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induction systems which universally employ the suction type of carburettor. The problem of distribution is likely to be more acute with pressure carburettors as favoured on Continental designs, and it is noteworthy that in certain instances these have been replaced by fuel-injection systems injecting direct into the cylinder, though this, on the other hand, may be for the purpose of using lowgrade fuels. Be this as it may, fuel injection, provided the problem of satisfactory control has been solved, <3oes offer an avenue for developing the use. of fuels of lower volatility, and the future is not unhopeful in this direction. Finally, with regard to methods of research, these have for some time been developing on highly analytical lines, the tendency being to develop apparatus of extreme sensitive and selective capacity capable of recording phenomena far beyond the power of human observation.

In this class of work the engine indicator, which is a pressing need, has come in for a lot of attention, but the world is still waiting for the most practical and reliable type of instrument. When this arrives, the engineer will leave a hole in his cylinder to us it.

Next Thursday in



MR. A. H. R. FEDDEN, Chief Engineer of the Bristol Aeroplane Co., Ltd., and President of the Royal Aeronautical Society, on WAR and the DEVELOPMENT of the AERO ENGINE
A definite order for "Flight" should be placed with newsagents to ensure a regular copy.

"A. Viator" on Some of the Advantages of Being " Yellow" Threat to the British Terminal Aerodrome The

H E whole K . L . M . fleet on t h e line to England is now b r i g h t orange colour, with registration letters and national i d e n t i t y in black. I c a n n o t say t h a t it improves t h e a p p e a r a n c e of o u r old friend, t h e silver D.C.3, but it has very definite a d v a n t a g e s . Orange is a colour which shows u p b e t t e r t h a n m o s t in all m a n n e r of weather conditions. Moreover, certain high-flying 'planes of one of the belligerents a r e silver a n d blue, according to report. Nobody w a n t s t o be m i s t a k e n for one of these. Other neutrals h a v e n o t y e t followed t h e lead of K . L . M . in painting t h e i r aircraft orange, b u t t h e y would be well advised t o do so for a silver machine glimpsed overhead by t h e skipper of a n allied t r a m p steamer m a y well be reported as a n e n e m y aircraft. Indeed, t h a t has h a p pened on one occasion a t least, whereas once it became generally known t h a t all n e u t r a l commercial aircraft were orange w i t h o u t exception, no such difficulty would arise. Besides, it eases t h e difficulty of a fighter pilot encountering a bomber-size aeroplane r a t h e r suddenly. His slogan should be " O r a n g e is O . K . "

steadily growing. On some lines to t h e Continent it is often difficult to carry the loads without extra machines, a n d quite a number of " specials " have been flown. I t is an interesting spot, is our cosmopolitan airport, in wartime. The other day I was one of four a t a table before the departure of t h e Dutch and Belgian air liners. O u r nationalities were British, French, D u t c h and Swiss, a n d nobody t h o u g h t much of Hitler and his Thugmeisters. Several good but unprintable stories were told a b o u t t h e Nazis, most of them by the two neutrals present. A t first sight it is something of a shock t o find passengers travelling out of England on German passports, b u t one h a s to remember t h a t these are decent Germans who left a country unfit for intelligent folk to inhabit, or who were driven out for-failing to contribute handsomely enough to the Hermann Goering Personal Winter Relief F u n d which has doubtless kept that personage fat for several winter*, whilst other and better Germans grew thinner.
A. V I A T O R.

Not Scared
I hear t h a t R a d i o H o m b o g h a s been a t it again, rather foolishly a n d thoughtlessly, t h r e a t e n i n g to b o m b our civil aerodrome from which t h r e e neutral air lines and practically no British lines o p e r a t e . Actually, Radio Hombog gave t h e e x a c t d a t e a n d t i m e for this minor Blitzkrieg, but, like t h e major one, it did n o t materialise. Almost one was disappointed because t h e defences in t h e vicinity might have h a d a word t o say in t h e m a t t e r , and our own little A . R . P . scheme could h a v e been tried out. I often wonder if these comic little announcers of t h e Barbaric Front, some of t h e m degenerate Englishmen of the " g u i l t y b u t i n s a n e " t y p e , who chose Germany rather than Broadmoor as a p e r m a n e n t home, think t h a t t h e y scare their c o u n t r y m e n w i t h all their half-wit verbiage? One can u n d e r s t a n d poor, frantic little Goebbels, ever a bad psychologist, racking his wizened carcass with spasms of h a t e a n d h o p i n g someone will worry, b u t these renegade English m u s t laugh u p their sleeves unless t h e y are quite m a d . Commercial loads continue t o be extremely good on all routes, a n d public confidence in wartime air transport is


Air Extensions

AIR LINES have a morning TRANS-CANADA reachingOttawa and introduced Montrealtak-t service from Toronto to Montreal, planes ing off at 8.0 a.m., Ottawa at 9.45 and a

10.45 a m - The morning plane out of Montreal departs 8.30 a.m., reaching Ottawa at 9.20 and Toronto at n . 1 5 . A further revision of the Trans-Canada Air Lines' timetable cuts down the stay at North Bay, Ont., westbound, by 25 minutes. The transcontinental plane continues to leave Montreal at 9 p.m., but now reaches Vancouver a t n . 1 0 , Pacific time, the following morning, instead of 11.35. On the projected extension of the service from Montreal to the Atlantic seaboard, as was the practice on other preparatory flights, mail and express has been carried on daily survey flights between Montreal and Moncton, N.B. Letters were picked up at random from the ordinary mails and transported at regular rates. A complete air mail service is expected t o link up Montreal and the Maritimes by the early summer of The chain of radio-beam stations across Canada for the guidance of the trans-Canada aircraft has been completed. Scoudouc, N.B., beam station is now ready for use on the eastern extension.

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