it wh e n ele ctr on and laterbecome s In covalent bondsare formedfrom two nonmetalelements. in dissociating water. In contrast,

b Co t be are electrons shared t we e n o n d s . v a le nb o n d st e n d t o re s u ltin a co va le nb onds, t

and eleciriinydueto thei|oW}nd++r3-]nt t structure neye!:*conduct and molecule

whethereachof the wasto conclude of The electronegativity. purpose this experiment t were eitherionico r c o v a le nb o n d s . diffe r e n compound t

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TylerThomas No ve m b e9,2012 r Pe r io d 3

Hypotheses: of Table 1: The expectedResults different substances Hy p o t h e s is: W i l l i t 3 2 Hy p o t h e s is: Hig h 1: C o m p o u n to d s Chemical H ypothesis conductelectricity? lonic or Covalent o r L o w Me lt in g Formula beTested P o in t ? No Low Covalent D i stille Water Hzo d Yes Hig h lonic NaCl Sod iu m C hlo r id e No Low Covalent C12H 2O11 Sucrose 1 No Low Covalent CoHrzOo Dextrose Yes Hig h lonic So d iu m Sulfate NaSOa Procedures: PARTf. Melting Point ond Strength of Bonds o a t foil 1 . Fo ldaluminum into a square o f it o n t h e rin g -s t a n d .P la c e s ma lls a mp le f e a c ho f l f o il a t t h e s a met ime . B ec a ref u n o t o on compounds your s q u a re f a lu min u m th e fo u r d ifferent to m ixth e m up. t n B place tray on the rin gs t a n da n d h e a twit h t h e B u n s e n u rn e r, o lo n g er h a n the 2. C ar e fully 1- 2m in u tes. t your d e t a ile d b s e rv a t io n k e e p in gra c ko f t h e o rd e rin o s, beginrecording 3. lm m ediately h wh d e c id e ic hs a mp le a v es t ro n g ma melt.S omesamp le s y n o t me lt ,a ls o wh ichth e s amples an dwe a kbonds. 4. Allowthe squareof foil to coolthen washit.

ConductivitY Part2. Electrical o s in o 0.11 . We ig han approximately grams a mp le f e a c hc o mp o u n d d if f e re n t e c t io n s f a w e l l pla te( m ake sureto zerothe well plat eo n t h e b a la n c e ) your observations. with the tester.Record for 2. Testthe dry compound conductivity a t wat dropsof distilled e rt o t h e we llt o d is s o lv eh e c o mp o u n d s b e s ta syo u 3 . Ad d e nough can .

TylerThomas N ove m b e9,2012 r Per io d 3

your observations, be sureto and with the tester.Record for 4. Testthe solution conductivity water aftereveryuse. testerwith distilled washthe conductivity t 5. Re p e afor all samples untilfinishe d . Results: FiveDifferentChemicals Table2: The Results Testing of N am e /C hemical For m u la : Water/ H2O Distilled
Sodium Chloride/ NaCl

PART I: MeltingP oint(1 -5 ; High,Med. Or L o w? )


Partll: Conduct (Yes/No) electricity? Dry N/A


F I NA L NCL U S I O N : CO lonic or Covalent Covalent


Dissolved Bonds? No Yes


(sugar)/ Sucrose CsHrzOo Dextrose/ CoHrzOo Sulfate/ ,So d iu m

3 4

No No No

Covalent Co v a le n t lo n ic

No Yes

Conclusion/Analysis: and sodiumsulfatewergjoni.c it that sodiumchloride Afterthis laboratory, was concluded A we t water,suc ro s ea n d d e x t ro s e re c o v a le nc o mp o u n d s . ll o f t h e , whiledistilled co m p o u n ds,

we Fromt h e re s u lt st,h e io n icc o mp o u n d s re t h o s et h a t were correct. in iti alh yp otheses p t Ho t in electricity water and ha d h ig hme lt in g o in t s . we v e r,h e c o v a le nc o mp ou n d s co n d u cted ( lo pointsand did not co n d u c t le c t ric it y . n icb o n d sa re f o rme df ro m c a t ion s + ) e h a d lo w m elting

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is (-) ;;;;" dissol' in a n d a n io n s fp whenthey dissolve wa t e r, e le c t ric it ya b let o f lo w t h ro u g ht h e s o lu ti o n . .,

rle that holdsthe attractio,n the ionicbondsare very strongbecause electrostqtic Additionally, ,i(Lt /--1^ ^.-n[- r:{Lo.]t- tl* I'n'.o \\r-,.^g, \r?ai^ A c t.\ ,^f f..p \.'r i^*r V?o,. 6oth a containtwo ioniccorinoJndsiontain twd elements, compounds Typically:rnic s a n d aniontogether(is b cati on \) \

h t whichwai$'e ev id e n c eh a t le dt o t h e c o n c lu s iotn a t t h e y a re io n i c m e talan d nonmetal

Tyle r Tho mas N ove m b e9,2012 r Per io d 3

co m p o u n ds. hena metalreacts W l b t with a n o n me t aa n io n icc ry s t ais p ro d u c e d e c a u s eh e l e le ctr on weretransferred s from the me t a lt o t h e n o n me t a l. e n io n icc ry s t a ls is s o lv e Wh in d water,the cationand anionbreakapartwhichallows them to (novefreelyaqd conduct -i-, '{')"r'' J ,>._^, t[r\
u --.-.--'-.."^


the lonicbondsare ableto conductelectricitybecause cationand anionmovefree electricity.


andcarry electric an current.

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.:-{J .] .--*-*--. rp'l). Covalent i.l') water were all covalent compounds. However, sucrose, dextrose, and distilled Q..,.(,t p t Co t and b o n d sdo not conduct electricity h a v elo w me lt in g o in t s . v a le nb o n d sc o n t a in wo so attractelectrons, Nonmetals strongly whichalwayshavehigh electronegativity. nonmetals, I b t a Inste a dh e e le c t ro n s re s h a re d e t we e n h e b o n d s . n s t e a d t n e ithe r e lement loses electrons. \--_ ------bondscreate like of formingcrystals ionicbonds,covalent Tlllgpups The of molecules.

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molecule is held together becausethe positivenucleusis attracted to the negative electrons


being shared between them. Covalentbonds cannot conduct electricityl, ,


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It is all about the learning


lonic & Covalent Bonding

Report Section Criteria Introduction and Hypotheses
Advanced-4 The Introduction covers all neededbackground knowledgeclearly and insightfully and introduces purpose the of the lab. Hypotheses are presentedclearly. Methods usedin the experiment ar6\-. '\ explalner m srudi own wo{ds and 19 what w{donejli completelv. All observationsmade



The Introduction coversmost of the neededbackground knou4edgeunclearly and introduces the purposeofthe lab.
Hvnotheces are

Below Basic-1
The Introduction coverssome of the neededbackground knowledgepoorly and introduces the purposeofthe lab. Hypothesesare presented poorly. Methods used in the
ewnarimart a" o


o lab

presented unclearlv.


N4ethods used in the

a w n p ri mp n t a.-

Methods used in the

cvn cr i m cn t arp

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are npatly entered' l oa npat.lyenterec table\ The table h Head\S that desy what itp ,9Jz6.

Use of Results

Conceptual Understandingof Types of Bonding

All of t fesu rncorpor explained the conclusion Response clearly demonstratesarr insightful & excellent understalding of bondilg including ionic vs covalent [.pes.

Use of Vocabulary stabie. octeVfull shell. ionic. covalent. sharevalence e-. transfer valence e-. eiectricitv, crystal. cation. anion. ion. elecirostatic atfraction, molecu-ie. etc.
Format and Grammar witil -double spaced numbered pages -third person is used -no grammatical errors -subscripts are used r.r'henappropriate -repofi sectionsutilize headings
-Tahlec and fisrrre<

Response AT uses


^ -i thq hst"o*Jgtfy thy'liston thb 1\ft to thFlFlt hdlpsupporrthdir i


"lit^uri/" f/

explainedin student's own words and somewhat reflect what was done in lab with other errors60-80" observations 40-60Yoobservations Z0-4Ao observations morlo ,1 ".i - tl 'made drrrino fhe made during the e vn e r i m e n f r .p n a .r l !, experiment are neatly experiment are neatly enteredinto a table. entered into a tab1e. enteredinto a table. The tabie has a The tabie has a The table has a heading that describes heading that describes heading that describes what it contains. what it contains. what it contains. 60-80"4 ofthe results 40-609/' of the results 2A-40o4ofthe results are incorporated arrd are incorporated and are rncorporatedand ev nl ai ned i n the elnlaincd in the explained in the conclusionparagraoh. conclusion paragraph. conclusion paragraph. Resporlgg-.-..-Response Response doesnot demgffitrates h,gqod dernonstrates an demonstratgan un$brstandingof ) unclear understandingof ,L ..,',/ Dopomg. rncluoF understandingof bonding & doesnot sorhe exnianad6n of bonding and only mention ionic vs . .\_:_/, lonlc vs covalent basically explains covalent bonding. bondrypes. ionic vs covalent fypes. Response uses4 Response usesonly 3 Response uses2 or vocabulary words vocabulary words fewer (or uses correctly from the list corectly fiom the list words incorrectly) on the left to help on the left to help vocabular,vwords qrrnnnrf crrnnnrt fhcir their correctly from the iist explanation expianation on the left to help
sr rnnnrt fheir

explained in sludent's own words and mostly reflect what was done in lab.

explainedin student's own words and somewhat reflect what was done in lab.


The conventions to the left are foilowed with no mistakes

The conventions to the left are followed with l-5 mistakes

The conventions to

The conventions to the left are foliowed with 11-15 mistakes

contair headings u'ith descripfions.

Overall Grade:
No Excuses Andrerv.arkin@animo. 630-854- 6822 : I org


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