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LEARNING OUTCOMES : A student is able to: Explain the process of define work (W) as the product of an applied force (F) and displacement (s) of an object in the direction of the applied force ie W = Fs State that when work is done energy is transferred from one object to another Define kinetic energy and state that Ek = mv2 Define gravitational potential energy and state that Ep = mgh State the principle of conservation of energy Define power and state that P=W/t Explain what efficiency of a device is Solve problems involving work, energy, power and efficiency SECTION A. Choose the correct word in the bracket. 1. 2. 3. 4. Work is the product of applied force and (distance/displacement) in the direction of the applied force. When the work is done (force/energy) is transferred from one object to another. The work done is equal to the amount of (temperature/energy) transferred. The SI unit for work is (joule/watt).

SECTION B. Fill in the blank with the correct answer. postion 1. 2. 3. 4. unchanged energy motion

Kinetic energy is the energy of an object due to its motion Gravitational potential energy is the energy of an object due to its position in the gravitational field The principle of conservation of energy states that energy can be transferred from one form to another but it cannot be created or destroyed. The principle of conservation of energy explains that the total amount of energy always remains unchanged.

SECTION C. State or false for each of the following statements. 1. 2. Power is the rate of doing work The efficiency of a device is the percentage of the energy input that is transformed into useful energy. (True/False) (True/False)

SECTION D : State the transformation of energy. Light energy Sound energy Statement 1. Durian falls to the ground 2. A bulb connected to a dry cell lights up 3. A bell rings when the switch is pressed 4. The motion of an arrow when an archer releases the string Gravitational potential energy Elastic potential energy From Gravitational potential energy Electrical energy Electrical energy Elastic potential energy Transformation of energy Kinetic energy + sound energy heat energy + light energy Sound energy Kinetic energy + sound energy

SECTION E : Answer all questions. Work done Force and displacement in the same Force and displacement in different directions direction

FY F s F


F Fx

F F x

W = F.s

W = Work F = Force s = displacement

W = FX . s W = F s cos

W = work F = force s = displacement = angle between force and displacement

Diagram (a)

Diagram (b)


Diagrams (a) and (b) shows a boy pushing a load and a weightlifter lifting a load of 60 kg a) i. by the boy W = F.s = 20 x 2 = 40 Nm or 40 J Calculate the work done

ii. by the weightlifter

W = F.s = mgh = 60 x 10 x 2 = 1200 Nm or 1200 J 2. Azman is pulling a box with a force of 50 N at an angle of 60o from the horizontal. Calculate the work done to move the box to a distance of 3 m.

Displacement = 3 m
Work = = = = Component of force (In the direction of displacement) 50 cos 60o x 3 25 x 3 75 J x displacement


Samy releases a 2 kg metal ball from a building 40 m high (Take acceleration due to gravity as 10 ms-2) Metal ball

40 meter

a) At the height of 40 m, the metal ball has (gravitational potential

energy/kinetic energy)

b) Just before the metal ball hits the ground, the maximum energy that it has
is (gravitational potential energy/kinetic energy). c) Calculate


The energy of the metal ball at the height of40 m. Egravitational = mgh = (2) (10) (40) = 800 J


the kinetic energy of the metal before it hits the ground. Ekinetic = Egravitational = 800 J

d) What is the principle used in c ii)?

The principle of conservation of energy

5. A motor lifting a weight 1 kg to a height of 4.0 m in 4 s. The input energy

supply to the motor in one second is 20 J. Calculate a) power of the motor Power P = = = = work done time taken mgh t (1) (10)(4.0) 4 10 watt

b) the efficiency of the motor Efficiency = = = Useful energy output Energy input 10 x 100% 20 50 % x 100%



LEARNING OUTCOMES : A student is able to: Recognize the importance of maximizing efficiency of devices in conserving resources A. Fill in the box with the correct terms. Kinetic Resistance Light Device Bulb Petrol engine Electric fan Battery Friction in engine Electrical Resistance in electrolyte Chemical

Conversion of energy Electrical Chemical Electrical Chemical Heat + Light Kinetic Kinetic Electrical

Loss of energy Heat Heat and sound Heat Heat

Loss of energy due to Resistance Friction in engine Resistance in coil + bearing Resistance in electrolyte

B. Underline the correct statement below. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Statement Most of the energy in mechanical devices loss as heat and sound. A major cause of inefficiency in machines is due to friction. The output energy of devices always more then input energy. Maximizing the efficiency of devices makes the best use of the input energy and reduces energy wastage. Maximizing the efficiency of devices helps to conserve energy resources. When energy transformations take place, not all of energy is used to do useful work. Answer (True/False) (True/False) (True/False) (True/False) (True/False) (True/False)




LEARNING OUTCOMES : A student is able to: Define elasticity Define Hookes Law Define elastic potential energy and state that Ep = kx2 Determine the factors that affect elasticity Describe applications of elasticity Solve problems involving elasticity SECTION A : Fill in the blacks with the correct word or terms. extension Elastic limit A cushion Force constant elastic potential energy directly proportional work Car spring support Spring balance energy transferred elasticity

1. The property materials that can return to its original shape or sizes when the external
force no longer acts are known as elasticity.

2. Elastic limit of a spring is the maximum force that can be applied to a spring such
that the spring will be able to be restored to its original length when the force is removed.


Hookes Law states that the extension of a spring is directly proportional to applied force provided that the elastic limit is not exceeded. F=kx Where F = Force on the spring k = Force constant spring x = extension of the spring A spring that is stretched or compressed stores elastic potential energy. When a force acts on a spring, work is done. The work done is stored as elastic potential energy.

4. 5.

6. Applications of elasticity a) A cushion is used to support our body when we sit on it them. b) Car shock absorbers enable passengers in a car to feel comfortable even when it travels on a bumpy road. c) Spring balance is used to measure mass/weight which is stretched when a load is hung on it. SECTION B : Factors that affect the elasticity of a spring. Complete the table below. The larger The shorter the smaller elasticity

1. 2. 3. 4.

Factors Length Diameter of spring (coil) Diameter of spring wire Type of material

Relationship to elasticity The shorter the spring, the larger the force constant of the spring. The larger the diameter of a spring (coil), the smaller the force constant of the spring. The larger the diameter of spring wire, the larger the force constant of the spring. The elasticity of a spring depends on the material it is made of.

SECTION C : Answer all the question. 1. The force-extension graphs for two springs, R and S are shown below. Complete the table that follows..

Force, F (N) R 40 S



Extension, x (cm)
Spring R 8 N cm8 N cm-1 8 N. 1Nm 1J Spring S 4 N cm-1 4 N cm-1 4 N. 0.5 N m 0.5 J

Statement The gradient of the graph The force constant of spring Force needed to extend 1 cm of the spring The area under the graph when the spring is extented by 5 cm E lastic potential energy when the spring is extented by 5 cm From the graph, we may conclude that

Spring R is more stiff compared to spring S. When each spring is extented by 5 cm, spring R stores more elastic potential energy than spring S 2. The figures below shows the arrangement of apparatus in an experiment to

determine the relationship between the extension, e of a spring T with weight, W. The relationship of e and W is shown in the graph.

a) Based on the graph, i. Mark with a cross (x) the elastic limit of the spring. ii. Name the law that is related to the graph before the elastic limit is
exceeded. Hookes Law

iii. State the relationship between W and e before the elastic limit.
W is directly proportional to e

iv. Determine the value of e when W = 8 N. Show on the graph, how you determine the value of e. 3.3 cm
b) The spring stores energy when it is extended.


Name the type of energy stores in the spring. Elastic potential energy.


Calculate the force constant of the spring in SI unit.

Force constant of the spring

= = =

Force . Extension of the spring 10 0.04 250 N m-1

Calculate the area under the graph, when the spring is extended from o cm to 4 cm. Area of the graph = (10)(0.04) = 0.2 J



Calculate the energy stored in the spring when it is extended by 4 cm. E = Fx = (10)(0.04) = 0.2 J


What is the relationship between area under the graph and the energy stores in the spring. Area of the graph is equal to energy of the spring

c) Another spring T is added parallel with the spring T as shown in the figure

Spring T

Spring T

Sketch the graph of W against e for this experiment on the graph.


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