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Written By Mir Fat e h Ali Shah Translation By Z o haib Imd ad K aka Language e ng lish Catagory Ho ly b ib le

If your God leaves you, then?

In the ho ly bo o k o f Christians named Go spel o f Mathew, Chapter 7, verse 22 to 23, Jesus Christ advised his peo ple that Many will say to me in that day, Lo rd, Lo rd, have we no t pro phesied in thy name? And in thy name have cast o ut devils? And in thy name do ne many wo nderful wo rks (miracles)? And then will I pro fess unto them, I never knew yo u: depart fro m me, ye that wo rk iniquity. Do yo u kno w t ho se pe o ple t hat who are t he y? And Jesus Christ warned his peo ple fro m them. Do yo u kno w in abo ve verses who they peo ple are who se end is go ing to be happened like that? Until 20 0 0 o r 250 0 years yo u pray o ne perso n and when he returns back he rejects yo ur all prayers, and what will be remaining in yo ur hands as yo u have already lo st yo ur generatio ns o n that same path, and no w yo ur lo ve, inclinatio n, faith and hard wo rking which yo u had been do ing in that name o f perso n do esnt give yo u any benefit rather it makes yo u alo ne standing o n a ro ad, if yo ur Go d leaves yo u like that, then? Befo re that times co me, start thinking o n abo ve verses and make yo urself able to be fro m the gro up o f peo ple to who m Jesus Christ lo ves, no t fro m the gro up o f tho se peo ple who are go ing to be rejected by Jesus Christ in recent.

Le t s T hink Many will say to me in that day, Lo rd, Lo rd, have we no t pro phesied in thy name? And in thy name have cast o ut devils? And in thy name do ne many wo nderful wo rks(Miracles)? And then will I pro fess unto them, I never knew yo u: depart fro m me, ye that wo rk iniquity. O Go d This is no t as such small to pic, there are so many bo o ks written o n this, thats why I wo uld like po int o ut main things rather go ing into discussio n. As we kno w to day as o ur Christian bro thers and sisters believe that Jesus is so n o f Go d and so n o f Go d is Go d himself so they believe that Jesus himself is Go d, but the decibels o f Jesus believed that Jesus was a human like it is written in Christians Ho ly Bo o k. Ye men o f Israel, hear these wo rds; Jesus o f Nazareth, a man appro ved o f Go d amo ng yo u by miracles and wo nders and signs, which Go d did by him in the midst o f yo u, as ye yo urselves also kno w: Bo o k o f Acts chapter 2 verse 22 But with passage o f time, decibels believed Jesus as a messenger o f Go d whereas Paul gave a new co ncept which was to tally o ppo site o f the teachings o f Jesus. And acco rding to that new co ncept Jesus is to be prayed as Go d and fo llo wers o f Jesus were betrayed by this co ncept and they go far away fro m actual teachings o f Jesus Christ. A sho rt Que st io n If yo u believe that this verse is no t abo ut yo u (if yo u are Christian), then yo u must think that fro m Muslims, Hindu o r Jews, who believe Jesus as a Go d? Obvio usly yo u will see yo urself indulging in this because o nly Christians believe that Jesus is Go d. And then who are tho se peo ple who cast o ut devils and in the name o f Jesus they sho ws the miracles. So again yo ur eye will see yo urself indulging in these activities, because neither Muslims, Jews no r Hindu sho w miracles in the name if Jesus. Therefo re, I request to all my Christian bro thers and sisters that they must read again and understand well the teachings o f Jesus Christ, that to enter in the Kingdo m o f Heavens sho uld be easy fo r them.

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